Dreams about my husband's mistress. Why do you dream about your mistress? Dream Interpretation Mistress

Dream Interpretation from A to Z Lover, mistress

Seeing a lover in a dream for a girl who doesn’t even have a man, let alone a husband:
this is for a wedding as a result of a chance acquaintance with a young but broken lad who will make you a child without hesitation.

If in a dream you have a quarrel with your lover:
This means that in reality there will be a new fan whom you will give preference to over the current one.

If in a dream your lover is a unique example of inexhaustible male potency:
therefore, in reality, your sexual insatiability and dissatisfaction will result in the most extreme degree of irritability and dissatisfaction with everything and everyone, from which everyone around you, both at work and at home, will never suffer, not to mention your husband.

If, beyond your expectations, you see fleas on your lover in a dream:
this is a sign of the inconstancy of his feelings for you.

For a young woman to see her lover executed by hanging:
means that she will marry an unprincipled and soft-bodied brat.

To see your lover pale and emaciated in a dream:
foretells an accident that will happen to him on the eve of your engagement to him.

A dream in which you see your lover in prison striped clothes:
means that you will have a reason to be convinced that his intentions towards you are selfish in nature and ultimately pursue the goal of taking over your heart and your fortune.

A young woman has a dream in which her lover is disgusted with her:
foretells that she will fall in love with a person who is in no way suitable for her.

To have an animal as a lover in a dream, for example, a chimpanzee:
to failure everywhere and in everything.

If in a dream you show up with your lover in the company of friends:
this portends being involved in a scandalous incident and being ridiculed.

Convict your lover of cheating in a dream:
portends a clash of incompatible interests, as a result of which you will suffer significant losses.

Seeing yourself with your lover on a canopy bed in a luxuriously furnished bedchamber, either in the Eastern or Western European style of past eras:
such a dream means that in reality you will expose yourself to your husband.

Dream book of a modern woman Lover, mistress

To experience hostility towards your lover in a dream:
portends troubles associated with a person laying claim to you.

If you are in bed with a stranger:
your dissatisfaction will bring anxiety into the lives of those around you.

Love affair with an animal: portends constant failures and troubles.

If a man sees himself in a dream in the company of his mistress:
he faces scandals and public disgrace.

If his mistress is unfaithful to him:
clashes with old enemies and material losses are possible.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima Lover, mistress

Seeing a secret lover or mistress in a dream:
a harbinger of mental anxiety. Most often we are talking about family problems, but often such dreams can foreshadow a general deterioration and problems in business.

If in a dream you have several lovers at once:
the dream signals that some of your feelings and thoughts are in conflict. If you fail to put your thoughts and plans in order in the near future, a streak of failures may await you.

To see a lover or mistress in some unpleasant image:
is a warning that carelessness and irresponsibility can soon have a very bad effect on the course of your life.

Eastern dream book Lover, mistress

If you dreamed that you had a lover, but this was not true:
you should seriously think about whether everything is fine in your relationship with your spouse. Behind external well-being, reticence, misunderstanding and, as a consequence, alienation are often hidden.

For a married woman, a dream in which she secretly meets with a man:
means: she feels that she is not in demand as a person. Perhaps, having gotten married and devoting herself to her family, she abandoned hobbies and activities that allowed her to realize herself.

A dream in which you experience pleasure from intimacy with your lover:
warns: you may go too far and bring disaster to your family. You need to decide what is more important to you.

Newest dream book Lover, mistress

See yourself in this role: to fulfill this piquant situation in reality.

Dream hint: for a more successful and quick recovery, you need to make love with your regular partner.

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Lover, mistress

For a girl to see a lover in a dream:
to a quick and successful marriage, for a woman

For a man to see his mistress in a dream:
warning: your passion, impulsiveness or excessive emotionality can result in big problems or scandals for you.

Do you want to be a mistress or lover in a dream:
to difficulties in business and financial problems.

Dream interpreter Lover, mistress

To see a lover or mistress in a dream:
marks an unpleasant memory of the past, also means shame and dishonor.

Dream Interpretation 2015 Lover, mistress

Lover, mistress:
consider only together with other symbols and your feelings.

Modern dream book Lover, mistress

For a young girl to see a lover in a dream:
for the upcoming wedding after a short acquaintance with a young persistent guy.

If a mature woman sees herself in a dream, hotly hugging her lover:
this speaks of her dissatisfaction in real life and secret desires.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita Lover, mistress

Lover (mistress) talk to him (her) or see: happy marriage.

Slavic dream book Lover, mistress

Lover to see: to immediate shame.

Universal dream book Lover, mistress

The safest sex you can have is sex in your dreams, because dreams and thoughts cannot be a crime:
Are you missing close relationships in your life?

What qualities or traits characterize your lover in a dream?:
are these aspects of your personality that you would like to develop? Perhaps your secret desires are expressed in a dream? Do you know the person you are making love to in your sleep or not?

If this is a person with whom you had some relationship, but whom you no longer see or think about:
perhaps the dream speaks of your desire to resolve some unresolved issues and bury the relationship or, conversely, the desire to return everything.

If your lover in a dream is a stranger:
perhaps you want to make your sex life more exciting.

If your lover in a dream is a family member:
it means you would like to be more closely connected with this person, to become closer to him.

Some scientists argue that people are just walking, talking organic formations in which incredible chemical reactions occur:
your dream lover could be a product of testosterone, progesterone and androgen surging through your body and stimulating your imagination.

Family dream book Lover, mistress

If a woman dreams that she does not like her lover:
and in real life this person can cause her trouble.

If in a dream she sees a stranger in her bed:
her dissatisfaction will cause concern to all relatives.

A man who saw himself with his mistress in a dream: may be subject to public disgrace.

A woman who saw herself as a concubine: will humiliate herself with indecent behavior.

Lover's infidelity: dreams of a clash with old enemies.

English dream book Lover, mistress

Conversation in a dream with a person of this kind:
threatens you with many troubles. For a variety of reasons, you risk losing yourself, your face, sliding down, degenerating and, of course, suffering greatly from this. This is an extremely unpleasant dream.

Dream book for the whole family Lover, mistress

Lover (mistress):
you will be drawn to adventures, there will be a desire to diversify your personal life. But folk wisdom says that a bird in the hand is better... Be careful, you can lose what you have - and not gain anything better.

Sometimes a woman who is not in a relationship in reality sees a dream about her husband’s mistress. In this case, the dream should be considered as a sign of serious troubles. This is a warning that in reality the envious person is trying to push you aside and take your place. In the near future, you should not show gullibility and excessive generosity.

Dream Interpretation Love triangle (husband-wife-lover-tsa) - The plot in a dream plays out for a man the relationships of his affairs and their interconnection, while for a woman it is a reflection of her emotional state, changes in mood, anxiety and fears.

Mistress - For a man to dream that he is in the company of his mistress, foreshadows the threat of public shame, which will overshadow his true character and state of affairs. Why does a mistress dream - For a woman to see herself as a concubine in a dream means that she will humiliate herself with indecent behavior. Why do you dream about a mistress - If a man sees in a dream that his mistress is unfaithful to him, this means a clash that will happen in reality with old enemies.

For a wife to see her husband kissing another woman in a dream, foretells an unpleasant story with her (the wife) in the leading role. It may be wiser to decline an offer from friends or business partners. Then you will be able to avoid troubles and losses. The English dream book insists that communication in a dream with a husband’s mistress is fraught with many troubles for a wife. This dream certainly has an unpleasant meaning for the wife. He predicts her moral decline and degradation in relationships. Miller's dream book also has an interpretation of the dream that the husband has a mistress. Why does my husband dream about this? No good! He faces public disgrace, which will seriously worsen his affairs. And if a mistress is unfaithful to her husband in a dream, then in reality he will encounter long-forgotten enemies. This meeting will bring him nothing but losses.

