Abstract: Nutrition culture. Healthy lifestyle and nutritional culture: two pillars on which life rests What is nutritional culture

20 Sep

Food culture. How to learn to eat right.

The concept of “food culture” is interpreted differently in various scientific works. In this article I will try to systematize this concept for modern man and give practical advice to normalize your own nutritional culture.

Let's take a moment to look at the pyramid of needs of the famous American psychologist Abraham Maslow. In it you can see that the concept of “nutrition” is at the base of the pyramid. It follows from this that all basic personal achievements cannot be fully realized without high-quality satisfaction of basic physiological needs, which means that a person as an individual will not be able to fully realize himself.

So, we can safely say that food culture is one of the main components of the foundation personal development each person.

Do you want to be healthy, successful, look beautiful and young? To do this, you definitely need to put your own nutritional culture in order. If you decide to take this step, I advise you to identify 4 basic requirements that you should definitely adhere to:

  • Composition and quality of products.
  • Pre-meal regimen
  • Meal form

Composition and quality of products

“We are what we eat” - this phrase perfectly describes this requirement. Before each meal, be sure to think about whether this food is worth ending up in your stomach. Remember that any product you eat will, in one way or another, affect your well-being, mood or appearance. If you have an apple and French fries in front of you, what will you choose? Dry potatoes or a juicy shiny apple? Here your inner intuition itself will tell you what you can eat and what it is better to abstain from. Remember, too, about the composition of the products. For a full life, each person needs to receive a certain amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Moreover, this amount is strictly individual for each organism, physique and lifestyle. Be careful about different types of diets. It’s one thing if a professional doctor prescribes a diet for you to improve your well-being, it’s completely different when, dreaming of losing a few kilograms, you starve yourself.

Meal mode

Most people who work from 9:00 to 18:00 are accustomed to a certain “classic” eating pattern. Breakfast lunch dinner. Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all what time it is. In the morning at 7:00 I ate a bun with coffee, at lunch, right at my workplace, I drank soup instant cooking from a cup, and in the evening, when he came home, he decided to make up for lost time: he fried the chicken, poured himself a gigantic portion of the side dish, ate his fill, and after dinner went to bed. There is also such a common misconception that if you skip one of your meals, you will certainly begin to lose weight immediately. If you decide to adhere to a positive nutrition culture, then you should radically change your attitude towards your food intake. If you are trying to get a slim figure, then the breakfast-lunch-dinner form is not for you. Also, forget about skipping one meal - it won't help. Yes, of course, first you will lose a couple of kilos, but then you will gain twice as much.

To normalize metabolism, there should be at least 5 meals. Train yourself to eat something every 2.5 - 3 hours. Moreover, it is not necessary to add large quantity food. Just divide your usual portions of breakfast, lunch and dinner into 5 parts. Any nutritionist will answer your question about how best to eat - often and a little at a time. To the usual form of breakfast-lunch-dinner it is worth adding the concept of second breakfast and afternoon snack. It is also recommended not to eat 1.5 - 2 hours before bedtime, so as not to strain the stomach too much during rest and not to interfere with the gain of energy the next day.

Meal form

Ask yourself how often have you eaten on the go: standing, lying down, running, or stuffing yourself with sandwiches without having extra time for a snack. What’s wrong with that, you might think. But your stomach is not a warehouse where you can throw everything, and then it will sort it out on its own. The gastrointestinal tract is very sensitive to any kind of stress, shock and haste. Set aside a specific time for eating and stick to it. The stomach can also be “trained to eat right.” Just set yourself a reminder for every hour you eat and be sure to give yourself 15 minutes for a snack or lunch. Take your time, chew your food thoroughly, after a while of following the regime, you will notice how your stomach itself will begin to “tell you” that it’s time to have a snack. Be sure to listen to these tips.

Emotional load

As mentioned above, the gastrointestinal tract is very sensitive to stress of any kind. The mood in which you eat food can affect the quality of its absorption. If you make a fuss and eat lunch at the same time, it is likely that after a while you will get serious stomach cramps. You need to eat in a calm state. Enjoy your food, savor it, try to taste every bite or sip. Allow the taste to be evenly distributed throughout your receptors. Note for yourself this or that taste. Let an ordinary snack become a tasting for you. This will help turn mealtime into a tradition you'll want to keep.


