The cat asks for a cat. Features of sexual heat in cats and ways to solve the problem. What should an owner do when a cat wants a cat? Calming a cat when he wants a cat: folk remedies and valerian A cardinal method of solving the problem is sterilization

A cat in the house is certainly a source of joy, Have a good mood and a cozy atmosphere. But almost all owners of these animals, sooner or later, encounter difficulties associated with their maintenance. Let’s look at one of them in more detail today. Just yesterday, the furry darling of the family behaved absolutely peacefully, but now she harasses everyone with her screams at any time of the day, scratches the furniture and does not allow the owners passage. This is how the instinct of procreation can manifest itself in an animal. More about possible reasons read the constant meowing of a cat.

The first heat in cats usually comes at 8 - 10 months, and for some even earlier. But the pet is not yet ready for kittens to appear at this time. The burden of bearing kittens is too great for a body that is not fully formed and can result in health problems and premature pregnancy. The animal will be ready for kittens no earlier than 16 - 20 months. In an adult cat, without problems with the reproductive sphere, estrus occurs three times a year and lasts about 10 - 14 days. In some cases, longer, it depends on many factors and characteristics of a particular case.

When a cat asks a cat how to calm her down, it’s not immediately clear. During this period, her behavior can be more than specific. The main symptom is loud, obsessive meowing, which can last continuously with breaks for short-term sleep. In general, at this time, pets are characterized by increased nervousness and even, possibly, aggressiveness, which is manifested by damage to things.

In addition, the desire to meet a cat can manifest itself as follows:

If these signs make it clear that the cat wants a cat, what to do needs to be decided in as soon as possible, but it’s better to take care of this issue in advance. Otherwise, you will have to “enjoy” heartbreaking cat concerts for more than one day, without a break for the owner’s sleep and rest. And even the fluffiest purr will not benefit from such stress.

There are enough tools that can cope with the problem. The most obvious of them is to give the animal the opportunity to satisfy its desire. But perhaps this is not always the case. After all, not all owners have the opportunity and desire to adopt several kittens every year. In this case, it is worth turning to other means, which we will consider.

Drugs for regulating sexual desire and behavior

Question: how to prevent a cat from asking for a cat, can be quite successfully solved by using special means. Anti-estrus medications for cats are available in the form of drops, tablets, suspensions or injections. Their variety is quite large; you can choose among products of different price categories and varying degrees of impact on the animal’s body. Depending on the regimen of use, these drugs can stop estrus or delay it.

When deciding what to give to a cat without the cat asking, you should pay attention to specially designed drops. This form of release makes them easier for animals to consume, which is important. In addition to its main function, drops for cats from walking often have a calming effect. After all, the persistent, exhausting meow of an animal indicates nervousness, fear and uncertainty.

Each heat that does not end with a date with a cat undermines the cat’s health and has a detrimental effect on the immune system and nervous system.

Another solution to the problem is an injection for the cat so that the cat does not ask for it. Hormone injection prevents the occurrence of estrus for about six months. Injections can be given only before the onset of estrus; you must strictly follow the application regimen, which includes several sessions. The regimen must be developed individually by a veterinarian, who also makes the first injection. Cannot be used on cats over five years of age or with health problems. But even in absolutely healthy animals the risk of complications is high. So the benefits of using this method, in the opinion of many veterinarians, do not exceed the risk of disease and side effects.

In general, many drugs are not aimed at stopping estrus, but at correcting the pet’s behavior during this period. They have a calming effect and are generally gentler on the body. And the means to directly prevent physiological changes are based on the action of hormones. The degree of their safety depends on the composition and concentration of active substances, as well as on the state of health and individual characteristics specific animal. But there are simply no drugs without possible side effects. Among the most common: hormonal imbalance, the occurrence of tumors, diabetes. The use of special tablets and drops is justified as a one-time action, in combination with other means, and not on an ongoing basis.

In a situation where a cat asks a cat, it is, of course, up to its owners to decide what to do. But the choice of special medications to solve the problem should be approached very responsibly, and also monitor the cat’s condition while taking the medications. It is possible that a method such as sterilization is more suitable for the animal.

