Electronic library of medical literature. Medical books. What is medicine

When purchasing textbooks for medical students, it is important to pay special attention, due to the fact that in each manual the style of presentation of the text and the reliability of the information presented play a big role. Today, stores offer a lot of popular science literature, where the theoretical part and the described treatment methods are not always verified by professional doctors. Therefore, it is important to purchase medical literature for doctors and students in specialized stores.

In the online store Medknigaservice There is a wide selection of textbooks on medicine for students. These books are popular among doctors not only during training, but also during work. Buying a manual is quite simple, since all the books on the website are structured according to the areas in which the medical student specializes. Of all the manuals presented on the online store website, it is worth highlighting the pharmacology textbook. This is a book that should be on the desk of every medical school student, since every area of ​​medicine is in one way or another connected with medicines, and therefore everyone future doctor should study more than one book on medicine.

Educational literature for students of medical universities will help each student find important information for themselves, master the profession: consolidate the knowledge they have already acquired and learn something new that they can put into practice. You can purchase books for medical students at an affordable price on the online store website Medknigaservice.

The main idea that runs like a red thread through all of Allen Carr's books is the eradication of fear. Indeed, his talent and his efforts as a writer and therapist are aimed at helping everyone cope with the anxieties and fears that prevent them from living and enjoying life to the fullest. This is clearly demonstrated by his books, which have become bestsellers in many countries around the world: “The Easy Way to Quit Smoking”, “The Only Way to Quit Smoking Forever”, “The Easy Way to Lose Weight”, “How to Help a Teenager Quit Smoking” and others. Formerly a highly qualified and highly successful accountant, Allen Carr was a heavy smoker and smoked hundreds of cigarettes a day. This habit threatened to destroy his entire life, until in 1983, after countless and unsuccessful attempts to quit smoking, he finally discovered his own way to get rid of this addiction once and for all. Allen Carr developed his own method of quitting nicotine, now known throughout the world as “The Easy Way to Quit Smoking.” His method, demonstrating phenomenal effectiveness, has gained recognition among specialists, gained wide popularity and enjoys enormous success in many countries around the world. Allen Carr has created a worldwide network of clinics whose specialists help smokers quit smoking and cope with their addiction. Allen Carr's books have been published in more than twenty languages ​​in many countries around the world. Tens of thousands of people turned to his clinics for help; the number of patients who quit smoking thanks to the use of his method exceeds 95% of the total number of those who sought help. Allen Carr clinics give every smoker a guarantee of recovery from nicotine addiction and a guarantee of a refund of money spent on treatment in case of failure. A complete list of Allen Carr clinics is provided at the end of this book.

As fate would have it (or coincidence, if you prefer), the author of this book worked as a morgue orderly from a young age. That is, day after day he buried his people. Personal experience He depicts this extreme craft in the novel in such a way that it does not let the reader go from the first to the last chapter. Together with the author and his hero, we are looking for the answer to the question: who is the orderly? Unskilled technical worker staffing table somewhere near the wiper? Or Charon, fulfilling a higher purpose, a guide leading a person on his final journey? Everyone has their own book. And your answers to these questions...

This book describes in detail the famous system of the great health teacher Paul Bragg. “I am healthy 365 days a year, I don’t have any pain, fatigue, or frailty of my body. And you can achieve the same results!” - wrote Paul Bragg. He believed that a person has the right and obligation to live to 120 years or more.

The Bragg Field system is based on the principles of natural healing: cleansing fasting, rational nutrition, physical exercise, hardening, correct mental attitude. The implementation of this set of health measures can guarantee the return of health to the practitioner.

Before you is the most complete and systematically built plan for a happy and long life, thanks to which you can reach a very respectable age without problems.

The overwhelming number of diseases that plague us today are the result of our wrong thinking. What we think literally affects our mental and physical health. An epidemic of chaotic thinking has plagued today's culture. And the main danger of disordered thoughts is that they create fertile soil for any illness. Dr. Caroline Leaf's recommendations are based on scientific, including medical, research. They provide models of correct thinking that will lead to inner integrity and physical health. Caroline shows you the "switch" device in your brain that can help you become happier and healthier. You will be able to enjoy life, achieve your goals, manage your thoughts. You might even become a lot smarter! By following her 21-Day Brain Detox Plan step by step, you will learn to replace destructive thoughts in your head with beneficial ones!

