Rune Thurisaz: meaning, description and interpretation. Rune Thurisaz: meaning in fortune telling and magic

runes Thurisaz(Thurisaz) translates as “gate”, and is believed to be a passage between the earthly and heavenly worlds, a portal to sacred knowledge. In some ways, the inner meaning of the Thurisaz rune is similar to a long jump over an abyss - the jumper has no right to make mistakes or doubts. The magician prepares himself for this over many years, and not everyone decides to do it, because the change in reality is irreversible, it will be impossible to retreat, just like living in a new dimension with an eye on the past.

In its design, the Thurisaz rune is similar to the English letter D and the runic symbol Vunyo; in some sets, due to unclear engraving, it is difficult to distinguish them from each other. The Scandinavians call it the “Thurs rune”; Thor, who was a representative of the great Thurs giants, is considered the patron deity. According to mythology, only he protected Asgard from their raids. Giants symbolize chaos, Thor brings order. All interpretations of this rune are closely related to this metaphor - including the part in which Thor's hammer returns to its owner over and over again after being thrown. Every action is followed by a response, and the Tour rune reminds you that you need to consider the consequences.

The main function of the symbol is protective; however, if used incorrectly, the energetic essence of the sign will go against the one who sent it. Therefore, the use of Turisaz should be approached as consciously and carefully as possible.

The meaning of the direct rune

In the upright position, the meaning of the Thurisaz rune symbolizes fundamental changes in a person’s life - external and internal. When this sign appears, you need to weigh all the pros and cons without haste, and realize your own readiness to change course. Turisaz forces you to make a choice: stay in your usual reality or prepare for a new life. Even if a person does not decide to make changes, the negative situation around him will not go away; sooner or later he will be forced to somehow resolve it. In a certain sense, the spirit of Thurisaz resembles the action of karma among Hindus - a collision with it is inevitable, and any delays will make the process more difficult and painful.

Next to positive runes, Thurisaz means support from higher powers, when everything goes like clockwork and all events turn out to be interconnected. Surrounded by negative signs, the rune means a test of strength, a way out of the comfort zone, which will cause many unpleasant moments, but this must be done to avoid repetition in the future.

The meaning of the reversed rune

The inverted Thurisaz rune carries the same meaning as the upright one, but with a slight difference. The reverse outline warns that on the path to change you can make many mistakes because you have not fully thought through everything. There is no need to rush, the main thing is to act consciously, analyze what is happening and see the signs around you.

Analogue of the rune in Slavic culture

Turisaz is close in internal meaning to the Slavic rune sign Perun. Perun is a thunderer, like Thor, both deities defend the worlds from the destructive effects of chaos, restore order and transform reality. The Slavic rune also symbolizes the triumph of justice - the enemy must be defeated. You should contact him only with full awareness of your own rightness. Militant straightforwardness and power unite the two signs.

The use of the Thurisaz rune in magic

The great potential of the symbol makes it necessary to approach its use with caution. It is believed that Turisaz is able to “break through reality” and reach higher powers with a call for help. The rune is well suited for punishing offenders, inducing nightmares and illusions, inducing melancholy and depression. When using it, it is necessary to provide additional powerful protection to avoid negative consequences.

Turisaz is also used for peaceful purposes - to think about the future, when you need to weigh each of your proposed steps in order to avoid hasty decisions and come to inner peace.

One of the magical uses of Thurisaz is ordering; it is also used for meditation. It is effective in matters where self-control and strict discipline are required. Sometimes a person makes the same mistakes over and over again in similar situations. Meditation on Turisaz will help you understand the true reasons for what is happening and work through such problems.

In love rituals, practitioners often use the sign as a protective one, creating an energy barrier that will protect the couple from the negative actions of others.

The interpretation of the rune is ambiguous and not always positive. The sign symbolizes powerful protection, and is sometimes interpreted as helping to survive dark times. The meaning of Thurisaz depends on each specific case and on the signs surrounding it. Next to positive runes it has a positive meaning, otherwise it will enhance the influence of negative signs.

Some of the good interpretations of the rune are luck in business and sudden gifts of fate. In a situational scenario, Turisaz means moving, sometimes forced, as well as solving a problem through conflict and changes in life.

In an inverted position, the symbol gives an indication: a person is not where he should be, and the reason for this is the incorrectly chosen path. We need to rethink the past and return to the point where the person took a wrong turn. It's unpleasant, but useful. We need to get rid of illusions. Unfortunately, people rarely follow the advice of the inverted Thurisaz, and in the end they do not get what they hoped for.


