Dried cherries: prepare cherry delicacy at home. How to dry cherries at home How to dry pitted cherries in a dryer

Cherry is one of the most famous berries. Its fruits were consumed in Anatolia eight thousand years BC. It was grown in Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece. Traces of cherries have been discovered in ancient Swiss settlements in southern Sweden. According to legend, the berry came to the Roman Empire in the second century BC from the Turkish city of Girsun. The Roman Emperor Lucus liked the cherries that grew there, and he ordered its seedlings to be brought to Rome.

What are the benefits of cherries?

The benefits of cherries are undeniable. Its fruits contain glucose, fructose, fiber, vitamins B, K, PP, A, organic acids (succinic, malic and citric), as well as essential micro and macroelements: copper, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, manganese, iodine.

Cherry eliminates putrefactive processes in the intestines, improves gastric motility, and removes harmful substances from the body. The berry has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and brain, improves blood circulation and metabolic processes, and prevents blood clots.

Cherries are not only very tasty, but also healthy. It has a mild diuretic effect, so you can use it for kidney and liver diseases. Saturates with iron for anemia. Ascorbic acid strengthens the heart and blood vessels, provitamin A strengthens bones, teeth, and has a beneficial effect on vision. Coumarin, contained in cherries, maintains body tone and helps weakened people recover faster.

In order for the prepared cherries to be well preserved for the winter, you need to taste them by touch. It should be medium soft, ripe but not overripe, without damage or smudges, with a shiny color. You should take berries with petioles, as they are better preserved this way. Cherries should not be sticky.

Dried cherries are perfect for compotes and numerous drinks. If you pour cold water over the cherries, cook for 10 minutes, then leave for an hour and add a little lemon juice, you will get an excellent tonic drink that is useful for general weakness of the body, weakened immunity, and anemia.

Dried cherries are suitable for making mousses, jellies, and jelly. All dishes prepared with its use not only have a pleasant taste, but also have a medical effect. Cherries are used in chicken salads, dumplings, pancakes, and candied fruits are made from them.

Dried cherries contain all useful microelements and vitamins. Dried cherries are used to decorate a variety of desserts and added to cupcakes. Dried or sun-dried cherries can also be used as a substitute for sweets. It's much healthier and tastier. Many people like to brew dried cherries in. This gives the drink a pleasant aroma and amazing taste.

Sun-dried cherries can be purchased at the market or in supermarkets. But you cannot be sure of the quality of this product. It’s another matter when you prepare it yourself, especially since it’s quite easy and simple to do. A stove, oven, oven, or Ezidri berry dryer will be useful for this. A dryer is especially useful if the cherry harvest is rich and there is nowhere to put it.

Sun-dried and dried cherries are different. Dried berries become dry and inelastic. And the dried one should completely lose its elasticity. At the same time, its taste turns out to be more refined.

Cherries have a sweet and sour taste, so they can easily replace sugary-sweet raisins in desserts. Small, but at the same time fleshy cherries, which do not have a lot of juice, are better suited, so they dry faster.

Baking with cherries

Delicious crackers are obtained if dried or dried cherries are added to them. It is necessary to prepare the filling, which should consist of your favorite nuts and cherries. You can add poppy seeds, candied fruits, and coffee at your discretion. Just don’t overdo it so that the taste doesn’t turn out incomprehensible. It is better to make the filler from two or three ingredients. Nuts should be fried and finely chopped, dried fruits should be chopped, if the cherries are small, then you can put them whole.

Knead the dough from flour, baking powder and eggs. It should be sticky and liquid. Gradually add nuts, cherries and other filling ingredients to the dough. The mass is not very attractive, but after baking the crackers will turn out beautiful and appetizing.

The most difficult part is shaping the sticky dough into bars. It is necessary to constantly lubricate your hands with vegetable oil or sprinkle the work surface with flour. The dough is placed on parchment paper and baked in the oven at 180 degrees for half an hour, checking it periodically with a toothpick.

The bars are taken out of the oven, wait a couple of minutes and removed from the paper. It is important not to miss the moment, otherwise the baked goods will stick to the parchment paper. Cut the bars into slices. The thickness can be as desired. Some people like thin and crispy bread, while others love softer baked goods. The resulting crackers are placed back in the oven and browned for another 10 minutes at 160 degrees. Then turn it over and leave to dry for another 10 minutes.

That's all. It took 250 grams of flour, 150 grams of sugar, 3 eggs, salt and baking powder on the tip of a knife, 200 grams of dried cherries and nuts.

