How to properly grow Chinese cabbage in a greenhouse all year round. Growing Chinese cabbage in greenhouse conditions Chinese cabbage growing in a greenhouse in winter

In addition to the usual juicy tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, and potatoes, exotic vegetables began to appear on the tables - asparagus, artichoke, yams, chard. Chinese cabbage is no exception, it has become an integral part of the diet and has gained considerable popularity.

Beijing cabbage ripens in a greenhouse

About Chinese cabbage

Beijing cabbage, or Chinese cabbage as it is called, owes its origin to China, which is already obvious from its name. The Chinese were the first to grow this crop, and thanks to its taste and the presence of a large number of substances beneficial to the body, it began to be grown all over the world. Unpretentious to growing conditions and not much different from white cabbage, it can be grown by anyone, an experienced vegetable grower or a novice amateur.

But still, growing Chinese cabbage has some simple secrets and features.

Beijing cabbage variety Glass - heads of cabbage

Popular varieties

Chinese cabbage is a two-year vegetable crop of the cabbage family, and in practice it is used as annual plant for growing in a greenhouse. Grown in a greenhouse. Previously, there was only one variety of Chinese cultivated cabbage, but over time the situation has changed significantly, and breeders have developed a large number of hybrid varieties for greenhouses. Among the most popular it is worth noting:

  • mid-season variety "Glass" with a head weighing up to 2 kg. and airy tender wrinkled leaves, which are consumed raw, are ideal for growing in a greenhouse;
  • variety “Nika” is suitable for fermentation, head weight up to 3 kg;
  • variety “Monument” with a weight of more than 3 kg, also adapted for growing in a greenhouse;
  • early variety "Vesnyanka" with a fruit weight of up to 300 grams and a period of full ripening of no more than 40 days.

Heads of Chinese cabbage of the Vesnyanka variety

Features of growing Chinese cabbage in a greenhouse

Despite the similarity with its relative, white cabbage, the planting and cultivation technology of the Beijing crop has its own minor differences, one of which is the ability to get two harvests, and if you grow seedlings at home in greenhouses, even three.

Chinese cabbage of modern varieties is adapted to sudden changes in temperature; it is a cold-resistant plant and easily tolerates low temperatures, but still, to obtain a high-quality harvest, you need to grow this crop in greenhouse conditions.

Peking cabbage shoots should be left one per cup.

The first shoots (if planting is done well) can appear already at an optimal temperature of +3-4°C, and they are not afraid of possible spring frosts down to 3°C below zero. Despite its unpretentiousness to weather conditions, Chinese cabbage requires heat, and to obtain a high yield, the optimal recommended temperature in the greenhouse should be within + 15-20 ° C.

To avoid the appearance of shoots, it is necessary to regulate the access of light to the plant; Chinese cabbage receives full development under the condition of shortened daylight hours. A shaded frame is the best adaptation for this type of cabbage.

Ready-made Chinese cabbage seedlings

An important feature of growing this crop is its location to various types infections and diseases.

It is also necessary to ensure the proper level of protection from all kinds of pests, since Chinese cabbage is damaged by them more than its white relative.

Dangerous pests include the cruciferous flea beetle, which causes a lot of problems and is not so easy to deal with.

Cabbage cruciferous flea beetle

  • To protect the plant from the invasion of the cruciferous flea beetle, it is necessary to take into account the timing of planting - in early spring it does not yet have time to appear, and in late summer it no longer appears.
  • The best way is to cover the plant with a non-woven fabric, under which it is difficult for the flea to get under.
  • This annoying pest is afraid of ash, so it is recommended to treat the beds with ash even before the first shoots appear.
  • A good way to combat flea beetles is mixed sowing, alternating planting with tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, and garlic.

To achieve a harvest, it is necessary to take into account correct crop rotation - the precursors for full growth are legumes - beans, peas, soybeans; vegetable crops - tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, zucchini, carrots.

Growing Chinese cabbage through seedlings

As mentioned above, Chinese cabbage can be grown with or without seedlings. The advantage of growing a crop through seedlings is getting early fruits.

Planting Chinese cabbage seedlings in the ground

When using this method and proper care, the first harvest should be collected after a month.

Chinese cabbage does not tolerate transplanting and picking well, so it is recommended to plant the seeds in peat pots or special tablets, which can be purchased in specialized stores. Fill the pots with loose peat soil with the addition of mineral fertilizers and treat them with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection purposes.

The beginning of April is a favorable time for the first planting of seeds. In pre-prepared pots with soil, make holes 1 centimeter deep and plant three seeds, placing the pots in a warm and shaded place. The shoots will not keep you waiting; the first leaves will appear on the third day.

Young Chinese cabbage plants in a greenhouse

If all three seeds germinate, leave one strong sprout.

Water the seedlings as the soil dries, and stop watering three days before planting. After the formation of four leaves (25 days), the seedlings can be transferred to open ground.

In the greenhouse, too much more convenient for the same reason. During a certain period of growth, it needs different temperature conditions, which is very difficult to achieve at home. A quality seedlings- this is a pledge good harvest. Let's look at how cabbage is grown further.

Find out about those that can be grown in a greenhouse on our website.

Cabbage varieties

By all accounts, in the greenhouse It is better to grow early varieties cabbage They can be used not only in salads and cooking, but also fermented. The earliest ripening White cabbage- “Early Ditmar”. It produces its first harvest 50-70 days after the seedlings are planted.

A round, slightly flattened head of cabbage can weigh up to 1.5 kg. You can remove up to 40 kg from 10 sq. m. The most common variety in gardeners' greenhouses.

The variety “Golden Hectare 1432” does not crack and is very tasty. Ripens within 105-130 days after the first shoots appear. Kochany are white and grow up to 3 kg. Suitable for salads, hot cooking and pickling.

The variety “Number One K-206” produces a good harvest; it is ready for harvest 100-120 days after the appearance of the first shoots. Productivity up to 40 kg/10 sq. m, heads weighing up to 2 kg. You can also choose early hybrid varieties of cabbage, bred by foreign breeders - Dutch, French, Polish, etc.

Planting and care

Grow cabbage in a greenhouse even a beginner can do it vegetable grower. The technology for growing early cabbage in a greenhouse is not complicated. It is enough to follow the rules and know some of the subtleties of caring for it. When to plant cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse?

The seeds are sown in February, in a greenhouse seedlings are planted in mid-April. Some, the most daring specialists, sow seeds in December, illuminating the seedlings with phytolamps, and receive a harvest in early June.


Even in a greenhouse cabbage is grown only from seedlings. How to grow early cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse? To get strong seedlings, you need to choose and plant the seeds correctly. You should choose the largest and darkest ones.