Food culture is not a measure of restriction to achieve certain goals. It's a lifestyle. You must understand that your food culture is, first of all, a reflection of you and your own life. If you want there to be no chaos and confusion in your life, try first to normalize your nutritional culture, and rest assured, everything else will follow suit.

Especially for you on our website, we have collected a whole range of organic and healthy products that will help you improve your nutritional culture and learn to eat healthy.

“You are what you eat!” - remember this and be healthy!

The culture of nutrition lies in the standardized consumption of products necessary for the body at every moment here and now.

The concept of proper nutrition is part of the nutrition culture. Concept separate power supply, fasting, fasting, vegetarianism, etc. - these are separate forms of nutrition, various disparate systems, based on the experience of those people who developed these systems and promote them for their own purposes. All this exists as separate forms of nutrition and takes place as systems of proper nutrition in themselves and for themselves.

Nutrition culture is a broader and more capacious concept, which is something whole and unites all aspects of nutrition. If we combine all types, forms and systems of nutrition into one whole and develop from all this something unified, united together by one universal idea that would be suitable for all people, then such nutrition could be called perfect and absolutely ideal. It would be one system, one type, one form, one image, one food culture. No one would shy away in search of proper nutrition from fasting to vegetarianism, from separate meals to fasting, etc.

Everyone would live and eat naturally. A lot of people talk about proper nutrition and put their own meaning into what they say, but few people talk about nutrition culture, i.e. how to eat culturally. This does not at all say in which hand to hold a spoon, knife and fork. Where to put on a bib for snotty ones and what napkin to wipe your hands and mouth after eating. Although this is also an external manifestation of food culture, it is still largely included in the concept of etiquette.

The external manifestation of food culture and its internal manifestation answer different questions, and therefore the approach is different.

The external manifestation answers how to eat culturally, i.e. take food into the mouth so that it is beautiful, what cutlery should be used for this and how to use it, how to set the table with culinary delights. Based on national characteristics, traditions, conditions and opportunities, different peoples have their own nutritional characteristics, developed over centuries and which have become their own external national food culture. External food culture is clearly expressed in the art of cooking, table setting, behavior at the table, observance of various ceremonies, traditions, codes, etc.

The internal manifestation of food culture answers the questions: WHAT DO WE EAT? WHEN DO WE EAT? HOW DO WE EAT? HOW MUCH DO WE EAT? WHY DO WE EAT AND WHY DO WE EAT? WHY DO WE EAT?

But how can food culture be made into a unified food system for all people? Now I will try to do this theoretically. Knowing that each person is individual and special and the approach to each person in the matter of nutrition should also be individual and special, I take the liberty of doing this theoretically for now. In my proposed system this will happen. Everyone will eat according to the same system and everyone will receive only what they need, whether they live alone or with a family of 10 people.

Let me start with the fact that a person consists of the same chemicals. elements that make up our food products, in which the amount of elements present varies.

Man has long divided all foods into low-calorie, medium-calorie and high-calorie. People have also known for a long time what this or that product contains. Such tables exist and are easy to find if desired. A person knows what his physical body consists of, knows how the internal organs work and what they are responsible for. He even knows how he thinks, what he thinks, how he wishes and acts, and worries about everything and everyone. It seems that a person knows everything about his body.

But he does not know the main thing: what state his internal organs are in at the moment here and now. He finds out about them when something hurts and he runs to the doctor. A person does not know which elements he lacks and which are in excess, what he needs to immediately get rid of and what he needs to urgently eat. He does not know which organ will soon become ill and which system will soon fail for this reason at every moment here and now.

Not every person can subtly and timely pick up signals from the body that require attention to a certain organ. Some are very busy with material realization and they simply have no time to pay attention to these signals.

In order for every person to be able to determine in every present moment here and now the state of their organs and the presence and absence of chemicals. elements, humanity needs to invent a SENSOR DEVICE that would every day give a person individually all the parameters of the state of all body systems. We need a device that can promptly signal all abnormalities in the body and more. It would be better if this device warned in advance about future possible deviations in the functioning of all body systems. Let it be small, the size of a cell phone or a sensor built into a cell phone, but it should always be close to a person. A cell phone is always close to a person.

Having woken up, a person already knows what to cook for breakfast, because the device will accurately indicate all the parameters of the condition of all organs. A person is dependent on food, of course there will be a dependence on this device, just as he now depends on cell phone. But what is better: to be sick without a device and eat whatever you like, or to be healthy and eat what you need and be dependent on the device?

