Card file "board-printed games" for senior preschool age. Board and didactic educational games for preschool children Board games for older preschool children

“Monopoly”, “Jenga”, “Set”, “Super Farm”, “Twister”... Today it is not difficult to find board games, active and logical, for reaction and attentiveness, development of memory and spatial thinking. Especially for experienced parents. But, unfortunately, many parents of children cannot always choose a game. They will unite your family and brighten up the evenings with laughter, fun and the spirit of friendly competition. And you can read a review of games for older children.

Memory Game

Age: from 1 year

Memory games are very common and come in different variations: with large and small cards, round and square chips, color and black and white. We chose the game from the Tiger store, as it is very convenient for travel. The box of chips is small, the chips are round and comfortable for a child's hand, and the beautiful design can be studied for a long time.

Assemble and disassemble

Age: from 2 years

Number of participants: 2-4 players

The box will say that the game is intended for children over 8 years old. Don't believe it! Two-year-old kids enjoy playing the game, especially when they see the bright details. The goal of the game is to build what is shown on the task cards. Ideally, you should play for a while, but with kids you can simply learn colors and counting, as well as develop motor skills and attention, trying to repeat the figure on the card.

Turtle races

Age: from 3 years

Number of participants: 2-5 players

The essence of this fun game is simple: using cards, players control turtles as they run to the finish line along a path of 10 bricks. Over the course of a small party (10-20 minutes), the turtles run forward and backward, can drag those who climbed on top of them, or ride on others. In addition, the game is designed very colorfully.

Cat in a poke

Age: from 2-3 years

Number of players: 2-5 players

This fun game will help kids develop all types of memory, fine motor skills and spatial thinking. Initially, all the figures are examined, spoken out and put into a bag. The kids are given a card and asked to take the figures out of the bag. Children learn to recognize in their pictures those figures of objects that were taken out of the bag. Then the game becomes more complicated - children must touch the figures that they have on the cards.

It's logical

Age: from 4 years

The game, which helps develop logic and perseverance, is suitable for puzzle lovers aged 4-5 years. There are as many as 84 tasks in the game - there is room to expand. All tasks are of different difficulty levels. The player's task is to place animal and human figures in the houses. To do this, each card has its own conditions for solving this problem.

Before starting the game, place as many houses in a row in front of the child as indicated on the card. After that, study the conditions indicated on it and begin arranging the figures. When finished, check whether the child completed the task correctly. You will find the solution to the puzzle on the back.

Children of Carcassonne

Age: from 4 years

Number of participants: from 2 to 4 players

The game "Children of Carcassonne" is loved by many children and adults around the world. The game teaches children how to properly manage the parts of the map they are given, develops their imagination and causes a storm of delight. The game is very simple and exciting. As a rule, the games are played quickly, and children ask to play again and again.

Make up a portrait

Age: from 3 years

Number of participants: from 1 player

The instructions say that the game is intended for children aged 3 years and older, but it seems to us that children as young as one year old can safely play with the details, studying the structure of a person’s face. Moreover, 49 parts are made of natural birch wood and painted with non-toxic paints. And as the child gets older, with the help of his mother, he will be able to create real portraits of his family. The game will help your child understand the sea of ​​emotions, moods and characters.

Flying gnomes

Age: from 4 years

Once again, the game has an age rating of 4 years, but children as young as two years old can play. The rules are quite simple: each player has his own gnome, who must fly to his house. Your own house is the one that matches the color of the owner. For each hit on the target, the player receives 10 points, for hitting someone else's house - 10 points. You can play up to 100 points. Why would this be of interest to children under 4 years old? Yes, because it's fun to send gnomes flying. In addition, the game teaches colors, counting and coordination, develops attentiveness and fine motor skills.


Age: from 4 years

Number of participants: 2-4 players

In this game, each player, without peeking, pulls 3 shoes out of the bag. They cannot be shown. Then all players extend their arms above the table so that their fists with their shoes clenched in them touch the fists of other players. All children and adults shout in unison: “Shoo-bee-doo,” unclenching their fists, and throw their shoes into the center of the table. The task is to quickly, quickly find pairs of shoes in the resulting pile.


