How to start growing indoor plants. How to grow a plant from seeds How to grow plants

In garden centers and stores, potted plants attract us with their bright blooms; it’s hard not to buy such a flower to decorate your home . But often, after purchasing, potted flowers at home literally lose their beautiful view- flowers fade, buds fall off, leaves turn yellow.

The bulk of potted flowers for sale are imported from distant countries, where they are grown on an industrial scale. The plants have come a long way, all of them are planted in peat, perlite or coconut substrate. To maintain the growth and flowering of potted plants, it is filled with a complex of fertilizers, but this will not last long.

25 Mar 2019

Spring is the most favorable time for most blooms indoor plants, but sometimes home orchids need a little push for the growth of flower stalks and the formation of buds.

There are several ways to stimulate orchid flowering, all of them work at any time of the year., but if the orchid begins to bloom in the spring, when the lighting, humidity and temperature for plants are most favorable, then its flowering will last longer, and more buds will form than, for example, during autumn or winter flowering.

For more than five years now, my phalaenopsis orchids have been regularly beginning to bloom in the spring, for this I use three ways to stimulate flowering: temperature stress, changing the light intensity and feeding with succinic acid.

23 Feb 2019

Kalanchoe as an indoor flower has become widespread thanks to varieties bred with large and double flowers. Blooming Kalanchoe looks impressive and bright, lush inflorescences, like a colored cap, rise above the fleshy ones. dark green leaves. These varieties appear on sale under the general name Kalanchoe kalandiva or Kalanchoe hybrid; their flowers can be of different shapes and colors - white, pink, purple, red, yellow, etc.

Sellers of potted flowers assure that Kalanchoe does not require special care and blooms for a long time; buyers believe the specialists and willingly buy potted flowers to decorate the house or as a gift. However, Kalanchoe owners experience disappointment after a while. Kalanchoe can indeed bloom for a month or two, but after the inflorescences fade, new flowering does not occur either after six months or after a year. During this waiting period, the beautiful shape of the Kalanchoe bush is lost, the shoots are stretched, the lower part is exposed, large leaves fall off, and only small leaves remain on the tops of the shoots. An overgrown Kalanchoe does not look beautiful or tidy.

12 Feb 2019

Pelargonium blooms beautifully at home in a pot and in a flower bed as an annual flower. To rejuvenate pelargonium or to obtain a lot of planting material for decorating a flower garden, it is propagated by cuttings.

From cuttings, pelargonium develops faster and in 2-3 months forms a lush bush that constantly produces new inflorescences. When grown from seeds, pelargonium blooms only after 5-6 months.

Cuttings of pelargonium are usually started in early spring, since with lengthening daylight hours and warming, the process of rooting and plant growth occurs faster. Pelargonium cuttings do not take root quickly, especially varietal royal and ivy geraniums are difficult to reproduce, only if all the rules are followed, otherwise the cut cuttings may rot and die before they begin to grow.

How to take pelargonium cuttings for rooting:

29 Jan 2019

January is ending, winter is in full swing, there is frost outside, and the first shoots are appearing on the windowsill. In January, only flowers were sown for seedlings, with a long period of development from germination to the beginning of flowering . Everything that can be sown in January.

At the end of January, we sum up the results of the January crops: what was sown, what came up, and how the seedlings are developing.

27 Jan 2019

Spathiphyllum flowers look like white sails - a long thin peduncle ends with a small spadix and a white blanket located vertically. The “Women’s Happiness” flower is very popular and it is believed that when it blooms, the cherished wishes of the owner of the plant are fulfilled.

Many of us received a blooming spathiphyllum as a gift. Even in winter, plants with big amount peduncles, but unfortunately this flowering of potted flowers is caused by treatment with a stimulant, gibberellic acid. After the end of flowering, we carefully replant the donated flower and wait for “ Women's happiness» new buds, but the plant produces only leaves and does not want to bloom.

26 Jan 2019

Spider mites often attack house plants; these tiny insects can attack any species with succulent or rough leaves .

It is difficult to see spider mites because they are very small; with the normal eye they are recognized as small dots of red, yellow or brown color. The presence of a mite on plants is revealed by a thin cobweb that envelops the tops of shoots, leaves and stems.

The appearance of a pest on a houseplant can be suspected by the deterioration in the appearance of the leaves., they gradually turn yellow, curl, and many small light dots appear on the leaves, which gradually grow. A plant attacked by a spider mite stops growing and blooming, the growing tips of the shoots curl and dry out, and the buds fall off.

24 Jan 2019

Tuberous begonias - luxurious flowers. Growing tuberous begonia from seeds is not an easy task, since the seeds of this plant are very small, like specks of dust, and in order for the smallest sprout to turn into a gorgeous flowering plant, the plant needs to form a fairly large tuber. When grown from seeds, you can see the first flowers of tuberous begonia in the second year, and the maximum ornamental plants are obtained from 3-4 year old tubers measuring 5-6 cm in diameter.

You can buy a begonia tuber and grow it yourself in the first year beautiful flower . If you decide to buy flowering begonias in a pot, then know that many sellers sell tuberous begonias in pots from rooted cuttings and stimulate them to flower more in order to attract buyers. Such plants spend all their energy on flowering; by autumn, their tubers remain small, they do not contain enough nutrients to survive the winter and sprout in the spring, and they often die.

22 Jan 2019

Plant propagation through rooting cuttings is used very often, as this is the best way to obtain new plants with the exact qualities of the mother plant , preserving all varietal characteristics - the shape and color of flowers, leaves or fruits.

The properties of root formation in plants are different; cuttings from some species take root easily in water and soil, while from other species they die for a long time and often. Root formation stimulants will help gardeners get maximum results when propagating by cuttings.

18 Jan 2019

Clover of happiness, sorrel or oxalis, that’s what they call this cute indoor and garden plant . The greens and tubers of the plant contain oxalic acid and are edible and sour in taste. In the homeland of this plant, in Mexico, sorrel is used for food, like sorrel in our country. In Europe, oxalis is called the “lucky clover” due to the similarity of the leaves and is considered a symbol of happiness and good luck.

Rod Oxalis (Oxalis) is extensive and includes 800 plant species, which can have a rhizome, tuber or bulb, grow as an annual or perennial, with different leaf shapes and colors.