Before planting, they must be treated - first 20 minutes in hot water (up to 50°C), then immersed for several minutes in cold water and dry. As a preventive measure for fungal diseases, they can be treat with nitrophoska solution.

Planting seeds

It is best to sow seeds for seedlings in steam beds or greenhouses. When growing cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse, biofuel is most often used. To prepare a steam bed, you need in the ground dig a trench up to 30 cm deep and 100-120 cm wide. Biofuel is placed at the bottom and covered with earth on top. For seedlings, the most suitable substrate is made from equal parts of turf soil, peat and sand.

Seedling care

How to grow cabbage seedlings in an unheated greenhouse or under film? Seeds are planted in soil heated to 20°C to a depth of 1 cm. A frame with a film at least 30 cm high is installed on top. The first shoots hatch within 4 days, this means that you can open the greenhouse for daytime for hardening seedlings. It is not yet recommended to water the seedlings. After the first leaf appears, the temperature should be raised by 2-3°C until it reaches 10-12°C.

When the first 1-2 leaves appear, seedlings needs to be thinned out and begin active watering and fertilizing of seedlings. During her growth feed 3 times.

The first time they are fed with a mixture of phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen fertilizers, the second time - only nitrogen, and the third time - before planting the seedlings in the greenhouse - they are again fed with a nitrogen-potassium-phosphorus mixture. Watering is carried out daily in the morning.

Transplanting seedlings into a greenhouse

The most important thing is that you have already grown the seedlings. There is very little left, the main troubles are behind us. Before planting seedlings in the greenhouse, the soil is prepared. In addition, the greenhouse must be equipped with lamps for additional illumination.

Growing cabbage seedlings, proven method for creating optimal conditions, which is increasingly gaining popularity among gardeners and summer residents.

The soil

Cabbage is a plant that loves a lot of water, so the soil for it should be dense and retain moisture well. It’s better to start preparing it in the fall - dig it up properly, no less than a spade’s length, and at the same time apply fertilizer. This can be compost humus or manure and mineral fertilizers. Cabbage does not like acidic soils, therefore, if necessary, liming should be carried out in the fall.

You cannot plant cabbage on the same land year after year. Crop rotation must be observed, otherwise you won’t get a good harvest.

The best predecessors for it are cucumbers, potatoes, onions or legumes; after them, many useful substances remain in the ground.


Transplantation into the greenhouse is done when the sprouts have formed 4 leaves, it looks strong and has green-purple color. If the sprouts are light green, this indicates their weakness and unreadiness for transplantation.

A few days before landing the seedlings need to be hardened off a little. To do this, the daytime temperature in the greenhouse is reduced to 16-18°C, and the night temperature to 12°C. It is also regularly ventilated. It is better to survive seedlings by transshipment, without shaking off the earthen lump from the roots, so as not to damage them. A hole is made in the ground, watered with water and fertilizer.

A seedling is lowered into the hole, the earth around it is compacted tightly, which ensures maximum contact of roots with soil. There should be a distance of at least 30 cm between seedlings. Watering cabbage should begin a week after planting, when the seedlings have taken root well.


Caring for cabbage in a greenhouse consists of regular watering, loosening the soil, fertilizing and maintaining temperature and light conditions. Cabbage is very light-loving, daylight hours for her should be 14-17 hours. If necessary, it needs to be illuminated.

The temperature for normal growth and maturation is maintained at 16-20°C. Cabbage once every 2 weeks fed with manure dissolved in water. The required humidity is 70-80%, watering should be regular and plentiful.

Types of cabbage

Although white cabbage holds the lead, it is still not the only one. Now in vegetable gardens you can often see beds with broccoli, Chinese cabbage and cauliflower. Them too can be successfully grown in a greenhouse.


Wonderful slaw - Beijing- precocious, her can be collected in 40-80 days after emergence. The conditions for growing Chinese cabbage in a greenhouse are temperature 16-18°C, loose fertile soil.

Shoots appear at a temperature of 20°C, then it is reduced to 10°C. Seedlings grow for 20 days at a daytime temperature of 22°C and a nighttime temperature of 16°C. 20-day-old seedlings are transplanted into a greenhouse.

Chinese cabbage needs frequent watering, optimal humidity is 70-80%. Planting is carried out according to the 20x20 pattern. Fertilize with superphosphates, humus, ammonia fertilizers and potassium chloride three times from planting seedlings to harvesting.

It is often planted in a greenhouse along with cucumbers and tomatoes as a “sealant”. A head of cabbage of medium density weighing 300 g is considered ripe. With proper care you can collect up to 8 kg from 1 sq. m.


IN Lately nutritionists strongly advise including broccoli in your diet. Some they call it a “rejuvenating” vegetable for the content of methionine and choline in it, which prevent the accumulation of “bad” cholesterol in the body. The richest set of microelements and vitamins makes it an invaluable product on our table.

The process of growing broccoli in a greenhouse is no more difficult than growing regular cabbage. It can be sown as seeds in a greenhouse as early as March (it is quite frost-resistant). Seeds germinate fairly quickly, and after 10-12 days the seedlings already have 3-4 leaves.

Temperature range: 18°C ​​during the day and 12°C at night. The soil is prepared in the fall - it is dug up and fertilized with superphosphate, organic matter, ammonium nitrate and potassium salts, and limed if necessary.

Further care consists of loosening, weeding and deep watering (at least 40 cm). Before the flowers bloom it is necessary to cut off the central heads, which grew to 10-12 cm in diameter, while taking 10 cm of the stem.

The heads and stem are quite edible, but if they grow further, they will become loose and tasteless. Pruning will give the children the opportunity to grow - small offspring up to 6 cm.


This the most demanding species cabbage But it is easier to grow it in a greenhouse than in open ground, because you can create optimal temperature and humidity conditions. The soil and air temperature should not exceed 16-18°C, and humidity should be high. If these conditions are not met, its head of cabbage will lose density and begin to crumble. The greenhouse must be ventilated regularly.

Eat features in feeding cauliflower. Cauliflower in a greenhouse does not tolerate nitrogen and potassium fertilizers well. A good composition would be mullein infusion with the addition of superphosphate, potassium sulfate and urea. For the second feeding this composition is required add ammonium molybdate and boric acid.

Molybdenum is needed cauliflower, otherwise its head will be rougher and change color to yellow-green or even yellow-blue. A ripe healthy head of cabbage weighs about 400-500 g.

Some may think that too much trouble and effort needs to be put in to grow a good harvest of cabbage in a greenhouse. But you must agree that growing costs early cabbage in the greenhouse worth it so that already in the first months of summer your plate will have fresh, full of vitamins, delicious cabbage. Good luck to everyone and bon appetit!