  • Ansuz– it is better to ask advice from wise comrades so as not to stumble;
  • Isa- recommends postponing tasks until better times;
  • Nautiz– you need to be patient and wait out the unfavorable period;
  • Raido– a useless trip that will leave an unpleasant aftertaste;
  • Vunyo(inverted) – it is no longer possible to correct the mistakes of the past;
  • One(Vird) - a person has no one to blame for what is happening, only himself is to blame for everything.

For love and relationships

In matters of relationships, Turisaz means that in the near future the fortuneteller will meet true love, with whom he will live a long and happy life. The symbol also reminds that both partners must give in in a relationship in order not to lose love and make the union even stronger. Thurisaz encourages the fortuneteller to become more responsive to the comfort of his loved one. After all, most people communicate with friends as equals, and those who are compatible in friendship will be able to build strong relationships.


  1. Gebo- the union in which the fortuneteller is located will be happy and long;
  2. Hagalaz- the fortuneteller’s actions will cause resistance in the soul of his partner.

If Thurisaz appears upside down in a reading, you need to look at the neighboring signs to understand its meaning.

  1. Nautiz– you need to wait for time, not to rush things;
  2. Kenaz(inverted) – the questioner’s partner wants to bend him under him, despite the fact that he is not an authority in love.

For business and work

In matters of career, the appearance of a symbol means that the fortuneteller has patrons who contribute to his advancement in business, or this is a high position that protects him from problems. Turisaz warns that we need to approach our work even more carefully, because such power may soon disappear.

In the upright position, Thurisaz symbolizes changes, the outcome of which depends on the fortuneteller.


  1. Inguz- the problem that worries the fortuneteller will resolve itself;
  2. Mannaz– in order to avoid getting into trouble, a person must take active action;
  3. Isa– at the moment nothing can be done so as not to spoil the current state of affairs.

The reverse rune indicates an enemy who is trying to interfere with the fortuneteller’s plans; in this case, neighboring symbols must be taken into account. Most likely, the fortuneteller does not notice the signs that the Universe sends him and is in captivity of his illusions.

  1. One(Vird) – the fortuneteller himself is to blame for everything that happens to him;
  2. Inguz– you will be able to get rid of your ill-wisher soon;
  3. Mannaz– the outcome of the situation depends on a person’s sanity.

To your health

In everything related to health, the upright and inverted positions of the runes present the fortuneteller with a choice: agree with the prescribed treatment or refuse it. Before making a final decision, you need to weigh everything carefully.


  • Turisaz – Fehu (inverted) – Raido - one of the most dangerous combinations, warns of a possible criminal attack or car accident. The fortuneteller clearly should fear for his own health.

Reversed Thurisaz advises not to rush into making a decision on treatment; most likely, it will be unsuccessful.

Why do you need an amulet with the Thurisaz rune?

Due to the large energy reserve, amulets with the Thurisaz rune are best not used by novice magicians who lack theoretical and practical knowledge of how the symbol works.

In creating amulets, Thurisaz is used to attract love to a person, protect against negativity, increase the supply of vitality and make a person decisive and self-confident, increase self-control and cleanse the subconscious, and get ahead of competitors.

It is important to remember that the owner of such a talisman must monitor the correctness of his actions, otherwise he risks being punished.

Is it worth getting a tattoo with the Thurisaz rune?

Having realized the powerful effect of Thurisaz, many will think - is it possible to get a tattoo with this rune? The destructive and transformative power of this sign is best used in talismans, rather than on the body. Some people apply the symbol to their skin to attract life-changing changes and remove negative factors from their lives. Such a tattoo can have a positive impact on the life of its wearer, but not everyone can bear this responsibility. Turisaz as a runic tattoo is suitable for a person with an extremely high degree of awareness.

If the symbol appears as a rune of the day, it promises the onset of a white streak, and the results and duration of this stage depend solely on the person and the decisions he will make.

Turisaz advises: take your time! Think about your every step, evaluate your actions and try to see the signs that higher powers send you.

The rune warns: your luck is the result of your actions. How long can you stay on the right path?

The Thurisaz rune denotes enormous energy that is directed either to the external world or to the internal one (depending on whether it is direct or reverse)

Rune name

Thurisaz or Thurs - the giant Thurs, who carried a huge hammer; according to the association of the Germans - a tower (Turm) or a gate (Tor); Anglo-Saxons - thorn (Thorn or thorn).

Rune deity Thurisaz

God Thor (thunderer). The ancient Germans considered Donar to be the deity of thunder and lightning, who drove a chariot in iron gloves with a red beard. He defeated the giants, armed with the hammer Mjollnir. For this he was identified with Hercules. Symbolizes the strength that resists chaos.

The knightly ideal of the Thurisaz rune: combination with the principle of Tao (the fight against higher powers).

Sacred tree of the Thurisaz rune: thorn. According to some interpretations, oak and rowan. Oak is a confirmation of the powerful symbol of the rune - the god Thor and the red rowan, his red beard.

The zodiac sign of the Thurisaz rune is Capricorn at the junction with Pisces. Although Capricorn does not have much strength, he moves only forward, without looking back. This is typical for the Thurisaz rune: the one who can start something new, completely rejecting the old, wins.

The color of the Thurisaz rune: black, deep purple, but some interpretations indicate thick scarlet (due to the red beard of the god Thor, who symbolizes the rune).

The Thurisaz rune stone is sapphire, symbolizing hardness, as it is part of the corundum class and indicates the right path for making a decision. Drawing of the Thurisaz rune - in form and behavior, the rune displays the ax of a god who protected both people and gods.

The essence of Thor's hammer: once it is untwisted, it is impossible to stop it. The magical purpose of the straight Thurisaz rune, when the direction of the hammer goes to the right.

No matter how the runes fall, this is an obstacle or a great physical danger. One of the meanings of the thorn rune, you need to be careful:

  • do not take risks while driving;
  • do not be on the street late at night, etc. Avoid dangerous situations.
  • Another interpretation: “gate” that can be closed, forming an obstacle. You need to concentrate extremely hard and not make any mistakes.

What does the direct rune Thurisaz say?

When receiving rune (a), you need to renounce the vanity of the world. Think about your problem. If you saw that the problem was temporary, then wisdom was looking through your eyes. When you don't see the exact explanation for a situation, look differently and wisdom will help you see it differently.

When dealing with health problems, one must view illness as a gift, an opportunity to gain wisdom in the crucible of adversity. This is a warning that you need to think and reconsider your lifestyle before the worst happens. If the arrival of the rune coincides with the formation of a new relationship, use the lessons of the past in the present.

When your life changes dramatically, you will be illuminated by the light of hope that comes with a new beginning. For so many, hope is all a person has left. It is inextricably linked with faith. This is the love of the Almighty that acts in our lives. Associative perception of the Thurisaz rune - battle ax, mace.

The Russian proverb “There is no trick against scrap” is about this rune. If you get a rune, it means you are destined to take a symbolic ax to clear space and chaos. Therefore, weigh your strengths. Thurisaz power is blind, absolute. She does not distinguish between Good and Evil. If you, like a weightlifter, jerk the barbell without measuring the strength, it will crush you.

Business, if the direct Thurisaz rune falls

There may be intense competition. In Russian business there is even destruction. If you land with the Inguz rune, you can either win and rise higher, or lose to zero. If it falls with Ansuz, problems will arise with officials (possibly in business papers).

Personal life, if the direct Thurisaz rune falls

The conversation with the other half was ripe in a tough form. You need to think hard: is it worth going through such obstacles for the sake of a loved one. If it’s worth it, you need to fight to the end, even if it’s a gang fight.

Health if the direct Thurisaz rune falls

If the rune falls out, you need to prepare for the worst, including surgery. If you fall out together with Raidho and Fehu, you may get into a terrible accident. Take all precautions, including crossing the street and snow from the roof.

The magical purpose of the rune is inverted Thurisaz, when the direction of the hammer goes to the left

The layout shows that it is quite possible to avoid trouble and even walk on the edge of a knife. This Thurisaz is a symbol of protection. To overcome troubles, you need to feel the protection of the Higher Powers and receive blessings. This is only possible with an active analysis of the situation that has arisen.

You can only get the go-ahead to jump from an egregor when you really know where to jump. Prudence and the ability to understand the situation is the key to passing the test. It is impossible to act in the dark; you need to use the ray of reason, the ray of your consciousness. Reverse Turisaz gives a warning that you did not see the difficulty.

There is a great possibility of a decisive nuance emerging. As much information as possible so that the range of actions is wider. There are many egregors that a person serves. And selfishness is no exception. Therefore, actions can be selfish. But to pass the Gate you need absolute confidence. This is why you need to think, to think everything through to the end. And when there is confidence in the correctness of the choice, a person will overcome everything, relying on the support of the egregor.

Reflecting, we ask the egregor whether this is right or wrong. And if there is an internal feeling that we are right, there is a volitional flow directed to us by the egregor. In it you can overcome any obstacles that seemed insurmountable.

Business, if the inverted Thurisaz rune falls

The passing storm will not affect you. Minor losses are inevitable, but you remain a winner. Perhaps they tried to blackmail or intimidate you, but this only strengthened your spirit. There is no need to be afraid of inspections and inspections.

Personal relationships, if the inverted Thurisaz rune falls

On a personal level, it's not that bad. You need to take a step to improve relationships if they begin to crack.

Health if the inverted Thurisaz rune falls

Although the situation may be alarming, it is not all that bad. There will be no chronic complications in the future. Using the example of a character, we will analyze how Turisaz works. Approaching her grandmother’s house, Little Red Riding Hood cannot open the door. And Turisaz said to her: “Pull the string, the door will open.” The girl looks at the rope and doesn’t see it. Analyze your impressions, understand yourself, reflect. And you will understand where the answer is hidden.

Magical use of the Thurisaz rune

Rune protection is very effective, but it causes internal contradictions. This applies not only to what is on display, but also to what is hidden very deeply. Buy an amulet with the image of this rune. Wear it on your chest on a leather strap. Mentally build a square of these runes, like a fence, with the sharp ends outward. You need to constantly think and analyze: what you need to protect yourself from. Then the rune will work. And it will become your faithful assistant.


Today we will talk about a very ambiguous magical symbol, which usually raises many questions. This is the Thurisaz rune, the meaning of which can vary from positive to negative, not only depending on the signs surrounding it, but also on the person’s personal perception. This is a rather complex rune, so not everyone will be able to understand its symbolic field right away. But we will try to figure it out in as much detail as possible.

Rune Thurisaz - basic meaning and interpretation

Before you find out the meaning of the Thurisaz rune, you need to talk a little about the symbolism of this sign. In translation, the name of the rune sounds like “gate,” but what kind of gate is it, the transition from where and where do they symbolize? It is believed that the rune is located on the border between the worldly and the heavenly, it is a kind of gate of esotericism - knowledge that is inaccessible to anyone. You can’t just want to go through these gates - to do this you need not only to have certain knowledge and inner strength, but also to take full responsibility for the consequences of this choice.

One can compare passing through these gates to jumping over an abyss. You can only do it once. Once you have accumulated strength and made the jump, there is no turning back. This is why many people prepare for this leap for years: someone approaches the edge of the abyss several times, stands on the edge for a long time, thinks, and then finally returns to their usual reality. You can’t regret it if you’ve made the jump, or constantly look back at the abandoned shore - there’s a great danger of getting bogged down forever in doubts, regrets, and fears.

The meaning of the Thurisaz rune is very difficult to describe in simple and understandable words. It is important to understand here that you will not be allowed through these gates just like that. They are guarded by a Guardian, who conducts a rather tough test of your internal readiness. For a person whose soul is full of illusions, erroneous ideas, base instincts, the path to the other side is forbidden - you can pass through the Turisaz gates only by completely clearing your spiritual darkness, and for this you will have to do serious work with your inner world. But with a strong spirit, the rune provides powerful support.

To make it clearer, let’s still present the meaning, description and interpretation of the Thurisaz rune in a more familiar, everyday aspect. The arrival of this rune usually corresponds to a serious turning point in a person’s life - the external and internal situation changes radically, which is why the experience of this symbol is quite difficult. There is no need to rush when Turisaz arrives: a person needs to turn inside himself, think carefully about whether he is ready or not ready to say goodbye to the past and take this leap in one direction.

It is also important to understand that the rune does not force, but gives a person a choice: he can ignore its arrival and return to a calm, familiar life, but a lot will depend on his decision - a second chance like this may not present itself. You must realize that if you do not make this transition now, the external situation will not go away, and later it may “hit” your life even more strongly. We can say that one of the meanings of the Thurisaz rune is karma, which means inevitability, so by refusing to solve the problems that have arisen now, you are only giving yourself a reprieve. They will still have to be resolved, but later, and most likely this time the situation will be even more painful, even more difficult.

If Thurisaz comes surrounded by positive runes, then you receive the support of the Higher Powers, as if you find yourself in the right place at the right time. But there is still no need to rush: the rune gives you time to think, weigh everything adequately and only then rush forward. If Thurisaz is surrounded by negative symbols, this is a big test of strength, this is a transition that will make you suffer, but if you do not want to find yourself in similar situations again and again, you will still have to make a “leap”.

The meaning of the inverted Thurisaz rune

The inverted Thurisaz rune looks like a stop line in front of a traffic light. You know you need to drive through this intersection, but you need to stop first. This stop is required in order to think carefully again. It is not without reason that the rune comes in the reverse position: if the straight Thurisaz reports an internal readiness for the transition, then the inverted one warns that you did not take into account some point, did not provide for something, so there is a great chance of making mistakes.