If we consider an average family of four, the picture will look like this:

Everyone woke up in the morning and immediately everyone created a menu according to the data from their device, then a common menu for all family members was created. Still, someone will go grocery shopping and buy them, but they will buy only those products that are necessary. There are financial savings. Surely, some products will be common, and not unnecessary and superfluous.

If such a device existed, people would not get sick at all. The device would be a kind of prophylactic for the body’s condition, but under one condition: with a conscious approach to the quality of one’s health.

Man created quality control devices environment, but this does not make the environment cleaner. The device only records frantic human activity. Perhaps in the future this device will be invented by people, but now they will live and eat everything, and from here come all the ensuing consequences.

By eating only the right foods, you can heal yourself without drugs. Food should heal a person, cleanse him from the inside, rejuvenate and heal him - this is what it is general culture nutrition, truly healthy nutrition.

A person who seriously thinks about his health should pay attention to the correctness of his own nutrition, because proper nutrition is very important in self-purification, self-healing and self-rejuvenation of his body. A person can spend his whole life solving these three problems, making it the meaning of his whole life. Any person wants to maintain youth, beauty, health, pure consciousness, a clear mind at any age, but for this one must have certain knowledge about the inner essence of nutrition, as proper and cultural nutrition. There are more than enough negative factors that shorten and kill life, and incorrect, ignorant nutrition is one of the negative factors that greatly influences this.

I dare to offer humanity my concept of proper and cultural nutrition. I proceed from the fact that my immediate goal is self-rejuvenation, self-purification and self-healing of myself, where I exist as body, soul and spirit. Knowing that the soul and spirit are in the physical. body, I do more with the body. My concept is not a secret. I proceed from the age gradation of human life cycles up to 100 years.

We eat to live. The body exists only through the consumption and further assimilation of the substances it needs. It is very important to know what he needs and, in accordance with this, to form his own nutritional culture.

Unfortunately, many people think about what they eat only if they are diagnosed with a disease. It's better not to let things get to that point.

The importance of food

This is the first thing you need to think about when it comes to food culture.

Food is drink or food, due to the intake of which the body replenishes its energy reserves and substances necessary for normal metabolism.

These are proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, microelements. They are absorbed by cells, as a result of which energy is produced and accumulated, which supports the vital activity of the body and ensures its growth processes.

Food is also a source of pleasure. And it is very important to eat delicious food not only because it brings pleasure. When a person eats something pleasant, his digestion is efficient. Saliva and gastric juice are secreted in sufficient quantities. And these are powerful substances that kill microbes that cause fermentation and rotting of undigested food.


It is extremely important in food culture. The concept of “mode” includes the following components:

  • Amount and time of food intake during the day.
  • Proper distribution of the daily diet, taking into account the energy value of products.
  • Accounting for the chemical composition of products and their mass.
  • Creating a varied diet.
  • Intervals between meals.
  • The time it takes to absorb it.

Our body - a complex system. Its balance and harmony are constantly affected external factors. Therefore, maintaining a rhythm of nutrition is the minimum that a person can do for the normal functioning of his body.

It is extremely important to always eat at approximately the same time. A person who has established his rhythm can even check the time by feeling hungry. Just at certain times of the day digestive tract prepares itself for food intake and sends signals to the body about this.

You can't break the rhythm - you have to eat. Otherwise, the gastric juice reflexively entering at this time begins to affect duodenum and the walls of the stomach. If this happens frequently, the result may be an ulcer or gastritis.


If a person sets out to create a culture of healthy eating, then you also need to pay attention to intervals. They largely determine the notorious rhythm and routine.

From a physiological point of view, the ideal time to eat is the moment when the food that entered the stomach at the previous meal has already been digested.

There are average data for orientation. If a person’s digestion is fine, then on average it takes 4 hours to digest food. After this time, appetite usually appears. In principle, eating every four hours is the best option.

But there is also a longer period between meals. It occurs during sleep. And it should not exceed the 10-11 hour mark.

It is not necessary to strictly adhere to this particular regimen. The most important thing is not to eat earlier than 2 hours after eating. It's simply not practical. 2-3 hours is an acceptable interval, but then you need to eat in small portions.

What does the body need?