Useful information in the video:

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  • selection of varieties;
  • soil preparation;
  • sowing seeds;
  • growing seedlings;

Before planting, the seeds need to be treated: soak in warm water for about 15-18 minutes. The temperature of the latter should not exceed 50 degrees Celsius.

Then the seed must be immersed in cold water and dried thoroughly. Experienced summer residents recommend treating the seeds with an additional nitrophoska solution to prevent fungal diseases.

The technology for growing Chinese cabbage involves sowing seeds at the end of February or beginning of March to a depth of 1-2 cm. Plants should be watered as needed. The first sprouts appear around the third day.

The rules of care are:

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Growing Chinese cabbage in Belarus

Growing Chinese cabbage has its own characteristics compared to ordinary white cabbage. Let's look at how to grow Chinese cabbage in your garden. Chinese cabbage has delicate and thin petals, so it requires special care. These ancient crops of China are actively conquering the vast expanses of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and other CIS countries.

And this is not surprising, since the technology for growing Chinese and Chinese cabbage is quite simple. Even when grown without seedlings in the northern regions, you can get a good harvest. What can we say about warmer regions?

So, how to grow Chinese cabbage? First, let’s recall how these two types differ. Quite often they are united by a common name - Chinese cabbage, but from a botanical point of view this is completely incorrect.

Chinese cabbage (salad, or petsai) and Chinese cabbage (mustard, or pak choi) are close relatives. Both species are native to China, but they differ appearance and certain features. Chinese cabbage has very delicate, sessile, whole leaves with a swollen, wrinkled leaf blade, height - 15-35 cm. There are varieties in which the leaves form a head or rosette of different densities and shapes. Chinese cabbage forms a rosette of erect leaves with succulent petioles, the height of which reaches 30 cm. Two subspecies are grown, which differ in the color of the petioles and leaves. Peculiarities of growing Chinese cabbage: The most optimal temperature for germinating cabbage is 15-22°C

  1. Chinese cabbage is an early ripening crop. The ripening time of early varieties (from germination to ripeness) is 40-55 days, late - 60-80, medium - 55-60. This makes it possible to get 2 or even 3 crops in one season. They are grown year-round when certain conditions are created. Moderate temperatures (below 13°C) and long daylight hours cause flowering and bolting. The best temperature for germination is 15-22°C.

To prevent flowering and bolting, you must:

  • do not thicken the crops; choose varieties that are resistant to flowering; grow in short daylight hours (sow in April, cover late crops from light in the evening and open in the morning).

Technology for growing Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage can be grown either without seedlings or using seedlings. Non-seedling method of growing Chinese cabbage seeds are sown in open ground:

  • from the first ten days of May (or the end of April) to June 15, intervals between sowings are made at 10-15 days; from July 20 to August 10.

Planting scheme for Chinese cabbage. The distance between plants should be 15-25 cm. This can be achieved by sowing seeds in a narrow bed in the following ways:

  1. Lowercase tape method with plant thinning. To do this, sowing seeds is carried out with ribbons (three- or two-line). The distance between the ribbons is 50-60 cm, between the rows - 20-30 cm. When planting seeds in the holes in groups of 3-4 pieces, the distance between the holes is about 30-35 cm. Thinning will be necessary.

Try both sowing methods and choose the one that seems more effective and convenient. The depth of sowing seeds when growing in open ground is 1-2 cm. The bed with the crops is covered with plastic film, especially if it is still cool outside.

Seedlings do not like frost, unlike adult plants. The first shoots appear on approximately 3-10 days, depending on the temperature. To protect plants from the cruciferous flea beetle, the soil is sprinkled with ash before germination.

This pest is one of the reasons why Chinese cabbage cannot be grown after mustard, radishes and other cruciferous crops. By the way, take this into account when choosing green manure for the bed in which you intend to plant any species. With the strip-line sowing method, 2 thinnings are carried out during cultivation.

With the appearance of one true leaf, thin out for the first time, leaving plants every 8-10 cm. When the leaves of neighboring plants close together, a second thinning is done, leaving plants every 20-25 cm.

Seedling method

Cultivation by seedlings should be carried out taking into account their “capriciousness” to damage the roots and replanting. They cannot be grown using picking.

Chinese cabbage is more capricious, so its seedlings must be grown in peat pots and planted together with the pots in a greenhouse or open ground. The advantage of growing through seedlings is a reduction in ripening time. By using seedlings, you can get the first harvest 20-35 days after planting the seedlings on the bed. The time for sowing seeds for seedlings depends on the type of soil. When grown in:

  • open ground - late March-April; protected ground - late January-early February.

Containers and cassettes for seedlings. The soil for growing Chinese cabbage seedlings must be loose. It is good to use coconut substrate; it meets all the requirements for seedling soil and makes it possible to obtain healthy and strong seedlings. For uniform sowing, seeds are mixed with sand and sown to a depth of approximately 0.5-1 cm. Seedlings are ready for planting at age 25-30 days. By this time, seedlings should have 4-5 true leaves. For these types of cabbage, the most preferable are light, organic-rich, well-drained soils with a neutral environment. The predecessors can be crops that are also acceptable for other cabbage plants. The area allocated for Chinese cabbage, must be illuminated. Chinese cabbage must be grown separately from Chinese cabbage, since cross-pollination can be carried out between these species. Seedlings are planted according to the following scheme:

  • in open ground 30×25 cm; in protected ground - 10×10 cm (leaf forms) and 20×20 cm (head forms).

Cabbage care

Both types are cold-resistant, moisture- and light-loving crops. Chinese cabbage can withstand frosts down to -6°C. Temperatures in the range of 15-22°C are optimal for plants. Temperatures above 25°C can cause burns on the leaves of plants (Chinese cabbage especially suffers from this). Chinese cabbage can withstand frosts down to -6°C. Care requires abundant watering, shallow loosening of the soil and control of pests and weeds (Chinese cabbage more resistant to pests, as it has essential oils that drive them away).

Mulching the soil will save you from weeds, which will give you more time to rest. Cabbage also loves refreshing watering; it is recommended to use the sprinkling method. Plants grow poorly when there is a lack of moisture. But excessive soil moisture reduces its yield.

Chinese cabbage loves more watering than Chinese cabbage. If it rains frequently in your region, you will have to protect the cabbage from it, otherwise it will begin to rot.

You can protect it by covering with a transparent ordinary film or agrofibre. It is good to apply 2 feedings of mullein solution (1:8) during the growing season. When weeding, be careful not to cover the apical bud of the cabbage with soil. Chinese cabbage is stored better than Chinese cabbage. Make friends with these Asian representatives and you will be happy with the result, since growing Chinese cabbage is quite a feasible task even for a beginner.

