Care and cultivation of indoor plants at home. Growing flowers at home - tips for beginners How to grow a plant at home

At home. In order for plants to grow well and bloom beautifully, without being attacked by diseases, some growing experience is required.

You just need to follow the tips so that the flowers look beautiful for a long time, just like after being bought at a flower shop.


When growing flowers at home, it is important proper watering. Flowers require watering twice a week in summer and once a week in winter. On hot days you can water more often. Before the next watering, the soil should dry out, but not too much. If you water too much, the roots will begin to rot, which can subsequently lead to the appearance of a disease - fungus. Rare watering will lead to wilting.

Frequent watering causes yellowing lower leaves, in the case of bulbs - by rotting of the roots.

Infrequent watering causes the tips of the leaves to dry out.


An important element is the application of fertilizers. We often want a small plant to turn into a large specimen in just a month. An increased dose of nutrients is a big mistake. Overdosed plant minerals dies faster than those that did not receive fertilizers.

There is no need to skimp on fertilizers. You should purchase products from well-known and trusted companies.

A good option is to use liquid fertilizers, diluted with water. Fertilizers are also recommended long acting in the form of sticks and tablets, inserted into the ground in pots.

To avoid using chemicals, you can use natural fertilizers: eggshell, beer diluted with water or garlic extract.

If the fertilizer is intended only for pelargoniums, water only pelargoniums, do not water other flowers.

Temperature is important. In summer it should be lower than thirty-five degrees. In winter it’s always +, not lower than five degrees.


It is important right choice places. Flowers grow best on a northern and northwestern windowsill. The south window is not suitable, due to the large amount of sun, it leads to dry air. The south window is more suitable for pelargoniums, and on hot summer days for cacti and other succulents.

When buying flowers on a pot, information is provided on which place is best to place the pot.

Do not place flowers other than cacti in a sunny place on hot summer days, the sun can cause leaf burns and weaken and deform the plant. Many flowers may die, such as the African violet or orchid.

If the label that came with the flower has disappeared, you don’t know where to put this flower, a little hint:

On sunny place Suitable: cacti and other succulents, fat plants, geraniums.

Penumbra well tolerated: ficus, philodendron, amaryllis, croton, arrowroot, monstera and clivia.

Diseases are divided:

  • physiological;
  • viral;
  • fungal.

Physiological diseases are caused by errors in watering, changes in temperature near the plants or lack of nutrients in the substrate.

Fungal diseases are caused by fungi. Fungal spores often attack the plant, leading to death. Fungal diseases appear due to improper care.

Viral diseases are caused by viruses and are incurable. The plants are deformed; nothing can be done to help them. The infected specimen must be immediately thrown away, preferably burned.

Pests of potted plants are mainly: aphids, spider mites, powdery mildew and scale insects. Aphids transmit fungal diseases.

Growing indoor plants can be a lot of fun if you devote a little attention. Careful care and care will reward you with beautiful flowering. Communication with nature, even in such a small volume, has a positive effect on well-being.

Not every stem or petal will produce roots for propagation. However, if you want to propagate a houseplant from its leaves, it is best to do so in the spring.

Propagation using cuttings and leaves
What you need to do first is to choose the strongest and healthiest shoot or leaf. The length of the cutting should be at least seven centimeters; if it is a leaf, then it should be the largest and not diseased. Make a cut with a blade or sharp knife. The stem must be cut slightly below the leaves, and if it is a leaf, then it must be cut across. Next, place it in soil or water.

Secrets of success in reproductionSeveral cuttings or leaves should be planted simultaneously, since not all so-called shoots always take root. Almost all shoots require moist air. Cuttings and leaves should be removed from direct sunlight. Bring the temperature closer to 18 degrees.

You need to choose the strongest shoot of the plant, you need to press it down to the ground in another pot, this can be done, for example, using a piece of wire. This process takes quite a long time. However, you can speed up this process by first, before pressing it to the ground, you need to lightly cut this semi-process. It can be cut from an adult plant only after complete rooting.

