English language story about a historical event. Outstanding events in British history; Outstanding events in the history of Great Britain - Topic in English. Past events in English

The first voyages along the coast of modern South and Central America were made by Amerigo Vespucci. That is why, in the 16th century German cartographer named this fourth part of the world after the explorer. At the beginning of the 17th century European colonies were founded on the territory of the modern USA.
In 1620 first colonists landed at Plymouth Rock. They came from England on board the "Mayflower". Most of them were Puritans or former Anglicans who were called pilgrims. Their hopes were connected with the promises of the Bible about the land "of honey and milk", and America was thought to be this land. Later on Dutch, Spanish and Swedish colonies appeared.
People who came to America were mostly farmers, who wanted to exploit new lands. The development of trade, industry and agriculture in the colonies is constantly conflicted with the economic policy of Britain. After constant pressure on the colonies on July 4, 1776, the Second Congress declared the Colonies to be independent of Great Britain.
The new state was called the United States of America and July 4 became its national holiday. The Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. the Battle at Saratoga in 1777 when the Americans forced a large British army to capitulate, was a turning point in the long War for Independence. In this war the Americans were supported by France.
In 1783 Britain finally recognized American independence. At the beginning of 1861 the Southern states left the Union and founded the Confederation. That was the beginning of the war between the South and the North. The results of the war were the abolishing of slavery and establishment of "Indivisible union of indivisible states" The states lost their right to leave the union.
The 1930s were the years of Great Depression in the USA. Franklin Roosevelt set up government organizations called agencies. They found work for people, gave money to help the unemployed and homeless and helped the nation to recover from the Depression.

Notable Events in American History

The first voyages along the coast of modern South and Central America were carried out by Amerigo Vespucci. That is why in the 16th century a German cartographer named this quarter of the earth after the explorer. At the beginning of the 17th century, in the territory modern USA European colonies were founded.
In 1620, the first colonists landed at Plymouth Rock. They arrived from England aboard the Mayflower. Most of them were Puritans or Anglicans, also called Pilgrims. Their hopes were tied to the Bible's promise of a land of "honey and milk," and America was considered just such a land. Later, Danish, Spanish and Swedish colonies appeared.
The people who came to America were mostly farmers who wanted to exploit the new land. Development of trade, industry and Agriculture contradicted in the colonies economic policy Great Britain. After constant pressure on the colonies, on July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress declared that the united colonies were independent of Great Britain.
The new state was named the United States of America, and July 4 became a national holiday. Congress passed the Declaration of Independence. The Battle of Saratoga in 1777, when the Americans forced the surrender of a large British army, was a turning point in the long Revolutionary War. In this war, the Americans were supported by France.
In 1783, Britain finally recognized American independence. In early 1861, the Southern states seceded from the Union and established the Confederacy. This was the beginning of the war between the South and the North. As a result of the war, slavery was abolished and the "Indivisible Union of Indivisible States" was founded. States lost their right to secede from the union.
The 1930s were the years of the Great Depression in the United States. Franklin Roosevelt established state organizations, named by agencies. They found people jobs, gave money to the unemployed and homeless, and helped the nation survive the Depression.

15 Sep

English Topic: Outstanding Events in British History

Topic in English: Outstanding events in the history of Great Britain. This text can be used as a presentation, project, story, essay, essay or message on a topic.


There have been many outstanding events in British history. Thousands of years ago, Great Britain was connected to Europe and covered with ice. The country became an island 8,000 years ago. The first people came to Britain two and a half million years ago. They were hunters and foragers who used simple stone tools and tools.

Part of the Roman Empire

In 43, the Romans invaded Britain and it became part of the Roman Empire, which undoubtedly left its mark on Britain and, even today, ruins of Roman buildings, fortresses and roads can be seen here and there.


Later there were invasions by the Ango-Saxons and Vikings, but the most important was the Norman Conquest, which began in 1066. The Normans greatly influenced British civilization. They built many castles and introduced a feudal system.


The Black Death, or Bubonic plague, which struck England in 1348 and lasted until 1349, killed almost half the country's population.

