But only for prevention. Preparations for the prevention of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections in adults. Antiviral drug for colds "Amiksin"

Timely, competent prevention of colds and viral diseases can reliably protect the body during seasonal epidemics.

Influenza and ARVI are seasonal infectious diseases transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person by airborne droplets. An active attack by viruses that have entered the human body begins after they begin to multiply on the mucous membranes of the nose, throat and bronchi.

To prevent infection and make the course of any infectious viral disease as easy as possible if it occurs, it is enough to follow a few simple but effective rules.

Influenza and ARVI are seasonal viral diseases

Necessary measures to prevent influenza, ARVI and colds: memo

The most important and reliable method of preventing influenza and ARVI is to avoid infection. This means that during epidemic periods it is best to avoid visiting crowded places.

IMPORTANT: The source of ARVI and influenza is a sick person. The less contact with people there is, the lower the risk of contracting a viral disease.

However, no one succeeds in locking themselves at home and not visiting public places at all. Even a five minute trip to public transport or visiting a store can cause infection.

Therefore, in order to reduce risks as much as possible, you need to try to increase the body’s resistance to the action of viruses and reduce their concentration in the premises. This can be achieved in the following ways:

  • frequent ventilation of rooms
  • regular processing of items common use disinfectant solution
  • thorough hand washing
  • regular wet cleaning “conscientiously”
  • humidifying the air in rooms using a special humidifier
  • using wet disinfectant wipes
  • nasal saline instillation
  • walks on fresh air In any weather
  • healthy lifestyle (adequate nutrition, sleep at least 8 hours a day, physical activity, hardening)
  • clothing appropriate for the weather to prevent sweating
  • timely vaccination that creates specific immunity when it comes to preventing influenza
  • taking antiviral drugs and immune stimulants if necessary

IMPORTANT: Viruses can remain active and vital for a long time in a dry, unventilated area. At the same time, they die instantly in fresh, humid air.

Medicines, antivirals and means for the prevention of influenza, ARVI and colds for adults: how and when to take them?

To prevent colds and viral diseases, it is sometimes not enough for an adult to follow the rules of hygiene and healthy image life.

Weakened immunity may require more reliable support, which is provided by antiviral drugs.

It is best if the drug is prescribed by a doctor based on test results and data on the patient’s health condition. Often one or more drugs from the list are used to prevent ARVI:

  • Immunal
  • Riboxin
  • Broncho-Vaxom
  • Ribomunil
  • Imudon

All these means have deferred action and are accepted by courses. This means that prevention should begin several months before the expected epidemic.

Antiviral drugs for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza

Should know: Influenza and ARVI are different diseases, despite the fact that they have the same nature and common routes of transmission. ARVI is characterized by a smooth onset, a slight increase in body temperature (up to 39˚C), nasal congestion and discharge, possible discomfort and sore throat, and a moderate cough from the first day of illness. The flu begins abruptly, manifests itself with chills, an increase in temperature to 40˚C and above and its persistence for the first 3-4 days. In this case, there is no or slight runny nose, no sneezing, and a severe cough appears on the second or third day. From the very beginning of the disease, a person feels a kind of “ache” in the joints and headache, weakness, he is haunted by the feeling of sand in his eyes.

If it is permissible to take drugs for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections on your own, then for the prevention of influenza they use drugs that have serious side effects, and their uncontrolled use can cause harm to health.

Therefore, drugs such as rimantadine, orvirem, arbidol, Tamiflu, ribavirin, acyclovir, oseltamivir can be used to prevent influenza, but only on the recommendation of a doctor.

IMPORTANT: Flu is more severe than ARVI. The occurrence of complications of influenza in children and adults is most likely, even with proper and timely treatment.

Tamiflu - a drug for the treatment and prevention of influenza

Medicines, antiviral drugs and means for the prevention of influenza, ARVI and colds for children: how and when to take them?

Children are at much greater risk of contracting ARVI and influenza than adults. Visiting kindergartens, schools, clubs and sections, combined with the inherent habit of most children of not washing their hands on time, can cause viruses to enter the child’s mucous membranes.

If parents take care of the safety of their child in advance and several months before the expected epidemic of ARVI and influenza, they begin a course of delayed-action antiviral drugs ( Broncho-Vaxom, Ribomunil, Imudon) according to the scheme suggested by the doctor, and get a flu shot, in the midst of an epidemic the child will be safe.