Living for his own pleasure and not bothering himself with other people's problems, a rich and successful, talented plastic surgeon, whom half of Moscow's elite consider it lucky to get to see, suddenly finds himself in the body of a frail teenager in the 16th century. He lives with his grandmother, a herbalist, in the forests on the border of the future Novgorod and Tver regions. But his restless spirit and knowledge give him the opportunity to break out of the usual fate of such a person at that time. Ironically, because of his knowledge and strange behavior, he is accepted as the missing scion of a noble family, as a result, using his knowledge, he quickly climbs the career ladder and three years later becomes the personal physician of the Tsar - Ivan the Terrible. He manages to save the king and his eldest son from poisoning, which radically changes the history of our country. But now he is acquiring many secret and overt enemies. Will he be able to cope with them? Whether his layman's advice will help him cope with numerous enemies seeking to tear off their piece of the future empire will be known in this book.

Eat what you want, enjoy your food and stay slim - this guarantees you a unique and effective method Allen Carr. Lose weight without dieting, counting calories, or using willpower. The nutrition program developed by Allen Carr will allow you to enjoy the taste of food, satisfy your hunger and lose weight. Thanks to this program you will be able to:

Have your favorite foods and dishes;

Follow your habits;

Avoid remorse;

Enjoy the taste of fresh food;

Get rid of diseases of the digestive system;

Explore your own preferences and discover new tastes;

Trust your appetite.

Mirzakarim Sanakulovich Norbekov – Doctor of Psychology, Doctor of Pedagogy, Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine, professor, full member and corresponding member of a number of Russian and foreign academies, founder and president of the Institute of Human Self-Healing, holder of a black belt in Sam-Chong-Do and a black belt in Kyokushinkai (3rd dan), author of several famous books that have helped many people.

He is the creator of a unique educational and health system that has restored the joy of a healthy, fulfilling life to millions of people. The International Association of Independent Medical Experts found this system to be the most effective among the alternative health systems known in 1998.

Under the leadership of Norbekov, the Institute of Human Self-Healing was founded in 1998 to conduct courses according to his system. To date, courses on the Norbekov system are being held in more than 200 cities in Russia, the CIS countries, the Baltic countries, the USA, Canada, Germany, England, Israel, New Zealand, Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Italy and more than 2,100,000 people are enrolled in them Human.

The secret of this man is simple - he is an expert in the art of winning. His main talent is knowledge of human nature and the ability to Love!

The book “The Experience of a Fool, or the Key to Insight,” which has become a bestseller, is not just a manual for accelerated learning to restore vision, not just a treatise on philosophy for a chronically ill loser, but rather a guide to action.

Literature on medicine will help you maintain your health in good shape.

We all know very well the call from doctors not to self-medicate. Our editors advise you to listen to the advice of specialists and treat your health with full responsibility. We just bring to your attention medical reference literature that gives advice on improving the health of our body.

What is medicine?

In order to better understand the medical topic. You should know well what medicine actually does. Medicine is a whole complex of scientific achievements aimed at preserving a person’s physical and mental health, strengthening the body and preventing diseases.

History of the development of medicine as a science

Since ancient times, knowledge in the medical field has been accumulated, passed on from generation to generation, drug recipes and signs of illness began to be recorded and systematized. Thus, in Egypt, during excavations, papyri were discovered with ancient methods of treatment carried out at temples. The priests were thus also healers.

Medicine experienced an unprecedented flourishing in Ancient Greece and Rome. Prominent figures in medicine, such as Hippocrates, Herophilus and Claudius Galen, did a great job of studying the structure of man, the functioning of his vital organs and the treatment of infectious diseases.

In the Middle Ages, the accumulation of knowledge continued, but in other countries and on other continents. In particular, the Arabs achieved significant success in treating people and animals. Thanks to the patronage of sheikhs and Islamic rulers, they were able to conduct experiments and advance medical science forward.

The most famous Arab physician is Abu Ali ibn Sin. He left to his descendants the most useful literature on health: “The Canon of Medical Science”, “Poem about Medicine”, “ Medicines"and other medical reference books.

In Europe, after the decline of antiquity and the rise of Christianity, medical matters belonged to the clergy. Hospitals were located at churches and monasteries. Doctors also conducted research there.

The Swiss physician Paracelsus deserves special attention. For the first time he called for the recognition of medicine as a science. He began to systematize his accumulated knowledge in this area, as well as the works of other scientists.

