Rules for playing a thousand with dice. Card game "thousand". Trading restrictions

Our favorite game, Thousand, doesn't just exist as a card game. For such a game you no longer need cards, but dice (dice). These zara are needed in the amount of five pieces. Well, you also need a piece of paper, a pen (or whatever you write with?!) and someone who will write it all down. The latter must be able to count well. Although, all players must count well.

Many people know this game and are familiar with the rules. Here we will describe general rules and principles of the game. Therefore, if it was “wrong” for you, do not rush to get angry.
The game can be played by two or more participants. The best option- three or four. When playing with two players, the game turns into tedious catch-up games, and when there are too many, it turns into a difficult gathering (and the game itself drags on, it takes a long time to wait for a move). It is advisable to take the zars themselves small, without rounded corners and identical. And the goal of the game is to go from zero points to a thousand.

The point of the game is to take turns throwing the dice. Everyone rolls during their turn. If a game combination of dice appears, that is, significant amount points (from at least one cube) - these cubes are set aside and the rest are rolled. Each set of value dice is worth a certain number of points. If the player sees that he has enough points (after one or several throws), then he says “that’s enough” and his points are entered into the table. If all five dice are used, then the player continues to walk (throw), but all the dice, that is, in the second circle, and the points accumulated during the first circle remain. If a player throws coins and nothing falls out of them, then he does not earn anything (even if there was a combination before this throw, even if this is the second or third round), after which the move is transferred.

Typically, when a player rolls five dice, some combination will appear. But sometimes even after such a throw nothing falls out. In this case, a second attempt is usually given (although not in all companies).

Players must first agree on the values ​​of the rolled dice. Now the main thing is the combinations:
- If a “5” is rolled, five is 5 points.
- “1” one-shot – 10 points.
- Three dice of the same value are ten times the sum of the value (three twos - 20, three fives - 50, three one's - 100...)
- Four dice of the same value - usually this is ten times the sum plus 10 (four threes - 40 ...). But some people agree on other values, for example, a twenty-fold value (four sixes - 120 ...)
- Five identical cubes are usually a hundred times the size (five fives - 500).
- Well, five units usually equals 1000. They usually agree that this is an unconditional victory.

Example of a move: the player rolled the dice and the result was 2 5 5 6 6. Two fives give 10 points, these dice are set aside. Next he rolls three dice. The result is 1 3 4. A one gives another 10 points. There are 20 in total. If this is enough, the player says “enough.” He could also roll the remaining two dice, but if nothing comes up there, the player receives nothing.

To prevent the game from being such a boring set of points (like nerds play), a number of rules have been introduced into the game that make it interesting.
If a player ends up using all five dice (after one or more rolls), then the player cannot take and record these points at once. He must roll all the dice in the second round.

The starting rule is that everyone has zero points at the beginning of the game. To start advancing, the player must roll a certain starting minimum (threshold). For example, 50, 55 or 25. All points below the threshold will not allow you to get out of zero.

Barrels and pits. There are two or three major obstacles in the game on the way to a thousand. One such obstacle has its own range of points. This range must be jumped over in one or two moves. You can get into it, but you can only get out of it in one jump. Or you can jump over right away. You cannot move forward within this range.

Example: there is a “300-400” barrel in the game, the player has 275 points. During the turn, he scored 55 points and decided to record them (although he could continue to throw). He now has 330 points. Now he needs to roll each move in such a way as to get behind the number 400. And this is a minimum of 75 points.

Example: the players agreed that there would be two such obstacles in the game: “300-400” and “750-900”.

The ending. To finish the game, you need to make a certain entry. The game has several different options to allow the player to finish the game (which is also agreed upon in advance).

The ending is "simple". To do this, it is enough to throw out and write down the points so that the total is above a thousand (or at least a thousand), but you cannot stop at the thousand itself (either “995” or the winning ones “above a thousand”).

Ending "Exactly a thousand". The player must hit exactly a thousand, while all combinations above this thousand are considered bust, and the move is passed, but the player himself does not move.

Busts can also be penalized. For example, for five busts a player can be fined 100 points, and for ten he can be reduced to zero (or immediately to zero for a certain number of busts).

Difficult ending through a barrel. As in card thousand, there is a final barrel (for example, with 900 points). The player stands on a barrel and has three moves to complete the game. If for them the player does not reach the amount necessary for victory (counting from the beginning of the barrel to victory), then he flies off it (let’s say, 100 points down). Players can also agree that there are three barrels; after flying off the third barrel, the player falls to zero. And if the second player climbs onto the barrel, the first one flies off it.

Bolts can be added to the game if desired. For three bolts - a fine of 100 points. A bolt is given either for zero points per turn, or for zero points on the first roll of five dice, or for something else.

You can also enter “overtaking”. If one player overtook another in points during his turn, then the second player is deducted the overtaking amount (for example, 55 points).

Well, to aggravate the situation, you can add a “dump truck”, this is 555 points, when recorded, the player is reset to zero. Moreover, even if the player rolled the dice during his turn, and the dropped points theoretically drive the player to 555, then he is still given a dump truck, even if the player wants to roll the remaining dice during the continuation of his turn.

This is such an interesting game.

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Thousand - dice version

For this game you need to have five dice. The number of players can be any. The goal of the game is to score 1000 points. To determine the order of moves, you can roll the dice (who has the highest first and first), or you can simply agree on the order.

To start the game you need to score 50 points (entry into the game). All 5 dice are rolled first. For example, the number rolled is 1,5,2,2,6 – that’s 15 points.

1 and 5 are set aside and the rest are thrown away. If nothing falls out, they write a bolt, and if all 5 dice have been thrown, then you must definitely throw them all and add what came out to what has already been thrown. Next, the player himself decides to throw more or write it down in the table.

If during the game no points were scored on the first throw, then a dash (teal, bolt) is written to the player. For every three bolts in a row, 50 points are deducted from the player. When “entering the game”, 50 points (-50, -100,...) will be deducted from the player for 3 bolts until he reaches 50.

After one of the players has completed the “entrance game”, he must go through 3 barrels: the first from 200 to 300, the second from 600 to 700 and the third final from 900 to 1000. An example of passing one of the barrels (200-300): U player 195 points.

1) He rolls the dice, he got 60. He can roll further, or he can write it down and he will have 255 points on the barrel. Then he will have to score 45 points to get out of the barrel.

2) He got 10 points, if he writes down he will have to score 95 points to “get out” of the barrel.

When a player collects 555 points (dump truck), he starts the game from 0, but without “entering the game”

Example: The player has 530 points. He rolls the dice and gets 25 points. The player is immediately written 555, equating to zero, without the right to roll further dice. Let's say one player has 550 points.

The second one has 500. The second player rolls and records 70 points, then 50 points are deducted from the first one. And so on every “overtaking”

One is 10 points. Five – 5 points. Combination of dice rolled in one throw: Three ones – 100 points. 4 units – 200 points.

5 – 1000. 3 twos – 20, 4 twos – 40, 5 twos -200. 3 threes - 30, 4 threes - 60, 5 threes - 300 Fours: 3 - 40, 4 - 80, 5 - 400. Fives: 3 - 50, 4 - 100, 5 - 500. Sixes: 3 - 60, 4 - 120, 5 – 600.

The combination of rolled dice 1,2,3,4,5 is 125 points, and 2,3,4,5,6 is 250 points.

There are many variations of dice games. And each game has its own rules, both official ones, according to which they play in casinos, and home ones, established by agreement between the players. We will look at a home version of the dice game. The game is called "Thousand".

To play you will need 5 dice. When choosing dice, give preference to heavier dice - they do not “scatter” around the table so much. You should also pay attention to the markings of the edges - it should be the same on all cubes. The opposite sides of correctly marked dice should add up to 7 (i.e. 6+1, 5+2, 4+3). To all of the above, it should be added that real dice have rounded corners.

Now about the game

Its essence lies in the players throwing dice one by one and counting the results. The first one to score 1000 points wins.

Not all dropped edges are considered effective (qualifying). When playing with dice, there is a special scoring system. The main game edges are "1" - this is 10 points, and "5" - this is 5 points.

