Canon to St. Artemy of Solunsky March 24. When is Artem's name day. Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos

Any of the people can have their own day of the Angel by name, there is also the day of Angel Artyom. Angel Day is the day of the patron saint for any person with the same name.

We must remember that this day has nothing to do with the guardian angel. During baptism, a person receives a patron saint angel from the Lord God. In one word, the day of the Angel is the birthday of the soul. This day is celebrated by visiting church and reading prayers.

When is Artyom's birthday

Artyom's birthday in the Orthodox calendar falls on seven days a year and at different times of the year in autumn, winter, spring and summer:

  • Bishop Artem of Lystra - 17.01. and 12.11 .;
  • Artemy Palestinian - February 26;
  • Artem the saint from Seleucia - 06.04 .;
  • Artem from the city of Kizik - 05.12.;
  • Artemy from Verkol - 06.07 and 02.11 .;

Angel's Day, name days are celebrated, as a rule, once a year on or after a birthday (but not before a birthday!). So, for example, if a boy was born on January 15, then his name day will be January 17, and if he was born on June 11, then his name day falls on July 6.

What does the name Artemy mean in Orthodoxy

The name Artemy has its roots in ancient times. According to one version, Artemy comes from the name of the famous goddess of fertility and hunting from mythology - Artemis. According to another version from the ancient Greek word "Artemes", which translated into Russian means healthy, unharmed, not subject to disease.

In Christian history there have been saints called Artemias. All of them were distinguished by their true faith in God. The church remembers and honors them.

Artemy Verkolsky Memorial Day

The youth Artemy is one of the most revered in Russia. He lived in the sixteenth century in the village of Verkola near Arkhangelsk. From an early age, the boy was mortal, meek, he led a pious life. At the age of 12, Artemy died from being hit by lightning during a thunderstorm.

The fellow villagers, having decided that God had punished the boy, did not begin the funeral service and bury him. The deceased was left in the forest, throwing brushwood at the body. About thirty years later, a local deacon accidentally discovered the incorruptible relics of Artemy, from which a radiance emanated.

The relics were transferred to the local church, where miraculous healings of people began to occur from them. Soon people began to gather from everywhere for healing. It was decided to paint the icons of the holy youth.

Rumor has reached Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. He gave a decree to place the relics in a shrine and found a monastery. The days of memory of Artemiy Verkolsky are considered July 6 and November 2.

Artemy Palestinian

Artemy of Antioch (Palestinian) Christian was a remarkable military leader during the period when Constantine the Great was on the throne, and then during the reign of his successor, Constantine, his own son. Artemy's military achievements were impeccable. For his outstanding successes, Constantine appointed him governor of Egypt.

But the reign of Julian, the apostate emperor, began. Julian waged a merciless war with Christianity and wanted to bring back paganism. He violently persecuted Christians and killed hundreds of them.

One day, when Artemy came to Antichia, he learned that Julian had tortured two bishops, forcing them to renounce their faith in Christ. Artemy openly expressed his protest against the pagan ruler, he was not afraid of Julian and publicly exposed him of impiety. The emperor was very angry and ordered Artemy to be tortured and then imprisoned.

In prison, when Artemy was praying, he was "visited" by Christ surrounded by angels and said: "Be courageous and you will be with me in the eternal kingdom!"

The next morning, Julian demanded that Artemy renounce his faith and recognize paganism. But Artemy refused, the emperor ordered to continue the torture. The Great Martyr bravely endured all the tortures, and he prophesied a quick death to Julian. Artemy's head was cut off.

Immediately after the execution, the saint was taken and buried in the Constantinople Church of John the Baptist (later the temple was named in honor of Saint Artemy).

Saint Artemy of Thessaloniki

Blessed Artemy (Artemon) of Thessalonica, was born in the city of Seleucia in Pisidia in Asia Minor. He lived at the same time as the Apostles and led the life of a virtuous and honest man.

Of all the townspeople, Artemy was the most deeply religious Christian. For this reason, the Holy Apostle Paul, when he entered the city of Seleucia, appointed Artemius the first bishop in the city.

The saint coped with his duties excellently and to please the Lord. All the townspeople loved him and were very grateful. He ruled wisely, stood up for the persecuted and the poor, saved the suffering, took care of orphans and widows, the poor. Blessed Artemy was a real miracle healer for all people of that time. He healed and healed not only bodies, but also souls. He spent his long life pleasing God and piously, was an example for his people.