If no preventive measures have been taken previously, and the child is forced to attend childcare centers during an epidemic, interferon preparations, for example for children, can be used for prevention. Anaferon– 1 tablet every morning half an hour before meals.

It is also permissible to use homeopathy for prevention, for example Influcid– 3 tablets per day, half an hour before meals.

It is also necessary to regularly moisten the child’s nasal mucosa with saline solutions. For these purposes it is suitable as a budget physical. solution, as well as expensive sprays in convenient cans equipped with special attachments.

Broncho-Vaxom is a drug for the prevention of viral diseases

Video: Prevention of ARVI and influenza. 5 ways to protect your child from ARVI in the fall

What medications should adults and children take at the first symptoms of influenza or ARVI to prevent the disease?

Before taking any medications At the first manifestation of ill health, you should immediately try to determine the cause of the disease. If this common cold or ARVI with a slight increase in temperature, runny nose and cough, then you can do without pharmaceuticals.

This will help you overcome this disease quickly. drinking plenty of warm fluids, ventilating the room and moisturizing the nasal mucosa with saline solutions. If the patient's body temperature exceeds 38.5˚C, apply paracetamol or ibuprofen.

In cases where you need to “get back on your feet” as soon as possible, it is permissible to use antiviral agents, such as:

  • Oseltamivir
  • Zanamivir
  • Rimantadine
  • Ribavirin
  • Amiksin
  • Kagocel
  • Amizon
  • Arbidol
  • Groprinosin
  • Cycloferon

You can read more about antiviral drugs for children of different ages in the article

IMPORTANT: At the first manifestations of ARVI or influenza, symptomatic treatment is also carried out. If a cold is accompanied by a runny nose and nasal congestion, any vasoconstrictor drops or sprays are used to eliminate these symptoms (2-3 times a day, no more than 5 days). A wet cough can be eliminated with mucolytics ( Mucaltin, Ambroxol, Ambrobene, Lazolvan), and sprays will help with minor sore throats ( Orasept, Tantum Verde, Ingalipt), as well as Lugol or chlorophyllipt.

What ointment or nasal spray should be used to prevent influenza during an epidemic for adults and children?

Effective prevention of influenza is the use of ointments, sprays and nasal drops. When viruses enter the nasal mucosa, they encounter powerful protection in the form of the active ingredients of nasal medications, and immediately die or are greatly weakened.

One of the largest groups of drugs for use on the nasal mucosa for the prevention of influenza and ARVI is interferons. Sprays, drops and ointments based on interferon have antiviral and immunomodulating effects.

IMPORTANT: When using nasal medications, interferon does not penetrate the blood, but fights viruses locally. That is why treating the nasal mucosa with antiviral agents is the best prevention of seasonal infectious diseases.

The most common nasal interferon preparations are:

  • Viferon ointment and gel
  • Interferon
  • Gipferon
  • Genferon
  • Laferabion
  • Nazoferon
  • Laferon

Children from birth and pregnant women are prescribed Nazoferon 1 drop in each nostril every other day (2 - 4 weeks).

Ointment is also used to prevent viral infections in children and adults. oxolinic 0.25%. Apply the ointment generously to the nasal mucosa three times a day. It acts locally, only on viruses that have not had time to penetrate the blood.

To increase the resistance of the immune system to the action of viruses, fungi and bacteria and to prevent seasonal diseases, drops can be used Derinat 0.25%. This immunomodulator accelerates the synthesis of interferons and enhances the activity of lymphocytes.

IMPORTANT: Unlike interferons, Derinat is absorbed into the blood, distributed throughout the lymphatic system.

A prophylactic dose of Derinat for an adult is 1 drop in each nostril 3 times a day throughout the autumn-winter period. For children, the dosage is determined by the doctor based on the child’s age, weight and health status.

The best effective remedy for adults and children for the prevention of influenza, colds and ARVI

Those who are looking the best remedy for the prevention of influenza, colds and acute respiratory viral infections, will be disappointed to learn that a universal drug does not exist. Each person’s body is individual, therefore, the same preventive remedy can become a “lifesaver” for some, but for others it can be absolutely useless.

To strengthen the body's defenses, both an adult and a child, you can use interferon-based drug. Nasal drops, suppositories, tablets or inhalations with interferon are especially effective in the first day of illness and for preventing illness.

Viferon for the treatment and prevention of influenza and ARVI

Prevention of influenza and ARVI with folk remedies for adults and children

Recipes traditional medicine may prove useful in the fight for health during cold and flu season. Available natural ingredients in a certain combination can reliably protect adults and children from colds and viral diseases.

