Feng Shui, what is it? Feng Shui symbols. The meaning of feng shui symbols - Feng Shui World

Our Universe is a gigantic energy space in which there is continuous circulation and interactions between energy flows, which is why various changes arise in our world. Human life is measured in terms of space and time.

A person moves daily in space and time and really wants to achieve a state of joy, pleasure, well-being, health and success. According to the ancient Eastern sages, the key to success is the implementation of reasonable actions in space, which are performed at the right time, and are also consistent with the energy flows that form our reality.

And Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese teaching about the influence of energy flows on a person’s life, his health, success and wealth. We will tell you more about it later.

What is Feng Shui really?

The basis of the science of Feng Shui is knowledge about the divine energy Qi, which gives life to everything on our earth. Qi energy is found under various designations: spirit, breath, vitality, and life energy. And accordingly, it turns out that Qi is a vital force that passes through all living things and gives them energy and movement.

If we literally translate the word Feng Shui into Russian, it will be designated as “wind-water”.

Traditional Chinese medicine states that Qi energy flows through all the meridians (or Nadis) of the human body. Meridians carry vital force to all internal organs and parts of the body. And how healthy a person is can be judged by his energy state.

Moreover, all components of the body, presented in the form of blood, lymph, nerve cells, as well as muscles and skeletal bones, are secondary to Qi energy and work exclusively thanks to it.

Just as Qi energy flows throughout the body, it is distributed throughout the globe. The meridians of earth energy are called “dragon veins”. In places where Qi energy is close to the earth's surface, there is high soil fertility, it abounds in plants and is very rich, and the same thing happens vice versa - in areas where there is a lack of Qi energy, the soil is too dry, nothing grows on it.

Feng Shui as an art or teaching is a technique for cultivating Qi energy, as well as improving its quality (allows you to harmonize, strengthen, and eliminate negative aspects).

Chi energy is distributed over absolutely all objects and phenomena and has a very powerful effect on them. This energy affects both specific individuals and the entire planet in general. The science of Feng Shui is designed to teach people how to harmoniously fill their lives with Qi energy, thereby bringing their lives and the surrounding reality into complete order.

It should be immediately noted that real feng shui is not at all different recipes, signs and superstitions that can lead to prosperity. Feng Shui is actually a teaching about the living flows of the Universe, by observing the laws of which a person becomes healthy, happy and successful.

To explain this in more detail, we need to mention the following popular concepts: “good places”, “favorable times for various undertakings”, which are actively used in Feng Shui. Moreover, they can relate to the choice of work, and to the conclusion of important agreements, the purchase of real estate, the conclusion of a marriage, the birth of a child, and so on. With the help of Feng Shui, a person gets the opportunity to analyze the situation in a space-time framework, which helps to easily achieve success in different areas of life.

Feng Shui philosophy is based on Taoist principles, which arose approximately between the sixth and fifth centuries BC. They were developed by the famous Chinese thinker Lao Tzu. It was he who first began to talk about the single beginning of everything on our planet, and also revealed to people the concept of Yin and Yang energy, told about Qi energy, and discovered the features of the relationship between man and the Universe, based on energy exchange.

People who practice Feng Shui are able to feel the pure divine energy of Qi. When they cease to be attached to the external manifestations of themselves, they begin to feel the greatest connection between all phenomena on Earth and the flows of Chi energy.

Taoist teachings say that Feng Shui involves the use of special schemes and models of existence in order to comprehend the cause-and-effect relationship between everything that happens in our world. Having mastered the art of Feng Shui, a person gains the ability to become truly happy, calm, harmonious and enjoy life in all its aspects.

Have you ever thought about decorating your home according to the art of Feng Shui? You have probably heard more than once from other people that they used one or another feng shui technique (for example, they changed the layout of their house or purchased a special talisman, and so on) and were able to significantly improve their lives with these actions.

In order to begin to fully use the science of Feng Shui, some preparation is required, but there are also various tips that even a beginner can follow to try out this wonderful technique in practice. We recommend that you try the simplest basics of Feng Shui and you will very soon see changes in your life for the better.

  • First recommendation. It is of the greatest importance and indicates that it is imperative to eliminate any disorder around you. It's no secret that in clean houses one thinks completely differently. When a person is not distracted by unnecessary things, it is much easier for him to make the right decision. But what Feng Shui strictly prohibits is storing old things, gifts that remind you of past events (often not the most pleasant). They show that you still have not been able to close this stage of your life and are forced to live it again and again.

  • Second recommendation. It concerns the correct arrangement of things in the home. Of course, there is no universal “pill” in this case, since all situations and homes are different. Even if the layout of the houses is the same, they will differ in their location according to the cardinal directions. If you want to make your home as harmonious as possible, you should seek help from a Feng Shui expert. Alternatively, you can study this ancient knowledge on your own.
  • Third recommendation. In the art of Feng Shui, a special role is given to decorations and correct images on the walls of a home. Everything is simple here: if you surround yourself with images of aggression, suffering, pain, anger, a person will not be able to think positively. Therefore, eliminate any negativity from your home and collect those items that transmit positive energy.
  • Fourth recommendation. It is important that every room in the house is used correctly. For example, the bedroom should have a cozy atmosphere that promotes restful sleep. It is worth abandoning the TV, bright colors, and narrow passages in the bedroom, as all this will disturb a person’s sleep.
  • Fifth recommendation. Finally, remember the correct meaning of colors according to the art of Feng Shui. Using the right colors, you can balance the energy of Yin and Yang in your home.

The art of Feng Shui is very ancient and very interesting; today it is very popular in domestic countries. If you also dream of positive changes in your life, take the risk of turning to this science for help. But most importantly, be sure to follow all its rules.

