Laying a large brick arch over the gate. Brick arch. Laying a brick arch with your own hands

The architectural features of buildings of various configurations force us to lay not only walls, but also other surfaces (arches, vaults, pillars, etc.) from brick or other stone of the correct shape.

The peculiarity is that all work must be carried out using a special solution (Portland cement), which has special characteristics. This is due to the need for the solution to harden as quickly as possible.

The process of laying arches and vaults is quite labor-intensive and requires special attention and skills. Before starting this task, you should draw up a project, approve it, and only then begin construction. If there are working drawings in which the calculation of the brick vault is made, materials are purchased to complete the task.

Traditionally, wedge bricks, which have a trapezoidal shape, are used for laying arches and vaults. The use of such bricks ensures not only the aesthetic appeal of the structure, but also maximum reliability and strength of fastening of the entire structure.

You can also use ordinary brick, which, if necessary, is hemmed along its entire length to give it a wedge-shaped shape. Constant quality control of masonry is mandatory. For this, a cord, ruler, and level are used. The interlocking brick is installed using force, thus wedging the masonry.

Scope of arches and vaults

An arched vault can serve as one of the options for making the top of any opening. As a rule, such a structure is built:

  • in wall openings;
  • as cladding;
  • during the construction of stoves, fireplaces, outdoor grills, barbecues;
  • to create an original portal (gate, wicket).

Additionally, you can build a dome out of brick, which will serve as a kind of “highlight” of the architectural design. The masterful laying of a brick cornice looks no less attractive, but is due to certain nuances that do not allow this idea to be implemented on different real estate properties.

Before starting masonry, you should make a formwork along which the template will move, taking into account the following parameters:

  • choice of arch shape;
  • accurate calculation of the arch radius;
  • determining the distance between supports;
  • clarification of masonry thickness;
  • advance paynemt.

If the arch is planned to be erected on an old building, then it is first necessary to strengthen the foundation, which will minimize the likelihood of deformation of the openings. The process of laying vaults depends on the planned type of structure, but involves carrying out this activity in several stages:

  • drawing up design drawings;
  • template installation;
  • vault masonry;
  • strengthening the structure;
  • dismantling circled;
  • execution of facing decoration.

All stages are completed as quickly as possible. Moreover, the masonry must be carried out from the “heels” to the “lock” synchronously on both sides. The seams are not left empty. They are completely filled with mortar, and the upper surface is rubbed with the remainder of the mixture. An important role for this activity is played by air temperature and humidity. Laying out a brick vault at sub-zero temperatures is strictly prohibited.

The construction of arches and vaults is used not only in civil engineering. Quite often, such technology is used in the process of building churches. The technology for performing this activity is similar. The only difference is in the scale and quantity of building materials required. By design, brick vaults are:

  • cool;
  • flat;
  • flat;
  • semicircular;
  • three-centered.

Carrying out preparatory work and masonry process

example of church construction

Having visually assessed the scale of the work, you should begin building the approved structure. To make a template, chipboard and beams are usually used. Pre-calculated parameters are applied to the sheet and the workpiece is cut out. The template should be mounted extremely carefully, since the aesthetics of the future arch depends on this. If there is a need to create a more durable structure, then it is more advisable to use a frame made of reinforcement. This template is used as a circle when constructing formwork.

Before starting laying everything necessary materials and tools should be positioned as close to the work area as possible. The brick is pre-soaked in water. Since the arch is laid on both sides simultaneously, bricks should be stored on both the right and left sides of the work site. If used brick is used as the base of the masonry, then to add aesthetics, the surface of the arch must be additionally lined. You can also build a brick wall cornice, which will create a finished look for the structure.

If you are not confident in the accuracy of the masonry, you should first rehearse the entire process. Having analyzed the shortcomings and assessed your abilities, you can begin to build the arch directly at its future location.

Considering the projects of brick churches, it becomes obvious that the height of the dome and its overall dimensions require strengthening the walls of the structure. The masonry is carried out using a single-row or multi-row ligation system. In places of maximum load, a steel mesh is additionally laid, which prevents cracks from appearing.

