Beautiful quotes about friendship. Quotes, aphorisms, sayings about friendship. tips on how to relieve stress and nervous tension without alcohol

The important thing is not that you can always have your friend's back, but that your friends can always have your back.

A good friend will support you in difficult times, a great friend will pretend not to notice anything.

Friendship is based on the similarity of characters and interests in a common joint endeavor, and not on the pleasure that you receive from the personality of the other.


People can drink together, they can live under the same roof, they can make love, but only engaging in idiocy together indicates true spiritual and emotional intimacy.

"Eva Rapoport"

Like-mindedness creates friendship.


Selfishness is poison to friendship.

"Honore de Balzac"

The deepest friendship gives rise to the bitterest enmity

"Michel de Montaigne"

Attract friends to you through good deeds. This is the meaning of true friendship.


A friend who is useless to his friend becomes a stranger to him.

"Paul Henri Holbach"

The Lord has given us relatives, but we, thank God, are free to choose our own friends.

"Ethel Mumford"

Only a friend's hand can tear the thorns out of the heart.

"Claude-Adrian Helvetius"

Throughout my life, I have become convinced that conversations with friends take up the most and most imperceptible time; friends are the great robbers of time.

"Francesco Petrarca"

Remember, friend: it is more difficult to find a Friend than a girlfriend.

"Lope de Vega"

There cannot be long friendship, subordination, comradeship where one does not adapt to the other.

"Francesco Guicciardini"

Love can be unrequited. Friendship - never.

"Janusz Wisniewski"

True friends are those who have “one soul in two bodies.”

"Michel Montaigne"

We love our friends for their flaws.

"William Hazlitt"

The highest honor that friends can give me is to follow my teaching in their lives, or to fight against it to the end if they do not believe in it.

"Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi"

A best friend is a person who will tell you everything that he doesn’t like about you, and tell everyone that you are the most wonderful person in the world.

The name friend sounds everyday, but friendly loyalty is rare.

When I was a child, there were no mobile phones or the Internet, but I always knew where my friends were.

I had many friends with whom I shared my time, but very few with whom I shared my heart

Friendship multiplies joys and crushes sorrows.

"Henry George Bon"

Get me out of my difficulty first, my friend, and then you will read the moral lesson.

"Jean Lafontaine"

Leave three times more for your friends than for yourself. For yourself, preserve at least a grain of pristine purity of heart.

"Hong Zichen"

A true friend is the greatest of blessings and at the same time the blessing that one least thinks about acquiring.

"Francois de La Rochefoucauld"

Who will tell me the truth about me, if not a friend.

"Vissarion Belinsky"

There is no greater joy than seeing friends, no greater sorrow than separation from friends.


A rich man has companions and hangers-on, a powerful man has courtiers, a man of action has comrades, and they are also his friends.

"Andre Maurois"

A true gentleman is never a warm friend.

"Edmund Burke"

A true friend is like a bra: close to the heart and always supportive.

A friendship that ended never really began.


Enemies always tell the truth, friends never.

A true friend should be our second self; he will never demand anything from a friend other than what is morally beautiful; Friendship is given to us by nature as an assistant in virtues, and not as a companion in vices.

Friendship penetrates the lives of all people, but to maintain it, sometimes you have to endure insults.

Aphorisms about friendship

Keep your distance from your enemies and be careful with your friends. A true friend is a strong defense: whoever finds him has found a treasure. There is no price for a faithful friend and there is no measure of his kindness.

In our business there cannot be half friends. Half friend is always half enemy.

Books are our last friends, who do not deceive us, always stay with us and do not reproach us with our old age.

"Emil Fage"

It is not so difficult to die for a friend as to find a friend who would be worth dying for.

"Edward Bulwer-Lytton"

Friendship warms the soul, a dress warms the body, and the sun and stove warm the air.

"Kozma Prutkov"

A friend in power is a lost friend.

"Henry Adams

You don't have to be a dog to be a true friend

Friendship can only be strong with maturity of mind and age.

Having been deceived by friends, we can indifferently accept the manifestations of their friendship, but we must sympathize with them in their misfortunes.

"Francois de La Rochefoucauld"

Having many friends means having none.

"Erasmus of Rotterdam"

The cat is the most faithful friend! He won't tell anyone how you eat at night! He will eat with you!

True friends exist only in childhood. So naive... They don’t yet know flattery, betrayal, envy...