Finally, watch this interesting thematic video material:

Feng Shui talismans raise many questions among adherents of Eastern philosophy or simply interested people. These questions relate to both their correct use and their correct placement in certain sectors. As a result, we decided to write an article that will describe in detail all the features of using Feng Shui talismans, including issues of choice and location. In the article, we divided all talismans into 8 BaGua sectors and 5 elements. The element will be indicated first, and then the BaGua sector, activated by the talisman in case of constant failures or stagnation in life. Read the information carefully, since not all of the talismans listed work with these sectors. And remember that there are a great many Feng Shui talismans, so it will not be possible to describe them all. At the same time, the strongest representatives will be described in more or less detail. website

Water. North (Career sector), East (Family and Health sector), South-East (Wealth sector).

1. Aquarium.

The main water mascot is the Aquarium. This is a powerful and quite expensive Feng Shui talisman. Like other water elements, an aquarium is responsible for material wealth and well-being. If there are fish swimming in the aquarium, they will act as additional Feng Shui talismans. This is especially true for goldfish, the number of which should ideally correspond to the Gua number of the person who is considered the main breadwinner in the family. The Aquarium talisman will become even more powerful if there is a toad with a coin inside it. But we will talk about it in more detail below. A similar effect can be achieved by using a ship with a treasure trove of gold coins, or an ordinary treasure chest. Do not forget that the aquarium will have to be maintained regularly. The water in it should be perfectly clean, and the fish should always be in complete comfort. It is not necessary to build an entire wall aquarium. Its dimensions should be harmoniously combined with the dimensions and content of the room and apartment.

2. Three-legged toad.

People seeking to improve their well-being with the help of Feng Shui have certainly come across this popular talisman. The toad must hold a gold coin in its mouth, which will be a symbol of home and family wealth. The talisman has several features. Firstly, the coin should not stick to your mouth, because this way the toad will not “give you the money.” Secondly, it is better to place the three-legged toad at the bottom of the fountain, and the fountain should be in the Wealth sector or at the entrance to your apartment. To activate the talisman, regularly place the toad in an aquatic environment. After pulling it out, it is better not to wipe the toad.

3. Heron.

Surprisingly, the Heron bird is a water talisman of Feng Shui. It is best used in the Family sector, that is, in the East. The most useful is the image of a heron in a nest, which is a symbol of family comfort and home. The tasks of the Heron include protecting and cleansing the house from various evil spirits. In China, the heron is found in almost every home, and it is usually located on the sunny side. If the heron has a snake in its beak, which the bird brings to the chicks as food, then the talisman is intended to care for and protect children. If a stone is clutched in the paws of a heron, then this is a talisman for travelers, in the broad sense of the word. The stone adds weight, and this allows you not to go astray and not fly far from the goal. If a heron stands on one leg and holds a stone with the other, and at the same time retracts its neck, then this Feng Shui talisman symbolizes vigilance.

4. Turtle.

This, of course, is a water talisman, carries longevity, wisdom and heavenly protection. Legend has it that the turtle is the founder of the eastern teachings of feng shui. When she crawled out of the water onto the shore towards the Emperor, there were 9 numbers on her shell. Within the mascot there should be one turtle, not a group. Well, the most effective is considered to be a live turtle that will live in your aquarium filled with water. Feng Shui philosophy indicates that the turtle will bring with it a stable income and material well-being. She will be a very good help to the main breadwinner of the family. The talisman is most often produced in black, which corresponds to the water element. However, sometimes you can find gold-plated and metal turtles. The theory of the five elements states that metal can generate water, as a result of which a metal talisman will be even more powerful than a black one. If the turtle is made not in the form of a mascot, but in the form of an image, then you can attach your photograph to its shell. This will help the turtle raise you to the surface, that is, to the goals that you have outlined for yourself.

Tree. East (Family and Health sector), South-East (Wealth sector), South (Glory sector).

1. Money tree.

To attract finance, there is no more powerful talisman, as a result of which it needs to be placed in the Southeast (Wealth sector). The money tree is a succulent with large, round leaves. You can put a couple of coins in the pot, which will only strengthen the talisman. Next to the tree you can place a fountain or any other water source, including all kinds of images of streams. It is not advisable to place cacti in close proximity. Also, it is better not to place plants in the bedroom. If you do not want to purchase a living tree, you can use a panel for this purpose, which will have a corresponding image. You can make the tree yourself. To do this, you can use coins and banknotes instead of leaves. Sometimes you can see money trees on sale that are decorated with semi-precious stones. But this is rather a talisman of happiness, rather than a talisman of wealth. Only you can decide which feng shui tree is ideal for attracting material wealth to your family.

2. Dragon.

An equally powerful talisman, which is very common in the teachings of Feng Shui. For example, the Qing Long dragon, in whose paws there is a pearl, is the personification of Qi energy. A powerful male talisman for Yang energy. It symbolizes the Emperor, with all the ensuing consequences. It is best to place it in the Southeast or East. The dragon should be, maximum, at human eye level. If it stands higher, the talisman will begin to dominate, which is completely undesirable for the owner of the house. The Dragon is able to bring material well-being to the family, increase activity and positively influence business success. It is better to place it in the living room or hallway. In addition, some experts recommend placing the dragon on the left side of the front door. Do not place the mascot in the nursery or bedroom. He doesn't belong there. The dragon does not like to be placed in the South, which cannot be said about other Feng Shui wood talismans. Jade green dragons, as well as dragons of corresponding shades, have the greatest power.

Fire. South (Glory sector), South-West (Marriage sector), North-East (Knowledge sector).

1. Peacock.

This is a talisman for improving career issues, but it will only work if you sincerely love it, periodically admire the beauty of its outline, etc. The peacock will sense this and repay it with kindness. Before you even have time to blink an eye, career heights will approach you at an alarming speed. It is better to place the peacock in the South, that is, in the Glory sector. As for the Feng Shui talisman itself, it is better to purchase a Peacock made of precious metals, inlaid with stones. It is also possible to use an image of a peacock, but you need to choose the most beautiful and bright picture. The bird likes it when candles are burned near it and it is fed grains.