Considering that over time the vaults may sag a little, the installation of the circles is carried out slightly higher than the expected height. In this case, the brick ceiling vaults will be constructed with the utmost care, avoiding any mistakes. After all, even the slightest flaw can lead to instability of the structure and its further destruction.

After the arched brick vault is laid, it is necessary to provide time to allow the mortar to completely harden. Depending on the complexity and dimensions of the structure, this stage may last several days, after which the formwork can be dismantled. In some cases, it is not possible to painlessly remove the formwork without damaging the arch. Therefore, it is necessary to consider in advance the possibility of installing a removable structure.

More on the topic:

You can only cover fireplaces and stoves arches, ties, overlap or wedge. Metal products cannot be used for ceilings: reinforcement, corners, channels, etc.

Arch the most reliable ceiling that transfers the vertical load from the upper rows of the stove or fireplace masonry to the walls “in expansion”.

Arches are:

  • semicircular
  • archery
  • straight
Semicircular arch– exactly half a circle – the most durable and reliable. The radius of curvature in such an arch is equal to half the width of the firebox.

To lay such an arch, you must first make a circle. Take a sheet of plywood and cut out 2 semicircles from it with a radius half the width of the firebox. Place the semicircles on the floor and insert 11 cm long wooden blocks between them and nail them together. The circle is ready.

When laying an arch on a cement-sand mortar, the bricks are placed on the circle whole, not ground off, but the masonry is wedged with the mortar. When laying an arch on clay, it is impossible to jam the mortar, since the clay-sand mortar has very low strength and sooner or later it will crumble out of the seams. Therefore, all the bricks of the arch must be ground onto a wedge. Moreover, the dimensions of the wedge depend on the radius of curvature of the arch.

You can calculate the dimensions of the wedge using geometric formulas, but it’s easier to draw it using a thread. To do this, place the circle on the table and attach a brick to it. From the center of the circle, pull the thread to the upper left corner of the brick.
Using a pencil, draw a cutting line along the brick from the top left corner. Do the same with the right side of the brick. You will end up with a drawing that looks something like this. Then grind off the excess with a grinder or pick and you will get a wedge brick designed specifically for your arch radius.

After preparing the required number of wedge bricks, you can begin laying. The circle is installed in the firebox on supports, leveled and plumb. The arch is laid starting from the outermost bricks so that there is a brick at the top of the arch and not a seam between two bricks. The correctness of the masonry is checked with a thread stretched from the center of the circle. The bricks adjacent to the arch are adjusted to it in place.

Onion arch more flat than semicircular. Used for wider windows and limited window heights. The circles under such an arch are not an even half of a circle, but a sector.

The technology for laying a bow arch is the same as a semicircular arch, with the only difference being that the radius of curvature in such an arch is unknown in advance. It is calculated by the formula:

R – radius of curvature of the arch

c - the height to which you want to raise the top of the arch (usually equal to the height of 1-2 rows of masonry)

c - half the width of the firebox

Straight arch. It is used if you want to make a direct overlap. All that remains of the arch here are bricks ground down into a wedge. That is, the principle of the arch (transmitting the vertical load to the sides) remains, but the shape of the arc disappears.

There is no need to make a circle. The arch is laid along the board. In manufacturing, a straight arch is the most difficult of all ceilings. The main difficulty is the calculation of the cutting angles of each brick, or rather its measurement.

To determine the stitch angles, you must first set the center of the arch. Further technology is similar to making bricks for a bow arch. Only instead of a circle, a straight board is used. First, a center brick is placed in the center of the board. The angles of the cuts are measured using a thread stretched from the center of the arch to its upper corners.

The central brick (1) is sawn along the cutting lines. Then a second brick (2) is placed on the right side of the central cut brick so that the lower left corner of the second brick coincides with the lower right corner of the central one. The thread (4) is pulled to the upper right corner of the second brick from the center of the arch (3). The cutting line is drawn. In this case, the lower right corner of the second brick is below the board line. A second cutting line (5) is drawn along the board, as if along a ruler, cutting off the lower right corner of the second brick.

