What foods can you eat if you have kidney failure? Diet for chronic renal failure. Indications and contraindications for the diet

When kidney failure is diagnosed, a person is faced with the fact that he should completely reconsider his diet. This pathology is associated with a condition of the organs in which the kidneys are not able to function normally. Basically, the problem appears against the background of another developing disease.

The form of the pathology can be acute or chronic. The first occurs completely suddenly due to shock or poisoning. And the second gradually reduces the functionality of the kidneys, during which the tissue gradually dies. The article discusses the issue of correct renal failure, menu.

Reason for violation

It should be noted that the disease appears for various reasons. The acute phase of renal failure can be triggered by:

  • problems associated with heart failure, arrhythmia and reduced circulatory volume;
  • kidney infections, such as pyelonephritis or nephritis;
  • pathologies that impede the patency of the genitourinary system.

The chronic form is associated with urolithiasis, metabolic disorders, diabetes, vascular pathologies, rheumatic and genetic diseases.

It is clear that the disease is associated with the fact that the body is not able to cope with its main functions, which include digestion and absorption of substances. That is why a special diet for renal failure should be thought out, the menu of which will be discussed below.

Basics of proper nutrition

All nutrition should be based on removing the maximum load from the kidneys and relieving the person of swelling, if any. To do this, you should consume no more than 60 grams of animal protein per day. Sometimes the dose is reduced to 40 grams. Essential Amino Acids preferably obtained from fish, meat or poultry. Salt intake should be kept under strict control. The maximum allowable amount should be no more than one gram per day. But, of course, this is individual, depending on how long the body is able to retain liquid.

Despite the low protein intake, the daily calorie intake should be quite high. It is obtained from fats and carbohydrates. Thus, it is recommended to eat protein-free bread made from wheat and corn flour, rice noodles and starch mousses. In addition, the diet should contain vitamins obtained from berries and fruits, as well as freshly squeezed juices.

At the same time, you should completely avoid those drinks and foods that irritate the kidneys. These include:

  • alcohol;
  • thick broths;
  • chocolate;
  • Black tea;
  • hot spices;
  • smoked meats, as well as pickled and canned products.

The following are allowed in small quantities:

  • fatty fish;
  • caviar;
  • legumes;
  • fermented milk products;
  • dried fruits;
  • nuts;
  • seeds.

Nutrition at the onset of the disease

If the disease has just arisen, then a diet for renal failure should be prescribed. The menu will include familiar dishes, but a small portion of them will be slightly changed. For example, protein is reduced to 70 grams per day. Sometimes experts use a formula according to which the amount of biologically active substance consumed depends on a person’s weight.

The main part should be of plant origin (for example, vegetables, cereals, lentils and beans, as well as nuts). These products have many alkaline compounds, due to which they are better removed from the body. Initially, salt intake is reduced quite a bit. It is allowed to eat up to 6 grams of it daily with food. And if urine output is increased, then more salt can be consumed.

The diet should contain more vegetables and fruits. It is good to make salads from the former, pouring them with olive or other vegetable oil. It is also useful to do fasting days, which are arranged once a week. At this time they eat, for example, watermelon, apples or pumpkin. The amount of fluid you drink during the day should be 500 milliliters more than what is excreted from the body.

Menu at the initial stage of the disease

For a day, you can offer a person who has this stage of the disease the following menu:

  • Breakfast consists of light tea with honey or jam, a boiled chicken egg and a couple of boiled potatoes.
  • For a snack, drink herbal tea and eat sour cream or yogurt.
  • They have lunch with a bowl of soup and vegetable stew.
  • For dinner you can eat rice porridge with milk and drink a cup of tea with jam.

Chronic stage

With this disease, kidney function becomes worse and worse. At this stage it is necessary more than in the previous case. The body is poisoned by its own metabolic products, which causes damage to many internal organs. In addition to carefully calculating the daily dose of proteins, unsalted foods should be consumed. Milk, vegetables and fruits, as well as mushrooms are significantly reduced in quantity. Some foods need to be completely excluded from the diet. These include bananas, apricots, dried fruits, spicy foods and sausages. You are allowed to drink tomato, apple, cherry and lemon juices.

Menu for the chronic stage of the disease

At the same time, you should receive up to 3000 kilocalories per day. An approximate menu for the day could be as follows:

  • Breakfast consists of vegetable salad with rice pudding and tea.
  • For a snack, you can eat grated carrots with sugar.
  • For lunch they prepare vegetable soup, boiled poultry and boiled potatoes, and for dessert they drink a glass of compote.
  • The afternoon snack includes a decoction of wheat with sugar or jelly made from berries.
  • For dinner, boil a chicken egg and make pancakes with tea.

Acute stage

During periods of exacerbation, a person may have no appetite at all. In this case, nausea and even vomiting often occur. Naturally, at such moments you don’t want to eat. However, this is necessary, since the feeling of hunger and thirst increases and the exchange of minerals and nitrogen is even more disrupted. Protein in the diet should be approximately 20 grams per day. You can drink milk, eat eggs, cream and sour cream, as well as berries, fruits, honey, butter and rice.

Diet for kidney failure: menu

An approximate menu per day in this case could be as follows:

  • Breakfast consists of tea with whole grain bread and fruit.
  • You can have yogurt for a snack.
  • For lunch, they make quenelles from potatoes and flour, as well as a salad with vegetables and jelly from berries.
  • For an afternoon snack, they eat berries, such as blueberries, blueberries and strawberries.
  • Dinner may consist of steamed fish cutlets and vegetables.

For diabetics

In the morning, it is best for diabetics to eat porridge and drink weak tea without sugar. Between breakfast and lunch, you can eat fruit, such as a tangerine or orange. An ideal lunch will be made from borscht cooked in vegetable broth, as well as a glass of compote. For an afternoon snack, drink a glass of vegetable juice and eat chicken, vegetable salad and drink herbal tea.

Table 7

On initial stage Diabetes diet No. 7 is the most common. It usually consists of the following products:

  • In the morning they eat a hard-boiled egg, buckwheat and drink tea.
  • Baked pumpkin is prepared for a snack.
  • Lunch consists of milk soup, poultry, casserole and fruit drink.
  • For afternoon snack - orange.
  • For dinner, make a vinaigrette, boil the fish and drink a glass of yogurt.

Let's look at several recipes for preparing dishes for kidney failure, which are included both in table 7 and other diets.