Dried or dried cherries are not only healthy, but also very tasty. An electric one will help preserve all the benefits of the magnificent berries. If in the summer, among the abundance of ripe and aromatic fruits, you might think that you don’t really want cherries in winter or spring, then with the onset of cold weather, this decision can radically change.

During the period of winter storms, frosts, when there is a snowstorm or slush outside the window, and the body loses its vitality and yearns for the sun, how nice it will be to take a jar of dried berries from the shelf and prepare cherry compote, a wonderful drink that supports the immune system. Or bake muffins, cookies, crackers with cherries and enjoy a fragrant breakfast with a cup of scalding coffee, tea, cocoa, exuding an exciting aroma. Set yourself up for a wonderful day. And drinking tea after dinner with cherry desserts will not leave anyone indifferent and will give a quiet family home comfort to any company.


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autoclave for canning

Autoclaves for home canning You can go to our Fermash online store. Our managers will help you choose autoclave whatever you ask! Here you will find both gas and electric (universal) models, with a capacity of 5 to 28 liter cans.

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At the beginning of the 19th century, the first canned goods appeared, separated after thermal processing, in sealed containers. However, thermal processing is now abandoned by the most common method of preparing canned food. Sterilization is one of the main technological stages Sterilization of canned food and thermal processing of the product, which ensures death bacteria by eliminating microbiological food at temperatures in a moderate climate (15-30 ° C), and sometimes at higher temperatures.It guarantees the safety of canned food for food (according to microbiological indicators Mainly, canned food is sterilized at a temperature of 120 ° C, sometimes above 100 ° C. Sterilization is intended for the preservation of canned products, which means the preservation of food value, organoleptic properties, and costliness. getting the hang of it autoclave for canning If you change the hour for preparing canned food, you are guaranteed to lose all bacteria. It is recommended to use sterilization and packaging of all types of canned food in glass containers of various sizes from 0.2 to 3.0 liters in squeezed or sealed jars.

1. Seat the jars filled with food tightly.
2. Place balls in the autoclave - jar on jar, up to Golovin. Place a wooden lattice at the bottom.
3. Fill with water, making sure to cover the jars with a ball no less than 2 cm.
4. Close the lid of the autoclave and tighten the bolts.
5. Using a car pump, pump the autoclave up to 1 atm and visually (with additional water) or by ear check the tightness of the seal. The pressure is required to save the filling of the cans, because when heated, it will leak Pressed in the autoclave itself and in the middle of the jars .
6. Heat the water in the autoclave to 110 ° C (the pressure will increase). When the temperature rises to 110 ° C, wait an hour and soak the jars for 50-70 minutes. Be sure to do this so that the temperature does not exceed 120 ° C. This processing mode achieves both the death of pathogenic organisms and the savory taste of canned food.
7. Remove from heat (simmer) and leave to cool (you can also use cold water) to a temperature of no more than 30 ° C.
8. The cob giblets will be squeezed in an autoclave. Open the autoclave, pour water through the hose and remove the jars.

It is necessary to add that the pressure gauge of the autoclave will show pressure at a temperature of 110 ° C - 2.5-3.5 atm, and at a temperature of 120 ° C - 4-4.5 atm. Then, keep pressure on the heating temperature of the autoclave and the volume of air between the lid and the jars.

Sterilization modes for canned food

Dried cherries are an incredibly tasty and healthy snack that you can easily make yourself. If the harvest of these juicy berries has exceeded all your expectations, if you no longer have the strength or desire to roll up jars of jam and compotes, you will be interested in learning how to properly dry cherries at home. It is noteworthy that dried fruits contain almost the same amount of vitamins as fresh ones. Isn't it a miracle?

Preparing the berries

For drying, choose large and undamaged ripe cherries of a dark red color.

Wash the fruits thoroughly, remove the stems and leaves. Pour boiling water over them and let them dry naturally at room temperature. This simple step will allow the cherries to become dried fruit as quickly as possible by creating tiny pores through which the liquid can evaporate a little faster.

Another way to speed up the process is to soak the berries in a weak solution of baking soda for 7-10 seconds. After this treatment, the cherries should be rinsed well under running water.

After you have completed all the necessary manipulations, you can proceed directly to drying the cherries. This can be done in two ways: on the street and at home.

On open air

To dry cherries outside, choose an area away from roads and areas where livestock is grazed, kept or inhabited by animals. Your own garden or vegetable garden is best suited.

  1. Place the berries on a homemade screen, for which you can use gauze or any other natural white fabric, under the scorching rays of the sun.
  2. At night, when the air temperature drops, move the cherries indoors and leave them in a warm place.
  3. Early in the morning, take the berries outside again.