In the same way, sequentially placing subsequent bricks against the arch, all the rest are trimmed. In this case, each time the lower right corner of the subsequent brick will fall lower and lower than the level of the board. Using the same technology, bricks are cut to the left of the center. The result is an arch with a flat bottom and a stepped top.

Now all that remains is to draw a straight line from the upper left corner of the leftmost brick to the upper right corner of the rightmost brick and cut all the bricks along this line. This way you will get a set of bricks for a straight arch. Such an arch is placed along a straight board, as if in a circle. When choosing the center of the arch, it must be taken into account that the height of the bricks and the strength of the arch directly depend on its position. The closer the center is to the arch, the steeper the wedges are, the stronger the arch, but the height of the bricks in it decreases.

Screed. It is used if you want to make a direct ceiling with vertically standing bricks. Not the best reliable way ceilings The use of steel rods can lead to sagging of the floor over time. To make a screed, take two steel rods with a diameter of 10-12 mm and a length 20-30 cm greater than the width of the firebox. Cut threads at the ends of the rods. In bricks intended for flooring, drill holes with a diameter of 12-14 mm. Place the drilled bricks in a row and thread them through the holes. Seal the joints between the bricks with mortar. After the solution has dried, put washers on the rods and tighten the resulting beam with nuts. You can install such a brick block directly on the fireplace window. It is very cute, but due to the use of metal, it is very unreliable. No matter how refractory a brick is, it still heats up and heats up the steel rods, and the coefficients of thermal expansion of brick and steel are very different from each other.

Overlap overlap. It is used for direct covering of small (up to 1 brick wide) areas in ovens. Bricks in such a ceiling do not fail due to the fact that they are cantilevered in the masonry. When laying them, you need to place a board under them, which is then removed.

Wedge overlap. Used for direct covering of openings up to 2 bricks wide. To cover with a wedge, a support is also used, on which numbered bricks are laid. After finishing all the masonry, the board is removed. Bricks No. 3 are held in place by rigid embedding in the masonry, brick No. 6 is held in place by a wedge.

Video: do-it-yourself arch laying

An arch is an architectural element and is a lintel in a wall opening. This beautiful design makes it more expressive appearance buildings or interior design. It not only effectively divides a room without a door, but is also able to distribute the load from the top point to the sides. Brick arches are most often made from the outside. And in the interior, plasterboard is used to create a rounded opening.


A curved brick lintel, called an arch, can be made in different ways, hence the variety of species.

  • The classic or full arch is a traditional semicircle. The arc, lined with bricks, is half a circle. A similar architectural element can be decorated with columns.

  • The onion variety looks like a truncated, incomplete classic arch (only the upper part). The lintel in this case is smaller than the radius of the door width.

  • Wedge arches suit the Gothic style. In this design, the bricks are laid out with a wedge and secured with a “lock”.

  • A pointed (broken) arch consists of two halves, the highest point of which is not the line of a circle, but the top of a triangle in a smooth design. The Gothic style often uses windows with broken lines.

  • The “romanticism” style uses a type of opening with a straight upper part with rounded transitions to the side walls.

  • In “modern” there is a very wide arc in the form of a truncated cone.

  • A portal (straight) rectangular arch is so simple that you can build it yourself.

  • Openings made in the shape of an ellipse are decorated with various styles interior

  • Irregularly shaped arches can come in the most unexpected forms, for example, it can be a vintage garden structure.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before you acquire arches in your garden, yard or house, you should think about whether they are really needed, weigh the pros and cons, and only then implement your plans. The advantages of such designs include:

  • spectacular appearance, you can always choose a shape that matches the style of the interior;
  • portals, in the absence of doors, can expand the volume; they allow you to see only part of the territory beyond their borders, and the rest of the space is completed by the imagination;
  • architectural lintels are reliable, they evenly direct the vertical load to the sides towards the walls;
  • arches are universal, they can be used to decorate not only a door or window opening, but also a fireplace, gazebo, gate, gate, even a blank wall.