Human friendship in most cases sprouts with many prickly ifs and buts and eventually turns into ordinary friendly relationships that are maintained only thanks to omissions.

"Nicola Sebastian Chamfort"

Money can't buy you a true friend.

Having learned a secret from a friend, do not betray it by becoming an enemy: you will strike not the enemy, but the friendship.


What is friendship? A word, an illusion that enchants us, a shadow that follows happiness and disappears in hours of unhappiness!

You must be good with both friend and enemy!
He who is good by nature will not find malice in him.
If you offend a friend, you will make an enemy,
If you hug an enemy, you will find a friend.
Omar Khayyam

Without true friendship, life is nothing.

There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship; excluding friendship from life is the same as depriving the world sunlight.

Affection can do without reciprocity, but friendship never can.
Russo J.

Happiness has never placed a person at such a height that he does not need a friend.

One should know moderation in everything, everywhere. One must know when to stop in friendship and enmity.

Your true friend, who will point out all the obstacles along the way and help you pass. Be careful not to classify flatterers as friends. Your true friend is the one who is honest and straightforward.

We use neither water nor fire as often as we use friendship.

A true friend everywhere
Faithful, in good times and in bad times;
Your sadness worries him, You don’t sleep - he can’t sleep,
And in everything, without further words,
He is ready to help you.
Yes, the actions are different
A loyal friend and a worthless flatterer.
Shakespeare W.

Having common desires and common aversions is what lasting friendship consists of.

In face-to-face conversations between close friends wisest people very often they express very weak judgments, because talking with a friend is the same as thinking out loud.
Addison D.

They look for a friend for a long time, find it difficult, and find it difficult to keep him.

What people usually call friendship is, in essence, only an alliance, the purpose of which is the mutual preservation of benefits and the exchange of good services; the most disinterested friendship is nothing more than a deal in which our pride always expects to win something.
La Rochefoucauld

We love our friends for their flaws.
Hazlitt W.

In friendship there are no other calculations or considerations other than itself.
Montaigne M.

Equality of rights does not mean that everyone enjoys them, but that they are granted to everyone.

There is no greater joy than seeing friends
There is no greater grief than separation from friends.

Friends are made in need.

If my friend is friends with my enemy, then I should not hang out with my friend. Beware of sugar that is mixed with poison, beware of a fly that sat on a dead snake.
Ibn Sina

Make friends with smart people, because a friend is a fool Sometimes more dangerous than a smart enemy.

There is no stronger joy in this world,
Than the contemplation of loved ones and friends.
There is no more painful torment on earth,
How to be nice with friends when you are apart.

The point is not who you were born from, but who you hang out with.

Misunderstanding makes enemies out of friends.
Feuchtwanger L.

Where things get rocky, friends are at the door.

Only a true friend can tolerate his friend's weaknesses.
Shakespeare W.

A friendship that ended never really began.

It is better to refuse a sharp word than to refuse a friend.

Don’t be cheeky with your friends, otherwise your friends will be nothing but nonentities.
Hong Zichen

Your true friend is the one who is honest and straightforward.

Everyone in the world has enemies,
But save us from our friends, God!
Pushkin A. S.

In trouble you know a friend.

Only a friend's hand can tear the thorns out of the heart.
Helvetius K.

Whoever you hang out with, that's how you'll gain.

Everything will pass - and the seed of hope will not sprout,
Everything you have accumulated will not be lost for a penny.
If you don't share with your friend on time -
All your property will go to the enemy.
Omar Khayyam

Remember, friend: it's harder to find
Friend rather than girlfriend.
Lope de Vega

There can be no friendship between a master and a slave.

Whoever is a friend to everyone, I don’t consider him a friend.

One enemy is many, a thousand friends are few.

Service and friendship are two parallel lines: they do not converge.
Suvorov A.V.

Only in the darkness of life does the luminary of friendship shine brightly; the brilliance of happiness darkens its light.
Bacon F.

There are few who are suitable to be good friends, and even fewer for those who do not know how to take away.
Gracian y Morales

A friend should take on part of the friend's grief.
Erasmus of Rotterdam

A true friend will help a friend; he will not be afraid of trouble. He will give heart for heart, and love is a star on the way.
Rustaveli Sh.

Be sincere with your friends, moderate in your needs and selfless in your actions.
Suvorov A.V.

Never make friends with a person you cannot respect.
Darwin Ch.

How few friends would remain friends if they could fully know each other's thoughts.
Lichtenberg G.