Preparing flower seeds for planting

It is better to start your experiments with simple annuals. The main requirement for seed material: seeds must be fresh and disinfected. Sow seeds that take a long time to germinate in winter, and those that germinate quickly - in March-April. For seeds that have a long germination period, I recommend the following methods of stimulation:

  • soak the seeds in water before planting;
  • pour boiling water over it;
  • make small neat cuts on each seed (if the seeds are not too small);
  • soak the seeds in pre-settled aloe juice.

Be sure to disinfect the soil for sowing: pour boiling water over the soil twice or heat the soil mixture in a water bath or in the microwave.

Attention! This cannot be done when sowing seeds of heather plants.

Sow seeds in pots or trays.

How to sow houseplant seeds

Place drainage at the bottom of the pot, pour in the earthen mixture, and tamp it down. Sow the seeds: Sow a pinch as if you were salting something.

My advice: if the seeds are microscopic, mix them with dry fine sand to see how they are distributed over the surface of the soil.

Place a thin layer of soil on top of the seeds. Spray from a spray bottle or water with bottom watering - place the pot in a container of water so that the water level is slightly below the level of the soil in the pot, and when you see that the soil is moistened, remove the pot from the container with water and let the excess moisture drain. After this, you need to cover the pot with glass or polyethylene, which is subsequently removed from time to time to eliminate condensation and allow the soil to breathe.

When the first shoots appear, remove the glass and place the pot in the light, but shade it from direct sunlight.

Secrets of growing flowers from seeds

Begonia and cactus seeds are sown without pre-soaking.

Soaking is carried out in this way: the seeds are wrapped in a bandage and immersed in clean, soft water for a day or three. The water needs to be changed after five to six hours.

A certain temperature is required for the growth and development of seedlings. Cold-resistant plants need a temperature of about +18ºC, and tropical plants +28-30ºC.

With the help of plants, our home becomes more comfortable and beautiful. Some people choose the easier route and buy flowers in the store, while others opt for the more labor-intensive process of growing indoor plants from seeds. Let's look at what flowers can be grown this way at home.

Features of growing at home

Most indoor flowers are sown in the spring. The favorable period for planting is usually indicated on the seed package.

When choosing a pot from another plant, do not forget to treat the container

Which containers suitable for sowing:

  • plastic or polystyrene pots;
  • clay pots;
  • boxes with square or round cells of different sizes;
  • peat cups for seedlings.

If you use previously used containers, they should be thoroughly treated with soda solution and soap before planting. This is necessary, since tender seedlings can become infected with various fungal diseases (rot, mold).

In any container, before planting at the bottom, you must do hole to drain excess moisture.

The choice of soil is at your discretion. You can purchase a special mixture for plants or prepare it yourself. To prepare, mix one part peat chips, one part sand and two parts sifted soil from the garden.

Before filling the container with earth, drainage should be made from pebbles, clay shards, expanded clay, polystyrene foam, and pieces of red brick.

Next, fill the containers with soil mixture to a height of 1.5 - 2 cm from the edge, pressing it down a little. Distribute the seeds evenly and not very thickly on top. If the seeds are small, they can be mixed with sand and distributed over the container.

Choosing a ready-made substrate or preparing it yourself is not important for a flower, as long as all proportions are met

We do not cover small seeds with soil, but press them a little into it. Cover larger seeds a little with a thin layer of earthen mixture, then press down a little.

It is advisable to water with a spray bottle or watering can with a fine “rain”. Second option– for watering, place the pot in a shallow container of water for a couple of hours to moisten the soil through the drainage holes.

To prevent the formation of large amounts of condensation, it is necessary to remove the glass or plastic cover for ventilation every 3-4 days.

Germination time each plant has its own: from several days to several weeks. Additional factors influencing the germination rate are the freshness of the seeds, humidity level, temperature background, and timely watering.

When the first shoots appear, the lid must be removed and the container moved to a well-lit place, but not under the scorching sun.

Next stage– picking new plants into separate pots.

Picking is carried out when the first true leaves appear on the seedlings. The whole process must be carried out carefully and carefully so as not to damage the delicate sprouts.

For this:

What indoor flowers can be grown from seeds at home?

Many indoor plants reproduce by seeds: decorative leafy plants, decorative flowering plants, succulents, palm trees.

Among ornamental flowering- various varieties of begonias, cyclamen, passionflower, streptocarpus, impatiens, gloxinia, abutilon, anthurium, hibiscus and even fussy orchids.

Among decorative foliage– coleus, dracaena marginata, asparagus, bocarnea, Antarctic cissus, croton, coffee, cordyline.

Among palm trees– Washingtonia, Hamerops squat, date, Howea Forster, Hamedorea graceful.

Exotic plants

Amateur gardeners at home often take up the task of growing exotic plants from seeds. Of course, you will get flowers and fruits faster from a purchased flower, but they often die in apartment conditions.

Those grown from seeds are more resilient from the very beginning.

To successfully grow exotic plants, you should comply with a number of measures:

  • soil sterility;
  • preliminary preparation of seeds (soaking, treatment with microelements, bubbling, scarification, stratification);
  • thermal and light conditions;
  • air humidity;
  • use of growth regulators.

Among the exotics who settled on the windowsills, you can find avocado, kiwi, coffee, citrus fruits, pomegranate, figs, feijoa, dates, passion fruit. With proper care, you can achieve not only flowering of plants, but also enjoy their fruits.

Do I need to treat indoor plant seeds?

Special seed treatment that improves their properties is usually carried out by the manufacturer. If you still need to do this before boarding Preliminary processing, you will find instructions on the packaging.

Processing options seeds:

  • seeds with a dense shell are sometimes recommended warm up, immersed in a very warm solution of potassium permanganate for 12-16 hours, the solution boric acid or hydrogen peroxide for 15-20 minutes. Afterwards, you need to rinse the seeds in clean water.
  • To speed up germination, before sowing the seeds can be soak in epine, zircon, potassium, sodium (up to 12 hours).
  • Stale seeds or those that are difficult to germinate can be arranged cold and hot shower: Soak in cold and hot water alternately.
  • Stratification– placing the seeds in the cold, temperature from 2 to 5 degrees Celsius. The seeds are placed on a damp cloth and placed in a bag and sent to the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

The fabric should be damp. Then we sow it into the ground. For tropical and subtropical plants, this treatment method is rarely used.

