What are Nise tablets used for? Suspension, gel, tablets "Nise": instructions for use. Interaction with other drugs

Nise tablets are a drug from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Its active substance is nimesulide, and therefore it has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Unfortunately, many people believe that Nise is a pill for headaches and other pain, and take them as a regular painkiller, without following the dosage. As a result, the reviews about it are not very good: a lot side effects, performance is low. In fact, the medicine should be taken for diseases in the joints to reduce pain.

Available in both gel and tablets.

Components of the drug

The main component of the drug Nise is nimesulide (100 mg).

Also includes:

  • microcrystalline cellulose and sodium starch glycolate;
  • calcium hydrogen phosphate and corn starch.

In smaller quantities:

  • anhydrous colloidal silicon and purified talc;
  • Magnesium stearate.

The tablets are white, have a slight yellowish tint. They are smooth, round in shape and biconvex.

Nice is an excellent anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antiplatelet and analgesic agent. Its main actions: suppression of prostaglandin synthesis directly at the site of inflammation, slowing down oxidative processes. If we take the description of the effect on the body, or rather, whether it causes addiction to itself, then we can say that the body does not get used to any of the components that are included in the composition.

The maximum amount of Nise in the blood can be determined 1.5 - 2.5 hours after administration.

The tablets must be stored in a dry place, out of direct sunlight and out of the reach of children. They are stored for a maximum of 3 years at an air temperature of less than 25 degrees.

For what diseases is it effective?

This medication is prescribed to drink for the following diseases of the stomach: ankylosing spondylitis, bursitis, tendinitis and tendovaginitis, osteoarthrosis and osteoarthritis, neuralgia, rheumatism and febrile syndrome. Due to nimesulide, which is included in the main composition, it is effective in inflammatory processes, post-traumatic pain and muscle pain, infectious diseases, myalgia.

Indications for use are: ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis (both rheumatoid and psoriatic).

Also prescribed for:

  • inflammation of ligaments and tendons;
  • pain after operations, injuries;
  • algodismenorrhea;
  • headache and toothache;
  • menstrual pain;
  • arthralgia and lumboischialgia.

Widely used in dentistry, gynecology, and otolaryngology.

In gynecology, Nise tablets are prescribed for pain in the pelvic organs. They replace diclofenac, since it has lower hepatotoxicity, but at the same time has a better indicator of efficiency and speed of action. It is especially preferable after operations, when severe pain. Along with it, it is necessary to drink antibacterial drugs in order to provoke the body to develop various kinds of toxic reactions.

In what cases is it not prescribed?

Like many medications, Nise also has contraindications for use. So, tablets should not be taken in the following cases:

  • if hypersensitivity to any component, including nimesulide, has been detected;
  • in a patient with bronchial asthma this moment relapse of polyposis, allergy to acetylsalicylic acid;
  • if there is erosion or ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract, cerebrovascular or other gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • any inflammatory diseases have worsened in the intestines;
  • blood clotting is impaired;
  • liver diseases;
  • heart or liver failure;
  • alcoholism, drug addiction;
  • hepatotoxic reactions to nimesulide;
  • hyperkalemia;
  • renal failure and other serious kidney diseases;
  • if coronary artery bypass surgery has recently been performed, that is, heart surgery;
  • there are contraindications for pregnant women, since the medication causes serious side effects, which can lead to miscarriage or fetal death;
  • if the child is under 12 years old.

Considering the listed contraindications for use, the doctor, however, can make an exception and prescribe Nice if there is:

  1. coronary heart disease and congestive heart failure;
  2. dyslipidemia/hyperlydemia; diabetes; peripheral arterial disease; suspicion of a gastrointestinal ulcer;
  3. somatic diseases;
  4. elderly age;
  5. long-term use of NSAIDs;
  6. taking antiplatelet agents, anticoagulants, oral corticosteroids, SSRIs.

The number of cigarettes smoked and alcohol intake are also taken into account.

Possible consequences of taking

Side effects from taking the pills are not very serious and are rare.

Self-medication, ignoring the instructions for use, allergies to the components that make up Nise (including nimesulide) - all this has consequences such as:

  • severe sensitivity to the drug, anaphylactoid reaction;

  • fear, headaches and dizziness, nervousness, drowsiness, Reye's syndrome;
  • increased sweating, rash and itching. Erythema and dermatitis, urticaria and angioedema, Stevens-Johnson syndrome and other exudative erythema, Lyell's syndrome are rare;
  • edema, dysuria and hematuria, hyperkalemia and urinary retention. Sometimes tablets can cause deficiency, oliguria, interstitial nephritis;
  • nausea and vomiting, diarrhea. Constipation, flatulence, gastritis, tarry stools and stomatitis, stomach ulcers, gastrointestinal bleeding are also possible;
  • the level of liver transaminases increases, as well as hepatitis, jaundice and cholestasis;
  • anemia and eosinophilia, thrombocytopenia and pancytopenia, purpura;
  • shortness of breath, exacerbation of bronchial asthma and bronchospasm;
  • blurred vision.