An association

The Acts of Union of 1536, 1707 and 1800 united England with Wales, Scotland and Ireland. In 1606 the national flag of the United Kingdom was adopted as the national flag of Britain.


Other notable events include the Great Plague of London (1664-1665), when people fell ill one after another and died in one day. They tried to escape from the city, but the special guard did not let them out. Almost 100,000 people died in the city. This tragedy was followed by the Great Fire of London in 1666. It destroyed two-thirds of the city: 13,200 houses, 430 streets and 89 churches.

Important events of the 20th century

The most important events that occurred in the 20th century were the First and Second World Wars, the beginning of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II in 1952 and the entry into the European Union in 1973.

Download Topic in English: Outstanding events in the history of Great Britain

Outstanding events in the history of Great Britain


There were lots of outstanding events in the history of Great Britain. Thousands of years ago, Great Britain was joined to Europe and was covered with ice. The country became an island about 8000 years ago. The first men and women came to Britain over two and a half million years ago. They were hunters and gatherers of food who used simple stone tools and weapons.

Part of the Roman Empire

In 43 A.D. the Romans invaded Britain and it became part of the Roman Empire, which made its mark on Britain, and even today, the ruins of Roman buildings, forts and roads can be found all over Britain.


Later, there were invasions of the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings, but the most important was the Norman Conquest, which began in 1066. The Normans influenced the British civilization greatly. They built lots of castles and imposed a feudal system.


The Black Death or bubonic plague, which arrived in England in 1348 and continued till 1349, killed nearly half of the population.

Acts of Union

Acts of Union of 1536, 1707 and 1800 joined England with Wales, Scotland and Ireland respectively. In 1606 the Union flag was adopted as the National Flag of Britain.


Among some other outstanding events we should mention the Great Plague in London (1664-1665), when people fell ill one after another and died in one day. They began to run out of the city but the special guard didn’t let them go. Nearly 100,000 people died in the city. The tragedy was followed by the Great Fire, which broke out in London in 1666. It destroyed two thirds of the City: 13,200 houses, 430 streets and 89 churches.

Most important events

The most important events that took place in the 20th century were the Fist and the Second World Wars, the beginning of Queen Elizabeth’s II reign in 1952 and joining the European Community in 1973.

From the History of Russia

The history of Russia begins from the year 862. The first Russian state had the towns of Kiev, Novgorod, Vladimir. In the X century one of the Russian princes, Svyatoslav, began the process of assimilation of Russian lands. His son, Vladimir, introduced Christianity as the state religion. It happened in 988.
With the development of feudalism the country became separated into several parts. And Tatar-Mongols easily conquered the country. It happened in 1240. The occupation lasted for three hundred years.
The first tzar of Russia was Ivan the Fourth, or Ivan the Terrible. He was a talented military-man and a tyrant After his death there had been the Time of Troubles in 1598-1613. It ended with the election of Mikhail Romanov as a tzar.
Peter the Great, one of the tzars from the Romanov dynasty, introduced the European culture in Russia. He reformed Russian education and Russian army. He organized the Academy of Sciences and a lot of other institutions. He enlarged the borders of the Russian state. In 1721 he assumed the title of the Emperor. Since that time Russia was called the Russian Empire.
Many of his reforms were continued by the Empresses Elizabeth and Katherine. By the end of the XVIII century Russia had become a European state.
In the XIX century Russia had a great victory over the Napoleonic Army in 1812. And it had become one of the leading countries in Europe.
Tzar Alexander the II ended the institute of serfdom in 1861. And the country began developing the capitalist relations. Russia took part in many wars - the Napoleonic Wars, the Crimean War, the Balkan Wars and many others. The prestige of the Russian state grew.
But the World War I was a terrible event for the nation. Our country lost more than a million men at the war.
In February 1917 the Romanov dynasty was overthrown. And in October the Great October Revolution took place.
Russia withdrew out of the World War I, fought its enemies in the Civil War and at the last the Soviet Union was formed.
In the 1930s the country underwent rapid industrialization and collectivization. A lot of factories and plants were built. The authority of our country in the world was hard to overestimate. The Soviet Union played the main part in the defeat of the fascist Germany. In the years 1960-1980 the influence of the Soviet Union was worldwide.
In the year 1985 Gorbachev started the restructuring process.
In the year 1991 the Soviet Union stopped its existence.

