Parsley: planting and care in open ground. When to plant parsley in open ground with seeds Parsley cultivation and care in open ground

Only the lazy don’t talk about how useful parsley is. These greens actually contain large amounts of vitamins (beta-carotene, vitamin C) and macroelements (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium).

In addition, parsley gives food a special pleasant flavor. We add it to salads and main dishes. We also use it to decorate cooked food.

We will tell you how to properly plant parsley in open ground later in our article.

Parsley is divided into two types - leaf and root. It is leaf parsley that is most often found in stores and markets. As you can guess from the name, they eat its leaves. But root parsley is grown for its root crop. It grows large and tasty for her. You can also eat root parsley. However, its leaves are coarser and not as tasty.

The soil.Like other plants, parsley prefers soil with a neutral acidity level.

It is important to choose especially high-quality soil for root parsley. After all, the root crop grows and develops in the soil.

Landing location. Parsley grows well in full sun. In such conditions, its leaves will be large and juicy. Although this culture is not afraid of shading either.

Parsley grows well in beds located from south to west. It is also planted on hills, for example, on the southern slope of a hill. Such areas of the site, as a rule, are well lit, and parsley will not feel the lack of sunlight.

Crop rotation. When sowing parsley, follow the rules of crop rotation. This will help avoid soil depletion and seedling disease. Parsley grows healthy and large after members of the Brassica family (kale, cauliflower, broccoli, etc.), the Solanaceae family (potatoes and tomatoes), the Cucurbitaceae family (cucumbers) and onions.

Soil preparation.So that seeds germinate easily, soil preparation is important. As a rule, it is dug up to the depth of a bayonet-shovel. This will help improve the soil structure. And the application of organic fertilizers will increase its fertility.

Prepare the soil in the fall. Before planting parsley in the spring, the applied fertilizers will have time to rot and release useful substances. It will also be enriched with moisture, settle and become more structured.

You can also apply mineral fertilizers in the fall. In the spring, feed the beds with potassium phosphorus fertilizers.

Seed preparation.Before sowing seeds, experienced gardeners advise disinfecting and germinating them. To disinfect planting material, use potassium permanganate. Dilute it with water until pale pink to obtain a 1% solution. Place parsley seeds in it for 20 minutes. Remove the seeds and rinse with clean water.

It is also recommended to soak parsley seeds before planting. There are several ways. You can soak the seeds of this crop in ordinary clean water until they swell or even germinate. In the first case, the seed shell will soften and after planting the seedlings will grow. In the second case, the growth of parsley will accelerate even more (however, after you germinate the seeds, you will have to immediately plant them in the ground, without delay). Another option is to soak parsley seeds in a root growth stimulator (epine or another drug).

On a note!

When soaking seeds, constantly change the water in which the seeds are located so that it does not bloom. Frequency: 2 or 3 hours. Do this both when soaking in water and when soaking in growth stimulants.

An alternative to germinating parsley seeds in water is to germinate in a moist environment. To do this, you can use moistened sand or gauze.

Boarding time.For seed germination, parsley, like other crops, requires high temperatures (from +20ºС to +25ºС). When the first shoots appear, the temperature is required lower (from +18ºС to +20ºС). At the same time, the plant begins to need a lot of sunlight. Parsley does not grow green mass well if the temperature drops below +12ºС. In this case, the crops are covered with a greenhouse. Excessively high temperatures also negatively affect the condition of the plant - at temperatures above +20ºС, parsley leaves wither and dry out.

In the middle zone, parsley is sowed approximately in early May. In other regions, planting dates vary depending on the weather forecast. At the same time, coordinating crops with the weather forecast will have a positive effect on parsley yields in any region.

Sowing parsley

As for growing conditions, parsley is completely unpretentious. Since greens contain many vitamins and this crop is no exception, they are planted both in the garden (in the village or at the dacha) and at home (on the balcony or on the window). The same parsley lovers who cannot imagine their life without it.

Landing scheme.For convenience, plant parsley in open ground with seeds in furrows. Their depth is 2 cm. Parsley can be sown in a continuous strip (with further thinning) or at intervals of 15 cm. The distance between parsley plants can be greater or less depending on the variety you choose.

Thinning should be done after the parsley has grown a little. The distance between seedlings is 3 cm. You can eat leaves from plants that have been removed. After 10-14 days, thin out the parsley crops by 5 or 10 cm.

Care.To ensure that parsley grows well and abundantly, feed it with organic fertilizers throughout its growth. Fertilize twice when it gets warmer. For this purpose, mineral fertilizers are used: phosphorus-potassium for leaf parsley, saltpeter for root parsley.

Water the parsley. At the same time, do not create a swamp from the garden bed - the plant will react negatively to this. Everything should be in moderation.

Remove weeds at all stages of parsley development. Weeds can displace cultivated plants. She deprives them of light and useful substances. When you have removed the weeds from the garden bed, immediately remove them outside the garden and burn them.

As already said. Thin out parsley plantings. Thickened crops of this crop will grow poorly. They will grow weak, with little greenery.

Beginning gardeners, after planting seeds, wonder how many days does it take for parsley to sprout after sowing. The fact is that the seeds of this crop are difficult to germinate. For this reason, don't worry if sprouts don't appear after a few days - it's just not the right time. Parsley germinates in 10 days. Germination can take up to 20 days. To reduce this time, as mentioned above, soak the parsley planting material in water, a humid environment or epine.

Sowing at home.Since growing parsley in open ground is not difficult, then doing it at home will also not be difficult. This crop is planted in boxes. As a rule, it is not planted in the ground, but grown to the required age right on the window. Therefore, growing parsley at home is popular among city residents.

If you want to grow root parsley at home, then you will need a root vegetable to propagate it. To do this, dig up several root crops in the ground before frost (along with aboveground part). However, this method is suitable for those who previously grew root parsley on the site, or were able to borrow planting material from neighbors or relatives. Other gardeners can purchase parsley root crops at a store - both a vegetable store and a garden store. In any case, when choosing planting material, remember that the root crop must be undamaged, large and beautiful. Unexplained dents and cuts, stains and growths can be signs of a disease or serve as a cause for its appearance.

Before planting a crop, pre-treat the boxes or other containers in which you are going to plant this crop with a solution of potassium permanganate. It will kill bacteria and pathogens. Don't forget about drainage holes at the bottom of the containers. Excess moisture will escape through them. Then fill the containers with soil. Soil for parsley can be mixed yourself or purchased at a garden store. If you decide to make it yourself, then mix garden soil with turf and humus in proportions 2:1:1. Also, to enrich future parsley seedlings with useful elements, you can fill the soil with phosphorus fertilizers and ash.

Parsley roots are placed in grooves at a distance of 2 cm from each other. The distance between the rows is 4 cm. Do not cover them completely with soil. Leave the top of the root vegetables on the surface. Then, after planting, place the boxes with parsley in a place where the temperature is from +12ºС to +14ºС. Water the plantings as needed. When the parsley sprouts, place it in a place with a lot of light - this important condition for increasing abundant green mass. The temperature for active growth is not higher than +20ºС. After about 30 days, the parsley can be cut for use as food.

When sowing parsley at home with seeds, use the following sequence of actions. Mix the soil for sowing. If you want to make it more nutritious, then use 1 part vermicompost and 2 parts coconut fiber instead of regular soil.

The depth of sowing parsley seeds is 0.5 cm. Do not deepen them too much, otherwise the parsley will have difficulty breaking through to the surface. Cover containers with sown seeds with film to create suitable climatic conditions. This way the planting material will germinate faster. Place the seeds in a place where the temperature reaches +20ºС. Water them systematically and ventilate them every day so that they do not suffocate. When the first shoots appear, place the seedlings in a place where the temperature is +15ºС and there is sufficient sunlight. Thin the beds. Leave a distance of 4 cm between plants in a row.

After 1.5 months, parsley sprouts can be used for food.

Illuminate parsley plants in winter with lamps (fluorescent lamps are suitable). This is necessary in order to get abundant greens. With a lack of light, the growing result will be poor.

Sowing in a greenhouse.If you decide to plant parsley in a greenhouse, then adhere to the following conditions for keeping this crop.

The scheme for sowing parsley in a greenhouse is the same as in open ground. The depth of planting and the distance between specimens depends on the variety being planted. Planting depth is from 0.5 cm to 2 cm. The distance between parsley bushes is from 7 to 15 cm.

Ventilate the greenhouse periodically. Otherwise, excessive moisture levels will form in the room. However, it should not be lower than 70%.

Adjust the temperature as needed to suit the crop's requirements. That is, when sowing seeds, raise the temperature to +20ºС. After their germination, reduce to +15ºС. As the parsley grows, the temperature can be increased to +18ºС. However, do not allow sudden changes in temperature - this will negatively affect the seedlings.

Collection of greenery.Parsley is collected as the plant grows. If you want to enjoy parsley every day throughout the entire planting season, sow it periodically. By the time you've used all the greens from one plant, you'll have another batch growing.

Collection of seeds.Parsley is propagated by seeds. Planting material is collected in the second year of plant growth. To do this, leave a few parsley bushes. Wait until the seeds appear on them. They should dry completely and turn brown. Cut the parsley stems and place them in the sun to dry. However, do not allow the seeds to get exposed to rain. To do this, make a canopy. Once the seeds are completely dry, separate them from the plants. Sort through the planting material so that there are no parts of twigs or other debris among it. Place the seeds on a newspaper and again send them to dry in the sun.

