Blueberry jam recipe for the winter. Blueberry jam: benefits. Preparing jam with the addition of jellyfix

Blueberries are a berry that has many advantages, and one of them is an abundance of useful qualities. The fruits are used in folk medicine against various diseases. Berries are especially useful for illnesses digestive tract. Blueberry jam is a storehouse of elements that will normalize digestion, help with intestinal disorders, increase immunity and even improve overall health.

The peculiarity of the berries is that they are too juicy, so they quickly lose their presentation and become soft. It is recommended that they be processed on the day of purchase or collection. Be sure to pre-sort - remove spoiled or overripe fruits, throw away green ones. When sorting, use thin rubber gloves - they will not allow your hands to get dirty; it is very difficult to remove blueberry juice.

So as not to lose part useful substances, prolonged heat treatment is not recommended. Cooking for too long will also affect the consistency of the jam - it will become like thick jam.

Preparation of the main ingredient

It is better to wash using a colander. It is enough to dip the fruits in cool water several times or hold them under running water and shake them periodically. Allow excess moisture to drain or dry on a towel.

If the jam will be prepared from frozen berries, you should immediately send them to the stove to cook, adding the required amount of the sweet component. Melted fruits become too watery, lose their shape, become soft and, when cooked, will certainly turn into porridge.

How long to cook blueberry jam

Usually, each recipe indicates the exact cooking time for the preserved food after boiling. There is no specific time that must be observed for all recipes - often blueberries are combined with other ingredients that require longer heat treatment.

If the recipe does not indicate the exact duration of cooking, it is difficult to determine the cooking time; it is better to make sure that the jam is ready with a simple trick. To do this, drop the hot mass onto a plate pre-cooled in the refrigerator and see if the drop loses its shape. If the jam does not spread over the surface, you can start packaging.

Blueberry jam recipes

To prepare this delicious delicacy at home, you don’t need a lot of time and effort - blueberries easily turn from fresh berries into thick, delicious jam. The simplest recipe is a combination of sugar and fruits, but you can experiment and add other ingredients that will add their own flavor.

Usually cooking takes place in a wide pan; it is recommended to use a container with a larger diameter. This will make preparing the preserves much easier and allow for gentle mixing.

A simple recipe for the winter

It’s not difficult to make thick, rich jam, which on winter evenings will allow you to return to days full of sun and warmth, and you only need two ingredients for this - berries and sugar. It is better not to add water.

Preparing canned food with whole berries:

  1. Send washed fruits (1 kg) to a container in which heat treatment will be carried out.
  2. Pour in sugar (650 g) and leave until the sweet crystals are completely dissolved.
  3. Let it cook, boil for half an hour, remove, and let cool for a day.
  4. Finish cooking, boil the jam for about a quarter of an hour.

Carefully, trying not to crush the fruits, package, seal, place the lid on flat surface and wrap it up for a day.

It will take a minimum amount of time to prepare the “five-minute jam”, which will not affect the quality of the jam - it will turn out thick, with a rich taste.


  1. Boil sweet syrup (dissolve sugar in water and bring to a boil; 180 ml of liquid will require 700 g of sweet ingredient).
  2. Place blueberries in a cooking container and pour in the bubbling syrup.
  3. Cook the next day.
  4. The duration of heat treatment is half an hour.

Send the jam into pre-sterilized containers, preferably sealed with metal lids. Make the cooling slow - wrap the container with the delicious contents in an old blanket.

If you need to get jam in which the blueberries will remain intact, pour lukewarm syrup over the fruits and cook after 3-5 hours.

Blueberry jam with mint

Adding mint will improve the aroma and taste of blueberry jam - it will acquire a refreshing piquant note.


