Walkthrough of the game stalker clear sky. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky Game stalker clear sky walkthrough included

A typical day in the Zone - anomalies ready to destroy everything that touches them, a Chernobyl dog during a meal, a group of scientists led by an experienced stalker. Nerds muttering about ejection after 2 months and 4 days and odds. But only an oppressive feeling of danger... Feelings intensify at the sight of animals running in a fit of fear... To be in trouble... The stalker looked straight ahead and saw an eruption - a blood-colored wall, bringing death to all living things...

Evening... A dilapidated house and 2 military men leading a leisurely conversation about a miraculously surviving stalker. Vital signs are normal, but something is wrong with the brain. The blowout left an indelible mark on this man.

When you wake up, you will see Lebedev in front of you, who will tell you that you miraculously survived the ejection and that stalkers accidentally passing by saved you from death...

Looking at the list of your tasks (P key by default), you will see a task to communicate with the Bartender, whose position is displayed on the mini-map. The bartender will tell you that you are God knows where among the swamps, on God knows what base, he will tell you about the main people at the base, and about his difficult life... The speech stream of a sociable character will be interrupted in time by Lebedev’s voice, who will ask you to come to him "on the carpet".

Lebedev will tell you about the Clear Sky group, which is based on one of the distinctive features human curiosity. According to Lebedev, the members of the group are not driven by a thirst for profit, but by a desire to study the Zone and understand the laws by which it exists. To prevent them from being disturbed, the base and the very existence of Clear Sky are kept secret, and if you are taken outside the swamps, the existence of the base will be revealed. It is much more profitable for Lebedev to leave you here to use you as free labor...

“Clear Sky” will “pursue” you, and at times even help you throughout the entire passage of Stalker Clear Sky.

“Absolutely unexpectedly” the outpost asks for help, and you are just free. To Lebedev’s great regret, you, unarmed, are of little use, so you will have to give out a little uniform from the bins of your homeland. To access these bins you need to find the merchant Suslov.

You won’t get much information from Suslov - he’ll give you uniforms and move on. So what we have here is a pistol, a sawn-off shotgun, cartridges - this is understandable. A first aid kit, a bandage - you can use them to patch yourself up in the field. Moreover, a first aid kit can restore health, and a bandage is suitable for stopping bleeding. Yeah, detector, not the best best model, or rather the worst, but with its help you can find an artifact. It is with the help of it that you need to look for artifacts while playing the game Stalker Clear Sky.

Now to the guide, who will ask if you are ready to go? The best answer would be agreement.


Arriving at the place, you will find that you are completely alone. Lebedev will get in touch and give some information on anomalies and bolts. It is better to listen to his advice. It's time to practice using the detector, which is necessary to complete the game Stalker Clear sky. To do this, you need to get it (O by default), the more often it beeps, the closer you are to the artifact, the main thing is not to overdo it and not run into the anomaly, although the artifact may simply be located behind it. Your first prize will be the Medusa artifact.

The area is teeming with anomalies, so caution and attentiveness will be required to avoid contact with them. Your goal is a tower, visible from a great distance. The stalkers at the outpost were attacked by wild boars, which are best killed immediately. It's worth climbing the tower, but it won't save you from being thrown out.

Another dilapidated room and a task to talk with Lebedev. The noose is tightening... Lebedev will show miracles of logic and tell you that you again survived after the ejection, and that you have gained the ability to withstand the ejection, but after each one your nervous system fades away, and if you do not find out what is happening with the Zone and stop this, then you don’t have long to live. (If in the future you get caught in an outburst, you’re done for, so you have to hide from them).

According to Lebedev, someone penetrated the brain burner - a part of the Zone in which human presence was impossible. It was... The only clue is that recently the merchant Sidorovich at the Cordon location was interested in specific details. Your task is to understand what is happening, but first of all you need to help Clear Sky strengthen its position in the swamps. This is where you will help in the next task.

As you exit, you will meet the stalker Shustroy, who will tell you about the situation in the Swamps and about the new opportunities that have appeared in the PDA. The PDA will greatly simplify the passage of Stalker Clear Sky, providing you with information about the location of opponents, mutants, hiding places, statistics and saving all dialogues.