Parsley belongs to the Umbelliferae family. This biennial plant is used as a seasoning for a large number of dishes. Greens canned, dried, frozen. Parsley contains essential oils, vitamins and useful microelements. Planting parsley in open ground with seeds in the spring requires gardeners to have certain knowledge. How to plant parsley with seeds and seedlings, rules for caring for the plant, when to harvest, and basic questions about growing herbs will be discussed in this article.

Requirements for landing

Parsley is planted in open ground in central Russia and the Moscow region.

Planting seeds directly into the garden is an easy way to grow aromatic herbs.

When planting parsley and subsequently caring for the plant, gardeners must adhere to certain rules:

  • Choose a sunny place on the site. In the sun, seeds germinate faster, greenery grows lush and juicy;
  • The soil should be loose and free of weeds. The most suitable soil is loamy with an average level of acidity;
  • Seeds must be sown when the air temperature warms up to 14-16 degrees;
  • Parsley crops grow well in beds if pumpkin, cabbage, cucumbers or tomatoes grew there before;
  • Crusts should not form on the ground, so it is important to periodically loosen and weed the bed;
  • The plant is moisture-loving. Watering should be abundant and regular. The soil must be moist;
  • It is not recommended to sow greens if there were previously beds with carrots, caraway seeds, and dill.

Leaf and root varieties of parsley are grown in Russia. Curly parsley with a regular leaf shape is used as a herb and as a seasoning for dishes.

The plant is planted in open ground for several purposes:

  • Get spicy greens, root vegetables. To do this, the plant is planted with seeds;
  • To grow fresh foliage from last year's roots.

To make it work good harvest parsley, gardeners must comply with agrotechnical requirements when planting and growing the plant.

Parsley propagation

In the second year of the growing season, the plants collect ripe seeds. Root parsley is cut and placed in windrows. Then the greens are dried in a dry, well-ventilated area. When the seeds dry out, the plant must be threshed to extract the seeds. Afterwards they are dried again on paper and put into a dry box or paper bag.

New sowing of parsley is carried out in compliance with all the rules of agricultural technology recommended for planting greens.

Sowing seeds

Parsley is an unpretentious plant to weather conditions. Seeds are planted starting in mid-April. You can use the lunar calendar to guide you when to start planting parsley in open ground in the spring. The garden bed should be in a well-lit place. Seeds can be sown several times a season so that there is fresh greens on the table all summer.

It is better to prepare a bed for parsley in advance. In autumn, the soil is fertilized with humus or rotted manure. Over the winter, fertilizer will restore the soil and make it more fertile. If the land is depleted, then it is additionally necessary to replenish complex fertilizer 1 month before planting seeds.

Germination of seedlings occurs faster if high-quality germinated material is used for planting.

Instructions on how to plant parsley seeds:

  • Dry seeds take longer to germinate, so they are pre-treated before planting in the garden. They need to be soaked for one hour in warm water, then dried - this is the way to sow parsley seeds so that they sprout quickly;
  • Parsley is sown in small furrows to a depth of 1 cm. The number of seeds is calculated as follows: 0.5 g is required per 1 m2 of land. How many seeds to sow in a furrow depends on the variety;
  • The distance between rows must be at least 20 cm;
  • Water the planted seeds from a shallow watering can and sprinkle with a layer of soil. To preserve moisture, cover the bed with film.

With the correct actions during seed preparation and planting, the first shoot can be seen in 7-10 days. Parsley germinates completely in 1-2 weeks. After this, it must be thinned out and all weak shoots removed.

On a note. There is another way to germinate seeds. Pour some warm water into a flat plate, add 1-2 manganese crystals, stir. Place the seeds on a napkin or paper towel and place in a weak solution of manganese. Cover the top with gauze and leave the seeds for 4 days. After the seed has hatched, it can be planted in open ground.

The quality of the future green harvest will depend on the care of the plant.

Parsley is considered unpretentious, but requires some care measures:

  • Carry out proper moderate watering from a watering can. It is necessary to water on dry days, when the top layer of soil begins to dry out. Do not allow a crust to form. It is advisable to perform the procedure in the morning, using settled water;
  • As the weed grows, carry out weeding. This promotes soil aeration. You can use a small garden rake to loosen the bed;
  • Sprinkle the bed with a small layer of peat or sawdust. Mulching helps keep the soil moist and prevents weeds from growing;
  • Fertilize parsley twice during the summer. For this purpose, nitrogen preparations (ammonium nitrate) are used at the rate of 5 g of composition per 1 m2.

Planting seedlings

Parsley is usually sown with seeds directly into open ground, but the crop can be grown by planting ready-made seedlings in the garden. This method allows gardeners to get fresh greens early.

First prepare the necessary garden tools and soil for planting. You can take any containers for growing seedlings. Will do wooden box, flower pot or special container.

  • To plant seeds in a greenhouse or at home, you must use soil with garden plot. On store shelves you can find land for growing vegetables and herbs. But it is not advisable to use only purchased soil. If there is not enough land from the site, then you can mix it half with purchased land;
  • For active root growth, the soil is deoxidized by adding 10-15 g of superphosphate and calcium per 5 kg of soil.

To grow seedlings at home, seeds are germinated in advance in order to get seedlings faster. To do this, they need to be soaked in water, so the first shoots will germinate earlier.

When planting dry seeds in the ground, parsley germinates several weeks later. This is influenced by the essential oils contained in the seeds. To speed up the germination process, you can use this advice on how to plant parsley so that it sprouts quickly:

  • Essential oils are washed out with water. Parsley seeds are placed in warm water for three days. The water must be changed every day. Afterwards, the seeds are dried on paper and put in the refrigerator for 1 week. You don't have to put the seeds in the refrigerator;
  • The second way to quickly germinate parsley is after washing it essential oils Place the swollen seeds on gauze and moisten the cloth with water. Wait for the seeds to germinate.

Step-by-step steps on how best to sow parsley for seedlings:

  • Sow the prepared seeds in a container with soil to a depth of 0.5-1 cm. The distance between each seed in the furrow should be at least 3 cm. After rowing, sprinkle with earth and water. It is recommended to cover the crops with film or glass and place them in a sunny place. If the house is located on the sunny side, then the container is placed on the windowsill. The optimal temperature for seedlings is 25 degrees;
  • The land must be constantly monitored. Maintain soil moisture and ventilate the seedlings by removing glass or film for a short time. The containers remain covered until the first parsley leaf grows. Sprouted seeds begin to sprout after 7-10 days;
  • Young seedlings are weak and afraid of drying out the soil and exposure to direct sunlight. Water the seedlings carefully using a pipette or syringe. Can be sprayed with a spray bottle. The strengthened seedlings are watered with settled water from a spoon.

30-35 days after germination of the seedlings, a second pair of leaves appears on the stem. If the seedlings are planted densely, then, if necessary, they are planted in small individual pots or in greenhouse beds.

In early May, mature seedlings are planted in prepared beds on the site. Subsequent care of the plant is the same as when planting seeds in open ground.

Growing herbs through seedlings is suitable for leaf variety parsley. If root parsley seeds are used, there is a risk of damaging the roots when picking and transplanting into the garden bed. Damaged root tips lead to root branching.

Parsley seedlings require careful attention and proper care from the gardener; this method allows you to grow an early and high-quality harvest of greenery.

Parsley care

Seeds planted in open ground in spring do not require special care. Before emergence, all care consists of regularly moistening the soil and ventilating the crops, which are under film or glass.

If weeds appear, they are removed immediately. It can interfere with the normal development of the plant.

After parsley germination, the following are added to agrotechnical measures:

  • Thinning greenery;
  • Feeding;
  • Loosening.

Parsley is fertilized twice a season. Mullein infusion or compost is used as top dressing. Add 0.5 kg of organic fertilizer and 1 tbsp to a bucket of water. a spoonful of superphosphate and potassium sulfate. The resulting solution should be carefully fed to the beds, watering with a thin stream.

If the plant is grown for root crops, then, starting in August, feeding stops.

Parsley does not tolerate drought well - the foliage becomes drooping, coarser and tougher, but this is how essential oils accumulate as much as possible.

On a note. If parsley is consumed fresh, regular full watering is recommended; the soil should be moistened by 70%. If the greens need to be dried, then watering is limited to obtain fragrant parsley.

The plant is sometimes attacked by pests and diseases. It is important to monitor the condition of the parsley leaf blades. Greens that are starting to hurt are noticeable by changes in the leaves.

Possible diseases:

  • Downy mildew (powdery mildew). The plant exhibits yellowing of the leaf blades on the upper side, and a gray-violet coating appears below. The leaves begin to wither and dry out. To combat, use a sulfur solution (25 g of sulfur per bucket of water). Treat parsley leaves and a plot of land;
  • Septoria (white spot). A sign of the disease is the appearance of numerous light yellow or brown spots on the leaves. Diseased branches must be uprooted and burned. As a preventive measure, soil drainage is carried out to prevent water stagnation.

When and how to harvest

Parsley is harvested several times per season. Once the stem has formed three bunches of true leaves, the parsley can be cut.

If you need several sprigs of parsley, it is better to cut them from outside. This will remove more mature branches and allow the internal part to fully develop, giving strength to new shoots for rapid growth.

