Tulips are simple late varieties. We study varieties of tulips from photos with names. Varieties of tulips with photos and descriptions

Caring for tulips for lush flowering Tulips, along with crocuses, hyacinths, and hazel grouse, are the first to delight us. Red, yellow, pink, variegated buds bloom in early spring on personal plots, cottages and gardens. But not all gardeners enjoy a lush and bright carpet. Sometimes there is simply no flowering. In this article we will look in detail at why tulips do not bloom. The plants are unpretentious and do not require special attention. But some rules still need to be followed. It is precisely because of the violation of the cultivation technique that there is no flowering in the spring.

Reasons Sometimes you can see the following picture: blooming tulips interspersed with empty clearings. Not all plants bloomed. Some have produced flower stalks, but the flowers are small. Frequent causes of non-flowering: 1. Poorly chosen planting material. In the same year, only the large bulb blooms. Small - for the next one. Damage cannot be ruled out. The gardener did not notice them under the scales and buried the initially diseased tulip in the ground. 2. The plant does not have enough sunlight. Tulips love the sun. Hidden in the dense shade of trees, they do not want to bloom. 3. Spring flowers are planted in a place blown by cold and strong winds. This problem is especially relevant in Russia. The plant likes quiet areas, protected from gusts. 4. Planted in the ground late or early. Weather anomalies disrupt flower growing deadlines. In the conditions of a long warm autumn, the bulb produces a sprout, which freezes in winter. 5. Excavation deadlines were not met. What to do? Faded plants must be removed from the ground in a timely manner. Almost the entire summer season, the bulbs rest. If you delay digging, the tulip will begin a new development cycle. New roots and sprouts will appear. It is too early to carry out this procedure - the bulb will not “gain” strength. 6. Shallow or deep planting. In autumn, the bulb produces a sprout that rises almost to the very surface of the earth. This is how the plant overwinters. An insufficiently deepened tulip appears too early and freezes. To deepen it too much - the path to the sun will be long, there will be no strength left for flowering. 7. Bulbs are damaged already in the ground. In clayey, waterlogged soils, tulip flowers rot. Mice love bulbous plants - they often feast on them in the root nests of plants and bushes (the same peonies and crocuses suffer). 8. Cutting is carried out incorrectly. When cutting flowers into a bouquet, leave at least two leaves. Otherwise, there will be no flowering next year. It is very beautiful in the garden when the tulips bloom. You have to work hard for this beauty.