You have received your first task, but there is no need to rush. If you go to a trader, then after listening to his philosophical perception of trade. You can go to the local “Kulibin”, who will give you tasks to search for flash drives, and from whom you can significantly improve your weapons and armor. In addition, during the passage of Stalker Clear Sky, armor and weapons will quickly wear out, so they need to be repaired by such masters as Novikov.

Novikov (aka "Kulibin") will ask you to find 3 flash drives with data on the improvement of Vipers. Two of them are given by the merchant as a reward for completing orders like “give and bring.” The third is located in a cache in the swamp, the coordinates of which can be found from one of the corpses.

I recommend not to sell the Medusa, which will become a “counterweight” for radiation artifacts, and not to improve the gun: because it is of little use. Artifacts with the properties of “Medusa” are very necessary for completing the game Stalker Clear Sky, since they provide compensation for the radiation that other artifacts generate.


After all modifications, you can begin completing tasks. A little about the situation in the Swamp.

The main forces of the Clear Sky group are located in Fisherman's Farm, from which calls for help will constantly be heard, the first of which is desirable to answer. For the first time, the Farm is attacked by Renegades and local fauna. After the epic battle for the freedom of Clear Sky, you will have tasks on the map to capture key points. In what order you will do this is up to you; this will not greatly affect the passage of the game Stalker Clear Sky. But what in more The fights you take part in are all the better, since the help is paid.

You will also be asked to bring items, which will be paid in monetary, and sometimes information (flash drive) equivalent.

  • On pumping station there may be Viper 5 (either on the opponent or on the table)
  • There is a sniper scope on the observation tower (at the very top)
  • In the old church there are a lot of cartridges and first aid kits (most of them in boxes)
  • On "Burnt Village" there is a "frying" anomaly in the burnt house. In the center of the ruins there is a furnace, near which the artifact lies. But to get it you need antiradin. And don't forget to save before you go into the inferno.

After the Clear Sky group strengthens its position in the swamps, it will be necessary to destroy the main base of the Renegades in the mechanical yard (farm).

The fighters of “Clear Sky” are characterized by inconsistency: they either wait for your command to attack, or climb “with their chests into the embrasure” while you are still in another part of the map. The best solution, will immediately get to the yard and wait for reinforcements to arrive. Although the fighters on the farm are inept, they take advantage of numbers, so you will have to be cunning if you decide to cope alone.

After clearing you, you will be thanked in monetary terms and given the Clear Sky armor, which you can immediately upgrade at the local Kulibin. The armor is quite good and will be useful for completing the game Stalker Clear Sky.

Behind the mechanic's yard there are also a couple of "hot" places in which the artifact lies.

To the east of the machinery yard there are power lines, under which there are anomalies and an artifact in the distance.

In order to completely destroy the Renegades, it is necessary to clear the paths leading to the Swamp. You can do the cleaning alone, or you can wait until Clear Sky does it for you. This concludes the main walkthrough of Stalker Clear Sky. But there is still something to do.


One stalker at the Clear Sky base has a task to find a good artifact, the Stone Flower, the reward for finding which will be very small, but you don’t have to give it away.

You may also be asked to return a lost weapon - AKM 74, which is located in the north-west of the map. The best starting point will be the Farm location (Mechanizer's Yard), on the road from which you will stumble upon a bandit camp. Before leaving, make sure you have anti-radin (vodka will also work) and first aid kits. Having reached the AK storage area, you will find a camp in which bandits have settled, some of whom will be standing next to a very explosive barrel.

Further passage of the game Stalker Clear Sky will be much easier if you use such features.

Now you need to move to the northeast. Having reached the fence, look for a small gap in it (look for it in versions later than 1.5.04), a photo of the position of the gap is shown in the figure.

After going through the gap in the fence, move in the direction of the destroyed bridge, under the bridge you will find carriages, under the right pink one there is an entrance to the dugout.

In addition to the shovel and fire, you will find the Veles detector under the mattress (to take it you need to crouch low), after which you will immediately find the Gravi artifact.

Further passage of the game Stalker Clear Sky will lead you to the north, where there is a wonderful magical weapon that kills to death from a distance of 100 meters and whose name is VINTAR. This weapon requires repairs for 9600 and ammunition, which you will not find in the near future (when you find it, then repair it), but its power is undeniable. To find it, you need to get to the train, frozen forever on the rails, and go into the huge hole between the cars, near which there is an anomaly: look carefully on the ground among the vegetation, at a distance of about 5 meters from the anomaly.