First meal

Prepared as hot first courses vegetable soup, broth, vegetarian borscht, cabbage soup, etc. Here are some recipes.

For vegetable soup, take one hundred grams of potatoes and white cabbage, 60 grams of carrots, a glass of milk, 30 grams butter and a decoction of vegetables. Peeled vegetables are boiled, grated on a sieve and added to the broth, into which heated milk is poured. All ingredients are boiled for several minutes.

Vegetarian borscht includes the following products: 150 grams of potatoes, beets and white cabbage, 100 grams of tomatoes, 50 grams of carrots and sour cream, as well as 30 grams of onions, butter and herbs. The vegetables are chopped, and the beets are grated on a coarse grater and boiled. Before serving, add chopped herbs and sour cream to the dish.

The first course can also be prepared with fruit. To do this, take one hundred grams of currants, apples and plums, orange peels, cream and half a dessert spoon of starch. The fruits are washed, pitted and peeled. Then they are boiled, after which they are brewed in starch, which is diluted in cold water, seasoned with orange peels, sugar and cream is added to taste.

Second courses

The second courses can be especially varied. They prepare, for example, boiled meat or meat puree, boiled fish with vegetables, buckwheat, rice and oatmeal, casseroles, baked apples, sauces with sour cream or milk.

To prepare meat puree, take 120 grams of beef, 40 grams of bechamel sauce and a few grams of butter. The meat is boiled, then passed through a meat grinder three times, sauce is added and ground. In addition to the sauce, you can simply add meat broth to the dish.

Fish with vegetables is prepared as follows: take 700 grams of pike, cod, bream or pike perch, 200 grams of celery and carrots, and 100 grams of parsley. First, the fish is washed, dressed and cut. Then they wash, peel, cut the vegetables and stew a little. When half-ready, fish is added to them and simmered all together. Before serving, add greens.

You can also cook porridge. Take 20 grams of cereal, one hundred milliliters of milk, six grams of sugar, up to five grams of butter and 120 milliliters of water. Slowly pour the cereal into boiling water, stirring the contents until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then the pan is placed on low heat and left for another hour. The finished porridge is rubbed through a sieve, milk and sugar are added and cooked for a few more minutes.

To prepare baked apples, besides themselves, you only need sugar. The core is removed from the fruit and placed on a baking sheet into which 200 milliliters of water is poured. The apples are sprinkled with sugar, slightly browned in the oven, then sugar is added again and finished baking.


It is useful to make herbal teas, infusions and compotes.

So, an infusion of rose hips is prepared as follows: for one liter of liquid, take one hundred grams of fruit and the same amount of sugar. After washing the rosehip and dousing it with boiling water, place it in a saucepan and pour hot water and boil with the lid closed for ten minutes. Then remove from heat and leave to infuse for a day.

Berry jelly is very useful. To do this, take three glasses of blueberry, currant and raspberry juice, three-quarters of a glass of potato starch and one hundred grams of sugar. Add water to the juice to make three glasses, add sugar and put on fire, bringing to a boil. Then it is slowly poured into a container with three-quarters cold water and starch. Kissel is served chilled.

They also prepare all kinds of compotes from fresh berries and fruits.


Those who suffer from this disease are always faced with the question of what to eat if they have kidney failure. For example, I wonder why dried fruits and bananas are prohibited?

To answer this question, you need to understand the course of the disease. During this time, the body is very weakened, mainly due to excessive amounts of potassium entering the bloodstream. Since this substance cannot be excreted by the kidneys, the intake of the microelement must be reduced. Potassium is found in large quantities in dried fruits, legumes, and bananas. That is why these products should not be eaten.

A minimum amount of salt is allowed because this substance is capable of retaining fluid in the body. Its excess will lead to severe edema and hypertension. Of course, this will have a very negative impact on the functioning of such important organs as the kidneys.


Thus, when choosing a diet and learning what not to eat if you have kidney failure, you should consider many factors and conditions. So, it is important to know about all concomitant diseases, if any, their form and stage of development. Only in this case can we count on the fact that a restrained diet will be correct and will produce a truly effective effect, helping a person cope with his illness.

Serious kidney diseases always require a careful approach to treatment. A mandatory component of therapy is dietary nutrition. The article will discuss what kind of diet patients with kidney failure should take.

Diet for kidney failure

Kidney failure is a serious disease, very life-threatening. It leads to impaired renal function, which subsequently leads to disruptions in the exchange of water, nitrogen, and electrolytes. The acute form of the pathology is caused by serious problems - kidney infections, damage to the heart and blood vessels, poisoning, intoxication, etc. The chronic form develops with long-term kidney disease, diabetes, rheumatism and other diseases. In both forms of pathology, kidney tissue gradually or quickly dies.

It is easy to understand that if kidney function is impaired, the entire excretory system cannot function fully. It is necessary to facilitate its tasks and organize proper nutrition in order to improve the absorption of nutrients and the removal of waste. A number of foods entering the body can have a negative effect on the kidneys, so they should be strictly excluded.

Diet for kidney failure is the most important component of treatment. Its task is to prevent the breakdown of kidney tissue proteins and create gentle conditions for the functioning of organs. Whatever the cause of the disease, without diet it will progress and respond worse to therapy.

Basic principles of the diet

The goal of dietary nutrition is to stop the death of renal nephrons. The best way to organize such an action is to follow a low-protein diet in combination with strict sodium restriction. It is this kind of nutritional system that will help remove substances from the blood that appear during the process of protein metabolism. This:

  • Creatinine;
  • Urea;
  • Residual nitrogen;
  • Uric acid.

Since renal failure, increased creatinine, and uric acid become bad, these products accumulate and poison the body. In addition to their medicinal or mechanical removal, it is necessary to reduce the intake of protein foods into the body. Proper nutrition allows you to seriously reduce creatinine, which should be confirmed by regularly performed tests.

In addition to creatinine, a low-protein diet for renal failure helps reduce uremic intoxication, which occurs due to nitrogenous compounds - products of the breakdown of animal protein.

If you replace animal proteins with plant proteins, the degree of uremia decreases. But a complete rejection of animal proteins is unacceptable, because this can lead to muscular dystrophy, cessation of the synthesis of hormones, antibodies, enzymes, and various toxic changes. Patients should supplement vegetable proteins with those amino acids that they do not contain with the help of special preparations.