How to get rid of cruciferous flea beetle? What will help fight a slug?

Many years of experience in growing Chinese cabbage

Let's finally understand the features of growing Chinese cabbage so that we can always have a harvest of this “Asian beauty”.

Timing for planting Chinese cabbage: how to avoid bolting

The first and most important secret to a good harvest of Chinese cabbage: you need to plant it on time! Chinese cabbage blooms and produces seeds only with long daylight hours (just like radishes or daikon).

This suggests an obvious conclusion: to avoid flowering, Chinese cabbage should be planted either in early spring or in mid-summer, when daylight hours are shorter. Therefore, Chinese cabbage is planted twice: Early spring planting— April 15-20. Summer-autumn planting- from July 20 to August 10. In addition, do not forget that there are special varieties of Chinese cabbage that are resistant to flowering.

Dutch hybrids have proven themselves very well. Although all Chinese cabbage is an early ripening crop, it has varieties that differ in terms of ripening. Early varieties ready for harvesting after 40-55 days, medium - after 55-60, and late - after 60-80.

Growing Chinese cabbage: basic agricultural technology

Chinese cabbage is grown in seedlings and without seedlings. The advantage of seedlings is undeniable - accelerated growth and shortened ripening period.

Growing Chinese cabbage through seedlings

To obtain an early harvest, Chinese cabbage seeds are planted as seedlings at the end of March, and for winter consumption - at the end of June. The optimal way to grow seedlings is in individual pots or peat tablets, because Chinese cabbage does not tolerate picking well and takes root in a permanent place for quite a long time. Chinese cabbage cabbage loves loose soil, so a 1:2 mixture of humus and coconut substrate is best suited as soil for seedlings. You can also use a mixture of turf soil and peat in equal proportions.

The seeds are planted to a depth of 0.5-1 centimeter and the pots are left in a dark, warm place until germination, which usually does not keep itself waiting and appears after 2-3 days. Now the Chinese cabbage seedlings must be brought into the light. It is advisable to water the seedlings not too often, as the top layer of soil dries out. Watering is stopped 3-4 days before planting. When the seedlings have 4-5 true leaves (after about 25-30 days), they are ready to be planted in the garden.

Growing Chinese cabbage without seedlings

To plant Chinese cabbage, it is recommended to choose a well-lit area where garlic, onions, cucumbers, potatoes or carrots have previously grown - the best predecessors of this crop. First, you need to prepare the holes at a distance of 25-30 centimeters from each other (the same distance should be between the rows in the garden bed). Add a half-liter jar of humus or compost + 2 tablespoons of ash to each hole and spill it generously.

Now you can plant seedlings or seeds. The seeds are planted to a depth of 1-2 centimeters, sprinkled with ash on top and covered with covering material or film. After 4-7 days, the first shoots should appear.

Care, watering, feeding of Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage loves light, moisture and coolness. The optimal temperature for growing it is 15-20°C. At temperatures below 13°C and above 25°C, you cannot count on a good harvest.

One of the indispensable agricultural practices when growing Chinese cabbage is covering it with non-woven fabric. Firstly, the covering protects young seedlings from frosts and temperature changes (unlike adult plants, Chinese cabbage seedlings do not tolerate cold weather). Secondly, the covering material shades Chinese cabbage from direct sunlight on hot days, avoiding overheating. Thirdly, it protects the plantings from excess moisture in rainy summers (if there is too much water, Chinese cabbage can rot). Finally, the cruciferous flea beetle - an insatiable pest of Chinese cabbage - is much less likely to find the plant under cover rather than without it. Two weeks after planting in the ground, mulch the bed with Chinese cabbage. Mulch will help retain more moisture in the soil and inhibit the appearance of weeds. Once a week, Chinese cabbage is watered generously warm water. The culture responds well to fertilizing. Two weeks after planting in a permanent place, you can feed it:

  • mullein infusion (1:10); herbal infusion (1:9).

1 liter of fertilizer is poured under each plant. During spring planting, such fertilizing is carried out three times, and during summer planting - twice. To make the heads of cabbage set better, you can spray the cabbage with a solution boric acid- dissolve 2 grams in 1 liter hot water and add 9 liters of cold.

How to get rid of cruciferous flea beetle and slugs on Chinese cabbage

Diseases in Chinese cabbage are rare; it grows so quickly that it simply does not have time to become infected. But pests love Beijing.

The most avid lovers of cabbage are cruciferous flea beetles and slugs. The cruciferous flea beetle is very difficult to defeat; although it is small, it will wear you down in no time. Therefore, the best fight against it is prevention. You need to try to make sure that this little scoundrel bypasses your beds.

Measures to combat cruciferous flea beetle:

— Compliance with planting deadlines. In early spring and late summer, cruciferous flea beetles are still/no longer present in nature. — Covering the plantings with non-woven fabric.

As mentioned above, it is more difficult for fleas to get under cover. — Dust the beds with ash before germination. This pest does not favor ash.

— Correct crop rotation. You should not plant Chinese cabbage in beds where other cruciferous crops (radish, daikon, mustard or any cabbage) grew. The larvae of the cruciferous flea beetle overwinter in the soil, and the pest will definitely appear.

- Mixed plantings. Most The best way to overcome a flea is to deceive it. To confuse the scoundrel, plant Chinese cabbage along with tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, garlic, onions or petunias. If, despite all efforts, the cruciferous flea flea has reached the bed with Chinese cabbage, you can spray it with the biological preparations “Fitoverm” or “Bitoxibacillin” , dust with a mixture of ash and tobacco dust (1:1).

And if the pest is especially rampant, you cannot do without the use of chemicals - Actellica, Aktara, Iskra or Inta-Vira. However, they can be used no later than a month before harvesting. Another problem with Peking is slugs.

In a cloudy, rainy summer, they can easily eat Chinese cabbage for us. Getting rid of slugs is very difficult. And you have to try everything: sprinkle the cabbage with a special mixture (0.5 liters of ash + 2 tbsp. salt + 1 tbsp. dry mustard + 2 tbsp. ground hot red pepper), spread burdock leaves over the bed (slugs really like burdock and will certainly crawl under the leaves), place boards between the beds (slugs gather under them), and then destroy the pests manually.

Storing Chinese cabbage

Mature Chinese cabbage plants are notable for their resistance to frost. The culture can withstand cold temperatures down to -4°C.

Therefore, do not rush to cut off unripe small heads; Chinese cabbage can be safely left in the garden until mid-October. When a head of Chinese cabbage becomes dense, it is ready for harvesting. Vegetables planted in early spring are not suitable for long-term storage; they are planted specifically for summer consumption.

