When was Trump born? American businessman Donald Trump: biography and achievements. Donald Trump Family

Donald John Trump is the elected 45th President of the United States of America, a businessman and politician, a member of the Republican Party, media tycoon, writer, president of the construction conglomerate Trump Organization, founder of Trump Entertainment Resorts, specializing in the gambling and hotel business. Trump is the executive producer and host of the reality show The Apprentice. Known for his extravagant lifestyle and frank communication style.

On June 16, 2015, Donald Trump announced his entry into the race for the presidency of the United States in 2016. In May 2016, ahead of other candidates in the primaries, Trump actually became the candidate of the Republican Party.

The Republican National Convention, held July 18–21, 2016, endorsed Donald Trump as the official Republican Party presidential candidate.

Trump was the second bipartisan presidential candidate in history to be known primarily as a businessman (the first was Wendell Willkie in 1940).

Trump's father is Fred Christ Trump (10/11/1905, Woodhaven, New York, USA - 06/25/1999).
Mother - Mary Ann MacLeod (05/10/1912, Tong, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, Scotland - 08/7/2000); In 1930, at the age of 18, she went to New York for the holidays, where she met a local builder and stayed. The wedding took place in 1936.

Donald Trump's paternal grandparents were German immigrants: Frederick Trump (born Friedrich Trump, 03/14/1869, Kallstadt, Rhineland-Palatinate - 03/30/1918) immigrated to the United States in 1885, became a citizen in 1892; his wife is Elizabeth Christ (10/10/1880 - 06/06/1966). They married in Kallstadt, Rhineland-Palatinate, in 1902.

On his mother's side, Donald Trump has Scottish roots.

Trump has two brothers and two sisters - Fred Jr. (now deceased), Robert, Maryann and Elizabeth. His older sister, Maryanne Trump-Barry, is a federal appeals court judge and the mother of David Desmond, a renowned neuropsychologist and writer in the United States.

Trump attended Kew Forest School in Forest Hills, Queens, and faced adversity at age 13. His parents sent him to a private boarding school, New York Military Academy, in hopes of channeling his energy and self-confidence in a positive direction. It worked: Trump attended an academy in upstate New York, won awards from the academy, and played on the football teams in 1962 and 1963 and on the baseball team from 1962-1964 (he was captain of the team in 1964). Baseball coach Ted Dobias, known for his unselfish work with children, awarded him the Coach Award in 1964.

Donald Trump:“After graduating from the New York Military Academy in 1964, I thought about going to film school... but ultimately decided that real estate was more profitable business. I started studying at Fordham University... but after two years I decided that going to college was the same as not studying at all. So I applied to the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania and got in... I was so happy when I graduated. I immediately went home and started working for my father.”

He graduated from Wharton in 1968 with a Bachelor of Science degree in economics and a minor in finance. His father's company was a leader in the real estate industry.

By 1989, due to the financial crisis, Trump was unable to repay his loans. He invested $1 billion in the construction of his third casino, the Trump Taj Mahal, mostly in high-interest junk bonds. This decision gave him an advantage over competitors who used most own money to finance their projects. Although Trump bolstered his business with additional loans and deferred interest payments, by 1991 mounting debts not only caused business-related bankruptcy but also brought him to the brink of personal bankruptcy. Banks and bondholders lost hundreds of millions of dollars, but still decided to restructure Trump's debt to avoid wasting even more money in court.

By 1994, Trump had eliminated most of his $900 million in personal debt and significantly reduced business debt to about $3.5 billion. Along with the fact that he was forced to divest the Trump Shuttle airline (which he bought in 1989), he managed to keep Trump Tower in New York and remain manager of three casinos in Atlantic City.

On presidential elections In 2000, he participated in the primaries of the US Reform Party. He won the primary elections in Michigan and California. Nominated Oprah Winfrey for the post of vice president. He also planned to include Colin Powell and John McCain in the cabinet. Then he left the election race

In November 2013, Donald Trump visited Moscow, where the Miss Universe 2013 competition was held (it is Trump who has owned the rights to host the annual Miss Universe beauty pageants since 1996). He stated that he was pleased with the organization of the competition and noted the contribution of businessmen Araz and Emin Agalarov to its organization (he congratulated the latter on his “excellent singing”). Trump also said that he was going to build a skyscraper in Moscow - an analogue of the New York business center Trump Tower.

On November 10, 2015, during the next debate of Republican candidates, Trump spoke out in support military operation Russia in Syria, saying: “If Putin wants to crush ISIS, I’m for it 100 percent, and I can’t understand how anyone could be against it.”