Life of Saint Artemy (Artemon) of Thessaloniki (Seleucia)

Very little information about the life of St. Artemy (Artemon) of Thessalon has survived for certain. They are contained in the Minology of Vasily II - in the Synaxar of the Church of Constantinople - in the biographies of the saints, created before the Chetya-Menaion of Dmitry of Rostov, the work of the saint, which became the basis of the Russian Orthodox monthly. St. Artemy was listed in the early calendar as Seleucian and Solunsky, although "Thessaloniki" in the name of St. Dmitry comes from the Slavic name of the Greek city of Thessaloniki - Thessaloniki, but Artemy (Artemon) became Solunsky from the phonetic transition Seleucian - Seleoukinsky - Selounsky - Solunsky. Because of this philological discrepancy, in the second half of the 17th century, two Artemias appeared - Seleucia and Solunsky, who were considered different persons, this mistake was corrected by later hagiographers.

Saint Artemy (Artemon) of Thessalonica was born at the turn of the 1st - 2nd centuries in the ancient city of Seleucia of Pisidia, which was located in Asia Minor, on the territory of modern Turkey. When, while wandering in his apostolic ministry, the holy Apostle Paul came to Seleucia, he drew attention to his outstanding abilities, piety and many Christian merits and virtues and, leaving Seleucia, ordained him to the rank of bishop, entrusting him to be a spiritual mentor and helper to all those in need and seeking the truth.

In this dignity, Saint Artemy (Artemon) of Thessalonica served the Lord as a true ascetic throughout his long life, full of godly deeds, and departed to God in extreme old age. For the inhabitants of the city, he was like a saving beacon in the turbulent course of life, gained fame as a patron and guardian of the poor and orphans, became famous as a miracle worker.

The meaning of the icon

In one of the originals of the 18th century, owned by S.T. To Bolshakov, an antique dealer, second-hand bookseller, son of the famous collector Tikhon Fedorovich, who left a legacy of the amazing library collected in the Bolshakov family, we find an external description of the iconographic canon of the image of St. cinnabar, amphora [omophorion] and the Gospel ”. "Gray, bald - on the icon he is depicted as highbrow - the beard is bifurcated at the end, on the riza there are cinnabar crosses, on him an omophorion, in his hand is the Gospel, a symbol of spiritual enlightenment." However, the color of the cross on the vestment may be different.

Times and epochs pass, years of peace change on Earth and military hurricanes sweep through, but by some miracle, through all the historical vicissitudes and cataclysms, the names of the spiritual ascetics of mankind reach us. Is this not yet another testimony about God given to people by His will through the action of the Holy Spirit among us, according to the teachings of St. Gregory Palamas! So the name of St. Artemy (Artemon) of Thessalonica sounds almost 2000 years after the birth of Christ - in one of the Greek Byzantine manuscripts there is a canon to the saint, created by an unknown author. It begins with the words: "In exploits, as in the sea ..." and this is the message of the ancients about what a devoted and faithful servant was a man who lived a long time ago on the same planet as we, today.

So the memory of mankind preserves the memory of its best representatives, whose life is the very testimony of God, and this is a miracle for us. But any miracle from God is not a miracle - for God, for in this way He reminds us of Himself, through our endless amazement at His patience and Love, addressed to us long before the beginning of time and forever.

Today the Orthodox Church honors the memory of:

Great Monday: the curse of the fig tree

Venerable Zechariah Otversty, monk; St. Artemon (Artemia), Bishop of Thessalonia (Seleucia) (I – II).
Venerable Zechariah of Pechersky, the fasting man, in the Far Caves (XIII-XIV); mchch. Stephen and Peter Kazansky (1552); St. James, Bishop of Catan (Sicily) (VIII – IX).

Schmch. Vladimir Pankin, presbyter (1920).

Icon of the Mother of God: "Fat Mountain".

Saints of the day, pray to God for us!

Great Monday The church recalls several events from the New Testament: the curse of the barren fig tree and the parable of the two sons and the evil winegrowers,
symbolizing the Israelite people who denied Christ and every person who does not bear the good fruits of his life; as well as the Savior's prophecies about His coming sufferings. To this is added the remembrance of the Old Testament Joseph, as a type of Christ in His suffering and further victory.