Why should salt in a patient’s diet also be limited? The fact is that the affected kidneys remove sodium worse; it settles in the cells and allows the tissues to accumulate water. The result is the appearance of swelling and increased blood pressure. Therefore, reducing salt in the menu is an important goal for the patient. You can replace salt with various spicy vegetables, spices, dressings and light sauces.

In a healthy person, the kidneys cope well with excess phosphorus in the menu. It is also present in protein foods, mostly in animal foods. If there is kidney failure, phosphorus accumulates in the joints, destroys them and causes serious problems. Excess potassium in the menu can also harm the body - it causes muscle weakness, arrhythmia, and other heart pathologies.

The conclusion is as follows: in addition to the fact that the patient is limited in high-protein foods and salt in the diet, he must avoid excess food with an abundance of potassium (dried fruits, bananas, avocados, etc.). The length of time a protein-restricted diet lasts is directly related to the course of the disease - only getting rid of the underlying pathology and improving kidney function can be the basis for stopping this diet. For the most part, the diet is lifelong.
The video shows the basic principles of a diet for kidney failure:

Proper diet

Dietary meals are organized according to treatment table No. 7.

For acute and chronic renal failure in people, the dietary features are different, but the principles are general:

  1. A serious decrease in the amount of protein - up to 20-70 g/day (calculated only by a doctor based on test results).
  2. A slight increase in fats and carbohydrates is to provide the body with the required amount of energy.
  3. Sufficient supply of minerals and vitamins.
  4. Limit salt to 2-6 g.
  5. Strict regulation of fluid intake (no more than 1.2 liters/day).
  6. Carrying out fasting days.
  7. Number of meals – up to 6 times a day in small portions, avoiding feelings of hunger.
  8. Cooking dishes by boiling, steaming, stewing. Roasting and frying are not allowed.
  9. The presence of fiber, which provides plant food(vegetables, berries, fruits).

Of the proteins, only 50-60% can be of animal origin, and in severe forms of the disease - even less. Fats up to 25% should be represented by plant products. The norm of carbohydrates is 400-450 g/day, of which up to 90 g of sugar.

The total calorie content of the diet is up to 2800 kcal/day. For patients with renal failure, treatment table No. 7 has been developed, including 7a, 7b for acute renal failure, 7c for chronic.

For acute renal failure

The goal of the nutritional system is to maximize kidney function, accelerate the elimination of metabolic products, and reduce hypertension and edema. The diet is mostly plant-based, proteins and salt are sharply limited, fats and carbohydrates are moderately reduced. In severe forms of the disease, diet 7a is used, according to which proteins are only 20 g/day, carbohydrates - 350 g, fats - 80 g, salt - 2 g. The calorie content of the diet is 2200 kcal.

Other diet features:

  • The food is just boiled, steamed
  • Avoid products containing oxalic acid and essential oils.
  • Bread is used only without salt
  • Number of meals – 5-6
  • Protein is represented by plant proteins (vegetables, cereals, nuts)
  • Vegetable salads are seasoned with vegetable oils
  • Fasting days - once a week (on watermelons, apples, pumpkins)

Diet 7b is introduced when the patient’s condition is less severe, but it necessarily involves an additional reduction in potassium. During treatment, the protein norm increases to 40 g, carbohydrates - to 500 g, salt - to 3 g, fats remain at the level of the previous nutrition system. The volume of fluid consumed in the acute form of the pathology does not exceed the amount of water excreted in the urine per glass. The duration of the diet usually does not exceed 1-2 weeks, after which it becomes less strict.

For chronic renal failure

At chronic course diet 7 or 7c is suitable, as well as individually selected regimens for the patient. Treatment with diet therapy will depend on the duration of the pathology, its severity, the presence of other complications, and the frequency of exacerbations. If in the terminal stage of pathology the protein norm is not higher than 20 g, then in a chronic course without exacerbations it increases to 40-70 g (the specific norm is calculated based on indicators of renal function). The amount of salt should not exceed 4 g. In general, the same principles of food preparation and consumption apply as in the acute form of the pathology.

Basics of the Meloprotein Diet

Authorized Products

The patient is allowed the following food:

  1. Bread without salt - wheat, corn starch.
  2. Vegetable soups, with potatoes, cereals.
  3. Lean beef, rabbit, poultry, lean fish (strictly in accordance with the protein norm).
  4. Cottage cheese (only if there is no meat or fish that day), milk, sour cream, cream, sour milk - taking into account the total amount of protein.
  5. Eggs - no more than half a day soft-boiled.
  6. Vegetables, herbs (except forbidden ones) - stewed, in salads, vinaigrettes.
  7. Fruits – any kind.
  8. Sweets - jelly, compotes, honey, jam, candies without chocolate.
  9. Gravy, sauces with tomatoes, sour cream, cinnamon, fruit and vanilla, with boiled (stewed) onions, bay leaves.
  10. Lightly brewed black tea, rosehip infusion, herbal teas, fruit juices.
  11. Vegetable oils, butter.

Prohibited Products

The list of foods that cannot be included in the menu for this disease is quite extensive. Alcohol, strong tea and coffee, chocolate, cocoa are strictly prohibited - these foods create a high load on diseased kidneys.

The following foods are also prohibited:

  • mushrooms;
  • refractory fats;
  • sausage;
  • salty foods;
  • canned food;
  • sorrel;
  • spinach;
  • legumes;
  • hot spices;
  • fatty sauces;
  • marinades;
  • garlic;
  • radish;
  • fat meat;
  • broths;
  • spicy snacks;
  • mineral waters with sodium;
  • ice cream;
  • cauliflower;
  • baked goods, puff pastry;
  • bananas;
  • dried fruits.

Pasta with chronic form pathologies are eaten, but very limited. Legumes are strictly prohibited in the acute form of the disease, but during the compensated stage in small quantities they are not contraindicated. Following a diet without failure will help stabilize your health, reduce the progression of the disease and improve a person’s well-being.

Prohibited foods for kidney failure

Chronic renal failure is a complication of various kidney diseases with severe damage to their functions. Products of protein metabolism accumulate in the body of a sick person, which leads to self-poisoning of the body. Dietary therapy in these cases is crucial.

General principles diet therapy for chronic renal failure:

1. Limiting proteins in the diet to 20-70 g per day, depending on the degree of kidney failure.
2, Ensuring the energy value of food by increasing the amount of fats and carbohydrates.
3. Eating enough vegetables and fruits, taking into account their protein, vitamin and salt composition.
4. Appropriate cooking of foods to improve appetite.
5. Regulating the intake of salt and water into the body, depending on the presence of edema, blood pressure and kidney condition.

