How do you understand that you are a guardian angel? How to understand that a guardian angel is nearby and is protecting you at the moment. How to recognize the presence of a guardian angel

They appear in the form of a disembodied youth. They always try to serve sincere people with good intentions and instruct sinners on the true path.

Even if you don’t see your Guardian Angel, this does not mean at all that he is not nearby and he is not helping. Saint John of Kronstadt said that if we ourselves do not drive away the Angel with our neglect, unbelief, carnality and pride, he will always help in life path. All good thoughts and deeds are constantly accompanied by a Guardian Angel.

Who is he and why is a person necessary?

The Lord God Himself is so omnipotent that He cannot personally descend to every person; it is for this purpose that He created the Angels. Unlike a person, an Angel has no shortcomings and is therefore capable of acting on behalf of God, representing Him.

An angel is a soul sent to earth, appointed by the Lord God himself to protect people. If a person believes in God throughout his life, loves and honors Him, the Guardian Angel will follow with him from birth to death, guiding him on the path of light.

The word Angel itself takes its roots from ancient Greece and it sounds like “Angelos”, that is, a messenger or messenger, and in Hebrew, with the same meaning, there is the word Malak, which is what the prophet Malachi took as his name. Church rules recommend turning to your Guardian Angel at home, in personal prayer requests. Adopted in the 17th century by the Universal Church, October 2 is the day of the Angel.

Who is my Angel, how can I find out about him by date of birth?

Although to the common man The angel is not visible, its data can be calculated. Age, character and gender will also be available. First, you need to get your personal number, this is done by adding all the digits of your date of birth, and the resulting number is again added by numbers.

For example: date of birth January 16, 1976. The following value is obtained: 1+6+1+1+9+7+6=31, now we add 3+1 and get – 4. This is our number. If it is even, it means that your Angel is a representative of the masculine principle, but if it is odd, it means that it is feminine.

Age of personal Guardian Angel is recognized by adding 16+4=20 to your date of birth, the sacred number “4”, which means your Angel is 20 years old. And this age never changes for him.

But in order to find out the character of your Angel, you need to take the second digit of your birthday. If it's a single digit number, it will stay that way. In our case, this is the number 6.

  • The number "1" means Holiness. Those people who have an Angel under this number are certainly lucky, because this is the most reliable patron. Who will not stand by, looking at the suffering of a person. Such Angels are given to those people who have a rather weak energy field.
  • The number "2" means Light. It is Angels with the number “2” that can be found in the drawings of ancient masters, depicted with white and large wings. Often, after birth, such Angels kiss their caretakers, causing moles or freckles to appear on the face. Such an Angel should be listened to through dreams and trusted mirror reflections, if something in it seemed unusual.
  • The number "3" means Air. It is impossible to see these Angels in reality or in a dream. But you can hear them; most often they can give signals by rustling or other unusual sounds. This Angel may move away from a person for a while, but with a strong desire, he will be able to fulfill the request.
  • Number "4" means Wisdom. These people are helped by wise patrons who promote achievements in the field of science. People with such Angels have higher intelligence, are easy to learn and quickly move up the career ladder.
  • The number "5" means Metal. This is a strong Angel for strong-willed people. Angel with number 5 helps to take bold, decisive actions.
  • The number "6" means Rainbow. The angels of such people help a lot with despondency and decline in creativity. People who have met an Angel with the number 6 are very creative, but can often fall into depression. The Angel helps to get out of a sad state and guide the person in the right direction.
  • The number "7" means Energy. Such Angels must certainly be respected and often thanked, because they provide their person with a source of energy. By thanking the Angel for the past day, you can be confident in a new supply of strength.
  • Number "8". Angels under this number are the souls of deceased people who very carefully guard their person. Great mercy and constant help are the main features inherent in this type of Angels.
  • Number "9" means Warmth. Angels with the number 9 are optimists and “good-natured”. Their guardian is usually peaceful, calm and lives as if in harmony with the whole world.
  • "0" means Fire. These are very strong Angels, ready to help in any situation, be it a trifle or a serious problem.

How to see him, hear him and talk to him?

Meditation is one of the most effective ways, in order to free your mind in order to call on the Guardian Angel. Find a place and time where no one and nothing will distract you. First, choose the most comfortable position, relax and begin to breathe evenly, getting rid of bad thoughts and enjoying the emptiness.