  1. Make a blueberry preparation - sprinkle a kilogram of fruit with sugar (650 g), leave for a day.
  2. Grind fresh mint leaves (about 50 g), pour boiling water (100 ml).
  3. The next day, drain the syrup formed from blueberries and sugar, mix it with mint infusion, and cook.
  4. Pour boiling liquid over blueberries and immediately place on fire.
  5. Cook until the canned food is completely cooked (up to 40 minutes).

After packaging, seal, turn the containers over, wrap them, allowing them to cool slowly during the day.

Blueberry and blackcurrant jam

You can make jam that exquisitely combines fruits that are not inferior to each other in beneficial qualities. It is recommended to use preserved blueberries and currants even when treating colds and to increase the body's defenses.


  1. Combine berries (600 g blueberries, 350 g currants).
  2. Cover the fruits with sugar (you will need about 600 g of the sweet component, but those with a sweet tooth can increase the amount of sugar).
  3. Leave until the juice appears, drain it, and bring to a boil.
  4. Pour boiling fruit juice over the berries, place over low heat, and simmer over low heat for 25 minutes.

Complete the process of preparing the jam by packaging it in containers that have been previously sterilized and dried, and sealing it.

Blueberry jam with lavender

Lavender goes exquisitely with blueberries, although the taste and aroma of the jam is not for everybody - some people don’t like the persistent, rather unusual smell. The peculiarity of such a preparation is to follow the recipe exactly and correctly measure the amount of preservation ingredients.


  1. Grind a few sprigs of lavender (no more than 20 g), if using a dry plant, take only 5 g.
  2. Mix blueberries (750 g), lavender gruel, sugar (500 g), pour in water (50 ml).
  3. Place on the stove and cook after boiling for about a quarter of an hour.

Remove from heat, immediately pour into containers, and roll up. It is better to cool slowly, so place it under the blanket with the lids down.

Blueberry jam with apples

Jam is not always made from one product - experiments are encouraged in which several ingredients are skillfully combined. Apples and blueberries are a classic, allowing you to get a delicious dessert full of vitamins and healthy elements.


  1. Peel, core and cut apples (600 g).
  2. Combine apple slices with blueberries (1 kg).
  3. Add sugar (1.1 kg), stir.
  4. Wait until the juice appears, only then put the jam on the stove.
  5. Boil, always stirring, for half an hour.

Packing must be carried out immediately after cooking. They are usually sealed with metal lids.

If the workpiece must be stored for a long time, and there is no cellar or basement, it is recommended to sterilize it within half an hour.

Blueberry jam with spices

Spices, which should be added while cooking the preserves, will give the jam a rich, persistent smell and an unusual taste. Usually a cinnamon stick is added - its aroma goes well with the blueberry smell.


  1. Boil the syrup (dissolve 450 g of sugar in 200 ml of water, bring to a boil, boil for 10 minutes).
  2. Pour boiling liquid over previously washed and slightly dried fruits (750 g).
  3. Add a cinnamon stick and leave to steep for a day.
  4. Cook the jam, being careful not to burn it, for half an hour.

One step is enough to prepare the product. Be sure to remove the cinnamon stick before packaging. Cooling is normal - turn it over and wrap the containers in a blanket.

Blueberry jam without cooking

If you don’t have time to heat-treat berries and make jam, you can get appetizing products that retain all the beneficial qualities much faster and easier.


  1. Grind the berries (1 kg) in a small container; you can simply pass them through a meat grinder. It is not recommended to use a blender - it will turn the blueberries into puree.
  2. Add sugar (500 g) to the prepared mass.
  3. Stir until the sweet crystals are completely dissolved.

The last stage is packing the jam into prepared clean containers. Immediately seal and store in a dark, cool place.

Blueberry jam with lingonberries

Another option for delicious jam is a combination of lingonberries and blueberries. The peculiarity of the preparation is not only its wonderful taste, but also its shelf life; often preservation retains its taste and beneficial qualities for several years.