From the history of Russia

The history of Russia begins in 862. The first Russian state included the cities of Kyiv, Novgorod, and Vladimir. In the 10th century one of the Russian princes, Svyatoslav, began the process of unifying the Russian lands. His son Vladimir made Christianity the state religion of the country. This happened in 988. With the development of feudalism, the country was divided into several parts. This made her an easy prey for the Tatar-Mongols. They conquered Russia in 1240. The yoke lasted three hundred years.
The first tsar in the history of Russia was Ivan the Fourth, or Ivan the Terrible. He was a talented commander, but also a tyrant. After his death, the Time of Troubles began in the period from 1588 to 1613. It ended with the election of Mikhail Romanov as tsar.
Peter I, one of the kings of the Romanov dynasty, introduced Russia to European culture. He reformed education and carried out reforms in the army. He organized the Academy of Sciences and other institutions. He expanded the borders of the Russian state.
In 1721 he took the title of emperor. From that time on, the Russian state began to be called the Russian Empire.
Many of his reforms were continued by Empresses Elizabeth and Catherine the Great.
By the end of the 18th century. Russia became a full-fledged European power.
In the 19th century Russia won the war against Napoleon's army. It became one of the leading European powers.
Tsar Alexander II abolished serfdom in 1861. The country began to develop capitalist relations. Russia at this time took part in many wars - the wars with Napoleon Bonaparte, Crimean War, Balkan wars. The prestige of our country grew.
Joining the First world war was one of the difficult events for the population of the country. Russia lost more than a million people in that war.
In February 1917, the Romanov dynasty was overthrown. And in October the Great October Revolution took place.
Russia ended its involvement in World War I, experienced a civil war, and finally the Soviet Union was formed.
In 1930 The country went through a period of rapid industrialization and collectivization.
Many factories and factories were built. The authority of our country in the world was difficult to overestimate. The Soviet Union played important role in the victory over Nazi Germany. In the 1960-1980s. The influence of the Soviet Union was worldwide.
In 1985, Gorbachev began the process of perestroika. And in 1991, the Soviet Union ceased to exist.


1. When did the history of Russia start?
2. Who gathered Russian lands in the X century?
3. Who made Christianity the state religion of Russia?
4. Who conquered Russia in 1240?
5. How long did the occupation last?
6. Who was the first tzar in the history of the country?
7. What was Ivan IV famous for?
8. Who was elected as a tzar in 1613?
9. What reforms did Peter the Great conduct?
10. Who continued them?
11. When did Russia become the leading European country?
12. In what wars did Russia take part in the XIX century?
13. Who stopped the institute of serfdom in 1861?
14. Why was the World War I a terrible event for the nation?
15. What event stopped the participation of Russia in the war?
16. What processes happened in the Soviet Union in the 1930s?
17. Did the country play the main role in the Second World War?
18. How did the influence of the Soviet Union spread in the years 1960-1980?
19. What process began in 1985?
20. When did the Soviet Union stop its existence?


state religion
separated into several parts
Time of Troubles
enlarged the borders
assumed the tide took the title
the leading countries the leading countries
institute of serfdom serfdom
was overthrown
underwent rapid industrialization
was hard to overestimate
the restructuring process

Topic: The History of Great Britain's Wars

Topic: History of British Wars

Though the involvement in wars is not the best characteristic of the country, it shows its greatness and strength to the others. The UK has a long history of wars having been involved in numerous conflicts on all but one continents of the world. It is difficult to imagine, but Great Britain was in the state of war with more than one hundred countries. The greatest rivals of the Kingdom were France, the USA and others. Nowadays and for many decades its military forces have been and still are the ones of the best prepared armies in the world. And despite the fact that the military history of the UK started only in the many dramatic wars had happened on the territory of the modern country before that.