Age: from 3 years

Number of participants: 2-4 players

A board game instead of a book before bed? Easily! The Dodo game is a game in which a child, together with an adult, puts the baby (girl or boy) to sleep. In order for a toy baby to fall asleep, you need to complete tasks: find a “pillow”, “favorite toy”... But your child may also get hold of forfeit cards, which will be played by an adult. And there, among other things, the mother will have to hoot like an owl and kiss her baby. After completing all tasks main character falls asleep. You can wish him and your child “good night.”


Age: from 3 years

Number of participants: 2-4 players

The task is to find a card with an image of a particular animal whose voice sounded from the sound device. And although the age indicated on the game is 3+, you can listen to the sounds and look at the cards together with a child from 1 year old.


Age: from 3 years

Number of participants: up to 10 players

A very simple game of knowing what you can eat and what you can't. 10 people can take part in this game at the same time. And although the age is again from 3 years, the game can captivate even a two-year-old child, especially since the parts are made of high-quality wood.

Lotto 4 seasons from Djeco

Age: from 2 years

Number of participants: 1 or more

The Djeco company offers kids a colorful and simple game “Loto 4 Seasons”. The meaning of the game: there are picture cards that need to find a place on the playing fields. The set includes 4 playing fields - according to the number of seasons. The cards are distributed equally between the players, who begin to take turns looking for round cards with the same designs as theirs.


Age: from 6 years

Number of participants: 2-4 players

In one magical land, all the animals are mixed up. Just yesterday these were elephants, rhinoceroses and sheep, but today they are completely unimaginable animals that cannot understand who they are. The task of the "Zoomagic" players is to assemble animals from three parts: the head, the torso and the back.

small path

Age: from 2 years

Number of participants: 2-4 players

This is a classic walking board game that will hold a child's attention for a long time. The player's task is to help the small animals reach the finish line first. The one whose hero comes first receives a prize chip. The game helps develop strategic thinking, perseverance, and at the same time repeat colors.

Review prepared by Anna Kopach

Dear readers, what board games do your family like?

*Reprinting of site materials is possible only with the written permission of the editor.

Today there is a wide variety of children's educational board games. You can always choose the most suitable option for your child, depending on the age, needs and capabilities of the baby.

Unfortunately, many parents do not understand why board games are needed. Why waste time playing with children when the house already has a computer and a TV.

Main advantages board games is that they do not require the equipment of special playgrounds (just a table is enough), nor the presence of complex equipment (most games are already equipped with all the necessary items - boards, cards, chips, game cubes, etc.).

Using board games for children

  • for joint family leisure and to unite family members
  • when organizing children's parties to create a fun, competitive atmosphere
  • on the road, when you need something to do for a bored child
  • during a hospital stay, when the player's active movements must be limited
  • in preschool and school children's institutions as didactic material

The beauty of board games is that they can be played in any weather and at any time of the day, either alone or with a large group.

  1. In addition to their entertainment function, almost all board games are beneficial, as are educational toys, contributing to the development of a child’s personal qualities and abilities. Combining play and learning, board games can be an excellent educational tool for preschool and school-age children.
  2. Even the simplest board games have beneficial influence on the child, developing visual memory, attention, intelligence, logic, imagination and imaginative thinking.
  3. As a rule, board games involve the participation of several players. By interacting with each other during the game and obeying its rules, children learn to communicate correctly with each other, patiently wait for their turn to make a move, empathize with their opponents and experience both victory and defeat with dignity.
  4. Board games contribute to the correct formation of children's personal qualities.

Useful features of board games

  • Some games, in a colorful and interesting form, teach children to recognize and remember various objects and phenomena, contribute to the development of attention and the expansion of vocabulary.
  • Others serve as a kind of preparation of the child for life, offering him various problems during the game, in solving which he learns to try on new roles and thereby develops his skills and gains life experience.
  • Still others develop physical abilities, improving reaction speed, dexterity, eye and coordination of movements.