  1. Mix blueberries (700 g), lingonberries (300 g).
  2. Boil sweet molasses (800 g of sugar per 300 ml of water), pour the bubbling liquid over the fruits.
  3. Wait until the mixture cools down and let it cook.
  4. A tasty and rich jam will be obtained if the heat treatment is carried out in two stages with a break of a day. Cooking time is 15 minutes.

Place in containers (be sure to pre-sterilize) and seal. Cool slowly, so it is recommended to turn the container upside down and wrap the containers in an old warm blanket.

Blueberry jam in syrup

The preservation looks very appetizing, combining thick dark syrup and whole fruits.


  1. Prepare syrup (mix 1 kg of sugar, 400 ml of water), bring to a boil.
  2. Pour the liquid over the berries (1.3 kg), leave to brew for two days.
  3. Bring to a boil, immediately pack into sterilized containers.

After capping, place in a cool cellar or refrigerator.

Blueberry jam with banana

Every year the collection of recipes for blueberry preparations is replenished, and the combination of berries and bananas quickly gained popularity among housewives.


  1. Cover blueberries (900 g) with sugar (700 g), leave for 4-7 hours.
  2. Send for heat treatment, cook for half an hour, avoiding strong boiling.
  3. Place chopped banana pieces (3 pieces) into a container with boiling mixture.
  4. Cook for another quarter of an hour.

The final stage of preparation is packaging in sterile containers and capping. Slow cooling is not necessary; immediately send for storage.

Blueberry-raspberry jam

For blueberry and raspberry jam, use only fresh berries. Even after short storage, raspberries can release juice and become unsuitable for cooking.


  1. Combine half a kilogram of fruit, add sugar (680 g).
  2. Immediately set to cook, first add 100 ml of water.
  3. Stirring, boil for half an hour.

Place in containers that must be sterilized. You can seal with metal or plastic lids.

Blueberry jam with lemon

Not everyone likes the sweet taste of blueberry jam and often wants to add a pleasant sourness in the form of lemon to it.


  1. Prepare a syrup containing water (100 ml) and sugar (550 g).
  2. Pour boiling molasses over a kilogram of berries and leave until the mass has cooled completely.
  3. Before cooking, wash the lemon thoroughly, cut it into thin slices without removing the peel, and add it to the main composition.
  4. Boil the mixture for 45 minutes.

After packaging into jars, seal them; it is recommended to use tin lids.

Blueberry jam with rum

Spirits, especially rum, go well with blueberries. There is no need to worry about the degrees - during the heating process they completely disappear.


  1. Boil sweet molasses (750 g sugar, 120 ml rum, 100 ml water).
  2. Pour boiling liquid over prepared berries (1.3 kg).
  3. Leave for three hours.
  4. Cook, stirring vigorously, 35 minutes.

Place in glass containers and seal with metal lids.

Jam in a slow cooker

Using a multicooker for canning is a process popular among good housewives, allowing one to reduce the amount of effort required for cooking.

Blueberries are a healthy wild berry that contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements. However, you can only get fresh product during the ripening season. But skillful housewives can prepare delicious jam for the winter, which can be offered as a dessert. There are a large number of recipes for preparing this preparation. How to make blueberry jam, how to cook a delicacy using various ingredients - find out right now.

Five-minute jam

You can prepare this winter delicacy from blueberries in different ways. The simplest recipe for making delicious jam is also the fastest. To make such a delicacy, prepare the ingredients according to the following list:

  • blueberries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 3.5 cups;
  • a teaspoon of gelfix.

Why is the last ingredient added? The fact is that using this recipe for preparation, as a result, the housewife will receive a finished product whose consistency is comparable to ordinary sugar syrup. To get a jelly-like jam that won’t run off a spoon, it’s best to use a thickener. Zhelfix plays its role. The ingredient must be diluted in water before placing the container with berries on the stove.