The Gospels tell us that after the solemn entry into Jerusalem, on the same day, Jesus left the city for Bethany and spent the night there. Returning to Jerusalem in the morning, Christ was hungry. He went to a fig tree (i.e. a fig tree), but found no fruit on it. The Evangelist Mark explains this by the fact that it was not yet time to collect the figs. (Mark 11, 13)... And then the Savior said to the fig tree: may there be no fruit from you forever ... And the fig tree immediately withered (Matthew 21, 19).

John Chrysostom explains the Savior's deed in the following way: “ Christ always benefited and did not punish anyone, meanwhile He had to show Him the experience of His justice, so that both the disciples and the Jews would know that although He could dry up, like a fig tree, his crucifixes, yet he voluntarily gives Himself up to be crucified, and does not dry up their. He did not want to show this over people, but showed the experience of His justice over the plant ". Even earlier, the apostles wanted to ask their Master to give them the power to bring down the fire on the Samaritan village, in which they were not accepted. The Lord forbade them this, saying: you don't know what kind of spirit you are; for the Son of Man came not to destroy the souls of men, but to save (John 19: 55-56)... The Son of God, the Judge of the universe, only once manifested Himself in this capacity, and even then in relation not to a person, but to a soulless tree, which, moreover, according to legend, had already been eaten away by worms.

This miracle also has an important moral value for every person. At every moment, a person must be ready to meet God, so as not to be then spiritually empty and sterile. " Punishing the fig tree withered for sterility, being afraid, brothers, we will bring worthy fruits of repentance to Christ, who gives us great mercy ", - the Church prays on this day.

Having performed a miracle with a fig tree, the Savior came to the Jerusalem temple and taught the people there. Immediately, the chief priests and elders of the people approached Him and tried to catch Him in words. In response, Christ told them the parable of the evil winegrowers.

Talking in the temple, the Lord Jesus Christ, addressing the high priests, scribes and elders of the people, told them the following parable.

« There was a certain Master of the house who planted a vineyard, surrounded it with a fence, dug a winepress in it, built a tower, and, having given it to the vineyards, went away.
When the time of fruit was near, He sent His servants to the winegrowers to take His fruit. But the tenants, seizing His servants, beat one, killed another, and stoned the other.
He also sent other servants, more than the first. But they did the same with them.
Finally, He sent His only Son, beloved, to them, saying: "They will be ashamed of My Son."
But the tenants, seeing the Son, began to say among themselves: “This is the heir. Come, let us kill Him, and we will take possession of His inheritance. " And, seizing Him, they took him out of the vineyard and killed

Having told this parable, the Savior asked them: “ So when the Master of the vineyard comes, what will he do with these vineyards? »
They answered Him: “ these villains he will put to an evil death; and he will give the vineyard to other winegrowers, who will give him the fruit in their own time. ».

The story of evil winegrowers is also addressed to every person. How often do we ourselves try to kill God in ourselves and in the world around us, to arrange life without Him. About a monstrous void ( Behold, your house is left empty (Matt. 23, 38), - the Savior will say) and destruction ( there will be no stone unturned here ), which will remain in the soul after this " deicides”, And this parable warns. With every sin we crucify Christ again - one of the main motives of today's church worship. This also needs to be thought about and always remembered.

On the same day, the Church commemorates the Old Testament righteous man Joseph the Beautiful.

For his purity of life, he endured many sufferings: he was sold by his brothers, slandered by the wife of an Egyptian courtier, and was imprisoned. The Lord, however, saved His saint in all calamities. In the end, already Joseph, having become Pharaoh's adviser, himself saved his brothers and father forgiven by him from starvation. In this he became a type of Christ, who suffered much from people and was crucified by them, but who conquered death by his resurrection and, thereby, bestowed salvation to the human race.

Troparion on Great Monday
voice 8
Behold, the Bridegroom is coming in the midnight, / and blessed is the slave, he will find him vigilantly, / is unworthy of the pack, he will find him despondently. / Be careful, my soul, / do not be burdened by sleep, / let you not be betrayed to death, / and shut up the Kingdom outside, / but rise up calling: / Holy, Holy, Holy Thou art, God, / Have mercy on the Mother of God.