2. Phoenix.

The phoenix bird is the strongest patron of winged creatures on the planet. She rises from the ashes and can quickly rise above all troubles. By placing the Phoenix in the South, you are guaranteed to attract success and fame. If you place Phoenix in the South-West, he will help you in family matters, and childless couples can even count on replenishment. But remember that the Phoenix is ​​hot-tempered, so it is better to immediately balance it with the Feng Shui talismans of the Turtle or the Dragon. Otherwise, others will begin to notice your increasing impulsiveness. The dragon is the most suitable pair for the Phoenix, since according to Chinese mythology they are in a marital relationship. The appearance of the Phoenix bird, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, is very different from how we imagine it. It has the beak of a rooster, the neck of a snake, the crop of a swallow and dragon patterns on the body. In addition, the Phoenix has multi-colored plumage and a fish tail. From the back, such a “bird” resembles a turtle, and from the front, a swan.

Earth. South-West (Marriage sector), North-East (Knowledge sector), West (Creativity sector), North-West (Helpers sector).

1. Crystals.

These Feng Shui talismans are very popular due to the fact that they dispel all the negative energy in your home and even transform it into positive energy. It is worth recognizing that the canons of Feng Shui are not observed in all apartments in our country. For example, the door to the toilet may be located opposite the front door, which greatly affects the overall energy. If you want to correct the situation, hang a beautiful crystal above the toilet door using a red rope (symbol of Fire). Such a talisman will strengthen the Earth in your home, since the Crystal is a real earth talisman. Natural crystals, as expected, have maximum efficiency. Rock crystal can even demonstrate healing effects. Of course, artificial crystals will also work. Just make sure that they have the ability to refract light and that their structure closely resembles natural ones. Before use, it is recommended to clean the crystals in water with stirred sea salt. After this, you can charge the crystals with good thoughts by holding them in your hands. As for the accommodation sectors, they are determined from those listed above by the owner of the apartment. For example, you can hang a crystal, in accordance with the selected sector, on a window or purchase a crystal chandelier and lamps. The light refracted in the crystal will not only cleanse your energy, but will also attract good luck to your side.

2. Elephant.

This talisman is able to attract good luck to you in all its forms. The elephant is placed in almost any sector, since it is not picky. But we would still recommend placing the talisman in the North-West, in the Mentors sector. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the Elephant talisman can be made from any material. The only condition is that the trunk is directed upward. By placing the talisman on the windowsill, as if an elephant is looking outside, you can attract not only good luck, but also good Qi energy that will come from outside. If the elephant looks inside the house, then it will increase the luck that you already have. It is recommended to give the Elephant to those people who are famous for uncontrollably spending their money. The talisman will give them feelings of calm and confidence, which will be reflected in the character of the recipient. If the Elephant is placed in the Southeast (Wealth sector), then do not forget to decorate the talisman with precious jewelry to enhance its effectiveness. These can be rings, chains or beads.

3. Mandarin ducks.

These birds symbolize home comfort, purity and success in love relationships, as well as numerous offspring.

How and where to place swallows according to Feng Shui

The image of these birds will be appropriate anywhere in your home or apartment.

Feng Shui butterflies will bring joy to your relationship

Butterflies are a talisman of love, joy and fulfillment of desires. Butterflies should be placed in pairs or flocks, as if they naturally flew into your room.

How and where to place butterflies according to Feng Shui

You can decorate your bedroom walls with fluttering butterflies to intensify romantic relationships, to add a fresh air to your partners’ sex life and to make your cherished dreams come true. Butterflies in the bedroom will help lonely people quickly improve their personal lives and keep the fire of existing relationships alive. Every morning, when you open your eyes, you will see butterflies fluttering and start the day with joy and new hopes.

Mandarin ducks in Feng Shui harmonize love relationships

The most famous symbol of love in Feng Shui according to Chinese beliefs are mandarin ducks. They are truly very affectionate and sweet creatures. A pair of tangerines symbolizes strong and tender love bonds.

The duck is generally an emblem of good luck. The royal duck or mandarin duck received its name for its unusually beautiful plumage and superiority over other species. This talisman will give your family well-being, prosperity and good luck, shake up cold feelings and significantly improve marital relationships.

If you are single, mandarin ducks will save you, because they tend to attract good luck in romantic relationships.

Ducks fly in pairs, so the bird is considered a symbol of marriage. In Feng Shui, in general, any paired sign is especially favorable for family relationships, and these birds, as the Chinese believe, choose a partner once for their entire life and die if they have to be separated. Therefore, tangerines are also a symbol of marital fidelity.

Legend has it that one Chinese mandarin decided to divorce his wife and send her to her parents' house. In the evening, before telling her about his decision, he decided to take a walk along the shore of the lake. He walked for a long time, thinking about the upcoming conversation with his wife, and suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by a noise - two mandarin ducks landed on the water. The Mandarin involuntarily fell in love with them: they so tenderly bowed their graceful necks to each other, cleaned each other’s feathers with such love that the man remembered all the wonderful moments that he experienced with his wife. The love that had died out flared up in him with renewed vigor. This is how the ducks saved a marriage that was on the verge of collapse.

How and where to place mandarin ducks according to Feng Shui

Mandarin ducks are one of the best Feng Shui talismans for activating the sector of love and marriage. The optimal place for this symbol is the southwestern sector of the apartment, the sector of love and relationships, or the bedroom, regardless of the sector in which it is located. If you already have a partner, then the ducks are placed next to each other so that they seem to say: “we are sailing through life together.” It would be good if they were mounted on the same stand. If you want to attract new love relationships into your life, then it is better to place the ducks so that they are directed towards each other, that is, symbolize the search and meeting.

Geese will protect you from infidelity

Geese symbolize fidelity in marriage and spiritual unity of spouses. It is believed that geese miss their soulmate very much and never fly alone. Geese are so devoted to their partners that they never create families again,

which makes them also a symbol of eternal love. The Chinese even say about those who remain faithful to a deceased loved one that they have the soul of a goose.

If your family’s lifestyle is such that you are forced to spend a lot of time apart (frequent business trips, work away from home, unforeseen circumstances that provoked separation), then an image or figurine of a pair of flying geese will help you not to lose spiritual closeness with your soul mate.