The cardinal method of solving the problem is sterilization

This method has both supporters and opponents. Only one thing remains certain - this is today the only guaranteed and long-term way to resolve the issue. This is a single irreversible procedure that is performed by a specialist in a veterinary clinic. In a situation where a cat is yelling and wanting to know what to do, it may be completely unclear to the exhausted owners. And the thought of sterilization will be perceived as salvation. But before making this decision, you need to weigh all the pros and cons.

The advantages of this method are:

  1. permanent effect;
  2. a significant reduction in the risk of diseases of the genital organs and mammary glands, including cancer.

Among the disadvantages are:

If the use of drugs or sterilization is undesirable, then you can turn to auxiliary measures that, if they do not solve the problem completely, will have a beneficial effect on the situation. When a cat goes on a spree, what to do at home is a pressing question. Several methods of influencing your pet are very popular.

Isolation from other animals is a completely justified measure, because the cat is already in an irritated, restless state, there is no point in giving it the opportunity to conflict with other cats and dogs.

And for smaller pets (hamsters, parrots, etc.) it can be dangerous. The place for isolation can be a bathroom or pantry. Naturally, you shouldn’t leave your pet there for a long time and you need to leave her drinking water and food.

If the question is very urgent - the cat wants a cat, what to do? folk remedies They are unlikely to help, here it is worth solving the problem radically. But if everything is not critical, then you can use ordinary natural ones, for example valerian extract. Naturally, the dose should be used much less than for humans.

When a cat is walking, nature itself can tell you how to calm it down at home. Everyone knows how much most felines dislike water. Accordingly, a cool shower is quite suitable for distracting and switching the furry screamer’s attention from personal problems to an external stimulus.

Naturally, this method should not be abused. Cannot be used cold water or leaving the cat in a draft. Such a remedy will help both calm the cat when he wants a cat, and temporarily calm a cat that requires the cat’s attention. And after bathing, the animal will inevitably start cleaning itself up. While it licks its fur, the owners will be able to enjoy the silence.

When a cat goes on a spree, how to calm it down with folk remedies will tell you information about the rhythm of life of these creatures. Most animals are quite active and mobile. And even more so during heat. This means you need to play with the animal longer and more actively, provoke it to jump and climb.

In addition to the above, the answer to the question: how to satisfy a cat without a cat lies in feeding in small portions and attention from the owners. Feeling cared for and present significant people, the pet will go through a difficult period easier. Whatever way you choose to resolve the issue, you should not deprive your pet of the attention and good attitude of the owners. After all, this will also affect her mood and well-being.

Many people know that cats who try valerian begin to behave inappropriately. Inexperienced owners often test the effect of this medicine on their pets, which they later regret. What happens if you give a cat valerian and what is the danger of this drug?

Reaction to valerian

It has long been noted that valerian extract has a stimulating effect on cats. If you let your cat sniff the lid of a jar of medicine, he will immediately grab onto it, starting to lick it and not letting anyone near it. After this, the cat begins to “have fun”, and the effect of the drug ends after ten minutes. After this time, the cat becomes normal again and forgets everything that happened. There are several reasons why cats love this drug so much.:

  • The cat’s body reacts in a special way to several plants and drugs, and valerian is also on this list;
  • The smell of the medicine reminds cats of the smell of cat hormones. This is why valerian works on cats, but not on cats.

Combining all this information, we can say that cats should not be given valerian, because it acts on the cat’s body like a drug. Frequent use of valerian has a negative effect on well-being - the animal becomes lethargic, acquires various diseases. In the worst case scenario, the cat may die.

Valerian tablets: can you give it to a cat?

Why are valerian tablets considered more dangerous than drops? The answer to the question lies in their composition. This is because the tablets contain many chemicals that are harmful to the cat’s body. Three quarters of the tablets are synthetic substances, which often cause allergies in cats. There is not much valerian extract itself - only a quarter. If for some reason you had to give your cat valerian in the amount of several tablets, and after taking it he sleeps soundly, then you should immediately take him to the veterinarian.

The harm of valerian

The cat's body perceives valerian as a drug, and this cannot be useful. Veterinarians believe that it is better not to experiment with a dose of valerian and not even show this medicine to cats.

There is a harmless alternative to this medicine - catnip. You can buy a special soft toy for your cat, which is soaked in the extract of the drug. Catnip is also sold separately, but its small disadvantage is that some cats are indifferent to it. The effect of catnip on a cat’s body is much milder, and it has no effect at all on cats that are less than six months old.