If a person becomes interested in the culture of healthy eating, then he will have to delve into the study of the composition of products in order to shape his diet. And this is quite interesting. So, here's what our body needs:

  • Carbohydrates. They perform supporting, structural, plastic, osmotic, receptor and energy functions. Speaking in simple language, this is the basis, and also the main source of strength.
  • Fats. This is the most concentrated source of energy. However, fat is more difficult to oxidize than carbohydrates. Therefore, its quantity must be minimized. If a person has an inactive lifestyle, then in the end everything will lead to disruption of fat metabolism and energy balance, as well as to excess weight gain.
  • Squirrels. " Construction material"of our body. Proteins are the constituent elements of all its cells. The synthesis of enzymes, hemoglobin, peptide hormones, as well as many other processes cannot be carried out normally if there are not enough of them in the body.
  • Vitamins and minerals. They take part in everything biochemical processes human body. Their importance is difficult to overestimate.

It is very important that a person, while developing a nutritional culture, learns to “supply” all of the listed substances to his body by consuming their healthy sources. Sweets, for example, have a high concentration of carbohydrates. But will the body feel good if it lives on chocolate? Oatmeal, rice, nuts, fruits, cereals are also sources of carbohydrates, but more healthy and rich in vitamins.

Energy requirement

As mentioned above, food is “fuel” for the body. 1 gram of protein and carbohydrates is equal to 17 kJ, and fat is 39 kJ. The exact amount of energy a person needs is determined by his physical activity. Here are approximate data for men (for girls they are 20% lower):

  • The most calm, sedentary lifestyle - 1,500 calories per day.
  • Sedentary form of work - 2,000 - 2,500 kcal.
  • Light physical work - 2,500 - 3,000 kcal.
  • Hard physical labor - 3,000 - 4,000 kcal.
  • Very hard work - 4,000 - 6,000 kcal.

Calorie counting

If you want to lead a healthy lifestyle, nutritional culture and all of the above knowledge will definitely help. Taking into account your energy needs, you will be able to create a competent diet, taking into account the calorie content of the dishes.

It's simple. Take, for example, breakfast: Americano with milk (56 kcal), two-egg omelet (270 kcal), 150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese (134 kcal), several slices of grapefruit (37 kcal).

This very tasty set contains everything the body needs in the morning - a sufficient amount of proteins and carbohydrates, caffeine and vitamins. It is not difficult to calculate the calorie content of dishes each time.


If you are interested in food culture, you need to pay attention to the consumption of this supplement.

It is better to avoid white sugar altogether. This is a simple carbohydrate, which, in ordinary language, enters the body along with tea or coffee and immediately goes down the drain.

The maximum daily sugar intake is 9 teaspoons for men and 6 for women. But we must remember that this element is found in many other products that we consume (fruits, juices, berries, vegetables).

So the norm for most people is exceeded many times over, since they not only drink coffee and tea with sugar, but also eat food that contains it in its natural form.

By giving up sugar, a person will not only do his body a favor, but also discover new world taste sensations. Many people begin to notice a pronounced sweetness in products that previously did not seem special, feel particularly pleasant aromas, etc.

Rules to learn

If you want to accustom yourself to a healthy lifestyle, then you need to start cultivating a nutritional culture in yourself by remembering the following provisions:

  • You only need to eat the required amount of food. When you're full, stop. Don't overeat. The main thing is to satisfy your hunger.
  • It is necessary to maintain the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is like this: 1:1:4. Carbohydrates should predominate, but in different forms(eating only porridge is not an option).
  • It is better to avoid white salt. The norm is 2-5 grams per day.
  • If it’s coffee, it’s natural, ground. After drinking a cup, after 20 minutes you need to drink a glass of water to normalize the balance.
  • It's important to drink a lot. 1.5-2.5 liters of water per day. Some parts can be replaced green tea, natural juices.
  • Vegetables are best consumed in combination with vitamin products, bran and seeds. A salad of tomatoes and cucumbers, for example, can be seasoned not with butter or sour cream, but lemon juice, and sprinkle flax seeds on top.
  • Every day you need to consume mineral salts and vitamins.

These are basic food culture skills. By starting to monitor your regimen, a person is guaranteed to improve their well-being. It may not be easy at first, but over time he will notice lightness in the body, extraordinary tone, a vigorous state of the body as a whole, and even, perhaps, a normalized weight, if there were problems with that.

Among the various manifestations of caring for a person, one of the most important is caring for the family.

The family is called upon to ensure the continuity of progressive national traditions and customs, morals and spiritual culture. It is she who serves as the first source from which the younger generation draws information about social ideals; behavior patterns are developed here; the family is usually the main source of role models.