) represents a

prequel to the original. The plot takes place before the right of way took
such a terrifying appearance, and the main action develops around a gang war.

Walkthrough STALKER Clear sky

The game begins with a video in which a group of scientists led by a stalker is somewhere
walked quietly. But suddenly, something happened. First the pseudo-dogs ran, and then
a release occurred. After the video you come to consciousness, head of the Pure group
The sky named Lebedev informed you that you survived the ejection, his people found
you in the swamps. Everyone calls you the mercenary Scar. After the conversation, go to
the bartender, he will tell you a little about the group, and then go to Lebedev’s headquarters. IN
During the conversation he will ask you for help - get the equipment from the merchant Suslov
and go to the outpost to help fight off the mutants.

Go straight, as you remember, you need to move carefully, throwing in front of you
bolts, this is necessary to avoid an anomaly. By climbing the tower you will receive
message about a new release, your partner will die, but here you are again by miracle
you will be saved. Talk to Lebedev. He believes that the reason for frequent emissions in
that someone had penetrated into the center of the Zone (and who could it be??). You must help
prevent a catastrophe (Scar has a special feature, he can survive
emissions, but this gradually destroys it nervous system). But first you need
lift the siege of bandits from the camp, and since the Clear Sky group is not fighting, but
studies, and only you know how to fight, then this is your job. Go to the hunter
in the swamps. Before this, you can pick up a flash drive with information about the cache from the merchant.

In the swamps you just need to strengthen the presence of the group, how to do this
understandable, but choose where for yourself. After completing this task, knock out
farm bandits. Having won the unequal battle, go and secure the roads to the cordon and
Agroprom. And then, with a guide, go to the cordon.

There are military men right in front of you, run away from them. And then go to the merchant Sidorevich,

a friend from the first Shadow of Chernobyl. For a small errand he will tell you
about a stalker who was interested in details. You need to bring him the case. Before
with this you can talk to the Wolf. Now start completing the task. For
start, go and talk to Valerian. He is behind the embankment, he will offer you himself
talk to the hostage, to the military commander, who knows where the case is, but not
He says he knows they won’t kill him. He still won't tell. Then go
talk to the leader of the stalkers, he will offer to remove the military accomplices. Yes and
do it. After destroying two groups of military men, return to the hostage. He will give out
hiding place. If you talk to him after this, he will ask you for a gun,
for this he will tell you about the location of his hiding place. I gave him a gun
you must agree, he served his time and gave away the cache. Go to the cache, it's under the bridge in
basket, by the way, there is a soldier hiding under the bridge, don’t shoot, he’s not dangerous. Take it
swag for Sidorevich.

After this, go to the diggers - there you will find out what the stalker was looking for
named Fang. Arriving at the place, you will find a corpse, read the information from the PDA
Digger. He sent a messenger to Fang, go and find the messenger, help
him to fight off the dogs. He will tell you that Fang has gone into the dark valley. Moving
forward, you will get to the Svoboda group checkpoint, do what you want
they will say, otherwise you will either be shot or you will not be able to complete the task. Stalker
will tell you that only their base can know about the Fang, go there. There
talk to the commandant, he will say that in order to get an audience with them
leadership needs work. First, rid them of the terrible mutant and return
for further instructions. He will tell you to take the ammunition to the outpost, but
First, take the cartridges yourself from the merchant Ashot. Go to the outpost when you
When you get there, you will see that no one is alive, bring the PDA to Chekhov.

As it turned out, the commandant was a traitor and immediately disappeared somewhere. Bring it on the PDA
Chekhov, for this he will give you the frequency of the Fang PDA, by which you can track him, in
in particular, it is now in a landfill. And also, lay out everything valuable, because
instead of Fang you will find bandits who will take everything, you can also spend
all the money - you cannot pay it out even if you complete the task to return it
No one will return your property or money. So, we recovered. Pick up Fang's PDA,
which he lost. After this, Lebedev will get in touch and tell you to go to
search for the hiding place of Fang and company. Take all your equipment and go search

Walkthrough Stalker Clear Sky

The hatch leading to the dungeon is still closed, so run along the road from
Agroprom and find the checkpoint of the Dolg group, talk to the main one there. Is it true,
in this case I used alternative way conversation - shot
all because for some reason the commander did not talk to me. Go to Debt's base and
talk to the leader. He will say that he is ready to help you down if you help
to him. You need to flood the hole, to do this go to Sergeant Nalivaiko.