  • Scarification– damage to the hard shell of the seeds before soaking (puncture, cut, filing with a nail file).

Indoor flowers from seeds


Orchids have captured the hearts of many people, not just avid gardeners. Phalaenopsis, vandu, cymbidium, dendrobium, zygopatelum can add to your collection and can be grown from seeds.

Initially, we prepare the equipment (flasks) by calcining it in the oven at high temperature. Sterilization follows:

You can sow orchid seeds “over steam”: a grate is placed over a pan of boiling water, and a flask with soil is placed on it. Using a pipette, seeds are taken from the solution and transferred to the substrate. At the same time, we act quickly.

Next, the flask needs to be closed with a tampon and placed for germination. The temperature must be maintained from 18 to 23 degrees Celsius. Light mode - from 12 to 14 hours (daylight, if necessary - additional lighting with lamps).

You can assemble flower lighting at home yourself

Orchid sprouts develop slowly. You need to be patient and in about 3-4 years they will delight you with their first flowers. We described everything in more detail in an article about orchid flowering at home.


Salvia is a perennial plant. When grown in a flowerbed - annual or biennial.

Can be grown in room conditions from seeds or granules. Granules germinate more slowly.

Seeds are sown from mid-February to early March in moist, loose soil, either superficially or to a depth of 2 mm. Temperature regime – 25ºС. Shoots appear within 2-4 weeks.

Picking is done twice. After the third or fourth leaf appears, the seedlings are pinched to form a beautiful bush.

Dracaena carinatum

Dracaenas can decorate any room, which is why they are so popular. If you are lucky and you purchased plant seeds in a store, you can try to grow them.

The process is enough lengthy and labor-intensive, germination can last up to six months. Unfortunately, not all seeds germinate.

If you want to grow dracaena from seeds, you will have to be patient.

Stages of growing dracaena from seeds:

  1. Place the seeds in a small amount of water. Cover the top with a cloth and place in a dark, warm place.
  2. Sprouted seeds plant one at a time in a container with drainage and soil for dracaenas to a depth of 1 cm. Sprinkle with earth. Spray with water using a spray bottle.
  3. Cover the container with the flower with film or glass and place it in a warm place to germinate. Ventilate and water periodically.
  4. When the sprouts appear and grow to several centimeters, remove the film and place the plants in a warm, bright place.

A detailed description of the flower (the species is also known as marginata) can be found in the section on dracaena varieties.

Peony roses

Peony roses appeared at the end of the 20th century. This is a hybrid plant whose official name is Austin roses.

Propagation of roses by seeds is theoretically possible, but is rarely done, since growing them takes more than one year.

The main problem in growing roses from seeds is unpredictable result. The flowers on the new bushes are almost completely different from the parent ones.

It is better to propagate peony roses using cuttings and layering. But for the purpose of experiment, you can try to grow flowers from seeds:

We described other issues related to reproduction in the article on planting and propagating peony roses.

Asparagus Sprenger

Sprenger's asparagus is often found in gardeners' homes. Growing a flower from seeds is not difficult.

March and April most favorable months for planting a plant. Before planting, it is advisable to soak the seeds for 2 days in a damp cloth. Next, we sow in a slightly moist soil mixture of peat and river sand.

We do not deepen the seeds, sprinkle a little soil on top.

When watering, keep in mind that the seeds may be washed away due to the slight depression

Cover the container with film or glass. Ventilate and spray daily. Shoots should be expected after a month. We pick when the sprouts are 8-10 cm. After 4 months transplant into a larger pot.

We presented a description and photographs of the plant in a separate section about Ethiopian asparagus (Sprenger).

Gloriosa Rothschild

Gloriosa Rothschild is most often propagated using tubers. To grow it from seeds you need to be patient.

The seeds quickly lose their viability and should be plant immediately after harvest. The soil mixture should consist of peat, turf soil and sand in equal proportions. It is necessary to sow seeds in late autumn - early winter.

The temperature regime should correspond to 20-24 degrees Celsius. The soil must be moist and not allowed to dry out.

Shoots should be expected after 1.5 - 2 months, or even later. Next, you should very carefully thin out the strong seedlings.

Next stage- planting in separate pots. Gloriosa can be expected to bloom in about 3 years.

Gloriosa is a very unusual and beautiful plant for home

Nolina (Beaucarnea)

Nolina, or bocarnea, is an ornamental leafy plant with an unusual trunk shape – a bottle (for this reason it is also called the “bottle tree”). Nolina is propagated by cuttings and seeds.

Stages of growing nolina from seeds:

  1. Soak the seeds in a light solution of salt or potassium permanganate for a day. Swollen, full seeds sink down, “empty” ones float up.
  2. We use sunken full seeds for planting.
  3. Sowing is done into a sand-peat mixture. Before use, the soil must be steamed for 30 minutes. You can add vermiculite to the soil mixture.
  4. The pot should have a hole to drain excess moisture and drainage.

The optimal light regime for germination is 14-16 hours (at least 12).

  1. Seeds plant superficially, slightly pressing with a plank.
  2. The top of the pots should be covered with film or glass, and when shoots appear, remove them.
  3. Temperature range – 22-27°C.
  4. After the formation of three true leaves, we plant the seedlings in separate shallow pots with drainage.

It is interesting that at home the flower does not grow higher than 2.5 meters, whereas in the wild the height can reach 8 meters. Appearance Nolina and general points You can find care instructions in the section on growing bocarna at home.

Choosing plants to grow from seeds is a responsible process, since each variety has its own requirements

The process of growing indoor flowers from seeds at home is sometimes quite labor-intensive and painstaking. But, as a result, a new plant grown with your own hands will appear in your home.

3 parts: How to plant seeds How to care for shoots How to eliminate possible problems

One of the main reasons why people grow plants from seeds is because of the huge variety of plants available in seed catalogs. In addition, it is much cheaper than buying ready-made plants. Moreover, in this case you can follow all stages of growth and enjoy the gardening process. For starters, you can try growing vegetables or flowers.

