Basic principles of playing dominoes. How many dominoes are there in the game Dominoes? Classic entertainment rules. What is a dummy and empty empty in dominoes

Doctor of Technical Sciences V. ILICHEV.

Games in which all information about the position of the opponents is known are called games with complete information, such as chess. Steinitz, Capablanca, Nimzowitsch and other masters developed general positional chess principles that proved very effective in practical play. Majority card games- games with incomplete information, for example preference (see "Science and Life" No. 7, 1992). These include dominoes, in which initially and later the exact location of the bones on the opponents’ hands is unknown.

A child comes to school with a huge number of questions about life and the world. And they begin to give him many answers, but to questions that he did not ask.
A. G. Asmolov

From a combinatorial point of view, dominoes are much more complex than preference. Indeed, according to the rules in preference, the game is played “suit by suit”, so all suits (spade, club, diamond, heart) are sufficiently isolated. On the contrary, almost every domino tile (two squares) is a kind of “adapter” from one suit (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) to another, therefore, here they are closely interrelated.

If, according to the rules of dominoes, you connect all twenty-eight dominoes in a straight line, then the ends of the table will necessarily have the same suit. This is due to the fact that each suit is present in an even number (8) of cells. It turns out that in a practical game one can discover useful heuristic patterns that are not absolutely valid, but only with a certain (but quite high) probability. Let's consider a number of such tactical and strategic principles.

Recall that dominoes are played by two rival pairs (Red + Yellow vs. Blue + Green). We will assume that the players move clockwise, as a result of which a chain (“table”) of dominoes appears on the table, to the edges of which new stones are attached.

(Image 1)

If the player does not have the opportunity to place the stone at any of the edges of the “table”, he misses his turn (the player is “rolled”). A pair wins when one of its participants is the first to place all its dominoes. Of course, the more often a particular player gets “hired”, the less chance he has of being the first to display all his stones. When searching effective ways In the game, it is advisable to distinguish two simple (pure) strategies - defensive and offensive.

In the first, the player moves so that the remaining dice he has have the greatest variety of suits. The defensive player believes that this strategy allows him to minimize the likelihood of being “rented” in the future.

In the second, the player acts “uniformly”, namely, he places stones with the same suit. A set of three or more player dice containing the same suit n, let's call n-pressure .

Let player Red produce, for example, 1-pressure. As a result of the fight between the rival pairs, exactly six dice of suit 1 were laid out on the table, and the last stone of this suit is in the hands of Red. Therefore, on one of the edges of the “table” there is a stone of suit 1, which is inviolable for other players. Here we will say that Red took " end stone". Now he is insured against being "rented" at least for the next move.

Let us give a natural way to “measure” pressure force. So, we value the hollow at 0.5 points, and the remaining (simple) stones of this suit at 1 point. Then the pressure force is equal to the sum of the points of the stones of the suit n. If the pressure force is more than 3.5 points, then it is “self-sufficient”. Namely: it cannot be completely blocked by the remaining stones of this suit, so you can get to the end stone yourself. Let us discuss the features of “non-self-sufficient” pressures:

1. Two simple stones + hollow turn out to be weak pressure (force = 2.5). This pressure is more of a defensive rather than an offensive means. It limits the opponents' ability to apply strong pressure. So, in the position below, Red should not play with a 2|2 double, but with a simple 1|2 stone.

(Image 2)

This move simultaneously relieves someone else's 2-pressure and demonstrates your 1-pressure. Note that when other players put two stones of suit 1, this pressure becomes strong. Now Red has a chance to get the end stone.

2. Three simple stones or three simple stones + double turn out to be medium pressures (force = 3 and force = 3.5, respectively). If partners (voluntarily or forced) support this pressure at least once, it will immediately become strong.

Note that according to domino rules, six or seven stones of the same suit are mulliganed. Therefore, very strong pressures are not allowed. There can be several pressures on the hands of one player at the same time.

At the beginning of the game, each suit appears on an average of two squares. Therefore, in the presence of pressure - a large number of cells of the same suit - the diversity of cells with other suits decreases. Now some suits will appear on no more than one stone.

The implementation of pressure is reminiscent of personnel policy, when they place their own people everywhere, who are friends with each other and at enmity with others. The attacking player hopes that sooner or later the enemy, “blooded” by his pressure, will be “taken for a ride.”