Planting and care Buying bulbs Today, breeders offer many variety of options– you can choose any variety you like. Planting material is classified according to analysis. In order for the tulip flower to show all its beauty in the year of planting, we buy the first selection. These are bulbs 10-14 cm in diameter. Why you should not purchase a second or third analysis: it is better to immediately evaluate the flowering; flowers will appear in the second or third year. It is not advisable to buy bulbs “from hand”, especially from strangers. Unscrupulous sellers offer “old” tulips - we will get small blooms or even deprive ourselves of beauty. Planting period: last ten days of September – early October. Focus on the climate of your region. IN middle lane– better in the second half of September. In the southern regions, in Crimea - in the first half of October. Site selection: sunny place, protected from strong gusts of wind. The soil is loose and fertile. Soil preparation: 2 weeks before planting, dig to a depth of 30 centimeters. Add fertilizer. Leave for the soil to settle a little. Depth: 3 bulbs. Place three onions in a row on the bayonet of the spatula - you will know the depth. Preparation of planting material: inspect the bulbs for damage. If it is difficult to see, you can remove the brown scales. Soak for half an hour in a disinfectant solution (Maxim, Fitosporin, potassium permanganate). Landing: strictly bottom down, slightly pressed to the ground. You don’t need to screw it in too hard, otherwise you may damage the root buds. We fill it with earth and mark the place so that in the spring we don’t forget and dig up this area again. Some sources advise placing tulips at a distance of 20-30 cm. But if we want to get a lush carpet (like in Holland), we plant it closer. It's OK. We focus specifically on our planting plan: what the flowerbed should be like. An interesting planting method: place the bulbs at a certain distance from each other on the bottom of a lattice box. Lower to desired depth. It will be easier to dig later. This method does not protect against mice, as some gardeners believe. Rodents are repelled by the smell of hazel grouse - they can be planted together with tulips. Care Growing tulips is not difficult. They need watering and weeding. During the growing season it is recommended to feed complex fertilizers for flowering plants. Water as needed. When cutting flowers into bouquets, be sure to leave two leaves. The products of photosynthesis feed the bulb and provide strength for division. After each cut, the scissors are disinfected. There is a risk of infecting plants with variegation (not to be confused with the varietal feature of a flower). Or do not cut the stems, but break them off. When the tulip fades, unscrew the head. The plant will not waste energy on producing seeds. Dormant period It is recommended to dig up tulips annually in order to: maintain variety; notice infection or damage in time; provide high temperature during rest. If you leave the bulbs in the ground, they will “go” deeper. It is increasingly difficult for such a plant to produce a peduncle. How long do tulips bloom when they are left in the soil?.. A year, two... And that’s all. How to dig and store: 1) We remove the plants when the leaves just begin to turn yellow and the stem is still dense. If you are late, the top part will fall off and the bulb will be difficult to find. The bulb is not always located directly under the stem - often the tulip “twists”. 2) It is better to use a pitchfork. A shovel can seriously damage the planting material. It is impossible to cause significant damage with a pitchfork. 3) Shake off the soil from the dug up bulbs and lay them out in the shade to dry. For 15-20 days. 4) Remove all excess (stems, leaves). We sort by analysis. We transfer to nets, boxes and store in a dry, warm place (at a temperature of 22-25 degrees). At home in the attic, attic, closet, etc. Reproduction Tulips reproduce by bulbs. During the season, babies appear around the main bulb. There may be 2-3 of them. With their help, gardeners obtain young plants. Do not expect rapid flowering from the “young growth”. This will happen in a year or two. Transplanting blooming tulips to a new location is undesirable: there is a risk of damaging the roots and disrupting flowering.

There are many tulips in this world, and they are all amazing and beautiful. We have selected varieties that are not only beautiful and unpretentious, but also commercially available.

Tulips by flowering time

Average (late April - early May)

The class includes triumph tulips and Darwin hybrids. They are distinguished by a high peduncle (up to 70 cm) and large goblet-shaped flowers of various colors. Tulip varieties of these classes are widely used not only for flower beds and forcing, but also for cutting.

on the picture Pointed tulip (Tulipa acuminata)

Triumph tulips (Triumph, T)

A quarter of the total assortment of tulips are triumph-tulips (Triumph, T) . The high popularity of plants is ensured by the ability of the flower to maintain its shape. The color is very diverse: from pure white to dark purple.

Try planting it in your garden

  • purple with white trim Alexander Pushkin,
  • red-orange Hermitage,
  • white Silver Dollar or white-lilac Flaming Flag- and you will understand that they have no equal.
  • Variety Jacuzzi interesting with dark peduncles, soft lilac flowers.

in the photo are tulips of the Silver Dollar and Flaming Flag varieties

Darwinian hybrids (Darwin Hybrids, DH)

Darwinian hybrids (Darwin Hybrids, DH) They are inferior in number to triumph tulips due to the strong opening of the flower, but they produce high-quality cuttings and are resistant to the variegation virus.

in the photo is a tulip variety Daydream

Tulip variety Ad Rem still considered a masterpiece in this class, it was created by Konienenburg in 1960. The 60 cm tall stem bears large goblet-shaped carmine-red flowers. The advantages of the variety include resistance to the sun: the flowers do not open completely.

in the photo there is a tulip of the Ad Rem variety

Red Apeldoorn is the progenitor of many modern varieties, but is also still considered one of the best in its class.