You can illustrate the effect of the reverse rune with a banal everyday example. A person gets ready for work in the morning, leaves the house in full confidence that there is a pass in his pocket, spends an hour on the road, and at the door the checkpoint realizes that yesterday he was wearing a different jacket and his pass was still there. So, Turisaz stops him at the door of the apartment, tugs on his shoulder and says: “Hey, haven’t you forgotten anything?” If a person brushes aside the rune, he will waste time traveling to work and back, and will even receive a reprimand from his superiors for being late. And if he pays attention to this sign, he will think carefully and remember that he needs to get the pass from another jacket and will do this before leaving the house.

Thus, we can say that the meaning of the inverted Thurisaz rune is a warning that there is no need to rush. Remember the saying “If you hurry, you make people laugh” - it is very appropriate here. The most important thing is prudence, the ability to discern and analyze absolutely everything that happens to you. Of course, you need to act, but only when you understand exactly how and why. You wouldn’t jump over an abyss without assessing the distance to the opposite shore and without providing for the necessary run-up, would you?

What does Turisaz mean in matters of work and business?

The meaning of the Thurisaz rune in fortune telling for work, if the rune comes straight, this is a fundamental change, a turning point, the outcome of which depends on the behavior of the questioner. A direct rune often communicates protection (in terms of professional activity, this could be the presence of an influential patron, or the immunity of a person due to the high position he holds), but you need to understand that these benefits can be lost if you do not respond to the changes that are taking place in a timely manner.

Sometimes Thurisaz symbolizes some kind of ill-wisher who is trying to interfere in the affairs of the questioner. In such a situation, it is worth looking at the neighboring runes.

  • - Turisaz: This problem will solve itself in a completely unexpected way
  • - Turisaz: A person needs to take some action to avoid getting into trouble

If the rune came upside down, a person should think about the events happening to him. Most likely, he looks at the situation through “rose-colored glasses” and does not see quite obvious things, although the Universe is giving him signs.

  • - inverted Turisaz: The questioner himself is to blame for what happened to him or will happen

What does the Thurisaz rune mean in fortune telling for love and relationships?

The meaning of the Thurisaz rune in fortune telling about relationships and love can be revealed in different aspects. Sometimes a symbol predicts a meeting with your true other half, which will most likely happen unexpectedly. In other cases, the meaning of the Thurisaz rune in love will be to advise a person to dive deep into himself and think about his own behavior, since only this can influence the development of the situation.

It is interesting to consider the meaning of the Thurisaz rune in relationships based on the surrounding symbols.

  • - Turisaz: The combination will mean a change in the couple’s relationship for the better
  • - Turisaz: A person’s actions, on the contrary, will cause great resistance from his partner

An inverted rune can also be interpreted in two aspects. She can advise a person to act very carefully, carefully weighing each step, or, on the contrary, hint at the weakness of the questioner, although the situation, nevertheless, requires at least some real action.

The meaning of the Thurisaz rune in relationships and love, if it comes upside down, can be clarified by neighboring signs.

  • - inverted Turisaz: Convinces a person to be patient a little, not to run ahead of the locomotive
  • Inverted - inverted Thurisaz: The combination indicates that the questioner’s partner is trying to subjugate him, although such attempts are doomed to failure, since the fortuneteller does not consider his lover or beloved to be an authority

What does Turisaz mean when divining health?

In matters of health, direct Turisaz always gives a person a choice: agree to the proposed treatment, or surgery, or not. It is necessary to carefully analyze the pros and cons before making a decision.

  • Turisaz - reverse -: Considered a dangerous combination. The combination warns that a person should fear for his health, as he may be at risk of an accident or some kind of criminal event (fight, attack)

The meaning of the Thurisaz rune, if it came upside down, is advice not to rush, since a hasty decision, for example, about surgical intervention or taking experimental drugs, is unlikely to be correct.

Application of Thurisaz in magic

The meaning of the Thurisaz rune in magic has always been used with great caution. It was believed that this rune allows one to “break through reality”, go through a magical initiation, and call upon the Higher Powers to realize what was planned. Thurisaz, endowed with tough and powerful force, is ideal for cursing, punishing offenders, causing trouble, inflicting depression, melancholy (especially when upside down). Since this rune can contribute to powerful recoil, additional protection is essential when using it.

What is an amulet with the Thurisaz rune suitable for?