But Chinese cabbage, planted in July, can be perfectly stored until the new year and longer. Store Chinese cabbage at a temperature of 5-7 ° C, wrapping each head in cling film or wrapping it in newspaper and then in a plastic bag. Only newspapers need to be changed from time to time to avoid rotting. We wish you success and great harvests!

How to grow Chinese cabbage.

Head, leaf and intermediate forms - this is the variety that Chinese cabbage provides - a vegetable that is of great value for its benefits and taste. Its first type is particularly early in maturity. It takes less than two months to produce a harvest.

Therefore it deserves great attention. Since you can harvest several times in one summer season. In addition, this cabbage is excellent for the climate of our country.

Chinese cabbage seeds do not need special heat; a temperature of 5? C is enough for them to germinate. It will not freeze at -3? C. And she doesn’t need much heat during growth either.

Therefore, planting Chinese cabbage is possible already in the season called early spring. Growing and caring for Chinese cabbage is not particularly difficult, provided that you know the development features of this plant.

At very high temperatures, lasting even a short time, this cabbage blooms immediately and is no longer used for food. Long daylight hours lead to the same result. Therefore, in latitudes where the sun does not set for a long time and rises early, in the summer it needs to be shaded in the mornings and evenings.

The daylight hours in April are quite suitable for growing Chinese cabbage. Then the optimal temperature for it is established and maintained: about 15? C. Another property of Chinese cabbage: the need for moisture. It needs to be watered regularly, but not flooded.

It is good if watering is carried out by rain, that is, it looks like irrigation from above.

Here it can be sown both for seedlings and immediately for harvest. Many summer residents use it to compact beds in a greenhouse.

While its permanent inhabitants, in the form of cucumbers and tomatoes, are still gaining strength, Chinese cabbage will have time to ripen and can be harvested. Rows of cabbage in the greenhouse are arranged at a distance of 20 cm. And seeds are placed every 5-10 cm. When to sow Chinese cabbage: The most early time For its sowing in the greenhouse it is the beginning of April. In this case, the beds can be cleared by the beginning of summer. In 2015, planting any cabbage for seedlings and in the ground will be favorable during the following periods:

  • in March: 7, 22, 23 and 31; in April: 1, 2, 19, 20, 28 and 29, 30; in May: 1, 16, 17, 27, 28, and 29; in June: 12, 13 , 21, 23 and 25.

Unfavorable days for planting cabbage in 2015:

  • in March: 4, 8, 13, 26 and 28; in April: 3, 7, 12, 24 and 26; in May: 2, 6, 11, 24 and 26; in June: 1, 6, 10, 22 and 24.

When to plant Chinese cabbage in the ground- since this plant can easily withstand frosts down to -4 degrees, the earliest planting will be after the snow melts. You can also sow seeds in a warm, high bed and cover it with greenhouse film to get a quick harvest.

Growing and caring for Chinese cabbage.

In order to extend the harvest of this plant over a long period of time, it must be sown several times in the spring. The breaks between sowings should be one to two weeks.

These pauses will allow enough time to eat the previous crop before the next one ripens. This time lasts from the end of the second spring month to mid-June. These terms relate to how to grow leafy varieties of Chinese cabbage. If it forms a head of cabbage, then the sowing time moves closer to summer. In order to grow Chinese cabbage without seedlings, proceed as follows:

  • 3-4 seeds are placed in a hole, the depth of which is 1-2 cm; they are placed at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other in all directions; the bed is covered with polyethylene; shoots appear in 3-10 days; sprouts need to be thinned out after a second leaf will grow, removing the weakest one from the group.

After deciding how to plant Chinese cabbage in the country, you need to delve into all the nuances and subtleties of caring for it.

And it is required:

  1. water abundantly, but protect from waterlogging, for example, lay agrofibre in rainy weather; loosen, piercing the ground 5 cm; hill up 20 days after germination and then once every 10 days; weed; protect from pests, for example, with a mixture of ash, salt and pepper with mustard, which needs to be sprinkled on the soil; feed with mullein and urea, only in moderation, because nitrates accumulate heavily in the plant.

Sowing Chinese cabbage for seedlings and its subsequent transplantation It should be planted this way with caution. Because cabbage is sensitive to transplantation and may die. Chinese cabbage will definitely not tolerate picking.

The best option: grow seedlings in peat pots. In order to then plant them together in the garden. Planting Chinese cabbage as seedlings gives the advantage that the harvest can be harvested within a month after moving it to a permanent place.

So, already with the beginning of summer you can enjoy it. When planting seedlings in a garden bed, you need to choose an area where the soil is light. The soil should be well drained, rich in nutrients and neutral in acidity.

The technology for growing Chinese cabbage is the experience of a gardener.

This is a very simple crop and even a novice gardener can cope with it. I like that Chinese cabbage has a much shorter ripening time than white cabbage, only 70 days.

And you can plant it twice a summer. The second time I plant it in mid-July, and it ripens just in time for September and October. It is not afraid of frost, and even when it is cold, its leaves are green and fresh. To grow Chinese cabbage you need: You need to plant so that the distance between plants is 20-25 cm.

You can sow the seeds thickly, and then, as the Chinese cabbage grows, gradually thin out. You need to water moderately, without over-moistening the soil. Chinese cabbage prefers loose soil with nitrogen, so add sand and peat when planting. Tips for gardeners on caring for Chinese cabbage:

Beijing cabbage: growing in the Urals and Siberia

This plant comes from China. And in view of the geographic proximity of Siberia to this country, it turns out that Chinese cabbage should grow well here. Growing in Siberia comes down to the same technology as in other places.

Need to take into account early dates planting it so that the cabbage has time to ripen before the onset of hot days. That is, you need to subtract 40-60 days from the season when the temperature reaches 22? C, and so get optimal time for sowing it. It would be wiser to grow seedlings in order to precisely meet the cool season and get succulent heads of cabbage without them blooming.

Peking cabbage was first grown by the Chinese, which is why it owes its name to them. The culture is unpretentious to climatic conditions and grows well in different regions of Ukraine. The technology for growing Chinese cabbage in a greenhouse is simple and every amateur summer resident can master it. But the key to a good harvest is quality seeds. Therefore, selection seed material- the first thing to do.

Landing Features

The Beijing greenhouse growing technology consists of the following stages:

  • selection of varieties;
  • soil preparation;
  • sowing seeds;
  • growing seedlings;
  • organization of plant care.

Correctly selected technology for growing Chinese cabbage makes it possible to obtain at least two harvests per year.

The best predecessors for vegetables are cucumbers, tomatoes, peas, carrots, zucchini, beans or soybeans. Soil preparation consists of fertilizing it with humus and ash. It is recommended to add coconut substrate to the soil.