Saint Artemon (Artemy) of Thessalonica (Seleucia), bishop

Saint Artemon, Bishop of Seleucia, was born and lived in Seleucia of Pisidia (Asia Minor). He was pious and virtuous, therefore the holy Apostle Paul, having come to Seleucia, made Saint Artemon the first bishop of this city, as the most worthy. Saint Artemon wisely nourished the flock entrusted to him and earned himself the glory of the intercessor of the poor and persecuted. Saint Artemon died at a ripe old age.

(In the ancient Slavic calendar " Seleucian"written as" Seleoukinsky"from what came" Selone"However, in some Greek monuments, the saint is also called Thessalonica. St. Artemon (or Artemy) was designated in the meseeslov as either Seleucia or Thessalonian. In the second half of the 17th century, these two names were mistakenly attributed to different persons.)

Rev. Zechariah the Otversty

The Monk Zechariah the monk for his special care for the poor and strangers was nicknamed " hole". In the printed Menaion, his memory is designated as" Our Reverend Father Zechariah "- hence the erroneous division in the monthlove of Zechariah and the Monk Zechariah the monk.

Venerable Jacob of Catan (Sicilian), Bishop

The Monk James, bishop and confessor, from a young age strove for an ascetic life. Saint James left the world and withdrew to the Studite monastery, where he accepted monasticism. He led a harsh life of toil, fasting, and prayer. A pious monk and a remarkable connoisseur of Holy Scripture, the Monk James was elevated to the episcopal see in the Catanian Church (Sicily). During the reign of the iconoclastic emperor Constantine V Copronymus (741 - 775), Saint James was repeatedly forced to renounce the veneration of holy icons. He was tormented in prison, starved, tortured, but he courageously endured suffering. The holy bishop Jacob died in exile.

Venerable Zacharias of Pechersk

In the Pechersky monastery there is the following legend about Zechariah, the monk of the Pechersky. During the abbess of Blessed Nikon, two Kiev husbands, Sergius and John, once, praying before the miraculous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, they saw the great light emanating from her and immediately decided to conclude a spiritual brotherhood among themselves. Before his death, John gave Sergius his son Zacharias and a thousand grivnas of silver and one hundred grivnas of gold, so that he would give the silver and gold to Zacharias when he comes at a perfect age.

Zechariah, having reached the age of fifteen, asked Sergius for his inheritance, but he replied that his father, John, gave all his property to the poor, and left him nothing. Zacharias asked to give at least half or at least a third of the property left to him by his father, but Sergius reproachfully refused him. " If you did not take anything from my father's estate, - said the young man, - then go and swear to me in the Church of the Caves before the miraculous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, where you entered into an alliance of brotherly love with my father "Sergius came to the church and, standing in front of the icon of the Mother of God, with an oath said that he did not take either a thousand hryvnias of silver or a hundred hryvnias of gold. But the Mother of God punished him for a false oath. He could not approach the holy icon to kiss her. . And proceeding from the church doors, he suddenly began to cry: " Venerable Fathers Anthony and Theodosius, do not command this unmerciful Angel to destroy me, pray to the Most Holy Lady Theotokos, may she drive away from me many demons to whom I am devoted, let them take the silver and gold sealed in my house ". And all those who were here were in fear.

The messengers brought a sealed box and, opening, found in it two thousand hryvnias of silver and two hundred hryvnias of gold - twice as much as before. Then Zacharias, giving the money to John, who was at that time hegumen, asked him to use it as he wanted, and he himself took a monastic form and died in the Pechersk monastery. The handwritten short biography and the troparion in his canon conclude this legend with the fact that Zechariah, after taking monastic vows, made it a rule to eat nothing - neither baked nor boiled, until death, and ate a small amount of potion every day after the sun went down. He was so terrible for the demons that they were afraid even of his name. He often saw Angels, with whom after death he was vouchsafed to live in heaven forever. His memory is March 24.

Troparion of the Monk Zechariah, the fasting man of the Caves, in the Far Caves
voice 3
Fasting for the sake of your life, blessed Zachariah, / as the one who was received by the demons is a fortress, / pray to us the same wiles of excess, / receive forgiveness of sins / and great mercy.

Kontakion of the Monk Zechariah, the fasting man of the Caves, in the Far Caves
voice 1
In fasting, brightly as if shining / and a demon is terrible as if he appeared, / honestly Zachariah, / strengthen us with your prayers / have a fasting life / and get rid of demonic villainy / as if we please thee.