Donald Trump's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

Donald Trump was twice nominated for an Emmy Award for his comical portrayals of himself in the television series and feature films, such as Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, The Nanny, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Days of Our Lives, and as a character in the film Scamps.

In 1977, Trump married 28-year-old Ivana Zelnichkova. They have three children: Donald Jr., Ivanka and Eric. They divorced in 1992.

In 1993, Trump married 29-year-old Marla Maples. From this marriage he has a daughter, Tiffany. They divorced on June 8, 1999. In February 2008, on ABC's Tonight Line, Trump said the following about his wives: “I just know that it was very difficult for them (Ivana and Marla) to compete with what I love. I really love what I do."

On April 26, 2004, he proposed to Melania Knavs from Slovenia on her 34th birthday. Trump and Knavs (who is 24 years Trump's junior) were married on January 22, 2005, in Bethesda at the Marine Episcopal Church in Palm Beach, Florida, and later had their wedding at Mar-a-Lago, Trump's estate. Neither Melania nor Trump are members of the Episcopal Church. On March 20, 2006, Melania gave birth to a son, who was named Barron William Trump. He is Trump's fifth child.

Trump has eight grandchildren.

Trump is an avid golfer. He is a member of the Winged Foot Golf Club in Mamaroneck, New York, and regularly competes at its courses.

Donald John Trump - 45th President of the United States, a billionaire television personality and author of books on how to achieve success, whose career took an unexpected and dramatic leap with the election of Trump as the Republican President. Confident, contrary to all forecasts, Trump’s victory in the presidential election on November 8, 2016 caused shock waves in world markets and confronted the world with the eternal Russian question “what will happen now.”

Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946 in New York, large family with German and Scottish roots. Donald has two brothers and two sisters. Donald's father, Frederick Trump (1905-1999), was a real estate developer, and Donald followed in his father's footsteps after graduating from university. Over the years, Trump's business acumen and drive have made him one of New York's most prominent developers. Forbes estimates Trump's wealth at more than two and a half billion dollars and ranks him about 324th in the world in terms of wealth.

Donald Trump spent his childhood in Queens in eastern New York. The boy grew up energetic and daring. At the age of 13, Donald's parents sent him to military academy, to direct the child’s fighting energy in the right direction, but Trump never joined the army. In 1964, Trump entered Fordham University in New York, and two years later he transferred to the Wharton School of Business in Philadelphia, from which he graduated in 1968 with a bachelor's degree in economics.

Donald Trump's career in the construction business began in 1971, when he took control of the family firm, Elizabeth Trump & Son. Under Donald's leadership, the family business grew to unprecedented proportions and became a colossal construction empire called The Trump Organization. The empire owns dozens of skyscrapers, hotels, casinos and residential buildings around the world.

Personal life Donald Trump is typical for a billionaire: he is married for the third time and has five children and eight grandchildren. With his first wife, former Czech model Ivana Zelníková (1949), Trump has three children: Donald Trump Jr. (1977), Ivanka Trump (1981) and Eric Trump (1984). Trump's second wife is American actress Marla Maples. In this marriage, which lasted from 1993 to 1999, a daughter, Tiffany, was born - an Instagram star and almost a singer. Trump's third wife and first lady of the United States is Melania Trump (1970). The marriage took place in 2005 and Trump's youngest son, Barron, was born in 2006. It’s interesting that this is Melania’s first and so far only child.

Trump's election program is one of the most scandalous in US history: he promises to build a wall on the border with Mexico, make friends with and ban Muslims from entering the States. And although everyone understands that none of these promises will be fulfilled, the world is preparing for a fun and enjoyable four years of the Trump presidency, which began on January 20, 2017, after the inauguration of Donald Trump as President of the United States.

Interesting facts about Donald Trump:

At the time of taking office (January 20, 2017), Trump was the oldest (age 70 and a half) and richest ($2.5 billion) US president.

Melania Trump became the first First Lady of the United States in history to English language is not native.

What is Donald Trump's biography and success story? What's in his best-selling book The Art of the Deal and other books?

Hello, dear readers of the online magazine for aspiring entrepreneurs “HeaterBober”! Dmitry Shaposhnikov is with you!

Today I want to talk about a man whose name is becoming more and more famous and popular in our country every day. This is Donald Trump - businessman, politician, media mogul and famous writer.

You will learn about Donald Trump's biography and success story, as well as what is described in his bestseller The Art of the Deal and other books.