Very rarely, as a result of taking Nice tablets, there were reviews that general weakness or hypothermia appeared.

How to take it and in what doses

Nice adults need to take 1 tablet twice a day before meals, that is, the daily dose is 200 mg. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe 2 tablets of the medicine.

Directions for use: in 1 tsp. dissolve 1 tablet. Take before meals.

Children under 12 years old take Nise suspension, and from 12 years old - 1 tablet. 2 times a day. True, if a teenager weighs less than 40 kg, he should drink at a rate of 3-5 mg per 1 kg of body weight - this is to prevent an overdose and side effects.

Treatment lasts approximately 15 days.

Drug poisoning due to overdose

If the patient does not follow the instructions for using the medication Nice, he may experience an overdose. Then adverse reactions are clearly expressed. For example, gastrointestinal irritation, kidney dysfunction or liver failure, seizures or increased blood pressure. A person may suffer from severe headaches for several days.

If you suspect poisoning, you must stop taking these tablets, otherwise the condition will only worsen.

Reception by pregnant women

Taking nimesulide is contraindicated for pregnant women. It can seriously harm the health of both mother and child.

During breastfeeding, in extreme cases, the doctor may prescribe Nice, but in this case the baby is weaned.

Indications for the use of tablets with other medications are ambiguous. The effect of some of them is only enhanced due to the fact that Nice contains nimesulide, and in other cases, health only worsens.

Nimesulide enhances the effect on the body of drugs that reduce blood clotting.

Plasma lithium increases faster if lithium and nimesulide are taken simultaneously.

For example, nimesulide reduces the effect of furosemide on the body. In other cases, it can cause gastrointestinal bleeding.

The use of Nise and tablets with hydantoin and sulfanilamide is possible only under the supervision of a doctor, since it can give a negative result at any time.

Only in extreme cases can it be combined with:

  • phenytoin, digoxin;
  • diuretic and antihypertensive agent;
  • cyclosporine;
  • methotrexate;
  • other NSAIDs;
  • antidiabetic agents.

So if you suffer from headaches and other pain that can be relieved with other tablets, then it is better not to take nimesulide.

If the medicine is prescribed for the treatment of gynecological diseases, then it is imperative to take antibacterial drugs along with Nice. However, over the past 10 years, no serious consequences have been observed in the practice of gynecologists.

Some more useful information

Sometimes they don’t think much about the drug positive reviews because the instructions for use were not carefully read, as well as the side effects.

Tablets can sometimes cause drowsiness, and therefore their use by drivers while driving as a drug for headaches or any other pain is unacceptable. Even if Nice was prescribed by a doctor.

Also Nise is not the most The best way get rid of pain for people who need good reaction and speed of movement at work.

Elderly people should take the tablets with extreme caution.

The instructions indicate the exact composition of the medication, and therefore, if you are allergic to any of them, use is possible under the supervision of a doctor and only with his prescription.

If the joint pain or headaches are very severe, you should not take another additional pill - you can get poisoned and end up in the hospital.

People who have fully followed the instructions for using the drug are satisfied with the results of the treatment and leave positive reviews.

Do you know what Nise (tablets) helps with? If you do not have such information, we will present it in the materials of this article.

Packaging of the drug and its composition

We will talk about what Nise (tablets) can help with below. The active ingredient of this medicine is nimesulide. It also includes components such as microcrystalline cellulose, aspartame, calcium phosphate, colloidal silicon dioxide, corn starch, magnesium stearate, sodium carboxymethyl starch, pineapple flavor and talc.

The medication in question goes on sale in blisters of 10 tablets, packed in cardboard packs.

The principle of action of the drug

Before answering the question of what Nise (tablets) helps with, you should tell us how this drug works.

According to the instructions, this is an NSAID that selectively inhibits COX-2, that is, an enzyme involved in the synthesis of prostaglandins - mediators of pain, inflammation and swelling. In addition to anti-inflammatory properties, the drug in question exhibits antipyretic and analgesic effects.

It should also be said that this medication inhibits (reversibly) the formation of prostaglandin E2 in the ascending pathways of the nociceptive system and the source of inflammation, as well as in the pathways of impulses (pain) in the spinal cord.

The drug "Nise", analogs of which are listed below, reduces the concentration of prostaglandin H2 (short-lived), from which, under the influence of prostaglandin isomerase, prostaglandin E2 arises. A decrease in the concentration of the latter leads to a decrease in the degree of activation of EP-type receptors (prostanoid), which is expressed in anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

It should also be noted that the drug in question affects COX-1 to a small extent. Under physiological conditions, it almost does not prevent the formation of prostaglandin E2 from arachidonic acid. Due to this, the number of side effects of the drug is reduced.

Basic properties of the drug (NSAIDs)

The drug "Nise" is capable of suppressing this by inhibiting the synthesis of thromboxane A2 and endoperoxides. In addition, it suppresses the release of histamine and also reduces the degree of bronchospasm that was caused by exposure to acetaldehyde and histamine.