An amulet with Thurisaz is used to quickly get through turning points in life. The rune increases attentiveness and concentration, clears a person’s subconscious, allows him to better control himself, and also contributes to the faster destruction of what prevents him from moving forward in life. But such a talisman is used only in rare cases.

Is it possible to get a tattoo with the Thurisaz rune?

The Thurisaz rune on the human body has a rather negative meaning. The powerful destructive power of this symbol can only be used as a talisman, so it is better to avoid such a design on the body if you do not want to attract trouble.

As the rune of the Day, Thurisaz foretells a streak of luck, but its duration and result will directly depend on your own actions and decisions made.

Don't run headlong! Think carefully about the situation, weigh all the pros and cons, assess your level of internal readiness and only then make a decision. You are at a turning point, there will be no turning back, so a lot depends on your choice - don’t forget about it!

What questions are suitable for meditation on Turisaz?

If you are immersed in the symbolic field of ancient signs through meditation, look at the photo of the Thurisaz rune, and then answer the following questions for yourself:

  • What is the true reason for the recurring situations in your life, why do you step on the same rake over and over again?
  • Are you ready to move to a new stage, leaving your past behind?
  • Will you later regret your decision?
  • Have you taken into account all the moments, nuances, factors before making a decisive choice?

Despite the fact that living with Turisaz is not always pleasant, it is a very useful rune that allows you to look deep into your soul and understand what is happening to you and around you. Don't ignore this symbol when it comes to you!

Straight position

Thurisaz is a rune whose power and meaning are not uniquely positive. First of all, it is a symbol of very powerful protection. But it can also be interpreted as the need to understand that the streak of luck, which is still in full effect, will certainly end. Which of these interpretations corresponds to the truth is determined from the general mood of the layout. If favorable runes dominate in it, then, accordingly, Thurisaz will be interpreted positively, otherwise - negatively.

Other positive meanings of the rune are luck, a gift of fate (usually unexpected). The person to whom it fell was or will still be in the right place at the right time.

If Thurisaz predicts bad things, then it should be taken as advice not to be too self-confident, because there is a high probability of error. It is more correct, the rune states, to impartially assess the current situation and only after that, if the confidence in one’s own rightness is one hundred percent, rush forward.

Together with the Isa rune, Thurisaz says that it is best to postpone matters until more favorable times, and with the Ansuz rune, that it would be nice to consult with someone more wise or experienced.

Inverted position

The inverted meaning of Thurisaz is not much different from its negative interpretation in the upright position. But here it is aggravated by the fact that the person most likely will not follow the advice that the rune gives. He will still prefer to act in his own way, since this advice will seem to him completely inconsistent with either his mood or life experience. The result of this, of course, is quite predictable from a logical point of view.

Among other things, the inverted Thurisaz rune may indicate that positive dynamics in business and luck will fade away much faster than one might expect.

Another interpretation of such a rune is weakness of will, attempts to deceive oneself, turning a blind eye to some clearly unpleasant moments. In combination with Raido, it should be perceived as a meaningless journey (trip, a way of entertainment), because of which later the person may even feel ashamed or embarrassed. Paired with the inverted Vunyo rune, it means that there is no turning back and nothing can be corrected.

Love and relationships

Straight position

In relationship plans, Turisaz suggests that a person should be lucky, that is, unexpectedly he will suddenly meet his fate.

Another interpretation of it: it is advisable for a person to avoid demonstrating his self-confidence and not to think that he is good and right in everything and always. By the way, with the Hagall Thurisaz rune it means that the one who is being told fortunes may encounter great resistance from his partner if he insists on his own no matter what. Thus, this rune in a certain context should be perceived as a recommendation to listen to your partner, thereby showing well-deserved respect for him.

The combination of Turisaz and Gebo is not without interest for love scenarios. She says that the current relationship with the partner who is being guessed at will certainly have a happy outcome.

Inverted position

In an inverted position, Thurisaz symbolizes the need to act with great caution and caution. Together with Nautiz, she directly insists: you need to be patient. Because any rash, hasty act or statement can have fatal consequences for a relationship. On the other hand, such a rune suggests that there is no need to especially persuade the fortuneteller to act carefully, because his weakness will not allow him to act decisively. That is, here we are talking about the other extreme - when you need to do at least something, but a person gives up.

The pair “inverted Thurisaz – inverted Kenaz” takes on even more depressing meaning. This combination indicates persistent attempts by a partner who is weak and does not have absolute authority in the eyes of the fortuneteller to subjugate him.


Straight position

The general interpretation in this case is this: a person has excellent protection, which can be expressed in parliamentary immunity, the presence of a very influential patron, etc. But in no case should you abuse all this, because one day you can suddenly lose all your benefits and the consequences of this can be any.