Without thinking about the sad things, you go down into the dungeon. Bypassing fiery anomalies and avoiding
mutants, go right to the stairs leading up. In the next room you need
destroy all the mutants, in fact there is only one of him, but he and his
mental influence will spoil a lot of your blood. To destroy it
get closer to him, but so that he does not notice you right away. Don't walk on
bridge. When the task is completed, go to the next room and turn
valve (this will flood the dungeons), and then run as fast as you can. Along the way you
you will be able to observe the mutants not paying any attention to you, just
It's time to find the cache; it has not changed its location compared to
the previous part. Remember that, as before, bandits have settled in the dungeon.
In the cache you will find out that Strelok and company once went to the center of the zone and
are planning to repeat the trip. Get out of the dungeon and talk to the scientist
Sakharov on Yantar.

He will report that the Shooter was supposed to test the anti-aircraft protection device.
Psi radiation, but disappeared. To find his trace, first obtain documents from
groups of stalkers who also disappeared. Be careful, there are all sorts of things out there
psi-creatures, with which to fight - you just waste ammo - the creatures are endless.
Therefore, just run to the corpses of the stalkers, take the PDA and run back.

This information turned out to be extremely useful, meet with Lefty's squad. After
Sakharov will detect how you help them restart the cooling installation
signal from the shooter, he is going into the red forest, follow him.
So, the shooter is right in front of you, but don’t be fooled, there’s an ambush on the way, but for now you’re with
you figure it out, the shooter will blow up the tunnel and leave. To get behind him
you need to find a forester, and to find a forester, you need to go through the forest, along the way you
you will find a corpse, take the PDA from it and go to its target. When you reach the place,
then you need to find the entrance to anomalous zone(ala portal) above the tank, just climb into

Once there, go to the forester. He will send you to military warehouses to
receive a signal from the stalkers from near Limansk, they fell into a trap for him (and you)
you need to know all the information. Go to the next location and talk to
commander of the Freedom post, then go to the mercenary village and talk with
the main thing. He'll tell you where the best reception is - at the water tower, but there
mutant bloodsucker, get rid of him too. Upstairs you will receive a signal from stalkers,
return to the forester. He will send you to return an artifact that was stolen
bandits - only he can help return from the anomaly. Now it's a matter of small things,
All that remains is to convey the necessary information to the stalkers and they themselves will come out of the anomaly - by
bridge, at the same time he will be freed from the bandits and lowered. Ask the mercenaries how
It's better to get to the military transmitter. He will ask you how you want

act: alone or with the Freedom group, choose what you want.

Stalker Clear Sky Walkthrough

After the stalkers get out safely, go to the bridge and cover with fire
Lebedev group. Talk to the leader and climb to the second floor of the tower and
cover the soldier near the bridge, do not forget about the snipers.
After capturing the bridge in battle, reconnoiter the road through Limansk. True, on the way
go to war. A little further, go around the anomalies that return you back,
go around the last one through a rusty bus. In the end you'll have to go through
through the construction site - be careful, there are a lot of enemies there.

After this, the road will be blocked by a fence under current, turn off the generator and
advance to the abandoned hospital. That's where it will be hot, do what
The leader of the stackers tells you: you will stay alive and save a lot more lives. After
the military will arrive, but it doesn’t matter to you who the enemy is, the main thing is to shoot down the helicopter, for
For this purpose, it is most convenient to use the RP-74 machine gun. Then quietly leave (via
doors on the second tier, they were blocked before). So fight your way to
catacombs, in fact, you will immediately find yourself near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Lebedev will provide you with two new guns, one you will have to disable
Strelok's psi-protection, but the other one defends himself. First jump around a little
portals until you find a convenient place (Lebedev will notify you).