How and where to place geese according to Feng Shui

A pair of geese is appropriate in the southwestern sector of the house.

Couple of lovers for positive energy

The energy of love is very alive and strong. Remembering this and dreaming of a life partner, you will be able to realize your thoughts into a real picture, that is, after some time, your chosen one will visit your home, conquering your heart forever.

Images that personify love in our understanding create the appropriate atmosphere, set us in a certain mood, enrich us with romance and sensuality.

Such a picture not only promotes harmony in our lives, saturates us with positive energy and self-confidence, but also has a positive effect on success in other areas of life. This image symbolizes the natural union of two principles - male and female.

How and where to place the image of a couple of lovers according to Feng Shui

In the love sector (southwest), almost any paired symbols and talismans work well. And a picture depicting a couple in love would be very appropriate here!

Two doves in Feng Shui to strengthen marriage

Two kissing doves with open wings mean love, friendship and marital fidelity. A pair of pigeons is also used to maintain long-term partnerships.

How and where to place pigeons according to Feng Shui

This symbol would be appropriate in the southwestern sector.

Feng Shui symbol "double happiness" (double luck) for stability of relationships or new love

The Double Happiness symbol, drawn on or cut out from red paper and decorated with gold, is prominently displayed by the Chinese at any wedding. This symbol is very effective for activating romantic luck.

This talisman has its own legend. During the Tang Dynasty, one student went to the capital to take a very important exam for him, based on the results of which candidates for ministers were selected. But, passing through a small mountain village, he felt that he was sick. A rural healer and his daughter sheltered the student at home. Thanks to the skill of the doctor (and maybe not only him), the guy quickly recovered, but when the time came to move on, he realized that it was difficult for him to part with the daughter of his savior. The young people fell in love with each other. In parting, the girl wrote the student the first part of a reverse poem and asked him to compose the second. In a very free translation (otherwise it is impossible to translate poems from Old Chinese), the stanza sounded like this:

"Green trees are carried into the sky by darkness. Spring rain."

“Well, I can handle it, even though it’s not easy. But only after the exam,” said the student. The young man passed the exam best of all, and was noted by the emperor himself. The monarch personally talked with the winners and offered them several riddles. One of them was to add the first stanza to the poem. The second one was like this:

"Scarlet flowers in the grass sway in the breeze. The earth glowed with a kiss."

The young man realized that the first stanza that the girl gave him was ideal for this text, and he immediately wrote it. The emperor admired the young man’s talent so much that he appointed the young man a minister, and before taking office he allowed him to see his family. The guy returned to the girl and read the emperor’s verse to her. Soon they got married. Before the wedding, they wrote two connected Chinese characters "si" ("happiness") on red paper and hung the paper on the wall. This is how the “Double Happiness” symbol was born. It is double because it is intended for both spouses.

How and where to place the “Double Happiness” symbol according to Feng Shui

This symbol can be placed in the southwestern sector of the house. If you're desperate for love in your life, place a double luck symbol in your bedroom. You can put the corresponding amulet under the mattress or carry it with you in your purse. The sign of “Double Happiness” is decorated with the marital bed, chairs and other furniture used in the bedroom. In addition, it is applied to silks and brocades intended for wedding celebrations.

Red Chinese lanterns in Feng Shui will help bring back lost feelings

Lanterns are used to attract good luck and prosperity. Red Chinese lanterns are a very effective talisman for the love zone. Chinese lanterns are usually hung in pairs, since paired items in themselves are strong activators of the zone of love and marriage, and the red color of the lanterns further enhances their effect. Place two lanterns in the southwestern sector of the apartment, and they will help restore the lost ardor of feelings. In addition, they create comfort and decorate the interior, thereby attracting positive energy and activating almost any sector of Feng Shui.

How and where to place red lanterns according to Feng Shui

You can hang them in the bedroom, kitchen, living room or hallway, and believe me, they will enliven your home with their festive look. You can hang Chinese lanterns at the front door, thereby attracting positive energy into the house and preventing it from escaping.

Chuangong and Chuanmu - Feng Shui talisman for married couples

Since ancient times in the East, near the marital bed, especially for newlyweds, there hung images of the deity of the marriage bed Chuangong (“lord of the bed”) and his wife, Chuanmu or Chuanpo (“mother of the bed”). They contributed to harmonious relationships in marriage, guarded the spouses' bedroom and helped produce numerous offspring.

Where and how to place Chuangong and Chuanmu according to Feng Shui

It is best to place figurines of these deities in the bedroom, as close to the bed as possible.

A pyramid of three turtles is a talisman to strengthen the connection between generations

Three turtles in the form of a pyramid: the largest one is at the bottom, the middle one is on it, the smallest one is on the middle one - this is a wonderful symbol of the unity of a family in which everyone supports each other and takes care of each other. The largest turtle is the head of the family, on whom the entire house rests. This talisman is especially good for families in which several generations live together - parents, children, grandchildren... Such a talisman will bring peace and tranquility to the family.

Where and how to place a pyramid of three turtles according to Feng Shui

The best place for this symbol is the eastern sector. And also any room in the house (regardless of the sector) where all family members like to get together, for example: dining room, living room, etc.

Snail-makara (dragon snail) - will create harmony between lovers

This mythical animal is a hybrid of a snail, crocodile, snake and dragon. Agree, a very unusual combination! An image or figurine of a makara snail helps maintain harmony in the home, in relationships between people who love each other. The presence of this symbol sharply reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings and conflicts between spouses, as well as among children (which is especially important if there are two or more children in the family). This symbol also represents the search for the right solution and finding a compromise in case of quarrels in the family.

How and where to place a makara snail according to Feng Shui

It is best to place the makara snail figurine in the family sector (east) or in the room where household members most often gather.