As for the disadvantages, for some people the lack of a door may seem inconvenient. In addition, the arch obliges you to maintain the overall style of the room. And who will decide to self-installation, will have to perform all operations in strict order.


You can lay out a brick arch with your own hands. You need to start with choosing the location and type of structure. The complexity of execution depends on the model, but the consistency construction work for all types of structures will be approximately the same:

  • a sketch of the selected arch model is drawn;
  • calculations are made;
  • a drawing is drawn up with size marks;
  • According to the drawing, a template is made from chipboard;
  • the template is installed in place of the jumper;
  • the arch is laid out of brick;
  • the laid out structure is fixed and secured;
  • the template is removed;
  • For finishing works plaster can be used.

It is not difficult to build an arch, but in order for it to be stable and not collapse, it must be folded correctly. To achieve this, a clear sequence of construction work is observed. If the structure is wide or massive, strengthening the foundation may be required.

What to make it from?

The building material for making the arched opening should be prepared in advance. Bricks are often used clinker or solid ceramic (M-150). If you don’t want to shape the brick into a trapezoid yourself, you can purchase a ready-made wedge-shaped stone. For stove and fireplace arches, the solution is made with the addition of fireclay clay and sand; it has fire-resistant properties. For other types of construction, you can choose other types of solutions with increased adhesion. For the template you will need chipboard sheets and bars.

Calculations and template creation

If a location has been selected and a sketch of the model is ready, you can proceed to calculations. You need to know the size of the wall from floor to ceiling. Then note the height and width of the arch itself and calculate the radius. To make a template, you will need to find out the thickness of the supporting parts, measure the distance from the highest point of the structure to the ceiling, the height and width of the opening.

To calculate the radius of the lintel, you should add the square of its height and the square of the width/double height of the lintel (usually it is 1-2 rows of masonry). The radius is half the width of the opening. Calculations are made for the template in the same way. The template is made slightly smaller than the arched structure, so as not to damage the masonry during dismantling.

A drawing of half a circle with a calculated radius is applied to a sheet of chipboard. Then two identical semicircles are cut out and fastened with bars into a single structure. The template is temporarily mounted in the opening and secured to spacers and wooden fasteners (supports).

Using the length of the arc, the amount of brick required is calculated, seams also need to be taken into account, but make them as minimal as possible. The size of the brick wedge is selected visually, and the wedge-shaped shape of each stone is hewn out as the work progresses. You can immediately purchase a wedge-shaped brick, but masonry errors will be more noticeable than with an individual fit.

How to post?

After installing the template, they begin to lay the brickwork of the opening itself. Bricks in columns are laid out from bottom to top, from both sides at the same time. All seams are carefully filled with mortar; voids can subsequently cause destruction of the structure. The last brick is hammered into the central upper part, a “lock” is installed, it will secure the structure. The template is dismantled only when the entire structure is completely ready. Then the excess mortar is removed, the seams are leveled, and the masonry is prepared for facing work. For finishing, you can choose decorative plaster.

An arch is an architectural element made in the form of a curved lintel over an opening in a wall or a span between two supports. Such designs are widely used to decorate the facades and interiors of residential buildings and public buildings.

Do-it-yourself brick arch is not a problem for home handyman having some skills in performing construction work.

Types of brick arches

An ordinary brick arch is a symmetrical vaulted structure, the strength of which is ensured by lateral expansion. Experts distinguish the following types of brick arches:

  • wedge - bricks are laid out with a wedge and secured with a “lock”;
  • beam - bricks are laid along a truncated arc;
  • full arches - bricks are laid out in a semicircle with a height of half the width of the opening.

First of all, you need to decide on the type of arch you plan to build and prepare the necessary materials and tools. Each of the described brick arches has its own pros and cons, but the diagram and sequence of work on their construction is not much different.