The harvest is constantly being harvested. Greenery grows throughout the season. Parsley is harvested before the first frost. It can withstand temperatures down to minus 5 degrees.

The most fragrant and healthiest parsley is fresh from the garden. Greens can be prepared for future use by drying or freezing the chopped leaves.

Knowing how to plant parsley in open ground and performing simple agrotechnical manipulations, you can grow a high-quality harvest of aromatic and spicy herbs.

Spicy greens serve as a decoration for dishes and supply the body with essential vitamins and minerals. Each gardener sets aside a bed for it on his plot. Growing parsley does not require much care. The plant is resistant to cold and drought. It is sown in spring and under snow cover. The greens turn out very juicy in soil rich in manure and compost.

Parsley is a spice rich in vitamins.

Botanical characteristics of the culture

Parsley is a biennial herbaceous plant from the Apiaceae (celery) family. The culture is native to the Mediterranean, but due to its frost resistance it grows well in the middle zone and northern regions. There are two types of parsley - root and leaf. The first has a fleshy root vegetable, similar to carrots, but light in color. The leaves and cylindrical root are used in cooking. You will learn about the varieties and characteristics of the plant in the article “Growing and storing root parsley - aromatic dishes for your table all year round.”

Leaf parsley has abundant and juicy foliage and is more popular among gardeners. Greens are consumed fresh, dried and frozen for future use. Its leaves are smooth or corrugated. The crop is grown in a greenhouse, open ground, or at home. Beginning farmers do not know how long parsley grows. The biennial crop produces a lush green rosette in the first season. During the winter, the root remains in the soil. In the second year, flower stalks and seed caps appear. By autumn the seeds ripen. They are collected and sown again. All information about the herb in the article “All the facts about parsley - the most interesting things in one article.”

Information. The culture easily propagates by self-seeding, growing over a wide area.

Parsley: planting and care in open ground

The area for greenery should have loose, neutral soil rich in organic matter. Sandy and loamy soil is suitable. The plant does not tolerate stagnation of moisture and close proximity groundwater. The light-loving crop requires protection from drafts and wind; it is recommended to place it on the south side of buildings, near fences. The bed is prepared in the fall, because early sowing leaves little time for structural changes in the soil.

Advice. According to the rules of crop rotation, the best predecessors for umbrella crops are tomatoes, cucumbers, and legumes. It is not advisable to sow it in the area after beets, sorrel, and basil.

For autumn digging, add humus or compost (3-4 kg per m2), 200 g wood ash, 20-25 g of mineral fertilizers (“Nitroammofoska”, ammonium nitrate, superphosphates). The crop grows poorly on heavy clay soil; the root variety produces twisted roots. Fertilizers can be applied in the spring, but preferably 2 weeks before planting. Depending on the region, sowing begins in mid- or late April. Seeds can germinate at temperatures of 3-5°C, and seedlings can withstand temperatures down to -7-8°C without loss.

Seed preparation

According to statistics, parsley seeds of the first category have a germination rate of 70%, and the second - 40-50%. To improve germination and reduce the wait for seedlings, seed material is prepared for planting. The first step is calibration. The seeds are poured into a container with a 3-5% solution of table salt. Healthy and complete seeds sink to the bottom. Damaged specimens remain floating in the water and are drained. To speed up germination, gardeners use various schemes:

  • Soak the seeds for 1-2 hours, dry and put in the refrigerator for 1 day. Etch in a solution of potassium permanganate, then dry on a napkin until it flows.
  • Place the seeds in warm water for 2-3 days, change it 2 times a day. After swelling, spread on gauze to germinate roots.
  • Carry out bubbling - oxygen treatment for 16-18 hours.
  • Soak in solution boric acid for 18-24 hours. Dry before planting.

Parsley is disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate or thermally. In the second case, use hot water with a temperature of 52-53°C. Treatment takes place within 25 minutes.

For growing, furrows are made in the garden bed. Their depth depends on the type of soil, on dense clay soils 1-1.5 cm, on sandy soils 2 cm. The distance between the grooves is 15-20 cm. The sowing is watered with warm water and sprinkled with soil. Covering the bed with plastic wrap will speed up the emergence of seedlings. After green shoots appear, it is removed.

After pre-treatment, the seeds germinate in 7-10 days. When sprouts appear, they need to be thinned out. For the leaf variety, leave 60-80 plants per 1 linear meter, and 30-40 for the root variety. Full information on the topic in the article “To get shoots quickly - when and how to start planting parsley?”

Information. Parsley loves good light, but planting in partial shade is allowed.

Rules of care

Agricultural technology for growing greens from seeds includes several points:


The formation of a crust on the soil impairs air exchange and inhibits crop growth. Loosening is carried out a week after the appearance of the first shoots. The procedure also helps get rid of weeds. At the beginning of the growing season, the depth of treatment between rows is 5-6 cm, by the end of summer it increases to 10 cm. It is recommended to carry out the work in sunny weather, the cut weeds will dry out faster.


Removal of weeds from the rows begins at the beginning of the development of the umbrella crop. The shoots are weak and easily clogged with grasses. Weeding is best done by hand; a hoe damages fragile plants. Thinning of root parsley seedlings is carried out 2 times. The first is immediately after the sprouts appear, leaving 2-3 cm between them. The second procedure is performed after half a month, this time the gap is increased to 4-7 cm. For the leaf variety, the scheme is the same. You can’t delay thinning, over time root system neighboring plants are intertwined, and when removed, several copies are pulled out at once.

Advice. Remove weeds after rain or watering; they are easier to pull out from moist soil.


Regular irrigation is necessary for the juiciness of leaves and roots, but the plant has a negative attitude towards getting wet. High humidity promotes the spread of diseases. In dry weather, only watering ensures the taste and presentation of the crop. Irrigation is carried out every other day, it is advisable to take warm water. To retain moisture, the soil is mulched with humus.

Information. Parsley is planted in winter, sowing time is October. For reliability, the beds are mulched with peat.

Problems with growing

Why don't greens grow in the garden? Problems often begin after sowing. Gardeners wait for seedlings, which do not appear for 3-4 weeks. In desperation, other vegetables are planted in this place. But between them sprouts of parsley appear. There are several reasons for delayed germination:

  • tightness of dry seeds;
  • deep landing;
  • the formation of an earthen crust on the surface through which fragile seedlings cannot break through;
  • parsley cannot compete with weeds.

Problems with germination are associated with large amounts of essential oils. Rinsing in water or soaking in a vodka solution helps to get rid of some of the chemical components.

Fertilizer for parsley

A bed with greens is fertilized at least twice. The first feeding is carried out in the phase of appearance of 2-3 true leaves. Before it is carried out, the rows are thinned out. You will need ammonium nitrate, superphosphates and potassium chloride, which can be replaced with ash. Dry granules dissolve in water and are applied under the root after watering. The greens are fed a second time after 2-3 weeks. Complex mineral fertilizers are used. One of the micronutrient supplements can be replaced with a solution of mullein (1:10) or bird droppings (1:15). Watering with nettle infusion will be useful.

How to remove parsley from the garden

For fresh use, parsley is collected from the beds several times a season. The first collection is recommended when three bunches of leaves appear. Depending on the variety, the period from sowing to cutting is 70-90 days. In order for the greens to please you for a long time, they are collected according to the following rules:

  • The branches are cut close to the root, this stimulates the formation of new shoots.
  • Greens begin to be collected from the outer part of the rosette. Internal shoots continue to grow.
  • The outer shoots are the most mature, and cutting them stimulates the growth of fresh leaves.

Advice. During the summer, sow new seeds, this will provide the family with young parsley for the entire season.

At the end of the warm season it is necessary to harvest. How to cut shoots? They are cut off at the root. Plants are stored in the refrigerator, wrapped in a damp towel or placed in water. For the winter, greens are dried or frozen. Parsley leaves are washed and frozen with a layer of ice. Another way is to place chopped greens in ice cube trays and fill them with water. Defrost as needed. At the same time, the plant loses the elasticity of the leaves, but retains its aroma and beneficial features.

Drying is one of the storage options. The branches are hung out of the sun in a warm, ventilated room. The greens dry out in 1-2 weeks; store them in a closed glass container.

Root crops gain full strength in August; to do this, they stop cutting off their foliage. Harvest before frost sets in. Root crops are carefully rejected and stored in boxes with sand. To prevent rotting, sprinkle with chalk. Lay in layers. Recommended storage temperature 0-2°C, humidity 80-90%. It is important to ensure a stable temperature in the room; its fluctuations lead to dew and moisture in the root crops.

Diseases and pests of parsley

The appearance of spots on the leaves and changes in the color of the plant indicate health problems. Spicy greens are affected by viruses, fungi and bacteria. Her vitality is drained by pest attacks. Timely identification of problems and combating them will help save the plant. Diseases reduce the quality of green mass and make root crops unsuitable for consumption. Among the most common ailments:

White rot

The disease affects the root crops of the crop. Under the influence of a fungal infection, the tissues soften and rot. The following are recommended as control measures:

  • Treatment of second-year root crops with Bordeaux mixture.
  • Storing and planting healthy queen cells.
  • Thermal disinfection of seeds.
  • Maintaining crop rotation.