Experts have proven that nimesulide effectively suppresses the synthesis of urokinase and interleukin-6, preventing the destruction of cartilage tissue. In addition, it inhibits the synthesis of metalloproteases, preventing the destruction of collagen and proteoglycans.

According to the instructions, by reducing the activity of myeloperoxidase, the drug in question exhibits antioxidant properties and slows down the formation of (toxic) O2 breakdown products. It interacts with glucocorticoid receptors and activates them, which enhances the anti-inflammatory effect.

Drug kinetics

After oral administration, the painkiller "Nise" is absorbed from the intestines. Eating reduces the rate of absorption of the drug, but does not affect its extent.

The peak concentration of nimesulide in the blood is reached after 2.6 hours. Its binding to proteins reaches 95%.

This drug penetrates into all tissues of the woman’s genital organs. In addition, it is found in the acidic environment of the inflammation site and synovial fluid.

Metabolism of nimesulide occurs in the liver. Its half-life is 5 hours. It is excreted mainly by the kidneys, as well as with bile.

Indications for taking tablets

What does Nise (tablets) help with? The drug in question is prescribed for:

  • radiculitis, rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica;
  • lumbago, osteoarthritis, articular syndrome in rheumatic disease and exacerbation of gout;
  • arthralgia, ankylosing spondylitis;
  • arthritis of various origins, osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome;
  • inflammation of the ligaments, myalgia of non-rheumatic and rheumatic origin, bursitis, inflammation of the tendons;

  • pain syndrome of various origins (including injuries, in the postoperative period, toothache, algodismenorrhea, headache);
  • inflammation of the musculoskeletal system, as well as soft tissues.
  • It should also be noted that “Nise” helps well with temperature. This drug is used for fever of various origins, including inflammatory and infectious diseases.

    Contraindications for NSAIDs

    The drug "Nise" should not be prescribed during pregnancy. It should also not be used for:

    • “aspirin triad”;
    • erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract (with exacerbation);
    • breastfeeding;
    • bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract;
    • impaired liver function;
    • in children under two years of age;
    • renal failure pronounced;
    • hypersensitivity.

    This drug is prescribed with extreme caution for type 2 diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension and heart failure.

    How to take Nise?

    The medication in question in tablet form is prescribed only orally. Adult patients are recommended to take 100 mg twice a day. The maximum dosage of the drug per day is 400 mg.

    As for dispersible tablets, before taking such a medicine, it should first be dissolved in 5 ml ordinary water(in 1 dessert spoon). This remedy should be taken at the end of a meal or after a meal.

    The drug in tablet form is not prescribed to children. For them, there is another form of medication - a suspension. It is recommended to take it from the age of two years.

    Side effects

    The drug "Nise", the dosage of which was presented above, can cause such undesirable reactions as:

    Cases of overdose

    What symptoms occur when taking a large number of Nise tablets? The dosage of this medication must be determined by your doctor. If the drug is accidentally ingested (in large quantities), the patient may develop the following symptoms: convulsions, increased blood pressure, irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, impaired renal function, liver failure and respiratory depression.

    To eliminate such conditions, the patient's stomach is washed, activated charcoal is prescribed and symptomatic therapy is carried out.

    Drug interactions

    With simultaneous oral administration of the drug "Nise" with diuretics, "Digoxin", "Phenytoin", antihypertensive drugs and lithium drugs, as well as with other NSAIDs, cyclosporine, anticoagulants, methotrexate, hypoglycemic medications (orally), the patient may experience drug interactions (from - due to competition of these agents for binding to proteins).

    The drug "Nise": analogues and reviews

    You can replace the drug in question with such medications as “Nimulid”, “Aponil”, “Arcoxia”, “Mesulide”, “Meloxicam”, “Nimesil”, “Movalis”, “Nimesulide”, “Denebol”, “Nimica”.

    Most consumer reviews about the drug in question are positive. According to them, Nise quickly relieves pain, and the drug is also used as highly effective. Although some patients claim that this medication has one significant drawback. It very often causes side effects such as dizziness, weakness and problems with digestive system. In this case, doctors recommend replacing the drug with a similar remedy.


on medical use of the drug


Registration number: P No. 012824/03

Tradename: Nise®

International Nonproprietary Name (INN): nimesulide

Chemical formula: 4"-nitro-2"-phenoxy-methane sulfonanilide (CAS 51803-78-2).

Dosage form: pills

Compound: 1 tablet contains 100 mg of nimesulide as an active substance and excipients: microcrystalline cellulose, corn starch, calcium hydrogen phosphate, sodium starch glycolate, purified talc, magnesium stearate, anhydrous colloidal silicon.

Description: almost white with a yellowish tint, round, biconvex tablets with a smooth surface.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID).

ATX code: M01AX17

pharmachologic effect

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) from the sulfone-anilide class. It is a selective competitive inhibitor of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), an enzyme involved in the synthesis of prostaglandins - mediators of edema, inflammation and pain. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects.