The sequence of building a brick arch

The technology used to build a brick arch with your own hands depends on the chosen type and design features of the architectural element. The entire process of constructing a brick arch can be divided into the following stages:

  • development and production of a vaulted element template;
  • installing a template;
  • laying out a brick arch;
  • compression and fixation of the arched structure;
  • disassembling and removing the template;
  • finishing of brickwork.

To make a template for the future arch, chipboard sheets and wooden beams are used. The appearance and quality of the arched structure depends on the quality of the template, so it is necessary to correctly calculate its dimensions.

The template is made several centimeters smaller than the width of the opening along the height of the arch, so that there are no problems with its dismantling after laying out the element.

The center of the arched structure, its upper and lower points are applied to the chipboard sheet, then they are connected to each other in the form of an arc so that the result is a truncated semicircle. Using the resulting markings, two circles are cut out, which are connected using bars and screws, forming a full-size arch. The template is installed in the opening and fixed in it using wooden supports and spacers.

Before laying out the arch, grooves are installed on both sides of the opening, allowing you to clamp the arch quickly and easily. The brick arch is set from bottom to top simultaneously on both sides. A “lock” is installed in the center at the top of the arch - a brick that is tightly driven into the masonry and secures the entire structure.

After clamping the brick arch, the template is removed and the surface is cleaned. In order for the masonry to look neat, it is necessary to carefully align the seams and remove excess mortar from the front surface of the brickwork.

Materials used for constructing brick arches

For the manufacture of arches, a special wedge brick is usually used, since its trapezoidal shape contributes to better fixation of the arched structure. You can purchase wedge bricks ready-made in stores that sell building materials. You can make wedge brick yourself by cutting it to the desired shape ordinary brick blocks.

Special solutions are often used to secure arched structures. For example, for stove arches, the solution is made from clay with the addition of fireclay sand with inclusions of fine gravel, sifted through a sieve with cells up to 0.8 cm in diameter. In this case, the thickness of the seams should be minimal.

The main mistakes when building arches with your own hands

A do-it-yourself brick arch, if calculated correctly and accurately following the work production technology, will become a magnificent decoration for your home and will last a very long time. However, there are a number of reasons that can lead to the destruction of the arched structure:

  • insufficient height of the arch with a large opening width - with this design, the loads are distributed unevenly, which can lead to the formation of cracks;
  • the use of metal corners and bases as a template - metal, unlike wood, prevents the uniform natural shrinkage of the arched structure, which can cause it to crack;
  • untimely dismantling of the template - if the wood has time to become saturated with moisture and swell, this can lead to excess stress, so the arch should be protected from moisture by covering it with polyethylene;
  • weak foundation - cracks in arches often occur when the foundation subsides; in this case, it is necessary to carry out a set of measures to strengthen the foundation and prevent subsidence of the base of the arched structure.

Arches can be made in a variety of styles and used to decorate various architectural elements. A do-it-yourself brick arch will give your home original look and will create a unique atmosphere.


By the way, a brick arch can be not only in a house, but also in a stove. The following story will tell you how to make such an arch.

In order to decorate the facade of a house, decorative architectural components are often used, which can give it special color and originality.

Today it is considered fashionable to build brick arches. Gates and interior doors can be made in the form of arches.

Among such elements are arches, which are often used in modern construction of both industrial buildings and country houses.

An arch is a shaped lintel that can be mounted both above window and door openings.

Classification of brick arches

A bow arch is a shape of arch that is only part of a circle.

Types of brick arches:

  1. Beam arch (another name is truncated or incomplete; it is an arc whose height is less than the radius).
  2. Full arch (regular, half a circle, that is, its height is equal to the radius).
  3. Wedge type arches (bricks above a rectangular window are placed in a wedge, while they fix themselves, leaning against each other).

Each of the above types of arches has advantages and disadvantages.

Laying a brick opening

This technology may include several stages:

  1. Creating a template.
  2. Template installation.
  3. Kit .
  4. Arch compression.
  5. Disassembling the template.
  6. Clean finish.

