Here are approximate wheel diameters (in millimeters) for various styles. Roller skates for beginners: which wheels are better Which roller wheels are best for asphalt

Almost all modern roller skates have polyurethane wheels. This material tends to wear out, so wheels are the most consumable part of roller skates.
Wheels need to be changed over time by purchasing new ones, but which ones to choose? When buying new wheels, you should first of all pay attention to 2 important characteristics: hardness and diameter, and not the color and pattern on them. What wheels exist and what they are intended for - you will find out in this article.

Wheel diameter: from 40mm to 125mm

The diameter of the wheels often determines which direction the wheels were designed for.

The larger the diameter of the wheels, the faster and more speed you can develop, as well as the longer you can maintain it. While on wheels of smaller diameter it is much more difficult to gain high speed: more effort and time will be spent.

Most fitness, freeskate and freestyle slalom skates have wheels with a diameter of 72mm to 82mm. Wheels of this diameter are also suitable for roller hockey. The profile of such wheels is oval, which provides a smaller contact patch with asphalt.

For aggressive rollers, the wheels come in the smallest diameter, from about 40mm to 60mm. This is explained by the fact that when riding on a ramp and sliding along the railings, high speed is not needed, but stability is important. Stability is ensured by the smaller diameter of the wheels, as well as the square profile of the wheels.

The largest wheels in diameter from 90mm to 125mm are used by athletes who engage in speedskating (high-speed roller skating).

Large diameter wheels allow you to quickly gain high speed and allow you to maintain it for a long time. The profile of these wheels is much narrower than that of smaller diameter wheels.

Wheel hardness: soft or hard?

All roller skate wheels are marked with the hardness of the polyurethane from which they are made. Hardness is indicated by a two-digit number and the letter A. For example, a wheel with a diameter of 80 mm and a hardness of 84A will be marked as “80/84A.” This characteristic is relative, you just need to remember the number characterizing the hardness and choose new wheels in accordance with this number.

Soft wheels are those whose hardness is 72A-82A. These wheels are ideal for beginners and children. They are standard installed on all fitness rollers and rollers for children.

The softness of these wheels allows you to smooth out uneven riding surfaces, which directly affects the riding comfort.

Wheels of medium hardness - 83A-85A. These are universal wheels that are suitable for hockey, freestyle slalom, freeskate, jumping and slides. The wear of such wheels is much less, which prolongs their “life” during active skating and training. They are not too soft and not too hard, which allows you to perform certain tricks without slipping on the surface or, conversely, without clinging unnecessarily.

The hardest wheels are marked 85A and higher.
Wheels of this rigidity are usually large in diameter and are used for high-speed roller skating. Hard wheels are also used in aggressive riding.

In general, this is everything you need to know about choosing roller skate wheels before purchasing.
See you on the city streets and training, friends!

You have decided to learn how to roller skate, but don’t know how to choose roller skates, then this article is just for you. This is the first step towards comfortable skating, because the wrong skates can discourage further training. Here we will look at the types of rollers, their technical characteristics, and features.


There are several types of roller skates, which are divided according to the roller's riding style:

  • cross-country

Designed for speed skating and marathons. Not the best option for beginner skaters. Learning to ride them will be quite difficult due to their design features. They are difficult to maneuver and are mainly used by professionals in competitions. Also, due to low maneuverability, it will be difficult for you to ride them in urban areas.

  • for slalom

In appearance and characteristics they are practically no different from most fitness rollers. The main advantage is good leg support, which helps to perform various tricks. The other side of the coin is the high price. Suitable for beginners if you are willing to shell out for them.

  • for aggressive riding

Used by fans of extreme skiing. You've often seen professional roller skaters sliding along railings, jumping off steps and overcoming various obstacles. They differ from other types in small wheels, a low frame and a molded boot. Oh yes, their price is not low either. I wouldn't recommend them for beginners. Learning to ride them is not easy, and first you need to decide whether you will ride aggressively, because if not, then I don’t see the point in overpaying significantly.

  • For freeskate

Design features include a short frame, reinforced boot and no brake. Designed for semi-aggressive skating and are a cross between rollers for aggressive skating and fitness. Thanks to its durable design, it is suitable for people with large body weight. May be suitable for beginner roller skaters.