Features of taking valerian

Some cat breeds are completely immune to this medicine (for life). Also immune to valerian are those cats that are ready to mate. If you want to calm the animal during this period, then under no circumstances should you give it valerian. Instead, you can give “cat Bayun” (except for purebred cats).

Sometimes you have to resort to using the drug for medicinal purposes. In a small dose, valerian will be useful for pathologies of the stomach and intestines, and nervous diseases. Also, drops (not tablets) can be useful for normalizing the functioning of the thyroid gland in cats. There is no need to get carried away with such treatment, and also carefully avoid overdose. In the most advanced cases, the cat develops a strong addiction to valerian, withdrawal symptoms in the absence of access to the drug, and aggression.

You can give your cat valerian, but only under certain conditions. Since valerian is a kind of drug, it must be used very carefully and only when necessary. You cannot simply use the product or experiment on an animal, as this can cause irreparable harm to health.


Many animal lovers prefer cats when choosing a pet. In this case, specifically male individuals. This is explained by the fact that people do not want to subsequently solve the problem of placing kittens that the cat will give birth to. However, cats also have one significant nuance: during the period of sexual activity, they behave quite persistently and capriciously, which can irritate their owners.

When does a cat reach puberty?

Each breed reaches sexual maturity at different time, however, on average this happens at the age of 8-10 months. It is during this period that cats first begin to want a cat. Recognizing when cats start wanting a cat is quite easy. The first sign is frequent urination in an animal. It also refuses to eat; even its favorite treats are not pleasing and cannot make you concentrate on food.

During the period of sexual activity, the cat screams and constantly strives to escape into the street. It is also possible to display attacks of aggression, attacks on owners or other cats.

Medicines to calm cats

When a cat wants a cat, every owner inevitably thinks about how to calm him down. The first thing that comes to mind is medications, designed to dull the sexual instincts of the animal. Now their range is simply huge, but before choosing one in particular, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

Many owners wonder how these same drugs affect the health of their pet. However, even outstanding specialists cannot answer this question unequivocally. After all, their main effect is the regulation of hormones. At the very least, you shouldn’t abuse drugs. They should be given directly when the cat wants a cat. At this moment, the owners no longer think of how to calm him down, and radical measures need to be taken.

As soon as a cat appears in a family, the owners immediately think about castrating it. However, some people stop because they doubt whether it is really worth doing. Undoubtedly, when he wants a cat, he causes people a lot of trouble and hassle. But it's worth weighing the pros and cons surgical intervention into the animal's body.

Castration is the removal of an animal's gonads through surgery. Despite the fact that many are horrified by the name itself, this operation is classified as simple and does not pose any threat to the life of your pet. True, after this he may no longer be so active, mobile, and playful. Often after surgery, cats become fatter and lead a more passive lifestyle.

How to calm a cat?

If a cat yells and insistently demands a cat, and does not let you sleep at night, then you definitely need to do something about it. Typically, owners have three options to choose from:

  • find a cat to mate with a cat;
  • apply drops for a cat so that he doesn’t want a cat;
  • castrate the animal.

The last method is radical. Not everyone will decide to take it. Also, not every owner dares to look for a girlfriend for his pet. After all, most likely, she will also have to be temporarily accommodated at home, and this will be unnecessary worries and troubles. But the second option is the most acceptable. All that remains is to choose the right drug.

Drops for cats so that they don’t want a cat

In cats, sexual activity occurs in the spring. It is then that they begin to especially annoy their owners by meowing, rushing outside and damaging household property. To cope with this condition, many owners prefer drops. But still, if a cat wants a cat, how to calm him down, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

The following have proven to be the best sedative drops for cats:

  • "Sex barrier";
  • "Contra-sex";
  • "Cat Baiyun".

You can buy them at any veterinary pharmacy.

Tablets for cats from partying

In addition to drops, tablets are also widely used that can reduce the sexual activity of an animal. However, it is much more difficult to “slip” them to a cat, because he can easily detect them and refuse to eat them. Here the owners have to resort to various tricks and tricks in order to feed the drug to their pet.

If a cat wants a cat, every owner thinks about how to calm him down. The first thing that comes to mind or is recommended by neighbors is to buy tablets at a veterinary pharmacy. They can be divided into sedative and hormonal.

Soothing medications are usually herbal based and require use several times a day. When using these medications, your pet may experience drowsiness, lethargy, and decreased appetite.

As for hormonal drugs, they should be used very carefully and only after undergoing an examination at a veterinary clinic. Otherwise, the animal may experience serious health complications that will require additional treatment or may be life-threatening. Hormonal drugs can only be used once a day.

Whatever method you choose, if a cat wants a cat, how to calm him down, you need to think about his health. It is also important to remember that when choosing an option such as castration, natural instincts may not disappear. The cat may continue to try to mark the apartment or yell. This is genetically embedded in him, and it is extremely difficult to overcome these reflexes. The animal will ignore your punishments, or rather, it simply will not understand how to deal with it and what to do, because natural instincts are always stronger.

Almost every person, regardless of whether he has a cat or not, is aware of the unusual reaction of these pets to products whose main ingredient is valerian root. Some experts even compare the effect of this drug on representatives of the cat family with the effect of narcotic drugs on humans.

Due to the violent reaction of cats, valerian is also called “cat grass”. Why do cats like valerian?

Medicinal valerian

Before you understand how valerian acts on cats, you need to become more familiar with its composition. The main ingredient of the drug is perennial valerian, which grows in lowlands, marshy soils and near some reservoirs. Its stem can reach two meters in height, and the inflorescences form umbrellas with a pinkish tint.

But for pharmacological purposes, valerian root is used, which is very branched and has a loose structure. It contains many active substances:

  • several types of acids;
  • valepotriates;
  • triterpene glycosides;
  • free amines.

Among the many acids contained, isovaleric acid is especially worth highlighting. This substance is not so harmless, since it can cause chemical burns if it gets on the intestinal or oral mucosa.

Effect on the cat

It is interesting that despite the widespread belief that valerian causes a violent reaction, some animals may not pay attention to the smell of the product at all or, on the contrary, be panicky afraid of it. In total there are several possible options reactions:

  1. Euphoria. A deranged state in which cats fall into a kind of trance state, begin to roll on the floor or intensively chew on a bottle of medicine.
  2. Drowsiness. This effect is achieved thanks to the second component of the tincture - alcohol. In this case, the duration of exposure can reach several hours.
  3. Hyperactivity. Some cats have a reaction that is the opposite of drowsiness. The animal can start running around the entire room, destroying everything in its path.

Another type of reaction is also noted when cats under valerian begin to meow loudly, rub against the owner or look into his eyes. Many people view this behavior as a pet’s desire to play. But the reaction may not always be unambiguous, and there are often cases in which several of its types are detected at once.

It's no secret that cats, our favorite pets, are carnivores by nature. Cats' teeth and intestines are designed to allow them to eat meat exclusively.

After all, the only food plant origin, which cats eat in the wild, is found in the intestines of prey, with the exception of grass, which they occasionally chew for medicinal purposes.

Due to the fact that any harmful substances contained in plants are usually destroyed in the liver of cats' prey (rodents and birds), this liver function was not developed in cats.

The most important intermediate metabolic organ, the cat’s liver works in such a way that it is not able to quickly process some toxic substances. Therefore, cats are extremely prone to food poisoning that other species of animals can eat without harmful effects on the body.

Domestic cats are often more adventurous in their tastes than their barn counterparts and will try different vegetables and fruits, as well as other foods in the house.

To avoid consequences dangerous to the animal’s health, you need to know which “human food” poses a threat to the cat’s life.

Some of the foods listed below are poisonous to cats even in small quantities, while others will not cause illness unless they are eaten repeatedly or in large quantities.


Cats can become intoxicated even after licking the remains. wine sauce from meat. While a single incident will not cause long-term effects, large amounts or repeated use of alcohol will cause liver damage. Like any other poisoning or gastrointestinal irritation, alcohol poisoning will lead to breathing difficulties, coma and death.

Chocolate, Cocoa

Chocolate contains theobromine, a substance very toxic to cats. Theobromine increases heart rate, causes arrhythmia and has a diuretic effect. A small amount of chocolate eaten initially leads to hyperactivity, neurological syndromes (disorientation in space, etc.) and causes a feeling of thirst in cats. After a few hours, vomiting and diarrhea may begin. Large amounts of theobromine lead to a heart attack within 24 hours.

The average lethal dose of theobromine concentration in a cat’s body is 200 mg/kg.

The most toxic are cocoa powder, chocolate used in desserts, and premium chocolate due to the high percentage of theobromine.

Coffee and tea

Coffee grounds, coffee beans and tea contain a strong stimulant of brain and physical activity - caffeine. And although some cats happily drink milk tea and coffee, it is not safe. Caffeine always leads to hyperactivity, and in large doses – to diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.


Causes an increase in body temperature in cats, increases heart rate, and leads to seizures. In this regard, dishes in the preparation of which beer was used, and beer itself, should not be given to cats under any circumstances.


Avocado. All parts of the avocado contain a toxin known as persin. It causes gastrointestinal irritation, vomiting, diarrhea, breathing problems, fluid accumulation around the heart tissue, and even death. Cats may be attracted to the oily texture of avocados, but should never eat them.

Broccoli. It is dangerous in large doses due to the content of isothiocyanates that are toxic to the cat’s body. It is unlikely that anyone would feed a cat enough broccoli to cause illness. In no large quantities, broccoli contains healthy bioflavonoids, so you can give this type of cabbage occasionally 1-2 times a month.

Onion and garlic. All onions contain disulfide (N-propyl disulphide), which destroys red blood cells in cats, causing hemolytic anemia. Onions are poisonous in any form: raw, dried, powdered or cooked. Prepared foods containing onions or onion powder should not be given to pets as treats.

Garlic contains a similar toxic substance in smaller quantities. In some countries, owners add small amounts of garlic to pet food on the grounds that garlic is beneficial for humans. However, we must not forget that the liver function of cats, which is different from that of humans, often makes human food unacceptable for cats.

Onion poisoning leads to hemolytic anemia, in which red blood cells rupture and circulate freely in the body. The first signs appear a few days after taking onions: vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite and lethargy. Onion poisoning can be fatal after a single meal containing a large amount of onion relative to the animal's body weight or after several repeated meals containing small amounts of onion.

Rhubarb. Rhubarb leaves contain oxalates and eating this plant by a cat can cause oxalic acid poisoning and, as a result, kidney failure. Cooked rhubarb stalk is safe to eat, but has a strong laxative effect and can cause stomach upset, intestinal discomfort and diarrhea.

Tomatoes. Tomatoes, like all plants in the Solanaceae family, contain a bitter, poisonous alkaloid called glycoalkaloid solanine, which can cause severe gastrointestinal pain. In general, cats are not inclined to eat tomatoes, but there have been cases of fatalities in cats after eating one small cherry tomato. Not only ripe fruits are poisonous to cats, but also green tomatoes, leaves and stems. During cooking, toxins are destroyed and tomato juice in cans of sardines or other fish will be safe. The same applies to eggplants.

Potato. Like tomatoes, potatoes are classified as nightshades and contain the same alkaloid - glycoalkaloid solanine. Raw or green potatoes and potato peelings are poison for cats.

Potato leaves - Contain oxalates, which can damage the digestive, nervous and urinary systems. This is a more common problem with farm animals.

Cooked potatoes are safe for cats, but absolutely useless, since the starch is not digested by the cat's intestines.

Manufacturers of some super premium foods do not comment on why their foods contain potatoes.

Legumes (soybeans, peas, beans). They are not absorbed by the cat’s body and lead to bloating and fermentation in the intestines.


Fruit seeds and seeds: pear, apple, apricot, plum, peach, nectarine. The seeds of pears, apples and the kernels of drupes (plums, peaches, nectarines, apricots and other fruits) contain glycosides. Apple seeds contain up to 0.6% amygdalin glycoside (hydrocyanic acid). Glycosides interfere with the blood's ability to release oxygen into tissues and cause suffocation.

Grapes and Raisins. Grapes and raisins have not been proven toxic to cats, but they are known to be poisonous to dogs. The American Animal Poison Control Center (ASPCA) advises against giving grapes or raisins to cats or dogs in any quantity, which means don't give your breakfast granola or fruitcake, even if your cat begs for it.

Citrus (lemons, oranges), and to them: kiwi, pineapples. Induce vomiting.

Persimmon. Persimmon seeds can cause intestinal blockages and enteritis.


Most nuts are dangerous for cats due to their high phosphorus content, an excess of which in the body is extremely undesirable. Particularly toxic to cats walnuts and macadamia nuts. Macadamia nuts contain an unknown toxin that can cause digestive and nervous system, as well as muscles.



Milk has a negative effect on the body of cats. Milk is a baby food and is not a natural food for adult cats. Cow's milk contains lactose, which many cats cannot digest. Drinking milk leads to indigestion, diarrhea and intestinal discomfort. The higher the fat content of milk, the less lactose it contains, so a small amount of cream may be safe for your cat. Other alternatives are condensed milk (high temperatures change the composition), lactose-free milk, and milk from goats and sheep.

Cats that have a balanced diet and water do not really need milk and it is best that you do not get into the habit of giving your cat milk.

Raw eggs

Raw eggs contain an enzyme called avidin, too much of which can cause biotin (vitamin B) deficiency, leading to skin and coat problems in cats. It is unlikely that cats will eat dangerous amounts of avidin on their own unless you give them raw eggs every day. Poor quality eggs may also pose a risk of salmonella contamination.


Regularly feeding a cat raw fish leads to a deficiency of thiamine (vitamin B1) due to thiaminase enzymes contained in fish, which is manifested by loss of appetite, manifestations of nervous disorders (dizziness, convulsions, trembling) and in serious cases leads to death. Only a rare occasional treat of raw fish is completely acceptable. When cooking fish, thiaminases are destroyed, however, the threat does not completely disappear. Thus, laboratory studies have shown the presence of a cause-and-effect relationship between feeding fish and vitamin K deficiency in cats and the associated decreased blood clotting in animals. In this case, a fatal outcome is also possible - internal hemorrhage in the liver and gastrointestinal tract. Fatty fish in any form, rich in unstabilized polyunsaturated fats, can also cause pansteatitis (inflammation of subcutaneous fat cells) in cats. Signs of pansteatitis include peeling of the skin, greasy hair, and painful reactions to pressure on the skin (the cat cannot be picked up). In addition, fish caught in rivers and rivers polluted by industrial wastewater sea ​​waters, may contain toxic substances in the body: pesticides, herbicides and heavy metals (lead, mercury, cadmium).


Pork. Many veterinarians advise against feeding pork to cats. However, in fact, pork products are often used in cat foods under the label “meat by-products.” Raw and undercooked pork can certainly be a source of tapeworm. And from frequent feeding Cooked pork can cause pancreatitis, liver cirrhosis and chronic renal failure in cats.

Bones from meat, chicken and fish. They can get stuck in the throat, scratch the esophagus, or cause intestinal ruptures.

Trimmings of fatty meat, lard. May cause pancreatitis.

Liver. Contains many biologically active substances, which leads to disruption of metabolic processes. Raw liver can cause stomach upset, while overcooked liver can cause constipation.

Frequent feeding of liver will lead to excess vitamin A in the body, the toxic effects of which include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hair loss, bone deformation and muscle pain. You can give liver to cats only in small quantities 1-2 times a month.

Poultry: goose, duck. In its raw form it leads to infection with worms, in some cases to dangerous infectious diseases, which leads to the death of the animal. This meat is very fatty and is poorly absorbed by the cat’s body.

Yeast dough

Yeast dough can cause bloating and stomach upset.

Bread and pasta

Foods rich in carbohydrates, eaten in large quantities, lead to flatulence and intestinal colic in cats.

Spoiled products

Spoiled foods contain harmful bacteria and their decomposition products. Mold on food can also contain toxins. Unless your cat is very hungry, she will avoid stale or spoiled foods at all costs. If the cat does eat spoiled food, then most likely it will have a protective vomiting reaction.

Prepared foods and baby food

If you are planning to give the finished product to your cat, be sure to read the list of ingredients on the package. In addition to products that are dangerous for cats, such as onion powder, prepared foods may contain preservatives. Many preservatives found in canned food for humans are extremely dangerous for cats.


Eaten in large quantities leads to electrolyte imbalance.


It disrupts metabolism, makes the immune system weaker, leads to excess weight, dental problems, dull hair and diabetes.

Fatty, spicy, salty, smoked, spicy, fried

Causes gastrointestinal upset and disrupts metabolism. When feeding food from a human table, the animal looks bad and appears chronic diseases. Excess salt, spices, preservatives can lead to diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys, and digestive disorders.