The drying process in open areas takes from 4 to 15 days, depending on weather conditions (temperature, air humidity and degree of exposure to sunlight). Keep in mind that only pitted cherries can be processed outside. If you remove the seeds, insects will certainly infest the sweet berries.

In the oven

If you don’t have the opportunity to dry cherries outside, take advantage of such a blessing of civilization as an oven.

  1. Cover a baking sheet with baking paper, place the berries in one layer and place in an oven preheated to +165 °C. Do not close the oven door tightly, leave a small gap for air circulation.
  2. Gradually reduce the temperature to +135 °C.

Drying berries with seeds in the oven takes about 8 hours. If you want to dry pitted cherries, it will take about 2-3 times longer.

How to check drying quality

Well-dried cherries have the following qualities:

  • does not release juice when pressed;
  • dark brown color;
  • sweet and sour taste.

Now you know how to properly dry cherries for the winter. It can be added to drinks and desserts, main courses and sauces. If you prepare the berries correctly, according to all recommendations, they will remain edible for a year or even more.

It practically does not lose its beneficial properties. This berry is very rich in vitamins and minerals. They have bactericidal properties, which is why dried cherries are used in folk medicine often used to stop inflammatory processes, as well as for viral diseases.

Dried cherries are also rich in a substance that significantly reduces blood clotting. Because of this property Dried cherry dishes are recommended to be consumed as a preventive measure against atherosclerosis.

Also if a person has anemia, cherries will be very, very useful. This berry contains a lot of iron; the amount of this substance can be compared with apples.

Cherries are also beneficial for pregnant women due to their high iron content, which is so often lacking in the blood of pregnant women. It is useful to drink dried cherry compotes for epilepsy.

Cherry has a beneficial effect on the condition of nails, hair and skin.

A lot can be said about the benefits of cherries, some consider it almost a panacea. This berry is used in folk methods of treatment, in cosmetology, and in cooking.

So, cherries mainly have only benefits. Let's talk about exactly what processes in the body are improved thanks to this berry.

  1. Weight loss. Dried cherries are an integral part of many diets. Various decoctions of this berry not only do not cause harm to the body, as with a regular diet, but also strengthen the immune system.
  2. Normalization of sleep. Due to the fact that cherries contain melatonin, compotes made from them help improve sleep. Pies and other dishes with cherries contribute to this to a lesser extent, since you should not eat too much before going to bed.
  3. Memory improvement. Train yourself to drink a glass of cherry compote every morning, this will significantly improve your concentration and memory.
  4. Slowing down the aging process. Scientists have not come to a clear point of view, but after some research, many biologists have concluded that both dried and fresh cherries contribute to the renewal of skin cells.

In addition to a large amount of minerals Cherries have a wonderful taste. If you have children in your family, they will surely love this delicacy.

The calorie content of dried cherries is 292 kcal per 100 g of product, so don’t be afraid to gain weight from eating such yummy food.


There are many benefits of cherries listed here, however, this red berry is like fresh, and in dried form can be harmful. What is the danger of your favorite cherry?

Cherries are contraindicated:

  • people with diabetes;
  • children under 1.5 - 2 years old;
  • for diseases of the digestive system.

Cherries contain a large amount of glucose, so if you have high blood sugar levels, it is better to refrain from eating cherries.

You should not overeat dried cherries, as this can cause quite severe heartburn.

What varieties are suitable?

When choosing cherries for drying First of all, pay attention to ripe berries of rich color. The pulp of such fruits should be dense, and the stone should be small. Cherry varieties that are well suited for drying are Shubinka, Lyubskaya, Vladimirovskaya.

Before you begin the drying process, you need to decide on the following aspect - do you need a bone? If you are going to use cherry To prepare compotes, it is quite possible to leave the bone.

If the berries will be used as a filling for pies, the seeds should be removed. In stores with various kitchen utensils Nowadays you can find special devices that make removing seeds much easier.

In addition, with the help of such a device you will do it more carefully; it is very important not to damage the berries too much so that they do not leak juice, but release excess moisture during drying.

To make the bones easier to remove, lightly dry the cherries at a temperature of 30-35 degrees. Drying cherries in an electric dryer (in a dryer), more on this later.

Cooking berries

Before the drying process, cherries should be sorted and remove the stalks and wash thoroughly. In order for the berries to dry faster, before drying they are blanched in a boiling lye solution for 2-3 minutes.

After these manipulations, you can begin to dry the cherries. How to dry cherries in the oven Read on to find out how to dry cherries in an electric dryer.


Under the sun

Now is the time to deal with the matter how to dry cherries correctly. It is very important to do this in such a way that all the beneficial properties listed above are preserved.