Seeing your husband's pregnant mistress in a dream means fear of his returning to her. This dream most likely has a psychological basis, nerves and fear. No need to worry. As well as about the dream about the husband’s child being shared with his mistress. Of course, a child in a dream means problems. But these are not necessarily problems due to a mistress. You need to make every effort to find out the situation about the presence of a mistress and the seriousness of their relationship with her husband.

For a woman to beat her husband’s mistress in a dream, it is inappropriate to show excessive jealousy in reality, for which there was no reason. Such behavior will only scare the husband and make him feel negative towards his wife.

Another interesting option is this. My husband dreamed that he had a mistress. But in reality he is faithful. So, this is a sign that marriage requires attention, and the husband needs love. You just need to devote more time to it.

The dream book interprets: an unmarried girl dreams of a mistress as a bad sign that foreshadows life’s difficulties in real life. The girl will need to be strong in order to live through the difficult period with dignity.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, beating a rival in the plot is a rather bad sign, foreshadowing a conflict in the family, which can lead to divorce. If you had a dream in which you had to beat your opponent - don’t be overconfident. This detail, seen in a dream, may indicate the real presence of a mistress in the life of your spouse.

This dream interpreter interprets the plot with his mistress as a signal that the woman still has time to save her family. Felomena's dream book advises to be more restrained and try to add some variety to everyday life.

I had a dream on Sunday. My husband brings his mistress’s daughter (she exists in real life) to our home, but the girl looks older than the age she is now. A girl and a kitten are running up the stairs. After some time, the husband's mistress comes. I look at the stairs and see that the kitten has already grown up and, seeing me, runs down the stairs.

Please explain the dream I see my husband in a dream so cheerful talking to me and suddenly his mistress walks, stands in the distance and is silent, I tell her to go away, he’s already tired of you, before that I dreamed we were walking down the street, he started shooting somewhere, I saw her standing in the distance with her daughter

A dream about a mistress is a sign of mental anxiety, which can be associated both with family life and with the deterioration of other matters. If the appearance of your dreamed lover looks strange or unpleasant, this is a sign that irresponsibility and a frivolous attitude to business can have a very bad effect on your entire life.

If you dreamed that your husband or boyfriend had a girlfriend on the side, the Modern Dream Book considers what you saw in a dream to be a shapeshifter. In reality, relationships are filled with the joy of love, harmony and fidelity. The problem often lies in the dreamer’s self-esteem: deep down, she is not sure that she deserves happiness.

It is extremely rare that the plot should be taken literally and the spouse should be suspected of infidelity. Much more often, a mistress in night dreams reveals the secrets of the subconscious to the dreamer herself. Interpretations help to decipher these signs.

Oddly enough, not only a lover, but also a father can become the object of jealousy. The mistress in this case personifies alienation and indifference on the part of the father, which are quite upsetting and suggestive.

If the dreamer dreams of a lover who does not actually exist, this means misunderstanding and alienation in relations with his wife or lover, awareness of his own lack of demand. If in a dream intimacy with your mistress gives you satisfaction, this is a warning that a relationship with her can harm your real family life.

For a man to dream that he is in the company of his mistress, foreshadows the threat of public disgrace, which will overshadow his true character and state of affairs. If a man sees in a dream that his mistress is unfaithful to him, this means a clash that will happen in reality with old enemies. As a result of this, losses await him.

It’s rare that a representative of the fair sex will be pleased to see her rival in a dream. It is not surprising that, having escaped from the clutches of Morpheus, she will immediately rush to find out why her husband’s mistress is dreaming. The easiest way to do this is to look in the dream book. The resulting transcript is, as a rule, general, but this may be enough to create a complete picture.

Among other things, the husband’s mistress is a kind of illusion about a number of facts in the husband’s biography, which the wife is not even aware of. The matter equally concerns both past and present life. Moreover, the conversation is far from being about some little things. The problem is global. Digging deeper, the dreamer may discover that her betrothed has illegitimate children (quite possibly conceived after their marriage) or huge debts, for which he can be sent to prison or rolled into concrete, depending on who he owes to.