So when you take out the Gunner, the exact opposite will happen.
According to Lebedev’s assumption, the phenomenon, the anomalous activity will not subside, but on the contrary -
the most powerful release will occur, which will change EVERYTHING. At the very last moment,
in the final video they will show an old acquaintance, Marked, the main character of the first

On this walkthrough STALKER Clear sky is over, as you can see, in Clear Sky everything
one ending.

Walkthroughs Stalker Clear Sky: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky. Walkthrough. Part 2

Let's go in. We immediately knock down the zombies from the first and second exits of the bunker and run to Sakharov. We get c.u. on a trip to the complex - to get information about installing a burner, they say, it’s impossible without it. We carefully take down the dogs and remove the artifact from the nearby anomaly. We rush around the corpses, then we either run forward and don’t stop, or we shoot about 15 zombies from behind and from the front along the course. We burst into the bunker - Sakharov will explain the situation a little and again send us to work at the beck and call of some Lefty. We just didn't have enough fleas. We run above the bunker and meet an attacking group. We are starting a breakthrough. We shoot again and again. We roll over the wall into the interior area. We receive the task of covering the cooler reload group. We run onto the roof, take a position with some stalker and wait for the zombies in exoskeletons. And we wait for them, we wait for them in the head, 3-4 pieces in a wave, we still have time to shoot at the rest of the zombies walking along the passage a little further or to the right along the stairs. All! The process has been restarted. Sakharov made a mistake and will talk about Strelok running into the Red Forest.

Don't forget to pick up a Bubble, Mom's Beads and at least a Dummy or a Snowflake at the location. And collect all the junk from zombies and dead stalkers, it’s a pity, of course, that Sakharov doesn’t buy weapons. We'll have to drag it to the research institute.

Red forest

We run after Strelok. Why?, but simply where more. We run into single Vasya-Petya and for some reason everyone dies. The shooter blows up the passage. THE MAIN MAIN thing is not to kill the last chukhan - he will raise his hands when he is left alone. You can loot Strelok's cache for free; it contains the Bubble artifact.

Everyone has arrived. The bridge is captured by renegades, the tunnel is blown up. Then they will tell the story about the most honest situation, they say, except for the Forester, no one will help and that’s it.

GSC does good games, but they have a problem with scripts.

If we run directly to the Forester, we run into a feisty bloodsucker, at least no match for others. We run up to the closed bars. AND! go straight to them

Vasya-Petya runs up, but is silent, because The lattice is transparent, but like a steel sheet, I can’t talk to it, even with my heel and toe. And there is a fork in events - in the scripts there are at least 2 quests, after which the Dolgovtsy must open the doors!

You can run to the passage where the gate with dead stalkers opened and remove the PDA with the map of the Red Forest from them. You can also rush straight to the stalkers standing near the exit to the Landfill. The system is the same. Accept the offer to lead the group. Move faster than them and shoot the snorks in advance, go out to the clearing with the Symbiote anomaly and kill the pseudo-giant. The stalkers in the rearguard should thank you with a good artifact. Catch a couple more from the anomaly, Eye or Flame is guaranteed for you. Then run forward, where Electra flashes. We find a tank and a whitish ball next to it. A familiar anomaly from the cordon! The area is notable for its anomalies and artifacts in them; you can also find Valerian’s dead father, although this is his clone, of course, the dog himself, alive at the Cordon and not to worry. Verified - alive. Regardless of the snorks, don’t forget to take out 2000 rounds of ammunition for the RP-74 (we’ll hide it for a rainy day) from the tank’s turret hatch and head into the anomaly. By the way, the quest RP may also be there; the task is taken from local debtors.

We appear near the forester’s location. Let's go see him. After the conversation, the picture doesn’t become much clearer; I need to return the Compass artifact. We run outside the gate to clean out the Renegades in the tunnel. Akhtungs in the forest! No one is lucky. The compass is here, let's pick it up. And below were poltergeists and an artifact. Simply put, we evict everyone from the cave with confiscation of property. Then the Dolgovtsy will come running and sit in the tunnel. Of course, what a joy it is - free living space. One stalker will retrain as a merchant. Wrong, but still a merchant.

We run back to the Forester, give the Compass, and receive a reward: a slightly racked vintar, which no one grades to the end. The plot develops, forces you to go to the Military Warehouses, you need to catch a signal for help from mercenaries from Limansk, who have found themselves in a spatial anomaly.