The sequence of preparation steps is as follows:

  1. Sort and wash the berries thoroughly. Place in a container and add sugar. Do these steps in the evening: in this state, the berries should be in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours.
  2. Place the mixture on the fire. Dilute the gelfix by adding water.
  3. Wait until the mixture boils. Measure 5 minutes, turn off the heat.
  4. Introduce diluted zhelfix.
  5. Pour the jam into glasses or place in another sterilized container.

This recipe is perfect for making jam with whole berries. This type of delicacy is especially popular: jelly with berries looks great on the table, it can be served as an addition to baked goods, such as pancakes, or as a separate dessert.

Information! How to make blueberry jam so that the berries are whole? Very simple! The main secret of preparation is simple: you need to soak the berries in sugar syrup. The product will retain its original appearance with minor heat treatment provided for in this recipe.

If you cook the delicacy correctly, you will end up with an excellent dessert that can be prepared for the winter by rolling it up in jars.

Blueberry jam with lemon

To add some zest to blueberry jam, you need to add lemon. Citrus will give the resulting dish a unique aroma that will attract all family members to the kitchen. The recipe with lemon will especially appeal to those who find pure blueberry jam cloying.

Let's prepare everything you need:

  • 1 lemon;
  • 1.5 glasses of water;
  • 1 kilogram of blueberries;
  • 1.5 kilograms of sugar.

The calorie content will depend on how much sugar you add to the product. Due to the large amount of this ingredient, the prepared dessert is not suitable for people on a strict diet.

The recipe looks step by step as follows:

  1. Boil the water.
  2. Let the berries sit for about 4-5 minutes.
  3. Place the processed blueberries in a colander.
  4. Pour granulated sugar into the remaining broth.
  5. Put the water and sugar on the fire, bring to a boil, wait until all the crystals dissolve.
  6. Add lemon zest, fruit juice and blueberries to a container on the stove. Keep it on the fire for some time – about 2 minutes.
  7. After removing from the stove, cover the container with a towel and wait until it cools down.
  8. Return the pan to the heat. When the mixture boils, boil it for another 5 minutes.

The treat is ready! All that remains is to pour it into jars and roll it up.

Important! You can use not only lemon in cooking: jam with orange also has an interesting taste.

If you look at how long it takes to cook blueberry jam according to this recipe, you will notice: it takes longer to cook than other jams. However, the result is worth it: fragrant jam, which has a tart taste, can be placed on the festive table without hesitation.

Thick blueberry jam

How to cook thick jam? To obtain the desired consistency, housewives use a trick: during cooking, add lemon juice to the container with the jam being prepared. This product provides the desired viscosity.

When cooking we use:

  • lemon juice – 30 grams or citric acid – 5 grams;
  • sugar – 1.3 kg;
  • blueberries – 1.5 kg.

First of all, thoroughly clean the berries of debris and wash them under running water. Pour the clean product into a sieve and wait until all the liquid is gone. Pour into a bowl and place in the refrigerator. The product should be kept cool for about a day.

Pour the released juice and berries into a heat-resistant container. Add citric acid, previously dissolved in 40 ml of water. Use warm dilution liquid. If lemon juice is available, it is better to add it instead of acid. Mix the mass thoroughly.

Place the jam on the stove and wait for the first bubbles to appear. Cook for about 20 minutes.

Important! Don't forget to remove any foam that appears!

The jam is ready. You can distribute the mixture into pre-sterilized containers and close with lids.

Jam without cooking: recipe

It is believed that during heat treatment of food most of useful substances disappear. Unfortunately, this is true. To preserve the properties of the berries, prepare them for the winter without cooking.

To prepare, take two ingredients:

  • sugar – 1.8 kg;
  • berries (preferably overripe) – 1.2 kg.

The product is prepared in several stages:

  1. The berries are carefully sorted, all debris is removed, otherwise the delicacy will quickly spoil. It is necessary to thoroughly rinse the blueberries under running water and pour them into a colander and leave for about 10 minutes.
  2. Mix berries with granulated sugar.
  3. Grind the mixture until mushy. You can use various technical devices - a mixer, blender or meat grinder.
  4. Pour the resulting product into a pre-prepared container and seal.