This name is usually given to shoots from the sides of plants. They should be cut as close to the main plant as possible, so that the root remains on it. It will be possible to plant it after it becomes one third the size of the main plant.

With such plants everything happens like strawberry tubers. When a plant has a tendril, it already has a root and can be safely cut and planted; if there are no roots, then dig it in and cut it after good rooting.

Air layering
This is a method for overgrown plants that have lost their appearance with long stems without leaves. The stem should be cut at the height you would like the plant to be. Remove the bark 15 millimeters from the bottom. Wrap the bottom in polyethylene, first covering it with sphagnum moss, or put it in water and wait two to three months until roots appear. After a good one appears root system You can plant a flower in the ground. In addition, remember that the pot with the root with the stem of the flower remaining in it should not be thrown away; it must continue to be watered and cared for, because after some time it will sprout a new branch of the plant and will delight your eye with its flowering and growth.

The child is interested in everything around him. Why is the sky blue and the sea salty? Every day “whys” force us to think about how to simply explain complex things. In this article we will talk about how a flower grows for children: step by step and clearly.

A little about plants and flowers

Imagine a flowerbed with roses blooming. When talking about roses, we often call the entire plant a flower: stems, leaves, and buds. Although this is not entirely true.

A rose is a flower, but the bush from which we cut it is a plant. We will understand how a flower grows if we first talk about the plant itself.

The seed falls into the soil

It all starts with seeds. The seeds of different plants differ greatly from each other. For example, oak seeds are acorns, cherry seeds are the seeds inside its berries, and we often see tiny poppy seeds in baked goods. Usually the seeds are small, but among them there are also such giants as coconut.

Seeds are looked for in different ways new house: someone flies towards him, caught by the wind, someone swims on the water. Birds and animals help many plants travel around the world. Seeds of different plants take root in different places, but all need water and warmth to sprout.

Root formation

A seed that falls into suitable soil sends out roots. From now on, they will perform many important tasks to support the life of the plant.

The roots grow downwards. Usually they look like the crown of trees turned upside down, but the roots of different plants (as well as the same ones growing in different conditions) are different.

Roots pull gases, water, organic and mineral substances dissolved in it from the soil - that is, everything that replaces food for the plant. The roots can bring out harmful substances and retain useful ones. And, of course, the roots firmly anchor the plant in the ground, preventing strong winds and streams of water from destroying it.

Roots are the most an important part plants. As long as they are healthy and remain in the ground, the plant will not die. Torn branches and stems, flowers and leaves will definitely grow again.

Appearance of a sprout

After the roots are released, the first shoot hatches. He breaks through the seed like a chicken through an egg shell, and reaches up through the earth to see the sun.

A little time will pass and the sprout will appear on the surface where we can see it. From now on we can call it sunrise. A thin stalk with a pair of leaves will develop into a mature plant. To do this, it needs sun, water and air, as well as nutrients that the roots take from the soil.

Plants have different needs. Some people need warmth and bright sun, while others feel good in the shade and coolness. Some plants need a lot of water, some less. In the right conditions, seedlings stretch and grow. Together with visible part plants develop and roots.

Maturity, flowering and the circle of life

The time comes, and flowers appear on the adult plant. This happens when the plant accumulates enough strength to produce its own seeds.

A bud appears on the stem of the plant, at first similar to an ordinary folded leaf. It develops into a bud. When the bud opens, we finally see the flower.

Insects carry pollen from one flower to another. This process is called pollination, and after it is successfully completed, the plant produces new seeds.

The seeds are carried around by wind, water or animals, and everything starts all over again. This is the circle of life that plants go through.

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How to grow indoor plants?

Growing indoor plants is an activity worthy of a true lady. The fascinating process will require ingenuity, perseverance and attentiveness, but will fully reward you with beautiful, healthy flowers. They perfectly decorate the house, creating an atmosphere of comfort and warmth, and also purify the air and help relieve stress.