  • special

A rare species due to its specificity. This includes rollers for hockey, for off-road skating and others. There is no need to explain that they are not suitable for beginners.

  • for fitness

The most common type. Suitable for both beginners and experienced skaters. If you need roller skates for walking and relaxing on weekends, then feel free to choose this type.

Their advantages include: an affordable price (compared to others), a design that allows you to ride in comfort, and, in principle, there is no point in choosing specialized rollers for a lot of money until you decide whether you need them at all.

If you are choosing skates for a child, we recommend that you pay attention to the design with a retractable toe. This will allow you to save on buying new ones when your child’s leg grows up. There is also a design with a retractable heel, but it is less convenient due to the fact that the center of mass shifts. This leads to the child having to get used to the old videos again.

Design features

Next, we will look at what you need to pay attention to when choosing roller skates. When describing design features, various terms will be used, and so that you understand what we are talking about, below we will provide a drawing with explanations.

  • shoe

It can be hard and soft. Hard boot Made of plastic with a soft boot for comfort. The boot is removable, which allows it to be washed periodically. The advantages of a rigid boot are good lateral support for the leg and wear resistance, for which you have to pay with increased weight. And it is the weight that is the main disadvantage. It leads to rapid fatigue, which reduces riding time. Sometimes, but this is more likely due to the wrong choice of size, a hard boot can rub your foot. Soft boot comfortable, with good ventilation, lighter. But lateral support is worse. Therefore, skates for children are made mainly with a hard boot to avoid sprains. The soft boot is nevertheless reinforced with plastic structures and often uses all types of leg fastenings (laces, clip, heel strap).

  • fastenings (laces, buckle clip, heel strap)

The main task is to firmly fix your foot in the boot, because for comfortable skating, the rollers must be an extension of the leg. The fastenings may vary on different models, but you need to remember one thing: some skates use Velcro instead of buckles; it is better to discard such skates immediately, without waiting for dislocations and sprains.

The frame (the main supporting structure) includes several features that you should pay attention to. The material from which the frame is made. There are metal (various aluminum alloys) and plastic (composite). The advantages of the former are faster acceleration with less effort (due to less frame deformation), the latter are a comfortable ride (more susceptible to deformation). The strength is approximately the same, but metal (aluminum) is still stronger. The number of wheels is a little simpler; 4 wheels are installed on a standard frame, and 5 on a running frame. The size of the frame is very important. The longer the frame, the easier it is to accelerate; the shorter, the maneuverability improves. And lastly, the distance between the mounts on the frame determines the maximum diameter of the wheels that can be installed.

  • wheels

The main criteria when choosing wheels are diameter and stiffness. The diameter affects the speed and ride comfort (the larger the diameter, the greater the speed and the lesser the feeling of road surface roughness). Stiffness affects traction, giving you either more speed (if you choose stiffer wheels) or increased maneuverability (if you choose soft wheels). Accordingly, soft ones wash faster. Wheels can be marked as 90/82A. This means that the diameter is 90 mm, the hardness is 82. Although it happens that it is 90 mm 82A. Which is essentially the same thing.

  • bearings

Bearings are often marked with the abbreviation ABEC (US standard). For example, ABEC 3. The number 3 in this case indicates the accuracy class, and, accordingly, the ease of rotation of the bearing. The range is from 1 to 9 (maximum). The class of bearings directly affects riding speed and is an important parameter when choosing skates. But you shouldn’t choose “nine” from the very beginning. The ease of rotation should be increased as your skill increases. For children, ABEC 1 is recommended (and installed by most manufacturers) to avoid high speeds, which can lead to serious injury. For beginners who stand on roller skates for the first time, a “three” or “five” is recommended. Well, it’s worth knowing that in proportion to the increase in class, wear resistance decreases and the price increases. The marking may contain the letters Z, ZZ (presence of dustproof plates), RS, RT, AR (complete tightness). Bearings can also be dismountable, but these are nuances. How easily the wheels rotate, in addition, depends on the lubricant (thick or not) and if the wheels spin easily in the store, this does not mean that the bearings are 100% good; perhaps the lubricant used is not thick.