The benefits of boiling that has not been subjected to heat treatment are obvious. Blueberries retain the vitamins and microelements included in the composition.

Important! It is not necessary to use only fresh berries when cooking. Make frozen blueberry jam using this recipe. The resulting jam does not need to be rolled into jars - close it with a nylon lid and store it in the refrigerator. Your favorite dessert, the benefits of which cannot be doubted, will always be at hand.

Jam in a slow cooker

The recipe for blueberry jam prepared in this miracle of technology is quite simple. You need to take berries and sugar in a 2:1 ratio - per kilogram of blueberries you will need half a kilo of granulated sugar.

Rinse the berries and let them dry. Pour into a bowl and add sugar. Mix thoroughly with a wooden or plastic spoon.

Use the extinguishing mode. Cooking will take a little time – 1.5 hours. Next, the jam can be poured into jars and the capping process can begin.

Delicious and healthy treat prepared for the winter according to these recipes will delight both children and adults. Beneficial features blueberries will help preserve health and restore vitality.

Blueberry jam recipe should be in the arsenal of every housewife. If your cookbook still doesn’t have one, then we offer you several options. You will definitely like them!

Blueberry delicacy is a preparation that both adults and children adore. It can be served as an independent dish or as a filling for pies and cakes. You can cook it only with the addition of berries and sugar, or you can add various additives. The cooking time also varies. However, it is worth remembering that during prolonged heat treatment a large amount of beneficial vitamins is lost.

Blueberry jam for the winter


Blueberries – 1 kg
- sugar – 520 g


Pour water over the berries - debris and spoiled fruits will float to the surface. After this, select the good fruits and rinse again. Pour the dried berries into a saucepan, cover with sugar, and leave to release the juice for a couple of hours. During this time, be sure to stir the workpiece several times. As soon as the juice appears, turn on low heat and boil the berries for twenty minutes, regularly skimming off the foam. Pour the hot preparation into prepared jars, sterilize for 5 minutes, roll up, let cool at room temperature.

How to make blueberry jam


Granulated sugar - ? Art.
- blueberries – 4 cups


Wash the fruits, sort them, add them to a deep frying pan, let them dry, turn on low heat, wait for the juice to release, cook for another minute, turn off the heat, and let the delicacy cool. Pour the cooled jam into a sterile container, seal it, and after cooling, move it to a dark, cool place.

Delicious blueberry jam

You will need:

Water – 3 glasses
- blueberries – 5 tbsp.
- granulated sugar – 7 tbsp.

Cooking steps:

Sort the berries, rinse, add to a saucepan, bring to a boil, add granulated sugar, cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, skim off the foam. Pour the treat while still hot into sterilized jars and seal. The berries should turn out boiled, and the jam itself will look more like syrup.

How to make blueberry jam


Lemon juice - ? teaspoon
- water – 120 ml
- sugar – 720 g
- blueberries – 2 kg

How to cook:

Sort the blueberry fruits, wash and dry. Measure out 2 cups, pour into a blender, and grind. Pour water into a saucepan, add granulated sugar, cook the syrup, setting the heat to low. As soon as the sugar begins to melt, add the ground blueberries after 5 minutes. add the remaining granulated sugar and bring to a boil. Add the rest of the berries, cook for 25 minutes, and finally add lemon juice. Pack the hot treat into jars, seal, turn upside down, wrap in a blanket, and cool.

How to make blueberry jam

Required Products:

Blueberry fruits – 1 kilogram
- liquid honey – 1 tbsp.
- rum – 2 tbsp. spoons

Cooking steps:

Wash the blueberries, place in a colander, dry, transfer to an enamel container, and mash lightly. Do this so that the juice does not stand out and you do not get porridge. Place the berries on the stove, heat, stir, and place in sterilized jars. Roll up the workpiece with sterile metal lids and cool upside down.