In addition, Turisaz in career scenarios means the need to carefully approach any decisions, not to make them rashly, or just to brush aside the problem as quickly as possible. If the Isa rune also appears immediately, this means that at the moment (or during the planned period of time) it will still not be possible to change anything, so it is better not to do anything; at least this way you won't ruin anything.

Turisaz can also symbolize a certain ill-wisher, who has many opportunities to annoy the one who is being guessed at, because he is either financially or politically stronger. However, we can also talk about moral superiority here. Other runes can tell you how likely it is that this ill-wisher will do something against the fortuneteller. For example, together with Inguz the rune says that soon, quite unexpectedly, it will be possible to get rid of him, and with Mannaz - that the outcome of the situation will depend on the sanity of the fortuneteller.

Inverted position

The inverted rune Thurisaz personifies a stubborn person who goes to the goal regardless of any arguments of reason and even without paying attention to obvious omens and signs. Or someone who looks at the situation through rose-colored glasses, seeing only what he himself wants to see.

Another interpretation of such a rune is that soon someone completely insignificant will eclipse, get ahead of the fortuneteller or take his place. When Odin appears along with the inverted Turisaz, this means that the person himself is to blame for this and fully deserves his failure.

You are lucky. But how long will this continue? It depends only on you, more precisely, on your cold and common sense, on your ability to say or do everything that is necessary, in a timely and professional manner. In this case, it will be possible not only to ward off problems and troubles, but also to achieve great heights.

In its design, this rune is often too similar to Vunyo, and in some sets it is generally difficult to distinguish both runes from one another.

Name: THURISAZ or THURS great-tours; the Germans, however, associated it with a tower (Turm) or a gate (Tog), and the Anglo-Saxons with a thorn (Thorn). It is also considered a symbol of Thor's Hammer (Mjollnir).

Runic formula — ᚦᚢᚱᛁᛋᚨᛉ

Action of Turisaz: organizing space.

Deity: Thor, the thunder god (Jupiter). (???)

Top (Thorr), among the Germans Donar: god of thunder and lightning, son of Odin and Hlodyn, aka Fjörgyn; his wife's name was Siv, his sons (from the giantess Yarnsaxa) were Modi and Magni. From Siv he had a daughter, Trud. Controls lightning while wearing iron gloves. Thunder is the roar of his chariot drawn by goats. Armed with the hammer Mjollnir, he defeated the giants (which is why Tacitus identifies him with Hercules). A symbol of strength opposing Chaos. He had a red beard, so animals with red and red fur are dedicated to him - squirrel, fox, robin, redtail, etc., and plants - rowan and others with red berries, as well as oak. They were sacrificed to him in the spring. The day of the week Thursday (Donnerstag, Thursday) is dedicated to him.



Character: energy rune.

Essence: reversible rune.

Images of the Thurisaz Rune:

  • the farmer cuts down the forest for fields,
  • builders are digging up tree stumps for construction,
  • the child cleans up his room,
  • the entrepreneur squeezes competitors out of the market,
  • The hypnotist penetrates the client's subconscious,
  • a student erases a note with an eraser,
  • programmer structures databases,
  • the director “builds” his subordinates,
  • a mosquito stings a person
  • maniac kills girls
  • a sprout breaks through the soil,
  • the toadstool poisons a person,
  • the blizzard sweeps up snowdrifts,
  • the knife cuts through the fabric,
  • a drill drills a hole in a part,
  • the house develops the surrounding area with the hands of its residents,
  • the Duma passes laws
  • an aggressor country attacks another country,

The meaning of the Thurisaz Rune

A structured space for yourself. It makes it easier for the actor to perform other actions and creates a kind of “security buffer.”

The order in the early structured space is constantly disrupted, becoming chaotic inside and out. Insufficient order in the surrounding space is a stimulus for Thurisaz’s action.

The result of this action is the presence around the figure of an ordered external space “under him”.

Application of the Thurisaz Rune in magic

“Troll Rune”, designed to awaken the deep dormant forces of Nature and the human subconscious. However, one or even three troll runes are not enough to evoke “negativity”.

Rune of reflection. They write it, wanting to reflect before the decisive step, think everything over again, weigh all the pros and cons. It helps you concentrate, evaluate your actions, avoid hasty decisions, and protects you from deception and self-deception.