Reversibly inhibits the formation of prostaglandin E2, both at the site of inflammation and in the ascending pathways of the nociceptive system, including the pathways of pain impulses in the spinal cord.

Reduces the concentration of short-lived prostaglandin H2, from which prostaglandin E3 is formed under the action of prostaglandin isomerase. A decrease in the concentration of prostaglandin E2 leads to a decrease in the degree of activation of EP type prostanoid receptors, which is expressed in analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

It has a slight effect on COX-1, practically without interfering with the formation of prostaglandin E2 from arachidonic acid under physiological conditions, thereby reducing the number of side effects of the drug.

The drug also suppresses platelet aggregation by inhibiting the synthesis of endoperoxides and thromboxane Aj, inhibits the synthesis of platelet aggregation factor, and inhibits plasminogen activation by increasing the concentration of inhibitor-1. Suppresses the release of histamine and also reduces the degree of bronchospasm caused by exposure to histamine and acetaldehyde. Inhibits the release of tumor necrosis factor a, which causes the formation of cytokinins.

It has been shown that nimesulide is able to suppress the synthesis of interleukin-6 and urokinase, thereby preventing the destruction of cartilage tissue. Inhibits the synthesis of metalloproteases (elastase, collagenase), preventing the destruction of proteoglycans and collagen of cartilage tissue.

It has antioxidant properties and inhibits the formation of toxic oxygen breakdown products by reducing the activity of myeloperoxidase. Interacts with glucocorticoid receptors, activating them through phosphorylation, which also enhances the anti-inflammatory effect of the drug.


Absorption when taken orally is high. Eating reduces the rate of absorption without affecting its extent. The time to reach the maximum concentration of the active substance in the blood plasma is 1.5-2.5 hours. The connection with plasma proteins is 95%, with erythrocytes - 2%, with lipoproteins -1%, with acidic alpha1-glycoproteins -1%.

The dose of the drug does not affect the degree of its binding to blood proteins.

The maximum concentration of nimesulide in blood plasma reaches 3.5-6.5 mg/l. Volume of distribution - 0.19 - 0.35 l/kg. Penetrates into the tissues of the female genital organs, where after a single dose its concentration is about 40% of the concentration in plasma. Penetrates well into the acidic environment of the inflammation site (40%) and synovial fluid (43%). Easily penetrates histo-hematological barriers.

Metabolized in the liver by tissue monooxygenases. The main metabolite, 4-hydroxynimesulide (25%), has similar pharmacological activity.

The half-life of nimesulide is 1.56 - 4.95 hours, 4-hydroxynimesulide - 2.89-4.78 hours. 4-hydroxynimesulide is excreted by the kidneys (65%) and bile (35%).

In patients with renal failure (creatinine clearance 1.8-4.8 l/h or 30-80 ml/min), as well as in children and the elderly, the pharmacokinetic profile of nimesulide does not change significantly.


Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, arthritis of various etiologies, arthralgia, myalgia, postoperative and post-traumatic pain, bursitis, tendonitis, algodismenorrhea, dental and headache, fever of various origins.


Hypersensitivity, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract (in the acute phase), bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, “aspirin” asthma, liver failure, renal failure (creatinine clearance - less than 30 ml/min), pregnancy, lactation, children age (up to 12 years).

Carefully arterial hypertension, heart failure, type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Directions for use and doses

Orally, 1 tablet (100 mg) 2 times a day. The maximum daily dose for adults is 400 mg. The tablets are taken with sufficient water, preferably before meals. If you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is advisable to take the drug at the end of a meal or after a meal.

Children over 12 years of age are prescribed a single dose of 1.5 mg/kg of the child’s body weight 2-3 times a day, the maximum daily dose of the drug is 5 mg/kg per day. For adolescents weighing over 40 kg, take 100 mg no more than 2 times a day.

Side effect

Heartburn, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, gastralgia, ulceration of the gastrointestinal mucosa; headache, dizziness; fluid retention; allergic reactions ( skin rash, anaphylactic shock); thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, anemia, agranulocytosis, prolongation of bleeding time; increased activity of “liver” transaminases, hematuria; bronchospasm.

If any adverse reactions occur, you should stop taking the drug and consult your doctor.


Cases of drug overdose have not been described. There is no specific antidote.

Interaction with other drugs

Caution should be exercised when using nimesulide simultaneously with the following drugs (due to the drugs competing for binding to plasma proteins): digoxin; phenytoin and lithium preparations; diuretics and antihypertensive drugs; other NSAIDs; cyclosporine; methotrexate and antidiabetic agents.

Nise (tablets, gel, suspension) – instructions for use, analogues, reviews, price

Thank you

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Nise is a non-narcotic anesthetic And antipyretic drug from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Nise is used as a symptomatic drug as part of complex therapy for various conditions and diseases accompanied by elevated body temperature, pain and inflammation. The main areas of application of Nise are the treatment of osteoarthritis and osteoarthritis, as well as the relief of pain of various etiologies and localizations (for example, injuries, toothache, menstrual pain, diseases of the ear, nose and throat, etc.) and the reduction of body temperature during infections.