Prepare this too.

Option in a bread machine

Required Products:

Sugar – 520 g
- blueberries – 1 kg
- lemon


Sort the fruits, clean them of debris, wash them, and dry them with a towel. Place in a bread maker bowl and stir with sugar. Squeeze the lemon juice. If desired, you can also add zest. Set the “Jam” mode, stir occasionally, bring to the required thickness, and roll into a sterile container.

It turns out very tasty and

Blueberry jam without cooking

Required Products:

Granulated sugar – 520 g
- blueberries – 1 kg


Sort the blueberry fruits, wash them, and carefully mix with granulated sugar until it dissolves. Place the mixture on the fire and hold for about 5 minutes. As soon as it starts to gurgle, remove it from the stove, pour it into sterile containers, and roll it up for the winter.

Blueberry jam in a slow cooker.


Blueberries – 1 kg
- granulated sugar – 520 g

Cooking steps:

Wash the berries, dry them, place them in a multicooker bowl, add sugar, and stir. Set the mode to “Extinguishing”, hold for an hour and a half. You can cool it slightly and serve it with tea, or you can wrap it up for the winter.

Five-minute blueberry jam.

Inspect the fruits carefully, sort them, remove spoiled ones, remove the stalks, wash them, dry them, and put them in a basin. Fill with granulated sugar, after three hours the berries should give juice. As soon as this happens, place the container on the stove, turn on the heat, let it cook for 5 minutes, skim off the foam. Pour the treat into sterile jars, seal, turn upside down, and store in a cool place. Blueberry jam 5 minutes ready!

Make blueberry jam. How?

Blueberries are a long-known, universal medicinal plant in folk medicine. Its leaves contain essential oils, tannins, vitamin C, organic acids. Thanks to all these qualities, it has high antiseptic properties. It is often used for inflammatory diseases. Berries are rich in pectin substances, which help remove radionuclides, heavy metal salts, toxins, etc. from the body. It is especially useful for those who suffer from incorrect metabolism. It will also bring relief to diabetics. Blueberry tea can be used for complex therapy of diabetes. If during the season you eat one glass of blueberries a day, you will ensure good health for the whole year.

Thick blueberry jam.

Required Products:

Juice of a quarter of a lemon
- sugar, blueberries – 1 kg each


Wash the fruits, sort them, carefully mix them with sugar, put them in a cool place or refrigerator for one day. Transfer the berries with the juice that has released into a large container, pour in lemon juice. Cook the mixture over low heat until the mixture begins to boil, reduce the heat, and cook for another 20 minutes. Do not forget to skim off any foam that has formed during the process. Pour boiled water over the lids of the jars, pour jam into them, seal tightly, and put them in a cool and dark place. Blueberry jam is prepared in a similar way. Only the berries must first be crushed in a blender.

How do you like it delicious?

Recipe with black currants.


Granulated sugar – 2 tbsp.
- blueberries – 2 tbsp.
- berries – 4 cups (equal parts of each type)


Sort the fruits, wash them thoroughly, put them through a meat grinder, stir, boil for 15 minutes, put in jars, and close with regular lids.

Option with raspberries.

Required Products:

Raspberries – 1 kg
- blueberries – 0.15 kg
- sugar – 1.2 kilograms


Mix the fruits together, pour hot sugar syrup, leave for three hours, and then boil until tender. Pack the finished sweet treat and seal it.

Here is another option for making blueberry and raspberry jam.