Remember with what joy you played in childhood sea ​​battle, checkers, chess, forfeits, monopoly and table football. Games will give children joyful impressions, pleasure and, of course, benefits.

As you grow up, your child will look back with pleasure on the fun times the whole family had. Who knows, perhaps such family gatherings over the next exciting game will become a good tradition that will pass on to subsequent generations.

Prepared by Maryana Chornovil

Matryona Zhirkova
Board educational educational games for children preschool age

The game is a creative laboratory, in

which processes experiences

child impressions.

L. S. Vygotsky

preschool children. With its help, children actively are developing, their worldviews and worldviews are improved. There is a universal way not only to show interest, but also personality development in general. This is creativity children in everything.

IN preschool age the child gains knowledge and skills to develop his personality during games. Playing is his main activity. How to build educational work? How to identify during games individual characteristics child? How to teach relationships children with adults and children with children? How to organize the game? In many kindergartens, organizing play activities causes significant difficulties. And what's the point games with rules. Games for children are versatile in nature and form the most important personality qualities.

The relevance of my problem is that the game is "Magic wand", with the help of which you can teach a child to distinguish colors, count, and most importantly - think, reason, invent and prove.

When playing with children, we not only we develop, but we also teach how to communicate. Children are especially drawn to people they love. For them, happiness is when adults pay attention to them and play with them. Therefore, when playing with children, we perform several tasks at once; i.e. we develop, we teach how to communicate, and just do children are happier.

Thus, we came to the conclusion that we need to develop tabletop - didactic, educational games for children of different ages.

Development tabletop - didactic, educational game built on the principle "from simple to complex". Kindergarten teachers can

use them during class, in free time and in individual training children.

Object of study: the process of formation of play activity in preschool children.

Subject of study: pedagogical conditions for the formation of gaming activity in preschool children.

Goal of the work: Reveal the effectiveness of use tabletop - didactic, educational games for preschool children.

Novelty: consists in the fact that the teacher has developed games herself. Such games undoubtedly interested children always.

Job Objectives:

1. formation children general idea of ​​the game.

2Study pedagogical and methodological literature on the problem.

3. Identify features in gaming activities.

4. Select and systematize desktop - didactic, educational games.

Hypothesis: If we ensure the relationship between gaming activities and other activities of the pedagogical process; implement a personality-oriented model of interaction between an adult and children to make toys, create conditions for development creative activity children through play activities, it is possible to ensure comprehensive child's personality development, expand his worldview, horizons, and cultivate a highly moral personality.

Working methods: selection of literature and video, audio materials. Conversations, consultations, competitions for parents. Purchasing and collecting scrap materials. Manufacturing desktop - didactic, educational games, playing out, competition between groups. Participation in ulus, regional, republican competitions.

In the theoretical part of the work, I studied the work of domestic teachers N.K. Krupskaya, E.I. Tikheyeva, and also studied the work experience of other educators and circle leaders.

Play is of great importance in education preschool children. With its help, children actively are developing, their worldview and worldview are improved. There is a universal way not only to show interest, but also personality development in general. This is creativity children in everything. Preschooler cannot relate to the world objectively, he looks for his own interests in everything, forms of his personal participation or involvement in current events. It is creativity that allows a child to settle in and fill the world around him with his desires.

Practical significance of the work is: use of original games by educators preschool institutions and parents in the family.

Due to financial difficulties, it is often necessary to desktop– the didactic game can be difficult. And then waste, improvised materials come to the rescue. Before work, we first study, plan, and imagine what it will actually look like. Then we make sketches and drafts, select the appropriate material, and consult. I have conversations with parents and teachers to find out who has what. In our work we use various waste material: juice caps, plastic juice bottles, wires, beads, cardboard, wooden blocks and others.

For example: Together with the children of our group we made flowers. The base of the flower is the bottom of a bottle of carbonated drink; they also used wires, where the children themselves strung beads, after which it became a flower petal.

Thus, as a result of the work done, children work skills were improved and acquired.