Other interesting varieties:

  • orange Daydream,
  • orange-red Oxford Wonder,
  • red Empire State And Voyager,
  • light yellow with red edging Beauty of Spring
  • and snow-white Hakuun.

in the photo there is a tulip of the Beauty of Spring variety

Late (bloom from the second half of May)

Simple late tulips, lily-flowered, fringed, green-flowered, Rembrandt tulips, parrot and double late tulips bloom late. The height of their peduncles ranges from 40 to 80 cm and above.

Simple late tulips (Single Late, SL)

They make up a fifth of the entire assortment due to their varied colors (there are also two-color varieties) and stability in cultivation. The flowers are characterized by a goblet-shaped flower and a square base.

Interesting for planting in a private garden:

  • white with yellow Angels Wish,
  • dark burgundy Dom Pedro And Queen of Night,
  • yellow-red Holland Queen,
  • apricot yellow Long Lady,
  • scarlet Sky High Scarlet.

in the photo there is a Queen of Night tulip

Fringed tulips ( Fringed, Fr.)

Edge of tulip petals from class Fringed (Fringed, Fr) decorated with needle-like fringe, similar to frost. The first fringed tulip was registered in 1930.

The colors are very varied:

  • in soft pink Fancy Frills petals are almost white at the base,
  • varieties Exotic Sun And Crispy Gold bright yellow,
  • Swan Wings- white,
  • Aria Card- white-lilac,
  • Dallas- pink.

in the photo is a variety of fringed tulip Exotic Sun

Interesting variety

  • Valery Gergiev with a bright red flower,
  • Green Jay- one of the greenest tulips in this group.

Green tulips (Viridiflora, V)

Green tulips (Viridiflora, V) have a green color on the back of the petals during the entire flowering period. The color of the edges of the petals can be white, pink, red, yellow.

The most famous represent this class - white and green Spring Green.

Very popular Esperanto, flower color is bright pink with green feathers, leaves with white edging.

in the photo is a green tulip of the Florosa variety

In addition, they grow:

  • white-green Greenstar,
  • red-white-green Flaming Springgreen,
  • pink-green Virichic, Groenland, Lucy, Nightrider, Florosa,
  • yellow-green Golden Artist, Yellow Spring Green, Marax Groen, Formosa,
  • orange-green Green River.

Rembrandt tulips (Rembrandt, R)

In class Rembrandt tulips (Rembrandt, R) all tulips whose variegation is genetically fixed are united. The flowers are goblet-shaped and quite large. On the modern market, the class is represented by the smallest number of varieties and is practically never found on sale.

Lily tulips (Lilyflowering, L)

Lily tulips (Lilyflowering, L) They have a peculiar flower structure with pointed petals that bend outward.

Interesting varieties:

  • red Royal Gift,
  • pink Madalyn,
  • orange Ballerina Design,
  • deep yellow Ballade Gold
  • and yellow-red Ballade Dream.

in the photo there is a tulip of the Ballade Dream variety

Parrot tulips (Parrot, P)

Parrot tulips (Parrot, P) They have a distinctive appearance due to the jagged or wavy edge of the petals, reminiscent of disheveled bird wings. The peduncles are quite weak and bend under the weight of large flowers, up to 20 cm in diameter.

In addition to the famous tulip Black Parrot, the group includes other equally interesting varieties.

For example,

  • orange Avignon Parrot, Orange Favorite, Professor Rontgen,
  • apricot with pink and green undertones Apricot Parrot,
  • pale lilac Arabian Mystery Parrot,
  • pink Proud Parrot, Weber's Parrot Pink,
  • dark cherry, almost black with variegated leaves Frozen Night,
  • white with crimson strokes Estella Rynveld,
  • soft pink with green veins Green Wave
  • and very green y Super Parrot.

in the photo there is a tulip of the Estella Rynveld variety

Terry late tulips (Double Late, DL)

Very large flowers, similar to small peonies, double late tulips (Double Late, DL) . Even flower stalks often break off under their weight.