When absolute peace is achieved, you can try to call an Angel, ask him to appear. It is important to imagine a meeting place; it could be a cave, a forest or a beach. Be prepared for the meeting, believe in it. Be specific about what you want to know or ask. Be prepared for the fact that the Angel may appear not only in human form.

When you see or feel your Angel, ask his name and after that, you can ask if he has any news from above. After that, ask about your desires, ask questions.

After this, be sure to thank the Angel for the help provided. Start breathing deeply and gradually open your eyes. Let your pupils get used to the familiar surroundings.

Please note that the Angel may not show up for the first meeting. but you can't stop trying. After meditation, the Angel can intuitively suggest the route.

The Angel can also be seen using two mirrors. To do this, place two, opposite each other, so that a mirror corridor appears. Light one side church candles and say: “Guardian Angel, appear.” But this is already a magical ritual and before performing it, think about whether the right Angel will come to you?

Meeting in a dream

For an Angel to come to you in a dream, you can read a simple prayer:

“Angel of God, my holy guardian, given to me from God from heaven for my protection! I diligently pray to you: enlighten me here and save me from all evil, guide me to good deeds and direct me on the path of salvation. Amen."

Now. After prayer, close your eyes and mentally ask him to come to you in your dreams.

Here are a few tips, all of them useful for achieving your goal: calling an Angel in a dream.

  • Situation. Fresh air, silence, pleasant melodies, flowers and candles. This environment is favorable for the Angel.
  • Emotions. Towards the evening, or even better - all day, be on a positive wave, try to throw away all fears, anger and unpleasant thoughts. An angel will not be able to approach if there is negativity in the soul.
  • Prayers. Read prayers as often as possible, they calm you down and cleanse your soul.
  • Aura. At least once a day you need to bring your breathing into a calm state. Breathe deeply, imagine that a golden glow is emanating from you.
  • Feel it. During meditation, try to feel your Guardian Angel. You should feel a light breath - this is the Angel waving his wing. And if you feel a light touch, it means that an Angel will appear in a dream.

What can and cannot be asked of an Angel?

Everyone has limitations, even Angels, so you can’t ask them for everything; after all, they are not genies who fulfill every whim. Here are a few options for what you can’t ask for:

  1. You can't ask for what you can harm others people or animals.
  2. Don't ask for anything what has to do with feelings, for example: for someone to love you.
  3. Don't covet your neighbor's good you can't ask someone to take something away and take it into your own hands.
  4. Naturally, you can't ask for the impossible, about what contradicts the laws of the universe.
  5. Don't ask for what you can't do for yourself.. Make an effort to perform.

What you can ask your Guardian Angel:

  1. At finding yourself in a difficult life situation, you can ask for advice or help.
  2. You can ask your loved one for health or even to a stranger.
  3. If the financial situation is difficult, can you ask for some money.
  4. You can also apply for employment, if you yourself cannot find a job for a long time. But work should not be associated with war, the army and other things that can harm nature and people.
  5. Can ask to forgive you for something.
  6. Ask about creating prosperity for yourself and your family.
  7. You can ask tips for finding love.
  8. You can also ask about travel protection or on a hike.
  9. And you can ask about finding a missing item.

And so, following your heart and taking into account everything described above, you can make wishes that do not contradict everything holy, and then the Angel will hear you and do everything to help. Pray more often, call, communicate with the Angels, lead a healthy lifestyle and everything will be wonderful for you.

No one doubts that angels are present in this world and are everywhere. A person cannot see them, but he feels the presence of his guardian angel. They care about people and make small gestures to show their love.

An angel descended from heaven to Earth to study man, they guide people on the right path. A spiritual guide is an angel, they heal and are always ready to learn new things. Angels are everywhere, meeting him can change your entire existence. If you know what to pay attention to, you can find out whether an angel visited you.


When a person sleeps, they are relaxed and very receptive, so angels can send them a sign of their presence. They come in the form of a sage or a teacher. Such dreams are not like others, they are vivid and remain in memory for a long time. The sensations after dreams are intense; if this is a warning from an angel, then when you wake up you will be left with a feeling of anxiety.