Although participating in wars is not the best characteristic of a country, it shows its greatness and strength to others. UK has long history wars, participating in numerous conflicts on every continent in the world except one. It's hard to imagine, but Great Britain was at war with more than a hundred countries. The Kingdom's greatest rivals were France, the United States and others. Today and for many decades, its armed forces have been and remain one of the best trained armies in the world. And despite the fact that military history Great Britain began only in the 18th century after the unification of all its parts, many dramatic wars took place in the territory modern country before.

The Hundred Years" War was the longest millitary conflict of the country and lasted 116 years. It was the war against France and usually historians divide it into four distinct periods. The Kingdom of England fought for the control over the territory of the Kingdom of France .First it was a dynastic conflict, but later it turned out to be a real war, which resulted in the appearance of the first standing armies in Europe. England did not manage to return its continental possessions, and it was the leading factor for the beginning of the civil wars there.

The Hundred Years' War was the country's longest military conflict, lasting 116 years. It was a war against France, and historians generally divide it into four different periods. The Kingdom of England fought for the territory of the Kingdom of France. At first it was a dynastic conflict, but later it turned out to be a real war, which led to the first standing armies in Europe. England failed to regain its continental possessions, and this became the main factor for the outbreak of civil war there.

The civil wars in England are known as the Wars of Roses. the throne between the supporters of the rival branches and one more reason for their beginning. Henry Tudor defeated the last king of the House of York, and his dynasty ruled the country until 1603.

The English Civil Wars are known as the Wars of the Roses. These were wars for the throne between supporters of rival branches and another reason for their outbreak was social and financial problems. Henry Tudor defeated the last king of the House of York, gained victory and his dynasty ruled the country until 1603.

Another Civil War dates back to 1641, when a series of conflicts took place between Parliamentarians and Royalists, who were not satisfied with the policy of the government. There were three wars, and the Battle of Worcester was the final one giving the victory to the supporters of the parliament. The monarchy was replaced by the Commonwealth of England and later the Protectorate.

The next Civil War dates back to 1641, when a series of conflicts occurred between Parliamentarians and Royalists who were unhappy with government policies. Three wars took place there, and the battle of Worcester was the last and gave victory to the supporters of Parliament. The monarchy was replaced by the Commonwealth of England and later the Protectorate.

The series of wars between the English and the Dutch taking place in the 17-18th centuries are known as the Anglo-Dutch Wars. aimed at gaining control over the trade routes and the seas. There were four wars between them and numerous causes for starting them. of the English towards the Dutch, several more reasons appeared as both of the countries to grab the newly-gained possessions of Spain and Portugal. The Dutch also supported the American rebels and this could not but made England angry. So there were numerous battles both in the sea and on the land. The Dutch colonies were given back and both countries started to develop their fleets and armies. Later, Britain took control over the Dutch colonies, but it was only after the Napoleonic Wars.

A series of wars between the English and Dutch during the 17th and 18th centuries are known as the Anglo-Dutch Wars. Both countries wanted to gain control of trade routes and seas. Four wars took place between them and there are numerous reasons for their outbreak. In addition to the warlike mood of the British towards the Dutch, several other reasons appeared, since both countries wanted to seize the newly acquired possessions of Spain and Portugal. The Dutch also supported the American rebels, and this could not help but anger the British. This is how numerous battles appeared, both at sea. so on land. The Dutch colonies were returned and both countries began to develop their navies and armies. Later, Britain took control of the Dutch colonies, but this did not happen until after the Napoleonic Wars.

Several more wars before the invasion of Napoleon had taken place in Great Britain including the War of the Austrian Succession, King George’s War, the Seven Years’ War and others. All of them were partially connected with the North American colonies and as the result of the last one Britain gained control over the majority of the American colonies.

Several wars took place in Britain before Napoleon's invasion, including the War of the Austrian Succession, King George's War, the Seven Years' War and others. All of them were partially connected with the North American colonies and, as a result of the latter, Britain gained control over most of the American colonies.

Great Britain was a part of the coalition in the wars against France and despite those those who sued for peace, continued to fight against Napoleonic France in the Anglo-French War and the War of the Seventh Coalition.