Combinations of faces also count:

“units” – 3 per throw = 100 points
4 in one throw = 200 points
5 per throw = 1000 points
“twos” - 3 in one throw = 20 points
4 in one throw = 40 points
5 in one throw = 200 points
“threes” - 3 in one throw = 30 points
4 in one throw = 60 points
5 in one throw = 300 points
“fours - 3 in one throw = 40 points
4 in one throw = 80 points
5 in one throw = 400 points
“fives” - 3 in one throw = 50 points
4 in one throw = 100 points
5 in one throw = 500 points
“sixes” -3 per throw = 60 points
4 in one throw = 120 points
5 in one throw = 600 points
Combination “1,2,3,4,5” - small straight = 125 points
Combination “2,3,4,5,6” – big straight = 250 points

Throwing Rules

5 dice are thrown at the same time. Based on the results of the throw, the scoring dice are set aside, and the rest, if desired, are thrown again. For example, the first roll came up with 1,5,3,3,4. We set aside 1 and 5 (that's 15 points), and roll the remaining three dice again. The result is 5,5,2 (that's 5+5=10 points). In total for this move you scored 15+10=25 points. You can stop there, or you can take a risk and give up a “deuce”. If it lands on the scoring side (1 or 5), then we add up all the points and roll all 5 dice again. This is the so-called confirmation of the move. If there is at least one scoring edge in this confirmation throw, then add up all the points scored during the move and write it down to your account. But if nothing valid comes up in the confirmation throw, your turn goes to another player, and you won’t be able to write anything down for yourself. After all, you didn’t confirm it! This is the excitement of the game - you want to quickly “break away” from the enemy, but taking risks can also be fraught.

Here you go. These are the basic rules. Further even more exciting. In order to start the game, you need to score 75 points (or more) in one turn. This is the so-called “tolerance”. The dice are thrown according to the above rules, but here you cannot write down a total of less than 75 points (more, please). If you fail to reach this amount, well, move on. This can go on for quite a long time, or you may be able to get “admission” on the first move. Of course, it can be a shame when your opponent has already passed the “admission” and is gaining points, moving away from you, and you are still throwing those ill-fated 75 points. But you shouldn’t be upset, there are still traps and pitfalls in this game when you find yourself far ahead of your counterpart.

When you have finally gained “admission”, you can relax a little and in the next moves write down as many points as your tactics and common sense allow you. Write down at least 5 or 125 points. Follow the scoring rules, do not look at the scoring combinations of dice and do not forget about the confirmation roll if all 5 sides are successful.

So you and your partners take turns gaining points until you get closer to the number 850. This is the so-called “barrel”. Take a closer look here. According to our rules, a player who reaches more than 850 points after the next throw is still credited with only 850. Then, in one turn, he must throw a total of 150 points, reaching the coveted “thousand” and ending the game. This can be any scoring combination, you can reroll any number of dice, as long as after each throw you set aside at least one scoring die, and throw the rest and then add them up. If you manage to score 150 points, you win. If not, the turn follows, and you stand on the “barrel”. And here is the danger! If your opponent is behind you in points, he will try to catch up with you and “punish” you. The moment your opponent throws his barrel and he has 850 points, you automatically fly off your barrel and find yourself in the “admission” position (75 or more points from which you started). You will have to continue playing with this amount. If your opponent is unlucky and tries for a long time to throw 150 points to finish, you have a chance to catch up with him and also throw him back to his “admission”. It all depends on your luck, or, to paraphrase the famous expression, “how the dice fall.” The game can last 20 minutes or several hours. Over time, players develop their own playing style: some are cautious, some throw the dice with their left hand, and some even persuade the dice to land in a specific combination.

In any case, try it, and if you like it, then you are guaranteed a pleasant and fun evening.
Good luck with your rolls and obedient dice!

The Thousand Dice game attracts the attention of many people. After all, it is not at all necessary to play this game for money; you can play for fun, having fun in a friendly company. What is the essence of this game, and what are its rules?

The game of dice has quite simple rules, so anyone can handle it. However, the 1000 game is slightly different from traditional craps.

It turns out that the point of the game is to score 1000 points as quickly as possible. Game participants can be unlimited amount, and, thanks to this, the rivalry in it gives a special acuteness to the resulting sensations.

There are 5 dice used in the game. The order of moves is determined by the players by lot or established by agreement.