Often along the way you can find a seemingly lost coin along the way. But few people know that this is protection and a message from a guardian angel. More than once we have heard about money falling from the sky. Thus, the angel cares and tries to cheer up the person. A coin found along the way will encourage and comfort you, at least causing you to smile.

Phone ring

If at the right moment the right person called, about whom you were thinking, then this is the work of a guardian angel. He gave the right person the opportunity to feel the gift of his need for a person. Also, close deceased people can guide a person, giving the right clues that will lead the person to the right path.

Small children and pets

Many could notice how a child, looking into nowhere, rejoices or laughs as if someone is making him laugh. Animals also attract the owner’s attention to something invisible. Pets and babies can see things that mature people find difficult to see; when an angel is around, they are relaxed and calm.

After the rite of Baptism, each person is given his own Guardian Angel, who is called upon to help and protect the person throughout his life. But sometimes it seems that the Angel does not hear us, does not help, does not protect us.

Both in happy times and in moments of sadness and despair, we want to feel the presence of some higher power or our Angel next to us. If something bad happens in your life, this does not mean that the Angel has left you. Most likely, at this time he is working on solving your problems and wants to get through to you.

But people are too often fixated on their failures, negative thoughts and problems that they do not notice the signs of the presence of their Guardian Angel nearby and his desire to help.

Here are 5 signs of the presence of a Guardian Angel in your life and signs that he wants to help you:

Flows of information

Something bad happens in your life. The situation worries and worries you very much, all your thoughts are occupied only with solving this problem. Suddenly, on TV, in newspapers, in movies, in the conversations of passersby, you begin to hear about your problem almost every day. For example, a woman who has been diagnosed with infertility begins to notice signs everywhere: in her favorite TV series, the heroine cannot get pregnant, she accidentally sees advertisements for infertility drugs, everywhere - from TV, radio and newspapers she is bombarded with a stream of information related to her problem. This means that the Guardian Angel is nearby and says that your problem is solvable, you just need to try a little to solve it!

Cyclical problems

In your life, some events occur in cycles. The Guardian Angel is very far-sighted and knows in advance what can happen to you. He may send you problems that, by solving, you can gain strength and change your life for the better. If in your life some problem is often repeated, and you step on the same rake, then this is a sign of an Angel informing you that you need to fight this problem. If you do not do this, the Angel will send it to you constantly until you cope with it.

Beautiful dreams

If you had a good dream, after which you feel joy and harmony in your soul, it means that your Guardian Angel is protecting your dream and wants to calm you down, instill in you a feeling of security and safety.

Sensations and feelings

Often the Guardian Angel communicates through feelings and sensations. Often listen to what your heart wants, not your mind. Your Guardian Angel speaks with your heart, so what comes from the soul comes according to the will of your Angel.

Repeating numbers haunt you

The Guardian Angel does not know how to reach you and sends you signs in the form of repeating numbers. So if you keep seeing 111, 222 and other numbers, your advocate is trying to tell you something.

Do not think that your Guardian Angel has abandoned you. Listen to yourself, look for signs and you will feel his presence next to you. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

07.07.2015 09:50

When choosing a gift, it is important to consider not only it appearance, benefit and preferences of the recipient, but...

It will not be a secret to anyone that each of us has our own guardian angel who protects us from all difficulties and guides us on the right path. Often they try to contact us, try to tell us about something important, send us various signs, but we simply do not notice them.

We are all surrounded by many different signs and signs, which often appear even in dreams. These signs cannot be ignored, they cannot be taken for an accident, because accidents happen, but not as often as you think.

These signs are a kind of reminder of love and support from above.

How can we understand what exactly he wants to tell us?

If you suddenly come across something strange again, then do not rush to think that this is just an accident, perhaps your guardian angel wants to contact you and, perhaps, save you from trouble. If you don’t know how to do the right thing, how to avoid making an irreparable mistake, be sure to listen to the signs from above.

The main thing is to learn to see them!

Here are the most common signs sent to us by our guardian angels:


If feathers come your way, this is one of the angelic signs. This is a reminder that angels are nearby and that they love and support you. Therefore, feathers are a reason for joy!


If you see a cloud in the shape of an angel, it means that your guardian angel wants to remind you of his presence.


If you smell a wonderful sweet smell but cannot identify its source, it means your angel is close.

Babies and animals.

If you see that a baby is looking at the ceiling with a smile or looking enthusiastically as if into nowhere, this means that the guardian angel is nearby. ohm Kids and animals feel the presence of angels and relax.


If you hear angels singing or unexplained sounds, this could also be a sign from your guardian angel.


If you consistently find coins, this is a sign of support from your guardian angel. Therefore, when you find a coin, know: you are loved from above.

Strange glimpses of light.

If you see orbs, unexplained glimpses or flashes of light or color, it means your guardian angel is close. In this case, you should close your eyes, relax and take a deep breath, because the angel is bringing you healing, joy and rejuvenation.

Live brightly with!

Not only religious people believe in the presence of their Guardian Angel. At times, everyone feels the positive touch of something supernatural in their lives, something that protects us from troubles.

We do not and cannot know the answer to the question of who is watching us and how this happens. This makes any debate between atheists and believers absolutely useless. We only know that the Guardian Angel acts secretly - so that sometimes a person does not even know about his help. It happens that a person gets into trouble, so he needs urgent support from his highest mentor. It is believed that you can call on the Guardian Angel for help at any time.


The sixth sense is considered by many to be a manifestation of the “work” of our Guardian Angels. Science cannot provide a complete and accurate explanation of how human intuition works. Some believe that this is the result of a person’s increased erudition and great wisdom, his vast life experience, but this theory is shattered when children demonstrate the wonders of intuition. We are not talking about some kind of color guessing with closed eyes and tricks, but about critical situations when there is no time to think.

These can be dangerous situations when a person simply does not have the ability to think because he is constrained by fear or anger. Bioenergy specialists are trying to explain the power of the sixth sense through high human energy. This theory has the right to life, but there is something to contrast with this from the point of view of the theory of the Angel protecting our lives. Sometimes it happens that people who don't believe in themselves don't lead. healthy image life and surrounded by complete negativity, do right choice in a critical situation. This is where religious and atheistic people often agree that something helps us stay afloat when everything is falling into the abyss. There is no doubt that this is a Guardian Angel.

Prophetic dreams

There are also fierce debates about dreams between conventional science and esotericism, but the theory of the Guardian Angel can also explain isolated cases of prophetic dreams or their constant appearance. A prophetic dream is when something you saw in your dreams somehow helped you predict the future, explain the past, or make the right choices in life.

Our Angels help us see the future or past as it is. It is believed that in a prophetic dream we see the world through the eyes of a Guardian Angel. He shares his power with us, allowing us to merge with his essence. If you periodically see prophetic dreams, then know that it is your highest mentor who helps you overcome obstacles. If you urgently need to look beyond the event horizon to find out the future, then use quick and accurate fortune telling. If today or tomorrow is really very important, then the Guardian Angel himself will contact you through a prophetic dream.

Direct intervention of an Angel in life

For example, you make an important deal, but something prevents you from doing it. For example, a pen does not write, then a second one - this is not just like that. The angel is trying to hint to you that this is the wrong choice.

Sometimes it happens that you get up a little later in the morning, everything falls out of hand, something happens that delays you. This Guardian Angel specifically does everything to stop you, because you may stumble upon a bad person, have an accident, and so on. As a striking example of such interference, we can cite the many people who, on September 11, 2001, had to go to work or to an important meeting in a shopping center in New York that was attacked by terrorists. Many people say that they did not have time for a meeting or work because of traffic jams, because of some trivial but rare little things. This is the touch of the Guardian Angel. If you are late somewhere through no fault of your own, then don’t worry. Your Angel thus protects you from harm.

Pigeon hitting the window

The dove is considered a sacred bird. If it hits the window, it means that the Guardian Angel wants to warn you about something. Many people think that this promises death and danger, but in fact no one knows exactly what it portends. Most likely, you just need to be extremely careful in your affairs, monitor the health of your loved ones, you need to notice some little things, and be more attentive.

They give answers to some questions, but if we have to face something truly serious, then the Guardian Angel comes into play. Listen to your intuition, don’t worry if something prevents you from achieving your goal, watch for the signs of fate. Every little thing in this life can be important. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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