Martyr Stephen Kazansky

(Martyrs Stephen and Peter of Kazan)

Originally from the Tatars. Suffered from relaxing legs for 20 years. Having believed in Christ, he received healing and received St. baptism in 1552 after the capture of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible.
After the removal of the Russian army from the city of St. Stephen, for his firmness in the Christian faith, was hacked to pieces by his fellow tribesmen. His body was scattered, and his house was ransacked. At the same time he suffered for Christ in Kazan and St. martyr Peter.

Martyr Peter Kazansky

The Holy Martyr Peter of Kazan suffered along with the martyr Stephen from the Kazan Tatars for converting to Christianity from among Muslims. After the departure of the Russian troops, his relatives took him home by force and called him by his former Muslim name, hoping that he would renounce Christ. But to all the caresses and entreaties Saint Peter answered: " My father and mother are the glorified God in the Trinity: Father and Son and Holy Spirit ... If you believe in the Father and Son and Holy Spirit, then you are my relatives; in holy Baptism I was given the name Peter, and not what you call me ".

Seeing that he remained unshakable in the faith, the family gave him away to torture, during which until his death, amid severe torment, he did not stop confessing the Name of Christ, crying out: " Christian seven". The holy martyr was buried in Kazan at the place where there was an ancient church in honor of the Resurrection of Christ, which is at the Zhitny market.

Troparion to the Martyrs Stephen and Peter of Kazan
voice 4
The two martyrs are one of equal importance, / to Stephen and Peter of glory, / unbelief of fellow tribesmen denounced, / Christ followed naturally, / teaching in the Holy Trinity to believe in all, / Even for the sake of great suffering, accept, / pray for us to the Lord, / yes, delivered the darkness of sinful, / Let us be of the light of the community of the non-evening.

Kontakion to Martyrs Stephen and Peter of Kazan

voice 3
Passion-bearer saints Stephen and Peter, / Trinity champion of the most beautiful, / torment of anxiety and terrible death for eternal life replaced / in the city of Kazan, suffering, / now in the Heavenly devils to the All-coming Tsar, / from all sins of us / God pray that you save Christ, pray true statement.

Hieromartyr Priest Vladimir
(Pankin Vladimir Vasilievich, +06.04.1920)

Commemoration of March 24 and in the Council of New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church
Born in 1884 in the Nizhny Novgorod province into a peasant family. He graduated from the second-class parish teacher's school and worked as a teacher for some time.
On August 26, 1912, he was ordained deacon to the St. Nicholas Church in the village of Kopyevskoye, Tarsk district, Tobolsk province.
Subsequently, he was ordained a priest, served in the Transfiguration Church in the village of Blagoveshchenka (now the Zhambyl district of the North Kazakhstan region).
On April 6, 1920, he was shot by the Red Army and buried in an unknown grave.

Glorified by the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church in August 2000.

Icon of the Virgin "Fat Mountain"

About 250 - 300 years ago this icon was in one of the monasteries of Tver and was presented by the abbot to Kosma Volchaninov in gratitude for the well-executed work in the monastery church. This icon was passed down from generation to generation as a shrine, but one of the unfaithful grandson of Cosmas brought the dilapidated icon to the attic. His daughter-in-law endured many insults from her husband and his family. In desperation, the woman decided to commit suicide in an empty bath. On the way, a monk appeared to her and said: " Where are you, unhappy, going? Go back; go, pray to the Mother of God the Fat Mountain - and you will live well and peacefully ". The agitated young woman, returning home, told everything, not hiding her criminal intent. They began to look for the monk, but they did not find him, no one except her saw him. It happened on the eve of the feast of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos. The icon was immediately found in the attic, cleaned in the evening, the parish priest was invited, who performed the all-night vigil before the icon, which has since been held in the house every year on that day. For more than 150 years, the icon was in the Volchaninov family. Catherine, daughter of Vasily, the latter from the Volchaninov family, having married Georgy Ivanovich Konyaev, she took the icon of the Mother of God with her as the most precious heritage. house of Cosma Volchaninov).

In 1863, at the cemetery church of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God, it was decided to build a chapel in honor of St. Tikhon and the Monk Makarii Kalyazinsky. The then owner of the icon, Georgy Konyaev (+ 1868, aged 97), wished to transfer the celibate image of the Virgin to the temple. He turned to the clergy with a request to arrange another side-altar for the miraculous image of the Mother of God "Fat Mountain". At the same time, he said: " I think the best for her is the temple of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God, because the place on which the church was built was called a mountain in the old days, as the highest place in the city. In the past, during the floods, the inhabitants carried their property to this mountain and here they themselves were saved from destruction. May the Queen of Heaven - the Fat Mountain - rest with her grace on this mountain and cover all those buried here with Her mercy ". On July 15, 1866, the icon was transferred to the built side-altar, which the next day was consecrated by the Staritsk Bishop Anthony.

On the icon, the Most Holy Theotokos is depicted standing on a semicircular dais - a mountain; on Her left hand is the Divine Infant with a blessing right hand. On the head of the Mother of God is a crown, and in her hand is a small mountain, on which the top of the church with domes and crosses is visible.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos

Oh, all-merciful Lady our Most Holy Theotokos Mary! Look upon us your perishing servants, we are abominable behom, we are prodigal behom, we are abhorrent, and most of all prideful, but now we see all our abomination before the Lord's hair and are already worthy to appear before Him, and only to The Lady, as we invoke the Most Merciful Intercessor. O Mother of God, do not leave us in the sins of things. Our hopeless hope, renew us in repentance, raise us up to the fulfillment of the commandments of God, teach us in the Church of the Saints and make us worthy of the Holy Communion Life-giving and Divine and Terrible Mysteries; You must always pray for us your Son and God, for how much more can prayer be more motherly. And yes, ask Christ God for our bodily health, and as if the Most Merciful, grace our souls, send peace and good haste to all our neighbors, look upon our city that is protected by Your protection, show him a quick intercession from the miraculous and splendid holy icons of Yours, today I am grateful we kiss, and save him and all the hair of the gradient and weight and the whole Orthodox race from all unnecessary disasters; and repel the invasion of heresies from the language of foreigners that finds us, splits, ruin, strife and other divisions in the Church of God, as if with Your healing oil, anointing unfeigned love, manage securely, so that a peaceful and pious life will be our inheritance, and let us be honored with good words To hear Thy Son and our Judge under His rightful Judgment, to Him be glory and honor and worship with His beginningless Father and His All-Graceful Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer is different

To Thee, Lady, before Thy icon, bowing my proud neck in affection, I cry: Seaz, sinner, from the one who carries to the existing, would be called, but soon for my countless and vile sins I will again turn into the one who carries in hellish abysses; but out of the darkness of my fetid sins I pray to Ty, Abiding: save me, beg Thy Son to wait for the pack, so that vain death will not devour me this day, and yes, by His great mercy and with Your favorable, Most Pure, help, I will turn from darkness to Light, from pride to love for God, from unbelief to faith, from evil to good, from the abomination of sin to reverend; If it is impossible for a man to be able to be, then it is possible for God, and so from now on I will serve to glorify Thy Son, surrendering to His all-good will, so that I, too, may come according to the terrible judgment of Christ to the good and beloved sheep to feed Him into inherent joy and eternal life. Amen.

On April 6, the Orthodox Church commemorates Saint Artemy (Artemon) of Thessalonica, otherwise Seleucia.

Saint's life

The day of St. Artemy of Thessalonica has practically no biographical information. The life of this saint is practically not preserved. A small fraction can be gleaned from the Minology of Basil II (Synaxar of the Church of Constantinople) in the biographies of the saints created before Dmitry Rostovsky's Chetya-Minea.

According to this source, on April 6, the day of St. Artemy of Thessalonica is celebrated according to the new calendar. Saint Artemy (Artemon) of Thessalon himself was born at the end of the first - beginning of the second century AD in the city of Seleucia of Pisidia. This city was located on the territory of present-day Turkey.

The Apostle Paul, during his wanderings, arriving in Seleucia, turned his gaze to the extraordinary abilities of Artemius (Artemon), exceptional piety and other Christian virtues. It is they who are remembered on April 6, the day of St. Artemy of Thessalonica, when it is celebrated.

Leaving the city, the Apostle Paul entrusted Artemy with the rank of bishop, ordering him to be a spiritual father and mentor, protector and helper to all who suffer the truth and are lonely. In the rank of bishop, Saint Artemy (Artemon) was remembered by his contemporaries as a true Christian and the performer of many godly deeds. Artemy lived a decent life and died at a ripe old age.

Good deeds

The Greek name Artemy means healthy, unharmed. The Monk Artemy (Artemon) had the divine gift of healing. There are many facts about the deliverance of those suffering from serious ailments. To the bright image of the monk about miraculous help On April 6, the day of St. Artemy of Thessalonica, they turn to prayers for healing from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, before serious surgical operations. Orphans and widows are looking for his divine protection.
In view of the fact that personal prayers in the Orthodox service corpus of prayers to Saint Artemon of Thessaloniki, as one of the first Christians, have not survived, believers pray to the holy face with a common prayer, the order of the monks.
On April 6, the name day is also celebrated by Vladimir, Zachariah, Martin, Parfeny, Peter, Sever, Sevir, Sennufy, Stepan, Yakov.

Folk omens on April 6

People call the day of St. Artemy of Thessaloniki Artemy Deri the snake. It was assumed that it was high time to change from sleds to carts, otherwise the runners of the first would deteriorate, sliding along the ground.
If that day it was warm enough and the sun was shining, then frosts were expected to return.
At the same time, in the absence of snow on the ground that day, one could hope that it would not fall any more.
If it snowed again, a good grain harvest was expected.
Sharp warming to frost, which will pass quickly.
The warm night promised an early and fast spring.

Folk traditions April 6 (St. Artemy of Thessalon's Day)

Most of the rules for this day are associated with the coming Annunciation. People prepared for the good news, waited for it, and visited temples. In the church, they not only prayed, but also lit up the seeds, hoping for a future harvest. It was believed that attendance of the all-night service on this day was mandatory for unmarried girls. Thus, you can earn the favor of heavenly patrons and count on the imminent acquisition of a spouse. Also, on this day, they tried to clean the house in order to meet the good news in cleanliness.
Good deeds were welcomed. On April 6, folk traditions assumed the distribution of alms, including the transfer of gifts to prisoners in prisons. Thus, people hoped to pray for their deeds and, having repented during the service, to receive forgiveness.

On April 6, the Orthodox Church commemorates Saint Artemy (Artemon) of Thessalonica, otherwise Seleucia.

The day of St. Artemy of Thessalonica has practically no biographical information. The life of this saint is practically not preserved. A small part can be gleaned from the Minology of Basil II (Synaxar of the Church of Constantinople) in the biographies of the saints created before Dmitry Rostovsky's Chetya-Minea.

The Greek name Artemy means healthy, unharmed. The Monk Artemy (Artemon) had the divine gift of healing. There are many facts about the deliverance of those suffering from serious ailments. To the bright image of the monk about miraculous help On April 6, the day of St. Artemy of Thessalonica, they are addressed with prayers of healing from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, before serious surgical operations. Orphans and widows are looking for his divine protection.

In view of the fact that personal prayers in the Orthodox service corpus of prayers to St. Artemon of Thessaloniki, as one of the first Christians, have not survived, believers pray to the holy face with a common prayer, the order of the monks.

On April 6, the name day is also celebrated by Vladimir, Zachariah, Martin, Parfeny, Peter, Sever, Sevir, Sennufy, Stepan, Yakov.

April 6 is called the day of St. Artemy of Thessalonica among the people Artemy Deri the snake. It was assumed that it was high time to change from sleds to carts, otherwise the runners of the first would deteriorate, sliding along the ground.

If that day it was warm enough and the sun was shining, then frosts were expected to return.

At the same time, in the absence of snow on the ground that day, one could hope that it would not fall any more.

If it snowed again, a good grain harvest was expected.

Sharp warming to frost, which will pass quickly.

The warm night promised an early and fast spring.

Folk traditions April 6 (St. Artemy of Thessalon's Day)

Most of the rules for this day are associated with the coming Annunciation. People prepared for the good news, waited for it, and visited temples. In the church, they not only prayed, but also lit up the seeds, hoping for a future harvest. It was believed that attendance of the all-night service on this day was mandatory for unmarried girls. Thus, you can earn the favor of heavenly patrons and count on the imminent acquisition of a spouse. Also, on this day, they tried to clean the house in order to meet the good news in cleanliness.

Good deeds were welcomed. On April 6, folk traditions assumed the distribution of alms, including the transfer of gifts to prisoners in prisons. Thus, people hoped to pray for their deeds and, having repented during the service, to receive forgiveness.