Names, varieties and forms of release

Currently, Nise is available in the following dosage forms:
  • Tablets for oral administration;
  • Dispersible tablets (soluble in a small amount of water) for oral administration;
  • Suspension for oral administration;
  • Gel for external use.
These dosage forms are conventionally considered varieties of the drug Nise. Of course, it is correct to classify the listed drug variants as different dosage forms, but for everyday use the term “varieties” is quite suitable, provided that all participants in the discussion mean the same thing by it.

Tablets for oral administration are simply called tablets or "Nise 100", and various terms are often used to refer to the suspension, such as syrup, solution and others, which are united by the fact that they imply a liquid dosage form intended for oral administration. The suspension is also called “Nise for children”, since this particular form of the drug is approved for use in children from 2 years of age. Dispersible tablets are sometimes called soluble tablets because they are intended to be taken orally after first dissolving in a small amount of water. These tablets differ from the usual ones in a lower dosage of the active substance, as well as a minimal risk of irritation of the gastric mucosa.

Gel for external use is often mistakenly called ointment. However, since Nise in this dosage form is not available, when people say “Nise ointment,” they mean the gel.

Nise - composition

As an active substance, all dosage forms of Nise include nimesulide in the following different dosages:
  • Tablets for oral administration – 100 mg of nimesulide per tablet;
  • Dispersible tablets – 50 mg of nimesulide per tablet;
  • Suspension – 50 mg of nimesulide per 5 ml of solution;
  • Gel – 1% (10 mg nimesulide per 1 g).
Excipients of all dosage forms of Nise are shown in the table.
Auxiliary components of Nise tablets Auxiliary components of Nise dispersible tablets Auxiliary components of Nise suspension Auxiliary components of Nise gel
Microcrystalline celluloseSucroseMethyl salicylate
Corn starchSorbitolDiaethyl phthalate
Magnesium stearateMethylparabenPropylene glycol
TalcPropylparabenSodium benzoate
Colloidal silicon anhydratePineapple flavorPineapple flavorDiethylene glycol monoethyl ether
Sodium glycogen glycollateSodium carboxymethyl starchQuinoline yellow dyePolyoxyl 40 from castor oil
Calcium hydrogen phosphateCalcium phosphateXanthan gumCarbomer 940
SilicaPolysorbate 80Disodium edetate
AspartameLemon acidWater
GlycerolButylated hydroxytoluene

Therapeutic effect

Nise is a drug from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDs) and has three main therapeutic effects:
  • Analgesic effect (analgesic);
  • Antipyretic effect (reduces body temperature);
  • Anti-inflammatory effect.
All three therapeutic effects are due to the ability of the active substance Nise to block the work cyclooxygenase – an enzyme that synthesizes prostaglandins and leukotrienes. Prostaglandins and leukotrienes are substances that activate and maintain the inflammatory process, causing tissue damage, swelling, pain and redness. In turn, inflammation provokes cell death and the formation of large amounts of toxic substances that enter the systemic bloodstream and provoke an increase in body temperature.

Nise, by blocking the work of cyclooxygenase, prevents the formation of leukotrienes and prostaglandins, which, in turn, stops the active course of the inflammatory process. Since the inflammatory process is minimized, the pain, heat, swelling and redness associated with it are relieved. The functioning of the affected organ is also facilitated.

Since Nise has a nonspecific effect, it is capable of providing a therapeutic effect in the inflammatory process, regardless of the location and nature of the cause that caused it. That is why Nise is able to relieve pain during menstruation, joint diseases, injuries, neuralgia, headaches, toothaches, etc. The drug also perfectly reduces body temperature during a viral or bacterial infection, and also reduces the severity of any inflammatory process, regardless of what exactly it is caused by (for example, infection, autoimmune disease, injury, etc.).

In terms of the severity of the anti-inflammatory effect, Nise is superior to Indomethacin, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen and Piroxicam. The analgesic effect of Nise is the same as that of Ibuprofen, but less pronounced compared to Indomethacin. The antipyretic effect of Nise is more powerful than that of Indomethacin, Ibuprofen, Aspirin and Paracetamol.

Since Nise can exert its effects locally and systemically, it is used in various dosage forms depending on the location of the inflammatory process and pain. For example, when pain and inflammation are localized in internal organs and mucous membranes, it is necessary to take Nise orally so that the drug can reach all affected cells and tissues through the bloodstream. And if the pain is localized in the muscles or skin, you can not take Nise orally, but apply it externally, directly to the affected area, so that the active substances penetrate to the source of inflammation through the skin structures. Often, to enhance the therapeutic effect, the drug is simultaneously taken orally and applied externally, especially when chronic diseases joints.

In addition to the antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, Nise has a number of other, less significant and less pronounced effects. Thus, the drug reduces the ability of platelets to stick together (aggregate) and form blood clots by suppressing platelet activity factor.