  • standard brake

This device is attached to the frame of the skates and is an indispensable thing for beginners who have not yet mastered all the methods of braking.


Having decided on the type of rollers and design features that suit you, you need to remember that trying them on is an obligatory factor. After all, no matter how well-known the manufacturing company is, and no matter what modern technologies and materials are used, if the roller skates do not fit on your feet, you will not get pleasure from skating. We hope that you have decided which videos are best for you and now you will not be confused when buying them in the store. We wish you success in your choice and training!

The end of May. The weather has deteriorated considerably: it is raining, the air temperature is 10-16 degrees, and there is a squally wind. Eh...

I think this is no reason to be discouraged, and that is why I am opening a series of summer sports publications in which I will tell you about some of the technologies used in the production of sports equipment and styles of cycling. Let's talk about sportswear and much more.

Well, today they will open a series of sports publications roller Skates. And to be more precise, I will tell you, how to choose wheels for roller skates, bearings and what kind of frames the rollers have.


When choosing roller wheels It is worth paying attention to two parameters - diameter and hardness, which are indicated on the surface of the wheels.

Wheel diameter is indicated in millimeters, and its range varies from 72 to 80 mm. Before as buy wheels for roller skates, you need to decide on your intentions, because their diameter depends on your driving style. If you prefer speed and stand confidently on roller skates, then choose wheels with a larger diameter. They will allow you to gain speed faster, and will also be much easier to maintain, unlike wheels of a smaller diameter. Wheels with a smaller diameter will provide increased maneuverability.

Rigidity roller wheels measured on a special scale A. The number indicated before the letter indicates the hardness of the wheel. The higher the number, the stiffer the wheel! Rigid wheels make it easier to maintain speed, since they themselves are less subject to deformation under the pressure of the roller, and have the least friction with the road surface. Soft wheels for roller skates, allow better grip on the road surface, thereby increasing maneuverability.

Thus, the designation 76/82A on a roller skate wheel indicates that the wheel diameter is 76 mm and the hardness is 82.

It is not possible to give specific advice on choosing wheels for roller skates, since all parameters are individual and depend on your professional skills, weight, style and place of skating. Particular importance should be paid to the rigidity of the wheel. The greater weight of the roller requires greater rigidity.

If you prefer to ride on indoor roller rinks, then you can safely take soft wheels for yours rollers.


The rotation of one wheel of roller skates is ensured by a pair of bearings, which in turn are measured in the precision of their manufacture and have an ABEC standard. The ease of rotation of the wheels under the weight of the roller depends on the precision with which the bearings are made. Typically, roller skates use ABEC-5 bearings. They are the most popular and versatile. ABEC-3 is used for children's roller skates. And for high-speed roller skating, bearings of the ABEC-7 standard are used.


Frames have two main parameters, one of which is length. Roller skate frame length, plays an important role, it ensures the stability of the rollers at high speed. That is why, running rollers equipped with frames 300-350 mm, and professional roller skates for running are equipped with the longest frames with five wheels. It is worth noting that on long frames it will be difficult for you to make sharp turns and therefore, most rollers are equipped with frames 250-280 mm long.

The second parameter is the material from which the frame is made. Well-trained skaters and athletes use a rigid metal frame. It better transfers force to the wheels when pushing off. Beginners tend to use polymer frames, consisting of nylon and carbon. They are soft and more comfortable because they absorb vibration when driving on uneven surfaces. Polymer frames ideal for riding on asphalt.


What is T:9 (T:Nine)?

Until 1972, the US government placed great emphasis on the development of men's sports, especially lucrative ones such as American football. The Americans were so crazy that even in schools the main budget was spent on male disciplines, while mere pennies were left for the development of female disciplines.

But still, the government took pity on the poor women and passed a law that ensured equal distribution of money for the development of men's and women's sports, which was called Title 9 (right no. 9). It can also be written as T:9, T:Nine, T:9.

Soon, women's sports began to gain enormous popularity and began to develop rapidly. Since then, any woman could choose a sport to her liking and practice it for her own pleasure.

How to install automatic brake AVT on rollers?