There is nothing more precious than friends; therefore, do not lose the opportunity to acquire them whenever you can.
Guicciardini F.

The choice of friends is followed by the choice of society. Make every effort to associate with those above you. It will lift you up, whereas talking to people is more low level will force you to descend, for whatever the society in which you find yourself is, so are you.
Chesterfield F.

There are three kinds of friends: friends who love you, friends who don't care about you, and friends who hate you.

Friendship is not such a pathetic flame that it can go out in separation.
Schiller F.

For friend's sake, one must not be afraid of trials,
Respond with your heart to your heart and pave the way with love.
Rustaveli Sh.

Since solitude and life without friends are full of intrigue and fear, reason itself advises acquiring friendship.

When the paths are not the same, they do not make plans together.

Alien superiority
We are annoyed and angry
And friendship is only charming then,
When comparison with a friend is flattering.
Swift D.

If it is commendable to do good to friends, then there is no shame in accepting help from friends.

Time will reveal a friend like fire reveals gold.

An indispensable condition of friendship is not to make or fulfill demands that are contrary to the spirit of honor.

Friendship is the haven to which a person strives; it brings joy and peace of mind, it is relaxation in this life and the beginning of heavenly life.
Tasso T.

Violation of friendship is, with wisdom, discord.
Rustaveli Sh.

Friendship, which is given for money, and not acquired by the greatness and nobility of the soul, can be bought, but cannot be kept.
Machiavelli N.

In general, friendship can only be judged in relation to people mature age and a mature soul.

When the state declines, then friends begin to scatter.

If you want to live a serene, storm-free life,
Not knowing the sorrows of life until old age, -
Don’t look for a friend for yourself and don’t call yourself anyone’s friend:
You will taste less joy and less sorrow.

Friendship ends where mistrust begins.

It is better for a man to be without a brother than without friends.

Enemies always tell the truth, friends never.

Friendship can only be strong with maturity of mind and age.

Friendship is a calm and quiet affection, guided and strengthened by habit, arising from long association and mutual obligations.
Hume D.

Fulfilling the duties of friendship is somewhat more difficult than admiring it.

To drag out your days without a friend is the worst of all troubles.
The soul that has no friend is worthy of pity.

It would be good for a person to examine himself, how much he is worth to his friends, and to try to be as valuable as possible.

Friendship penetrates the lives of all people, but to maintain it, sometimes you have to endure insults.

In order to gain the favor of friends and acquaintances during everyday relations with them, we should evaluate their merits rendered to us higher than they do themselves; on the contrary, our favors to friends should be considered less than our friends and acquaintances believe.

Sincere friendship is based on closeness of minds and secret laws, and not on visible signs.

I don’t need a friend who, agreeing with me on everything, changes views with me, nodding his head, because a shadow does the same thing better.

False people are more dangerous to have as friends than as enemies.
Russo J.

He who seeks friends deserves to find them; He who has no friends has never looked for them.

There is no excuse for a wrongdoing, even if you do it for the sake of a friend.

Many are friends for food, not friendship.

How many different benefits friendship brings together! Wherever you turn, she is at your service; it is ubiquitous; it never bothers, it never comes at the wrong time, it gives a new shine to well-being, and the failures that it shares lose their sharpness to a greater extent.

As much as someone values ​​himself, so do his friends.

Drinking poison from a golden cup and accepting advice from a treacherous friend are the same thing.

He who is a good friend himself has good friends.
Machiavelli N.

He who despises everyone deserves contempt. A cruel person deserves torment. God will give good people as friends, but those who are bad with others are worthy of vengeance.
Babur 3.

Enjoy communication - main feature friendship.

There is only one case where we have nothing to be afraid of offending a friend - this is when it comes to telling him the truth and thus proving our loyalty to him.

Anyone who is so deaf that he doesn’t even want to hear the truth from a friend is hopeless.

No good is better than a friend.

Oh my friends! There are no friends in the world!

He who is afraid of making enemies will never make true friends.
Hazlitt W.

If you went to visit a friend, then the sight of his children even before you entered the house will tell you whether you are considered a friend. If the children greet you joyfully, you can be sure that your friend loves you and you are dear to him. But if his children did not come out to meet you, it means that your friend does not want to see you. Then turn around and return home without hesitation.

When you praise your friend, you praise yourself.

Without friendship, no communication between people has value.

A good friend should come to joy when called, but to a friend’s misfortune he should come without being called.