In the initial stage of the disease in the diet, the amount of protein is slightly limited (up to 70 g or 1 g of protein per 1 kg of the patient’s body weight).
Recommended consumption
proteins of plant origin, which are found in bread, vegetables, nuts, legumes, and cereals. Metabolic products of these proteins are more easily excreted from the body. Besides herbal products contain a large amount of alkaline compounds, which inhibits the development of acidosis.

To ensure sufficient energy value of the diet, it is necessary to eat a variety of fats and carbohydrates, especially those contained in vegetables and fruits.

Salt limited slightly. Food is prepared without salt, but you can consume 5-6 g of salt per day. If the patient experiences an increase in the amount of urine excreted (polyuria), then the amount of salt can be increased to 5-6 g per 1 liter of urine.

Liquid quantity also should not exceed the amount of urine excreted over the past day by more than 500 ml. A sufficient amount of fluid helps remove metabolic products from the body.

Once a week there is a fasting day (sugar, watermelon, pumpkin, potato, apple).

the amount of protein is sharply limited (up to 20-40g per day). The main part of the proteins (70-75%) should be proteins of animal origin (milk, eggs, meat, fish) to provide the body with essential amino acids.

Due to the sharp limitation in the amount of proteins the energy value of the diet increases due to milk and vegetable fats, as well as carbohydrates. To improve taste, spices, herbs, sour vegetable and fruit juices (lemon, orange, tomato, etc.) are added to dishes.

Per day you can consume 2-3g of salt . If there is no edema, chronic circulatory failure, or high blood pressure, then the patient can consume 3 g of salt per day.

Liquid quantity (including first courses) that a patient can drink should not exceed the amount of daily diuresis (urine excretion) for the previous day by more than 500 ml. The liquid can be consumed as diluted fruit and vegetable juices or bicarbonate juices mineral waters(Borjomi, Luzhanskaya No. 1, Polyana Kvasova).
Food should be boiled; meat and fish can be lightly fried after boiling.

excluded from the diet foods and drinks that irritate the kidneys (strong coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate, spicy and salty snacks, meat broths, fish and mushroom decoctions, alcohol). Meals - 5-6 times a day.

In advanced stages of renal failure Deserves attention Giordano-Giovanetti type diet, which can be used for a long time. This is a low protein diet that contains 18-25g of egg white to meet the body's need for essential amino acids.

The energy value of the diet, 2000-2800 kcal, is provided mainly by fats (120-130g) and carbohydrates (230-380g). Salt added in an amount of 2-5g.
Liquid is not limited and corresponds to daily diuresis.

Bread, meat and fish are excluded, as they increase acidosis.

Widely used vegetables, fruits, sugar, jam, marmalade, honey, vegetable oil, milk fats. To improve the taste, spices are added: dill, bay leaf, cinnamon, cloves, allspice, parsley, vanillin. Irritating seasonings are prohibited: horseradish, garlic, radish, mustard.

Here is one interpretation of this diet

1st breakfast: boiled potatoes – 200g, egg – 1 pc., tea with sugar, jam (honey) – 50g.
2nd breakfast: sour cream – 200g, tea with sugar.
Lunch: rice soup - 300g (drained butter - 5g, sour cream - 20g, potatoes - 100g, carrots - 20g, rice - 30g, onions - 5g, tomato juice- 5g), vegetable stew - 200g (drained butter - 10g, carrots - 70g, beets - 100g, rutabaga - 100g), fresh apple jelly - 200g.
Dinner: rice porridge - 200g (rice - 50g, sugar - 5g, milk - 100g, drained butter - 5g), tea with sugar, jam (honey) - 50g.
All day: drain. butter - 70g, sugar - 100g, egg - 1 pc., tea.

In severe cases of renal failure, hemodialysis is performed using an artificial kidney device. - purification of blood from metabolic products of proteins and other substances. With chronic hemodialysis, patients may develop complications due to nutritional imbalance, since amino acids are removed during the procedure. They need to be replenished by expanding the diet.

Diet of patients with chronic renal failure, who are on chronic hemodialysis, should contain 0.75-1 g of protein per 1 kg of patient body weight per day. When the hemodialysis time is increased to 30 minutes per week, the amount of protein is increased to 1.2 g per 1 kg of the patient’s body weight.

Food is prepared without salt. If blood pressure is low and there is no swelling, the patient is allowed to consume 2-3g of salt per day.

Due to the fact that as a result of repeated hemodialysis the amount of potassium, calcium, phosphorus in the body may increase, limit consumption vegetables, fruits, dairy products, legumes, cabbage, mushrooms. Fruits such as apricots, raisins, prunes, bananas, dried fruits excluded from the diet completely .

Liquid quantity limit to 700-800 ml per day. Allowed to drink a small amount of fruit juices (lemon, apple, cherry, tomato), through which the body receives vitamins. Spices are added to dishes that do not irritate the kidneys (see above).

The energy value of the diet is 2800-3000 kcal. Chemical composition diet: proteins - 60g (of which ¾ are of animal origin), fats - 110g, carbohydrates - 450g. Meals - 6 times a day in small portions.

In addition to the above products limit consumption black currants, melon, peaches, rhubarb, celery, chicory. Prohibited spicy and salty dishes, meat broths, fish and mushroom broths, canned food, sausages, smoked meats, chocolate.