Medicine was formed as a science only in the 19th century.. During this period, it acquired the form known to us through accumulated knowledge and practical experience, and developed the main theses and treatment methods.

What can you read about medicine in our online library?

Nowadays, the literature on medicine is more diverse than ever before. There are books for specialists, and others for a wide range of readers who care about their health. We suggest reading these popular books on this vital topic:

  1. Allen Carr;
  2. Evgenia Shuvalova;
  3. Caroline Leaf;
  4. Igor Danilov;
  5. Sergei Bubnovsky and other books.

Our life: age-related changes, polluted air, products filled with “chemicals”, poor radioactive background and many other factors are not conducive to improving health.

Visits to the doctor are, of course, necessary, but some advice, such as how to quickly quit smoking, what foods are best to eat, what exercises you need to do when various diseases may be found in medical literature . Read books about health to prolong and improve your life!

This section of the site – “Library” – contains special medical literature. For convenience, the books are divided into categories. The project “Medical Library WebMedInfo”, starting from its very first day in 2005, has an exclusively educational goal.

Please also note that all e-books posted on this site for informational purposes only. If you are the author or own exclusive rights to this material, you can at any time express your disagreement with the publication of the material on our website by sending an email to the editor and attaching copies of documents confirming your rights. It will be removed as soon as possible.

After reading the free electronic version of the book, we strongly recommend that you purchase it from online or an offline store in electronic or paper form, since the author’s work should be rewarded. By buying books, you encourage the author to work on new textbooks and teaching aids.

If you want to buy medical literature: books, textbooks at a low price with delivery throughout Russia and even abroad, then we recommend that you turn your attention to the online store Labirint.ru .

The book “Practical ECG” with the basics of pharmacotherapy was written for clinic doctors in a new specialty - “General Medical Practice”.

The book makes an attempt to move away from the vector theory of the ECG, as complex and difficult to remember, using an original technique developed by the author. In addition, the book contains a unique ECG archive with its transcript, which was collected by the author since 1976 while working on the country's first cardiac intensive care unit, sometimes in the first minutes and hours of an attack.

Name: Respiratory system. Short review.
Khodorovsky A.

The respiratory system is an amazing mechanism through which oxygen from the external environment enters every cell of our body, while moving in the opposite direction carbon dioxide. This system is such a complex complex of organs that their thorough study will take many more decades. Knowledge of the basic anatomy, physiology and pathological processes of the respiratory system will be useful to every educated person, and even more so to a professional.

In this brief overview The main issues relating to the respiratory system are covered in a unique form, which will become another building block in the foundation of your knowledge.

Format: PDF.
Pages: 27 pp.
The year of publishing: 2013
Archive size: 1.8 MB.

Name: Modern methods treatment of surgeons' hands and surgical field.
Balatsky D.V., Davtyan N.B.

Compiled in accordance with the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules SP 3.1.2485-09 and the “World Health Organization Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care” 2006.

Format: PDF.
Pages: 36 pp.
The year of publishing: 2012
Archive size: 17.5 MB.

The book was written by employees of the Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education. The authors have developed a differential diagnostic algorithm that takes into account almost all the main issues that arise during an echocardiographic study. The book is unique in its own way, since it contains not only text and illustrative parts, but also a video medium on which all the clinical situations described in the text are presented.

The monograph presents extensive practical experience in conducting load tests with a demonstration of the real capabilities and limitations of the method. The authors used illustrative clinical examples and analyzed the most common errors and difficulties that arise during stress testing.

Name: Cardiac arrhythmias: symmetry, golden ratio.
Dobrykh V.A.

In this book, normal rhythm, basic arrhythmias and cardiac conduction disorders are considered from the point of view of the relationship of chronobiological symmetry / dissymmetry. Known facts are analyzed from new “symmetry” positions and data from our own original research are presented.

The book may be of interest to general practitioners and cardiologists, clinical and theoretical researchers in the field of physiology and pathology of the cardiovascular system, as well as to students of medical and biological faculties and anyone interested in cardiology.

Format: PDF.
Pages: 138 pp.
The year of publishing: 2011
Archive size: 1.12 MB.

The book outlines contemporary issues pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus, its clinical manifestation, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of vascular complications. The book went through 5 editions in the original language. It was prepared by one of the leading foreign diabetes specialists in a clear and convenient form for both the doctor and the patient.