Britain was part of the coalition in the wars against France and, despite those suing for peace, continued to fight against Napoleonic France in the Anglo-French War and the War of the Seventh Coalition.

The Second war of Great Britain and the USA was in 1812-1815. It was declared by the Americans, but their military forces were unprepared for the war with the most powerful empire in the world. So the union with the Canadian forces beat back the invasion of the US army.

The second war between Great Britain and the USA was in 1812-1815. The Americans declared it, but their armed forces were unprepared for war with the most powerful empire in the world. Therefore, an alliance with Canadian forces repelled the US Army invasion.

Gradually the British Empire took interest in the Asian and African countries in order to expand the territory of its colonies. As a result such wars as the Anglo-Afghan, the Opium (against the Chinese), the Boer, Somali ones took place.

Gradually the British Empire became interested in Asian and African countries in order to expand the territory of their colonies. As a result, wars such as the Anglo-Afghan, Opium (against the Chinese), Boer Wars, and Somalia occurred.

Great Britain took part in both World Wars, but one of the most contradictory conflicts, the results of which even now influence the population of the country,

Good day, dear friends! Of course, we also have unpleasant memories, but still there were much more pleasant events in the past. We are proud of our past, the past of our parents, grandparents, and even the history of our city or country. Therefore, today during the lesson you will learn to understand stories in English about pleasant events that happened mainly in the past, that is, remember something good in the past tense. Pleasant events and historical facts in the past in English

In addition, today you will learn to express your opinion and attitude to any historical fact, give a complete and incomplete answer, provide additional information if the interlocutor wants to learn more about any event in the past. But first, as always, let’s read a short situational dialogue. Today Martin Lerner decided to find out the past of one of the American cities. To do this, the journalist went to a nursing home and interviewed local old-timers:

Martin: What was the town famous for? — What was the city famous for?
Alice:Oh, I don’t think it was famous, was it? “Oh, I don't think this place was famous, was it?”
Hershel:They used to make musical instruments here. What were they? — Musical instruments were usually made here. What exactly?
Gerda:Violins mostly. Things like that. — Violins, mainly. Similar things (tools)
Hershel: Guitars? — Guitars?
Gerda:No. With bows. Instruments you play with bows. Like violins. Do you understand? - No. With bows. Instruments played with a bow. Like violins. You understand?
Hershel: Of course. - Certainly.

Read a reporter's conversation with a group of people from a nursing home about their city's past several times, and then listen to how Americans say these lines. Following A. Filippova, learn other useful vocabulary in English, listen to the dialogue voiced by Voice of America radio professionals to the end, as well as other useful vocabulary in the past tense in English: /wp-content/uploads/2014/11 /russian_english_087.mp3

To learn how to listen to American speech, listen to the audio recording of the lesson several times, and to learn correct American articulation English sounds, repeat all the words and sounds, trying to copy the pronunciation of the original as closely as possible. Put the newly acquired skills into practice. This is the only way you can master conversation course“That’s what they say in America” and learn to freely communicate with Americans about the past on any topic.

Past events in English

Audio information helps to develop speaking skills, train the perception of foreign speech and pronunciation. While visualized information in the form of text contributes to faster and more durable memorization of new material. Therefore, carefully study the new vocabulary and repeat the words and phrases that you learned in previous classes. Be sure to review the grammar reference to learn how to give long or short answers about events or historical facts in the past.

Events in the past
What was the city famous for? What was the town famous for?
Made musical instruments to make musical instruments
bowbow (musical)
bowl, cup, basin bowl
glassglass (material)
cupglass (for drinking)
instrument, musical instrument instrument
school in one room one room school
pharmacist, pharmacist pharmacist
cold/colder/coldest cold/colder/coldest
famous, famous famous
anyway, one way or another anyway
a lot ofa lot
argueto argue
destroyto destroy
doto make

Grammar help:

When answering questions about the past, we usually report some fact, express our opinion, and give some information. The answers are very often complete. Very often, the first interlocutor seems to suggest a topic for addition to the second, and he, in turn, gives additional information. For example.