  1. Loosen the screw securing automatic brake, so that he can be released.
  2. With every click brake goes down one notch.
  3. The lower you lower it, the less effort you will need to make to brake with it, but do not overdo it, otherwise brake will prevent you from moving.
  4. If you omitted brake too low, press the black button located on the left side of the heel. Pressing the button will release the brake pressure and readjust the brake height.

Are the rollers available in different widths?

Roller Skates are produced by manufacturing companies in accordance with generally accepted standards for shoe sizes and widths. But it's worth noting. That even the lasts of ordinary shoes can differ significantly from each other.

In case you really like roller model. The one you just tried on, but it squeezes your leg a little - don’t rush to despair, try on a couple more, or even more than one, and you will definitely choose the one in which you will be comfortable! Most importantly, don't take it rollers a size or two larger. With time rollers they will spread, and your foot will dangle in them, and this can lead to dire consequences.

Everyone knows that two and two make four. This may be true, but not entirely. Especially regarding the location of the wheels in the rollers. It’s one thing to have two pairs of wheels (2x2), and another thing to have four in one (longitudinal!) line. Over the course of several centuries, humanity has invented and tested various options. Let us mention only two, the most outstanding and viable.

A little history

The grandfather of roller skating, James Plimpton, patented his model in 1863. The 2x2 design was called “quads,” sometimes also called “stools.” She lived until very recently, until the 1990s. Savvy and enterprising hockey players, the Olson brothers became the fathers of modern roller skates. They went and went (and very successfully) along a different path, along a different branch of the development of roller skates, which has existed from time immemorial, more precisely, since the advent of ice skates. The idea is simple, like all ingenious things: attach wheels to ordinary winter skates and ride them in the hot summer with the same success as in the cold. And the brothers created what we see on the streets and squares today - four wheels in a line, the so-called in-line version of rollers. But they did it not carelessly, like all their predecessors, but conscientiously and reliably. So that you can truly play the courageous game of hockey, without being distracted by endless repairs and purchasing spare parts. Modern technology completely allowed this, it’s just that no one had such a desire before. Everyone had a good time anyway. Founded in the 1980s, the rollerblade manufacturing company was called Rollerblade, which is why the skates themselves became known as “blades” or “blades” (referring to the blades of ice skates).

Wheel diameter

The wheel diameter ranges from 43 to 80 mm. For general riding, the most common sizes are 72mm or 76mm. We remind you that we present the numbers not in order to follow them, but in order to understand the essence of technical problems.

How is a small wheel different from a large one? The larger the wheel diameter, the greater the speed. The greater the speed, the greater the stability and stability. The larger the wheels, the more they dampen shaking and vibration on poor road surfaces. This leads to the first conclusion: for fast driving and rapid acceleration (for example, in the “fitness” style), you need to take wheels with a larger diameter.

Small wheels are easier to control and maneuver. Conclusion two: for figure skating and aggression you need to take wheels with a smaller diameter.

Here are approximate wheel diameters (in millimeters) for various styles:

  • speedsters and street skating: 78 - 82,
  • vigorous fitness: 76 - 80,
  • rest: 72 - 76,
  • easy fitness and training for beginners: 70 - 72,
  • aggressive: 53 - 67.

Let's say a guy rides on 78 mm wheels, so let him buy 76 mm for his girlfriend, then he can catch up with her.

Wheel stiffness

We take the wheel and read what is written on it. For example, 78/80A. If you guessed that “78” is the diameter in mm, then that’s good. And if you also understand that “80A” is the hardness of the wheel, then that’s great.

In general, you shouldn’t worry too much about rigidity - this is not such a critical parameter. No one can forbid a person to stand on any wheels. The rollers will run anyway. So what's the difference? In feelings and money. On soft wheels and the ride is soft - that's on the one hand. Soft wheels do not allow you to quickly develop speed and wear out faster (you will have to buy new ones) - this is on the other hand. Another dilemma. Even more complicated than with the wheel diameter, because the calculations must include the quality of the road surface and the roller’s own weight.

  • Soft wheels are better: for normal skating, for light roller skates, for riding on uneven surfaces.
  • Medium-hard wheels are suitable for skating on flat surfaces and heavy roller skates.
  • Hard wheels are used: on smooth surfaces, for aggressive riding. The easiest way is to depend on the weight of the roller - the greater the weight, the stiffer the wheels are needed.