The disease is manifested by the appearance of yellow-brown spots on the lower or both sides of the leaves. Later they infect the entire plant. Damaged leaves turn yellow and dry out. At the first signs of rust, spray the crop with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture. It is recommended to loosen the soil and remove weeds.

Downy mildew (downy mildew)

Fungal infection threatens umbrella plants in the early stages of development and mature age. Its influence is noted with the appearance of white spots. Soon they turn yellow and brown. A dark coating forms on the underside of the leaf blade. Get rid of the disease early stage Treatment with copper oxychloride will help.

Powdery mildew

A common fungal infection that attacks the leaves and then the stems of parsley. A grayish coating appears on them, which is gradually covered with dark dots. The plant loses its juiciness, becomes tough, and crumbles. Effective recipes to combat the disease:

  • Treatment with a solution of soda ash and laundry soap (50 g and 40 g per 10 liters of water).
  • Spraying with tansy decoction (300 g per bucket of water).
  • Using a solution of wood ash (boil 200 g per 10 liters of water for 1 hour).

Septoria or white spot

The green leaves are covered with many light spots with a dark border. The areas around them turn yellow over time. The disease is transmitted between plants by splashing water and contaminated tools. Wet weather promotes the spread of fungus. The disease significantly reduces yield. Infected plants are treated with fungicides and removed at later stages.

Advice. Do not plant parsley in an area where carrots and beets were previously grown. Plants have common diseases.

In addition to diseases, the umbrella crop is also threatened by insect pests.

carrot fly

The insect is a malicious enemy of carrot, parsley and parsnip crops. Damage to plants is caused by larvae that live in the soil. One fly lays about 100 eggs. The offspring eats root crops. The following control measures are carried out:

  • deep fall plowing;
  • loosening row spacing, thinning seedlings;
  • planting onions between parsley;
  • treatment with a mixture of ground pepper (1 tbsp per 10 liters of water);
  • compliance with crop rotation;
  • spraying with insecticides “Decis”, “Aktara”.

Folk recipes include the use of ash, mustard powder, and wormwood tincture. These compounds kill the smell of parsley and repel the pest.

melon aphid

Aphids appear on the underside of leaves. Before the colony grows, they manage to hide by sucking the sap of the plant. The result of insect activity is yellowing and curling of leaves. What to do when a pest appears? There is a lot of advice from experienced gardeners:

  • Treat the herb with an infusion of horseradish, dandelion or wormwood leaves. You can use onion peels (pour boiling water over 400 g per 10 liters of water and leave for 2 days).
  • Washing aphids off plants with water from a hose.
  • Spray the plants with a solution of chemical preparations “Karbofos”, “Commander”.
  • Treat the bed with a mixture of wood ash and laundry soap.

Advice. Pests are repelled by planting marigolds, mustard, and nasturtiums near parsley.

In addition to the problems listed above, the reason why parsley turns yellow in the garden may be a lack of moisture.

Disease Prevention

Avoiding problems is better than looking for ways to solve them. Simple rules will help prevent crop loss:

  • Heat treat the seeds before planting (temperature +45-50°C).
  • Collect and remove plant debris at the end of the season.
  • Weed and loosen the beds. Apply potassium and phosphorus fertilizers for fertilizing.
  • Sow the crop in drained, ventilated areas. Thin out plants.

You can grow parsley all year round, using a heated greenhouse or apartment window sill in winter. This process is simple and inexpensive, and there will always be a bouquet of vitamins on the table.

Parsley on a summer cottage. Features of growing crops in open ground

Growing greens in open ground is a natural process for most owners of summer cottages. Planting aromatic herbs, including different varieties of parsley, is considered perhaps the simplest procedure. Of course, this does not mean that plants do not need at least minimal care. An article with photos will tell you in detail how to create the prerequisites for obtaining a plentiful and healthy harvest of parsley.

Description: varieties and varieties of parsley

An experienced gardener will distinguish the varieties of this crop even from a photo. Parsley happens:

  1. Stem. Grown for its aromatic foliage. Varieties: with smooth leaves - Breeze, Bogatyr, etc.; with curly hair – Astra, Triplex, etc.
  2. Root. Greens are rarely cut from it, giving the opportunity to ripen the root crop, which is used for marinades and pickles. Varieties: Harvest; Spicy; Sugar, etc.

Planting a plant in the country

Loose, neutral or slightly acidified soil is suitable for growing parsley. The planting site should be in the sun, but partial shade can also be selected. It is better to prepare the beds in the fall, digging them up along with organic matter and mineral fertilizers. The seeds are kept in water or a weak solution of manganese for 24 hours. Then they are placed in cheesecloth and germinated until white sprouts appear.

16 excellent varieties of plums for the Moscow region

Advice. To make the seeds germinate faster, soak them for 4 hours in milk and then in potassium permanganate.

To prevent diseases and pests, some summer residents recommend heating the seed in a thermos with hot water(t…+45…+50 oC). The seedlings are placed in grooves 1-2 cm deep at a distance of about 15 cm from each other. After this, sprinkle the grooves with fine quicklime three times, with an interval of 15 minutes. The soil is lightly compacted and mulched with compost.

You can sow dry seeds, but they will sprout a week later. This method is more suitable for winter sowing in open ground. If you want to pick fresh, aromatic herbs from spring to late fall, use the conveyor planting method. To do this, sow parsley twice a month.

Parsley care

Basic care techniques are standard for most crops growing in open ground:

  • watering;
  • loosening the soil;
  • weed removal;
  • thinning;
  • fertilizing;
  • prevention of the proliferation of diseases and pests.

Leaf parsley is more demanding on watering than root parsley. Irrigate it with warm, settled water early in the morning or after sunset. After about a day, loosen the soil and remove weeds, which are especially harmful to young shoots. If you regularly harvest your greens, the thinning process will take care of itself. Root varieties need to be pulled up regardless of whether you take leaves from them. For the first time, leave a space between plants of 3 cm, then 5-10 cm.

Fertilizer and fertilizing of crops

The composition of fertilizers depends on the plant variety:

  1. If you are growing leaf crops, prepare saltpeter or another preparation containing nitrogen. This will help the plant grow lush greenery. Nitrate consumption is 50-60 g per 10 square meters. m. Use ready-made products according to instructions.
  2. Root parsley needs fertilizers with phosphorus and potassium. In the spring, this can be any mineral fertilizer that contains these elements. At the end of summer, add 50 g of potassium salt and 70 g of superphosphate to the soil. This amount is calculated for 10 sq. m.

Attention! If you feed root parsley with nitrogen fertilizer in the fall, it will become a source of nitrates.

Flower bed design. TOP 10 simple and effective techniques

Plant propagation by seeds. Winter forcing of greens from root crops

Even root varieties of parsley can only be propagated by seed. The material is collected in the 2nd year. Plants with seed pods are mowed down and laid to dry. After this, they are threshed, dried and removed from the husks and impurities.

If you don’t want to wait for spring to sow and want to get fragrant greens for the New Year holidays, do this:

  1. In the fall (towards the end of October), dig up root vegetables from open ground. Their length should be at least 5 cm, width - about 4 cm. Please note that this growing method is only suitable for root varieties.
  2. Disinfect the container with potassium permanganate.
  3. Place drainage at the bottom, then add nutrient mixture. Moisturize it.
  4. Plant the roots close to each other. Leave only the heads on the surface.
  5. Lightly compact the soil. Next - abundant watering.

At first, keep the container in a cool place and keep the root vegetables moderately moist. When sprouts appear, transfer the container to a warm place (about +20C). Light and water the parsley well. With proper care, you will begin to harvest in about 2 months.

Diseases and pests. Fighting methods

  1. Powdery mildew. To combat the disease, it is advisable to use biological products - for example, Fitosporin.
  2. Stolbur. Parsley plantings require careful care: removal of weeds, treatment with herbicides. The vector of the disease is the leafhopper. Do not allow it to appear and multiply in the garden.
  3. White spotting. It is recommended to treat twice during July with Energen solution (20 drops per 1 liter of water).
  4. Rust. Treatment is the same as in the case of white spotting.
  1. Carrot psyllid. To fight, use, for example, Fitoferm or Iskra Bio preparations.
  2. Carrot fly. If you look at a photo of the leaves of diseased plants, you can see that they turn red-violet. You can sprinkle mothballs or a mixture of red and black pepper between the rows.

Advice. To be effective, fight the root cause by destroying insects first on carrots, onions, garlic, and melons.

Parsley: combination with other plants

Asparagus, garlic, sweet and hot peppers will coexist well with parsley in the same bed. Often there is a combination of this crop with tomatoes, cucumbers and legumes. If you are growing different varieties of cabbage, feel free to sow aromatic greens between the rows. It will be successful in the open ground with onions, spinach, and leeks.

Parsley can be sown not only in the garden, but also in the flower garden - for example, next to roses, daisies, cosmos and snapdragons. A border of fragrant grass around strawberry beds will protect delicious berries from the invasion of slugs and snails. The only thing you should avoid is joint planting with corn and asters. With such a variety of combinations, you can sow parsley in different areas each time. This corresponds to the rules of agricultural technology, because crops should be planted in the same place at intervals of 4-5 years. Of course, the land will not be empty at this time: potatoes, onions, garlic, tomatoes and legumes grow well after parsley.

Growing parsley in open ground: video

Proper planting and care of parsley in open ground

It is difficult to imagine a farmer who does not grow greens on his plot. Any gardener will definitely allocate a bed for sowing parsley. Not a single summer dish is complete without this greenery. Parsley has a fairly wide range of uses. It is added to hot dishes, salads, used for decoration, prepared for the winter in dry or frozen form, and eaten raw as a herb. With proper care, planting in open ground both before winter and in spring is not difficult.

Characteristics and beneficial properties of parsley

There are two types of parsley - root and leaf. Contains a large number of useful substances:

  • vitamins PP, E, C (5 times more than in lemon and rose hips);
  • elements P (phosphorus), Ce (selenium), K (potassium);
  • calcium, iron, magnesium;
  • a complex of water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins thiamine, riboflavin, retinol.

The root differs from the leaf in that it is used for food. root vegetable, formed at the end of the season. It has the same taste properties as the leaf one.

Leafy can be - regular and curly. Curly is used to add to dishes and as decoration.

Proper sowing of parsley seeds in the garden in spring

Sowing work must be carried out in April, as soon as the frosts pass and the earth warms up to +5 degrees.

Soaking for successful germination

It should be noted that the seeds contain essential oils that prevent germination. In order for the seeds to germinate faster, they need to be soaked before planting.

You can do this in one of the following ways:

  • Method 1. Before soaking, the seeds are dipped in hot water (not boiling water). Under influence hot water Essential oils will be washed off from the seeds. Then pour water at room temperature (19-23 degrees) into the bottom of the saucer, pour in the seeds and leave for 12 hours. Then the seeds need to be soaked in a growth stimulator. During the soaking process, they need to be pulled out every 3 hours so that oxygen reaches the seeds. After three days, the seeds are ready for planting.
  • Method 2. Before soaking, pour vodka into the bottom of the saucer and dip the seeds, wrapped in gauze, into it for 15-20 minutes. You should carefully monitor the time so that the seeds do not get burned. After removing from the saucer with vodka, the seeds must be thoroughly rinsed with water and dried.

Soaking parsley seeds

Also, some gardeners use soaking parsley, carrot or dill seeds in milk, and are happy with the result.

How to process and prepare the soil for growing

Before planting seeds in the garden, it is necessary to prepare and cultivate the soil. The soil begins to be prepared in the fall. The beds are dug up and introduced into the soil mullein.

If the soil is predominantly clayey, add sifted river sand and sawdust. In spring, the soil must be loosened well and mineral fertilizers(it is better to plant parsley in fertile soil).

For growing greenery, a bed where tomatoes, zucchini, onions, and cucumbers were previously grown is best suited. The beds should be in the sun or slightly shaded. It is necessary to sow seeds no deeper than 1 cm. Sprinkle the furrows with soil, water well, mulch with humus or cover with polyethylene.

Care after planting in open ground

When the first shoots sprout, it is necessary loosen the soil and thin out the seedlings. The first thinning is performed when there are 2-3 leaves. The distance between the bushes should be more than 2 cm.

The second thinning must be performed when there are 5-6 leaves. Leave between plants no more than 6 cm.

Loosening the soil and removing weeds must be done at least 4 times

It is necessary to fertilize during the season 2 times and be sure to perform loosening at least 4 times. The first fertilizing is applied to the soil when the seedlings have 2-3 leaves. Fertilizers rich in nitrogen are best suited for this purpose.

It is necessary to cut off the stems as close to the ground as possible. It is not recommended to cut a large number of leaves from a bush in one day. You need to cut off 1/3 of the bush to give the bush time to recover. If you do not plan to collect seeds, then the stem with inflorescences must be removed, since new leaves will not grow.

A prerequisite for growing for a good harvest is regular watering, removing weeds and loosening the soil. Watering must be done in the evening. Loosening is necessary to provide oxygen access to the roots of the plant. If there is a need to obtain a harvest before late autumn, it is recommended to sow parsley twice a month.

  1. Leaf parsley " Ordinary" Refers to early ripening varieties. Ripens in 70 days. The taste is spicy, the leaves are dissected, the rosette is powerful. Only the leaves are edible.
  2. « Breeze» - sheet. The ripening period is 80 days. The taste is delicate, retains freshness and taste for a long time after cutting.
  3. « Aster" - curly variety. Ripens in 65 days. After cutting, the bush quickly recovers and grows back.
  4. « Harvest" - a variety of root greens, has a pointed root. Maturation period 130 days;
  5. « Festival" - leaf parsley. Ripening period is 56-65 days. The leaves are dark green in color, fragrant, and heavily lobed. After cutting it grows back well.

How to sow seeds for the winter

Seeds that have overwintered in the ground germinate very active. Having cut off the first greenery, the bed can be used again.

The soil for planting should be prepared in the fall. After digging the bed, you need to apply fertilizer. For this purpose it is better to use mullein.

In November, after the onset of frost, when the top layer of soil freezes 2 cm, you can sow the seeds. Seeds soaking is not recommended so that they do not germinate before the onset of frost.

It is necessary to make grooves in the soil 2 cm deep with a distance between rows of 15-20 cm. Pour a layer of quicklime 0.5 cm thick into the grooves and sow parsley seeds thickly in them. Sprinkle the furrows with earth and mulch with humus. Humus will keep you warm and protect from the wind.

In the spring, as soon as the shoots appear, it is necessary to water 3 times a week with warm water. Plants should be watered in the evening.

When planting before winter, after germination, water 3 times a week.

After 2 leaves appear on the seedlings, it is necessary to perform the first thinning. Only the strongest shoots should be left. The second thinning is performed when there are 5-6 leaves on the seedlings. Leave a distance of 10 cm between the bushes.

Fertilizer must be applied twice. The first time after the leaves appear. Carry out the second feeding after two weeks. After fertilizing, watering is necessary so that the nutrients penetrate well into the soil and dissolve there.

If the soil is not depleted, fertilizing is not necessary, since parsley does not like an abundance of fertilizers.

Causes of poor seed germination

Even experienced gardeners sometimes encounter the problem of poor germination of parsley. Let's try to figure out the reasons why it may not sprout:

  1. Increased soil acidity. You can normalize the acidity level by adding ash to the soil;
  2. The soil is heavy. If parsley seeds are planted deeply, they cannot penetrate the thick layer of soil. It is necessary to sow to a depth of no more than 1 cm in spring and 1.5 cm in winter. If the soil is clayey, it is necessary to add sifted river sand and sawdust to the soil;
  3. Garden bed in the shade. Greens grow well in sunny beds. In the shade it may not rise at all. In the case of seedlings in shaded beds, it will be very pale, with a weak aroma and poorly expressed taste;
  4. Seeds with poor shelf life. Remains viable only for three years. To get a good harvest, you need to sow only fresh seeds;
  5. Long germination period. The high content of essential oils in seeds repels water and makes germination difficult. To speed up the process, the seeds are soaked in hot water.

One of the reasons for poor germination is seeds with a bad shelf life.

Harvesting and storage

The best way to store leaf parsley is considered to be freezing. Why? - When frozen, parsley does not lose its aroma, the color remains the same, and the taste does not change.

Wash the parsley leaves, dry with a towel, and chop finely. Place the chopped leaves in a plastic bag and place in freezer, even frozen they will look great.

If necessary, the required amount can be easily separated from the total mass (frozen parsley is easy to cut). Collect parsley stems into small bunches and freeze.

Their used in preparing any hot dishes. It is enough to place a bunch of stems in a hot dish 5 minutes before the end of cooking. This will improve its taste. Parsley can also be stored dry by first drying it in a dry room with low lighting.

Root parsley is harvested in late autumn, before frost sets in. The leaves are cut off and stored in the basement, sprinkled with sand.

This spicy and healthy plant, if planted correctly and properly cared for, will certainly delight you with a rich harvest full of vitamins. It is easy to plant and grow, the main thing is to treat the seeds and care for them properly.

Planting and caring for parsley in the open ground at the dacha

Without parsley, it is difficult to imagine a small garden of a summer resident and the fields of a modern farm. Parsley from the banks, which became a valuable agricultural crop in ancient times Mediterranean Sea gradually spread to almost all continents.

In Russia, both leaf and root parsley are planted, and both varieties with the usual leaf shape and curly ones are grown for greenery.

You can distinguish a root crop from a leaf crop by its dense, cone-shaped, smooth root crop, like the leaves, rich in vitamins, sugars, aromatic substances and microelements. Leaf parsley has roots that are much thinner and more branched. Greens are produced by both types of plants.

Therefore, growing parsley in open ground is carried out for two purposes:

  • to obtain root crops and herbs, for which the crop is planted with seeds;
  • for forcing fresh foliage obtained when planting roots from last year.

Methods for planting and caring for parsley in open ground

The peculiarity of parsley is that in the first season all the plant’s forces are spent on the growth of both foliage and roots. If the root crop is planted in the second year or left to winter, a rosette of leaves will appear in April, and the parsley will bloom in the summer. To grow parsley in open ground, a number of techniques are used to obtain the earliest and most abundant harvest of greenery.

If parsley was planted in open ground with seeds in the spring, then the grown plants can be left into the winter. In order for parsley to have time to prepare for the end of the growing season, it is better to cut off its leaves no later than September, and with the arrival of cold weather, the plants are hilled up and covered with a layer of mulch from foliage, straw or pine needles.

With the onset of spring and the melting of the snow, the mulch is removed, and a film cover is made over the beds. How long to wait for the leaves to appear, and how long does it take for parsley to sprout in this case? Fresh parsley will arrive on the table in April, and the leaves can be cut off until the peduncle rises above the rosette.

If parsley is not left in the soil over the winter, then root vegetables stored in the basement in early spring:

  • shortened to 12–15 cm;
  • cleaned of dried and rotten leaves and petioles;
  • treated with a stimulant for better root formation;
  • planted under film, leaving a gap of 8–10 cm between plants.

So parsley will give three early harvests of greenery.

The main method is to plant parsley seeds in open ground. It is important to take into account that the culture does not germinate quickly. Therefore, parsley is often sown with germinated seeds from early spring until July. In this case, the crop manages to produce one harvest and can successfully overwinter.

Root varieties are sown no later than mid-May, so that parsley has time to form a full-fledged root crop.

Dry seeds fall into the soil before winter. In this case, they are embedded in the ground from the second half of October until the frosts, and when the snow cover is established, they are additionally sprinkled with snow. In the spring, such crops begin to develop already at 4°C and can be grown under film or in open ground, since parsley grown in open ground is not afraid of even frosts down to –9°C.

We can also use the seedling method for growing leaf parsley. Sprouted seeds first grow in peat cups or tablets, and in April, at the age of 30–40 days, they are transplanted into open ground. As a result of using this technique, you can get early greens and carry out up to six harvests during the summer season.

Planting parsley seeds in open ground

Due to the frost resistance of parsley seeds, this crop is sown starting in early spring. Is it possible to plant parsley in July? Will the plant have time to produce greens? Until the end of July or the first ten days of August, leafy varieties can be sown. If parsley is intended to produce root crops, then you can hardly expect good results from plants sown after mid-May.

July plantings of green varieties can produce foliage in the second half of summer, then go into winter and produce a harvest the following year.

Without preliminary preparation, parsley seeds hatch extremely slowly. How long does it take for parsley to sprout? This usually happens no earlier than after 2–3 weeks. Seed collected no earlier than a year ago has greater growth energy and germination capacity, but even in this case germination can be accelerated:

  • Before spring or summer sowing in open ground, the seed is soaked in water at a temperature of 18–22 °C.
  • The water in the container with the seeds is changed every 3–4 hours.
  • After 2–3 days, the plant is left in a solution of a growth stimulator or microelements for another 18 hours. It is better if oxygen is passed through the liquid at this time, which will speed up the process of seed hatching.
  • Shoots from sprouted seeds appear within a week.

Per square meter of bed when planting parsley in open ground with seeds, about 1 gram of prepared seeds is required. If the crop is sown in summer, then before embedding in the soil, the ridges are watered abundantly, and the number of seeds per meter of area is increased by a third.

Growing parsley in open ground involves maintaining a small interval between individual plants, from 4 to 12 cm, depending on the type and variety:

  • Root parsley is sown at intervals of 1–4 cm, with the seeds dropped into the furrow one by one.
  • Leaf parsley of ordinary varieties is sown at a distance of 10–12 cm, and curly parsley at an interval of 8–10 cm. This crop is sown with 3 or 4 seeds per nest, followed by thinning.

The depth of planting parsley seeds during spring or summer sowing is 6–10 mm; in the fall, the furrows are made twice as deep.

After planting parsley in open ground with seeds and filling the furrows, the soil is slightly compacted, the plantings are watered, which are mulched on top or covered with film.

Caring for parsley when grown in open ground

When choosing a site for planting and caring for parsley in the open ground, it is better to give preference to beds where zucchini, pumpkins, cucumbers or tomatoes used to grow. Re-sowing after parsley or other umbelliferous plants is carried out three to four years later. Parsley, especially root varieties, requires loose, cultivated soil rich in organic matter.

Excessive soil density leads to deformities of root crops, seeds germinate worse and more slowly.

In the fall, when preparing a plot for parsley, when digging, add from 3 to 5 kg of rotted manure or humus per square meter. After the snow melts, the beds are fertilized comprehensively. In this case, per meter of area there are 4 kg of compost, 15 grams of superphosphate, 10 grams of potassium chloride and 20 grams of nitrate.

Until shoots appear above the surface of the soil, care and cultivation of parsley consists of careful watering and ventilation of the crops under the film. Emerging weeds are removed, and after germination, care measures for parsley planted in open ground include not only weeding, but also loosening the soil, fertilizing and thinning of seedlings, which is carried out at the stage of 2-3 cut true leaves.

Before the formation of a full-fledged leaf rosette, parsley is fed twice with infusion of mullein or compost. For 8–10 liters of water take 1 kg of organic matter, about 15 grams of superphosphate and the same amount of potassium sulfate. In August, plants, especially those grown for root crops, should no longer receive nitrogen-containing fertilizers so that this element does not accumulate in the roots and above-ground parts of the plant.

Parsley planted in open ground with seeds responds well to foliar feeding with microelements, which is also applied twice during the growing season.

Parsley tolerates hot days well, but greens deprived of moisture become noticeably coarser and tougher, but better accumulate aromatic substances and essential oils:

  • If parsley is intended for fresh consumption, the plant requires watering to provide 60–70% soil moisture.
  • To obtain more aromatic raw materials for drying, watering of parsley is limited a couple of weeks before harvesting.

Cold-resistant parsley can be harvested until late autumn, until frost begins.

At the same time, root crops for storage are removed. Plants that remain to overwinter in the ground are carefully hilled up and mulched.

How to grow parsley - video


People appreciated the extraordinary aroma and taste of parsley many centuries ago, and since then it has been widely used in various national cuisines. Its leaves and roots are used as a spicy seasoning for sauces and soups, for preparing salads and side dishes, and also in canning.

Parsley leaves are rich in vitamins C, PP and group B, provitamins A and K, and contain a lot of potassium. Parsley not only improves the taste of dishes, but also enriches them with biologically active substances.


Parsley is a biennial plant. Not afraid of the cold and unpretentious. In the first year after sowing, it forms a rosette of fragrant leaves, and when left in the ground in the second year, it blooms and produces small seeds. Parsley can be grown both as a herb and as a root. Root varieties of parsley produce a cone-shaped or spindle-shaped root crop that is yellow-white in color. Root parsley, as a rule, is not used for cutting so that the plant has enough strength to form a good-sized root crop.

Leaf parsley comes in smooth-leaved and curly varieties. Its leaves are so decorative that leaf parsley is often planted not in garden beds, but in flower beds in compositions with other aromatic and medicinal herbs.

Parsley varieties

  • root vegetable: Harvest, Alba, Eagle, Lyubasha, Piquant, Final, as well as Bordovik and Sugar;
  • leafy with smooth leaves: Common leaf, Breeze, Bogatyr;
  • curly leaf: Astra, Mazina P3, Triplex.

Agricultural technology

There is always a place for parsley in the garden. The plant is unpretentious and has almost no demands on the soil. However, in well-lit places with loose, fertile soil, parsley can produce a particularly good harvest.

Sowing and cultivation

The best precursors for parsley- zucchini, cucumbers, potatoes and cabbage. It should not be planted after other celery plants - carrots, celery, cilantro, cumin, etc., but it can be grown perfectly at the same time as them. Parsley grows well in mixed plantings with radishes, peppers, peas, tomatoes and cucumbers. In the area where parsley grew, it can be sown again only after four years.

The place for future planting of parsley is prepared in the fall, the soil is dug deeply and compost is added. In spring, the soil is loosened and fertilized with complex mineral fertilizers.

Parsley seeds are sown directly into the ground from mid-April. Dry seeds have difficulty germinating, so before sowing they must be soaked in water for half an hour and then dried until they flow. For sowing, furrows are made in the beds with a depth of 1–1.5 cm and spilled with water. After the moisture is absorbed, seeds are sown in the grooves and covered with soil. The earth is leveled and slightly compacted.

Usually the seeds germinate within 15–20 days. To speed up seed germination, the bed can be covered with film. As soon as the shoots appear, the film is immediately removed, since young shoots need good lighting. Parsley seedlings are not afraid of frost down to -9 degrees.

Leafy varieties of parsley can be sown during the summer until the end of July.

Before winter, parsley is sown with dry seeds (without soaking) on ​​beds to a depth of about 1 cm. The beds are mulched with humus or peat.


Leaf parsley is fed 1–2 times a season with nitrogen fertilizer (50–60 g of nitrate for every 10 sq. m). Root parsley is fed at the beginning of the growing season with complex fertilizer, and in August phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are given at the rate of 70 g of superphosphate and 50 g of potassium salt per 10 square meters. m. Nitrogen fertilizers are no longer used in order to prevent root crops from being depleted.


Leaf parsley is harvested as needed throughout the growing season until the end of August. Root crops are harvested before the onset of steady cold weather.

Root parsley is stored in the refrigerator or cellar like carrots. Some plants can be left in the ground to get early greenery next spring. Parsley overwinters well in open ground and freezes out only in very cold, snowless winters.

Pests and diseases

Parsley in general is characterized by the same diseases and pests as other umbelliferous plants, but it is rarely affected by pests and diseases.

Parsley leaves and stems can be affected by downy mildew, rust, white spot, leaf blight, stem nematode of onion and garlic, and melon aphid. Root parsley can suffer from white rot. Both leaves and roots of parsley can be affected by carrot psyllid.

Use in folk medicine

Since ancient times, parsley has been used in folk medicine to restore strength, heal wounds and strengthen gums.

Parsley normalizes metabolic processes in the body, enhances intestinal motility and stimulates the release of digestive enzymes, therefore it is widely used to treat digestive diseases and loss of appetite.

Parsley is used as a diuretic for dropsy and edema due to heart disease.

Parsley decoction is used in cosmetology to remove freckles. In addition, abscesses, bruises, and insect bites are treated with a decoction.

Growing parsley at home in winter

To enjoy green vitamins all year round, parsley can be grown on a windowsill in winter.

To do this in the fall, you need to dig up 2-3 parsley roots from the garden bed and plant them in flower boxes. At home, parsley grows well in nutritious soil with regular watering. Within 5–6 weeks from the moment of planting, parsley forms a lush rosette of fragrant leaves.

At the end of winter, you can sow parsley with seeds at home. It is best to choose varieties of curly parsley for these purposes, since it grows quickly and produces the lushest greens. The seeds are soaked before sowing. The box with the crops is placed on a well-lit windowsill. After emergence, the sprouts need to be thinned out and grown until full foliage appears.

Parsley is a two-year crop that has good frost resistance.. Fresh greens from the garden can be obtained from early spring to late autumn. The entire process of planting parsley can be divided into several main stages:

  1. Setting deadlines for planting.
  2. Selecting a variety, purchasing and germinating seeds.
  3. Preparing the site for planting.
  4. Seeding technology.
  5. Post-planting care.
  • rhizomes obtained from last year's plants;
  • using seeds.

The version with rhizomes is used for forcing aromatic greens; it is more suitable for leafy varieties.


Seedlings of leaf varieties are transplanted into separate containers - cups - from the end of February and in March. Already in April, such plants can be placed on the site.

Seeds are sown in open soil in early spring. Parsley is not afraid of temperature changes or frosts; even with short drops to -9 degrees, seedlings will still appear. Crops will begin to germinate from +3 or +5 degrees. Leafy varieties can also be planted in June and July. The crops will yield a harvest and become stronger for a good winter.

Root parsley is more demanding in terms of timing. In order for the plants to ripen, they must be planted before mid-May. The crop is also sown in late autumn, when the soil is already slightly frozen.

Read about choosing the time to plant parsley.

The difference in planting in spring and before winter: what to choose and when?

The main differences are the timing of planting and the selection of suitable varieties., cultivation purposes. In order to regularly receive fresh greens throughout the warm season, it is carried out starting at the end of April. You can also sow parsley, most often leaf parsley, using a conveyor type - every 2 or 3 weeks.

Sowing before winter is cultivated in order to obtain early greenery. Parsley is not afraid of temperature changes or frosts. It is important to sow the seeds in late autumn in slightly frozen soil so that they do not swell and germinate. After natural hardening by cold, strong green shoots will appear in early spring.

Leaf or root - which is better?

There are two main types of parsley. These include:

  • root crops;
  • leafy greens.

Root vegetables are used in cooking, medicine, and cosmetology. Leafy greens are popular as a herb.

Important: take into account the fact that root parsley can only be planted with seeds in open ground; replanting is not suitable for this variety, since a branched stem will form. The seedling sowing method is applicable only for leaf varieties.

Variety selection

Parsley can be early, mid-ripening or late in terms of ripening. Fresh greens from leafy varieties can be obtained approximately 60 days after germination. These crops include the following types:

  • "Natalka";
  • "Aster";
  • "Gloria";
  • "Beads";
  • "Ditty";
  • "Russian feast"

Mid-season plants mature a few weeks after early varieties, for example, these are leaf varieties such as:

  • "Italian Giant"
  • "Breeze";
  • "Sandwich"

Mid-season root species are considered popular:

  • "Doctor";
  • "Eastern";
  • "Konika";
  • "Eagle."

Among late-ripening varieties there are more root species, For example:

  • "Alba";
  • "The final";
  • "Carnival".

Bogatyr parsley is a late-ripening leaf variety.

  • "Ordinary";
  • "Breeze";
  • “Astra” (curly, grows back well after cutting);
  • "Festival"

Among the root varieties for spring sowing, it is recommended to choose the pointed variety “Urozhaynaya”, which matures in 130 days.

Compatibility with other vegetables

For planting parsley in open ground, those beds where they were previously grown are suitable:

  • cucumbers;
  • potato;
  • juicy tomatoes;
  • beet.

Areas where umbrella plants were harvested are not suitable for cultivation:

  • carrots;
  • fennel;
  • dill;
  • as well as cilantro.

Planting in such beds will be effective only after 4 years.

For root varieties, it is best to choose beds treated with organic fertilizers, where the following were grown:

  • early potatoes;
  • tomatoes;
  • cabbage (white and cauliflower).

Asparagus can be planted next to aromatic herbs. Sowing parsley near the vineyards will help improve the health of berry bushes. Plantings go well with strawberries.

You will learn about the compatibility of parsley with other crops and the search for the ideal place for it from.

Where and how much can you buy seeds?

In Moscow you can purchase parsley planting material from the manufacturer Aelita-agro. For example, the leaf variety “Bogatyr” is offered by the online store “” for 30 rubles per package. The order pick-up point is located at: Shchelkovskoye Shosse, 3.

Seeds of the leafy early maturing crop "Madam" from the manufacturer "Gavrish", for example, can be bought at the "First Seeds" store (Moscow, Kuskovskaya St., 16) at a price of 17 rubles/pack. Seeds of the “Ordinary” variety – 55 rubles each. /plastic bag. Delivery of orders will cost approximately 250 rubles.

Moscow branches of the Rossiya Green store offer a wide range of parsley planting material. For example, the “Italian Giant” view can be purchased for 5 rubles. per package weighing 2 grams. There are a lot of order pick-up points, for example, at the following addresses: Komsomolskaya Square, 6; Leningradsky Prospekt, 2; Zvezdny Boulevard, 10, building 1. In St. Petersburg you can also purchase parsley seeds both wholesale and retail. The average purchase price per package ranges from 280 to 400 rubles.(per set of approximately 30 bags). Store addresses in St. Petersburg:

  1. "House of Seeds" on the street. Komendantsky Prospekt, 10, bldg. 1.
  2. "Gardener" on prosp. Veteranov, 36.
  3. "Garden and Seeds" on the street. Podolskaya, 26.
  4. "Seeds" on the street. Politekhnicheskaya, 28.

You can also purchase planting material in bulk in St. Petersburg in the Flapru online store.

Seed preparation

A distinctive feature of parsley seeds is their long germination time. due to the presence of a large number of essential oils. Is it possible to speed up this process? Definitely yes. It is recommended to soak them before planting.

  1. Place the grains in warm water, changing the liquid every 4 or 5 hours.
  2. When two to three days have passed, the seeds are placed in a growth stimulator (for 24 hours).
  3. They also carry out the hardening procedure; for this, the already sprouted grains are placed in the freezer.
  4. After 7 days, such seeds can be planted in the ground.

This preparation method is perfect for autumn and winter plantings.(when sowing before winter, the grains must be dried).

Important: It is better to select planting material not fresh, but from last year’s and the year before last harvests, in which there is much more growth energy.

For sales in large quantities, forced germination is sometimes carried out. For this:

  1. 2 hours before sowing, the grains are soaked in milk;
  2. a small amount of quicklime is added to the furrow in the garden bed;
  3. lay the moistened seeds, sprinkling with water;
  4. cover the plantings, compacting them slightly.

With this forcing, seedlings can appear within a day.


It is best to grow parsley on loamy and sandy loam soils enriched with organic matter. must be:

  • open;
  • well lit;
  • with loose soil structure;
  • Slightly shaded beds are also suitable.

But heavy soils with close proximity to groundwater are not worth choosing.

Prepare the site in the fall:

  1. Digging up the soil, add mullein. Sand (sifted) and sawdust are added to clay soil.
  2. In the spring, the site must be dug up to a depth of 20 cm. On poor soil, greenery will grow only if it is regularly fertilized, watered, and loosened.
  3. When digging in autumn, rotted compost is added to such soil (3–4 kg per 1 sq. m.).

Step-by-step planting instructions

You can grow greens both at home and in open ground, greenhouses, using film. Let's figure out how, when and where it is better to sow seeds. When cultivating plants on window sills or in greenhouses, you will need containers and small planting equipment:

  • spatula;
  • ripper;
  • watering can.

For planting in open beds you will need:

  • shovel;
  • rake;
  • big watering can.

At home

For a mini-garden on a windowsill, commercial planting mixture is suitable.(for example, for violets). You can mix peat with humus and garden soil yourself. Slightly acidic and enriched soil will be preferable. Planting technology:

Fresh parsley can be harvested after about 40–60 days.

With the root planting method, the harvest can be obtained in 14 days. The sowing algorithm in this case is as follows:

  1. Select roots weighing approximately 65 g and 16 cm long.
  2. Plant in containers, leaving 3 cm gaps. The tops should stick out from the ground.
  3. The containers are placed in dark place, maintaining a temperature of 13–16 degrees Celsius.

The appearance of the first leaves is a sign of the rooting of the culture, the containers are placed on the windowsill, watering and feeding the seedlings.