1. Who is Donald Trump - Wikipedia biographical information, political career, success story

Easy-to-read and truly useful literature on business theory and practice is a rarity. It is precisely this kind of book—interesting and of undeniable practical value—that Donald Trump writes.

This person's name is Lately is becoming increasingly popular - not only Americans, but also Russian citizens are following his political career with interest. Which is not surprising: Trump has every chance of becoming the future president of the United States.

Why Russians are so interested in Trump, and what will happen if this politician actually becomes president of the states are questions beyond the scope of our article. The purpose of this publication is to introduce readers to this man as a writer, businessman and political figure.

Donald Trump is a versatile and multifaceted personality.

Here are just a few of his roles:

  • bestselling author;
  • President of the largest construction corporation Trump Organization;
  • founder of Trump Entertainment Resorts, a gaming and hospitality company;
  • producer and host of the reality show “The Candidate”;
  • politician, member of the Republican Party;
  • golfer and wrestling enthusiast;
  • billionaire.

But let's start in order - with the biography of this amazing man.

Biography of Donald Trump

Born in 1946 in Queens, New York. Mother is from Scotland, father is American-born, a builder by profession. Donald spent his childhood and youth right there - in Queens, and attended school here.

At the age of 13, due to behavioral problems, his parents decided to send their son to the New York Military Academy, hoping to channel the teenager’s energy in a positive direction. The decision was right - Donald took an active part in sports and public life and began to regularly receive awards from the academy.

After graduating with honors, Trump continued his education at Fordham University. After studying there for a short time, he transferred to the business school at the University of Pennsylvania, because he felt the makings of a successful entrepreneur.

In the photo, Donald Trump in his youth and youth:

After receiving his bachelor's degree in 1968, he was hired by his own father to join the family construction business. It was then that Donald Trump Jr. became seriously interested in real estate.

For Donald Trump, his passion for real estate construction has become his life's work.

The first project is construction residential complex in Ohio - brought the family business an income of $6 million. This amount was twice the money spent on construction, but Trump was not going to “rest on his laurels.” His next projects were even more expensive and profitable.

In search of sponsors, he turned to bankers, tycoons, managers top level: the young entrepreneur’s circle of acquaintances gradually grew and was replenished with the most influential people in America.

Trump's first truly major project is the restoration of the dilapidated Commodore Hotel in New York. Over the course of several years, the dull non-residential building was transformed into a 25-story monolith of steel and glass.

The following milestones of the long journey:

  • the tallest skyscraper in New York at the time of construction, Trump Tower, which brought Donald an income of $200 million;
  • "Trump Castle" worth $320 million;
  • entertainment mega-complex Trump Plaza Hotel;
  • the largest hotel-casino on the planet “Taj Mahal”.

These are only the most significant Trump objects, and even their owner probably doesn’t know how many smaller-scale and local projects there were.

Despite such impressive successes, the 90s were marked by decline for Donald. Trump was on the verge of financial collapse several times, but miraculously got out of debt and restored his shaky reputation by the beginning of the millennium.

In 2002, he launched the “Candidate” project on TV, which is still popular, bought out the company organizing the Miss Universe competitions, acted in films along the way (he can be seen, for example, in the film “Home Alone 2”), and began a successful political career.

2. What is the secret of the popularity of Trump’s bestseller “The Art of the Deal” - description of the book and practical value

In addition to business and his career as a TV presenter, Trump was also involved in writing. He has written several bestsellers on the topics of entrepreneurship and politics.

This book is a real visual aid and guide for those who dream of achieving maximum heights in their careers as businessmen and managers.

An additional bonus is the author’s humor and positive attitude.

This work will teach you:

  • negotiate correctly with partners;
  • conclude transactions on the most favorable terms;
  • make the right decisions;
  • act productively in situations that require an instant reaction;
  • make the right business-related phone calls;
  • effectively motivate subordinates and employees;
  • do not be afraid of mistakes and wrong decisions.

The Art of the Deal is Trump's most famous book and the most useful book for aspiring businessmen.

The book is incredibly motivating and inspiring. Trump's irony and healthy self-confidence make reading a pleasure.

3. Other books by Donald Trump - TOP 5 most popular

Trump has written not just one book, but a dozen. Not all books are devoted exclusively to entrepreneurship and economics: for example, “Mutilated America” is more of a political book on current and topical topics that are interesting to every thinking person.

Book 1. How to become rich

You will find the book useful and interesting if you are interested in the following questions:

  • why some people are successful in any endeavor, while others live on a “subsistence minimum”;
  • how to achieve wealth without having an impressive initial capital;
  • how to invest money correctly so that it brings a stable profit;
  • what is the secret of billionaires.