The most important task of the family is to improve the health and education of the younger generation. The formation of a culture of consumption in each of its members, including food products, significantly contributes to the fulfillment of this task. It is in the family that contradictions arise and are often resolved between outdated and moribund traditions and the new ones that are declared and put into practice. modern society. Sometimes these contradictions become acute, especially in those families whose individual members are at odds with consumer culture or, even worse, are carriers of bad habits such as drunkenness, smoking, and overeating.

To live, a person, of course, needs to eat, drink, dress, have housing and other material goods, and a certain level of comfort. But “humanity erects monuments not to those who ate sweeter and drank more, but to those who glorified him with heroic deeds.” For us, material wealth is not an end in itself, but a prerequisite for the comprehensive development of the individual. Therefore, the task of protecting young people from the temptation of consumerism in the field of material goods is one of the key ones in educational work, including in the family.

This temptation is especially great in the field of nutrition. But it must be overcome on a scientific basis.

From time to time, a fashion appears for certain food products and the way they are prepared. The most incredible diets, all kinds of “diets”, etc. are passed on from hand to hand, “through acquaintances.” All this is an indicator low level culture in general and consumer culture food products in particular.

How much of all this is needed according to science? A guideline for determining food needs can be the scientifically based food consumption standards developed by the Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences.

As for the physiological norm of nutrition, that is, the amount of calories a person needs, this problem has been solved. Now the task is to bring quality indicators closer to rational standards, in other words, to improve the nutritional structure by increasing meat, milk, vegetables, fruits, and berries in people’s diets.

An abundance of food is naturally a good thing, but with low consumption culture it can be harmful to health and shorten life expectancy. The principle “the more the better” is unacceptable here. The problem of obesity, which exists not only in our country, is a clear confirmation of this.

So what is food consumption culture? This:

knowledge of the biological function of nutrition, that is, the role that food plays in human life;

economical housekeeping, knowledge of the properties and consequences of the effects of products on the body, the ability to choose and prepare them correctly, making the most of their beneficial qualities;

thrifty attitude towards food.

Many of our contemporaries, being educated and cultured people, turn out to be surprisingly ignorant in matters of nutrition. They do not know how much, what, when and even how to eat; they have a random idea of chemical composition products, their properties and know almost nothing about the impact of a particular product on human body. Usually only some illness makes such people pay attention to their diet. Unfortunately, sometimes it is too late: poor nutrition has already thoroughly destroyed the body and has to resort to treatment.

Being one of the important components of our lifestyle, the culture of food consumption determines to a large extent a person’s lifestyle. Anyone who knows the laws of rational nutrition and follows them has a greater chance of being healthy, active, physically and spiritually developed. The time has come to judge the culture of a person at the table not only and not so much by how he eats, that is, how he uses cutlery, but by what and how much he eats.

Below we will talk about the principles of rational nutrition. It is based on eating only those products that contain the least amount of harmful substances.

As evidenced by the history of nutrition, in relation to some foods over the course of thousands of years, a clear, enduring sympathy and adoration for them can be traced. Among these “favorites”, milk and bread occupy a special place. Regarding milk, a wonderful Russian scientist, academician I.P. Pavlov wrote: “Among the varieties of human food, milk is in an exceptional position, and this is a consistent recognition of both everyday experience and medicine. “Everyone and always milk is considered the easiest food and is given for weak and sick stomachs and for a host of other serious general diseases... How amazingly food prepared by nature itself stands out from a number of other varieties.”

Our other outstanding scientists - K.A. Timiryazev gives an equally deep and worthy assessment of the second named product, bread: “How many people, really, have it occurred to them that a piece of good baked wheat bread constitutes one of the greatest inventions of the human mind, one of those empirical discoveries that later scientific research you have to confirm and explain. In fact, out of hundreds of thousands of plants inhabiting the earth, it was necessary to find one that would represent the best combinations of unknown substances (proteins and carbohydrates), combined in plant organs, easily collected and preserved.”

In many families, meat is considered one of the main food products and they refer to the famous remark of K. Marx, in which he highly appreciates the role of this product in the development of man, especially his brain. Yes, the role of meat in the human diet is great. However, this product is insidious and brings maximum benefit only when its consumption corresponds to the physiological norm. Excess of it in the human body, as proven by recent studies, is harmful. By the way, we also read warnings about the adverse effects of large amounts of meat food from ancient authors.