Zaoshen - keeper of the hearth

Zaoshen is the keeper of the hearth, and is also a symbol of fulfillment of desires, health, happiness, wealth and prosperity. Zaoshen protects the home from destructive influences, helps overcome family problems, brings peace, reliability and family happiness. Sometimes he is depicted with a round tablet in his hand, where all the needs and wishes are written down. On December 24, Zaoshen goes to heaven and reports to the heavenly office about how he protects the house and helps with the household, conveys all his wishes, and they are sure to be fulfilled.

Zaoshen often has attributes that symbolize health and longevity, such as a magic peach, a gourd with clear water, and a deer. If a bag is depicted next to Zaoshen, then in addition to wishes for health and happiness, you can add wishes for wealth and prosperity.

How and where to place Zaoshen according to Feng Shui

Traditionally, the Zaoshen figurine is made in the netsuke style. It is favorable if you have such a figurine in the eastern sector, or in the living room, regardless of the sector of the room

The unicorn in Feng Shui is a symbol of fertility for those who want to get pregnant

In principle, this kind and magical animal will bring good luck in many endeavors. We know about unicorns mainly from medieval knightly legends and fairy tales, but in India this animal is revered as a symbol of fertility (pregnancy).

Where and how to place a unicorn according to feng shui

Feng Shui stork talisman for speedy pregnancy

The stork symbolizes the arrival of spring and new life, is the Annunciation bird, and also an assistant in the speedy appearance of an heir in the family.

In different cultures, the stork as a talisman has slightly different meanings. For example, among Christians, the stork symbolizes chastity, purity, respect, and is considered a symbol of new life. According to Russian folk beliefs, the stork is a bird that brings happiness. The stork patronizes the birth of children. Among the Egyptians, it personified filial piety, since it was believed that the stork fed its parents in old age. In Greek mythology, the goddess of storks was depicted as a woman - the giver of life, a nurse and was an attribute of Hera. For the Romans, the stork symbolized respect and filial affection.

It is especially favorable if you purchase a figurine of Lao Tzu on a stork. Lao Tzu is an ancient sage, in his hands he holds a peach (a symbol of longevity and good health). Lao Tzu flies on a stork, which symbolizes the imminent birth of a child.

Where and how to place a stork according to Feng Shui

A figurine of a stork can be placed in the hallway, as if it were flying into your house, at the entrance to the bedroom, or in the western sector.

Guan Yin - patroness of women

The name Guan Yin means “She who listens to the sounds of the world.” As Buddhists say, Guan Yin hears all people's prayers and helps everyone who turns to her.

Altars dedicated to this Mother of Mercy can be found in churches, houses, and roadside grottoes throughout the East. She is revered as a Mother figure, a divine mediator who takes to heart the daily affairs of all who turn to her. Kuan Yin's role as a Buddhist Madonna can be compared to the role of Mary - the mother of Jesus - in the West. In China, as well as in Korea and Japan, Guan Yin is perhaps the most popular image of a Buddhist saint among the people.

Devoted followers of Guan Yin often visit local temples and make pilgrimages to larger ones when important events occur in their lives or when they are especially burdened with any problems. Every three years, celebrations are held in her honor on the nineteenth day of the second month (celebrating her birthday), the sixth month and the ninth month of the Chinese lunar calendar.

Often Guan Yin can be seen in the image “Patroness of Children”, which is found in many houses and temples of the East. A large white veil covers her entire figure, and she sits on a lotus. Sometimes Guan Yin is depicted with a child in her arms, at her feet, or on her knees, or with several children standing around her. In the Eastern tradition, it is generally accepted that Guan Yin bestows longevity, youth, fulfillment of desires and immortality for many thousands of years, and also helps those wishing to have children, protects pregnant women and facilitates childbirth.

Where and how to place Guan Yin according to Feng Shui

A figurine or image of Guan Yin can be placed in the northwestern or western sectors, as well as in the bedroom near the bed itself, for example, on the bedside table.

Pomegranate fruits are a symbol of multiple pregnancy

The pomegranate was a symbol of fertility in Greek and Roman mythology. He was also a symbol of Pluto's wife, Proserpina, who returns from the underworld every spring to renew the earth.

In the East, pomegranate flowers and fruits symbolize friendship, therefore, when visiting people, they often take pomegranate with them as a gift. Pomegranate fruits also symbolize multiple pregnancy.

In the Bible, the pomegranate is mentioned as a symbol of the unity of the Universe. In Christian culture, the pomegranate has become a symbol of hope for resurrection and immortality.

Where and how to place pomegranate fruits according to Feng Shui

It is appropriate to place pomegranate fruits or a pomegranate tree (you can have a picture showing a pomegranate tree with fruits) in the western sector of your house or apartment.

Glomerulus-amulet (five elements) protection of pregnancy

This symbol protects children and pregnant women, brings peace and peace of mind. It symbolizes the five primary elements: Space, Wind, Water, Fire and Earth. The glomerulus helps maintain the harmony of the elements even in an unfavorable place and protects its owner from all evil.

The amulet is a thread twisted into a small ball, where one color smoothly transitions into another. In principle, you can make such a ball yourself: take five threads of different colors (green, red, yellow, blue and white), intertwine them together and twist a small ball. In the East it is made according to the ancient Tibetan method, passed on to us by the Tibetan master Sa Che.

Where and how to place a ball-amulet according to Feng Shui

This ball can be placed in the baby's crib (for example, under a mattress or pillow), and expectant mothers can carry it with them or put it in their bed.

Today many people want to know everything about Feng Shui, they ask about the words feng shui, feng shui, feng shui. These are all different spellings of the same term. From the very beginning it is worth deciding what does feng shui mean. People ask: how is feng shui translated? It is important to understand that the term “feng shui” is a convention, formerly a science also known as geomancy, in China they called it differently.

All about feng shui

However, since people today know Chinese geomancy as Feng Shui, let's analyze this word. And, of course, we will study the areas in which Feng Shui is used primarily. On our blog you can find

How is feng shui translated?

Translated from Chinese hieroglyph "hairdryer" means wind, and hieroglyph "shui"– water. Thus, in this term the Chinese designated the two most powerful forces on Earth that influence human life: the change of seasons, harvest, weather, storms and hurricanes, snow and rain, transport, and so on.