So, a game of 1000 dice begins with overcoming the entry stage of the game, which involves collecting 50 points. At first glance, it seems that there is nothing complicated in this and scoring the required number of points when throwing dice is as easy as shelling pears. However, there is a BUT here. You can, of course, roll the dice in such a way that the first throw will give you 20 points, and the second 30. The point amounts are added up. But it may also happen that the first throw does not give any results, and then the player is credited with a bolt, and if three bolts fall out in a row, 50 points are deducted from the player. Therefore, it is not always possible to score the required amount quickly, although 50 points is, in fact, such a small amount!

After the stage of entering the game has been completed, each player will need to go through 3 barrels: the first involves gaining points from 200 to 300, the second from 600 to 700, and the third from 900 to 1000. Here it is important not to go through more points than need to.

For example, before passing 1 barrel the player already has 195 points. He needs to score another 105 points to exit this stage. So, he can throw the dice and the sum of points, for example, will be 60 (after the first throw), the data is recorded in the table. After that, he needs to throw the dice so that 45 points are guaranteed. After leaving the barrel, the game continues.

If the player reaches 555 points, then a dump occurs: the player's score is reset and he starts the game over, but without going through the game entry stage.

If at this point the players have an almost equal number of points (for example, 500 and 550), then each time they overtake each other when rolling the dice, one adds 70 points to himself, and the second deducts them in the amount of 50 points.

Scoring is done as follows:

  • If you get a one, you get 10 points, if you get a five, you get 5 points.
  • In combinations: 3 units - 100 points, 4 units - 200 points, 5 units - 1000 points.
  • 3 deuces 30 points, 4-40, 5 200;
  • 3 triples 30 points, 4 - 60, 5 300 points;
  • 3 fours 40 points, 4 80, 5 400 points;
  • 3 A's 50 points, 4 100 points, 5 500 points;
  • 3 sixes 60 points, 4 120, 5 600;
  • If a combination of dice from 1 to 5 is rolled, then it is 125 points,
  • and if the values ​​are from 2 to 6, then the number of points will be 250.

Judging by the growth rate of the online gambling market, in the next 3-4 years it will exceed the $66.5 million mark. Research and Markets specialists recently completed a study taking into account such indicators as geographical position, demand and current industry development trends.

The Ministry of Economy of Moldova decided that it was time to intervene in the operation of the casino. This is due to the fact that currently gambling establishments are practically not controlled by anyone. It is possible that after the actions of officials, many casinos will simply close. First of all, some restrictions will be introduced on the operation of casinos and halls. slot machines. The innovations will affect the choice of places where gambling establishments will be located.

According to the Macau Gaming Inspectorate, reform of gaming terminals, which are popular in Lately has grown sharply. This is due to the fact that the gambling mini-service has become very fashionable, so it makes sense to increase the number of pieces of equipment within a single casino.

Today we will plunge into the past at least 25 years and remember one wonderful game that has now been undeservedly forgotten (and I never knew about it). And a very small box with everything we need will help us with this...

In a box the size of a matchbox, decorated with the best nostalgic feelings, hides the familiar “1000 on the bones”.


The main nostalgic component of this game is the box, which uses the most powerful attributes for this purpose: the coat of arms of the USSR, as well as the flags of all the union republics. By the way, are any of you now able to remember from memory all of our former 15 republics? Is it correct to find a flag for each republic? This turns out to be just another bonus game. =) Also social media I was allowed to experiment with another mini-game called “guess what could be in this box with such a loud name.” Personally, my answer would be “spillies”, because I have been waiting for the release of such a game for a very long time and no one has yet taken up the task of raising it from oblivion (although the name comes up every now and then).

Inside we have rules on one piece of paper and 5 cubes. In the common people, this particular type of dice is called “zary”, and for many, their presence in Backgammon is the norm. And who will remember why the 1 and 4 are red? =)

The rules included in the box give a rough idea of ​​the gameplay, but are completely incomprehensible if you learn the game from scratch. The mechanics of the process are not described properly, and all point combinations are not described. Therefore, we will restore knowledge that has been slightly forgotten by people and put together our version of the game of 1000 (we all must understand that each courtyard had its own list of rules and combinations, so the rules described below do not claim to be the truth in the first instance, but are only one of the options) .