High-quality brick arch masonry involves the use of the following construction tools:

  • trowel (leveling the mortar, trimming excess mortar on the seams and high-quality filling of vertical seams);
  • shovel bucket (used for feeding, shoveling the solution and spreading it);
  • instrumentation to determine the current quality of the structure (m, plumb line, level, rule, triangle);
  • hammer-pick;
  • roulette;
  • mortar shovel;
  • mooring twisted cord.

Risk of breakage

There are several reasons why a brick arch can burst:

  1. Small radius (height) of the structure with a fairly large width. Such a structure absorbs heavy loads, but does not distribute them. As a result, cracks may form, but the massif will not collapse. To create a template, you can use corners or metal bases. They are used to additionally attach the structure, but sometimes this can lead to very unfavorable consequences. After all, when using a wooden template and after dismantling it brickwork shrinks and thickens. However, if a metal base is used, the masonry does not sag. Thus, the structure will be very strong, but also with some cracks.
  2. The template was preserved in the arch for quite a long time after its creation. For example, they might not have picked him up right away, but left him overnight. During this time, the tree absorbed moisture, swelled, and the masonry of the arch could not withstand the stress. Despite the fact that such cases are rare, it is still recommended to be careful at this stage. It is better to cover the arch with polyethylene.
  3. Subsidence of the base. The formation of cracks near window openings is one of the signs of an improperly constructed foundation. At the same time, cracks in the arch structure are no exception. In this situation, it is necessary to strengthen the foundation.

Arched opening calculations

1. rotating rack or cord;
2. a board located at the level of the center of the arch circumference.

The first step is to create a template using a sheet of chipboard. Wooden blocks and fiberboard are used here. At the same time, the quality of the template, the correspondence of its sizes and shapes to specific parameters largely determine the future quality of the arch.

The first step is to determine the size of the template. To do this, it is necessary to calculate the width of the opening (as an example, a window with a width of 1500 mm). The width of the template is taken 5 mm less, that is, 1495 mm. Subsequently, it is possible to dismantle the template at the final stages without much difficulty, even if it swells from moisture. The height of the template must match the selected arch height (for example, 168 mm). It is advisable to place a whole face brick in the upper area of ​​the arch. Thus, to determine the height, you need to calculate the number of bricks. The height of one row should be around 72 mm (the height of the seam and brick), and total number rows – 4. That is, arched height: 72*4-120=168 mm. Hence 120 mm is the height of the shaped brick laid on edge.

Calculation of arch parameters: Ha – Arch height, lpr – Span width

The height can be smaller or larger, but it must be borne in mind that if the arch is too low and the width is too large, then there is a risk of the brickwork sagging under the influence of load.

The thickness of the template is selected based on the thickness of the wall. It should be specific so that you don't have to create an auxiliary template. After all, there are only two arches: the back arch and the front arch. The acceptable thickness here is 200 mm, which is half the thickness of the cinder block. A larger template will be heavier, which is naturally undesirable.

The template characteristics can be as follows:

  • height – 168 mm;
  • thickness – 200 mm;
  • width – 1495 mm.

Accordingly, after the calculation, you can start creating the template itself. The chipboard sheet is used to mark the center of the arch, the lower and upper points. In order to obtain a truncated semicircle, the lower and upper points are connected to each other using an arc. For this, you can use a thread or a wire with a metal peg tied to it on one side and a pencil on the other (this way you will get a kind of compass, the radius of which will be many times greater than the standard one).

For more efficient and convenient installation of the template, it is necessary to retreat approximately 100 mm from the lowest extreme points of the arc. This is done so that the arch includes supports for fastening the bars. Use the resulting outline to cut out the circle. This operation is performed using a jigsaw.

Next, you need to cut out the arched template, which consists of two circles, which means you will need two copies of them. At the same time, you can make your task easier by first cutting out the first one (circle it, placing a sheet on the chipboard) and cutting out the second one along the resulting contour.