What does feng shui mean

Feng Shui means living in harmony with nature and its manifestations. If we want everything according to Feng Shui, we should learn from the universe by studying its most powerful energies. Natural principles will help us with this Yin Yang And Wu Xing, studied and described thousands of years ago.

In order for everything in your house and apartment to be Feng Shui, you need to follow the natural principles of Yin-Yang and the Five Elements (Five Elements, or Wu Xing), as well as develop intuition. In this case, Feng Shui in Kiev will be as effective as Feng Shui in Beijing, or Feng Shui in Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Kazan, Minsk, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Feng Shui hieroglyphs

The hieroglyph "fen", which, as we already know, means wind, helps us understand the invisible component of the energy elements. The hieroglyph “shui”, meaning water, directs our attention to Yang, the visible component of the natural elements.

Feng Shui is:

- common sense;
- the ancient science of arranging space;
- the art of improving a place for a good life;
— life in harmony with Nature;
- the ability to remain in balance in the internal and external world.

Feng Shui at home

If we want to do everything at home according to Feng Shui, we should first of all take into account the main tool of a Feng Shui specialist - principle of the Four Characteristics: Mountain, Hills, Water and Place of Energy. At the same time we keep in mind the laws of nature Yin Yang And Wu Xing.

If we took these key points into account, all rooms in the house will be according to feng shui. To learn everything about Feng Shui, we recommend that you first contact a Taiwanese master. The books are written clearly, succinctly, and most importantly, all the recommendations found in them correspond to common sense, are accessible to everyone and have been repeatedly tested through personal experience.

In this section you can find useful feng shui information for yourself

Feng Shui apartments

What does it mean to design an apartment according to Feng Shui? First of all, keep it clean and tidy. Of course, pay attention to the most important rooms, where you spend the most time during the day.

An apartment according to Feng Shui is a properly equipped bedroom, kitchen and workplace. Feng Shui in the interior is also important in the hallway, living room, and children's room.

What are the cardinal directions according to Feng Shui? Is there such a concept in traditional school of forms? We are primarily influenced by the massive things around us. In the traditional School of Forms, the cardinal directions are not a key factor, since the poles and the sun are far away - much further than furniture, interior items, walls, windows in our apartment or house.

You can learn everything about Feng Shui at our seminars, lectures, in Shentan Su’s books, on our Feng Shui forum, on the blog, as well as at Feng Shui webinars, in personal correspondence, during consultations.

Feng Shui rooms

In any room it is important to determine the flow intensity Qi energy. Ideally, the energy flow should be neither too fast nor too slow. This is influenced by the number of windows in the room, the number and size of doorways, the height of the ceilings, the number of walls, partitions, screens, and the amount of furniture.

Please also note that in any room, in the place where you lie or sit, there is a solid wall behind. In the Chinese science of Feng Shui, such a wall behind is called a Mountain.

feng shui bedroom

This is primarily a feng shui bed. The mountain - the main wall - should be at the head. The same applies to a children's room or a study - it is best to sit at a table with your back to the wall.

feng shui kitchen

First of all, it considers the correct location of the stove and sink. The main thing is not to create an island stove or an island sink. A stove and/or sink in the middle of the kitchen will cause problems in personal relationships and disrupt family budget control. Money will fly somewhere regardless of earnings.

Feng Shui interior

In interior design, a good starting point is the principles feng shui in the interior of the School of Forms, they help to correctly set priorities. Pay attention to the integrity of the shapes of furniture, lamps, the color of wallpaper, curtains, parquet, tiles, and ceilings.

General universal rule feng shui for interior design- This is following natural principles. These include the Four Characteristics, the Laws of Yin-Yang and Wu Xing. And it’s also important to remember: Feng Shui advice should be consistent with common sense.

feng shui colors

The color scheme of the room helps to create the right Feng Shui interior. Feng Shui specialist from the School of Forms and his Feng Shui consultation includes working with color. The color design of a room according to Feng Shui has a significant impact on the human mind. And the longer we are in a room with a certain color, the more this color influences our consciousness and subconscious, shaping our mood and emotions.

Feng Shui importance of bedroom color cannot be overestimated. After all, at least a third of life passes in this room, so color design in the bedroom is especially important. Remember that pink on walls, curtains and bedspreads is not “romantic”. On the contrary, it can scare off a potential partner, scaring off a future husband or wife.

In his says that intense bright colors on the walls usually cause color fatigue in a person. In addition, the excessive influence of any one bright color creates a deficiency relative to other colors. A large number of bright colors leads to overexcitation, and, as a result, to physical fatigue.

Universal Feng Shui tips on colors:

  • dark bottom, light top;
  • pastel, beige shades in the bedroom;
  • if you don’t know what color to choose for the walls, make them white - this is a universal color that definitely won’t make things worse.

feng shui office

Thanks to the application of Feng Shui knowledge in the office, business develops more stable and successful, this is especially noticeable in times of crisis. Feng Shui tips from the School of Forms for Business lead not only to the creation of a harmonious office, but also to the creation of a successful logo and corporate identity.

As he says, three factors play a key role for a successful business: a good place (feng shui), good time and good people (employees).

If you need to do everything in the office according to Feng Shui, remember what we said about Feng Shui at home and apartments. The basic principles of working with space remain the same. Feng Shui in the interior is a balance of Yang and Yin energies, following the theory of the Five Elements (or Five Transitions), and the main tool is the Four Characteristics.

Everything according to Feng Shui means a smooth flow of energy, both in the director’s office and in the accounting department, and throughout the office as a whole.

The main entrance to the office should be feng shui - the energy and charge of the office depends on it. Does geography matter in an office? Do Feng Shui recommendations differ in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, the USA, and China?

Schools of forms follow a single strategy and a coherent system of knowledge. It is not for nothing that the School of Forms is both the philosophy of Feng Shui and the whole science of Feng Shui. Flexibly following the formula and algorithm, you will create a successful Feng Shui interior for the growth and development of the company in any corner of the world.