Military warehouses

We show up. We speak with the Svoboda members, they will send bloodsuckers to the mercenaries in the village. They will send you to the tower right there on the outskirts. While shooting the creatures, we listen to the SOS signal. We run again to the Forester, we need to help the people.

At the same time, by the way, you can get hold of first-class artifacts; although the level is not rich in them like the neighboring forest, the quality is excellent - Flame, Firefly and/or Goldfish will consistently find their owners.

Red forest

The forester will tell you that from the base at the military warehouses you need to send a message to the stuck mercenaries. Here again the imperfection of the scripts comes up - after going to the Military warehouses and talking with the mercenaries again, they will send you on an attack along with the Svoboda members. Like we’ll overwhelm the military in a crowd, and then we can send a message from the installation on the tower from the same base. But you can forget about Svobodovites, the military and sending the message. Do you want to shoot? If you continue to shoot, the weapon will begin to jam. The choice is up to the player. We return to the Red Forest.

We go to the bridge, fortunately the guides will guide you for a pittance, so you won’t have to stomp through the forest. We begin to knead the renegades. Lebedev & Co. will help with this. We are waiting for the mercenary Leshy with his brigade; with your support, they lower the bridge. Once again a marauder's paradise.

Don't run to Limansk right away. Chat with Lebedev, he has prepared for you a reward of 50,000 rubles and a good FT200m barrel. Only he “forgot the reward at home.” Take all the best from the caches, fix everything, put on the best armored armor and go into the tunnel to Limansk.

We crawl in, burdened with the best, in your opinion, deadly strays.

Why is this so? And you can't go back. It doesn’t matter what you are carrying, but SVDm is welcome and it will rule, guaranteed. We watch a scene with bandits and run forward through the blocks, simultaneously shooting at the windows of the exiles and catching mines on the butt. We burst into the house to the left of the mercenary who shouted something about an attack. We make mincemeat for everyone, we silence the RP, as well as its application in the Exoskeleton. We immediately select the Bulldog and in the box under it are 24 pieces of VOG-25. Here everyone gets euphoric and the state begins - everyone is a scribe, just so irrevocable. What is this connected with - or with the accidentally grabbed RP-74, which, even without data, puts everyone down like a hot water bottle, or maybe like a hot water bottle, although what difference does it make, or maybe a hand grenade launcher sows the fields of the streets with corpses once or twice - it is not clear. In short, everyone on the way is carried away to their forefathers, it’s not clear how, there were just a scribe.

We go to the right from the anomaly that blocked the passage, through the playground. We go up the stairs to the top floor of the building. We wander around the house and come out into an area with a bridge and a building inhabited by military personnel. It can be taken by storm, but the supposedly wearable SVDm infects all visible people in advance with a headache of 7.62 caliber. Here again you can pick up the RP or at least discharge it. We run further and maneuver between the ghostly balls, which quickly and painlessly perform a gamover, and jump onto the bus via ctrl+shift. We go to the construction site. As they say - there is no vegetation, no minerals, it is inhabited by Monoliths. Optics with a magnification higher than x1.6, or simply SVDM, includes such dichlorvos that the “cockroaches” have nowhere to run.

We fall out behind the construction site. We run forward and knock down the monolith. It turns out they made a trick - they sent a current through the puddle. We run to the right into the house and through the attic, onto the roof, through the pipes we move into the ill-fated building with a generator. The installation lasted a couple of seconds and then skipped to the pre-final level.

Go to the left from the central showdown area (from the mini fountain), i.e. local cemetery, opposite the deceased Zil, shoot at the door, breaking the boxes behind it, go down a couple of flights, shoot at the door again and, after passing the hall, you will see a teleport. Such a mini feature.

Abandoned hospital

The mission is to create a mess exclusively in a straight line.

We run along the ravine and fly inside. Let's shoot. We receive an order to take down the sniper, we go around, simultaneously shooting at the bad guys. We take down the sniper. Let's shoot again. We shoot the Monoliths again. We move to another area and go up the stairs. We shoot and shoot and the same thing happens again. Under cover we climb onto another parapet. We protect the CN while they kill the machine gunner. We shoot again, crawl further, shoot. Helicopter! You can even shoot with a PM - but it will take a long time. With RP 50-60 rounds. We destroy the bad ones again. Here the main weapon will begin to jam very often. Again transition to new site. And then they will trample, cut down everything that moves, at least it is not your nationality, do not forget to go on the left side of the CN, do not accidentally mow it down. It seems like everything, we dive into the passage.