Indoor plants will create an atmosphere of comfort, warmth and lift your spirits.

Growing flowers at home requires compliance with a number of rules. For the prosperous existence and development of plants, it is necessary to create the most comfortable conditions. Achieve luxury appearance Consistently following the rules of caring for them will help you to keep your living decorations at home.

Soil and drainage selection

The soil in the flower pot should provide sufficient nutrition and liquid. Its choice should be approached responsibly. It must be loose and allow water to pass through in the amount necessary for normal growth and development. Excess moisture promotes root rot. Experienced flower growers They prefer to prepare the soil themselves, mixing the soil with several components. For this purpose use:

It will take time to prepare compost, because the components included in it must rot.

  1. Humus. Formed by the decomposition of manure, leaves and plants.
  2. Compost. It is made by long-term rotting in heaps of tree branches, leaves, kitchen waste, and grass.
  3. Peat. Formed as a result of rotting plants and animals. In its pure form it is not suitable for growing flowers, but it perfectly dilutes the soil and gives it looseness.
  4. Sand. Typically used to add to a substrate, but some succulent species can grow in sand as their own soil.
  5. Fragments of natural materials (tree bark, slag, stones). Used to impart looseness and drainage.

It is more convenient for a novice gardener to use ready-made mixtures purchased in the store. To make selection easier, the latter are divided by type of color. Each mixture contains a specific set of fertilizers and minerals that meets the requirements for a given type of plant.

In addition to soil, materials are placed at the bottom of the pot to ensure drainage. It could be:

Expanded clay is made from clay and easily absorbs liquid.

  1. Expanded clay. Construction material in the form of balls made of clay, capable of absorbing liquid. It is poured onto the bottom of the pot, 1/5 of the total volume, and the top is covered with soil on which the plant is planted.
  2. Ceramics. Broken pottery shards are used as drainage materials. It is laid on the bottom with the convex side up and covered with sand. The soil mixture is added on top.
  3. Styrofoam. Placed in small pieces on the bottom and sprinkled with sand. Does not absorb water, so you need to add hydrogel.

When replanting plants, the drainage is replaced with a new one; over time, it is converted into soil and can contribute to soil acidification.

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Optimal watering of plants for the home

For good growth, you need to monitor water quality. It should not be hard, with a high content of metals and impurities. Perfect option– rain, melted snow or water from a nearby stream. When using tap water, it must be left to stand for several days before watering.

The amount of water is determined depending on the type of plant. According to general requirements, the soil in the pot should not dry out. Once this happens, watering is required. If the soil is wet, then you should wait, as oversaturation with moisture leads to rotting of the plant roots.

There are several ways to provide flowers with liquid:

A flower watering can will help provide the plant with liquid.

  1. Watering can. The most common and safest way. Soft, weak streams of water do not wash away the soil, exposing the roots, and are safe for fragile green leaves. The wide nozzle allows you to evenly moisten the soil.
  2. Pallet. The method is called bottom watering and consists in pouring water directly into the pan, from where it is absorbed by the soil through the holes in the flowerpot. The method is suitable for plants that like stagnation: monstera, cyperus, philodendron.
  3. Spray. Not used alone, but only in combination with one of the above. Spray with warm water aboveground part plants. Used in low humidity areas.

The water temperature should be room temperature, fluctuations of no more than 5°C in both directions are allowed. Spraying is not beneficial for all plants; before irrigation, you should make sure, using reference literature, that there is no harm from the process.

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Quality lighting for growing

Light is the main condition for the process of photosynthesis, which is vital for indoor plants. Properly organized lighting helps them grow and develop. If there is a lack of it, the flowers become stunted and look unattractive in appearance.

Based on the type of plant and its location, you should decide what kind of artificial lighting will be: full or partial. If the plant is located near windows or on a balcony, then it will be enough to periodically illuminate it in the morning and evening, prolonging the daylight hours. If a flower pot is standing in dark place at home or does not receive it at all sunlight, you will need to select lamps that fully satisfy the conditions of detention.