For a balanced diet, not only the quality of food is important. Its quantity is no less important. Anyone who wants to be healthy must eat in moderation. Today, the average person typically consumes significantly more food than he or she needs. Half of the people in our country are overweight. This negatively affects their well-being.

When getting acquainted with the history of nutrition, it is noteworthy that thinkers of the past associated moderation in food not only with human health, but also with his moral state. The ancient Roman philosopher Rufus Musonius believed that “our duty is to eat for life, and not for pleasure, if only we want to follow the beautiful saying of Socrates that while most of people live in order to eat, he, Socrates, eats in order to live.” Socrates himself expressed his attitude to nutrition as follows: “Beware of all food and drink that would prompt you to eat more than your hunger and thirst require.”

The habit of moderation in eating is established in childhood, and the family plays a decisive role in its formation. It is necessary to cultivate a culture of nutrition literally from the cradle, that is, from the moment when the child begins to receive complementary foods. The first and most common mistake parents - the desire to give the baby “sweets”, and in abundance. And it is not surprising that a child fed with sweets from childhood, becoming an adult, continues to be a slave to this addiction, which often leads directly to diabetes and other metabolic diseases.

Scientists claim that the basis of most diseases of modern man is poor nutrition. And the habit of it is laid in the family. Knowledge of the principles of rational nutrition and strict adherence to them in practice will provide all family members with good health and good spirits, and the opportunity to live a full, interesting life.

A person has the right to health. Human rights are closely related to his responsibility. Unfortunately, not everyone understands their responsibility for maintaining health. More than two thirds of the country's population do not exercise, up to 30% of the population are overweight, and about 70 million people smoke.

An important component of a healthy lifestyle is nutrition.

Nutrition that ensures full development is called rational (from the Latin words “ratio” - calculation, measure and “rationalis” - reasonable, expedient, justified).

Human health is largely determined by the quantity and quality of food and diet.

Healthy eatingthe most important condition longevity.

Nutrition culture includes not only the attitude towards food, but also its composition. During all periods of human development, the nature of nutrition was determined by economic opportunities, the availability of food resources, climate and national traditions. The biological characteristics of the human body have remained the same, but living and nutritional conditions have changed significantly.

Food culture- This is the optimal amount of food to eat for a person.

Can a person determine how much he needs to eat? The main rule is to match the amount and calorie content of food with energy costs and the physiological needs of your body.

Healthy eating– this is a limitation of fats and salt, a significant increase in the proportion of fruits and vegetables, cereals, and wholemeal products in the diet. The source of protein should be legumes, low-fat dairy products, fish or vegetable oil.

Food processing is important for food culture. Vegetables should not be exposed to prolonged culinary processing, since this destroys the vitamins contained in the products. The preferred oils are corn, olive or sunflower. It is also advisable to consume bread made from wholemeal flour and unrefined (unrefined) sugar.

Human energy needs depend on individual characteristics, gender, age, height, body weight, level of metabolic processes, as well as physical activity, the nature of mental activity, sports, climatic conditions and other factors.

Over the course of 70 years, a person drinks 50 tons of water, eats 2.5 tons of protein, 2.3 tons of fat, over 10 tons of carbohydrates, and almost 300 kg of table salt.

A person should receive as much energy from food as he expends during the day. In cases where the influx of energy exceeds the energy expenditure of the body, it accumulates in the form of fat deposits.

There are a number general rules providing rational nutrition with lifestyle:

1. rule - food should be varied: animal origin (meat, fish, eggs, milk, cottage cheese); plant origin(vegetables, fruits, cereals, bread).

2. rule - maintaining your weight at normal levels. “I eat to live, not live to eat.”

It must be remembered that it is easier to type overweight and much more difficult to reset. Excess body weight increases the risk of diseases such as diabetes, ischemic disease hearts, etc.

No less dangerous for the body is a condition when body weight is significantly less than normal, which can be associated with exhaustion and dystrophy.

3. rule - this is taking into account the intensity of physical activity in the diet; when playing sports, nutrition should not only replace the energy and nutrients consumed, but also the ability to increase performance, accelerate its recovery after strenuous exercise physical activity, for which it is necessary to include easily digestible foods rich in vitamins in the diet.

It should be noted that heat treatment weakens beneficial qualities vegetable oils, therefore it is more advisable to use them in salads and vinaigrettes.

Proper nutrition - this is obtaining from food in sufficient quantities and in the right combination substances necessary for the body: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts, vitamins, microelements and water.