Drying cherries under the sun - why not? It is best to dry berries in the fresh air., where a warm breeze will blow over them. Many people use baking sheets or trays for these purposes, but it is better to take a large piece of thick, clean cloth.

The berries need to be dried for 4-5 days. During the day they should be under the sun, and at night bring the berries into the house so that they do not gain moisture again. As soon as the sun starts to warm up in the morning, the cherries need to be taken out again. Take a piece of fabric that you feel comfortable wearing, or get someone's help.

It is by drying in the fresh air that cherries preserve maximum vitamins and best dried. But this drying method is only suitable for cherries with pits.

If you remove the seeds, the cherries will release a lot of juice, which will greatly attract insects that will be impossible to get rid of.

Therefore, you need to dry cherries in the sun in a complete, undamaged form. Read more about how to dry cherries at home and how to dry cherries in the oven.

At home

For that, to dry cherries at home, you need an oven Of course, at room temperature the cherries will not dry out. Before you start drying berries in the oven, you need to remove all damaged cherries.

To dry cherries at home, you need to place the berries on a baking sheet, lined with parchment paper or foil. Drying occurs in several stages, which differ in temperature conditions.

There are always many questions regarding readiness. It is quite easy to determine that cherries are dried when done in the fresh air, since in this case there is no fear of drying out the berries.

If we dry it in an oven, we need to ensure that when you press the berry with your finger, no juice comes out of it. Well-dried cherries also have a dark brown color. skin tone. Well-dried berries taste sweet and sour.

The overall process of drying cherries at home will take approximately 8-9 hours., it all depends on the size of the berries and the degree of their ripeness. If you need to dry pitted cherries, the process will take two or even three times longer.

Do not forget that you cannot close the oven with cherries; it must be slightly open throughout the entire cooking process.

In the oven

In order to dry cherries in a real oven, you first need to adjust the temperature. To do this, sprinkle a few drops of water on the floor of the oven., it should boil. The process of drying berries in a real oven is quite simple; most often cherries are dried in this way in dachas or country houses.

After the sieves are installed, the oven does not need to be closed too tightly; there must be air access, because the moisture will need to evaporate. This is a very important nuance, which should definitely be taken into account. The chimney should also be slightly open.

Over time, the chimney must be gradually closed. In such conditions, drying cherries will last 10-12 hours. Read how to store dried cherries at home in the next section.

Storage rules

It is best to store dried cherries in small paper bags.

If you know you'll use dried berries quickly, you can put them in a jar.

You can store dried cherries for no more than a year., but it is very unlikely that you will not eat or cook something tasty from it during this time.


You won't have any difficulties drying cherries if you follow our tips. Dried cherries will delight you for a long time your family with the pleasant taste and smell of summer.

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Dried cherries make an exquisite delicacy that can be eaten plain, added to baked goods, or made into compotes. You won’t confuse the delicate aroma of cherries with anything else, and it’s worth spending your time on.

All varieties of cherries lend themselves well to drying, and choose the variety for harvesting for the winter that you like fresh.

Cherries can be dried with or without pits. It is quite difficult to remove the pit from a cherry without damaging the berry itself. If you have a special machine for cleaning pits, then things will be more fun, but if not, dry the washed cherries in the oven on a baking sheet for several hours, and then it will be easier to separate the pits.

Drying cherries in an electric dryer

For long-term storage, cherries need to be dried for a long time. In the Ezidri electric dryer, at a temperature of +60 degrees, you need about 40 hours, and from time to time you need to rearrange the trays for uniform drying. Dry cherries should not release juice when pressed.

Drying cherries in syrup

If you have a lot of sweet tooths at home, prepare them cherries in syrup.

Light-colored cherries have a brighter taste, but this is not important; any ripe cherries are also suitable for this drying method.

Wash the berries and remove the seeds.

Prepare syrup for 1 kg of peeled cherries:

  • 2 cups sugar
  • juice of 1 orange
  • juice of half a lemon
  • 0.5 glasses of water

If desired, you can add cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg.

Bring the syrup to a boil and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour the cherries into the syrup, bring to a boil and remove the saucepan from the heat.

Cover the saucepan with a lid and let it sit until it cools completely.

Drain the syrup through a colander. It can then be used for compote.

Place the cherries on the trays of the electric dryer, turn on the temperature to +60 degrees.

After 12 hours, you can try how well the cherries have dried. On the outside it turns out to be viscous caramel, but on the inside the cherry is soft and can already be eaten.

This type of drying is not very suitable for long-term storage, but as an independent delicacy or decoration for desserts it will be ideal.

Dried cherries in an Ezidri electric dryer on video: