"Lakes, swamps, groundwater, glaciers, long-term Merzlota." Lakes. Swamps. Glaciers. The groundwater. Perennial Merzlora Lake Baltry Glaciers Underground Waters

Theme of the lesson: "Lakes, swamps, glaciers, a long-term Merzloch,

the groundwater".

Purpose: Formation of the skills of finding new knowledge about the inner waters of Russia.


    Develop knowledge of the origin of lake kitlovin, types of swamps and causes of their origin.

    Examine areas of distribution of many years of milling, glaciers and groundwater in Russia.

    Continue forming work skills with cards, tables and textbook.

    Continue the formation of independent work skills and geographical thinking.

Type of lesson: combined

Methods and forms of the lesson: front conversation, demonstration, partially search,practical activities.

Equipment: Map "Physical Map of Russia", "Water Resources of Russia", Contour Map of Russia, Textbook, Atlas, Presentation on the Lesson Topic, Multimedia Device, Computer.

    Organizing time.

Greeting teacher. Check availability to the lesson.

II. . Reiteration:

    Name what is included in the inland waters. Show some of them on the map.

    What types of inland waters are in our region? What are you in our city? (Slide 3)

    Name the pools of the oceans and show on the map of the rivers belonging to them.

    What do you think is called a lake? Name the biggest lake and the deepest.

III . Studying a new material:

Lake - These are closed basins filled with water.

Lakes are waste as a rule, freshand faceless as a rule, salted (slide4).

Lakes differ by origin: (scheme in a notebook, slide 5)

    Using the table on page 79 textbook, write the name of the lakes and try to find them on the map. (Checking the answers from the card near the board)

    What are the reasons for the placement of the lakes? Let's try to figure out together. (Scheme in notebook, slide 6)

    A person is the force of creating artificial water bodies - ponds and larger - reservoirs. What reservoirs do you know? You can use the card. (Check the answers from the card near the board)

    In the text textbook, find how lakes affect other components of nature.

    Using the textbook text, make the diagram of the lake values. (Slide 7)

Swamps these are overwhelmed areas of the terrain. They are divided into riding and lowlands. (Scheme in a notebook, slide 8)

    In the text of the textbook, find the conditions for the formation of swamps. Write them down in a notebook. (Slide 9)

    Where are the swamps in Russia? Show on the map.

70% - Western Siberia, North-West of the Russian Plain and Vasyugan.

    The swamps is good or evil? Icestari in Russia Rus was considered evil. In fairy tales on the swamps there were evil forces (kimors, witches ...). Is it so? What is the value of the marsh? (Scheme in a notebook, slide 10).

Perennial Merzlota -this is an underground glaciation, the upper layer of the earth's crust, which has a year round negative temperature and hundreds and thousands of years, preserving in soils of ice. Perennial Merzlota takes almost half of Russia. Scientists believe that thousands of years ago, when in the quarter period there were several stages of cooling. The reason for the formation of many years of permits are harsh low-snow winters, short summer and average annual temperature below 00 . The southern border of permafrost is usually shown on the soil map. (Map, slide 11)

    What effect has a long-term permit on nature? (Scheme in a notebook, slide 12).

The remaining types of inland waters will study independently.

IV. . Fastening:

    The deepest lake of Russia and the world? His origin.

    What kind of origin has the biggest lake of the world?

    Sushi plots, excessively moisturized? What rock formation is formed here and where is it used?

    What impact does the long-term permafrost on the river?

    On the contour map, show selected objects and name them.

Homework: § 13, make questions about the text textbook, learn the plan-abstract.

Here will be the file: /data/edu/files/t1454595378.ppt (presentation to the lesson "Lake, Marsh, Glaciers")

What types of lake kotlovin are in Russia?

In Russia, there are lake basins of the following types - tectonic, volcanic thermocartes, glacial, limans formed in natural dams, artificial.

According to the physical map of Russia, give examples of areas with a large number of lakes.

The largest number of lakes are distinguished by the north of Russian plains.

Remember the main causes of marshes. How are underground water formed?

The main reasons for the formation of the marshes are the overvoltage and fearing of the territory, overgrowing and fevering the lakes. Groundwater is formed on waterproof rocks of rocks due to seeping of atmospheric precipitation.

Name the types of groundwater. What do they differ?