Read also

Diet for chronic circulatory failure
Diet for chronic pyelonephritis
Diary (Diet for chronic circulatory failure), author Marinchik
Diary entry Diet for chronic circulatory failure
Diet for chronic hepatitis
Diet for chronic enteritis
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Diet for chronic colitis
Diary (Diet for chronic pyelonephritis), author Melrin
Diary (Diet for chronic pyelonephritis), author Melrin, author Melrin
Diary (Diet for chronic hepatitis), author Gulnara
Diary entry Diet for chronic hepatitis

Therapeutic diets

Diet after hemorrhoid removal
Diet for exacerbation of hemorrhoids
Diet for normal hemorrhoids
Fasting days for kidney diseases
Diet for atopic dermatitis
Diet for kidney cysts with nephrotic syndrome
Diet for kidney cysts with symptoms of kidney failure
Juice therapy for spinal diseases
Diet for acute bronchitis
Diet for chronic bronchitis
Diet - recovery after stroke
Dietary food for colds
Diet for phosphate kidney stones
Diet for oxalate kidney stones
Diet for urate kidney stones
Diet for salt deposits
Diet for zero stomach acidity
Diet for cerebrovascular accidents and hypertension
Some dietary recommendations after goiter removal
Diet for hypertension
General principles of nutrition after gallbladder removal
Some dietary recommendations for diabetes
Diet for vegetative-vascular dystonia
Nutrition for hypotension
Therapeutic menu to support the liver
Nutrition for hiatal hernia
Fasting days for various diseases
Nutrition for glaucoma
Diet for anemia and erythrocytosis
Diet - cleaning blood vessels from cholesterol
Diet to normalize cholesterol levels
Fasting diets for heart disease
Diet for stroke prevention
Diet therapy for heart disease
Diet after a heart attack
Diet for arrhythmia
Diet for diabetes
Diet for heartburn sufferers
Diet for constipation
Diet therapy after flu and infectious diseases

Kidney failure is an acute or chronic syndrome in which all kidney functions are affected.

As a result, water-electrolyte, protein-energy and other types of metabolism are disrupted in the body.

As a result, severe intoxication occurs. The condition is corrected with the help of medications and blood purification procedures.

A mandatory component of treatment is a special diet for renal failure, which helps prevent further tissue breakdown.

If kidney function is impaired, it is important to limit the use of those substances for which they are responsible for excretion.

This is necessary, firstly, to relieve the urinary system, and, secondly, to prevent a deterioration in general well-being.

Such substances include:

  1. Squirrels. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, they participate in nitrogen metabolism. When kidney function deteriorates, their breakdown products accumulate in the body in the form of waste. This leads to headaches, nausea, and decreased appetite.
  2. Salt (sodium chloride) and water. Their limitation is associated with the prevention of edema and hypertension. Salt, or rather sodium, promotes fluid retention in the body.
  3. Phosphorus. Its excess leads to activation of the parathyroid glands, as a result of which calcium is intensively extracted from the bones, and osteoporosis develops. The main source of phosphorus is protein products. When their share in the diet decreases, the supply of the element automatically decreases. But you should take into account the ratio of phosphorus and protein per 100 g of dish. It is recommended to leave on the menu only those dishes whose coefficient is less than 20.
  4. Potassium. The need to reduce its amount is due to the risk of hyperkalemia. This condition is characterized by an excessive concentration of potassium in the blood plasma due to its insufficient excretion by the kidneys. It is accompanied by muscle weakness and heart rhythm disturbances.
Along with observing restrictions in case of renal failure, it is important to maintain a certain energy value of the diet, as well as provide the body with vitamins and minerals.

The basis of the menu should be carbohydrates, including vegetables growing in the region of residence, berries, fruits, and cereals.

An essential component of the diet is fats. But it should be remembered that if the kidneys fail, lipid metabolism is disrupted.

In combination with increased intake of cholesterol and triglycerides into the body, this can lead to the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system. The bulk of fats in the diet should be of plant origin.

Patients with kidney failure experience increased thirst, but are forced to limit themselves in drinking. To reduce the level of discomfort, it is worth freezing part of the daily amount of water and periodically dissolving pieces of ice.

Principles of nutrition

Basic nutrition rules:

  1. High calorie diet. Its boundaries are 2100-2800 kcal. per day. It is important to avoid the patient being underweight, as this increases the likelihood of complications. However, severe obesity increases the tendency to hypertension.
  2. Fractional meals. It is advisable to eat food 5-6 times a day in not very large portions.
  3. Reducing the level of substances excreted by the kidneys to certain limits, depending on the degree of the disease. The daily intake of protein is 20-70 g, salt – 2-3 g, phosphorus – 0.8-1 g, potassium – 2-4 g. If you have hypertension, you should avoid salt altogether.
  4. Control of water consumption. At the first stage of renal failure, it is recommended to reduce the total amount of fluid (including first courses) to 2 liters. As the pathology progresses, diuresis should be measured daily. The permissible amount of water per day is calculated by the formula: the volume of urine excreted over the previous day + 400 ml.
  5. Correct macronutrient ratio. The largest share of energy value should be provided by carbohydrates, then by fats and in last place by proteins. On initial stage It is worth consuming more plant proteins, as they are more easily excreted from the body and prevent the development of acidosis due to alkaline compounds. At the last stage of pathology, preference should be given to products of animal origin, since they better provide the body with amino acids.
  6. Culinary processing that increases appetite. Boiling, stewing, steaming and baking are allowed. It is allowed to first boil protein products and then lightly fry them. To improve the taste, you should use herbs, spices, and sauces.

Due to intoxication, many patients with kidney failure suffer from bouts of nausea and vomiting. To prevent them, you should have frequent snacks, not drink for 1 hour before and after meals, suck on lemon slices, and so on.

Preferred Products

In case of renal failure, it is important to create the most varied, nutritious and vitamin-rich diet. It should include products such as:

  • cereals – rice, sago, buckwheat, corn grits and others;
  • pasta (in small quantities);
  • vegetables - pumpkin, zucchini, leafy greens, potatoes, carrots, beets, tomatoes, onions;
  • any fruits and berries;
  • milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, cream, fermented milk products;
  • soft-boiled eggs or in the form of an omelet – 0.5-1 per day;
  • lean meats (turkey, rabbit, veal) and fish;
  • honey, jam, not chocolate candies;
  • spices – bay leaf, pepper, cinnamon, vanillin;
  • greens – parsley, dill;
  • green tea, herbal infusions, rosehip decoction;
  • jelly, compotes, fruit juices;
  • hydrocarbonate mineral waters;
  • bread without salt and protein;
  • unleavened cookies;
  • corn, olive, linseed oil;
  • butter.

From the listed products you can prepare soups, casseroles, porridges, side dishes, puddings, salads, gravies, mousses, sauces, and so on. When using protein foods, it is necessary to take into account consumption standards.

When the nephrons of the kidneys die, chronic renal failure occurs. Read more about this serious disease.