Before planting, the seeds need to be treated: soak in warm water for about 15-18 minutes. The temperature of the latter should not exceed 50 degrees Celsius. Then the seed must be immersed in cold water and dried thoroughly. Experienced summer residents recommend treating the seeds with an additional nitrophoska solution to prevent fungal diseases.

The technology for growing Chinese cabbage involves sowing seeds at the end of February or beginning of March to a depth of 1-2 cm.

Growing and caring for Chinese cabbage

Plants should be watered as needed. The first sprouts appear around the third day.

Scheme for planting Chinese cabbage in a greenhouse: 50 x 30 (in summer cottages), 70 x 40 (in industrial fields).

The recommended temperature for good plant growth in a greenhouse should be within +13-18 degrees Celsius. But the Chinese cabbage culture can easily withstand even lower conditions: the first shoots appear already at +4.

The rules of care are:

  • in order to prevent the appearance of shoots, it is necessary to build a shaded frame for the plant - the vegetable receives full development under the condition of shortened daylight hours;
  • to protect the plant from the invasion of the cruciferous flea beetle, it is recommended to cover the beds in the greenhouse with non-woven fabric;
  • Before the first shoots appear, the rows must be treated with ash to prevent damage to the vegetable by various pests;
  • fertilizing can be done using an infusion of chicken manure, mullein, and herbs.

Chinese cabbage does not like transplanting and picking. Growing and caring for the seeds must be done, since seedlings in most cases do not take root well. If you still like the last option, then it is better to plant the material immediately in peat tablets. The plant should be replanted when it has at least 4 leaves. It is recommended not to water the Chinese cabbage seedlings 2-3 days before this procedure.

The key to successful cultivation of any plant, including vegetables, is high-quality planting material and compliance with the rules of care. Growing Chinese cabbage in a greenhouse will be quite successful if you purchase and sow high-quality seeds. The material must be maximally adapted to the climatic conditions of the region where it is planned to be planted.

One of the leading companies producing and selling seeds in Ukraine is Lucky Seed. High quality and a large selection of varieties will help you get high-quality garden or greenhouse products!

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Recently it has become increasingly popular Chinese cabbage. You can buy it at any supermarket and even a small grocery store. But few people know how to grow this same Chinese cabbage in their own plot. It turns out that the growing technology is not at all complicated and, if you follow certain rules, you can grow “Peking” in your garden without any special worries.

For country house Good fabrics and linens will come in handy to recreate true comfort and serenity. A very good choice would be flannel fabric, which will be used to create children's clothing. After all, children are our future and happiness!

Place on the plot for growing Chinese cabbage

Suitable for growing fertile soils with good moisture. If the soil is depleted, it is better to fertilize it with organic matter. The area where the cabbage will grow should be well lit, but the daylight hours should not exceed 8-10 hours. To do this, it is better to choose a planting area such that shadow falls on the beds in the evening.

Young fluffy Chinese cabbage seedling

You can grow this type of cabbage in open ground in two terms. The first is planting in May, and the second is planting at the end of June. Moreover, during the first period it can be grown both from seeds and from seedlings. If you grow it in the second term, then this should be done only through seeds.

Already a large grown cabbage bush

Fertilizing soil for growing Chinese cabbage

Before planting cabbage, you should fertilize the soil with compost.

Growing Chinese cabbage in a greenhouse

It is not recommended to feed Chinese cabbage with mineral fertilizers, as it tends to accumulate nitrates. Cabbage should be watered generously; it loves moisture. Also, this type of cabbage is light-loving and frost-resistant.

Almost ripe Chinese cabbage

Disadvantages of Chinese cabbage

The only disadvantage of Chinese cabbage is its high susceptibility to disease. However, timely preventive measures will help get rid of this problem. For this you can plant sage near the cabbage planting, mint, garlic or wormwood. Young leaves can be treated with sifted ash.

Harvesting Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage is harvested when the plant reaches a height of 20 cm. Late varieties should be dug up with the root and stored at a temperature of 0 to 2 degrees Celsius.

It should be noted that, unlike white cabbage, Chinese cabbage is different high level productivity and short cultivation period. This allows you to grow it in winter greenhouses and get several harvests during the summer season.

The benefits of Chinese cabbage

The benefits of Chinese cabbage comparable to its productivity. With constant consumption of it, the functioning of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract improves. There is a strengthening immune system the body, which as a result increases resistance to various viral infections. It is very useful to consume Chinese cabbage for the prevention and prevention of cancer.

Chinese cabbage is an annual vegetable with a cylindrical head that can be either loose or dense. This plant is grown in protected or closed ground. This species has been cultivated in Ukraine recently, but is already loved by consumers due to its juiciness and taste without bitterness. Specialists among others positive qualities vegetables note its unpretentiousness. Growing Chinese cabbage in open ground does not require special skills, but there are some nuances in this matter.

General information

This type of cabbage began to be grown in China back in the 5th century, then the vegetable became widespread in Japan. Over many years of cultivation of Chinese cabbage, many of its hybrids have appeared.

This vegetable appeared in Europe in the 18th century.

Rules for growing Chinese cabbage

Some of the petsai varieties (as they call it in China) are characterized by increased productivity. It can be used in any form. “Beijing” is recommended for people who are prescribed dietary nutrition. It is advisable to use dishes prepared from it for gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Features of agricultural technology

It is practiced to grow Chinese cabbage in open ground and in greenhouses. This is a cold-resistant plant. It can be grown at temperatures slightly above zero degrees. Seedlings require a lot of light to grow. The soil in which the plant is grown must be constantly moistened. The crop is irrigated using the sprinkling method. The head of cabbage is formed in about 2 months.

The technology for growing Chinese cabbage in open ground involves ensuring an optimal temperature of 15 to 20 degrees Celsius. You cannot expect a large harvest when the soil dries out and in extreme heat. Peduncles may well appear prematurely if daylight hours are increased. And this often leads to the fact that the heads of cabbage grow small and dry, so the sowing time must be chosen optimally. Seeds are sown in April or July (second half of the month), when daylight hours are shortened.

The ripening period ranges from 7 to 12 weeks. There are leaf varieties, which are characterized by faster ripening, and cabbage varieties, which have valuable taste.

Planting seeds

It is necessary to choose the most illuminated area, because only there can Chinese cabbage produce the maximum yield. Growing in open ground in Ukraine does not require preliminary soaking of seeds. Its ideal predecessors are:

  • garlic;
  • potato;
  • cucumbers;
  • beans;
  • grain crops.

But it is highly not recommended to grow petsai behind any crops: white cabbage, tomatoes, radishes.

Of great importance is the preparation of the holes, which should be located approximately 30 cm from each other. You must add to them:

  • humus solution - about half a liter;
  • urea - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • ash - 2 tbsp. l.