Recipe No. 1: Rosehip drink with honey.

  • rose hips (5 tbsp)
  • water (1 liter)
  • honey (2 tbsp)


  1. Crush dry rose hips
  2. Place the berries in a saucepan and cover them with cold water
  3. Place the pan on the fire and bring to a boil
  4. Boil for 10 – 12 minutes over low heat
  5. Remove the pan from the heat, cover with a lid, wrap and leave for 8 - 10 hours
  6. Strain through cheesecloth or sieve
  7. Drink the drink throughout the day, every 3–4 hours, 1 glass, adding honey to taste

Recipe No. 2: Drink with rose hips, raspberry and black currant leaves.


  • Rose hips (1 tbsp)
  • Crushed raspberry leaves (1 tbsp)
  • Chopped blackcurrant leaves (1 tbsp)
  • Water (1.5 tbsp.)
  • Sugar to taste


  1. Place the leaves and berries in a saucepan and cover with water
  2. Place the pan on the fire
  3. Bring to a boil, simmer for 10 minutes over low heat
  4. Remove the pan from the heat, cover with a lid, and leave to cool completely.
  5. Strain
  6. Add sugar
  7. Drink half a glass twice a day

Recipe No. 3: Linden drink with viburnum fruits and raspberries.


  • Linden blossom (1 tbsp.)
  • Raspberries (1 tbsp)
  • Viburnum fruits (1 tbsp)
  • Water (2 tbsp.)
  • Natural honey or sugar to taste


  1. Place ingredients in a saucepan and add boiling water
  2. Place on low heat for 10 - 12 minutes
  3. Cool covered
  4. Strain
  5. Add sugar or honey to taste
  6. Take 0.5 cups twice a day

Recipe No. 4: Ginger tea with honey and lemon


  • Ginger root
  • Lemon
  • Boiling water


  1. Grind the ginger root and place it in a cup
  2. Pour boiling water over
  3. Add lemon and honey to taste
  4. Drink ginger tea 2-3 times a day

Ginger tea for the prevention of ARVI and influenza

IMPORTANT: In addition to vitamin drinks, peeled onions and garlic are used to prevent viral diseases. They can be laid out in the living room or workplace and eaten.

Vitamins for the prevention of flu and colds for adults and children

Vitamin balance in the body is very important under any circumstances, but especially during seasonal colds. It is by the middle of winter that the reserves of vitamins in the body are minimal, and immunity is reduced.

IMPORTANT: Vitamins strengthen the immune system, accelerate the regeneration of cells damaged by viruses, and have antiviral properties.

All groups of vitamins are important for the prevention of flu and colds:

  • "WITH"- an immunomodulator that suppresses the proliferation of viruses. Prophylactic dose for adults: 100 – 150 mg per day. Contained in black currants, cabbage, lemon.
  • "B1", "B6"— accelerate the restoration of the epithelium of the respiratory tract. "B1" is found in peas, bran bread, spinach, “B6” - meat and cabbage.
  • "AT 2"— accelerates the synthesis of antibodies during illness. Contained in buckwheat, eggs, cottage cheese.
  • "RR"- has a weak antiviral effect, improves blood circulation in the mucous membranes. It is present in sufficient quantities in meat, pineapples, rye flour, liver and mushrooms.
  • "A"— restores cells damaged by viruses. Contained in carrots and green onions.
  • "E"- a strong immunostimulant, blocks the access of viruses to healthy cells. Nuts, liver, and meat are rich in vitamin E.

When it is difficult to replenish vitamins naturally, it is necessary to take special tableted vitamin complexes. However, even taking regular ascorbic acid may be enough to prevent colds.

If, despite all the preventive measures taken, you or your child gets sick with a cold or flu, the main thing is not to panic. Timely diagnosis and adherence to the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor will speed up recovery and help avoid complications. Be healthy!

Video: About the correct prevention of ARVI and influenza

The seasons of autumn and winter are annually marked by the scale of diseases among the population. All age groups from children to the elderly are at risk.

ARVIs are considered common diseases of these seasons, since infection occurs most in a simple way: by airborne droplets.

Mass infection, according to statistics, affects a person twice a year, so it is worth thinking about preventive measures and means to reduce the possibility of the disease occurring and protect your body.

An acute respiratory viral infection is transmitted from an infected person through airborne transmission (coughing, sneezing, shaking hands).

