Regions of Morocco. Morocco: where it is located, description of the country, tips for tourists Morocco resort cities list


Agadir is one of the most popular centers of modern tourism in Morocco. Agadir lies on the Atlantic coast in the Sous Valley, and the High Atlas Mountains protect it from the hot desert air. Agadir is similar to all major European resorts; its long beach stretches for 10 km. The beach is sandy, the sand is golden in color, with fragrant eucalyptus and pine trees growing around. Agadir is considered the most beautiful Moroccan resort. Agadir hotels are very popular among Europeans.

Currently, Agadir has become a real epicenter of fun and celebration. All oriental entertainment is presented in full: hookahs, deep-sea sea ​​fishing, golf, tennis, camel riding and Arabian horses - all these pleasures are provided by many hotels in Agadir. The city has many nightclubs and discos, shops and boutiques popular among young people.

In addition to the developed hotel chain different levels, there are many restaurants in Agadir. You can find anything you want, even restaurants with Chinese and Japanese cuisine, but traditional Arab cuisine is also very widely represented. There are a lot of fish restaurants in Agadir, where they will prepare any freshly caught fish for you to choose from.

There are no problems with purchasing alcohol, which are typical for most Islamic resorts, in Agadir. Alcohol is sold everywhere, but only until 8 pm.


Marrakech is the soul and heart of the Moroccan East. In Djemaa el Fna Square you can meet people in fancy costumes that look like they came from an Arabian fairy tale. Acrobats and snake charmers perform here, water carriers carry water, just like many centuries ago. The market quarter is equally popular among both Europeans and local residents; everything here is real and authentic. This is not a decoration for tourists, but life itself. Moroccan women will apply fancy henna patterns on your hands; the shops sell thousands of souvenirs in different styles - lamps, carpets, jewelry. Hotels in Marrakech vary in star rating, but always offer good service and an incomparable atmosphere of the East.

The center of Marrakesh is called the Medina and is a museum under open air. The mausoleum of Yusuf ben Tashfin, the Koutoubia Mosque, and the Bahia Palace are adjacent here. if you love winter views sports and hotels in Marrakech are not the only purpose of your holiday, keep in mind that 75 km from Marrakech there is ski resort.


Essaouira used to be a pirate city, it is located 170 km north of Agadir. It is a charming town with Moorish-style architecture, similar to the cities of southern Spain. Essaouira has always been home to scientists and artists from all over Morocco. It's almost here all year round you can windsurf, so this resort is very popular among fans of this sport


Casablanca is the largest city in Morocco and the business center of the country. In the city center there are skyscrapers and the huge Hassan II Mosque, which seats 25 thousand people. Casablanca houses the offices of banks, companies and foreign corporations. Here is the Mohammed V International Airport, which was built using the most modern technologies.


Fes is a recognized center of cultural tourism with a large number of interesting museums. Fez hats were first invented in Fez. 15 km from the city there is a modern thermal center where you can improve your health.


The city of Meknes is located among beautiful and serene nature. It is an ancient monument. In the 17th century, Sultan Muley Izmail decided to realize his dreams in stone. Graceful palaces, beautiful mosques and lush gardens and parks are architectural monuments that will be of interest to every inquisitive tourist.


Tangier has a population of 266,346 inhabitants. Tangier is spread out like an amphitheater on the picturesque shore of a sea bay. In the center of the city there are the blue and white buildings of the old city, with minarets on the rocks, on the left side rise modern high-rise buildings of the new districts, and on the right, the buildings of the prestigious La Montagne district are immersed in the greenery of well-kept gardens.

Tangier is one of the largest seaports and a very popular international resort with a developed network of hotels. The city has many ancient monuments, the nature is very similar to the south of France, the beaches are in excellent condition. The climate is mild Mediterranean: in winter the average temperature does not fall below +13°C, in summer - below +23°C.

WITH Arabic(al-Maghrib) is translated as “the west”, or, in another way, Maghrib al-Aqsa, which means “the far west”. There is another official name: al-Mamlaka al-Maghribiyya, which means “Kingdom of Morocco.”

More detailed information about this stunning African country with unique natural landscapes and its cities can be found in this article.

The state of Morocco is magnificent and amazingly beautiful! The cities there are exotically attractive, each of them represents a unique culture and an interesting history of the country’s centuries-old development.

Before we begin the story about this African country and its cities, let us remember some information about it. Since May 1963, it has been part of the OAU (Organization of African Unity), which since 2002 has been renamed the AU. Since November 1984, the state of Morocco has withdrawn from this organization.