The seeds are placed at a depth of 2 cm, and the beds are covered with film.

If the preparation and the growing process itself are carried out according to all the rules, you can expect an excellent harvest.

Today there is a large selection of cabbage varieties on the market, but most gardeners prefer Petsai. Growing seedlings of this species is a rather complex process, so many people prefer sowing seeds.

Plant care rules:

  • provision of watering;
  • implementation of fertilizing;
  • soil treatment with ash (from pests).

The Lucky Seed company sells seeds of the most different types cabbage for quite a long time. It has proven itself on the positive side, and its products, which are acclimatized to the weather conditions of specific regions of Ukraine and are distinguished by high germination, are preferred by a larger number of buyers.

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There is hardly a person who is indifferent to Chinese cabbage. Being the closest relative of the white cabbage, the Peking cabbage is distinguished by its juiciness, pleasant taste and delicate aroma. It can not only be added to salads, but also used to prepare main courses. Topic of this article Chinese cabbage cultivation and outdoor care. From it you will learn how to plant a plant correctly, when to do it and how to get the maximum yield.

Peking cabbage cultivation and care in open ground

Peking cabbage growing in a summer cottage

Interestingly, Chinese cabbage recently won the attention of our citizens and became a frequent product on tables. It attracts not only with its excellent taste, but also big amount nutrients contained in one leaf of a plant. It is even allowed to be consumed by people suffering from any form of diabetes due to its negligible sugar content.

How to grow Chinese cabbage? It is worth noting that in our climate, this vegetable grows well. He is not afraid of cold and drafts. Cabbage reacts much worse to excessive amounts of ultraviolet radiation, the rays of which can leave bright burns on the leaves. Some people practice growing Pekinka in protected ground or greenhouses, but it is best to do this in open ground. Another plant, like our cabbage, cannot exist without regular, abundant watering, which is necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the crop. It’s just important not to overdo it, because otherwise problems may begin with the root system, which will begin to decompose.

What is needed to grow Chinese cabbage in open ground? Here are some practical tips:

  • Choose the right variety. Today there are many varieties of Pekinka, but not all of them are suitable for growing in our climatic conditions. There are also those who need very complex, painful care. Our advice is the “Khibinskaya” variety. It is most often grown in summer cottages, since the crop is quickly accepted and produces a bountiful harvest.

  • Grow seedlings. Like any other cabbage, this one also needs to be grown for seedlings. You can start sowing seeds at the end of February, beginning of March. For convenience, you can use small wooden containers or pots. The soil must be nutritious and loose.

    We plant Chinese cabbage and properly care for the crop

    In this case, it will be easy for the young and weak roots of the plant to take root in the soil.

  • Create favorable conditions for seedling growth. The quality of seedlings depends entirely on what conditions you create for the plant. It is important to moisten the soil regularly, making sure that it is not too wet. You also need to fertilize and give the normal amount of sunlight.

When is it necessary to plant seeds in open ground? As soon as the seedlings reach a height of 15 cm, it is time to plant them in the summer cottage. An important condition is warmth, absence of frost and drafts. You also need to pour a small amount of mineral or organic fertilizer into the hole, which will help the weak root system take root.

Caring for Chinese cabbage is as easy as shelling pears!

In order for the Beijing plant to grow well and delight you with its harvest, it is necessary to provide it with proper care. What does it include?

  • Watering. It is better to water with warm water several times a week. It is important that the water is not irrigated, but goes to the root area.
  • Loosening, removing weeds. Weeds can destroy the plant, so it is important to monitor the condition of the soil. The more often you loosen, the more oxygen the pekinka roots will receive.
  • Fertilizer. It is recommended to use natural fertilizers as fertilizers, since you will be eating this product.
  • Protection from pests and insects. To get rid of annoying pests, you should spray the cabbage seedlings at least once. Afterwards you can cover them with ash, which will protect them from aphids, spider mite etc.

So, Chinese cabbage, cultivation and outdoor care behind which is simple, can become a favorite vegetable on your summer cottage. We hope that our tips will help you get a rich harvest of this useful and nutritious plant.

Until recently, Chinese cabbage for residents middle zone was a curiosity. Today, this vegetable, along with other foreign crops, has become an integral part of our diet.

Owners of summer cottages try to grow cabbage in their greenhouses, however, such zeal often ends in dust. What is the reason for the failures?

Features of culture

The first thing to consider before choosing a planting time is that Chinese cabbage grows well only in short daylight conditions. Due to this feature, it is better to plant the crop in early April or August. To prevent plants from bolting, reflective screens are installed near the plantings on long summer days. Growing Chinese cabbage in a greenhouse will be successful if the daylight hours are shorter than 12 hours.

Despite the fact that seeds germinate at a temperature of +4–+5 °C, the best temperature for the formation of dense heads of cabbage is +16–+22 °C.

Important! Sudden temperature changes should not be allowed in the greenhouse, because Chinese cabbage reacts to them by shooting out arrows.

To sow crops in a greenhouse, select varieties intended for cultivation in a specific season. So in the spring, hybrid plants are planted in the greenhouse on the packaging or in the name of which it is indicated that they are intended for this period. If the time of year does not coincide with the growing period of the selected variety, the cabbage will begin to bolt. To prevent such a course of events, it is better to choose universal varieties for planting, such as the “Chinese Select” and “Mis China” hybrids.

Popular varieties

Before you figure out how to grow Chinese cabbage in a greenhouse, you need to choose the right variety. Thanks to the painstaking work of breeders, many varieties were born vegetable crop with improved yield and cold resistance.

The most popular varieties of Chinese cabbage for growing in a greenhouse:

All that remains is to choose the appropriate option.

Conditions in the greenhouse

For growing Chinese cabbage, structures made of film or polycarbonate with windows for ventilation are suitable. When choosing a location for installing a greenhouse, it is recommended to take into account the rules of crop rotation. So the best predecessors for Chinese cabbage are tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, zucchini, and carrots. The crop also grows well after beans, soybeans and peas.

To grow “Chinese” cabbage in winter, install a heating system that can maintain a stable temperature in the range of +13–+20 °C. In addition to warmth, Chinese cabbage needs 10 hours of daylight in the autumn-winter period. To fulfill this requirement, phytolamps are installed in the greenhouse. Simultaneously with the vitamin-rich Beijing cabbage variety, they also grow garden crops with similar requirements: radishes, onions, greens.

When using a method of growing without seedlings, until the crop sprouts appear, the temperature in the greenhouse is kept at +20 °C, and then lowered to 10 °C for a week. The rest of the time the temperature is kept in the range of +15–+20 °C.