We talk to Lebedev, look at the script, and don’t run to dive into the telepot. We shoot regularly at the Strelok, don’t be afraid, he will often be in your sights. The main thing is that you can also hit by the aura of the glow of the main bad guy. Although you can jump on portals and swear at the respawning Monoliths, the effect will be the same. Strelok's defense has been destroyed. Release.

Science doesn’t know where the mercenary Scar goes...

p.s. There was another ending where the Shooter killed Scar, but it was cut out.

After negotiations in which main character will ask Krylov about how you can get into the “Dungeons of Agroprom”, he will explain to you that you can only get there through a large hole that mutants dug and will ask you to do a small favor - flood the Dungeon in order to forever close the way out for snorks and other wickedness . Agree - the reward is not much, not little - 10 thousand RU.

Before going to the dungeon, equip yourself with the best weapons and armor-piercing cartridges - they will come in handy.

Go to the southeast of the location. In a wooded area near the hillside, you will meet a detachment of debtors. Talk to their commander, Sergeant Nalivaiko. He will ask for assistance and help kill a pack of snorks (who will come out 8-10 seconds after the conversation). They will mainly attack debtors. Having a double-barreled shotgun with you, you can disinfect the current situation with aimed shots. If at least Nalivaiko remains alive, he will give you a tip to the “Case in the Dungeons” cache.
Now go underground!

Here are the famous dungeons. You will find yourself in a curved corridor dotted with Zhark anomalies. Follow to its far end, simultaneously shooting snorks crawling out of the crevices. Your goal is to run to the stairs that lead to a higher level. You will find yourself in a small room. Collect the swag laid out in the boxes, reload the clip and step through the doorway leading into a hall with a high ceiling and four settling tanks filled with gurgling Kissel anomalies.
Tinnitus, loss of orientation and a critical level of psi radiation foreshadow the appearance of the controller. Knowing his weak point in his inability to conduct close combat, it is recommended to run to the opposite end of the room, straight towards the mutant and chop him with armor-piercing bullets at close range, or save ammunition by stabbing him to death with a knife.
Move on. You will be taken to the pump control room. Save your game. Turn the valve and get ready for a hundred meters. As soon as the grate rises, accelerate and run forward, then down the spiral staircase and further along the curved corridor. Along the way you will meet a flock of crazed jerboas. Ignoring them, drink an energy drink while running and, having reached the stairs, quickly climb to the top.
After a short scripted scene, it will become clear to you that the dungeon is flooded and the path to the lower levels is inaccessible. The task is completed. All that remains is to get to the surface.
It's not worth flying out headlong. Somehow, the upper level of the research dungeons has been occupied by a group of evil-minded bandits. Pacify the unruly punks.
Now you need to find the Strelok's Cache, which contains important information. The layout of the small room has not changed since the time of PM (this is logical). From the found PDA it will become known that it is necessary to move to Lake Yantar.
On the stairs leading to the surface, be extremely careful. This place was chosen by several fire poltergeists. Leaning out of the doorway, pacify these anomalous creatures as well.
Having reached the surface, go to Krylov for a reward.
Continue to Yantar, the transition to which is located in the northwestern corner of the location. [Advice]

One day a debtor and a Svobodovite are sitting in a bar over a glass of beer... Stalker joke...

Before I start, I would like to make a short introduction. Firstly, regarding the technical part. Always play only with the latest version patch. If you have a dual or more core processor and the game is still slow, Google the CPUControl program, run the game, minimize it, run CPUControl and assign the required number of processors to the xrEngine.exe process. Update your drivers.

Secondly. Save often. Not only for fast, but also in a separate slot. This will help. Trust my experience.

Thirdly, and this is the most important thing, this walkthrough is based on the game with the modification Meceniy(Strelok) Solynks v1.0.5. I recommend going through it with this modification, or with its later version (at least, with any other modification, more or less global).

I categorically implore you from using the “naked” original game. Of course, “the taste and color of a bloodsucker is not your friend,” but the taste in this case will be very perverted, in my opinion.