Preventive protection is of great importance regardless of the season and weather.

Protection is divided into two types:

  • specific - aimed at protection immune system. Is this mass vaccination or individual vaccination? Vaccine injections are given in kindergartens, educational institutions, at work or, if desired, in a medical institution;
  • nonspecific - independent fight against viral infections. For example, preventive hardening and taking vitamin complexes. All these measures are aimed at strengthening the general condition of the body, improving its life support and the ability to resist viral infections.

The main idea of ​​infection prevention methods is to try to avoid contact with virus carriers as much as possible by:

  • wearing a protective cotton-gauze bandage;
  • Isolation of the sick person for the period of infection until complete recovery.

For prevention, it is necessary to carry out complex measures; they should be carried out under control and in the appropriate order. The most optimal approach is the selection of individual methods of hardening the body, the selection of anti-epidemic drugs and the implementation of specialist recommendations.

Prevention in children

Prevention for children is very important and relevant. Basic principles of protection against disease:

  • avoiding contact with viral carriers;
  • increasing the protective properties of the body.

Children are exposed more easily and more often. They cannot be completely protected from the disease, but they can be less likely to become infected by following simple basic principles.

According to pediatrician Komarovsky, the following actions are taken to reduce the risk of becoming infected:

  • If the patient is at home, you need to ventilate the room more often. Minimize communication between a healthy child and a sick child until the latter recovers completely.
  • carry out cleaning with chlorine cleaners, maintain optimal humidity in the room (from 40%) and a temperature of about 20 degrees;
  • “mask” mode - in the midst of an infection, purchase gauze bandages and wear them, change them periodically, so the risk of getting sick will not be high;
  • Be sure to keep children’s hands clean, wash them more often, especially before eating and after a walk;
  • if possible, take frequent walks in the fresh air; if the weather is bad, then ventilate the premises;
  • taking preventive medications and medications (for example, Broncho-Vaxom, Imudon, Ribomunil);
  • vaccination;

Routes of entry of the virus into humans

ARVI is transmitted by airborne droplets and enters a healthy person through the respiratory and digestive system.

Methods of transmission and transmission of the virus:

  • local, local transmission of the virus - handshakes, hugs with a sick person;
  • airborne transmission - direct conversation, being in the same room with sick people, coughing and sneezing near healthy people.

Preventive medications for adults and children

Medications are aimed at strengthening the body, its immune system and ability to resist viruses.

The most common drugs for the prevention of ARVI:

  • Nazaval Plus - nasal drops based on wild garlic extract, wild garlic and bear onion. May be available in spray form. Suitable for both children and adults. Use during periods of illness. Average cost from 300 rubles.
  • Ingavirin - tablets and capsules, the main active ingredient is imidazolylethanamide. Designed for the prevention of group A viruses. Release of dosages for adults and children, average price from 390 rubles.
  • Tsitovir - syrup for children, capsules for adults. Increases the protective functions of the body, the main substance is thymogen. Average cost from 240 rubles.
  • Arbidol - release form - tablets and capsules, for both adults and children. Antiviral drug, the main active ingredient is umifenovir. Average price from 167 rubles.
  • Rimantadine (remantadine) - tablets. Used for preventive purposes and for treatment. The active substance is rimantadine hydrochloride. Average price from 74 rubles.
  • Kagocel - tablets, the active ingredient is kagocel. Antiviral, activates the production of interferon to fight viruses. For use by adults and children over six years of age. The price varies from 240 rubles.

Vaccination against ARVI

Vaccination is carried out once during periods of spread of the disease and its exacerbation.

Effective vaccines are considered to be preventive drugs to protect against respiratory diseases.

Modern vaccination is divided into three generations:

  • first - live (whole virion);
  • second - split (split);
  • third - subunit.

The injection is given once and is aimed at preventing ARVI. In case of illness, a vaccinated person has advantages over an unvaccinated person; he tolerates the disease more easily (no high fever, mild symptoms and a rapid course of the disease, without relapses).

Contraindications to the vaccine are allergic reactions, pathologies of the immune system, the presence acute illness or the course of an inflammatory process, a recent illness, a weakened state after surgery.

What age is it possible to use vaccines?

Vaccination from six months, and for older people. Initially, vaccination should be carried out for people who belong to the first risk group (schoolchildren and preschoolers, students, medical workers, people over sixty years of age, immunocompromised and HIV-infected).

Reminder on the prevention of ARVI:

How to behave at work during exacerbation of illnesses

Before work, take antiviral medications, use cotton-gauze bandages, use only your own dishes at lunch, observe hand hygiene after using the toilet and shaking hands, ventilate the premises, reduce contact with sick people. If you get sick yourself, take sick leave.

How to behave if you are sick at home

Be sure to isolate the patient in a separate room (not a walk-through room), frequently ventilate the house/apartment and do wet cleaning. Maintain hygiene and do not eat food from the patient’s dishes.

How to behave on public transport

If going out requires traveling on public transport, be sure to wear a blindfold. If possible, try to sit by the window, where there is more air flow, and not at the end of the vehicle, in a crowd. After leaving, do not forget to wipe your hands with bactericidal wipes.

Do not sit next to potentially sick people.

How to behave in the company of friends and relatives who are sick with ARVI

Try to limit direct contact - kissing, hugging, shaking hands. Gather in ventilated areas and maintain personal hygiene. Use moisturizing nasal sprays to protect against viruses.

Prevention of ARVI in preschool educational institutions (kindergarten)

During periods of increased illness, it is necessary to increase the number of walks in the fresh air, constantly ventilate the premises and do wet cleaning with special bactericidal agents.

Do not visit places where large numbers of people gather.

Monitor your child's hygiene! You need to teach him to use napkins or disposable towels, keep his hands clean, and not chew other people's toys.

When vaccinated, agree to the injection. Take special antiviral drugs if the risk of getting sick is high. Start giving your child vitamins or diversify the diet with vegetables and fruits.

Prevention of ARVI at school

Use cotton gauze dressings and disposable wipes whenever possible.

Participate in vaccinations and take vitamins and antiviral medications.

If possible, reduce the time you spend around people. Follow the diet and dress your child according to the weather.


The main method of prevention is vaccination and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

They are based on personal protection and limiting contact with infected people.

Winter, which is coming into its own, is associated not only with fun sledding and skiing, but also with epidemics of influenza and various colds. But today there are simple and reliable methods to avoid unpleasant ailments. In order not to join the ranks of those who sneeze, it is recommended to use medicines that perfectly eliminate viruses to prevent flu and colds.

The ointment is applied to cotton swab, which is used to lubricate the nasal mucosa. The product is purely preventive. It does not have the necessary therapeutic effect.

The drug "Aflubin"

This is an excellent homeopathic remedy that effectively relieves cold and flu symptoms. Its use is allowed at any age. It’s just important to follow the required dosages.

The taste of the drug is not very pleasant. Therefore, you can dilute the required number of drops in tea or water.

This product has immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, detoxification, and antipyretic properties. It is recommended to use the medicine at the first signs of illness.

The drug "Interferon"

The product is available in ampoules. Like some of the medications described above for the prevention of flu and colds in children, this remedy can be used from birth.

Before use, you must prepare a solution. Boiled cooled water (about 2 ml) is added to the open ampoule up to a special mark. The resulting drug is placed in the child’s nose.

Means "Grippferon"

The basis of the drug is the “Interferon” described above. The product is completely ready for use. There is no need to dilute it. The medicine is stored strictly in the refrigerator. It is also allowed for use from birth.

The concentration of the Interferon substance in the bottle is slightly higher than in the self-prepared solution described above. Therefore, babies up to one year old are instilled no more than 5 times a day.

The drug "Arbidol"

For the prevention of flu and colds, medications for children under 3 years of age are used not only those described above. The drug "Arbidol" is effective. However, it should be remembered that the product can only be used from 2 years of age.

The drug perfectly strengthens the immune system. It helps increase the child’s body’s resistance to many viral diseases. The medicine has proven itself well as a prophylactic agent.

How can pregnant women protect themselves from the disease?

The immunity of a woman preparing to become a mother is weakened. Therefore, she is more likely to catch a cold or contract the flu. Sometimes doctors recommend vaccination before an epidemic as a preventive measure. But on early stages she is undesirable.

A pregnant woman should direct all her strength to strengthening the body and increasing immunity. It is recommended to consume a lot of vegetables and fruits, fresh juices. Doctors advise eating a clove of garlic or a little green onion.

For preventive purposes, it is useful to use herbs, fruit drinks, compotes. It is recommended to choose rose hips, cranberries, viburnum, and currants. Tea with lemon is beneficial. Eating citrus fruits is effective.

What medications can be used to prevent flu and colds? Most of the products are prohibited for pregnant women. During an epidemic, before leaving home, it is recommended to lubricate the mucous membrane with “Oxolinic” ointment. You can drip your nose with Interferon. Before going to bed, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with Calendula or Eucalyptus tincture.

In addition, it is important for all family members, during an epidemic, to take appropriate medications for preventive purposes.


During cold and damp weather, anyone becomes extremely vulnerable to viruses that cause colds. In addition, the flu can be not only an unpleasant disease that disturbs the usual rhythm of life, but also quite a dangerous phenomenon. Sometimes it leaves behind various complications. Therefore, during an epidemic, you should protect your body as much as possible from illnesses. Take high-quality, effective medications. In this case, you are provided with excellent protection against viruses.

For most of us, winter is the most awaited time. Many are waiting for her to enjoy traditional activities - skiing and sledding. But not everyone shares this point of view. There are also those who are not very happy about the coming of winter. After all, this is the most favorable time in order to catch the flu virus and other colds. Fortunately, people have long learned to resist diseases and fight them effectively.

If you do not want to experience the unpleasant symptoms of the flu, then you should not wait to become infected. Long before winter arrives, start taking preventive measures that will help boost your immunity and prevent viruses from putting you to bed.

Most patients who have a cold have a cough, runny nose, headaches and others. characteristic symptoms This disease occurs due to weakened immunity. When the body’s own defenses are not enough, nothing can stop the infection from carrying out its active activity in human body and cause various viral diseases. To protect yourself from flu and colds, experts advise taking the following medications.

List of drugs

To protect themselves from the dangers of viruses and bacteria, many people have to be very careful when choosing medications. But this problem can be easily solved if you seek advice from doctors who are well familiar with the modern range of medications for the prevention of influenza and colds, and their effects on the body.

This medicine is intended for surgical treatment Acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and other colds, as well as their warnings. It can also be included in the complex therapy of certain infectious diseases - for example, rubella, chickenpox and others.

As active component The drug contains Amizon. Instructions for use contain instructions that this product should not be given to children under 6 years of age.

In most cases, one package, which contains 20 tablets, is enough to complete a full course. This medicine against flu and colds is popular not only because of its affordable price, but also because of its wide spectrum of action.

The drug Arbidol

You can take this to prevent colds and flu effective remedy, like Arbidol. This medicine is effective with deal with influenza A and B viruses, and acute respiratory viral infection. It is ideal as a means of prevention. They can treat not only colds, but also complications arising from them. Quite often, doctors include Arbidol as part of the complex treatment of diseases such as recurrent herpes, chronic bronchitis and pneumonia. The drug can be prescribed for treatment children over 2 years of age.

Medicine Remantadine

The drug can become an alternative to the above-mentioned drugs both for treatment and for prevention ARI, ARVI, flu and colds. It can be given to children, but only to those who have reached age 7 years.

In order for the product to have the maximum therapeutic effect, it should be taken according to the following regimen:

  • on the first day - 2 capsules 3 times a day;
  • on the second and third days - 2 capsules 2 times a day;
  • on the fourth and fifth days - 2 pills once a day.

For preventive purposes, the drug is taken in a course of 10 days. In this case, the dosage of the medicine will be one tablet per day.

Drug Anaferon

For prevention of flu and colds You can use drugs from the homeopathic group. One of the well-known medications of this class is Anaferon. It is often included in the complex treatment of diseases such as ARVI and influenza.

It can be given to children aged from 6 months. Take Anaferon during the first two hours with an interval of 30 minutes between doses. During this period, the dosage is determined as 1 tablet 3 times a day. Subsequently, the dosage regimen is not changed and is maintained until complete recovery. If the remedy was chosen for preventive purposes, then it must be taken 1 tablet 1 time per day for 1-3 months.

Treatment and prevention of acute respiratory infections and influenza

Every parent is happy when he sees his child cheerful and joyful. But babies’ immunity is not strong enough, so sometimes they get sick.

It is best not to wait for illness and to help the body in advance so that it can give a worthy rebuff to viruses. Therefore, the main recommendation that pediatricians give to parents is to carry out activities that will help increase the child’s immunity.

It is for this purpose that doctors often prescribe drugs to children. Grippferon And . They ideally cope with the task of preventing acute respiratory infections in children. For newborns up to 6 months, the medicine is instilled into the nose twice a day, one drop.