There is a huge amount in the book practical advice and recommendations that will improve your financial literacy and will help you become more competent in business matters.

To become rich, you need to have the habits and thoughts of the rich. Change your thinking and the world will change itself. Think like a billionaire and you will definitely become one.

A competent and really useful “consumer guide” that teaches the art of possessing and managing material and spiritual wealth.

Book 3: Why We Want You to Be Rich

Useful and very fascinating literature, a real gift to anyone who dreams of radically increasing their income. The book was co-written with another successful businessman– , about which there is a separate publication in our magazine.

In general, billionaires are reluctant to give away the secrets of their enrichment, but our authors are not one of them. They have absolutely nothing to hide, because their capital was acquired honestly and exclusively through their own efforts.

Two most famous person of our time have united their minds to help us all not just solve money issues, but become truly rich. There is no way you can miss reading a book like this.

Book 4. Think big and don't slow down!

In this book, the author debunks common myths about the world of business and does it brilliantly and with constant humor. Success and wealth, Trump writes, are the lot of the strong and capable, while doubts and long thoughts are the lot of the losers.

Particular attention is paid to relationships with competitors and the role of strong-willed qualities in achieving success.

Book 5: Damaged America: How to Make America Great Again

The year the book was written is 2015. All the questions and problems that the author is trying to resolve in his research are still relevant today. Trump's areas of attention as a politician: illegal immigration, foreign and domestic politics USA, relations with Russia, America's position in the world. The subtitle of the book is “Making America Great Again.”

Donald understands that America is now in some sense in crisis and this concerns not only the US national debt, which amounts to trillions of dollars, but also the general sentiments of the American people towards the current government.

4. Donald Trump Quotes

Aphorisms, quotes, expressed by Donald Trump from books and public speeches:

  1. As long as you have the ability to think, think big!
  2. To succeed, you need to separate yourself from 98% of the world's population.
  3. For billionaires, work and pleasure are one and the same.
  4. The second most important event in every man's life is the day he buys a yacht, and the greatest event in his life is the day he sells it.
  5. Always try to understand the reason for your anger: sometimes it is completely justified and even necessary for the cause, but sometimes it only serves as an indicator of your misunderstanding of the situation.
  6. The greatest success comes when you swim against the current.
  7. Bad times often bring great opportunities.
  8. Typically, the simplest approach is the most effective.
  9. I'm sure you should spend as much as you think is necessary. But I am also sure that you should not spend more than you can.

5. Read, watch, listen – books, videos, audiobooks by Donald Trump

There is an enormous amount of information about Trump online, which indicates his popularity.

We offer you to read (download books by Donald Trump), listen to audio books by the author, and also watch a film about him.

By the age of 70, Donald Trump had acquired not only an impressive fortune, but also big amount heirs. In particular, the current President of the United States has five children from three wives and already eight grandchildren. All the details about the most popular family in America are in the ELLE material.

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Donald Trump Jr.

The future president decided to name his firstborn after himself. Donald Trump Jr. was born on December 31, 1977. He became the first of three children of the entrepreneur and his wife, Czech model Ivana Zelnichkova, with whom he lived for 15 years.

Donald currently serves as executive vice president of his father's company and is essentially his right-hand man. In addition, of all Trump’s children, Donald Jr. participated most in his election campaign, so it would not be surprising if the president wants his son to continue working in politics and, perhaps, repeat his “feat.”

By the way, Donald is similar to his famous parent even in the number of family members - Trump Jr. and his wife, model Vanessa Haydon, are raising five children: 9-year-old Kai Madison, 7-year-old Donald John III, 5-year-old Tristan Milosz, 4 1-year-old Spencer Frederick and 2-year-old Chloe Sophia.

Ivanka Trump

The second child of Donald and Ivana was Ivanka Marie Trump. As a teenager, the daughter of the future president decided to follow in her mother’s footsteps and try her hand at modeling. But the girl quickly got bored with posing for glossy publications, and she decided to devote herself to studying and writing books. Needless to say, as a true representative of the Trump family, whose members always try to achieve the maximum result, Ivanka graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Economics with honors.

IN this moment Donald's eldest daughter is the vice president of the Trump Organization and also produces a collection of jewelry under her own brand, Ivanka Trump Collection.

As for Ivanka’s personal life, for the last seven years she has been married to businessman Jared Kushner and has three children with him - 5-year-old Arabella, 3-year-old Joseph and 7-month-old Theodore, who was born in the midst of the election race.