Its cities are located in 16 administrative regions, into which the entire territory of the state is divided.

The country is located on the African continent in its northwestern part and belongs to the region called Its capital is the city of Rabat (population more than 1 million 720 thousand people), located off the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. This is the northern part of the Moroccan kingdom.

The state, thanks to fairly even favorable climatic conditions, especially in coastal areas, direct access to the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, and due to internal stability and the absence of any conflicts, is one of the most comfortable, favorable places for tourism and recreation in the entire continent. And the government of this state invests a lot of money to create conditions conducive to further development exactly this direction in Morocco.

Largest cities

  • Casablanca- economic capital of the state with more than 3 million 630 thousand people).
  • Fes- imperial city, spiritual capital (population more than 1 million people).
  • Tangier- 2nd economic capital, center of the Tangier-Tetouan region, (more than 730 thousand people).
  • Marrakesh- tourist capital (population more than 850 thousand).
  • Meknes- a kind of small Paris, an agricultural capital (more than 570 thousand people).
  • Agadir- the second capital for tourism.

Although the official capital is the city of Rabat, the largest city in the country is Casablanca. Morocco, in addition to its magnificent landscapes, has many historical attractions in its cities. I would especially like to note that Casablanca has the tallest minaret in the world, as well as the Russian necropolis at the Ben Msik (Christian) cemetery, created in 2007. The most famous Russian figures who lived abroad are buried in the latter.


A special place in the Moroccan kingdom is given to the ancient and rich history of the state. Here you can see the abundance and huge variety of architectural and historical monuments from different eras. Casablanca occupies a special place in this regard.

Morocco is a state that has changed several capitals throughout its history. They are of particular interest to tourists. For example, in today's capital there are many museums, the mausoleum of Muhammad V, the famous Andalusian gardens, the Kasbah of Udaya (an ancient fortress).

In the city of Marrakech there are famous, amazingly beautiful palaces and mosques.

One of the most beautiful ancient cities in the world is Fes, where more than 800 stunningly beautiful mosques were built, there is a mausoleum and the former residence of the king.

Kingdom of Morocco, having favorable climate, magnificent resorts and a well-developed economy, occupies one of the leading positions on the continent of Africa.

City of Beni Mellal

This is one of the former capitals of Morocco in the Middle Ages. The city was the trading center of South Africa, at the site of which 6 major roads leading from Europe itself and from the center of the Sahara Desert converged. This contributed to the prosperity of the entire region.

Geographically, Beni Mellal is located in the lowlands of the Middle Atlas ridge, which allows the city to hide from the strong hot winds coming from the desert. And the climate here is quite humid.

The city is famous for its numerous orange and banana orchards, which bring huge profits to the state.

There are wonderful natural and architectural attractions here, such as the palace-fortress of Hadi Pasha on a steep cliff overlooking the city. It houses an interesting museum displaying numerous household items and weapons from previous centuries.

Beach City

The port city of the state of Morocco is El Jadida. It attracts many lovers beach holiday.

In the 15th century, part of the territories of Morocco came under the protectorate of Portugal, including El Jadida. In order to protect this land from the local population, the Portuguese built a fortress, which they controlled until 1769. Mohammed Abdallah (Moroccan Sultan) began to rule this fortress in the 18th century. During the period when the city was ruled by French colonists, it was called Mazagan. The modern name El Jadida returned in 1956.

The main attraction of the city is the same Portuguese fortress of Mazagan, which offers an amazing view of the coast. The fortress itself consists of four bastions, preserved from those times:

On the eastern part there is the Bastion of the Angel;

On the north is the Bastion of St. Sebastian;

Bastion of St. Antoine to the west;

In the south is the bastion of the Holy Spirit.

The city also preserves a cistern, which was once used as a city reservoir. You can also see the Great Mosque and the Church of the Annunciation here.


In terms of geography, the most “European” state of all African countries is Morocco. Cities, each with its own history and splendor, fabulous nature, the close location of Spain (15 kilometers by water, fantastic sandy ocean and sea coasts, beautiful mountain landscapes and a favorable climate - all this is inherent in this amazing exotic corner of the Earth.

To experience all these delights, you should go and relax in Morocco.

Tourists travel to Morocco in search of African exotica - to see snake charmers, wander through the labyrinths of the ancient Medina and, at the risk of getting lost, admire hundred-meter waterfalls in the Atlas Mountains. And also to get acquainted with the culinary features, taste the original couscous, falafel and hummus, decide to try a freshly baked lamb head at the Marrakech market and bring with you a mountain of spices unknown to science. Or just spend your holiday on the Atlantic coast, surfing and trying to cope with the strongest wind in Africa.

- the capital of Morocco, an interesting city with a rich historical heritage, which is located at the mouth of the Bou Regreg river, on the Atlantic coast. The name of the city comes from the word "ribat", meaning "fortified monastery", that is, one in which a garrison of soldier-monks is located. In the 12th century, the city was founded on the ocean as an Arab military outpost.

The historical part of Rabat is the Kasbah Oudaia fortress, located on a cliff. The first building of the city had the outline of an irregular quadrangle and was surrounded on the west and south by a wall with five gates. In the 17th century, the city was divided by a wall into two parts: southern and northern, which are called Medina. The southern one is interesting for the Great Mosque located in the west (built in the 14th century, subsequently expanded), in the east - the unfinished Hassan Mosque (second half of the 12th century) and the Hassan Tower minarets, the mosque and mausoleum of Mohammed V (1966), and in the southwest – the king’s palace (approximately 1775, subsequently rebuilt).

White city Agadir is the center of beach holidays on the Atlantic coast. Visitors are attracted by the opportunity to enjoy the sun, swim in the ocean, surf, ride horses, and play golf. This city is a typical resort city, its hallmarks are clean streets, many bars, cafes and restaurants. Concepts Old city"does not exist in it, but it is famous best beach along the entire Moroccan Atlantic coast. Comfortable weather is practically the rule here (there are more than 300 sunny days a year). In addition, Agadir is a very convenient starting point for excursion routes, especially in the southern part of Morocco. This is truly a paradise for surfers and swimmers, and in general all conditions have been created for water sports. Surfing and water skiing tournaments are held here in May.

Casablanca is the business center and economic capital of the country, with the inevitable skyscrapers and the huge Hassan II Mosque, in which 25 thousand parishioners can pray at the same time. City modern technologies and the avant-garde, which in appearance resembles the southern cities of Europe: sunglasses, people running about their business, open faces of women, high heels and miniskirts. Casablanca's city beach is suitable for swimming, although Agadir is worth choosing for a beach holiday. Center nightlife This city is considered to be the Corniche and its surrounding area. Here it is customary to take leisurely walks near the sea, spend time in open restaurants, relax in bars, nightclubs and discos.

Marrakesh– located right at the foot of the Atlas Mountains ancient capital countries. Despite its location not by the sea, it is visited by many tourists from all over the world who come for national exotica. Medina is an old city with a many-kilometer wall built around it. Jemaa-El-Fna Square is its heart, included by UNESCO in the list of cultural world heritage. The local flavor does not leave any tourist indifferent: the pipes of snake charmers sound, tattoo artists paint tourists with henna, storytellers gather crowds of listeners, teenagers play something that cannot be understood by a white man, and songs are performed right away. As evening falls, the square begins to look like a single inexpensive restaurant located in the open air: music plays, vats of rice and meat attract with the aroma, merchants invite those who want to try exotic dishes.

Not very far from the city, about an hour's drive, there is a ski resort that is open from December to April. Travelers who want to ride through the mountains in a jeep or go hiking also stop here.

This is a port-fortress located 170 km north of Agadir. What made Essaouira popular among windsurfers is the highest wave on the coast and a constant light breeze.

The city's location on a cape results in particularly strong winds from the Atlantic, which is appreciated by athletes and disliked by those who want to swim and sunbathe. Essaouira is rich in many cozy restaurants and art galleries.

One of the local attractions is the slave market, which has hardly been damaged by time. The most famous of the many historical monuments is the Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdallah Museum, which is a treasure trove of Moroccan art, its building was previously used as the residence of the pasha. On Sighain Street it is interesting to see the workshops of local artisans.

Morocco is a favorite destination for tourists, and this is not surprising. The state attracts with its African and Arabian exoticism, endless deserts and beautiful beaches. Where is Morocco? This is the largest country located in North Africa. To be absolutely clear, Morocco is a kingdom. This country cannot be called bright and contrasting, but rather harmonious. A unique place in its own way, where it is almost impossible to distinguish the house of a rich man from the home of a poor man.

Here no one flaunts countless treasures and riches. In this kingdom, all traditions and laws are still sacredly respected and they pay tribute to history. Local population quite hospitable, but tourists should not behave provocatively to avoid rejection. Where is the country of Morocco? What's the climate like there? What can you see in the kingdom? You will find answers to these and other questions in our article.

Geographical position

First, let's determine the location of the country on the world map. Many people do not know that the state described is a state as such. Therefore, questions arise: “Where is Morocco, in which country?” There is no answer to it, since the question is incorrect. Morocco is a country located in the territory African continent. It borders by sea with Spain, and by land with Algeria.

The kingdom is located in relative proximity to Europe, separated only by the Strait of Gibraltar. The location is quite advantageous; it is to it that Morocco owes the development of its economy and trade. The territory is quite fertile, so since ancient times it has been of interest to both Europeans and Arabs.

Climate and weather conditions

In a nutshell, it can be noted that due to its location, the climate in Morocco is subtropical and mild. However, if you travel around the kingdom, you will experience significant differences in weather conditions. In summer, in most parts of the country the temperature is about +25 degrees Celsius, in winter - +15. In the mountains, the air temperature drops to -15.

Where is Morocco? A description of the area cannot do without a story about the beaches, which occupy a huge area. Tourists come from all over the world to relax on Moroccan beaches. The water is quite comfortable for swimming; due to the cold current of the Atlantic, the temperature stays around 23 degrees.

The summer season in the country begins in May and lasts until October. At this time, all locals and tourists spend time on the beach, enjoying their holiday in the beautiful kingdom.

City tour

Let's start with the capital of the state - Rabat. The city is a collection of all the architectural and cultural attractions. There are many parks and alleys where you can have a great time walking along them. The residence of the royal family is located in Rabat. Here you will find beautiful mosques and museums.

Speaking about the key cities of the country, one cannot fail to mention Fez, Marrakesh and Meknes. The first is called the African Athens, and it received this nickname due to the large number of medieval quarters. They are not reconstructed to preserve the spirit of that time.

Marrakech is a center of entertainment and attractions. At every step there are souvenir sellers, acrobats, spell casters, etc. You certainly won’t get bored in this city. If you are an esthete and want to enjoy natural beauty, welcome to Medina. Not only does it have magnificent gardens and parks, it is also a sacred place for Muslims. Meknes will also not leave tourists indifferent. Local mausoleums and palaces are full of noble grandeur.

Sometimes the question arises about where the city of Morocco is located. There is no such city. The above settlements are part of the state called Morocco.

Let's remember history

Like any other country, Morocco has its own history. In the seventh century, the Arabs conquered all of North Africa and founded a large state. Where is Morocco? History says that it is in this part of the continent. The leader of the Arab state was called Idris ibn Abdallah. Over the course of eight centuries, there was a period of formation of the country and the settlement of external and internal issues.

The Arab state was very powerful, and new territories were gradually conquered. It included present-day Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, as well as parts of Spain and Portugal. Nowadays it’s easy to show where Morocco is on a map, because the country occupies not such a large territory as in those days.

In the fifteenth century, the heyday of the state ended, because the ruling dynasty fell. For a century, Morocco lost part of its territory. However, already in the seventeenth century, Sultan Ahmad al-Mansur became the ruler and managed to return to greatness. Many agree that this time is a golden age in the history of the state.

By the mid-seventeenth century, the Khozeni dynasty was in power, which still rules today. Morocco today is one of the most developed African countries.

Customs issues

We know where the country of Morocco is. Despite this location, Russian citizens do not need to apply for a visa to visit the kingdom, provided that the trip lasts less than three months. However, it is recommended to take out health insurance. Note to tourists! When you travel to any other country, it is better not to skimp on insurance, this thing can be very useful.

You can take foreign currency with you, but you cannot pay with such money in Morocco. You need to change all your money to dirhams. If you have any unspent Moroccan currency notes, you need to convert them back into dollars or euros and then leave the country. You are allowed to import 1 bottle of strong drink, 1 bottle of wine per adult, and up to 200 cigarettes.

As for hunting equipment or professional photographic equipment, these things must be declared. Otherwise, import is not possible. Sometimes even when everyone is there necessary documents official permission required. Your goods are strictly checked at customs, and it is better not to take anything prohibited with you, it can end badly.


Most people, both locals and tourists, travel by bus. This is the most popular transport in the country. The fact is that travel is inexpensive, and the cars themselves are very comfortable, almost all are equipped with air conditioning. Purchasing a ticket can sometimes be difficult due to the wild popularity of this type of transport.

To travel between cities, so-called large taxis are often used. They are minibuses that can accommodate 6 people and depart as soon as the vehicle is full. The fare is cheap, the entire amount is divided by the number of passengers, and they pay for the trip upon arrival.

There is also a small network in the kingdom railways, which connects the main cities with each other. You can quickly move from one settlement in another, because the prices are reasonable and the safety is at the highest level.


Despite the fact that the country is located in Africa, there is a European hotel system. The hotels themselves are made in most cases in the Arabic style. The lion's share of hotels are located on the coast, and this is not surprising. After all, tourists flock to the state in the summer to visit the beaches of stunning beauty. Hotels designated with two or three stars are located approximately five hundred meters from the coast. Elite four or five star hotels are often located two hundred meters from the beach. If you try, you can find an all-inclusive system, but often only meals are provided.

The European service has also become widespread in Africa, where Morocco is located. Reviews about the quality of service are most positive. The hotel staff is quite helpful and clean. If you are lucky enough to stay in a five-star hotel, the service will be top notch. Some hotels have heated swimming pools, fitness clubs and thalassotherapy centers.

What is Morocco known for? Where is the gas station of horrors?

The famous horror gas station is located exactly in the kingdom we are considering. By the way, when you see it, you get the impression that the gas station is located in the United States; everything looks too much like Hollywood films. The fact is that many horror films were actually filmed at this gas station. One of the most famous works is the film “The Hills Have Eyes.” Of course, this is far from the only film.

Over the past decades, this gas station has been used at least ten times as a location for filming scenes for such films. Hollywood directors quickly realized that it would be much cheaper to build an American city around such a gas station than to find a similar place in the United States. An abandoned gas station is truly scary. However, currently no films are being filmed there; only animals and curious tourists can be found around it.

Despite this, the horror gas station is still one of the most famous places in Morocco. This gas station had a significant impact on the success of the films, because this area is truly unique.

Note to tourists

Where is Morocco? In what part of the world? The answer to this question, unfortunately, does not imply that tourists are always warmly welcomed here. Of course, Africa cannot be called inhospitable, but you should always be on your guard and not provoke the local residents. The population of Morocco is quite friendly towards Russian tourists, people are unobtrusive. But it is worth remembering that this is still not a European country; its own customs reign here.

Crime in the country is not very developed. Distinctive feature local residents is that they have great respect for the police. You can turn to law enforcement agencies for help at any time; they will always help and advise. This is really strange, especially considering where Morocco is located. As you know, in Africa the crime rate is off the charts due to poverty, but this country, fortunately, has not been affected by this.

Before you do anything, think carefully. All traditions are respected in the kingdom, so before traveling it is better to familiarize yourself with at least the main ones, as well as the rules of conduct and safety.

You do not need to have any vaccinations to fly to Morocco. According to the World Health Association, the country is quite healthy in terms of health, and the risk of contracting the disease is minimal.

Cuisine of Morocco

Not to say that the country is famous for its restaurants and cuisine, but some interesting features it is possible to highlight. Local chefs widely use vegetables, meat and spices in preparing their dishes. Couscous is the most popular grain in all of North Africa, where Morocco is located. It is served with a stew of meat and vegetables with added spices.

There are a few national dishes, which represent the cuisine: tagine ( vegetable stew with lamb, lamb or chicken), harira ( thick soup) and pastilla (layer cake). Among the drinks, sweet mint tea and coffee, hot and strong, are especially popular.

Various bazaars are quite common in Africa, where Morocco is located. A photo of one such place is presented below.

You can find the cheapest food there, but eating at such bazaars is not entirely safe. In large cities there are both fast food restaurants like McDonald's and elite establishments with signature dishes from the chef.

Attractions and entertainment

The beauty of Morocco's sights is that they are mysterious and monumental. A walk through beautiful places will take you back centuries and you will feel the spirit of history. Tourists usually start their journey from Casablanca airport. The first stop is the “city of white houses”. Every city has its own Beautiful places, and I want to see them all. However, it is unlikely that a tourist will be able to visit all the attractions at once. Then you need to choose depending on the tastes and desires of the traveler.

We have already done short review cities of the country, where, in principle, the main attractions were identified. As for natural values, the kingdom is not interested in them. Just look at the Sahara Desert, the largest of its kind. Now there are excursions that allow you to feel like a wanderer and go into the desert. Believe me, an unforgettable experience awaits you there, which will only be reinforced by a series of incredibly beautiful landscapes.

In this material, we examined all the issues related to the state: where is Morocco located, which cities will interest tourists more than others? How to make sure there are no problems with local residents? Morocco beckons with its grandeur, and every traveler is simply obliged to visit this country.