The main focus of the magical power of the Thurisaz rune can be characterized as structuring, ordering chaos - this is due, among other things, to the fact that this rune is dedicated to the god Thor - the god who protects the city of the gods from the forces of Chaos and fights with its representatives - the giants. It is believed that the Thurisaz rune effectively helps when it is necessary to concentrate and achieve self-discipline, during meditation, in any matter that requires clear control or self-control.

At the same time, some caution should be observed when working with this rune, it is often believed that its effect may have a somewhat unkind connotation.

Interpretation of the Thurisaz Rune in fortune telling

Mantic meaning: radical changes, radical revision of established views (often painful); chthonic forces, natural magic, the sphere of the unconscious, threshold states; resolving a problem through conflict, extreme measures (ideological conflict).

Relocation, forced movement. Don’t make hasty decisions, leave yourself time to think (the Old Norse word “thing” begins with this letter - veche, council, modern parliament).

The image of the Thurisaz rune is a man standing before flying on the top of a mountain: everything is left behind, everything is left below; wings must grow behind his back in order to step into the void, and in fact, to fly.

An important note to the reverse Thurisaz: action should not come from weakness. Weakness pushes a person to hasty actions. When he is strong, he acts quickly, immutably, with conviction in the correctness of his actions. Haste is an attempt to get rid of a burden from your head, to get rid of external troubles without resolving internal problems. If action comes from a place of weakness, it will lead to regret and dissatisfaction.

The primary sign of our life is mad rush and vanity. People have no time to be silent, to think, to reflect on what they are doing. They are like a furiously running washing machine that, instead of washing, tears the laundry into shreds. Our dissatisfaction with the past is associated with ill-considered and hasty actions. When a person switches to a slow rhythm, he enters the egregor channel. The man who acts slowly becomes strong. He immediately sees what is happening.

Qualitative changes in people's lives are not indifferent to the Cosmos. A change in the level of being attracts the attention of the Higher World. The hierarchy always monitors who moves to a higher level of development. Therefore, when entering the elevator, you should not fuss too much - there is a very serious company of assistants who know how to transform the human body. It only depends on him to give consent, to part with the past - to take the first step, and then everything will happen quite spontaneously.

The further a person develops, the more he understands that the lion's share of what happens to him, even if it is imitated as a free decision, free will, occurs under the influence of automatically acting laws, under the pressure of certain evolutionary mechanics. But this does not at all remove responsibility for decisions made independently before the Gate. The guardian of the threshold monitors exactly how sincere we are, how ready we really are to reconsider our baggage and enter new to another level. When faced with Thurisaz, you will find that this is the rune of very important turns and updates, for which, despite the current laws, a person naturally bears responsibility, because it happens to him.


In straight position: time for reflection, making an extremely important decision. Fate gives time for a short stop, protecting and providing the opportunity to take an accurate and sure step - into something new. Don't carry the ballast of past experiences with you. You only need to take what you need.

Inverted: fate stops you, because you are going in the wrong direction! Fortunately, the situation is not too hopeless. Yes, you once made the wrong decision, arrogantly overestimated your strengths, did not listen to wise advice - and your actions brought more problems than they solved.

Features provided:

In straight position: make the right choice. Accurately calculate forces. Find a patron. With precise action, launch a chain of events leading to success. See the true faces of your surroundings and evaluate their potential.

Inverted: return to the starting point and do it all again. Although painful, it is very effective to cleanse yourself of illusions - both your own rightness and hopes for someone from your environment.

Rune's warning:

In straight position: Thurisaz affects not only you. It greatly changes the entire area of ​​the situation and, above all, reveals the true face of each person. Therefore, everything that was hidden will come out - quarrels, resentments, suspicion, arrogance... You are given a chance to really evaluate the people around you and use their help in accordance with their abilities.

Inverted: turning back is very tough. Lack of understanding of the situation, blind submission to circumstances, arrogance, stubbornness without a deep understanding of the topic, haste, the desire to get more quickly and more - this is what led to failure. Don't blame anyone! Even if your plans were great, admit that they are impracticable, at least for now.

In straight position: wisdom, concentration, the ability to wait and let others speak, and then with one word, gesture, or action start the process - this is what you need.

Inverted: humility and the desire to realize your weaknesses are where your strength lies. You were given a lesson on what not to do.


  1. Kolesov E., Thorsten A. - "Runes. Futhark Classical and Armanic"
  2. A. Platov, A. van Dart - "Practical course of runic art"
  3. Oleg Sinko - "Runes: the practice of predictions"
  4. Konstantin Selchenok - "Astrological interpretation of runes"
  5. T. Carlson - "Utark»
  6. Vladimir Smirnov (HaukwithR Gandwiki) — « Runica. Directory of values"

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