Feng Shui tips Our consultant in any area of ​​business includes Feng Shui site. After all, today any company that aspires to success cannot do without a presence on the Internet; here you will need a website according to Feng Shui, as well as advertising and promotion on social networks according to Feng Shui.

Feng Shui in the store is also of great importance. Start your Feng Shui analysis from the main entrance to the store - the lion's share of success will depend on this.

feng shui symbols

The key to understanding Feng Shui symbolism is the basic tenet of the School of Forms, which states: “form determines energy and information.” Useful Feng Shui tips involve first of all paying attention to the integrity of the forms of all objects that are around us. The closer and more massive the object, the greater the impact it has on us. This refers to both the room and the virtual space. Including website design based on Feng Shui.

There are forms that affect a person more intensely than others. The ancient Chinese paid attention to such forms. They called those that have a beneficial effect Feng Shui symbols. Feng Shui symbols, amulets (they are also called fulu) help a person realize one or another area of ​​life to which they are dedicated.

Based on Taoist sacred symbols and signs, it was developed by master Shentang Su. There are eight such amulets in total:

Feng Shui horoscope

Using knowledge of Feng Shui and astrology, you can predict the fate of a person, the fate of a city, or a country. Of course, there is never a 100% hit rate, because many factors influence fate. But you can always get a guideline that will help you feel more calm about life’s turns, ups and downs.

Regularly publishes Feng Shui forecasts for the year. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with them.
Master Su says that traditionally in China, marriages were arranged by the parents of the bride and groom with the help of a matchmaker. If both families and the bride and groom found that, by generally accepted standards, they were suitable for each other, then both parties named the dates of birth of the future couple to the matchmaker, who passed this information on to the astrologer, who made a conclusion about whether the young people were suitable for each other or not. This information included the year, month, date, and hour of birth of each person in the couple.

If, based on the horoscope, the astrologer found that two people were incompatible with each other, the upcoming wedding was most likely canceled, despite the fact that the bride and groom might be suitable for each other according to other criteria.

Today, people's attitude towards horoscopes and marriage is changing. We have a choice, it makes it possible to overcome the difficulties that horoscopes warn about. If we have the will and desire, we can shape the raw material of our destiny into the desired shape.

feng shui health

If you have Feng Shui at home and at work, you are much more likely to have good health. In addition to the bedroom, apartment or house as a whole, our health is influenced by nutrition, relationships, heredity, and karma.

From the point of view of Feng Shui, it is important for health to place the bed correctly and, in general, to arrange the apartment harmoniously. And also spend more time in nature, breathe fresh air, engage in health-improving energy practices, which will help activate points and meridians and improve blood flow. For many years, cardiovascular diseases have ranked first in the world in terms of health significance.

Practicing Feng Shui, meditation, maintaining a daily routine, minimizing stress, and living a joyful life will help you minimize diseases of the body and mind.

Feng Shui of the area

When choosing and arranging a plot of land, pay attention to the integrity of the form. It is also important that the site where the house stands or will stand is not located directly at a T-junction.

Chinese Feng Shui is true for China and all other countries in the world. Feng Shui masters of the School of Forms do not limit the influence of forms and landscape on human life by geography. Feng Shui tips are primarily about functionality, economy, expediency and common sense.

Feng Shui works as effectively in Ukraine as in China. It is the School of Forms that is the cornerstone in understanding the essence of the ancient science of Feng Shui.

feng shui music

Feng Shui music has a beneficial effect on your apartment and home. What kind of music is this? Typically these are the sounds of traditional string, wind and percussion musical instruments. We recommend you feng shui music on the gu qin instrument.

You can learn everything about Feng Shui in music from master Shentan Su, at seminars or consultations.
The art of Feng Shui lies in the ability to harmoniously use everything that surrounds us, including music, for the benefit of ourselves and our neighbors.

feng shui master

Taiwanese teacher Shengtan Su is a feng shui master in the lineage of this ancient knowledge. Feng Shui, as practiced by Master Su, is simultaneously science, philosophy and art.

The skill of Feng Shui initially lies in correctly combining the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the energies of Yin and Yang, the elements of Wu Xing, and the Four characteristics.

Feng Shui online store

Everything we talked about earlier can be studied in more detail in the materials that are available in our Feng Shui store.
Pay attention to Feng Shui books - everything is clearly presented and applicable in life. The book “First Aid Kit” is an artistic presentation of the knowledge of Feng Shui, Qigong, Tai Chi. In the Feng Shui online store you will also find Taiwanese highland oolong tea - Shengtan Su's favorite drink. And also eight Feng Shui talismans.

Feng Shui consultations

It is impossible to immediately understand all the intricacies of Feng Shui. Therefore, at first you definitely can’t do without a Feng Shui consultation if you are planning to buy a new apartment, house, cottage, choosing a site for construction, making repairs, or planning to rent a home or office.

Even the construction of a shopping, entertainment, business center, market, sports complex, store, restaurant, cafe, spa, yoga studio, beauty salon or massage parlor is better to start with a Feng Shui consultation, since at the very beginning you will avoid mistakes that will happen later expensive to fix, or even impossible.
Feng Shui will help you decide on the best place to live, work and relax.

Everything according to Feng Shui

So, what does it mean to live according to Feng Shui so that everything is according to Feng Shui? Live according to the laws of nature and your own intuition. A true Feng Shui master is hidden in each of you, dear reader. Yes, you are a Feng Shui master, maybe you just don’t know about it yet, or you’re not sure.

The first step to discovering the Feng Shui master within you is to find a good teacher. You can learn everything about Feng Shui in its original, uncomplicated form first-hand from the bearer of the Feng Shui tradition, master Shentan Su.
Welcome to his seminars, lectures, consultations, so that you have everything in Feng Shui. So that your life and that of your loved ones is filled with happiness and joy of life.