Practice has shown that an attacking strategy is, as a rule, more productive than a defensive one. A real effective strategy is a synthesis of both pure strategies, in which offensive tactics play a dominant role. Let's look at several typical gaming situations.

Episode 1. Let, as a result of his strong, for example, 1-pressure, Red took one end stone. And after some time, his opponents forced him to part with this stone of suit 1. Somewhat surprisingly, after this the other players can figure out one of the remaining red dominoes:

Principle 1. Let in episode 1 Red's exposed end domino look like 1|n, then he still has a stone of suit n left.

(Image 3)

Practice has shown that this rule is implemented in more than 50% of cases. Here are two reasons that support principle 1.

Reason 1 . Since each suit (in particular, the suit n) occurs on average twice, then at the beginning of the game Red, along with the stone 1|n, also has a domino m|n. Further during the game, the following options for placing these stones as Red are possible:

1. On one of the edges of the table there was a suit n. Then Red, developing his 1-pressure, would definitely place the stone 1| n.

2. On one of the edges of the table there was a suit m. Here Red can (but is not obligated to) place a stone n|m. Therefore, in more than half of the cases the stone is 1| n is exposed before the domino m|n. Since stone 1| n stayed with Red, then the knuckle m|n and even more so is with him. This implies the validity of principle 1.

Reason 2 . Let, for example, the stones 1|n, 1|a, 1|b, 1|c constitute a strong 1-pressure of Red. Let's name a suit from the set ( n, a, b, c) is scarce if it is represented in one copy among the initial seven stones of Red. If there is strong 1-pressure, such a scarce suit (at least one) will definitely be found. Let, for example, these be suits a, b And c. Because the n is not a scarce suit, then Red also has a stone of the type m|n.

Further, it is very likely that scarce suits exert similar pressure on other players. Therefore, dice with suits a, b, c they will display stones most often and 1| a, 1|b, 1|c will leave Red first. Then the end one will be the “late exposed” domino 1| n, and Red will have a domino in his hands m|n .

Of course, there are other reasons that support this principle (the search for them is left to the reader).

Episode 2. If the defensive resources of the Blue-Green pair are small, then as a result of 1-pressure Red manages to capture two single ends at once.

(Image 4)

Then there will be a 1 on both edges of the table, and two more dominoes of suit 1 will be in the hands of Red. To be clear, let Red have 1| n, 1|a, n|b. If there are no other ("higher") considerations, then during his move Red should take care to maintain the maximum variety of suits on the remaining stones. Therefore, the logical move would be 1| n. It follows from this

Principle 2. Let in episode 2 the first exposed end domino look like 1|n, then Red still has a stone of suit n.

These principles, combined with information about the known stones of the table, make it possible to fairly accurately determine the remaining domino of suit n for Red. Let this “calculated” stone have the form n|k and is the last for Red. Then Yellow should organize n-pressure or k-pressure so that his partner (Red) can finish the game. A more complicated option is when opponents are forced to place the required stones. Of course, for this it is necessary to somehow calculate the dominoes of the Blue-Green pair (for example, based on the same principles 1 and 2!).

To be fair, let's give the initial set of stones in Red's hands when principles 1 and 2 discussed above cannot be met. Here is one of the absolutely “unprincipled” layouts:

(Illustration 5)

Episode 3. Have Red produce 1-pressure and capture the end stone on the left. In this situation he has big choice moves. The question arises: which domino should be placed on the right? No matter how Red plays, his opponents will probably soon force him to part with his 1|2 endstone. Therefore, now it is logical to place the domino 2|5. So, little by little, Red prepares 2-pressure.

(Image 6)

Therefore, there is

Principle 3. Let in episode 3 Red have the end stone 1|n on the left, then he should place dominoes of suit n on the right.

It is implicit here that the suit n is not pressure from rivals. Other players should keep in mind that such a strategy for Red may violate principle 1.

Episode 4. Let's discuss a frequently encountered problem: when is it profitable for Red to make a "fish"? Let us remind you that here the Red + Yellow pair wins if the sum of points on its stones is less than the corresponding sum of the other pair. Let's give healthy recipe good decision. Namely: you need to mentally make a “fish” and count total number glasses on the table ( S) and in your arms ( R). Fair

Principle 4. At R< 42 - S/4 делайте "рыбу".

Indeed, the sum of the points of all domino stones is 168. If there is S points, then (168 - S)/4 - their average number per player. If this inequality is fulfilled, Red's number of points is less than average, so his pair has a good chance of winning the fish.

Of course, before making the final decision about “making a fish,” Red should pay attention to the number of stones Yellow has, and also remember in which suit the partner’s pressure was.

Episode 5. Let at some point in time the following choice problem arise before Red. On one move he gets his endstone on one edge of the table, but then this allows Blue to take his endstone on the other edge. And in another move, none of them have end dominoes.

(Illustration 7)

The first option is worse for Red if he has additional stones in his hands. Indeed, as a result of the sequential formation of end bones, Red will have to part with his end knuckle. Therefore, with successful implementation of pressures, it is fair

Principle 5. 2-pressure is stronger than 1-pressure.

To successfully implement pressure, it is important for players to start it in a timely manner.

Episode 6. For the player making the first move (the mover), it is not at all necessary to immediately set his pressure. This can be done on the second move. So, let him have the following stones at the beginning of the game:

(Illustration 8)

Then the “soft” move 0|0 turns out to be good. Here, dominoes 0|0, 5|5 and 5|6 do not participate in any pressure, therefore they represent “ballast” that is difficult to set. It is advisable to immediately reset part of it, and then set the stone (“adapter”) to 0|1 - transition to the main 1-pressure.

Principle 6. If there is an adapter stone, make a soft approach.

Episode 7. After the first three or four rounds of the game, the main suit pressures of the players are revealed (for example, 1 for Red, 2 for Blue, 3 for Yellow and 4 for Green). Now the pair of players who can continue their pressure (or even get the end stone) will have a positional advantage.

On the other hand, some suits are still entirely in the hands of the players and are naturally called "fresh" (for example, 0 and 6). It is dangerous to display fresh suits. So, if Red places a stone with a fresh suit of 0, then it is very likely that Blue will play a domino 0|2. Thus, the Blue-Green pair will continue to develop its 2-pressure. Therefore, observe

Principle 7. Do not exhibit fresh suits.

There are exceptions to Principle 7. For example, let's say Red has three (or more) stones with a fresh 0 suit. In this case, Blue's formation of an end stone is not so dangerous, since he most likely cannot withstand prolonged 0 pressure from Red.

Episode 8. The preventive measures of episode 7 can be supplemented. So, when there is no way to set your pressure, then " healthy image game" consists of blocking the opponent's pressure. For example, let Blue produce 2-pressure and have 2| stones remaining. m and 2| n. It is now dangerous for Red and Yellow players to display dominoes with suits m And n. Often, blocking the enemy's pressure sends him to the ground faster than deploying your own pressure. Therefore the rule is useful

Principle 8. Don't let your opponent continue his pressure.

Episode 9. In the notation of Episode 7, consider the following situation. Let Green put a fresh suit 0 on the left, but Red does not suitable stone 0|1 to continue its 1-pressure.

Then the correct thing to do is to set the Red pressure on the right to also fresh pressure (0 or 6). Now if Blue “attaches” his 2-pressure to the fresh suit 0 (places the stone 0|2), then in response Yellow symmetrically “attaches” his 3-pressure to the fresh suit 6 (places the stone 6|3). Since "2-pressure is stronger than 1-pressure", the Red-Yellow pair has an advantage.

Principle 9. Keep the suits fresh on both sides.

(Illustration 9)

If all participants adhere to this principle, in the middle of the game moments of a kind of “giveaway game” arise. Players begin to play only fresh suits (pressure with fresh suits), “politely” inviting the opponent to be the first to get the end stone. A pair that cannot support fresh suits on both sides usually loses.

Of course, the listed “principles” do not exhaust all the tactical and strategic techniques of playing dominoes, but will undoubtedly bring some benefit to the players.

Among the well-known and famous games among the people, the greatest celebrity is domino- it is difficult to find a person who has never played domino and did not defeat opponents by moving dominoes. overcome in domino At first glance it is not difficult, however, there are many different variations of the game, and you can consider some strategies that increase your chance of winning.


1. According to the rules of the game, each player chooses seven closed and mixed dice domino, and his subsequent goal in the game is to set the dice 6:6 and 0:0 at the same time, creating a winning environment.

2. If you have two doubles in your set of dice, you have the right to place both doubles on the board or save one double as a reserve by placing the 2nd. The player who has a 1:1 die goes first. If in domino four people play, the right to move passes from the first player clockwise to the second, third and fourth.

3. Arrange the bones so that on the next move the next one can stick to the previous one. If you put the die 6:6, and then 0:0, you will win the game, receiving the rank of general. Rolling only one die 0:0 gives you the rank of officer. Thus, your tactics in the game should be to gain the rank of general or officer, which means creating a winning environment that gives such a possibility.

4. Despite the fact that agreements between players are prohibited by the rules of the game, you can agree in advance with your partner on some signal signs or form normal behavior for some game settings, and also monitor this behavior in other players.

5. In every gaming circle, try to remember the moves of your competitors, as well as the moves of your companion. If you are playing with four players, you also need to decide which of your pair and partner will become the game leader. Once you have determined the chapters, do not reassign them during the game - the chapter must remain unshakable throughout each game.

6. Keep track of your opponents' dice as you try to figure out the location of the winning doubles 0:0 and 6:6. If competitors often missed moves or played with big dice, the chance of a “fish” increases, which can lead to the loss of competitors.

This ancient Chinese-Indian game became very famous back in the 18th century. At the same time, the dominoes received the name “domino” in honor of the masquerade black and white costumes. Now there are several varieties of the game of dominoes. Let's look at the most famous variety in Russia - “goat”.

You will need

  • set of dominoes, empty table, 2 to 4 enthusiastic people


1. All dominoes are tipped point down onto the table and thoroughly mixed. After this, players sort 5-7 dominoes at random. If you play with four or three players, then everyone gets 5 dominoes. If there are only two players, then they take 7 pieces each. The remaining stones form the so-called “market”; they are put aside without opening.

2. The players examine their stones. The one who has the highest double (a stone with identical numbers) starts the game. In general, this is a 6-6 stone, if no one has one in their hands, then they look for 5-5 and so on. If the situation is such that no one has doubles, then they go from the highest stone with different numbers 6-5 or 6-4 and so on. It turns out that the 1st player places the first chip on the table, and the move from him proceeds clockwise to the next player.

3. The next player must add one of his own stones to the stone on the table, with the condition that one half of it has the same number of dots as the one already lying on the table. So the players place stones on the table, attaching them to one or another edge of the resulting line according to the principle of matching the number of points.

4. If one of the players has two doubles that can be placed both to the right and to the left of many stones on the table, then such doubles can be placed in one move. In general, only one stone is placed per turn. If the player does not have a suitable stone, then he goes “to the market,” that is, he takes a chip at random from a pile of extra stones. The player takes stones from the “market” until he draws the right one. All stones that are not suitable for laying out remain in his hands.

5. In this way, the game continues until one of the players places all his stones on the table or until a “fish” appears. “Fish” is a stalemate situation where all players have chips in their hands, but no one has suitable chips for the table, and the “market” has run out of chips. At the end of the game, the number of points remaining for each player is calculated. The number of points coincides with the number of dots on the dominoes that the player has left in his hands. In this case, an empty double 0-0 is worth 25 points. The scoring for each player opens at 13 points. After the points are recorded, the rest of the game begins. The game ends when one of the players scores 101 points, he is called the “goat”.

In dominoes, the pieces are called “stones,” “dominoes,” and “dominoes.”

Helpful advice
It is profitable to be diligent, as you can quickly lay out chips with a huge number of points and a penalty double 0-0. Keep track of the number of certain chips on the table in order to make a “fish” in a timely manner. Any number of dots on the chips occurs 7 times.

Before you is a fascinating board puzzle in which you need to build a chain of dominoes. But not everyone knows the rules of the game of dominoes, and therefore it seems uninteresting to them. The number of participants varies from two to four. For two people, seven bones are distributed, for more people - five. Others are placed in “reserve” so that the dots are not visible. The first move is made by the player who has a “double” in his hands (that is, 1-1 or any other combination in ascending order). You can't start from 0-0. The essence of the game is to place your pebbles on the field so that they touch each other with the same symbols. That is, 2-5, 4-2 and others can be added to 2-2, but there must be a number 2. If there are none, you select new ones from the set aside “deck”. The winner is the one who has nothing left. After this, the points that fell during the passage are summed up. The classic game is played up to 200, 300 or 500 (by agreement).

How to play dominoes goat? The algorithm is almost the same, but the terms “fish” appear ( possible variant ending at which you still have chips) and “eggs”. The one who eventually scores 101 is declared a “goat” and is considered a loser.

Domino secrets

To win more often, it is enough to remember the rules and secrets of Goat Dominoes, which, in fact, are nothing unusual.