Preparation of planting material

Hand-picked Chinese cabbage seeds or those that have not been processed by the manufacturer are soaked in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour. Biological products “Fitosporin-M” and “Baktofit” are also used as a disinfectant liquid for pre-sowing treatment of crop planting material. The solution is prepared in accordance with the instructions supplied with the selected product.

Immediately before planting in pots or in a greenhouse, Chinese cabbage planting material is soaked for 12 hours in a growth stimulator. Popular products are “Epin”, “Zircon”.

How to grow seedlings

Since Chinese cabbage does not like transplants due to its sensitive root system, it is better to sow the seeds of this crop in purchased ones. peat pots or tablets. As a last resort, ordinary pots filled with a light peat substrate to which mineral fertilizer has been added are used as containers for planting plants. To avoid infection of young plants, the soil is treated with a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Chinese cabbage seedlings are grown as follows:

  1. 3 seeds are planted in each container to a depth of 1 cm. At a comfortable temperature, seedlings appear within 3 days.
  2. Among the sprouts, the strongest is left.
  3. As soon as the seedlings form cotyledon leaves, the container with the seedlings is placed in a lighted place, and the glass is removed.
  4. The temperature in the room where the container with young plants is located is dropped from +22–23+ to +18 °C.

Water the cabbage as the substrate dries. Since fragile plants are very sensitive to lack of moisture, severe drought should not be allowed. Ideally, the substrate should always be moderately moist.

Chinese cabbage with 3 pairs of leaves, which appear 25–28 days after germination, is planted in a permanent place. In the greenhouse, plants are placed according to a 20x30 cm pattern.


Depending on the presence of a heating system in the greenhouse, Chinese cabbage seeds are planted in the ground in March or April. To disinfect the soil from accumulated pathogens and pests, before picking vegetable seedlings, the bed is spilled with a solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate. Planting material is scattered into grooves 1.5 cm deep, covered with soil, and watered. Seed consumption per 1 m 2 area – 2 g.

Growing and caring for Chinese cabbage in a greenhouse includes:

  • thinning. As soon as the seedlings become stronger, excess sprouts are removed, leaving only strong specimens. The next time the plantings are thinned out a week after the first manipulation. The interval between the remaining plants is 20–30 cm;
  • watering. Since all crops with a shallow root system, Chinese cabbage is very demanding of moisture. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the soil and water it on time;
  • fertilizing In appearance short term During the growing season, Chinese cabbage does not have time to deplete the soil and does not need to be fertilized. In order for the crop to grow well, the soil is fertilized in the fall. To do this, add 2 tbsp per 1 m2 for digging. potassium sulfate, 1 tbsp. superphosphate. Since the plant prefers to live in a neutral environment, lime is added to the acidic soil. If the soil was not fertilized before winter, it is enriched before planting. As a spring fertilizer, use a mixture of 1 tbsp. ash, 2 tbsp superphosphate, 1 tsp. urea. Drooping plants are fed with a weak organic solution or compost.

Some gardeners, in order to achieve maximum yield from Chinese cabbage, apply organic fertilizers or mineral mixtures with a high nitrogen content to the crop in excess quantities. Despite the rapid growth of plants, this cannot be done, because Chinese cabbage has the ability to accumulate nitrates.

Important! The slightest excess of nitrogen concentration leads to the fact that heads of Chinese cabbage become unfit for consumption.


Due to improper watering regime, cabbage suffers from fungal diseases. Most often the crop suffers from black leg, clubroot, powdery mildew and bacteriosis. They fight diseases with folk remedies or industrial fungicides.

Plants affected by black ring spot or mosaic cannot be treated. To prevent the spread of the virus, diseased specimens are pulled out, taken out of the greenhouse and destroyed.

Pest Control

When growing Chinese cabbage in a greenhouse, special attention is paid to pest control. The main enemy of the crop, as well as all other types of cabbage, is the cruciferous flea beetle. You can prevent the colonization of the greenhouse by voracious insects and damage to the presentation of the heads of cabbage by using the following actions:

  1. Abundant watering.
  2. Moisture will repel the flea, which likes to live in dry environments. In addition, water will stimulate plants to actively grow. Treatment with tobacco and ash
  3. . The row spacing is generously sprinkled with finely ground substances.
  4. Spraying. Cabbage is treated with an infusion of dandelion roots, tomato tops or wormwood. Finding the right neighbors
  5. . Little aggressors are repelled by the smell of cumin, dill, coriander, and mint.

Shelter. Light agrofibre, lutrasil, and spunbond are laid on top of young plants.

It is possible to treat cabbage, regardless of the variety, with aggressive pesticides only in case of a strong threat to the future harvest. The crop is sprayed with such preparations when there is more than a month left before the expected date for cutting the heads of cabbage.

The second pest of Chinese cabbage is slugs. The reason for the appearance of uninvited guests in the greenhouse is excessive watering. To get rid of aggressors, burdocks or boards are placed between the rows of plants. After some time, the pests hiding under the shelters are collected manually.

Productivity Chinese cabbage is an early ripening and high-yielding plant. By observing agrotechnological requirements, it is possible to collect 600–1000 kg from 1 hundred square meters of greenhouse beds healthy vegetable

. This figure may be lower if you choose the wrong variety and improper care.

Unlike other types of cabbage, the Beijing variety matures in only 45–60 days. Thanks to this early ripening, it is possible to harvest 3 harvests of healthy vegetables in the greenhouse. Peking cabbage is especially popular and therefore expensive in early spring.

Heads of Chinese cabbage are cut off immediately after the number of leaves exceeds 10 and their length reaches 10-15 cm. Spring varieties are ready for harvesting in early July, autumn varieties - in late September-early October. Cabbage, which was grown as a seal, is removed as soon as the main crop begins to actively grow.

Important! It is impossible to keep Chinese cabbage in the garden after ripening, as they begin to bloom.

Heads of vegetable crops are removed from the garden according to the following plan:

  1. A week before harvesting, stop watering the plants.
  2. Since the delicate leaves wither quickly, harvesting is done early in the morning.
  3. The heads of cabbage are cut off at the base, leaving a few leaves on the spine. The remainder is fed to domestic animals.
  4. Spring cabbage is eaten, and autumn cabbage is stored.

To keep the heads of cabbage longer, before storing, they are alternately wrapped in cling film and paper. Provided that the storage temperature remains above zero, cabbage can be stored for 4–5 months.


As you can see, growing Chinese cabbage in a greenhouse is quite simple. In order for a crop to please you with a generous harvest and not lush shoots, you need to take into account its characteristics and requirements for the habitat. With a little effort, you can delight yourself and your loved ones with tasty and healthy Chinese cabbage. all year round.