Under the conditions of the occurrence, groundwater is divided into three types: soils that are in the highest, soil layer; soil, occurring on the surface from the surface by a constant waterproof layer; Interplasses that are between two waterproof reservoirs. The chemical composition of groundwater of non-refinery and depends on the solubleness of adjacent rocks. The chemical composition distinguishes fresh (up to 1 g of salts per 1 liter of water) and mineralized (up to 50 g of salts per 1 liter of water) groundwater.

Name the areas of distribution of many years of permissal.

It covers the northern regions of the European part of Russia and Western Siberia, and for Yeniseem meets throughout Siberia and the Far East - from the Nordic Seas to the southern borders of our country.

questions and tasks

1. Is there a regularity in the placement of lake kitlovin in our country?

The placement of lakes on the territory of the country unevenly and depends on many reasons: the geological structure and relief of the terrain, climatic conditions, the peculiarities of the groundwater. The number of lakes is significantly reduced to the south due to the increase in climate dryness.

2. What contributes to the formation of swamps? Where are they especially a lot? What is the role of swamps in nature?

The main reason for the occurrence of swamps is the mooring of the soil. It occurs in flat territories with a large amount of precipitation and small evaporation. The life of many small water bodies is completed by the formation of marshes. The most wetlands of the country is the center of the West Siberian and North-West of the Russian Plains.

The swamps is an important source of nutrition of rivers and lakes. Many useful berries are growing on the swamps: cranberries, cloudberry. They are a natural habitat of many animals. Therefore, the preservation of the marshes is important for the protection and rational use of nature wealth.

3. What is the importance of human life?

Groundwater is an essential source of water supply, both domestic and industrial. Mineral waters are used as the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

4. In which areas of the country are glaciers focused? Why?

Glaciers are found in the Caucasus, Northern Urals, Altai, Sayanov, Transbaikalia and Kamchatka. A much larger area of \u200b\u200bthe glaciers occupy on the islands of the Russian sector of the Arctic. The glacier in its propagation is to the Northern Arctic districts or to the high mountains.

5. Call the reasons for the formation of many years of permissal. How does it affect human life and human activity?

Perennial Merzlota is the thickness of frozen rocks that are not thawing for a long time. Merzlota was formed during the periods of cooling many thousands of years ago. This is confirmed by the presence of the remains of the ancient animals and plants that died due to a decrease in temperature in its layers.

Perennial Merzlotus is distributed almost on 2/3 of our country. It meets in areas with a rather harsh climate that supports its existence (due to the weak snow cover and very low temperatures, the soil freezes so deeply that it does not have time to lean over the summer).

The long-term permafrost has a significant impact on both the nature and life and human activity. Merzlota affects vegetation, as it constantly cools the soil and surface layer of air. Perennial Merzlota Waterproof, therefore contributes to the wiping of the territories.

During the construction of roads, pipelines, the buildings of the long-term Merzloch can be cleaned. It threatens the preparations and dips of the soil and the destruction of the constructed structures. Therefore, when building many years of permits must be saved. For this house and pipelines lift over the ground on special piles, and the roads are created on high protective pillows from the soil.

"Lakes, underground waters, swamps, long-term Merzlota, Glaciers"


During the classes:

Lake- This is a cluster of water in natural deepening on land (lake hollow).

2 volcanic - on Kamchatka

3 glacier - Ladoga, Onega

4 karst

5 old men

7 artificial - ponds

Lakes are:

1 Waste

2 Selfless

The groundwater -

Education Conditions:


1 Soil - in aquifer, not covered with a waterproof layer

2 interpalast (artesian) - between two waterproof layers.

Swamp- These are plots of sushi, excessively moisturized.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe swamps in Russia is about 2 million / km 2 - more than 10% of the total area.

Education Conditions:

1 large amounts of precipitation

2 Small evaporation

3 Slowdown Stocks

4 Proximity of groundwater

5 Perennial Merzlota

Perennial Merzlota - This is a dream of frozen rocks that are not taped for many years.

1 does not allow plant roots to penetrate into the depths - inhibits the development of plants, and therefore the processes of soil formation

2 Writing of the territory

3 complicates construction

Glaciers -

Melting below the snow line

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"" "Lakes, underground waters, swamps, long-term Merzlot, glaciers" "

"Lakes, underground waters, swamps, long-term Merzlota, Glaciers"


    To actualize the knowledge of lakes as an integral part of the hydrosphere.

    To reveal the origin, features and geography of the Lakes of Russia.

    Describe underground waters as the most important natural resource of the country.

    Get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe dissemination of many years of permits in Russia.

    Explain the value of the marshes for humans and nature.

    Get acquainted with the peculiarities of the cover and mountain glaciers.

During the classes:

In Russia, just less than 3 million lakes.

Lake- This is a cluster of water in natural deepening on land (lake hollow).

Placing the lakes in Russia unevenly:

Many lakes in Karelia and Yakutia

Little in the south-east of Russian plains

Dimensions, depth, form of lakes depends on the origin of their brand:

1 Tectonic: deflection (Caspian), faults (Baikal).

2 volcanic - on Kamchatka

3 glacier - Ladoga, Onega

4 karst

5 old men

7 artificial - ponds

Lakes are:

1 Waste

2 Selfless

The groundwater - This is water in the earth's crust.

Education Conditions:

1 precipitate falling in sufficient quantities

2 Ability to skip water


1 Soil - in aquifer, not covered with a waterproof layer

2 interpalast (artesian) - between two waterproof layers.

Swamp- These are plots of sushi, excessively moisturized.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe swamps in Russia is about 2 million / km 2 - more than 10% of the total area.

Education Conditions:

1 large amounts of precipitation

2 Small evaporation

3 Slowdown Stocks

4 Proximity of groundwater

5 Perennial Merzlota

Western Siberia, North-West of the Russian Plain is very wetrated.

Perennial Merzlota - This is a dream of frozen rocks that are not taped for many years.

Distributed on the Kola Peninsula, in Siberia (except for the south).

The impact of many years of permons on other components of nature and economic activity:

1 does not allow plant roots to penetrate into the depths - inhibits the development of plants, and therefore the processes of soil formation

2 Writing of the territory

3 complicates construction

4 complicates agriculture

5 serves as a "natural refrigerator"

Glaciers - This is a cluster of ice on land, possessing an independent movement. There are mountainous and coating.

The formation of the glacier occurs above the snow line.

In the life of the glacier, two opposite process interact:

Ice accumulation in the food area

Melting below the snow line

95% of the Turkish Glaciers are located on the islands of the Northern Ocean.

Mountain glaciers are in the Caucasus, Altai, Northern Urals, Khibiny, Sayanov, Transbaikalia, Kamchatka.

  • Name the largest lakes of Russia.
  • Which lakes of our country have the same origin as the largest lakes of Africa; North America?
  • Remember the main causes of marshes.
  • How are underground water formed?

Lake. In our country, lakes are a little less than three million. Among the lakes of Russia, the largest sea lake of the world is the Caspian and the deepest (1637 m) freshwater lake Baikal.

Table 4. The largest lakes of Russia

The placement of the lakes on the territory of the country is very uneven and depends on many reasons: the geological structure and relief of the terrain, climatic conditions, the peculiarities of the groundwater.

By climatic cards, determine which part of our country the conditions for the existence of lakes are most favorable.

The number of lakes is significantly reduced to the south due to increasing climate dryness.

Diverse the origin of the lake Kotlovin (Table 5).

Lakes are sources of fresh water, food, raw materials (for example, salts in Lakes Elton and Baskunchak), drain regulators, shipping paths, wonderful places of rest.

Unlike the lake rivers - reservoirs with calm water, but they are actively affected by other components of nature. The lakes change the relief: create the bottom and shores, cliffs and terraces, overwhelm your brass peat, sludge, salt, turning them into wetlands, salt marshes, and even deposits of salts. Lakes affect the climate: in the summer there are heat, the cold softened in winter; Moisturize the winding shores evaporating from their surface moisture.

Table 5. Origin of lake Kotlovin of our country

Think in which areas of our country to place lakes may form wetlands; Solonchaki.

The new type of lakes were reservoirs, which create on rivers by facing dams. But besides the benefit of the reservoir, they can adversely affect nature: to destroy the shores, raise the flooded peatlands, cut the roads, flood and pour forests and agricultural land.

Swamp. The area of \u200b\u200bthe swamps in Russia is about 2 million km2, that is, over 10% of the entire territory.

Causes of swamps: Soil moistening with a large amount of precipitation, small evaporation and slow motion. The evolution of small lakes is completed by the formation of marshes. The North West of the Russian Plain is very wetrated (up to 20-30%), Vasyugan on the West Siberian Plain (up to 70%), the Amur pool (10-12%).

Remember how swamps are depicted on the map. Find the main areas of placing the marshes.

The swamps is an important source of nutrition of rivers and lakes, a lot of useful berries are growing on the swamps: cranberry, cloudberry. Therefore, the preservation of the marshes is important for the protection and rational use of nature wealth.

Diverse and practical use of swamps. In the marshes of the forest zone, about 80% of the inventory of the country's peat, which is used on TPP and as raw materials for the chemical industry is concentrated.

The groundwater Although hidden from the eyes, but their role is great both in nature and in a person's life. These waters make their way at the bottom of the rivers with cold keys, go to the surface of ice springs. Extraked from wells or wells, these water are used for household needs, watering fields, pasture floods.

Underground waters have a different origin: Some of them were formed as a result of penetration of wax and rainwater to the first waterproof horizon (that is, 1.5-2.0 m to depth - this is the so-called leader); Others occupy deeper cavities in the ground.

Fig. 49. Surface flow switch to underground

Groundwater is fresh and minerals containing soluble salts and gases in fairly large quantities. Mineral waters are used in medicinal purposes. In different parts of the country - in Kamchatka, the Caucasus and in other places - reserves reserves of thermal underground waters with a temperature of from 30 to 300 ° C.

Groundwater reserves are calculated in our country many trillions of cubic meters, of which 350 billion are considered suitable for use. However, only a small share of these reserves is still used - approximately 5%. But such reserves are not limited. They are not less than the water ground, need protection, careful spending, protection against pollution.

Glaciers Currently occupy about 11% sushi; Underground ice (long-term permafrost) is distributed to 14% land sushi. In Russia, the long-term Merzlota takes 11.1 million km 2, that is, more than half of the entire territory.

Glaciers have a noticeable impact on nature: they are moisture stores, they own a important role in the nutrition of rivers, they change the relief noticeably. Large covers of continental ice, similar to Antarctic and Greenland, we do not have, but smaller coverings of ice ("island" caps) are found on the Arctic Islands. Mountain glaciers are distributed in the Caucasus, Northern Urals, Pa Altai, in Eastern Siberia, Sayanov, in Transbaikalia and in Kamchatka. Their total area is about 3 thousand km 2.

In the highlands there is a so-called snow border, above which the snow falling during the cold season does not have time to become and persists until the next winter, and then turns into ice.

In the southern mountains, the snow boundary lies higher than in the northern, and in the Arctic it descends to the sea level. Its height depends on the severity and humidity of the climate. On well-moistened slopes of the West Caucasus, this boundary can be traced at altitudes 2700-2800 m, and on the dry slopes of the Eastern Caucasus - at altitudes 3000-3200 m. In the Caucasus there are up to 1400 glaciers; In Altai - 754, in the mountains of Eastern Siberia - 200 glaciers.

Perennial Merzlota - It is the thickness of rocks, which contain ice, not thawing for a long time, as a rule, dozens or many hundreds of years. Perennial Merzlota occupies the coast of the Arctic Ocean in the European part of Russia, including the entire Kola Peninsula; Siberia is almost the whole (except for the south of Western Siberia and Far Eastern Primorye) lies within its limits. Thus, more than 60% of Russia's area to one degree or another is occupied by many years of Merzlot. In areas with the most severe climate - in the mouth of the vilyu, in Oymyakne, where the sum of the average dareaming negative temperatures reaches 6000-7000 ° C, - the power of a layer of multi-year permissaries on average 600-800 m, and in some places it reaches 1500 m.

Perennial Merzlota has a significant impact on nature, as well as the human activity and activity.

Fig. 50. The state of many years of permits during the year

Merzlota - "Refrigerator" for soil and surface air, it limits the depth of penetration of roots into the ground, their water supply. Water, accumulating on the marzlot, take terrain, lead to the formation of drawdowns, sailing and swelling the surface. Merzlota complicates the construction of roads, buildings, mining. We have accumulated extensive experience in construction and economic activities in the conditions of many years of permanent. It was used in the construction of new cities - Norilsk, peaceful, during the construction of Bama.

Questions and tasks

  1. What types of lake kotlovin are in our country? Is there a regularity in their placement?
  2. Think what promotes the formation of swamps; Where there are especially many large swamps in our country. What is the role of swamps in nature?
  3. What is the importance of human underground water?
  4. In which areas are the glaciers focused? Why?
  5. Name the reasons for the formation of many years of permissal. How does it affect the nature, life and human activity?