  • greenish white Ice Age,
  • pink Angelique,
  • white-red Gerbrand Kie ft,
  • orange-red Golden Nizza,
  • yellow-pink Dream Touch.
  • In the variety Color Burst rich lavender color of petals and yellow center.

in the photo is a variety of late terry tulip Color Burst

The orange-red variety has an unusual story Gudoshnik Double: from an old variety Artist a densely doubled sport was obtained. Dutch manufacturers simply called it Gudoshnik Double.

Natural species and their varieties (botanical tulips)

The fourth group includes all other tulips, including species, their forms and hybrids. Very interesting Tulipa acuminata(photo at the beginning of the material), unfortunately, it is difficult to find for sale. But it is this one that is sometimes also called the “fiery or fiery” tulip due to its long, narrow, pointed petals of scarlet and yellow color.

pictured is Greig's tulip Friendly Fire

Quite an unusual tulip Greig's Friendly Fire, its flowers from afar appear to be red and white balls. This effect is achieved due to the shape of the petals.

MULTI tulips or multi-flowered tulips

Tulips that produce several flowers from one bulb are called multi-flowered. They are often sold with the mark MULTI . The official classification has not yet identified them in their own class, but some collectors and suppliers of bulbs already classify multi-flowered varieties as a separate group.

Unfortunately, multi-flowering is an unstable trait both in nature and in culture. Breeders have made a lot of effort to consolidate the manifestation of multi-flowering in modern bouquet varieties. Varieties Dekla, Malnais Princis, Saules Latvian collector Vytautas Skui reliably retain this characteristic, but most varieties degenerate quite quickly. And yet this is not a reason to refuse the pleasure of seeing this multi-flowered miracle in your garden! Just give them more attention than other tulips.

in the photo is a parrot tulip of the Arabian Mystery Parrot variety

Plant yourself:

  • Color Spectacl- 50 cm high with bright orange flowers with red tongues;
  • Candy Club- height 45 cm. Color - creamy white with crimson touches;
  • Red Bouquet- height 50-60 cm. Color - scarlet;
  • Wallflower- height 45 cm. Color - dark burgundy.

in the photo there is a Blue Diamond tulip

Landscape design: how to make a monochromatic flower garden

If you are interested in a flower garden in a certain color scheme, then you can take tulips from different groups and create a long-blooming monochromatic composition. For example, there are no black tulips; such a tulip only appeared in the novel by Alexandre Dumas. But you can make a “black” flower garden by collecting it from dark purple and dark lilac flowers:

  • Terry early-Palmyra, Alison Bradley;
  • Triumph- Black Jack, Black Star, Continental, Havran, Jackpot, Ronaldo;
  • Parrots- Frozen Night, Black Parrot, Negrita Parrot, Blue Parrot;
  • Fringed- Gorilla, Labrador, Black Jewel, Cuban Night, Crispion Dark, Vincent van Gogh;
  • Simple late- Black Beauty, Black Horse, Café Noir, Queen of Night;
  • Terry late-Black Hero, Blue Diamond.

in the photo there is a tulip of the Blue Parrot variety

Tulips “double effect”: what is it?

When meeting such a name on a package of bulbs, not everyone immediately understands what we are talking about. Many varieties of tulips have already “outgrown” the traditional classification and combine the characteristics of different groups. For example, a tulip Exotic Emperor. It has a white peony-like, double flower lying in a rosette of narrow, long green outer petals. This tulip simultaneously belongs to the group of early double tulips and to the group of Foster tulips.

in the photo there is a tulip of the Queensland variety

Or a tulip variety Alexandra: it belongs to the class of lily-flowered tulips, since its flower shape is classic for this group, but the edges of the petals are fringed. Based on this feature, it fits well into the fringed class.

in the photo there is a tulip variety Crispon Sweet

Such tulips can be fringed and at the same time double, multi-flowered and double, or lily-flowered; there are a lot of possible combinations. These are the wildest expectations of breeders and a very promising direction for the development of tulip mania:

  • Queensland- terry-fringed. The flower is peony-shaped. Color: pink with white fringe, height 45 cm;
  • Crispion Sweet - terry-fringed. Color: pink and white, height 45 cm;
  • Ice Cream- densely double with an unusual bud shape and color: the outer petals are dark pink and green, in the center there is a cap of white petals.

in the photo there is a tulip of the Crispon Dark variety

To this day, fringed tulips, which were known back in the 17th century, have not lost their popularity. They have existed for the same amount of time simple flowers, which are not afraid of rain, and whose buds open magnificently under the sun's color. Typically, the height of tulips reaches an average of 30 cm, and in flower beds they are planted in the foreground in rows or individually. Various types of tulips are also used as a potted crop.