Required Products:

Raspberries – 1 kilogram
- blueberries – 0.2 kg

Cooking steps:

1. First of all, you need to prepare the fruits. To do this, sort them, try to remove spoiled ones, and wash them thoroughly several times under running water. If you prefer, you can substitute blueberries for blueberries. Believe me, this delicacy also turns out incredibly tasty! Set the mixture aside and let it dry slightly. Transfer it to a convenient container.
2. Prepare sugar syrup: prepare a small saucepan, pour the required amount of water into it, add sugar. Place the bowl on the stove, set the heat to moderate, and let the mixture dissolve completely. Let it cook for a couple more minutes after boiling.
3. Pour the resulting mixture over the berry mixture, close the lid, and leave for three hours to allow the juice to release.
4. Place the pot on the stove, turn the heat to medium, boil, reduce the heat to low, and cook until done. Be sure to skim off the foam.
5. Prepare the jars for the preparation: wash them thoroughly under hot steam or boiling water. Sterilize the lids too.
6. Pack the blueberry-raspberry preparation, turn the containers upside down, wrap with warm towels, and leave for one day.

Recipe with strawberries.


Berries – 1 kg each
- sugar – 3 kg


Inspect the berries, separate the stems, wash in low temperature water. Pour in granulated sugar and leave in a cool place for 5 hours. Drain the juice that formed during the process and heat until boiling in a separate bowl. Pour it over the berries, leave for another couple of hours, cook the jam until ready, put it in a cooled container.

Blueberry jam forte.


Blueberry forte – 1 kg
- vanillin
- lemon – 1 kg
- a glass of water
- granulated sugar – 1 kg

How to cook:

Sort the fruits, place in a boiling syrup, let simmer for five minutes, remove from heat, let cool, boil again 2 times. Before finishing, squeeze in lemon juice or add citric acid, add a little vanilla, pour, seal.

Recipe with apples.

Required Products:

- sugar – 3 multi-cups
- blueberries - liter jar

Cooking steps:

Rinse the products. Chop the apple into small cubes, place it together with the berries in a multi-cooker bowl, and cover with sugar. Set the “Stew” program and cook for one hour. It is worth stirring the workpiece several times so that it does not burn. Package the jam and put it away for the winter.

As you can see, there are quite a few options for preparing blueberry treats. You will have plenty to choose from!

During the ripening season of summer berries, it’s time for homemade preparations. In winter, they will help you remember sunny days and briefly transport yourself to summer.
One of the most delicious and healthy berries, of course, blueberries. But, if you are already tired of it fresh, try making blueberry jam. It only takes a little time to prepare and will be a delicious addition to toast, pancakes or pancakes, and will also provide your body with useful substances.
The ingredients for this blueberry jam recipe need to be taken in the calculation: two to one. This means that per kilogram of berries you will need 500 grams of sugar. You can also calculate the amount of ingredients for any recipe.
In this article we will look at a simple recipe for the winter, in which we will use 500 grams. blueberries


  • Blueberries - 500 g;
  • Sugar 250 g.

How to make delicious blueberry jam

Fresh berries must be sorted out, choosing large debris: leaves, twigs and pine needles (blueberries grow in coniferous forests).

Weigh 500 g. blueberries on a kitchen scale.

Weigh 250 grams of sugar.

Rinse the blueberries well.

Drain off the remaining water and remove any remaining debris.

Cover the berries with granulated sugar, mix lightly with a wooden spatula and leave for 2 hours so that the berries release their juice.

A little later, stir again. Do this carefully, otherwise the berries will be damaged and the jam will turn out less tasty.

Place the berries over low heat and stir lightly occasionally so that the sugar melts but does not burn. After boiling, boil the berries for another 15-20 minutes, and the jam will be ready. Don't worry if it seems runny - after cooling, the jam will thicken significantly.

The jam should be poured into sterilized jars while still hot and screwed on with boiled lids. Turn them upside down and cover with a blanket until they cool completely.

Ready jam can be stored in a cool place dark place, for example, a cellar.

Note to the owner.

Many people want to save the summer in the form of preparations, and then enjoy delicious jam in the winter. Blueberries, which are collected in forest areas, are especially prized. The berry has dietary qualities, contains a lot of vitamins and improves vision. Therefore, it is worth going to the forest to pick berries for the winter.