One should be ashamed of oneself as much as of other people, and equally not do anything bad, whether it remains unknown to anyone or everyone knows about it. But most of all you should be ashamed of yourself.

Do not avoid a friend who is in trouble.

In strong friendship is our strength, Glory and praise to friendship.
Burns R.

Friendship should be a durable thing, capable of surviving all changes in temperature and all the shocks of that bumpy road along which efficient and decent people make their life journey.
Herzen A.I.

True friendship matures slowly and blossoms where people have truly proven it to each other.
Chesterfield F.

If you want to be faithful, have true friends.

The person whose true friends do not stay long has a difficult character.

In friendship there are neither debtors nor benefactors.
Rolland R.

How much we do for friends that we would never do for ourselves.

True friendship is truthful and courageous.
Byron D.

Friendship is love without wings.
Byron D.

Having learned a secret from a friend, do not betray it by becoming an enemy: you will strike not the enemy, but the friendship.

How much charm our happiness would lose if no one rejoiced in it with us! How difficult it would be to bear our misfortunes without a friend who experiences them even more strongly than us!

Many who seem to be friends are not really friends, and conversely, some who do not seem to be friends are actually friends.

Have you become clean air, bread and medicine for your friend? Another is unable to free himself from his own chains, but he saves his friend.
Nietzsche F.

Success brings few friends.

The basis of friendship lies in complete agreement of will, tastes and opinions.

We don't need help from friends so much as we need confidence that we will receive it.

Everyone has shortcomings - some have more, some have less. That is why friendship, help, and communication would be impossible if mutual tolerance did not exist between us.
Guicciardini F.

A true friend is known in misfortune.

Where there is no complete frankness, complete trust, where even a little is hidden, there is no and cannot be friendship.
Belinsky V. G.

In happiness it is easy to find a friend, in misfortune - in highest degree difficult.

Friends have everything in common, and friendship is equality.

Test the temper of your friends in various ways, especially see how someone is when they are angry.

At the height of greatness, do not forget that a friend is in need.
Schiller F.

It is not family ties that create friends, but a community of interests.

Rush to your friends in misfortune rather than in happiness.

Friends in happy circumstances should appear only by invitation, and in unfortunate circumstances - without an invitation, on their own. AND

A brother may not be a friend, but a friend is always a brother.
Franklin B.

Choose a friend for yourself; You cannot be happy alone: ​​happiness is a matter of two.

Of all the things that wisdom gives you for the happiness of your whole life, the most important is the possession of friendship.

Friendship of one reasonable person dearer than the friendship of all fools.

A friend to everyone is a friend to no one.

Friends exist to help each other.
Rolland R.

Among friends, misunderstandings are never serious until a third party comes between them.
Rolland R.

...Being left without friends is the worst misfortune after poverty.
Defoe D

If you make new friends, don't forget about the old ones.
Erasmus of Rotterdam

A friend is one soul living in two bodies.

Of two friends, one is always the slave of the other, although often neither of them admits this to himself.
Lermontov M. Yu.

Friendship is content with what is possible without demanding what is due.

Friendship is not only invaluable, but also beautiful; we praise the one who loves his friends, and to have many friends seems to be something wonderful, and to some it seems that to be a good man and friend - one and the same.

Friendship should be immortal, and enmity mortal.

People are born to help each other, just as a hand helps an arm, a foot helps a leg, and the upper jaw helps the lower.
Marcus Aurelius

Blessed is he who is lucky to have a true friend.

Friendship is the most necessary thing for life, since no one would wish for a life without friends, even if he had all the other benefits.

If you are a slave, you cannot be a friend. If you are a tyrant, you cannot have friends.
Nietzsche F.

  • The eyes of friendship are rarely wrong. (Voltaire)
  • Trust is the first condition of friendship. (Jean de La Bruyère)
  • Friendship is like a business; unsuccessful investments are expensive.
  • Friendship is love without wings.
  • Friendship is only possible between good people. (Cicero)