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The world in which we live is an immense energetic space where energy flows are in continuous movement and interaction, which in turn causes changes in the world. Our life lies between such coordinate axes as space and time. And every day we ourselves move in space and time, and we really want this movement to bring joy, pleasure, well-being, health, etc. The key to success, as the ancient eastern sages believed, is the right actions in space, done at the right time, consistent with the flows of energies that make up our reality.

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese science about how the flows of energies that surround us in space and pass through it in time affect our health, success, wealth, and development.

Feng Shui, like almost all ancient Chinese arts and sciences, is based on the doctrine of pure energy. Qi, which gives life to everything on this earth. Qi has many meanings including " spirit", "breath", "viability" And " vital energy"According to this, Qi is the life force that pulsates in all living things, invisibly filling them with energy and movement.

So in traditional Chinese medicine, Qi energy flows through meridians (Nadi) in the human body. Meridians supply vital energy to all internal organs and parts of the body. The health of the body is judged by its energy state. All levels of the body - the circulatory, lymphatic and nervous systems, as well as the muscles and bones of the skeleton are considered secondary to Qi and function only thanks to vital energy. Just as it flows in our body, Qi energy is distributed throughout the entire planet in the same way. Meridians of earth energy are called " dragon veins". Where the Qi energy is close to the surface, the earth is fertile, abundant and rich in vegetation; where the Qi energy circulates far from the surface, the earth is dry and barren.

Feng Shui as an art or science is one of the ways to cultivate Qi energy, improve its quality (its harmonization, strengthening, eliminating negative aspects). Qi permeates all objects and phenomena, influencing their condition, influencing the thoughts and actions of people, determining their emotional and physical state, in general - influencing the fate of both an individual person and the planet as a whole. Feng Shui teaches how to bring Qi into our lives in harmony, thereby harmonizing our lives and the world around us in the broadest sense of the word.

I would like to immediately note that true feng shui is by no means a system of recipes, signs and superstitions leading to prosperity. This is the science of the living flows of the Universe, following the laws of which you can achieve three great benefits: health, happiness, success.

Generally speaking, Feng Shui helps determine " a good place" and choose a "favorable time" for this or that " movement"in our lives, be it: choosing a job, concluding important contracts, buying or building a house, a wedding, the birth of a child, etc. That is, Feng Shui helps to analyze the situation within the framework of a coordinate system" spacetime"to help achieve success in it, focusing on the life-giving energy flows of the Universe.

Feng Shui philosophy is based on Taoist principles set out at the turn of the VI-V centuries. greatest Chinese thinker Lao Tzu, who spoke about the One beginning of all things, about the concept Yin Yang, about the energy of Qi, about the place of man in this world and principle of Tao, allowing one to connect with the entire Universe and feel the entire Universe within oneself. The practice of Feng Shui promotes the feeling of pure Qi energy in the world. When a person stops his attachment to the external manifestations of his personality, he is able to realize the great connection of all phenomena on earth with the flows of Qi energy.

Based on Taoist teachings, the art of Feng Shui consists of interpreting patterns and models of existence that already exist in the Universe and intuitively comprehending the cause and connection of all things and phenomena. The path of living Feng Shui is the path of peace and happiness in harmony with everything that exists in the world, this is the path in accordance with the laws of energy vibrations in the Stream of Being.

Confusion in the minds of the world's population regarding what the art of Feng Shui is was caused by someone Thomas Lin Yun, a Chinese-American who was one of the first to teach the art of Feng Shui in the Western world. It was in 1986 that the story began" Method of Eight Life Aspirations" - a simplified and popularized method of working with space, dividing it into a “love zone”, " money zone", "family zone", etc., who brought amulets, figurines and talismans of good luck, prosperity, love, etc. into feng shui from Chinese culture and folklore.

I would like to note that classical Feng Shui has nothing to do with dividing space into zones and does not work with Chinese folk attributes and cultural elements.

Over the many years of its existence, Chinese culture has given birth to many practical schools of Feng Shui. Some of them are based on Taoist tradition, others on Buddhist, the third - on Confucian. However, all the schools and methods of Feng Shui that have come down to us can be attributed to either " school of forms", or to " compass school", which in turn are strongly interconnected and complement each other.

According to legend, the foundations for the school of Feng Shui forms were laid by peasants who lived in southern China. Merchants from the northern part of the country became so interested in this system that they wanted to use it. But in the north there were no suitable landscape elements that could serve as the necessary reference points. However, it was clear to the merchants that the system, so successful in the south, could not but be applied in the north, and they began to look for others." fulcrum"for environmental analysis. Such " support points"turned out to be the cardinal directions. So the North Chinese merchants founded the second large school of Feng Shui - the school of the compass.

The school of forms is based on the classification of landscapes; The purpose of the study is the influence of the visible environment on the object of analysis. In accordance with the specific needs of the owner of the future home, the selected landscape should be harmoniously combined with the purpose of the building.

The compass school is also called the school San Yuan (Three Period School). She became the ancestor Flying Stars method, which is based on the astronomical observation of the North Star and " flying"there are stars around it. This method describes the state and movement of Qi energy in the house. Currently, the Flying Stars method has become very popular and is so developed and improved that we can talk about separating this method into a separate school - Flying Star School San Yuan.

A special compass is used in the analysis of the astronomical horoscope Lo-pan(Lopan) for choosing the ideal location and orienting the house to the cardinal points, it is also called geomantic compass Lo-pan, or " the receptacle of all earthly circles".

Of course, Feng Shui is an ancient, deep and extremely difficult practice that requires thorough immersion. Feng Shui has many schools and directions. However, if you decide to seriously engage in this science, the most important thing to rely on in your search is not to forget that Feng Shui works primarily with the energy flows of the Universe, and not with tools, attributes and talismans. Form without content is dead. The path of Feng Shui is the path of feeling oneself in this world, the essence and connection of all phenomena of this world, the path of awareness of Qi. First of all, you will have to work within yourself, harmonize your inner space, feel like a part of the Great One and Indivisible. Only this path can become the path of a Feng Shui master.