There are many ways to make blueberry jam at home. But it is important not to expose the berries long temperature treatment. This way the jam will be as healthy as possible.

Blueberry jam - an easy way

It is necessary to cook in a wide metal pan. It is not recommended to use enamel dishes, as a reaction may occur due to the acids contained in the berries.

To prepare, you need to take a kilogram of berries and half a kilogram of sugar. First, sort out the berries from debris and rinse. Mix blueberries and sugar in a saucepan and leave for five hours at room temperature to release the juice.

Stir the mixture with a wooden spoon and place on low heat or minimum temperature. After boiling, leave on the stove for another 30 minutes. It is necessary to stir the future jam periodically to prevent it from burning. Turn off the heat and pour the jam while still hot. into sterilized jars.

Blueberry jam - in a slow cooker

The obvious advantage of cooking in a slow cooker is that there is no need to stand near the stove. You can just add the ingredients and forget about it for a while. Jam prepared in this way is thicker and can be used, for example, for filling a pie.

For a kilogram of berries you need to take half a kilogram of sugar. Sort the blueberries and rinse carefully. To do this, you can pour the berries into a wide bowl and add water. All the debris will float to the top, and all that remains is to drain the water. Then scatter the blueberries on a towel and let dry.

Combine dried blueberries and sugar in a multicooker bowl. To put on “Quenching” mode for 1.5-2 hours. After the multicooker signal, you can pour the jam into pre-prepared jars.

Blueberry jam - recipe without cooking

This method of preparation produces the healthiest blueberry jam. But the tools need to be processed hot water and kill all microorganisms so that the jam does not explode.

For jam, take half a kilogram of sugar per kilogram of berries. Sort the blueberries, wash and dry. Then pour the berries with sugar in a bowl and set aside to release the juice for several hours.

Put future jam on a small fire. Stir and turn off the stove after the first bubbles appear. Place the hot mixture into jars. After cooling, place in the refrigerator.

Blueberry jam – berries with sugar

This method of preparing blueberries cannot be called jam because the mixture is not heated. But such a jar of “living vitamins” definitely needs to be prepared. These blueberries need to be stored in the refrigerator and not for long.

To prepare, you will need a kilogram of blueberries and 700 grams of sugar. Freshly picked berries are a must sort, rinse and dry. Dishes that will be used must be sterilized.

Mix and chop the berries and sugar. The most convenient way to do this is with a blender, but you can also use a meat grinder. Immediately place the blueberry mixture into small sterile jars. You can sprinkle a tablespoon of sugar on top and roll it up. Store jam in the refrigerator.

Blueberry jam – from frozen berries

When it is not possible to immediately make jam, you can put the berries in the freezer. And in winter, get blueberries and prepare dessert. In this case, the berries must first be defrosted.

For a kilogram of frozen blueberries you need to take the same amount of sugar. Thawed berries mix with sugar and put on low heat. There is no need to wait for the juice to appear. Heat, skim off the foam and leave on the fire for five minutes. Divide the jam into jars after thermal sterilization.

Benefits of blueberry jam

Blueberries include vitamins and nutrients:

  • Vitamin A for visual acuity;
  • B vitamins for the heart and metabolism;
  • Vitamin C to strengthen the immune system and improve performance;
  • Phosphorus for tooth enamel;
  • Sulfur to remove toxins;
  • The list of useful substances is much longer.

Blueberries differ from other berries in being hypoallergenic. Therefore, it can be added to food for women who are breastfeeding. A small amount of blueberry jam will also not harm the child.

But it is important to be aware of the sugar it contains, which can cause gas in your baby. A tannins in berries can cause constipation.

When breastfeeding, a woman should eat only natural and fresh foods. When buying blueberry jam in a supermarket, you need to study the composition and choose a product without preservatives. Of course, it is better to make the jam at home yourself.