Prohibited Products

In case of renal failure, products that can negatively affect the condition of nephrons and create a significant burden on the urinary system are strictly prohibited. These include:

  • cocoa, chocolate;
  • sodium mineral waters;
  • ice cream;
  • strong tea, coffee;
  • alcohol;
  • refractory fats – lamb, palm;
  • sausages, cheese;
  • sorrel, spinach, garlic, radish, cauliflower, horseradish;
  • legumes;
  • mushrooms;
  • pickled, salted, smoked, pickled foods;
  • canned food;
  • hot spices, fatty sauces;
  • meat broths, fatty meats and fish, caviar, offal;
  • dried apricots, bananas (due to high potassium content);
  • puff pastry, pastry.

The following lists of preferred and prohibited foods are general. The menu is adjusted depending on the stage of the disease. For example, legumes are strictly prohibited during the acute period, but at the compensation stage they can be included in the diet in small quantities.

Diet for kidney failure

In case of renal failure, a diet is prescribed by a nephrologist. In addition, you can additionally consult a nutritionist.

Certain dietary restrictions must be observed immediately after the disease is detected.

The duration of the diet for chronic renal failure is unlimited, since renal failure is incurable.

However, nutrition must be periodically adjusted depending on the condition of the urinary system. Kidney function is assessed using laboratory tests and instrumental methods.

The specifics of the diet for renal failure depend on the form of the disease, which can be acute or chronic. In turn, a chronic condition can belong to one of three stages. In addition, some features characterize the diet if the patient undergoes hemodialysis - extrarenal blood purification.

Diet 7 for kidney failure

For patients with renal failure M.I. Pevzner developed a special diet - diet No. 7. It has several options (A, B, C, D), used depending on the severity of the disease:

  • initial stage - diet No. 7, fasting days according to diet No. 7B;
  • pronounced - No. 7B, fasting days No. 7A;
  • terminal with hemodialysis - No. 7, fasting days No. 7B, another option - No. 7G;
  • terminal complicated – No. 7A, load days and weeks No. 7B.

The lists of prohibited and permitted foods for all types of diet No. 7 are almost the same. Requirements for the ratio of macronutrients and calorie intake are changing.

Diet No. 7

Diet No. 7 involves a slight restriction of protein - 0.8 g per 1 kg of weight per day, 50-60% should be animal proteins. The amount of fats and carbohydrates remains within physiological norms. Calorie content – ​​2700-2900 kcal.

Food is prepared without salt. It is given to the patient in an amount of 3-6 grams, depending on the degree of hypertension. The amount of free liquid is limited to 1 liter.

Diet No. 7A

With diet No. 7A, the amount of protein is reduced to 20 g per day, 30-40% of which may be of plant origin.

The norms of fats and carbohydrates are moderately reduced. Salt is completely excluded. Calorie content – ​​2100-2200 kcal.

The permissible volume of free fluid depends on diuresis. You are allowed to drink 300-400 ml more than the daily volume of urine excreted.

Diet No. 7B

Table No. 7B differs from the previous version of the diet by increasing the amount of protein to 40 g per day. Its recommended sources are meat, fish, eggs, milk, sour cream, cottage cheese. The volume of fats and carbohydrates must correspond to physiological standards. The permissible amount of sodium chloride is 2-3 g. Calorie content is 2600-2800 kcal. The amount of free fluid is determined in the same way as with diet No. 7A.

Diet No. 7G

Diet No. 7G is prescribed for end-stage renal failure.

Its goal is to provide the patient with the maximum possible amount of nutrients.

Therefore, the volume of proteins increases to 60 g per day due to meat, fish, eggs and dairy products (moderately). The amount of fats and carbohydrates should be quite high.

Calorie content – ​​2800-2900 kcal. Free fluid is limited to 0.8 liters per day. In addition, the amount of salt (up to 2 g) and potassium (up to 2.5 g) is reduced.

Since all versions of diet No. 7 are unable to fully meet the body’s needs for microelements, medications containing iron, zinc, calcium and vitamins are additionally prescribed.


For chronic renal failure

For chronic renal failure, various versions of diet No. 7 are used. The transition from one diet to another is controlled by a doctor.

At the initial stage, table No. 7 is assigned. Early nutritional adjustments can slow down the death of nephrons. If the pathology progresses, then diet No. 7A is prescribed.

The duration of use of this menu depends on the patient's condition. If improvement is observed, then it is transferred to table No. 7B, while No. 7A is used 1-3 times a week.

It is important that every meal combines animal and plant proteins, this promotes more complete absorption of amino acids. It is necessary to prepare dishes without salt. Then you can add a little sodium chloride depending on your doctor's recommendations. The introduction of salt begins with small amounts and gradually increases in the absence of edema.

For acute renal failure

Acute renal failure is characterized by the critical condition of the patient. At the initial stage, nutrition is provided intravenously. As the patient's condition improves, the patient is transferred to low-protein diet No. 7A. Then, depending on the functional activity of the kidneys, table No. 7B, 7 or 7G is used.

Menu and diet recipes for kidney failure

Due to the fact that diet No. 7 does not prohibit the consumption of most vegetables, fruits and cereals, the diet for kidney failure can be varied. Do not forget about adding protein products to the menu, since they are not completely excluded, but limited.

Diet options

Menu No. 1:

  • breakfast - bread without salt and butter, vinaigrette seasoned with sour cream, tea with milk;
  • second breakfast – buckwheat with milk, omelet, rosehip decoction;
  • lunch - vegetable soup, stewed potatoes with meat, baked fruit;
  • dinner - millet casserole, vegetable cutlets, jam;
  • at night - milk and a bun.

Menu No. 2:

  • breakfast - rice porrige, soft-boiled egg, tea;
  • second breakfast – baked apples;
  • lunch – vegetarian borscht with sour cream, fish with vegetables, compote;
  • dinner – buckwheat cereal with cottage cheese, carrot and apple bits, tea;
  • at night - kefir and crackers from salt-free bread.

Menu No. 3:

  • breakfast - apple and sago pudding, tea, vegetable salad;
  • second breakfast – baked pumpkin, fresh fruit;
  • lunch - vegetable soup, boiled meat with side dish, apple compote, salt-free bread;
  • dinner - rice pilaf with prunes, tea with sugar;
  • at night - fruit juice.


Vegetable soup with millet


  • potatoes – 2;
  • carrots – ½;
  • parsley root – 1;
  • millet – 2 large spoons;
  • butter – 1 large spoon;
  • water;
  • sour cream – 1 large spoon;
  • herbs, spices to taste.
  1. Chop the carrots and parsley root into cubes. Fry in a frying pan, add a small amount of water and simmer until soft.
  2. Place the vegetables in a saucepan, add diced potatoes and millet to them, and pour boiling water over them.
  3. After 20 minutes, remove from heat. When serving, add sour cream, herbs and spices.