The lamp should be mounted so that it can be lifted as the flowers grow. There is no need to place it too high: the degree of illumination decreases with increasing height. The angle of incidence should not be sharp; the ideal solution would be light directed at the plants perpendicularly.


Ginger is a tropical plant that looks like sedge. If you seriously decide to start growing ginger, know that this “grass” can reach a height of 1 meter or more. To grow ginger at home, look around the house or buy a shallow, wide container in which to plant the rhizomes. As a soil for ginger, you can take an organic mixture in which vegetables are grown.

Prepare the soil. Buy a ready-made mixture designed for a specific type of indoor flowers, which already contains minerals and fertilizers that have a beneficial effect on plant growth. Thanks to this soil, house flowers can go without feeding for a long time.

Place some prepared soil on the gravel and plant the plant in the center of the pot. Add soil and compact lightly. Don't forget to water the flower. You can decorate it by placing small beautiful stones or colored drainage around the edge of the pot.

If you have a balcony, take a box at least 18 cm wide and the same depth. Plant the plants in the holes, staggering each one slightly. If the area of ​​the box allows, plant the flowers in two rows; if they are narrow, plant them in one row. Please note: if the flowers have a root, they need to be planted together with a lump of earth.

Remember, just the Internet is not enough. If it needs a lot of moisture, spray it from time to time with a spray bottle. Big leaves wipe with a damp sponge if recommended for this plant.

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With the arrival of spring and the bright warm sun, summer residents strive to quickly go to their own plots of land to restore order there, plant vegetables and beautiful flowers. The dacha is a kind of island for relaxation from polluted city air. The townspeople plant the flower beds on the site with a variety of flowers, selecting them taking into account the flowering time.

You will need

  • - seeds or bulbs;
  • - rake;
  • - watering can.


Continuity of flowering is the fundamental principle of creation landscape design land plot. The distribution of plants according to flowering periods will allow you to enjoy beautiful flowerbed from April-May until late autumn. Multi-colored daisies, crocuses, daffodils, scillas and hellebores are perfect for early spring. These delicate flowers will decorate your garden. The end of spring - the beginning of summer - the time of flowering of peonies and jasmine, bells and lilacs, gillyflowers, zinnias, early varieties roses and .

In the second half of summer, cornflowers and annuals bloom. Perennial asters, roses, and lilies continue to bloom until September. The first frosts on your summer cottage are able to meet calendula, petunia, chrysanthemum, osteosperum and tansy. When decorating your dacha with flowers, do not forget about the color and compositional harmony of the flower beds, select the right plants by color and height.

No matter how attractive the flower may seem in the photo of the package with seeds or bulbs, under no circumstances buy it if the plant is not suitable for your climate zone. It's pretty important factor when choosing colors for garden plot. When planting and caring for seeds and flower bulbs, strictly follow the instructions on the packages. Follow the recommended planting depth and time, climatic conditions, soil composition, site lighting requirements, frequency of watering and fertilizing.

To plant flowers in a permanent place, water the seedlings to be selected generously and add a lump of earth to the root of the plant, this will ensure a high survival rate. The technique of planting flowers is not very complicated and does not require specific skills. Make a hole in the marked area of ​​land and lower the seedlings into the hole so that the root does not bend, but is well straightened.

Press the soil into the roots with both hands and leave the remaining hole to retain water during watering. Planting depth is of great importance, so make sure that the flowers are planted no deeper than they were before planting in the ground. Otherwise they may get sick and die. The root collar of most flowers is buried one to two centimeters, but sometimes more, it all depends on the spare buds.

Plant seedlings during the day in cloudy weather or in the evening when the sun has already set. After planting, water the plants generously and continue to do so for several days until they are fully established. For perennial varieties flowers, prepare large holes and fill them with nutritious plant soil or humus.