Nise - indications for use

Let's consider the indications for the use of forms for oral and external use in children and adults.

Tablets, dispersible tablets and Nise suspension

All dosage forms of Nise for oral administration are indicated for use in adults with the following diseases or conditions:
  • Rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Joint damage due to rheumatism;
  • Periods of exacerbation of gout;
  • Psoriatic arthritis;
  • Ankylosing spondylitis;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Radiculitis;
  • Sciatica;
  • Lumbago;
  • Osteoarthritis;
  • Arthritis of any cause;
  • Joint pain (arthralgia);
  • Muscle pain (myalgia);
  • Inflammation of ligaments and tendons (tendinitis, tendovaginitis, etc.);
  • Bursitis;
  • Traumatic inflammation of the soft tissues of the musculoskeletal system (for example, after bruises, ruptures and sprains, etc.);
  • Pain of various origins and localization (menstrual, dental, joint, headache, pain after surgery, with gynecological and ENT diseases, etc.);
  • Increased body temperature of any origin.
Nise suspension is indicated for use in children with the following diseases or conditions:
  • Increased body temperature due to any disease, including after vaccination;
  • Inflammatory process of the ENT organs and respiratory tract during viral or bacterial infections;
  • Relief of pain after operations, injuries, soft tissue injuries, etc.
It should be remembered that in children and adults Nise is a symptomatic remedy that does not cure the disease, but can only relieve pain, relieve fever and reduce inflammation, thereby easing and improving the general condition of a person. Therefore, it should always be used in combination with other medications, the effects of which are aimed at curing pathology or achieving remission.

Nise gel (ointment)

The gel is used externally in adults and children over 7 years of age with the following diseases or conditions:
  • Inflammatory or degenerative diseases of bones, joints, ligaments, muscles and tendons, such as gout, rheumatism, arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, lumbago, bursitis, tendinitis, sciatica, etc.;
  • Muscle pain of any origin;
  • Traumatic inflammation of the musculoskeletal system (for example, bruises, tears or sprains of muscles, ligaments, etc.).
The gel, like the oral forms, is intended exclusively for symptomatic therapy, that is, relieving pain, fever and reducing inflammation. The gel will not cure a torn ligament, but will only relieve the symptoms of this condition. Therefore, in combination with Nise gel, it is necessary to use drugs or manipulations whose action is aimed at curing the disease.

Instructions for use

Let's consider the rules for using different dosage forms of Nise separately to avoid confusion.

Nise tablets - instructions for use

The tablets should be taken immediately after meals. The tablet is swallowed whole, without biting, chewing or crushing in any other way, but with a small amount of water (100 - 200 ml). It is not recommended to take Nise tablets before meals, as this may cause irritation or discomfort in the stomach.

Nise tablets can be given to children from 12 years of age.

Nise is given to children over 12 years of age in the same dosages as adults. Elderly people over the age of 65 should also take Nise in standard, unreduced dosages. In case of renal failure with creatinine clearance determined by the Rehberg test of at least 30 ml/min, there is also no need to reduce the dosage of the drug. If creatinine clearance is below 30 ml/min, then Nise cannot be used in any dosage.

To relieve pain, relieve fever or reduce the severity of inflammation, it is recommended to take Nise 1 tablet (100 mg) twice a day. It is advisable to take the tablets at regular intervals, for example every 12 hours. If necessary, you can increase the number of tablets to 4 tablets per day, which can be taken at intervals of at least 6 hours. The maximum permissible daily dosage of Nise is 400 mg, exceeding which can cause an overdose.

Duration reception Nise determined by the speed of healing and reduction in the severity of painful symptoms. That is, in each specific case, the duration of the course of therapy is determined individually and can range from several days to several weeks.

Instructions for use of Nise dispersible tablets

Dispersible tablets must be taken either with or immediately after a meal. It is not recommended to take the drug in this form before meals, since there is a high risk of developing side effects from the digestive tract.

Before taking, one tablet is dissolved in a teaspoon of water. If you need to take two tablets at once, it is optimal to dissolve them both in a tablespoon of water. In general, to calculate the required amount of water, you can use the following ratio - one tablet per 5 ml of water (1 teaspoon).

Dissolved tablets are taken without additional water or any other drinks. If a person has a desire to wash away the feeling and taste of tablets from the oral mucosa, then they can take a large sip of clean water.

Dispersible tablets can be given to children from three years of age.

To relieve pain, fever and inflammation during various diseases Adults and adolescents over 12 years of age should take Nise 100 mg (2 dispersible tablets) twice daily. If necessary, you can increase the frequency of taking tablets up to 4 times a day, keeping at least 6-hour intervals between them. The maximum permissible daily dosage of Nise for adults and children over 12 years of age is 400 mg.

In elderly people over 65 years of age and with renal failure with a creatinine clearance of at least 30 ml/min, Nise is used in normal dosages, which do not need to be reduced. In case of renal failure with creatinine clearance below 30 ml/min, Nise cannot be used in principle.