The best quotes about friendship

  • In friendship there are neither debtors nor benefactors. (Romain Roland)
  • In friendship there are no other calculations or considerations other than itself. (Michel de Montaigne)
  • In true friendship there is a beauty that is incomprehensible to ordinary people. (Jean de La Bruyère)
  • - There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship; excluding friendship from life is the same as depriving the world of sunlight. (Cicero)
  • The greatest feat of friendship is not to show a friend our shortcomings, but to open his eyes to his own. (Francois La Rochefoucauld)
  • Like-mindedness creates friendship. (Democritus)
  • Women for the most part are so indifferent to friendship because it seems insipid to them in comparison with love. (Francois La Rochefoucauld)
  • Sincerity in relationships, truth in communication - this is friendship. (A. Suvorov)
  • True friendship must be frank and free from pretense and assent. (Cicero)
  • As rare as true love is, true friendship is even rarer.
  • Friendship is content with what is possible without demanding what is due. (Aristotle)
  • Friendship is not only invaluable, but also beautiful; we praise the one who loves his friends, and having many friends seems like something wonderful, and some even think that being a good person and being a friend are the same thing. (Aristotle)
  • Friendship is not a service; no thanks are given for it. (G. Derzhavin)
  • Friendship is known in joy, but love in trouble.
  • Friends are the family we choose ourselves.
  • Affection can do without reciprocity, but friendship never can. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)
  • Laughter is a good start to friendship, and laughter is a good way to end it.
  • Close friendship occurs among people who are similar to each other. (Plato)
  • How does a saint live who has not known friendship? He is like an empty pearl oyster. (Alisher Navoi)
  • To live in friendship with those with whom you live constantly, you need to behave with them as if you only see each other once every three months.
  • When friendship begins to weaken and cool, she always resorts to increased politeness. (W. Shakespeare)
  • Quotes about friendship with meaning- Love and friendship are a mutual echo: they give as much as they take. (A. Herzen)
  • There is no more depressing desert than life without friends; friendship multiplies blessings and alleviates troubles; the joy of the soul, it is the only cure for hostile fate. (Baltasar Gracian)
  • Friendship needs neither a slave nor a master. Friendship loves equality. (I. Goncharov)
  • No friendship is possible without mutual respect. (A. Makarenko)

Friendship is the golden thread that unites the hearts of the whole world. \ John Evelyn

In wealth, friends are with us, in trouble, we are with them. \ John Charton Collins

A good friend can tell you what's going on with you right now. True, a minute after that he may not seem so good to you... \ Arthur Brisbane

An old friend will help you move. And a good friend will help transport the dead man. \ Jim Hayes

Good friends, good books and a sleeping conscience are all components of an ideal life. \ Mark Twain

It may be raining heavily outside, but your friendly smile will calm me down. I am very glad that you are my friend. And I know that our friendship will never end. \ Robert Alan

Don't walk ahead of me - I might not keep up with you, and don't follow me, I might lead you in the wrong direction, just walk next to me and be my friend. \ Albert Camus

My best friends are not as popular and famous in the world as Osama or Obama, but they are definitely the greatest people in my life. \ Savio Dsilva

We are all travelers in the jungle of this world, and the best thing we can find during our travels is an honest friend. \ Robert Louis Stevenson

Business, affairs, career can bring money, but not friendship. \ Jane Austen

Friends are relatives that you make yourself! \ Estash Desho

Others: people who borrow books from me. \ Edwin Arlington

We Englishmen have succeeded in forgiving our enemies, and are therefore relieved of the obligation to love our friends. \James

Love is blind, but friendship simply closes its eyes.

Men treat friendship like a football, and it doesn't fall apart. And the women treat her like glass, and she shatters into pieces. \ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

The only good reason to have a small circle of friends is that three out of four killers will know their victim well. \ George Carlin

Friendship. This is a ship that can carry two in excellent weather and only one in bad weather. \ Abmrose Biers

I have a lot of best friends. And some of them I barely know. \ Archie Bunker

It takes a lot of time to raise one friend. \ John Leonard

Only a true friend will tell you that your face is dirty when it is actually dirty.

The main privilege of friendship is that you can talk nonsense and it will be respected. \ Charles Lamb

Show me a brilliant case of platonic friendship and it will be two old or very modest faces. \ Austin O'Malley

Friendship keeps you busy 24/7 if you are truly friends with someone. Therefore, you cannot have many good friends - you simply do not have enough time and energy for them all. \ Truman Capote

Loyalty is an empty phrase without friendship. \ Ovid

There are always a lot of people in court and few friends. \ Seneca.