Studying and researching the problem board - didactic and educational games for preschool children, we found out that this is one of the most important tasks development of fine motor skills of hands, development of the speech apparatus, attention, memory, imagination, logical thinking.

Publications on the topic:

Didactic games and exercises for the development of speech in preschool children « Didactic games and exercises for the development of speech in preschool children" Lotto "Name of the characteristic" Game action: Compiling a story.

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Didactic games for older preschool children Introduction The mental education of a child, as A. N. Leontiev rightly emphasized, cannot be considered in isolation from mental development.

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Board games for speech development for preschoolers: modern, exciting printed board games and cards for activities with children in kindergarten, children's center and in the family.

Board games for speech development for preschoolers

Board games are always loved by children, interesting to them, and useful. There are many board speech games - various “walkers”, and dominoes, and lotto, and various audio tracks, cubes with conventional icons. These are games for the development of vocabulary, coherent speech, phonemic perception, grammatical structure of a child’s speech, imagination and thinking, attention and perception.

Modern tabletop speech games for children are very different from their predecessors and have an entertaining form of presenting material, interactivity, versatility, quality of printing and cardboard. They combine clearly thought-out game content, a convenient card format, and print quality. The cards are made from special durable paper that can withstand the pressure of curious children's hands and is resistant to abrasion. The cards are dense and at the same time light, do not tear, do not get dirty, they are comfortable to hold in your hands, they have a child-safe shape without sharp corners.

In this article I want to introduce you to new products - modern board speech games for preschoolers, developed by specialist teachers and published by Mersibo.

Section 1. Board games for the development of phonemic awareness of a preschool child

Speech game 1. Star from the sky

Children's age:“Star from the Sky” is a fun game to develop speech for children aged 4 years and older.

Why this game is useful: The game develops children's phonemic awareness, teaches them to distinguish between sounds s and z, helps automate the correct pronunciation of these sounds in words, teaches them to compose sentences with given words, develops memory, and teaches them to describe pictures.

Where can you use this game: The game can be used in developmental classes with children at home, in a children's center, with teachers in a kindergarten, as well as in classes of a speech pathologist.

How many children can play the game: from one to four children at a time.

The game set includes: laces (4 laces and 4 fasteners) and cards with stars (32 pictures - stars with words with the sounds S and Z, made of very thick high-quality cardboard).

How to play the game: three variants of the board game “Star from the Sky”

Option 1.

  • Players determine which of them will catch stars with the sound s, and who will catch stars with the sound z.
  • Next, one by one, players take a star, turn it over and name the picture. If the picture is named correctly, then the player strings it on his string. He caught a star from the sky!
  • The game ends when the children have all the stars.

Option 2.

  • The presenter takes the star and does not show the children his picture. He describes what is drawn in his picture. Children guess. If the child guesses right, he takes this star for himself and strings it on his cord.
  • Whoever collected the most stars (or whose team guessed more - collected the stars) won the game today.

Option 3.

  • Children make up a sentence with the word shown in the picture of the star. If the child's proposal is accepted by the players, then he strings the star on a cord. If it is not accepted, then he comes up with another proposal or clarifies the first one.
  • At the end of the game, players look at each other's stars and remember who named what sentence.

Speech game 2. Ram or roach

In this game we will go fishing with the children and catch fish. But our fish will be unusual. On the back of the fish cards there are pictures of words with the sounds R or L.

The game set includes: 32 fish with pictures for the sound R or sound L, 4 laces and 4 clamps.

How many players can play the game at the same time: from 1 to 4 children.

This game is built on the same principle as the game “Star from the Sky”, but is aimed at consolidating the correct pronunciation of the sounds R and L in words and phrases. It develops the child’s memory, attention, phonemic hearing, and the ability to compose sentences.

Game options the same as in the previous board game for children:

Option 1. Children catch fish with their strings. Someone catches “ram” and other pictures - fish with the sound R, and names what is drawn on the fish he caught. And someone catches “roach” and other pictures with the sound L. The game ends when all the fish are caught. Which fisherman had luck fishing today? 🙂

Option 2. The game leader (at first an adult) catches a fish, but does not show the picture to the children. He describes it, and the children guess what kind of picture the fish brought him. Whoever guessed right takes this fish and strings it on his own string. The fisherman who has the most “catch” in this board game wins.