Part 1 How to plant seeds

  1. Choose your seeds.

    Your local gardening store can provide seeds that are suitable for your area and specific time of year. For beginners, it is best to use vegetable and herb seeds, e.g.

    green beans

    Lettuce and


    In addition, it is easy to grow flowers such as from seeds


    Cosmea and

    • Fresh seeds germinate easier than old ones.
    • Although collecting seeds from plants yourself is quite risky, it can be done as an experiment. Due to cross-pollination and grafting (transplanting shoots of one species onto the stem or roots of another), child plants may differ from their parents.
  2. Determine your landing time.

    In most cases, seeds are planted indoors. However, it depends on what exactly you are planning to grow. For example, lettuce and green legumes germinate better if they are planted directly in the ground outdoors. This means that you can plant the plants before the end of the spring frosts. Frost-resistant plants can be planted indoors in late winter or early spring. It is better to plant more heat-loving plants later, in the middle or end of spring, when it is already warm and there are no night frosts.

    • It usually takes three to six weeks for a seed to grow into a large plant ready for transplanting into regular soil, but some plants can take up to fifteen weeks.
  3. Choose a suitable container.

    Seeds planted outdoors are susceptible to damage from diseases, insects and bad weather. You will be able to germinate more seeds if you plant them indoors and take care of the young seedlings. You can purchase a seed tray at a garden supply store. You can use any small container with drainage holes.

    • Before using an old container, clean it thoroughly with soap and water. Wash the container in a water solution of household bleach (1 part bleach to 9 parts hot water) and air dry. This will destroy microorganisms that can damage the seeds.
    • Some plants, such as lettuce, cucumbers, melons and sunflowers, do not tolerate transplantation, which disrupts their root system. Their seeds can be planted immediately in the open air after the end of spring frosts, or each seed can be planted in a separate cell of a special seedling tray, and then the sprouts can be transplanted into the ground along with clods of earth.
  4. Fill in soil for seedlings.

    It's easy to make yourself, which will save you money. Simply mix equal parts perlite, vermiculite and coconut flakes (or peat moss). This light mixture drains well, which prevents rotting, and allows sprouts to easily break through to the surface.

    Water the prepared soil thoroughly and fill the seedling tray with it so that the soil is approximately 6 millimeters below the edge of the tray. Gently press the soil down with a clean tool to create a firm, even surface. Wait for excess water to drain.

    • If you are using commercial potting soil, check to see if it contains compost. In this case, there is no need to fertilize the shoots. Don't add compost to your first self-prepared seedling soil - it will be more trouble than it's worth.
    • If you are using peat moss rather than coconut flakes, add hot water to mix the soil properly. Because peat moss has increased acidity, to neutralize it, it is recommended to add garden lime (calcium carbonate). Try adding lime at the rate of ¼ teaspoon (1 gram) for every 4 liters of soil.
  5. Plant the seeds.

    If the seedling soil has time to dry out, water it again before planting the seeds. Look at the bag of seeds at what depth and at what distance from each other they should be planted, or follow these rules:

    • One tray - one type of seeds. Place the seeds fairly freely and evenly over the entire area of ​​the tray.
    • One tray - several types of seeds. Using a clean ruler, make small rows in the soil at a distance of 2.5–5 centimeters from each other. Plant seeds of each variety in a separate row and label the rows.
    • Individual pots or tray with cells. Plant one large seed (such as a cucumber or melon seed) or two small seeds (such as flower seeds) in each cell.
  6. Cover the seeds with soil.

    Based on the size of the seeds. As a rule, seeds should be covered with a layer of soil twice as thick as their diameter. Most small seeds (such as petunia, lettuce and snapdragon) requires light for germination. Leave these seeds on the surface of the soil.

    • Dry vermiculite or ground sphagnum (but not peat) moss are excellent for sprinkling seeds. You can also use a dry mixture to germinate seeds.
    • Lightly spray the soil. Don't water it too much or it will compact and it will be difficult for the sprouts to emerge.
  7. Keep moisture in with a plastic lid or film.

    Seeds are very sensitive to lack or excess of moisture. Cover the tray of seeds with a plastic lid or plastic wrap to retain moisture until they germinate.

    • Most seed germination trays come with a plastic lid to help conserve moisture. If you purchased a tray without a lid, you can make a miniature greenhouse or germinate seeds in an old aquarium with a lid.
  8. Keep the seeds in a warm place out of direct sunlight.

    If the germination temperature is not indicated on the seed packet, keep the daytime temperature between 18–24ºC and the nighttime temperature at least 13ºC.

    If the room is colder, place a heating pad under the seed tray. Most seeds require a lot of light, but do not place them in direct sunlight if the tray is covered with a lid or plastic wrap.

    • Some seeds germinate better in complete darkness - these include tomatoes, larkspur, calendula and coriander. In this case, cover the tray with black film or a sheet of cardboard.
    • To get better results, you can search in reference books temperature regime, most suitable for a particular plant. However, in most cases, at the “wrong” temperature, only a few seeds will not germinate, or the shoots will take a little longer to germinate.
  9. Check the humidity level every day or every other day.

    If the soil seems too dry, place the seed tray in a container of water to allow the soil to absorb the necessary moisture.

    This is less risky than overhead watering, as the latter may wash out the seeds or cause them to become submerged.

    • As mentioned above, a plastic cover or film is usually sufficient to retain moisture during seed germination. To be on the safe side, you can control the humidity level.

Part 2 How to care for shoots

  1. Once the seeds have sprouted, remove the plastic cover.

    Most seeds germinate within two weeks. As soon as shoots appear from the soil, remove the plastic cover or film (if you used it).

    • If you planted different seeds in a tray, cut strips of plastic film or fabric and cover the rows with those seeds that have not yet sprouted.
  2. Immediately after the shoots appear, provide them with bright lighting.

    Move the tray to a well-lit place, such as a window sill that faces south. If the temperature or lighting in the new location is too different from the previous one, move the tray gradually so that the seedlings have time to get used to the new conditions. Sudden changes can destroy plants.