For a full game of “Game from the USSR” we need 5 dice, a sheet of paper and a pen. The main goal of the game is to score 1000 or more points faster than your opponents.


On his turn, the player rolls all 5 dice, after which he must set aside all the dice that scored points. Points are awarded for ones (here one unit is worth 10 points), fives (5 points) and combinations. I’ll tell you about combinations separately, but you need to know that, unlike “Yahtzee”, here combinations are not collected gradually, but must be obtained in one throw. In the example above, we scored 15 points. Now we have the right to either stop and write down the result, adding it to the points collected before this move, or continue throwing dice that did not bring a result. If the throw was completely ineffective, then all points scored during the turn are lost. For example, we throw further.

Another 20 were added to our 15 points and there were no dice left without a result. In this case, we remember the number of points accumulated during the turn and begin to throw all the dice again, and we cannot refuse the next roll of 5 dice.

A combination of 3 sixes came up, which brings us another 60 points to the 35 accumulated before. Although this is unlikely, we decide to throw further.

Another 5 points roll up and we'll leave it at that. TOTAL we scored 100 points during the turn. Another player will move next.

This game, as you can see, focuses on a very simple throwing and stacking mechanism, which has, however, influenced some modern dice games (one of my favorites is "Hoppladi Hopplada"). But “1000 on the Bones” would not have gained such popularity in its time if these were all the rules. The fact is that getting to 1000 points is not so easy, because the path to it consists of many obstacles. Please pay attention to this track:

Input(75)-->Norm(75-199)-->Pit(200-299)-->Norm(300-554)-->Dump Truck(555)-->Norm(556-599)--> Pit(600-699)-->Norm(700-899)-->Barrel(900-999)-->1000, Where

Entry - the minimum number of points for 1 move, which can be entered and start counting;
- Norm - game according to the usual rules described above;
- Pit - a range from which you must exit in 1 move;
- Dump truck - a result in which all the player’s accumulated points are burned and the turn ends, and this can happen in the middle of the player’s turn (when the player can still throw), but there is no longer a need to get through to the entrance;
- Barrel is the final range, from which in 1 move you need to get to 1000 in 3 attempts, otherwise minus 100 points (also, you drop from the barrel if another player climbed onto it).

The player is also hindered by the so-called "bolts", credited for each unsuccessful move (not recorded before entry, in the pits and on the barrel). The accumulated 3 bolts burn out, bringing the player minus 50 points.

In most cases, points for combinations lend themselves to a certain logic, but it can be different. Having studied the question on the Internet, in the average visualization we get the following:

  • Three numbers. Points are awarded using the formula "face value x 10". Ones 100, twos 20, threes 30, etc.
  • Four numbers. Points are awarded according to the formula “nominal x 100”, although here we will have an exception for ones - like for twos. Twos 200, Threes 300, etc.
  • Five numbers is an unconditional 1000 points and an instant victory.
  • Small ladder (1-2-3-4-5) - 125 points
  • Big ladder (2-3-4-5-6) - 250 points
  • A double on the dice, if only 2 dice were rolled, allows you to accept these dice as scoring with 0 points.

Overall, this is how the game turns out. Let me remind you that my version of the rules is a composite one and was obtained by studying many rules from the Internet. The rules out of the box are slightly different.


"Game from the USSR" is one of the few games with simple dice, one game of which can be played for several hours without losing interest. The level of excitement here is simply off the charts and it becomes clear that in Soviet time it was played exclusively for money, and there is a rule that if you lose without entering the game, you pay twice as much. Can you imagine? A dice game with pure chance, in which you can lose twice as much as you bet.

The rules of the game are simple, which allows you to play with people of any background, but you need to overcome minor difficulties in perception in some moments, such as the track.

Personally, I really liked the game and I have at least one companion who can sit through more than one game in a row with me. It’s useful to sometimes look back and study what you’ve already begun to forget about (when will I learn Preference...).

Why buy this particular copy when you can play with any dice? Firstly, the issue price is only 100 rubles. Secondly, the small box with its design puts you in the right, nostalgic mood. Thirdly, as a souvenir, after all! =)

In general, play modern Board games, but don't forget what was popular in the past. Sometimes an old friend is better than two dozen new ones. =)