Option 3. Players make sentences with words. And at the end of the game they remember who came up with what proposal.

Section 2. Cards on articulation gymnastics for preschool children

Set “Articulation gymnastics in pictures and rhymes” for classes with children

The conveniently sized set (fits in the palm of an adult) includes 27 high-quality cards.

How the cards are printed:

  • On one side of the card there is a picture for the child (pancake, cook, etc.).

  • On the other side of each card is the name of the exercise, its description and a rhyme.

The kit included 27 basic speech therapy articulation exercises: snake, shovel, swing, turkey, fence, breeze, drum, smile, hamster and others.

Cards can be used speech therapists, educators, tutors and nannies, teachers of children's centers and parents.

The cards are made on very high quality thick paper and will withstand many years of use. They do not take up much space and are convenient to store or take with you.

Section 3. Speech therapy game tasks in pictures

3. 1. Taratorki on the hill: cards with speech therapy tasks in pictures for children

The set includes 27 tasks in pictures for children to automate the correct pronunciation of the sound R. To consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound in a child’s speech, it is necessary to repeat words and phrases with this sound multiple times. With interesting tasks that force the child not to answer mechanically, but to think, compare, choose, it is much more interesting to develop speech!

This set can be used by speech therapists, kindergarten teachers, and children's center teachers. Parents can also work with him on assignments from a speech therapist.

The set includes a wide variety of speech activities for children. For example:

  • pronounce the words tenderly, loudly - quietly,
  • find an error in a sentence and correct it,
  • replace the first sound in a word like this. to make a new word,
  • repeat the tongue twister and the tongue twister,
  • name which animal has horns, what a pizza chef needs, name musical instruments,
  • say the opposite (antonyms),
  • name what is drawn and determine the place of the sound R in these words,
  • perform a movement
  • count the objects in the picture.

3.2. Squirrels - balabolki: cards with speech therapy tasks in pictures for children

This is a set of the same series, but dedicated to words with the sound L. It consists of 27 cards with different tasks with words that contain the sound L. For example:

  • name the words and determine what is superfluous here,
  • answer the question based on the picture - “Who does the husky bark at?” “Who won’t you meet in the fairy tale Kolobok?”, “Who is on the bench, and who is under the bench?”
  • pronounce a tongue twister and tongue twister,
  • name the halves
  • show movements,
  • say by example
  • find the same syllable in a chain of words and many other tasks.

Section 4. Speech therapy sets of cards for games and activities with preschoolers

These cards are intended for use by teachers to examine and develop the speech of preschool children.

4. 1. Listen, name: a set of cards in pictures for the examination and development of a child’s phonemic hearing

The kit included 27 cards for examining phonemic hearing, developing auditory attention, analyzing the sound composition of words, developing phonemic perception.

Examples of cards: mouse - bear, soup - tooth, husky - bench, pipe - booth, knife - nose, beetle - bough, fishing rod - duck and others.

4. 2. What comes first: compiling a story based on a series of plot pictures

The set for the development of coherent speech in children includes 27 pictures (9 series of pictures). The child looks at the pictures, puts them in the correct sequence and makes up a story.

The kit can be used in examining the speech of children, in individual lessons for a child with a speech therapist, in playful speech exercises with a series of pictures.

4. 3. Runs and lies: a set of pictures to activate the child’s verbal dictionary

This is a set of pictures to activate the verb dictionary. It is intended for individual lessons of a speech therapist - defectologist with a child with hearing and speech impairments of varying degrees. The set can also be used by kindergarten teachers and children's center teachers for individual lessons with children.

The set includes 27 pictures. This:

  • pairs of pictures: girl sings - bird sings, mother sits - dog sits, duck swims - man swims, boy washes himself - cat washes himself, kangaroo jumps - girl jumps, boy plays - kitten plays, boy sleeps - cat sleeps, boy runs - cheetah runs .
  • pictures with actions characteristic only of humans a: mom waters the flowers, the girl combs her hair, mom vacuums, dad writes and others.