    • If it is quite cold outside, you can place a heat-insulating mat between the tray with seedlings and the window to prevent the cold from the window from penetrating into the soil and slowing down the growth of shoots.
    • In high northern and southern latitudes, where there is little sunlight, you can place a plant lamp 15 centimeters above the seedlings and turn it on for 14-16 hours a day. As the seedlings grow, raise the lamp higher so that it does not burn the shoots.
  3. Rotate the tray with seedlings daily.

    As plants grow, they are drawn toward light. If the only light comes through a window, the shoots will bend toward it, causing them to grow long, weak stems. Rotate the tray with seedlings 90 degrees every day to ensure they grow evenly.

  4. Maintain a constant temperature.

    Unless otherwise indicated on the seed packet, maintain daytime temperatures between 18-24ºC and ensure they do not drop below 13ºC at night. Excessive heat or cold during the germination stage can negatively affect the shoots: for example, seedlings may develop weak and thin stems.

  5. Water the shoots regularly.

    The soil mixture should be moist, but not wet, otherwise the delicate roots may rot or drown (that is, lose the ability to absorb oxygen). It is best to place a container of water under the tray so that the soil absorbs it as needed. Watering tender sprouts from above can damage them or cause disease.

    • If the potting mix dries out, the seeds will quickly die. Check to see if the soil is moist at least once a day.
  6. Apply fertilizer to the soil as soon as the first true leaves appear.

    The set of first leaves is called the cotyledon. The second set of leaves represents the first "true" leaves and serves as evidence that the seedling has become mature and ready for serious growth. Dilute the fertilizer at the rate of ¼ of the recommended dose. Pour the fertilizer solution into a suitable container and place a tray with shoots in it so that the fertilizer is absorbed into the soil. Do this once a week or as often as indicated in the fertilizer instructions.

    • If you planted the seeds in a potting mix that already contained compost, do not fertilize them. Too much fertilizer can cause crop burns and other problems.
    • Once you have transplanted the seedlings into larger pots, you can use ½ the recommended dose of fertilizer, and add a full dose as they grow.
  7. Transplant the shoots into separate pots.

    If you planted the seeds in a common tray, the seedlings may become crowded as they grow. However, this does not apply to all plants and depends on specific type. If you still need to plant seedlings, wait until they are strong enough to tolerate transplantation. As a rule, gardeners choose the largest and healthiest shoots for transplantation. The remaining shoots can be composted or thrown away. Replant the plants as follows:

    • Wash the new pot with soap and water and rinse to ensure there is no soap left in it.
    • Fill the new pot with moist potting soil. The soil should be at room temperature. Make a hole in the soil large enough for the roots of the seedling.
    • Gently shake off the old soil from the roots of the seedling. Use a popsicle stick or other similar object.
    • Lift the seedling by upper leaves. Don't grab the stem.
    • Place the plant in the prepared hole. Using a pencil, slightly spread the roots apart (it is not at all necessary to achieve their ideal location).
    • Cover the roots with moist soil so that they are located at the same depth as before. Lightly press the soil down.
    • Maintain the temperature and lighting at the same level for at least a few days until the plant recovers from replanting.
  8. Harden off the plants.

    “Hardening off” involves gradually exposing the seedlings to variable temperatures and outdoor weather conditions so that they do not experience shock when they are subsequently transplanted. Start hardening two weeks before transplanting plants into open ground:

    • Lower the room temperature slightly.
    • Water the seedlings less often, but be careful not to let them dry out.
    • Take the plants to Fresh air for 1-2 hours a day and place them in a shady place protected from the wind. At the same time, make sure that the air temperature does not fall below 7ºC.
    • Every day, increase the time the seedlings spend outdoors by about one hour. Gradually accustom the plants to sunlight. The amount of time spent in sunlight depends on the type of plant and where you plan to plant it.
  9. Replant the plants outdoors.

    Once the weather is warm and the seedlings can grow outdoors, transplant them into a pot or bed in the garden. Follow the rules for growing these plants - each species requires certain temperature and light conditions. Here are the basic rules:

    • If possible, transplant plants on cloudy and windless mornings.
    • Water the soil in the pot and planting area.
    • Carefully transfer the roots to the new location. Try to expand the roots when planting, but not damage them.
    • Cover the roots with soil at the same level as in the previous place.
    • Water the plant well so that the soil adheres to the roots.
  10. Take care of your plants. The seedlings are difficult to transplant, and it may take several weeks for them to settle into their new location. Continue to water the plants and keep the soil moist but not too wet. Protect the seedlings from strong winds and rain until they become stronger.

Part 3 How to troubleshoot possible problems

  1. Try to prevent fungal infection.

    Young shoots often die due to fungal diseases, a phenomenon called damping off. If the seedlings die, try planting other seeds and try to prevent them from becoming infected with spores. Proceed as follows:

    • Use sterile soil and wash all pots and tools with a water solution of household bleach (one part bleach to 9 parts water).
    • After planting the seeds, sprinkle the surface of the soil with dry vermiculite or perlite.
    • Make sure that the soil does not freeze or is too wet. If water comes out of the soil when you press, it is too wet.
    • It is best to treat the soil for seedlings with a fungicide. Please observe the instructions for use.
  2. Think about why tree seeds don't germinate.

    The seeds of many trees, including oranges and apple trees, require special conditions to germinate. For best results, follow the directions included with the seeds. Most seeds of this type require the following:

    • Scarification. If the seeds are covered with a hard shell, it should be removed or made thinner. Try rubbing the seeds with a nail file or cutting the shell with a knife. You can even boil the seeds to soften the hard shell.
    • Stratification. Under natural conditions, the seeds of many trees lie on the ground all winter and germinate in the spring. This can be simulated: put the seeds in a cold and damp place for several weeks so that they “understand” that they should germinate soon. Place the seeds between two damp towels in an open plastic bag and place it in the refrigerator.
  • Select a site in the garden in advance for future seedlings. You may need to change the soil or take other measures to prepare the area for replanting the sprouted seedlings.
  • Some gardeners “knead” the tops of seedlings daily. This is believed to help produce stronger, shorter stems. Conversely, weak winds cause the stems to become longer and weaker. On the other hand, strong wind strengthens plant stems, so try placing a fan near the seedlings.