Classic red is considered the main color, but white flowers, yellow, purple and others are no less popular. Some of these species look great against the backdrop of coniferous trees, which is why we can often see spruce trees of various sizes standing proudly near a flower bed with tulips.

Varietal diversity

Many varietal specimens are bred through selection, as a result of which it is possible to purchase quite interesting flowers with an unusual touch. A variety called Miranda. Tulips differ from others in their splendor and characteristic bright colors; some even call them peony.

Peak flowering occurs in May. Average height is approximately 55 cm. They reproduce well, so they are usually grown in parks and gardens. But Tilda are tulips that were able to win the hearts of many people with their elegant appearance, they are best grown in botanical gardens or bred in a greenhouse.

A separate category of tulip varieties includes wild-growing ones., Greig, Foster tulips and the like. Dwarf tulips tolerate frosty winters well and can grow even in rocky gardens, as they are unpretentious. Quilling tulips look good against the background of wide leaves. When choosing bulbs, you should pay attention to when they bloom, as there are early and late ones. Each variety has its own characteristics. For example, early flowers need to be protected from frost so that their bulbs are not exposed to frost and are lost. The exquisite Louvre is a tulip that will delight you for a long time with its bright colors that look impressive in any light.

Features of growth of different varieties of tulips

The bulb of a Fabio tulip or any other begins to wake up in early spring, but the plant will bloom depending on which category it belongs to. After the shoot appears above the ground, a month may not pass before the multi-colored rosette will show off in front of you. When a flower blooms, this is just the peak of growth. As soon as the tulip fades, it leaves behind a nest of new babies of different sizes. The dormant period usually falls in the summer, although tulips are flowers that prefer the south.

The only drawback of tulips is their short flowering period, although modern methods breeding helped to develop tulips, varieties of which will delight with their flowering for about 1.5 months. Grow these flowers near borders, in containers, but this does not apply to all varieties. That is, it is irrational to plant tall tulips in pots, as they will feel constrained in them.

Some varieties are intended to be grown to later be cut for sale (usually medium-blooming tulips). In terms of flowering time, many varieties of tulips differ from each other, but all of them rarely get sick, since they maintain their positions even during heavy downpours and bloom earlier than many flowers.

For convenience, it was decided to divide all available species, varieties and hybrids according to the international classification into 4 groups and 15 classes.

Group I - early flowering

1st class

Simple early tulips (Single Early)

They are one of the first to bloom - at the end of April. Varieties from this group are low - up to 40 cm. The flower is 5-8 cm high, goblet-shaped. The coloring is mainly in warm colors (red and yellow). In sunny weather, their flowers open wide. Varieties of this group are good for early forcing. The reproduction rate is low.

2nd class

Terry early tulips (Double Early)

The plants are low, up to 20-35 cm (although there are exceptions), the flowers are double. They bloom 3-6 days later than the simple early ones. Flowering is quite long.

Tulips from this group are very popular among landscape designers. The fact is that due to the low stem they do not fall over and the flowers in the garden look very neat. Sufficiently large, double and densely double flowers do not fade for a long time, turning flower beds into a continuous blooming carpet. Suitable for forcing, but not for cutting. They will look best planted in pots or flowerpots in a composition with hyacinths and crocuses. They reproduce quite well.

II group medium-blooming

3rd grade

Triumph - tulips (Triumph)

The color of the flowers of tulips in this group ranges from white to dark purple; varieties with two-color colors are often found. They bloom in late April - early May, for quite a long time. The glasses of the flower never open completely into a flat cake. Resistant to wind and rain.