To add volume to the arch template, it is necessary to fix wooden blocks between two circles. After performing this operation, the template structure is secured using nails or self-tapping screws. The upper area of ​​the template arch is equipped with a strip of fiberboard using nails (20 to 25 mm). The template will have a smoother and more regular shape and will also be able to hold the bricks laid in the upper area.

The template is mounted in the window opening, under which supports made of boards 20 mm thick are installed. A spacer is attached between the latter to secure them. The template is mounted on boards at the same level with the shaped brick of the front sample. At the same time, its height must correspond to the frame of the window.

Laying a bow-type arch to a wall involves trimming the window frame and top brick using a grinder. Thus, the arch is mounted lower, and the brick moves towards the inner corner.

Usually the front arch protrudes in relation to the wall. The protrusion should be small (less than 60 mm). Otherwise, there is a risk of the arched bricks getting wet and gradually collapsing. It is recommended to cover even small protrusions with a certain material, for example, tiles, or metal sheet. However, the larger the protrusion, the more colorful the future arch will look, so you will have to make the choice in favor of beauty or practicality personally.

Laying facing bricks to the wall involves some nuances. In the process, it is necessary to pay due attention to the fact that the brick includes two front sides. In the case when the material protrudes strongly in relation to the wall, the front and “back” sides are visible, the plane of which is rough and uneven.

Masonry construction

Before laying the arch, it is necessary to install grooves on both sides, making it possible to simply and quickly clamp it.

The creation of arches must begin with the “heels”, on which it will subsequently rest. After their installation, the height of one row of masonry is calculated, and the number of rows around the arch is also measured. After that, it is necessary to apply marks to the template that will mark the positions of the rows.

It is necessary to make a set of brick arches simultaneously from both sides from bottom to top. The final brick, called the “key” brick, is installed directly in the center of the upper area of ​​the arches. It fixes other bricks, of which there may even be two if their total number is even. The key brick must be driven in tightly enough so that it not only holds on its own, but also holds the entire brick structure arches

After building the arch, it is clamped with a brick. It is advised to do this on the same day and not postpone it until a later time, otherwise it may burst.

The template can then be immediately removed and the plane cleaned. If the weather is decent and the air temperature is high, the solution will quickly harden on the same day, which will make it possible to remove it without damaging the masonry. If the solution is left for a day or two, then it will be very difficult to clean the seams from the solution.

During the laying process, the seams are not always perfectly clean and even, so cleaning them is necessary. The mortar can be squeezed out of the seams and onto the face of the masonry, or completely fill them. The first case involves cleaning the seams with a dry cloth, and the second involves auxiliary lining of the seams from the bottom up.

After 24 hours, the wall with the arch must be raised by a certain number of brick rows.

Masonry of backfill analogue

The backing arch is a structure that is located behind the front part of the arch.

After completing all the steps described above, you can proceed to the backfill arch. To create these arches, the same wooden template is used, but with some changes in its design. Due to the fact that arched windows have a quarter of 5 cm on the sides, both the arch and the template must include a similar detail. Thus, the template must be increased by this amount. In order to do this, the fiberboard sheet is equipped with wooden blocks with a section of 45x45 mm and a length of 200 mm. The distance between them can be approximately 70 mm.

The sheet is very flexible and therefore the resulting tape is easy to bend and attach to the upper area of ​​the arched template.

Features of work

The technique for creating backing arches is an analogy for making front arches. First you need to mount the “heels”, from which to the top of the arch you need. Typically, single backing bricks mounted on an edge are used for this purpose.

Before starting the process of creating an arch, it is recommended to prepare all the essentials Construction Materials and tools, make a template, cut spacers, pieces of wood and supports. In general, creating an arch will take approximately 8.5-9 hours a day, so it makes sense to start work in the morning and finish it by evening.

At this point, the work of creating a brick arch can be completed. The main thing in the masonry process is to prepare all the necessary construction tools and strictly adhere to the established rules. Thus, you will get a very high-quality and effective result.