When choosing flowers for planting, take into account the degree of difficulty of care, because the dacha is not a place for summer residence for everyone. Therefore, choose varieties and types of plants that are resistant to various pests, tolerate lack of moisture well and are less susceptible to diseases. Remember that perennial flowers require less attention and care than annual flowers. To prevent flowers from freezing and ornamental plants insulate their roots with sawdust or protective film. And store the dug up bulbs or tubers in dry, dark and cool rooms.

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If you are not sure that you can properly care for exotic plants, it is better to start simple: with unpretentious and hardy plants that can big losses survive your inexperience and forgetfulness. The range of such plants is quite large.

Some people prefer plants with bright, flashy leaves, some prefer elegant decorative foliage, others prefer ivy or cacti.

You can choose from such undemanding plants as chlorophytum crested, monstera, maple (abutilon), aloe, dracaena, crassula, pelargonium, tradescantia, ficus and many others. However, even these undemanding prudes need care. If you can create for them good conditions, you can be sure that they will thank you with a beautiful and blooming view.

Don’t start something capricious, even if it’s very beautiful plant. You definitely shouldn't buy an azalea if you don't have enough experience growing it. Very picky about living conditions. It’s a shame when a plant dies, but the reasons are impossible to understand.

If you are a completely inexperienced gardener, get cacti or succulents, they have quite decorative look and they don’t want anything from you except rare watering and equally rare fertilizing.

However, even when growing unpretentious plants certain rules must be followed:

Place those plants that are more demanding on lighting closer to the light;
- try not to put together plants that require spraying and those that do not like it;
- no plants like frequent rearrangements. This is real stress for them.

Some plants shed their leaves in winter and need rest. At this time, they need to be removed to a dark, cool place and watering reduced.

No matter how inexperienced a gardener you are, desire and desire work wonders. Start with simple things, and you will definitely make your apartment look like a blooming garden.

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Growing indoor flowers from seeds is a fun activity. It is interesting to watch how a small seed turns into a blooming charm over time. To wait for this happy moment, you need to know which plants can be grown at home this way and how to do it.

You will need

  • - flower seeds;
  • - the soil;
  • - water.


If you wish, you can arrange a whole mini-greenhouse on the windowsill and grow interesting specimens in it. Plant seeds of gloxinia, fuchsia, pelargonium, cyclamen. You can grow begonia, balsam, torenia, and passionflower at home.

In order for the seeds to germinate well, many of them must undergo stratification. To do this, pour sand into the box, for example, from sour cream. Sow seeds of indoor flowers on its surface and sprinkle with a small layer of sand. If the grains are very small, then it should be 2 mm high. Sprinkle larger specimens 5-10 mm.

This container should remain on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 3-5 weeks. After this, take it out, moisten it with a spray bottle, cover it with cellophane and put it in a warm place for germination.

When shoots appear, place the containers on the windowsill. After 3-4 weeks, plant the seedlings into separate small containers containing nutritious soil. Disposable cups are perfect for this.

If you want to grow a flower called streptocarpus from seeds, then take peat, agroperlite, and vermiculite in equal proportions. Stir and optimal soil ready for this flower. You can buy ready-made soil mixture at a specialty store.

Gloxinia grows well in soil with a high peat content. Cyclomen loves the same soil. When growing this indoor plant from seeds, do not forget that top watering is contraindicated for it, since then its above-ground part may rot. Water it through the bottom hole in the cup.

When the seedlings grow and reach a height of 5-7 cm, pour the soil that is ideal for them into clay pots. Moisten it and plant flowers in them in a permanent place.

You can grow it at home from seeds. This flower grows beautifully not only, but also on the balcony in summer. To do this, in early to mid-March, fill the seedling box with soil and scatter the seeds over its surface. Do not sprinkle soil on top of them. Cover with film and place on the windowsill.

When the seedlings are 4-6 weeks old, replant them less frequently so that each plant has enough feeding area and is well-lit. To grow at home, use low varieties, but to decorate your dacha, any will do.