For children aged 3 – 12 years, the daily dosage of Nise is calculated individually according to body weight, based on the ratio of 3 – 5 mg per 1 kg of weight. For example, a child weighing 20 kg should take Nise at a dosage of 3 * 20 = 60 mg and 5 * 20 = 120 mg, that is, 60 – 120 mg per day. The daily dosage calculated in this way is divided into 2 - 3 equal parts for administration 2 - 3 times a day at approximately equal intervals. The maximum permissible daily dosage of Nise is 5 mg per 1 kg of child’s body weight. If the child weighs more than 40 kg, but is under 12 years old, then he is given Nise in an adult dosage of 100 mg twice a day.

The duration of use of Nise is determined individually depending on the speed of disappearance of symptoms.

Instructions for use of Nise suspension

It is recommended to take the suspension before meals, however, if any unpleasant sensations occur in the stomach, you must switch to taking the drug immediately after finishing the meal.

Before use, shake the bottle with the suspension so that its contents become homogeneous, then pour the required amount into a measuring cup or syringe and drink. If necessary, you can wash down the suspension with a small amount of water.
Nise in the form of a suspension can be used for children from two months in the following dosages:

  • Children aged 2 months - 2 years - the dosage of the suspension is calculated individually according to body weight, based on the ratio of 1.5 mg per 1 kg of weight. That is, a child weighing 10 kg needs 1.5 * 10 = 15 mg of Nise per day. The calculated daily amount of the drug is divided into 2 - 3 equal parts and given to the child 2 - 3 times a day. In our example, 15 mg/3 = 5 mg, that is, the child needs to be given a Nise suspension of 5 mg (which corresponds to 0.5 ml or 13 drops) three times a day;
  • Children aged 2 – 5 years – take 2.5 ml of suspension 2 – 3 times a day;
  • Children 5 – 12 years old – take 5 ml of suspension 2 – 3 times a day;
  • Children over 12 years old - take the drug in an adult dosage in any dosage form, that is, 100 mg 2 times a day, which corresponds to 10 ml of suspension, 1 regular tablet or 2 dispersible tablets.
The suspension can be used not only for children, but also for adults who, for some reason, cannot or do not want to take tablets. In all cases, for a person of any age there are no restrictions on the use of the Nise suspension; it is only necessary to dose the drug correctly. The only category of people who are undesirable to take Nise in the form of a suspension due to the presence of sucrose in it are patients with diabetes mellitus.

The duration of taking Nise suspension is different and depends on the speed of normalization of the person’s condition and the disappearance of symptoms. In acute conditions, it is recommended to use Nise for no more than 5–10 days.

Gel (ointment) Nise - instructions for use

The gel is applied to previously washed and dried areas of the skin in the area of ​​direct projection of pain and inflammation. If the wound is not open, then wash the skin warm water with soap and dry well with a soft towel. If there is an open wound on the skin, symptoms of dermatitis or any damage, then Nise gel should not be applied.

For a one-time application, squeeze out approximately 3 cm of gel from the tube and, without rubbing, distribute it evenly over the affected surface. Then leave for 1 - 2 minutes so that the composition is absorbed into the skin. After this, you can apply a regular gauze bandage to the damaged area or leave it uncovered. Airtight dressings should not be applied over the gel.

The gel is applied to the skin 3 – 4 times a day. It is not recommended to apply the gel more than 4 times a day, as this may cause the development of side effects. The maximum allowable amount of gel that can be used during the day is 30 g, which corresponds to 1.5 tubes of 20 g.

The duration of use of the gel is determined individually depending on the speed of disappearance of unpleasant symptoms. It is not recommended to use Nise gel for more than 10 days in a row without consulting a doctor.

When rubbing the gel into the surface of the skin, a burn may occur, which will go away on its own within a few days. If irritation appears in the area where the gel is applied, you should stop using Nise.

Capsaicin, which is part of the gel, can provoke a burning sensation and redness of the skin in the area of ​​application. In rare cases, the burning sensation does not disappear, but turns into increased sensitivity of this area of ​​the skin. These effects are a normal skin reaction to the gel and do not require discontinuation of the drug.

When using the gel, it is necessary to avoid contact with the eyes, as well as the mucous membranes of the nose, oral cavity and other organs. After using the drug, close the tube tightly and wash your hands with soap.

special instructions

Nise in the form of tablets, dispersible tablets and suspensions should be used with caution in people suffering from eye, kidney and liver diseases. If creatinine clearance due to renal failure is less than 30 ml/min, then Nise cannot be used. In other cases, with renal failure, the drug is allowed for use, but with caution and under the close supervision of a doctor. During the entire period of therapy, if it lasts more than a week, the functioning of the liver and kidneys should be monitored. If there is a deterioration in the condition or function of the kidneys or liver, then Nise should be discontinued and any drugs containing nimesulide should not be used in the future.

Nise should also be used with caution by people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, dehydration, asthenia, metabolic disorders and diseases of the digestive tract.