According to the teachings of Sigmund Freud, a husband’s mistress often comes to female representatives in a dream with a bad conscience, i.e. the woman herself has either already cheated on her husband or is thinking about it. The brain constructs the husband’s infidelity to diminish the guilt of his mistress.

A mistress in a dream can be seen by a woman whose relationship with her partner is not going well. For example, the latter stopped paying her enough attention or became cold in bed. It is not surprising that the brain first perceived this as the appearance of a new love object in a man’s life.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations and assess your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about the Mistress in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Mistress?

Everyday dream book

Why do you dream about the Mistress, interpretation:

What does it mean to see a Mistress in a dream? Mistress - If you dream of a mistress, you should think about whether everything is so smooth in your personal life, whether your relationship with your real friend satisfies you.

Angelic dream book

Why do you dream of a Mistress according to the dream book:

If you dream about your mistress, you should think about whether everything is so smooth in your personal life, whether your relationship with your real friend satisfies you.

By the way, it is quite possible that it is your soulmate who is not satisfied with your relationship, and therefore if you like everything, you should talk to her frankly - it is likely that you will learn a lot of new things about yourself.

If you saw a lover as a married man in a dream - such a dream means that you feel uncomfortable in your family, maybe you feel unclaimed, you feel that you are not respected or appreciated.

If you had a dream in which you meet your lover and get very vivid and intense emotions from these meetings, think about the fact that in reality your hobbies can lead to bad consequences, and even catastrophic ones, if you fail to stop in time.

It’s worth deciding who or what is more of a priority for you, your wife or hobby (mistress, computer, car, gambling, and so on).

If a woman dreams that she is the mistress of a married man, then such a dream speaks of a big, but unrealized dream, the fulfillment of which you no longer even think about.

Dream Interpretation of A. Pushkin

Seeing a Mistress in a dream:

Lover - Seeing a beautiful lover or beloved in a dream is a special gift to the dreamer’s inner world. Image means accepting self-esteem and recognizing true inner values.

Adaskin's Dream Book

Why do you dream about the Mistress, what is it for:

Anyone who watches in a dream how his spouse has sex with his mistress (lover) should be wary of gossip in reality.

To dream that you yourself have violated marital fidelity is a sign of a trial, because of which your life will turn into a real nightmare.

For a man to see his mistress in a dream - to revitalization in a relationship, to a new outbreak of love, but also to the threat of public shame. If a man dreams of his alleged mistress, in reality he will be able to achieve the fulfillment of his plans and desires only by showing willpower. Finding out or seeing that your mistress is unfaithful to you means a clash with old enemies; to see that a stranger is hugging her means losing her best friend.

Although modern society is quite tolerant of adultery, extramarital affairs are usually hidden. who is in an intimate relationship with a married man is condemned; disclosure of the fact of infidelity often becomes the reason for divorce.

Most classical dream books interpret the appearance of a mistress in a dream as a harbinger of very unpleasant events associated with the condemnation of others. In addition, such a dream may be a sign of dissatisfaction with your intimate life.

Dream book of Gustav Hindman Miller. Interpretation of the dream “Mistress”

A dream in which you are in the company of your mistress is a harbinger of public disgrace, against the background of which his current state of affairs and character will have no meaning. If your mistress cheats on you in a dream, you will face losses as a result of clashes with old enemies.

If a woman dreams that she is someone's lover, she will put herself in a humiliating position with her indecent behavior. Seeing any animal in the role of a mistress is a sign of endless trouble.

Modern dream book. Mistress - what does such a dream mean?

If the dreamer dreams of a lover who does not actually exist, this means misunderstanding and alienation in relations with his wife or lover, awareness of his own lack of demand. If in a dream intimacy with your mistress gives you satisfaction, this is a warning that a relationship with her can harm your real family life.

Dream book of Sigmund Freud. A mistress in a dream - why would that be?

A dreamed lover represents an awareness of one’s own guilt and a desire to change the situation, but the result of these changes will be a new lover. If a woman dreamed of her sexual partner’s mistress, this indicates her increased jealousy, as well as attempts to calm her far from sinless conscience.

Dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Winter. I dreamed about my mistress - what to expect?

A dream about a mistress is a sign of mental anxiety, which can be associated both with family life and with the deterioration of other matters. If the appearance of your dreamed lover looks strange or unpleasant, this is a sign that irresponsibility and a frivolous attitude to business can have a very bad effect on your entire life.


A dream about a mistress can have different interpretations, depending on whether it was dreamed by a man or a woman, and also on whether the mistress actually exists. In young men of an erotic nature they can appear against the background of increased hormonal levels and, regardless of the partner who appears in them, they do not have much significance.

If a married dreamer dreams of a non-existent mistress, this indicates a lack of demand in the family or in the service. A dream about a real lover is a warning about possible troubles and unwanted publicity of events.

If a woman sees herself in the role of a mistress, this is also a call for caution and possible troubles, especially in the family. A frequent subject of dreams is the husband's mistress. If you know for sure that it exists, such a dream speaks of your uncertainty in family relationships. If these are just your suspicions, most likely your husband will have new things to do and hobbies.

In contact with

Each of us has our own life and our own dreams, but the plots are similar and repetitive. Each of our dreams is a message from higher powers, a hint of something.

Especially if the dream is unusual, haunting and disturbing - why is it dreaming? One of these striking cases is if a woman dreams of her husband’s mistress. Not a pleasant dream, I have to admit. But it is important for interpretation, and carries valuable information. If you had such a dream, the interpreter will help you figure out what’s what and give valuable advice. But first you need to consider some details. For example:

  • Seeing your spouse's non-existent mistress.
  • I dreamed about another woman who really existed.
  • She was pregnant.
  • Swear at her or even beat her.
  • In a dream, to be someone’s mistress.
  • A man has a dream.

Such dreams are unpleasant, but pay attention to them - perhaps, thanks to a dream, you can change your real life for the better. So, why do you dream about your husband’s mistress? Let’s ask the dream book.

She dreamed

Treason, alas, happens not only in melodramas, but also in our lives. You can fight them, you can put up with them or prevent them, but dreams are a special phenomenon, nothing in them depends on us. What does the Universe want to tell us if it sends such a vision?

As the dream book says, your husband’s mistress, if in fact she does not exist in reality, is a reflection of your fear and uncertainty. You are simply afraid, that’s all! And you cannot be sure that your loved one will always be faithful only to you. This fear does not entail anything good, understand this.

Instead of being afraid, start working. Become the kind of woman from whom no one will ever leave for another. Become the kindest, most loving and wise person, do everything so that your spouse rushes to you after work, and there will be absolutely nothing to be afraid of!

If you happened to not only see her, but also talk to her, as if nothing had happened, this dream indicates your behavior and self-esteem in reality. You don't always value yourself and your qualities, and you underestimate yourself a little. Perhaps you need to work on your self-esteem and value yourself more.

A real-life husband's mistress in a dream, with whom you or even had to beat her, indicates a lack of peace and harmony in your family. To avoid quarrels, be softer and wiser. Remember that reproaches and expressing your dissatisfaction will not change the situation for the better. You still feel powerless - and find nothing else but to express dissatisfaction. Talk to wise women, especially older ones, and seek advice. You can solve the problem!

If you dreamed about your ex-spouse's woman, you are still in the past and worried. And life – it’s happening right now! Think about the past from an analytical point of view, think about what you did wrong. Find out exactly how to behave, what to change so that the mistakes of the past are not repeated, and such problems never happen in your life again. But just thinking and worrying is completely useless. Learn from your own experience, it is very valuable.

Try to abstract yourself from the plot of the dream and delve a little into yourself. You will be able to understand a lot! And remember, happiness is only in your hands. This may seem a little banal truth, but it is the pure truth!