  • The first tip is to develop your visual memory to remember which dominoes your opponent discarded. You can calculate and guess which ones are in his hands and which ones are in “reserve”.
  • Secondly, try to calculate your opponents, that is, follow the tactics. Everyone acts according to a certain algorithm, and if you establish a pattern, then success is guaranteed.
  • Third, practice with a good and experienced partner. This is necessary, since the game is collective. If you are a beginner, do not try to play in a big company.

Fish in dominoes

Usually the game ends when the opponent discards all the dominoes he had in stock. But one of the most popular similar outcomes is fish in dominoes. In this case, the game ends if both sides have stones, but it is impossible to report them. The numbers are calculated on the dominoes that “lie on the hands.” If you have the least minimum amount of “points”, then the victory is awarded to you, but the difference in points is the winnings. Then you play according to the same rules, and if such blocking of the layout occurs again, you should count according to the algorithm described above.

Domino - board game, which used to be extremely popular. The advantage was the mobility and fun of the game.

Compact in size when carried and takes up little space when laying out standard domino combinations.

One game session consists of several rounds with a certain number of points awarded. Often entire mini-tournaments are held. You can play dominoes at any age.

It is a set of rules determined by the level of skills of the players. There are the simplest interpretations and rules that will become clear even to beginners.

There is a children's domino game that is designed for middle-aged children. If this game is understandable for children, then any adult can learn to play.

Rules for playing dominoes for beginners:

  • The most understandable principle of playing dominoes is to line up the dominoes, so that the number of points matches. Thus, a sequential circuit is built.

    There are certain nuances that determine the moments of the end and beginning of the game, the case when the player does not have a dice with the required number of points.

  • Classic dominoes involve two to four players. For two people, 7 dice are distributed, for three or four - 5 elements per participant.

    IN classic version bones are called "stones". The remaining bones are placed wrong side out. This collection is called the “bazaar”. The first move is made by the player with the 6 and 6 dice.

    The bone is called a double. The next player must place a stone where there are six points on one of the spaces. If there is none, you should pull the bone from the general “bazaar”.

  • In classic dominoes there is such a thing as “fish”, “cross”. When the move is closed with a duplicate stone according to the points of the previous die.

    The one who completes laying out his stones wins. This game often ends with fish. Sometimes a person has stones left when laying out a “fish”, then the scoring rule changes.

  • The end of the game does not determine the winner. Players agree in advance on the maximum number of points.

    Instructions for scoring: all points that remain for the other players are summed up and recorded in the account of the one who completed the fish placement and had no stones left. If the winner still has dice, then the difference between the points of all players and his personal points is recorded.

  • Each player tries to do without additional stones, located in an additional layout. It’s great if your opponent picks up as many stones as possible from the market.

Dominoes are not only a purely mechanical game, but an activity that requires logical thinking. There are a huge variety of domino games: “Goat”, “Donkey”, “Telephone” and others.

The difference lies in the individual scoring system and the ending principle of the game itself. When studying the rules, it is important to pay attention to the conceptual apparatus, that is, to know the terminology. For example, in dominoes there is such a term as “sausage”.

Secrets in Dominoes

The classic game of dominoes does not involve too abstruse combinations that lead to victory. There are secrets about how to play the game.

Regardless of the number of players and the type of game, a properly thought-out move can lead to a positive outcome of the game.

Experienced players know secrets that help them get closer to victory. There is no need to memorize them, you only need to remember the concept of “combat”.

Important! The main feature of a winning combination is the number of players. You will have to take into account the possible combinations of dice points for each participant. This is the main condition for success.

It is as easy as possible to calculate your opponents' options for moves if you play with two pairs or four players. Thus, in the game, you need not only attentiveness, but also memory, logic, and the ability to correlate situational combinations. The secrets of the tabletop hobby lie in simple manipulations.

What you need to consider to become a winner in dominoes:

Game secrets Tricks when using secrets
Multiple takes If in a hand a player comes across two stones with doubles, then you should not throw them away on the table right away. The time for laying out the dice can be determined after several moves by the opponents.
Give yourself a chance When the variety of points allows, then it is worth placing the stones so that your opponents do not have a division with so many points, but you definitely have one. One move is won without resorting to the “bazaar”.
Follow the game This is the simplest and most accessible secret that can lead to victory. It is worth carefully monitoring the moves of your opponents and clearly redistributing weak sides players.