Where are these board games and cards for children's speech development "Mersibo" sold?

You can purchase all these board games and cards on the website of the game developers - the Mersibo team.

More board speech games for preschool children

Interesting and very original and high-quality board speech games are also produced by the Rebus Center for Education and Creative Development (the head of the center is Tatyana Barchan). In the article you will find three more board games developed by Tatyana for the development of speech in preschool children: “Not just a cat’s house”, “Where is the mouse”, “Where is my tail”.

You will learn how to make board speech games for children with your own hands from the articles on the “Native Path” website:

Board-printed games

(senior preschool age)

1. "Developmental lotto" (Geometric shapes)

Target: consolidates knowledge about geometric shapes and colors, develops attention, perception, logical thinking.

2. "Rules of etiquette"


Formation of a culture of behavior and communication in children

Getting to know the rules of etiquette,

Formation of cultural behavior skills in children in a variety of life situations,

Developing children's communication skills with people around them,

Raising in children the moral qualities necessary in society,

Promote speech development: speak correctly, accurately and beautifully, enrich lexicon,

Develop attention and memory.

3. “Magnetic mosaic. Hedgehog"

Target: mosaic is a set of elements of various shapes and colors that combine with each other and allow you to create almost any image. Using the details of the game, children can create their own masterpieces on the proposed magnetic board. The set contains 5 colors, 220 elements.

Board-printed games

(senior preschool age)

7. "Numbers"

This educational and developmental game is dedicated to a very important topic - ordinal counting from 1 to 10. In an entertaining game form, kids will learn to match the number with the number of objects in the picture, and will also practice voluntary attention and fine motor skills of the fingers. The game materials can be used both to familiarize children with the topic and to test knowledge on it.

The set consists of 10 large prefabricated card blocks. Each block in turn consists of five shaped cards equipped with puzzle locks. The central card of each block shows a number and the corresponding number of inflatable balls, and the 4 corner cards show the same number of heroes or objects.

8. "The Snow Queen"

Target: Together with the heroes of the fairy tale, children will move around the playing field and find themselves in various situations of the fairy tale plot.

The game develops voluntary attention, logic, visual perception and memory. An exciting game based on the famous fairy tale "The Snow Queen".

Board-printed games

(senior preschool age)

11. "Topsy-turvy"

This game will help children match words with opposite meanings to frequently occurring ones. Everyday life concepts, phenomena and properties.
The game "Topsy-turvy" is aimed at developing logic and the ability to analyze.
It includes 5 game options of different difficulty levels.
Children will enjoy playing “Hide and Seek” and will also enjoy finding answers to riddles among the pictures. Variants of the game “Say the opposite”, “Chain” and “Quiz” will help children learn to justify their choice and expand the child’s vocabulary.
The games are intended for group and individual activities. They are conducted by the leader - during the training period an adult, and then one of the children.
The game is also aimed at developing the child’s attention, memory, visual-figurative and verbal-logical thinking. They develop the skills of analysis, comparison, classification, as well as the ability to identify significant connections between objects and phenomena.

Board-printed games

(senior preschool age)

15. “Favorite Tales”

Target: This game is to teach the child to correctly compose sentences, texts, and also retell familiar texts. Additionally, the game develops attention, observation, and trains memory. Thanks to simple rules and colorful pictures, learning becomes a fun game.

16. "Emotions"

Target: strengthening the ability to distinguish between feelings;

Strengthening facial skills;

Increasing self-confidence in children;

Develop self-regulation skills.

17. “Zoological Lotto”

Target: fix the names of animals, features appearance animals.

Develop attention, observation, speed of reaction.

18. Lotto “Plants, Animals”

Target: the game introduces you to the animal and plant world of our planet, broadens your horizons, teaches you to identify the common characteristic of objects and group them by characteristic. LOTTO allows you to simulate many different gaming situations. During the game, logical thinking, observation, attention, memory develop, and fine motor skills are improved.