As long as luck is on your side, you will see the faces of your friends. \ Petronius

Be like most, rich for yourself and poor for your friends. \ Juvenal

The flattery of these days creates friends, but the truth only causes disgust. \ Terence

I am my own best friend. \ Terence

After seventy, life is like war. All your friends have already left or are leaving, and we live among death and the dying, as if on a battlefield. \ Muriel Spark

Each person is on his own life path wants and strives to find happiness. And everyone puts their own understanding into this word. But probably no one will argue that one of the important components of happiness is friendship. True, true friendship, like true love, is a rather rare phenomenon. And a quote from Marlene Dietrich even says that friendship unites people much more powerfully than love.

Trust, patience and reciprocity are what truly friendly relationships are based on. And quotes about friendship will prove this to you.

In friendship you have to learn to be human. And although no one is immune from mistakes, the main thing is to be able to notice them in yourself.

Everyone wants to see as their friend a faithful and sincere, spiritually rich and comprehensively developed person. And for this you need to be like that yourself. The ancient Greek poet Euripides, who is so fond of quoting, formulated even before our era: “Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are.”

Of course, this doesn't always work. To quote the French philosopher Paul Valéry: “Do not judge a man by his friends. Judas’s were perfect.” But I want to believe that this is still an exception to the rule.

Friendship is such a great feeling that great people often talked about it. Poets, writers and philosophers have often addressed this topic. That's why there are so many wise quotes and aphorisms about friendship.

Sayings of great people about friendships

A true friend is with you when you are wrong. When you are right, everyone will be with you.
Mark Twain

A friend is a person who knows everything about us and yet loves us.
Elbert Hubbard

Love can be unrequited. Friendship - never.
Janusz Wisniewski

Don’t rush to choose friends, and even less so to change them.
Benjamin Franklin

Only a friend's hand can tear the thorns out of the heart.
Claude-Adrian Helvetius

In the hustle and bustle of this world, friendship is the only thing that matters personal life.
Karl Marx

Sincerity in relationships, truth in communication - this is friendship.
Alexander Suvorov

He who does not look for friends is his own enemy.
Shota Rustaveli

People can drink together, they can live under the same roof, they can make love, but only engaging in idiocy together indicates true spiritual and emotional intimacy.
Eva Rapoport

How can a saint who has not known friendship live? He is like an empty pearl.
Alisher Navoi

In the edifice of human happiness, friendship builds the walls, and love forms the dome.
Kozma Prutkov

He who is humane gives others support, wanting to have it himself, and helps them achieve success, wanting to achieve it himself.


Friendship is when you feel good with a person for no reason.
Yuri Nagibin

Friendship multiplies joys and crushes sorrows.
Henry George Bon

When extending your hand to friends, do not clench your fingers into a fist.

All the honors in this world are not worth one good friend.

We love our friends for their flaws.
William Hazlitt

The Lord has given us relatives, but we, thank God, are free to choose our own friends.
Ethel Mumford

Without true friendship, life is nothing.

Henrik Ibsen

Friendship penetrates the lives of all people, but to maintain it, sometimes you have to endure insults.

Throughout my life, I have become convinced that conversations with friends take up the most and most imperceptible time; friends are the great robbers of time.
Francesco Petrarca

People are born to help each other, just as a hand helps an arm, a foot helps a leg, and the upper jaw helps the lower.
Marcus Aurelius

He who is a good friend himself has many good friends.
Niccolo Machiavelli

He who wants to have a friend without faults remains without friends.

A friendship that ended never really began.

Friendship is not such a pathetic flame that it can go out in separation.
Johann Schiller

A true friend is someone who will hold your hand and feel your heart.
Gabriel Marquez

Friendship needs neither a slave nor a master. Friendship loves equality.
Ivan Goncharov

There are people to whom we forgive, and there are people to whom we do not forgive. Those to whom we do not forgive are our friends.
Henri Montherlant

You don't have to be a dog to be a friend.
Mikhail Zadornov

It is better to be in darkness than without a friend.
John Chrysostom

Love requires infinitely less than friendship.
George Nathan

Friendship is the haven to which a person strives; it brings joy and peace of mind, it is relaxation in this life and the beginning of heavenly life.
Torquato Tasso

It is not so difficult to die for a friend as to find a friend who would be worth dying for.
Edward Bulwer-Lytton

The most beautiful gift given to people after wisdom is friendship.
Francois La Rochefoucauld

The law of friendship prescribes to love a friend no less, but not more than oneself.
Aurelius Augustine

The best pleasure, the highest joy in life is to feel needed and close to people.
Maksim Gorky

You can never do too much for a loyal friend.
Henrik Ibsen