Now let's move on to the numbers. Typical hardness values ​​are from 76A to 84A. The average optimal is 78 - 82A. If you weigh up to 80 kg, take the optimal ones, and if the weight is significant, then make an adjustment upward. For aggressive driving, stiffer wheels are used to ensure “responsiveness” of the rollers in handling.

Wheel material and profile

The abrasion of the rollers and the ability to retain their shape depend on the material. Every shoemaker knows that the best material for soles is polyurethane. There is no demolition for him. Therefore, wheels are made from polyurethane of different brands. Transparent wheels are popularly called “gel wheels”. We will not go into chemistry further.

Practice shows that some wheels naturally tend to turn into square ones, others tend to delaminate, others are chipped on every pebble... No amount of chemistry will help here. Just practice. The profile is the width of the wheels, or more precisely the shape, the imprint on the surface. The wider the profile, the greater the stability and traction with the road. Thick, “meaty” wheels wear out longer (which allows the skater to save money, but the manufacturer ends up overusing material).

For the "leisure" style, wheels are made with a U-shaped profile, which increases stability. High-speed racing wheels are made narrow to reduce friction.

So, today we talked a little about the wheel - a brilliant invention of mankind. Without the wheel there would be nothing at all and roller skates in particular. In the rush of everyday life, many people forget about this. But real roller skaters remember. Otherwise they won't get far. Thank you, wheel!


If the wheels on your roller skates are worn out and you don’t know where to buy roller skate wheels and which ones are better, then this article will help you quickly navigate and understand which roller skate wheels are right for you. Each wheel is equipped with two bearings and one bushing.

When replacing wheels, it is not always necessary to change the bearings, so it is better to consult with knowledgeable people first. If you don’t ride through puddles or in rainy weather, avoid sand and don’t jump, then the bearings can last quite a long time and outlast more than one set of new wheels. Recently, almost all wheels for roller skates are made for standard 608 bearings. That is, regardless of the manufacturer of the roller skates themselves, you can choose any suitable set of wheels and bearings for them.

In this article we will talk exclusively about wheels, their characteristics and properties.

In addition to color and design, roller skate wheels differ in several main parameters:

1) Diameter and stiffness.

Indicated on the wheel itself. It looks something like this 80mm/84A. This sign indicates that this is a wheel with a diameter of 80mm and a hardness of 84A.

a) Diameter– determines the size of the wheel. The larger the wheels, the faster they will roll. Using this parameter, you can determine for which riding style the wheels are suitable.

Large diameter wheels are used in running models and children's scooters (90mm, 100mm, 105mm, 110mm). Wheels of medium and small diameter (72mm, 74mm, 76mm, 80mm, 82mm, 84mm) are used in models for freeskating, slalom, fitness skating, hockey, and also in children's models. Small diameter wheels (less than 70mm) are used in models for aggressive skating and in small sizes of children's skates.

b) Stiffness wheels or density, measured in units of A and determines the quality of adhesion to the surface and the resistance of the wheels to wear. Wheels with a hardness of 78A, 80A and 82A are considered soft. Used for simple fitness models, models for beginners and in children's videos. Medium hardness and hard wheels start at 83A.

Soft wheel 76mm/82A

The most popular wheel hardness in recent years is 84A, 85A and 86A. In aggressive models, the wheels are even more rigid and have a small diameter. Hard wheels roll more, resulting in higher speeds. Soft wheels cling to the surface better, but the speed is so high. Driving on soft wheels is comparable to driving a car with lowered wheels; on hard wheels, on the contrary, with inflated ones.

3) Wheel profile- the profile can be elliptical (sharper edge) or round (rounded edge) Sooner or later, any wheels acquire a round profile, because with regular rearrangement they wear out evenly. Therefore, rarely does anyone look at the profile. Although objectively, wheels with a round profile are more suitable for the FSK style and, as a rule, FSK models are equipped with such wheels.