What you will need

  • Seeds
  • Soil for seedlings, purchased or homemade
  • Tray or pots for seedlings
  • Fertilizers
  • sunlight
  • Thermal insulation mat (optional)

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Do you want to decorate your home with a unique exotic plant, but are not ready to shell out a pretty penny for it? There is an exit! Grow it yourself from inexpensive seeds. And we'll tell you how to do it.

Exotics living in the tropics are not as picky as they might seem at first glance. Many of them grow well from seeds under normal home conditions. We decided not to pay a lot of money for original plants, so, having bought high-quality and inexpensive seeds, we tried to grow several types of exotics on our own.

You can sow seeds all year round. But it is important that during germination they are kept in a room with an air temperature of at least 22-25°C.

Asparagus Sprenger

This perennial subshrub with almost imperceptible scaly leaves-needles is loved by many gardeners. At proper care in late spring - early summer, white or light pink small flowers appear on it, in place of which red berries then form.

Asparagus loves diffused lighting (a suitable place for it is a low cabinet near a window), regular and abundant watering. The plant is not demanding on air temperature (the main thing is that it is not lower than 10°C), with proper care it does not get sick and is not attacked by insect pests.

Growing asparagus from seeds

Soak the seeds in warm water for 2 days (you can add any growth stimulant there).

Pour drainage into a small container, and on top of it - ready-made nutritious soil. Sow the seeds at a distance of 3 cm from each other and sprinkle with a thin layer of soil. Wrap the container in plastic wrap or cover with a plastic lid and place in a warm and well-ventilated area. Moreover, the place does not have to be well lit: asparagus seeds germinate well in the dark. But the air temperature should not be lower than 18°C.

Asparagus seeds germinate unevenly: the first shoots may appear within a week, and the last ones - after 2 months.

When the first shoots appear, place the containers on the lightest windowsill or under a phytolamp so that they develop well. And when the seedlings reach a height of 10 cm, carefully plant them into separate pots. At the same time, do not forget to add drainage to the bottom.

Gloriosa Rothschild

This spectacular tropical vine with bright yellow-red flowers (10 cm in diameter) and elongated shiny green leaves will not leave anyone indifferent! It blooms throughout the summer: new ones immediately appear in place of faded buds.

Gloriosa prefers diffused light, high humidity, abundant watering (except for the dormant period of tubers) and does not tolerate drafts. Its climbing stems grow up to 3 m and need to be tied to a support.

From September to February, gloriosis needs to be put to rest. Stop watering it and, without removing the tubers from the pot, place them in a dark and dry room with room temperature. In February, transplant the tubers into fresh soil. If you wish, you can dig them up in the fall, put them in a box with sand or peat, place them on the refrigerator door and store them there until February.

Gloriosa is poisonous if ingested, so keep this plant away from pets (especially cats, who like to taste the flowers) and small children.

Gloriosa from seeds is a reality!

Although gloriosa is most often propagated by tubers, it is also possible to grow a beautiful vine from seeds. In January-March, sow the seeds in nutritious soil, lightly sprinkle them with soil, water well, cover with film and keep warm (at least 22°C) and in good light.

The first entries should appear after 2-4 weeks. In this case, the seeds often do not hatch at the same time.

Please note: this plant is suitable for patient people. It grows slowly (about 20 cm per year) and blooms only in 3-4 years.

Nolina, or bocarnea

This indoor plant (succulent) is often called the bottle tree and elephant's foot. The thing is that its unusually shaped trunk resembles a bottle or an animal limb. Around a rather thick stem there are narrow leaves up to 1 m long, which allows nolina to fit perfectly into the interior of any style.

In summer the plant loves warmth, and in winter it “retires” and feels great at a temperature of 10-15°C. Nolina also prefers bright light and does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil. It should be watered only after the soil has completely dried - about once every 5-7 days, and in winter - no more than 2 times a month.

Growing a bottle tree from seeds

It is very easy to grow nolina from seeds yourself. The key to success is high-quality seeds, which must first be soaked for 1-2 days in water or a growth stimulant, sown in nutrient soil, lightly sprinkled with soil on top, covered with polyethylene and placed in a well-lit place. The seedlings emerge amicably and grow quickly at a temperature of 20-25°C.

As a rule, shoots appear a month after sowing the seeds.

What else can you grow from seeds?

Today on sale you can find seeds of other, no less attractive exotic plants, such as dizygoteca eleganta, myrtle, fatsia japonica, and chamedorea graceful. But their seeds are more capricious and germinate more slowly. For example, chamedorea germinates only 30-50 days after sowing. If you have enough patience and time, try growing these unusual indoor plants.

Don’t be lazy to spend time sowing seeds and caring for young exotic shoots! This is not so difficult, and your collection will be replenished with new interesting specimens of plants that not all gardeners have.

Quite a lot. First of all, all citrus fruits. True, the seeds need to be sown almost fresh. Several types of palm trees, the most common is to sow a seed from a dried date. Such a deservedly widespread plant as pelargonium, better known as geranium, is excellently and extremely easily and quickly propagated by seeds. If you sow now, then in a week, or even earlier, shoots will appear, and by the beginning of summer, flowers will appear. If, after the threat of frost, the plant is planted on a balcony or garden plot, it will develop a powerful bush over the summer, which must be removed indoors before the onset of cold weather, where it will delight with flowers for a long time. By the way, geranium is an excellent donor of positive energy.

Violets, passionflower, coleus, gloxinia, amaryllis and many other indoor plants are grown by seeds. After sowing, some of them need to be placed in the refrigerator for several weeks for stratification - this will speed up the emergence of seedlings.

In general, there is a special seed series Indoor Flowers.

I really like to grow indoor flowers, because it is not always possible to grow an indoor flower bought in a store, which fades/dies after a few days.

In order not to be disappointed with flowers purchased from stores, it is best to grow the same flowers from seeds, which can also be purchased at flower shops.

It is known that it is difficult to grow flowers from seeds, but if you try, you can succeed.

Usually you can grow from seeds, famous indoor flowers are - cyclamen, gloxinia, geranium, cacti, dracaena, orchid, abutilon, palm.

To achieve good germination, you need to plant correctly; each plant has its own chapter.