Pilaf with prunes


  • rice – 70 g;
  • prunes – 15 g;
  • raisins – 10 g;
  • sugar – 10g;
  • butter – 10 g;
  • water.
  1. Wash dried fruits. Steam them for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Remove the pits from the prunes. Slice it.
  3. Rinse the rice. Pour boiling water over it. Cook until half cooked.
  4. Add dried fruits, sugar and butter to the rice. Cover with a lid and place in the oven until the water has evaporated.

Krupenik from buckwheat and cottage cheese


  • buckwheat – 50 g;
  • low-fat cottage cheese – 50 g;
  • sugar – 10 g;
  • butter – 5 g;
  • vegetable oil – 5 g;
  • milk – 50 ml;
  • water – 75 ml;
  • sour cream – 10 g;
  • breadcrumbs – 3 g;
  • egg – ¼.
  1. Cook buckwheat porridge in water. Add butter.
  2. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. Combine it with milk, sugar and egg.
  3. Grease the mold with vegetable oil. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs.
  4. Mix buckwheat with curd mass. Place in the form. Bake. Drizzle with sour cream before serving.

Kidney failure is a very serious condition. It cannot be cured completely, since dead nephrons are not restored. But dietary therapy helps slow the progression of the disease and improve overall well-being.

The basic rule for creating a menu is to reduce the amount of substances that the kidneys are responsible for excreting. It is important to strictly adhere to the doctor’s recommendations and constantly monitor the condition of the urinary system.

Video on the topic

Kidney failure is a very serious disease in which all functions of this important internal organ are disrupted. With insufficient attention to this problem, water, electrolyte, nitrogen, and so on are disrupted.

Doctors distinguish between acute and chronic renal failure.

Acute renal failure develops suddenly and can be a consequence of shock (traumatic, burn, surgical, etc.), kidney poisoning with poisons (for example, mercury, arsenic, mushroom poison). An excessive dose of medication can act as a poison. Infections, acute diseases kidneys (nephritis, pyelonephritis, etc.), disorders of the upper urinary tract - all this possible reasons acute renal failure.

Its main features: a sharp decrease or complete absence of urination (the daily amount of urine is less than 400-500 ml), retention of nitrogenous waste in the body, disturbances in water-electrolyte and acid-base balance, cardiovascular activity, anemia, etc. Acute renal failure is very formidable and dangerous the condition, in the most difficult cases, is fatal; one cannot do without the help of specialists.

If you respond to the first signs on time and correctly, then all changes in the kidneys can be corrected within 2 weeks (less often 1-2 months). Treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause (shock, intoxication, etc.) and disorders.

Medical nutrition in acute kidney failure, it is intended to prevent the breakdown of tissue proteins. The main principle is maximum kidney sparing and correction of metabolic disorders. The diet is selected by the doctor and depends on the stage of the disease.

You should reduce your consumption of foods rich in plant protein: cereals, legumes, flour and all products made from it, including bread. Plant proteins are significantly inferior in composition to proteins of animal origin; they are used to a lesser extent for building proteins in the body, but overload it with products of protein metabolism.
Excessive restriction of animal proteins in the diet can disrupt the formation of many protein substances in the body: enzymes, antibodies, hormones. Therefore, the bulk of proteins (70-75%) should be proteins of animal origin (milk, eggs, meat, fish) to provide the body with essential amino acids.

Due to the sharp limitation in the amount of proteins the energy value of the diet increases due to milk and vegetable fats of all types (with the exception of refractory ones - lamb, pork, beef), and carbohydrates. They also achieve maximum vitaminization of food by including vegetable and fruit juices - watermelon, melon, cherry, apple, plum, etc.

The chemical composition of the diet includes:

  • proteins in the amount of 40-50 g,
  • where 50-60% is of animal origin, and in case of kidney disease up to 70%,
  • fats in the amount of 85-90 g (20-25% vegetable composition),
  • carbohydrates from 400 to 450 g, where 100 g of sugar,
  • the amount of free liquid is regulated individually, the average is 1-1.2 liters.

Currently, specialists have the opportunity to determine the optimal amount of protein, the consumption of which does not lead to a significant accumulation of protein metabolic substances in the blood and at the same time does not lead the body to protein starvation. This amount depends on the degree of renal failure.

For patients whose residual nitrogen content in the blood is increased to no more than 50 milligram percent, it is recommended 40 grams of protein per day, of which 30 grams are of animal origin and only 10 grams of plant origin. This protein content is provided to the patient by diet No. 7, which will be discussed in the article. It is essential for those suffering from chronic renal failure. If your well-being and laboratory test data improve, you can slightly expand your diet and increase the protein content in the diet to 60 grams.

In cases where the content of residual nitrogen in the blood increases sharply, the amount of protein in the diet is limited to 20 grams per day. This diet is used for a short time, mainly in a hospital setting.

Diet No. 7 provides 2700-2800 kilocalories per day. If an insufficient amount of energy comes from food, the body has to expend energy resources, using its own tissue proteins, and their supply is very limited. In addition, the breakdown of proteins inevitably increases the content of nitrogenous substances in the blood. Therefore, the patient should not deny himself food or feel hungry. You need to eat 5-6 times a day.

Kidneys weakened by disease do not remove sodium from the body well. It lingers in tissues and “attracts” water. This is the mechanism of edema that often occurs with kidney damage. In addition, kidney disease is often accompanied by hypertension, and excess salt intake is one of the factors that contribute to increased blood pressure. For these reasons, salt should be limited.

All cereal-based dishes, pasta, potatoes and other vegetables are good for patients with kidney disease. The daily diet includes the following products: meat (100-120 g), cottage cheese dishes, cereal dishes, semolina, rice, buckwheat, pearl barley porridge.
Particularly suitable due to the low protein content and at the same time high energy value potato dishes(pancakes, cutlets, babkas, fried potatoes, mashed potatoes, etc.), salads with sour cream, vinaigrettes with a significant amount (50-100 g) of vegetable oil.
Tea or coffee can be acidified with lemon, put 2-3 tablespoons of sugar per glass, it is recommended to use honey, jam, jam.