The plants are quite tall - 40-60 cm. Very impressive in the landscape. Good for cutting. The reproduction rate is average.

4th grade

Darwin Hybrids

The plants are very tall - 60-80 cm. The flowers are goblet-shaped, mostly pink and red, there are varieties of double color. They bloom quite early, in early May. The flowers tend to open completely and fade fairly quickly. These tulips are resistant to the variegation virus, tolerate spring frosts well, are stored for a long time when cut, and tolerate transportation well.

The leaves are wide, so they need to be planted at a distance greater than usual. The reproduction rate is high.

Group III - late bloomers

5th grade

Single Late

These are tall, up to 75 cm, and powerful plants. The flowers are large, goblet-shaped with a square base and wide, blunt-pointed petals. Color ranges from white to purple, almost black, many varieties have a two-tone color. They bloom in mid-May. Among the varieties of simple late tulips, there are multi-flowered varieties that have from 3 to 5 flowers on one peduncle. Good for cutting and forcing. They reproduce very well.

6th grade


Tulips with an unusual flower shape. Plant height is 60-75 cm. Elongated glasses with outward bending and pointed petals.

The lower part of the flower is slightly convex and all varieties have a thin “waist”. Outwardly, they are very reminiscent of a lily flower.

The color of the glass is very diverse. They bloom in the second half of May.

Lily tulips are very popular among amateur gardeners. Ideal for cutting.

The reproduction rate is low. From one onion you can get 2-3.

7th grade


They differ from others by a spectacular fringe, which is located along the edge of the petals and looks like crystal-shaped or needle-like outgrowths. Can be different lengths. Plant height is 50-80 cm. They bloom in May.

Varieties have been bred in which these outgrowths can also be located on the back of the flower. Fringed terry varieties have also been developed. The flowers are varied in color, only dark varieties are missing.

Fringed tulips have a very strong peduncle and look good until the end of the growing season.

Good for forcing.

8th grade

Green-flowered (Viridiflora)

A distinctive feature of these tulips is green streaks, spots or stripes on outside petal They bloom in the second half of May. Plants are divided by height into low (25-30 cm) and medium (35-50 cm). Their stems are strong, the leaves are narrow, some varieties have a white stripe along the edge, which makes them attractive both before and after flowering. Green-flowered tulips are distinguished by their grace and durability. Glasses 5-7 cm high.

These tulips are spectacular when fully bloomed, when the additional color characteristic of the variety appears. They are used for cutting, but most often for landscaping in rock gardens or ornamental gardens.

9th grade

Rembrandt - tulips (Rembrandt)

Representatives of this group have variegated flower colors, but, unlike those affected by the variegation virus, they retain a constant pattern of brown, bronze, black, red, pink and purple strokes on a red, white or yellow background.

The plants are tall (65-70 cm), the flowers are large. Suitable only for growing in open ground. Currently, these are quite rare plants, although modern varieties have been tested for the presence of a virus that causes variegation in the color of the perianth lobes. True Rembrandt tulips can only be purchased in specialized farms focused on growing and breeding historical and non-industrial varieties of tulips.

10th grade


Plants of various heights and colors, distinguished by a very exotic flower shape. The rugged, wavy, “disheveled” petals of tulips of this class resemble a ruffled tropical bird.

Flowers can also be huge in size. Color ranges from pure white to black. Plant height -40-65 cm.

They bloom late, in the second half of May, although there are also early flowering varieties in this group.

They are commonly used in garden landscaping and for cutting flowers in flower arrangements.

11th grade

Terry late (Double Late)

It unites varieties of diverse origins, characterized by large, about 10 cm in diameter, double flowers with wide rounded petals. Outwardly, they look like peony flowers; they are also called peony flowers. They bloom 8-12 days later than double ones early varieties and longer, up to 3 weeks, covering the beginning of June.

These are powerful and tall, up to 50-60 cm, plants. Flowers vary in color. Low resistance to rain and wind. Good for cutting and forcing.

Group IV - species and botanical tulips

12th grade

Kaufman tulips, their varieties and hybrids (Tulipa Kaufmanniana)

They differ in the earliest terms of flowering (sometimes already in early April). Plant height is 15-25 cm. The flowers are large, star-shaped, with protruding petals of various colors. The leaves of many tulips have purple stripes and speckles. Resistant to variegation.

13th grade

Foster's tulips, their varieties and hybrids (Tulipa fosteriana)

Tulips of this class are larger than Kaufman. Plant height is 20-30 cm, flowers are goblet or cup-shaped, very elongated (up to 12 cm in height), wide. When open, they look like stars. The color is bright, mostly red, sometimes pink and yellow. The leaves are wide, slightly wavy along the edges. They bloom later than Kaufman tulips: in late April - early May.

14th grade Greig's tulips, their varieties and hybrids (Tulipa Greigii)

Plants are of medium height - 20-35 cm in height. The flowers are bright, large, single, goblet-shaped with a wide base, a slight bend along the midline and blunt-shaped petals bent outward. The color is red, orange, sometimes two-tone. They bloom for a long time from late April - early May. The flowers do not fade for a long time. The leaves are very decorative, the greenery of which contains dark strokes and specks. Look good along paths and on alpine slides.

15th grade

Wild species of tulips, their varieties and hybrids (Tulipa Botanical)

This class includes wild tulip species found in nature. Among them: t. beautiful, t. Osher, t. Batalin, t. Delacluse, t. two-color, t. Turkestan, t. superior, t. late.

All of them are dwarf and low-growing, blooming early. The flowers are small, their colors are very diverse. The disadvantage of plants of this group is their very slow reproduction, but their advantage is that there is no need for annual digging of bulbs.

To your collection

Banja Luka

Belongs to the Darwin hybrids class and is considered one of the successful varieties. Plant height 47-55 cm. Oval-shaped flower, glass height up to 10 cm. On a golden yellow background bright red strokes. Blooms in late April - early May. The variety is easy to propagate. Looks impressive in flower beds, good for cutting and ideal for forcing.


Belongs to the class Fringed tulips. Plant height is 50-60 cm. The flower is goblet-shaped, rich garnet-red in color, with thick fringe. The height of the glass is up to 8 cm. It blooms in mid-May. The variety reproduces well. Used for group plantings, produces excellent quality cuttings, and is perfect for forcing.

Giuseppe Verdi

Belongs to the class of Kaufman tulips. The plant is 15-25 cm high. The flower is cup-shaped, carmine pink on the outside, yellow on the edges of the petals, golden yellow on the inside. The height of the glass is 6 cm. There are streaks and spots on the leaves. Blooms at the end of April. The flowers have a light aroma. The variety reproduces moderately. Suitable for alpine slides, group plantings under trees.

Burgundy Lace

Belongs to the class Fringed tulips. Plant height is 50-70 cm. The flower is goblet-shaped, rich pink in color with soft pink fringe along the edges. The height of the glass is 7-8 cm. It blooms for quite a long time at the end of May. Easily propagated. The variety is unpretentious and grows well both in a sunny place and under the canopy of trees. An excellent choice for a spring bouquet.


Belongs to the group Terry late tulips. Plant height is 35-50 cm. The flower is peony-shaped, three-four row, very dense, has a rich aroma. The height of the glass is 6-7 cm, diameter is 10-12 cm. The color is soft cream. It blooms in May for quite a long time - up to 14 days. It reproduces well. Effective in a flowerbed and in a bouquet.

West Point

Belongs to the Lily-colored tulips group. Plant height 40-60 cm. Flower with a light aroma, rich yellow color. During the day it opens up and takes on a star-shaped shape, and in the evening it folds into a pointed “glass”. The height of the glass is up to 9 cm. It blooms in mid-late May for quite a long time - 10-18 days. Reproduces averagely. Used for landscaping and cutting.