If you need to strengthen the immunity of a child over 6 months of age, then in this case you can use the drug. Before use, the pills must be dissolved in a spoon. warm water. In addition to the above-mentioned medications, there are other quite effective medications that can protect children's body from flu and colds. But you must not forget that self-medication may not always lead to positive results. Therefore, in order not to risk the health of your child, be sure to ask your doctor about the correct use of the drug you have chosen.

Medicine Viferon: suppositories and ointments

It belongs to the group of modern antiviral drugs that, when used, have an immunomodulatory effect on the body. It is often prescribed to newborns and premature babies. The drug is very effective as a means of preventing acute respiratory infections, other infectious and inflammatory diseases, influenza, as well as complications caused by bacterial infections.

Viferon in the form of suppositories is used rectally for a course of 5 days. In this case, the child needs to administer each suppository at intervals of 12 hours. It is advisable to start treatment with this drug when the first symptoms of the disease appear.

Viferon in ointment form is suitable for use as a means of preventing colds and flu for children over 1 year old. They lubricate the nasal mucosa three to four times a day using a cotton swab.

Medicine Anaferon for children

Parents of children under 1 year of age find themselves in a rather difficult situation. It is not so easy for them to choose safe and effective medications for the prevention of colds, acute respiratory infections and flu. However, there are medications that can satisfy them. One of them is the drug Anaferon, which can be used for the treatment and prevention of diseases in children starting from 1 month.

This is one of the popular antiviral drugs that has an immunomodulatory effect on the children's body. It is perfect as a medicine for the surgical treatment of colds, acute respiratory infections and flu, as well as a prophylactic agent.

In pharmacies, Anaferon is offered in the form of tablets, which must be dissolved in boiled water before taking. Older children can be given Anaferon tablets in their pure form, but they should not swallow them, but dissolve them.

Oxolinic ointment

Doctors are well familiar with this drug and its therapeutic effect. That's why they've been prescribing it for young children for many years. This ointment is highly safe for health and is therefore suitable for the prevention of acute respiratory infections, colds and flu in newborns. However, you can start using it only for children who are over 2 months.

Before use, you should prepare a cotton swab, apply the medicine to it, and then use it to treat the baby’s nasal mucosa. The drug can be used only for prevention. It is not suitable for the surgical treatment of colds and flu.

Drug Aflubin

The medicine belongs to the group of homeopathic medicines that, when used, quickly relieve symptoms of colds and flu. This is a universal remedy that can be used at any age. But you should always read the instructions before use, and then strictly follow the dosages indicated in it.

Due to the fact that the medicine does not have a very pleasant taste, children may not like it. Therefore, before use, it can be diluted with tea or water.

Aflubin is a medicine with a wide spectrum of action. When taken, it has antipyretic, detoxification, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. It is recommended to start taking Aflubin at the first appearance of cold symptoms.

Interferon drug

In pharmacies this drug is offered in the form of ampoules. It is practically no different from the above-mentioned means for the prevention of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and colds in children. Therefore, it can be used from birth.

For better absorption, it must be introduced into the child’s body in the form of a solution. To do this, you need to take the ampoule, open it, and then pour the contents into a glass containing 2 ml of chilled boiled water. The resulting mixture must be injected into the baby's nose.


Flu and colds are the most common and at the same time unpleasant diseases, which both adults and children are equally at risk of encountering. Most known methods, unfortunately, do not allow one to avoid infection with these diseases. Therefore, many of us turn to doctors for advice, and they prescribe well-proven medications.

Today you can find a lot of such drugs in pharmacies, and among them there are those that can be used for acute respiratory infections in both adults and children. However, you should always read the instructions before use, since some medications may have age restrictions.

Attention, TODAY only!

This does not mean that you should immediately start pouring a bucket of ice water on yourself. Although, with gradual adaptation to such a procedure, there are many positive results. You need to start by creating such a microclimatic environment around yourself so as not to overheat your body: temperature environment from 18 to 22 degrees, air humidity 40-60%. Keep it that way all the time. What happens when overheated: the vessels expand, their walls become easily passable for many pathogens. By avoiding overheating, we keep the walls of our blood vessels in good shape, which do not allow new residents in. For this you can also use ascorbic acid with rutin (the drug ascorutin - it strengthens the walls of capillaries). You can use a contrast shower or dousing with cool water (at first lukewarm to make the skin feel pleasant, lowering the temperature day by day). A person who applies these tips will not be afraid of accidental hypothermia.

3. Water and drinking regime

Water is the main substrate of our body. To maintain a healthy body, you need to follow a drinking regime: drink about 2-2.5 liters of liquid per day. Basically, it should be clean, unboiled water. When asked why not tea or juice, you can ask a counter question: do you wash your windows with tea or juice?... The answer is obvious. Likewise, our body needs washing, incl. from harmful microorganisms. Failure to comply with the drinking regime creates a risk of intestinal blockage (appendicitis may develop), the formation of kidney stones, impaired blood supply (this may cause headaches, dizziness), etc. The list is very long. This free medicine is in a carafe in our house, but we neglect it.

4. Everyone for a walk!

Walking in the fresh air helps enrich the body with oxygen. Oxygen nourishes all organs and tissues of the body and is necessary for the normal functioning of organs and systems. You can use oxygen cocktails, but nothing can replace walking in the fresh air. After all, this is a moral rest after a hard day, and interaction with nature (it’s better to walk in the park), and gentle exercise stress.

5. Do exercises

Athletic people get sick less. This is due to the fact that they strengthen their muscles, blood vessels, and drink more water. It has also been noted that physical activity helps combat stress. We do not encourage readers to immediately take up running, dumbbells, or inversion exercises on the horizontal bar. A simple 5-10 minute exercise in the morning for fun can work wonders. Choose exercises that you enjoy to hit as many muscles as possible. But beware of reboots, there's no point. It is useful to do self-massage.

Armed with these simple tips, which you probably knew, but kept putting off using them. And we begin to act to strengthen our defenses.

What to do and eat to avoid getting sick

During an outbreak of colds, without ceasing to do everything previous, we use the advice of traditional medicine.

  1. We breathe in steam from the kettle. During an epidemic, a little trick will help. Every day, when you come home from work, the first thing you do is wash your hands, put the kettle on to boil and finely chop the garlic or onion. Rinse the teapot specially designated for the procedure with boiling water. Place the garlic/onion there and close the lid. Warm the kettle slightly in the microwave (for a second) or on low heat on the stove. Inhale the resulting vapor through the kettle spout through your mouth and nose. Such inhalation will help neutralize pathogenic microbes in the respiratory tract and protect against infection.
  2. We eat onions and garlic. And we are not shy about the smell.
  3. We drink fruit drinks made from frozen berries (cranberries, currants, sea buckthorn), add lemon juice to the tea.
  4. We drink chamomile in milk. Very good for throat diseases, especially for those who have to talk a lot (lecturers, educators, teachers, etc.). Boil milk and put 2 filter bags of chamomile flowers in there, mash well with a teaspoon. Add butter and honey (if there are no allergies). Let it cool, drink warm in small sips.
  5. Aromatherapy will protect against microorganisms . or baths with antiseptic essential oils(avoid synthetically processed perfume oils).
  6. Rinse your nose and eyes. Rinsing is done with a solution of sea salt (you can take plain salt 1/3 teaspoon per glass of water and add 1 drop of iodine). Pathogenic microorganisms enter our body through the nasal passages and mucous membranes of the eyes. It takes them 4-8 hours to penetrate deeper. Therefore, it is advisable to wash every 4 hours to wash away pathogens from the mucous membrane.
  7. We drink herbal infusions instead of tea.
  8. Prevention with ginger root This can be consumed in any form: pickled, fried, eaten candied ginger, brewed ginger teas. All this will be beneficial and protect against disease. Ginger will neutralize germs, relieve inflammation, and has an expectorant effect.
  9. Propolis instead of chewing gum. Propolis will not only protect against microbes entering through the nasopharynx, but can also cure a sore throat. Cut a small piece of propolis, hold it in your mouth, then start chewing, it will soon become elastic, like chewing gum. By the way, such chewing gum will “kill” the smell of garlic.
  10. We drink propolis tincture in milk. At the end of the working day in a glass warm milk add about 2 teaspoons of propolis tincture and 1 teaspoon of honey. This recipe will not work in the morning if you drive, because... the tincture contains alcohol.

In conclusion, a little about disgust. It often happens that you seem to have completely protected yourself from germs. And then someone nearby got sick. A striking trend: those who are not afraid of getting infected do not get sick. And you, who so diligently used all methods of protection, became infected, although you sprayed with a spray with sea ​​salt in the nose when a colleague sneezed... Why does this happen? Maybe disgust puts the body into a state of stress? Or is there a desire to keep everything under your control, dictated by pride?

Let's leave this unhealthy feeling and be healthy!