4) Hub type— the wheel hub is the plastic base of the wheel into which the bearing is inserted. The smaller the hub, the better the wheels. This is from a savings point of view. Indeed, in this case, there is more polyurethane and this means that you will ride on such wheels longer until they wear out. Again, wheels with a small hub handle better on uneven surfaces and soften the shock well when landing after a jump.

Wheel with small hub

Large plastic hubs are only good for large diameter wheels (more than 80mm), which are used for running models. Such wheels are lighter and allow you to pick up speed faster, and are also more stable while driving; there is practically no risk that the polyurethane will move away from the hub. It's hard to imagine a 110mm wheel with a small hub.

Wheel with large hub for running rollers

To choose the right wheels for roller skates, you need to ask yourself a few questions:

1) What is your weight?

2) What is your riding style?

3) What surface do you ride on?

4) Do you want to go fast or not so fast?

5) What is the maximum wheel diameter that can be installed on your roller model?

By answering these questions, you can easily determine which wheels may suit you.

I will try to give brief advice on these 5 questions:

1) Weight- the more weight, the stiffer wheels you will need. For roller skates weighing more than 70 kg, wheels with a hardness of at least 83A are recommended. This does not mean that you cannot ride on 80A, but they will wear out faster. If this is a beginner skater who often falls and literally takes his first steps, perhaps for the first time it is better to limit himself to wheels with a hardness of 80A. For small children, you yourself understand how unimportant the rigidity of the wheels is. The weight is small...

2) Riding style- if this is a fast and dynamic style, you will need the most rigid wheels, again no less than 83A. As a rule, stiffer wheels are used in slalom, roller hockey on asphalt (soft ones are used on special surfaces) and FSK style. Recently, wheels have been produced according to riding styles. FSK wheels, slalom wheels, speedskating wheels and so on. That is, with the same parameters, for example 80mm/84A, wheels for FSK and wheels for fitness skating can have completely different performance characteristics and roll differently.

3) Covering— if it’s asphalt, the harder the wheel, the better it will roll on the asphalt and take longer to wear out. But too hard wheels can sometimes seem unpleasant. It's like overinflated car wheels. The car bounces on bumps. When choosing wheel stiffness, be sure to think about where you plan to ride.

Matter wheels are the optimal balance of soft feeling and high strength wheels. That is, with a fairly comfortable ride (as on soft cushions), the wheels are very rigid and resistant to wear. And this is not advertising, it is what it is.

If you ride indoors, then the stiffness of the wheels is not so important, although I personally prefer wheels with medium stiffness. Again, this also depends on the covering in the hall, is it polymer or concrete or something else... Here you need to select the wheels. Although, as a rule, the same wheels on which you successfully ride on asphalt are suitable.

4) Required speed— the speed is determined not only by the bearings but also by the wheels. The most important thing is the diameter. The larger the wheels, the higher the speed. The better the bearings, the higher the speed. To some extent, rigidity can also affect speed, it depends on the coating.

5) Maximum wheel diameter, which may fit your rollers is usually indicated on the frame. This inscription looks something like this: max 80mm , and means that for your skates, the maximum allowable wheel size is 80mm. The type of rigidity does not play a role here at all. If there is nothing like that at all, and the wheels are worn to such an extent that you can no longer see what kind of wheels were there, then it is best to come to the store with the rollers, or search on the Internet for a similar model and find out the characteristics of the standard wheels.

I also want to draw your attention to the manufacturer. It is very important that the wheels are of famous brands. Such as: Matter(Undecover)— the best wheels in my opinion. Hyper, Giro, Seba, Labeda.

Powerslide, Fila and Rollerblade make good wheels, but they will be worse than the wheels of the above brands, and therefore cheaper. Prices vary from $25 for 4 wheels to $50-70 for 4 wheels. And I would not advise adults to install cheap wheels. Firstly, the ride will not be so pleasant, and secondly, during the season you will have to change 2-3 sets of wheels, or maybe more. A set of more expensive wheels will last much longer and will be more enjoyable to ride on.

If you have any comments or anything to add, please do so. The selection of wheels is a delicate matter. If you have any doubts regarding the installation or purchase of certain wheels for roller skates, please write or call.

I’ll help you buy what you need and install it for free if there are any difficulties with it.