Eric Trump

Trump's third child and last from his first wife Ivana is Eric. Like his brother and sister, he works in his father's empire. In particular, he holds the post of executive vice president for development, mergers and acquisitions of the company. True, unlike the rest of his relatives, Eric does not really like to appear in public and give interviews.

Two years ago, Trump's third child married TV producer Lara Yunaska. It is worth noting that the groom’s father did not skimp on the celebration and organized a grand celebration in honor of the newlyweds, which was attended by more than 400 guests.

Tiffany Trump

Tiffany is the only child from Donald's marriage to actress Marla Maples, with whom he lived for 6 years and divorced in 1999. Like her older sister, with whom Tiffany is very close, she graduated from the University of Pennsylvania. But, unlike Ivanka, after graduation the girl is in no hurry to start building a career in the company of her famous father. Most time Tiffany spends in in social networks and dreams of conquering Hollywood.

😉 Greetings to regular readers and guests of the site! Gentlemen, today there is increased interest in the new, 45th President of the United States, in his biography and personal life. It `s naturally. In the article “Donald Trump: short biography President of the United States" - about the main periods of life, about wives and children.

Our hero is a construction magnate, owner of a large chain of hotels and casinos, billionaire, author of books on self-development and business, 45th President of the United States of America. According to the latest information from Forbes magazine, the billionaire's fortune is more than $4 billion.

Donald Trump: biography, personal life

You could film a whole series or write a thick book about Trump’s life, but it could take a lot of time. Therefore, for your attention, dear reader, here is his short biography, the most important points.

Donald was born in New York in 1946, his paternal grandparents were German immigrants. Parents: father – owner construction company, the mother devoted herself to raising children, because Donald had two other sisters and two brothers.

Military Academy Cadet Donald John Trump

  • at age 13, Donald entered the New York Military Academy;
  • at the age of 18, after successful studies at the academy, he enters the university;
  • from Fordham University he transferred to the Wharton Business School at the University of Pennsylvania;
  • At the age of 22, he received a bachelor's degree in economics, after which he began helping his father in the family construction business.

A young businessman builds luxury houses and hotels, gradually meeting influential people in New York. The Trumps' construction empire began to flourish even more: their own Trump Shuttle Airline, many enterprises, and the New Jersey Generals football team appeared.

In 1990, construction of the world's largest hotel-casino, the Taj Mahal, was completed, and luxury residential skyscrapers were built.

After incredible success in business, the family experiences a financial crisis. Soon Trump pays off all his debts and leaves the Board of Directors - he has new ideas.


In 2002, he came to television and launched the reality show “The Candidate,” which brought Trump a lot of money and great sympathy from the audience. In 2006, he, together with NBC, bought out the Miss Universe Organization, which organized the Miss Universe and Miss America beauty pageants.

Donald often appears on television, continuing to gain popularity. No matter what business he took on, he won in everything!

Political career

By 2009, Trump had joined the Republican Party. They tried to nominate the outstanding economist and manager to participate in the presidential elections back in 2011. In 2015, he agreed to fight for the presidency.

During the election campaign, Trump repeatedly advocated the immediate elimination of the armed forces of ISIS. He outlined his point of view on how to make America great in detail in the book “Mutilated America,” published in 2015.

In the presidential election on November 8, 2016, Donald John Trump won with 56.88% of the electoral votes. Bravo! At 70 years old, becoming president is something...

Personal life

The famous billionaire was married several times.

First wife

With his first wife Ivana Zelnichkova

At 31, he married 28-year-old Czechoslovakian model Ivana Zelnichkova. This marriage has three children: Donald Jr., Ivanka and Eric. The marriage lasted 15 years.

Second wife

Second wife Marla Maples

At 47, Trump married 29-year-old Marla Maples (American actress and producer). From this marriage he has a daughter, Tiffany. Six years later they divorced.

Third wife

With his third wife Melania Knavs

At 58, he proposed to Melania Knavs from Slovenia on her 34th birthday. Melania - fashion model, designer wristwatch and jewelry, height 1.8 m. They got married in 2005. A year later, Melania gave birth to a son, who was named Barron William Trump.

Total: Mr. President has 5 children (3 sons and 2 daughters) and so far 8 grandchildren. He enjoys playing golf and never changes his hairstyle. His height is 1.88 m, his zodiac sign is

“There are many ways to make a career, but the surest one is to be born into the right family” D. Trump

Trump is a talented businessman, economist, leader, writer, and showman. What kind of president will he be? Time will show.

Donald Trump: short biography (video)

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