Thus, the main composition of food is carbohydrates (~230-380g) and fats (~120-130g) and in doses - proteins. Calculating the daily amount of protein in the diet is mandatory. When compiling a menu, you should use tables reflecting the protein content of the product and its energy value ( table 1 ).

Table 1. Protein content and energy value
some food products(per 100 g of product)


Protein, g

Energy value, kcal

Meat (all types)
Cottage cheese
Cheese (cheddar)
Sour cream
Cream (35%)
Egg (2 pcs.)
Honey or jam
Vegetable oil
Potato starch
Rice (boiled)




Table 2. Approximate daily set of foods (diet No. 7)


Net weight, g

Proteins, g

Fats, g

Carbohydrates, g

Sour cream
Salt-free bread
Cereals and pasta
Wheat groats
Vegetable oil
Dried fruits





It is allowed to replace 1 egg with: cottage cheese - 40 g; meat - 35 g; fish - 50 g; milk - 160 g; cheese - 20 g; beef liver - 40 g

Approximate options for diet No. 7

Option 1

Option 2


Wash the sago and pour cold water and set to cook. When the water boils, reduce the heat and, stirring, cook until the grains become glassy.
After this, place the sago in a colander to drain; and place on a clean towel. When the sago is dry, put it in a saucepan and put it in the refrigerator.
Use it to prepare various dishes as needed.

You can pre-soak the sago (overnight) and then cook it for 40 minutes.

Sago and rice porridge

Pour equal amounts of washed rice and pre-soaked sago with water so that there is twice as much as the cereal, and set to cook.
After bringing the water to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 40 - 45 minutes. You can cook porridge for more than a serving and put it in the refrigerator.
As needed, take 200 grams of porridge per serving, add a little water, a tablespoon of sugar and, closing the lid, keep it on the fire until it swells completely. Before eating, add 50 grams of cream to the porridge. One serving contains 5.4 grams of protein and 480 calories.

Sago with meat

From the sago prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerator, take one portion (100 grams), heat it in a water bath (placing a small saucepan with sago in a larger saucepan with boiling water).
Pass 30 grams of meat cooked without salt through a meat grinder, add salt (if salt is not limited) and lightly pepper.
Place a piece of butter (30 grams) in a heated frying pan, sauté finely chopped onion in it, add minced boiled meat and sago.
Mix everything. One serving contains 7.4 grams of protein and 610 calories.

The potato and potato-egg diets are widespread. These diets are high in calories due to protein-free foods - carbohydrates and fats. High calorie food reduces catabolism and reduces the breakdown of your own protein.

Here is one interpretation of this diet

1st breakfast: boiled potatoes - 200g, egg - 1 pc., tea with sugar, jam (honey) - 50g.
2nd breakfast: sour cream - 200g, tea with sugar.
Lunch: rice soup - 300g (drained butter - 5g, sour cream - 20g, potatoes - 100g, carrots - 20g, rice - 30g, onions - 5g, tomato juice - 5g), vegetable stew - 200g (drained butter - 10g, carrots - 70g, beets - 100g, rutabaga - 100g), fresh apple jelly - 200g.
Dinner: rice porridge - 200g (rice - 50g, sugar - 5g, milk - 100g, drained butter - 5g), tea with sugar, jam (honey) - 50g.
All day: drain. butter - 70g, sugar - 100g, egg - 1 pc., tea.

Can also be recommended as high-calorie foods honey, sweet fruits (poor in protein and potassium), vegetable oil, lard(in the absence of edema and hypertension).
There is no need to prohibit alcohol (with the exception of alcoholic nephritis, where abstinence from alcohol may improve kidney function).

All dishes are prepared without salt, but you can consume 5-6 g of salt per day (dishes are lightly salted when cooked).

Meat(lean beef, veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit) and fish are used boiled or subsequently fried. This requires complete removal of extractives (i.e. no broths are used).

From vegetables acceptable potatoes, beets, carrots, cauliflower, lettuce, tomatoes, fresh cucumbers green onions, dill, parsley. Legumes, onions, radishes, garlic, sorrel, and mushrooms are harmful to sick kidneys.

Eggs consumed in the form of a protein omelet (no more than one per day).

Fruits and berries are healthy raw and boiled, sweets - honey, sugar, jam, sweets, dried apricots and apricots, as recommended by a doctor.

From drinks In diet No. 7, compotes, jelly, juices, rosehip decoction, weak tea with lemon, and weak coffee are allowed. Cocoa and sodium-containing mineral waters are undesirable.

The total amount of liquid drunk per day (including the first course) should be no more than 1-1.1 liters.

Patients with severe renal failure have to limit potassium. And its content in products is significant (almost half) can be reduced by boiling, since potassium goes into the water. Therefore, when preparing dishes from vegetables such as potatoes, beets, zucchini or eggplants, rich in potassium, they must first be boiled.
Prepare fruit soup and compote from apples, pears, but without dried apricots, raisins or apricots, since these dried fruits contain a lot of potassium.

Since in chronic renal failure appetite usually decreases, and taste sensations may become unrecognizably distorted, diet therapy should be based on the “principle of deliciousness.” Considering that you will have to cook food without salt, it is quite difficult to adhere to this principle. But using different methods culinary processing and original “salt substitutes” are quite possible. To improve the taste, sour and sweet and sour sauces, food acids (citric, vinegar), spices, and spicy vegetables are used. You can use onions to a limited extent.
To improve the taste, spices (dill, bay leaf, cinnamon, cloves, allspice, parsley, vanillin), herbs, sour vegetable and fruit juices (lemon, orange, tomato, etc.) are added to dishes.
Irritant seasonings are prohibited: horseradish, garlic, radish, mustard (contain essential oils irritating the kidneys).


  • Bread of all kinds,
  • dough products,
  • pasta,
  • porridges, casseroles from cereals (with the exception of sago, which contains a small amount vegetable protein and high in calories)
  • eating black currants, melon, peaches, rhubarb, celery, chicory.



  • all salty dishes
  • salty and spicy sauces and snacks,
  • Salted, pickled and pickled vegetables are also not recommended,
  • meat broths, fish and mushroom broths (since when boiling these products release sodium into the water),
  • fresh and dried mushrooms,
  • canned food, sausages, smoked meats,
  • chocolate, but you can eat almost all sweets: jam, jam, marshmallows, sweet dough dishes

Based on materials from health.wild-mistress.ru, sci-rus.com, www.bibliotekar.ru, 10diet.net