I’ll add that now new pelargoniums and gloxinias are growing on the windowsill. One of these days I will dive. Lemon eucalyptus grows beautifully and quickly, but if you want a beautiful bush, you will have to sow it every two years. I was unable to propagate it by layering, but it quickly loses its beauty. But the aroma is amazing.

Cyclamen grows on the loggia. It’s hot for him in the apartment, but cold on the loggia in winter. Therefore, they sprouted well, but growing them turned out to be a problem for me.

Rosemary is a favorite kitchen herb. I use it for cooking. Seed germination was poor. It took a long time to rise and not amicably. I left one for myself. Now I will try to renew it vegetatively.

And the child is trying to grow cacti. They rose well, but not all survived. They grow slowly. Now they are two months old.

I won't duplicate the rest of the photos. You can see them in the previous answer. One of these days I will try to sow cyperus. I don’t know why I need it…….

The well-known geranium can be grown from seeds. Seeds in stores are sold in bags called pelargonium. Buying a plant already in a pot is not cheap, but it is not difficult to grow from seeds, you can even have several plants with flowers of different colors. The advantage is that the plant grows quite quickly and begins to bloom within 3-4 months. There was a case when I didn’t cut off a faded geranium umbrella in time, pods appeared in place of the flowers and I decided to let the seeds ripen. So these seeds had 100% germination rate

This is a tricky question. You can’t list everything, you’re bound to forget something. I will say this - everything can be grown from seeds; it is propagated by seeds. There are plants that reproduce only by children or cuttings, but they certainly cannot be propagated by seeds))

I will tell you and mostly show you the plants that I planted with seeds.

For example Muraya, a very useful tree and leaves and the smell of flowers and fruits, everything is edible and healthy. It reproduces easily by seeds, blooms already half a year after germination, the first flowers fall off, but already next year everything blooms and fruits are set.

Dracaena dragon, I planted it with nuts, there is a photo of how it grew and developed, I transported it to work, because... There is little room for dracaena at home.

Adenium I sowed them, they sprouted perfectly, out of 5 seeds there were 4, unfortunately I lost 2 during the growth process, but 2 remained. Now they are already much larger than in the photo, but have not bloomed yet((.

Asparagus, I really wanted Pinnate, I bought the seeds, but the usual ones sprouted.

Cactus The mix sprouted very well and is still growing.

Nightshade, though the seeds were not from the store, a friend shared, but this is what grew, by the way, the plant is poisonous and so are the berries!

Cyclamen They also germinate well, but they didn’t work for me, it’s hot and dry in winter, although I suffered with them for several years, and their seeds ripened and I planted them with the same seeds, but gradually everything came to naught..

Mother of thousands, this beauty grows even if it is cut sideways, it grows quickly, it propagates itself by seeds in all pots, it is simply irreplaceable for covering the soil in large pots.

This is what was planted in recent years, when the camera appeared, but how much was sown and not captured...

I grew balsam. The most difficult thing was to collect the seeds: when ripe, they shot out of the capsule. I had to wear a muzzle made from the cellophane shell of a cigarette pack. Since the seeds were from a white-pink hybrid, the new flowers came in a variety of colors: white, pink, crimson.

I myself am a big fan of indoor flowers, I especially love those flowers that bloom and please the eye. I always go to a store where they sell flower seeds, buy them, and experiment. I’ll be honest, I planted Cyclomen, Posiflora, Balsam, but everything was not successful. They didn’t even germinate, although the seeds were fresh. And no matter how many times I plant them, the result is always zero. What this is connected with is not clear. But Abutilon sprouts after 4 days and grows beautifully. No matter how much you plant, everything comes up. I have already given it away to all my friends and relatives. It still grows well and the main thing that blooms for me is Catharanthus. I bought mixed varieties of Catharanthus and now they bloom in one pot. different flowers. White (beige), pink, red and lilac. Very beautiful. Nightshade grows well, but what I liked most was planting and growing succulents with seeds. They are not whimsical at all, they grow quickly and are beautiful. Echeveria cushion-shaped blooms very beautifully. The sedum is also very beautiful.

The child is interested in everything around him. Why is the sky blue and the sea salty? Every day “whys” force us to think about how to simply explain complex things. In this article we will talk about how a flower grows for children: step by step and clearly.

A little about plants and flowers

Imagine a flowerbed with roses blooming. When talking about roses, we often call the entire plant a flower: stems, leaves, and buds. Although this is not entirely true.

A rose is a flower, but the bush from which we cut it is a plant. We will understand how a flower grows if we first talk about the plant itself.

The seed falls into the soil

It all starts with seeds. The seeds of different plants differ greatly from each other. For example, oak seeds are acorns, cherry seeds are the seeds inside its berries, and we often see tiny poppy seeds in baked goods. Usually the seeds are small, but among them there are also such giants as coconut.

Seeds are looked for in different ways new house: someone flies towards him, caught by the wind, someone swims on the water. Birds and animals help many plants travel around the world. Seeds of different plants take root in different places, but all need water and warmth to sprout.

Root formation

A seed that falls into suitable soil sends out roots. From now on, they will perform many important tasks to support the life of the plant.

The roots grow downwards. Usually they look like the crown of trees turned upside down, but the roots of different plants (as well as the same ones growing in different conditions) are different.

Roots pull dissolved gases, water, organic and minerals- that is, everything that replaces food for the plant. The roots can bring out harmful substances and retain useful ones. And, of course, the roots firmly anchor the plant in the ground, preventing strong winds and streams of water from destroying it.

The roots are the most important part of the plant. As long as they are healthy and remain in the ground, the plant will not die. Torn branches and stems, flowers and leaves will definitely grow again.

Appearance of a sprout

After the roots are released, the first shoot hatches. He breaks through the seed like a chicken through an egg shell, and reaches up through the earth to see the sun.

A little time will pass and the sprout will appear on the surface where we can see it. From now on we can call it sunrise. A thin stalk with a pair of leaves will develop into a mature plant. To do this, it needs sun, water and air, as well as nutrients that the roots take from the soil.

Plants have different needs. Some people need warmth and bright sun, while others feel good in the shade and coolness. Some plants need a lot of water, some less. In the right conditions, seedlings stretch and grow. Together with visible part plants develop and roots.

Maturity, flowering and the circle of life

The time comes, and flowers appear on the adult plant. This happens when the plant accumulates enough strength to produce its own seeds.

A bud appears on the stem of the plant, at first similar to an ordinary folded leaf. It develops into a bud. When the bud opens, we finally see the flower.

Insects carry pollen from one flower to another. This process is called pollination, and after it is successfully completed, the plant produces new seeds.

The seeds are carried around by wind, water or animals, and everything starts all over again. This is the circle of life that plants go through.

Most of us grow flowerpots on the windowsill, but not everyone knows how to properly combine indoor plants, which ones have positive energy, which are safe for children or, conversely, can cause allergies.

1. Combination of indoor plants.

First of all, pay attention to the rules for caring for violets. These are quite whimsical plants. Please note that tobacco smoke is a bad companion for indoor plants. However, cases of influence of one plant on others are observed. For example, not everyone can live side by side with geranium. Place nearby only those flowers that are similar in care and require approximately the same lighting and humidity. For violets, they may die if they find themselves in the same room with lilies of the valley. But hibiscus has a life-giving effect on weak plants. It is advisable not to place different flowering pots close to each other, because they can become over-cut and bloom very strangely.

2. Plant energy.

If we talk about energy, plants with strong energy are considered to be ordinary bamboo, butterfly orchid, dracaena, Pot rose, orange or lemon. Plants with heavy energy are cacti, poinsettia, aechmea, and plants with soft and timid energy are violet, camellia, adiantum, etc. In recent years, original compositions, which are sometimes called “parks on tables,” have become popular in indoor landscaping. Various alpine slides, “stumps”, “islands” often decorate living rooms or executive offices. To create them, you need to select plants that have the same requirements for lighting and humidity, and soil properties. While some plants thrive in acidic soil, others may die.

3. Houseplants and children.

It should be remembered that plants with big green mass absorb a lot of oxygen at night, so they cannot be kept in the room where the child sleeps. You shouldn’t grow allergenic plants or cacti there either! However, poisonous plants are truly dangerous. Among them are such toxic species that just touching them can cause a burn, even a tumor. However, they are rare and need special gloves to care for them. Among the common indoor plants, there are many that are dangerous for children and pets. Poisonous ones include those that release white milk when a leaf is torn off or a stem is damaged. Plants of the araceae family (Dieffenbachia, Monstera, Alocasia) are considered poisonous - they are very beautiful, but do not forget that they can cause harm. If it gets into the mouth, the poisonous juice can cause swelling of the larynx and oral mucosa; if it gets into the eyes, it can cause conjunctivitis and changes in the cornea. No less poisonous are plants of the euphorbia family (poinsettia, croton, euphorbia, acalypha, etc.). Oleander, adenium, Mandeville and catharanthus are very dangerous. The juice of these plants contains a large amount of alkaloids and glycosides. If ingested, it can cause cardiac dysfunction, and in large doses it becomes deadly. Azalea is highly toxic: if a piece of its leaf gets into the stomach, cramps and colic will begin.

4. Allergy to indoor plants.

Most often, the cause of an allergy to indoor plants can be any flowerpot or flower that is blooming. It is during flowering that polynomials arise. Moreover, even the soil under them can be saturated with spores of various plants. Allergies to houseplants vary from person to person, so I can’t give any specific advice on choosing them. But if symptoms have already appeared, remove the flowerpots from the room, especially from the bedroom. Most often, allergies occur to fragrant pelargonium (geranium). The leaves of this plant contain essential oils, which have a wonderful aroma, but are a source of suffocating odors. Allergic reactions can also be caused by ferns, because they release pollen that easily scatters throughout the room. Potentially dangerous indoor plants include crinum, catharanthus, oleander, Alamandi, and eucharis.

Doctors do not have information regarding specific plant allergens, so if you already have symptoms - watery eyes, sneezing, get rid of all floral ones. Philodendron, Dieffenbachia, Colocasia, and Alocasia are dangerous for the skin and mucous membranes. Even Kalanchoe, having medicinal properties, can cause severe allergies. Safe indoor plants are bromeliad, pineapple, begonia, balsam, palmetto, trachycarpus, netcreasia, golden mustache, Erica.

5. Plants that can be grown without sunlight.

Many plants can be grown under artificial lighting, but in this case it is necessary, firstly, to use only fluorescent lamps and, secondly, to strictly follow the care regime - temperature and water. In addition, such rooms must be regularly ventilated. The peculiarity of such growing plants is that artificial lighting should be as close as possible to natural lighting - almost 12-14 hours in spring and summer and 7-9 hours in winter. Such conditions most often exist in workshops and other work areas where there is a lot of fluorescent lamps. If the room is small, you can place plants nearby table lamp, but in no case an incandescent lamp (its radiation has a detrimental effect on plants!), but a fluorescent one.

Such lighting is as close to natural as possible, emits almost no heat and is much more economical. So consider how much light and conditions you can provide to your plants and choose according to your taste. If bright light your office is lacking, plant plants that do well in dark spaces. For example: - Scindapsus- a vine with aerial roots and yellow or white spots on the leaves, does not like drafts, dry air and direct sunlight. — Aspidistra- not only loves the shade, but is literally afraid of direct sunlight, which can burn the leaves

(moderate and cool temperatures are suitable for her - up to zero degrees). — Aglaonema- a good exotic plant with oblong variegated leaves. Aglaonemas can grow in complete shade, but with yellow or white-green leaves in the complete absence of light they will lose their variegation. This plant loves warmth and abundant watering. Does not tolerate drafts and tobacco smoke. — Sansevieria feels quite comfortable in the shade and in the sun, tolerates dry air and drafts. Watering sansevieria can also be moderate, even rare, but you need to make sure that water does not get into the rosette between the leaves. Excess moisture can also be destructive. — Asplenium(Nesting bone) loves shade and moist air, so spray it regularly and provide plenty of watering. Do not use hard or chlorinated water for this. — Philodendron also loves shade and tolerates cold well, but the room temperature should not be lower than 12 degrees. Philodendron is watered frequently and abundantly (reduced to moderate only in winter) and sprayed frequently.