If the game is played in pairs, it is important to be able to correctly, but secretly for the second pair, signal your gaming state.

Winning doubles Depending on the type of domino, it is important to keep a close eye on players who are believed to have winning tiles or doubles.

If you can’t win, then such attentiveness will definitely help you avoid being last.

Informal leader It is worth identifying the leader in each circle of the game. Depending on your situation, the tactics of playing against the informal leader are determined.

Sometimes you have to play along in order to worsen the situation of a weak participant or, on the contrary, resist, protecting your interest.

Strong Bones Depending on the intentions of your opponents, the principle of playing for yourself is determined. If your opponents are not in the best situation, then it is better to start your game with strong stones, then victory will be quick. Otherwise, the situation is the other way around.

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Learning to play the classic goat dominoes is not as difficult as it might seem. All you need to do is read in detail the rules of the game for beginners that are written here. The instructions with the rules are illustrated with photo examples, so the rules are much easier to understand. After reading this article you will not have any questions “How to play board dominoes?”

How many bones should there be in a domino set?

The number of tiles in one set of dominoes should be 28 pieces. Chinese dominoes have more tiles, but classic dominoes have exactly 28 dominoes in a box. By the way, many people mistakenly ask how many chips, dominoes are in a set; the correct name is bones, stones, or just dominoes.

These are paired dice with the same number of dots on both sides; in a set of 28 double dice there should be 7 pieces: 0–0, 1–1, 2–2, 3–3, 4–4, 5–5, 6–6.

How many doubles in dominoes - 7 pieces.

How to play dominoes goat

We figured out what doubles are in dominoes and how many dominoes there should be to play “Goat” (28 pieces). Let's proceed directly to how to play dominoes goat.

1 Mixing the bones
We pour the dice onto the table so that the points (dots) on the dice are not visible. Mix the bones well, now this pile of stones is called “Bazaar”.

2 Let's take dominoes
Then the players take turns taking dice from the Bazaar, you need to take them so that other players do not see the numbers (dots) on your dominoes.

How many dominoes should be distributed per player?
Depends on how many people will play, maximum 4 players.

  • 2 players - take 7 dice each;
  • 3–4 players - take 5 dice each;

Bazaar- these are the closed extra dominoes that remain after all the players have picked up the dominoes. When there is nothing to go around, players from the Bazaar pick up dominoes.

After everyone has picked up the dominoes, the game begins.

3 First move
The first stone in the center of the table is placed by the player who has a double with fewer points in his hand, 0–0, 1–1, 2–2, and so on. If no one has doubles, a simple die with a lower number of points is placed, for example, 0–1, 0–2, and so on. In the example, two players had the smallest die for the number of points turned out to be 2-2.

4 Second move
After the first player, the rest place their dice in turn. If a player has several domino options for walking, for example, 2-6 and 2-3, he decides which tile to place. In the example, the second player played stone 2-6.

5 What to do when you can't walk?
It's your turn to place the tile on the table, and you don't have a suitable domino in your hands. Then the player searches the “Bazaar” for suitable dominoes. The player takes each open stone from the “Bazaar” into his hand.

5 End of the game
The game ends when one of the players runs out of dice or when a “Fish” is obtained. All other players with dice in their hands begin to count the points.


Before the game starts, players agree on how many points they will play in dominoes, for example, 300 points. This means that the one who scores 300 points first will win. After each game played, the winner gets points from the stones that were left in the hands of the losing players.

Which die gives how many points?

  • Dummy or empty-empty (0–0) - counted as 25 points;
  • Dice 6–6 - count as 50 points;
  • All other stones give as many points as there are points on them. For example, a 1–4 die is 5 points, a 6–4 die is 10 points, a 3–5 is 8 points, etc.

What does fish mean in dominoes?

Sometimes in dominoes a situation arises that none of the players have a stone in their hands that can be placed to continue the game and the Bazaar has run out of dice to pick up, such a situation called Fish in Dominoes.

What is a dummy and empty empty in dominoes?

Zero, dummy, empty, bald, naked is what the 0-0 stone is called, it is a bone on which there are no points (dots).

If you have reached this part of the article, then you have read all the rules on how to play tabletop dominoes. To consolidate and understand everything that is written in this article, try playing the dominoes below. And remember never say chips, the correct words would be bones, stones or dominoes :)

You have reached the end of the page, which means that you have read all the rules of the game of dominoes and it is time for you to consolidate your knowledge in the game against real opponents.