Let's watch a video about planting parsley seeds at home:

Into open ground

You can sow in spring early dates. Before sowing in open ground, the seeds are pre-treated. The soil is prepared in advance. Start landing:

To get greens all season, it is necessary to sow not all rows at the same time, leaving an interval of 1 week. Root crops begin to be planted from April to June.

  1. The soil is watered abundantly.
  2. Roots up to 8 cm long and 2 to 5 cm thick are placed in the grooves, done at an angle of 45 degrees.
  3. Pre-seed material is kept in sand (at +2 degrees).
  4. A distance of 5 cm is made between the roots, and the tips are set 2 cm above the surface.
  5. After planting, the soil is compacted and watered well.

Let's look at the process of planting parsley in open ground:

In the greenhouse

For planting in greenhouses, as well as in open ground, plant roots 5 mm thick are used., and up to 8 mm long. The prepared seed is pre-conditioned in sand at +2 degrees. Start the process:

  1. Make grooves in the soil (distance up to 16 cm), water them, place the roots, making an angle of 45 degrees. There should be at least 5 cm between plants.
  2. Sprinkle with soil, leaving the neck and head above the soil. Plantings are watered intensively.

In order for the roots to take root, the temperature is maintained at +16 degrees. In about a month you will be able to cut the first greens.

When planting parsley seeds in greenhouse conditions The grains must be kept in damp, double-folded gauze for about 5 days (room temperature), then the sprouted planting material must be hardened at +1 degree. Only then start planting. The interval between seeds is 5 cm, and the soil is watered abundantly.

Under the film

When planting seeds in open beds, parsley has time to get stronger before frost, the leaves must be collected before September.

When planting root crops under film in the spring, the crops need to be prepared:

  1. cut to approximately 14 cm;
  2. treated with root growth stimulants;
  3. planted under covering material at a distance of 10 cm.

Using this method, three crops of early greens are harvested per season.

Care at first

Many people are interested in how to care for parsley during the first time after planting, how often to water it and when to dig up the roots. Introducing several important rules crop care.

  • The first shoots need to be thinned out. The first time a gap of 3 cm is left between the crops, the second time - from 5 to 10 cm. To obtain a constant harvest, the seeds must be sown at least once a week.
  • The soil must be loosened at least 4 times per season.
  • The taste of greens depends on quality watering. In order for the crop to be succulent, abundant irrigation is necessary. Parsley intended for further drying needs to be watered less so that the spice is more fragrant.
  • Fertilizing is done in conjunction with irrigation. During the season it is necessary to apply fertilizer 1-2 times. Use saltpeter (approximately 7 g per 1 square meter) and a nitrogen additive (in the same amount). During the ripening period (in August), potassium-phosphorus substances are added (in the amount of 50+70 g/10 sq. m.), but nitrogen substances are not added during this period to avoid the accumulation of nitrates.
  • Watering of plants is carried out in the evening, abundant irrigation is done in August.
  • Root crops are dug up in September, after removing the leaves.
  • Store in a cool place.
  • It is important to leave some of the root crops in the ground for the winter and mulch them in order to get early greenery in the spring.


Parsley seeds germinate when the soil warms up to +5 degrees. The favorable temperature for crops is 18 degrees. appear faster in warmth and with sufficient soil moisture.

The presence of essential oils in grains can hinder their germination; it is recommended to carry out the procedure of soaking the seeds. By planting prepared grains and covering such plantings with film in early spring, the first shoots are obtained within a week.

Common Mistakes

A high-quality harvest of parsley can be harvested only taking into account the rules for planting the crop. To obtain early shoots, it is advisable to carry out winter sowings. You can organize a business selling fresh herbs by cultivating plantings from spring to late autumn. It is important not to forget about watering, loosening, and fertilizing the crops, then the vitamin-rich parsley will always be juicy and tasty.

Parsley is one of the most common green crops. Its leaves and roots are often used in cooking in the preparation of various dishes. And many gardeners try to grow it on their plot so that it is always at hand. Let's consider the rules and features of planting and caring for parsley in the open ground.

Parsley can be of 2 types - leaf, which produces lush greenery, and root, in which the root vegetable is mainly eaten. They differ in appearance, there are differences in agricultural technology.


Plants of this variety have fewer twigs and leaves, they are thicker and coarser. If you use them for food, it is better to put them not in salads, but in soups - during the cooking process they soften and become more pleasant to the taste. In general, it is undesirable to pick branches from plants of root varieties - because of this, the root vegetables themselves become smaller. After harvesting, the youngest green leaves can be selected, cut and dried or frozen for the winter.


These plants are valued for their leaves; their shape can be regular or curly; their roots are regular, thin and branched. Leaf parsley can be used in any dishes, both in salads and subjected to heat treatment.

When is it better to plant parsley in autumn or spring?

It can be sown both before winter and in spring, but many gardeners still prefer spring sowing. It has the following advantages:

  • this is a cold-resistant plant, and therefore can be sown immediately after the snow melts;
  • if the ground is warm, then sprouts will quickly appear and grow;
  • spring plants are less susceptible to diseases;
  • they can be replanted if some of them have not sprouted.

Before winter (in October or November), you can sow seeds in the southern regions, where there is less risk that they will freeze. In the spring, you need to plant parsley in open ground only in warm soil, that is, after it has warmed up sufficiently (above 5°C) and dried out a little. Planting dates vary in different regions, depending on the climate and spring weather.

Then plant parsley

The best predecessors for this crop are considered to be nightshade, pumpkin and cruciferous crops. You cannot sow it in areas where umbelliferae previously grew in order to protect parsley from common diseases. It is recommended to choose beds that have been empty for 1 or 2 years or sow them with green manure, and a month before sowing, cut off the greenery and plant it in the soil.

Selecting a location and preparing the bed

For parsley grown from seeds, well-lit, open areas with fertile, non-waterlogged soil are best suited. Sandy loam and loam are preferred. If the soil does not dry out well, then it is best to grow plants in high beds. An important requirement for the soil for root varieties is that it must be loose and light; when preparing the beds, it must be dug deep (at least 20 cm) and loosened - in dense soil the root crops will be small and uneven.

It is not recommended to fertilize beds for parsley with fresh manure, but rotted humus or compost is added to the predecessors. Ash is added to compost and manure as a source of phosphorus, potassium and microelements. Mineral fertilizers are applied under the parsley itself: per 1 sq. m of beds, 15-20 g of saltpeter, 20-30 g of potassium salt and 40-50 g of superphosphate are consumed.

Rules and planting scheme

Parsley is sown in open ground with seeds in early spring, in moist soil. They take a long time to germinate, about 2-3 weeks, and at first they grow quite slowly. When growing parsley in a greenhouse, sowing is carried out even earlier.

The seeds of the vegetable are small, but there is no need to sow them often - each plant should have enough space to develop. Recommended seeding frequency – 80 pcs. per sq. m. Leaf varieties are sown according to the same parsley planting pattern - from 8 to 12 cm, root varieties - up to 15 cm, planting depth - 0.5-1 cm (for autumn sowing - 2 times deeper). The beds with seeds are watered, sprinkled with soil and covered with film.

Sowing seeds

Sowing parsley in the spring is carried out as early as possible so that the seeds can use the soil moisture to the maximum. In order for parsley to germinate quickly, you can plant its sprouted seeds, which can be sown all spring; they germinate well, even if the soil has already dried out. Root varieties are sown only until mid-May, otherwise the plants will not have time to form a root crop.

Preparing parsley seeds for sowing includes soaking and germination. To soak the seeds: pour them into a container, fill with warm water (20°C) and leave for 2-3 days. The water is changed at intervals of 3-4 hours. After this, the water is replaced with a solution of a growth stimulator and the seeds are left in it for another 18 hours. The result of soaking parsley seeds before planting will be the appearance of seedlings within 1 week after sowing.

Planting with rhizomes

Parsley can also be propagated by root crops. They are planted in early spring, as soon as it gets warmer. They are taken out of the cellar, the tops are cleared of the remains of dry tops and they are planted on the beds at a distance of 8-10 cm. After they take root, greenery begins to grow. The method of planting with root crops is used to obtain early greenery.

Caring for parsley in open ground

During the first 1-1.5 months of cultivation, parsley grows slowly, but weeds grow next to it and can easily choke it out. Therefore, before the bushes grow and become stronger, you need to ensure that the beds remain clean, that is, carry out weeding and loosening in a timely manner.

Caring for parsley plants also includes watering and fertilizing. Water so that the soil always remains moist and does not dry out - drying out leads to slower plant growth and the formation of small and dry root crops.

The first fertilizing is carried out after the plants have 2-3 leaves, and before the formation of a rosette, they are fertilized 2 more times. From the 2nd half of summer, nitrogen is not applied to the root varieties. Foliar spraying with solutions of microelements is also carried out 2 times during the growing season.


Branches of leaf parsley are cut all summer and early autumn, but harvesting stops in October. The plants are slightly hilled and sprinkled with leaves, straw, and pine needles. After the cold snaps, root vegetables are also harvested (along with carrots), and those left in the beds for the winter are also mulched. Root vegetables are stored in the cellar, in boxes with sand. If you care for parsley correctly, in one place it can grow for up to 5 years and produce an excellent harvest.

What can you plant after parsley?

After it, potatoes and Jerusalem artichokes, beets and pumpkins grow well. It is not recommended to plant related crops from the same family for at least 3-4 years.