Since Nise can reduce blood clotting, it should be used with caution by people prone to bleeding, taking anticoagulants and suffering from hemorrhagic diathesis. If these conditions are present, blood clotting parameters (platelet count, fibrinogen, APTT, PTI, INR, TV, etc.) should be monitored during the entire course of using Nise.

In order to reduce the risk of side effects, it is necessary to use Nise in the minimum effective dosage. If a person’s condition does not improve within 2–3 days while using Nise, then you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

If, while taking Nise tablets or suspension, a person experiences nausea, anorexia, vomiting, abdominal pain, dark urine, yellowing of the skin, increased activity of AST and ALT, as well as fatigue, then you should immediately stop using the drug and consult a doctor, since these symptoms indicate the development of liver damage. In the future, a person who experiences similar symptoms should not take Nise or any other medications containing nimesulide.

Impact on the ability to operate machinery

Gel Nise does not impair the ability to operate machinery. Nise tablets and suspension can cause dizziness and drowsiness, therefore, while taking these dosage forms of the drug, you should refrain from any activities that require a high reaction rate and concentration.


The gel, as a rule, does not cause an overdose. However, when applying more than 50 g of gel at a time, this is possible. When using tablets and suspensions, an overdose is also possible, and it is manifested by the following symptoms:
  • Apathy;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Nausea;
  • Increased pressure;
  • Impaired kidney function (swelling, urinary retention, increased concentration of urea, creatinine in the blood, etc.);
  • Irritation of the digestive tract;
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • Respiratory depression;
Treatment of overdose consists of gastric lavage, taking sorbents (activated carbon, Polysorb, Polyphepan, Enterosgel, etc.) and laxatives, followed by maintaining the normal functioning of organs and systems.

Interaction with other drugs

Nise reduces the effect of Furosemide and enhances the effects of anticoagulants, Cyclosporine and lithium compounds. The risk of side effects increases when Nise is used simultaneously with Methotrexate, glucocorticosteroids and serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

Nise for children

Nise is approved for use in children only as prescribed by a doctor because, although in rare cases, it can cause severe side effects. Depending on the age of the child, it is recommended to use different forms of the drug:
  • Children under 3 years old - only Nise suspension can be given;
  • Children 3 – 12 years old – you can give dispersible tablets or Nise suspension;
  • Children over 12 years old - Nise can be given in any form.
Dosages of the drug for children are also determined by age:
  • Children aged 2 months - 2 years - the dosage of the suspension is calculated individually according to body weight, based on the ratio of 1.5 mg per 1 kg of weight. The calculated daily amount of the drug is divided into 2 - 3 equal parts and given to the child 2 - 3 times a day;
  • Children aged 2 – 5 years – take 2.5 ml of suspension 2 – 3 times a day. The dosage of dispersible tablets is calculated individually according to the ratio of 3 – 5 mg per 1 kg of weight;
  • Children 5 – 12 years old – take 5 ml of suspension or 1 dispersible tablet 2 – 3 times a day;
  • Children over 12 years old - take the drug in an adult dosage in any dosage form, that is, 100 mg (10 ml suspension, 1 regular tablet or 2 dispersible tablets) 2 times a day.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Nise can provide negative impact on fertility, the course of pregnancy and fetal development, therefore the drug is not recommended for use during the entire period of gestation, as well as at the stage of pregnancy planning. The use of Nise is also contraindicated during breastfeeding, since it is unknown whether the drug is excreted in milk.

Nise for pain, including dental

For pain of various localizations, Nise should be taken in the form of tablets or suspension a maximum of every 6 hours, that is, 4 times a day. Adults and children over 12 years of age are recommended to take 100 mg at a time, children 5–12 years old – 50 mg, and children 2–5 years old – 25 mg. Nise relieves pain well, but if the effect of the drug is not enough, then you should not take it often and a lot (for example, 2 - 3 tablets every 1 - 2 hours), but replace it with another that has a stronger analgesic effect, for example, Ketorol or Ketonal.

Nise by temperature

Nise perfectly lowers the temperature, keeping it within normal limits for a fairly long period of time. However, since the drug can cause severe side effects, Nise should not be used, especially in children, as a first-line drug to reduce body temperature. It is recommended to use Nise as a last-line remedy when Paracetamol and Ibuprofen are ineffective and the body temperature does not return to normal after taking them.

Alcohol compatibility

Since both alcohol and Nise have a toxic effect on the liver, their combined use is not advisable. When drinking alcoholic beverages while taking Nise, the risk of liver damage and the development of toxic hepatitis significantly increases.

Side effects of Nise

Regular and dispersible tablets, as well as Nise suspension, can provoke the following side effects from various organs and systems:
1. Allergic reactions:
  • Skin rash ;
  • Bronchospasm;
2. Central nervous system:
  • Dizziness;
  • Feeling of fear;
  • Nightmares;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Reye's syndrome.
3. Leather:
  • Rash;
  • Dermatitis;
  • Hives;
  • Swelling;
  • Exudative erythema multiforme;
  • Lyell's syndrome;
  • Stevens-Johnson syndrome.
4. Urinary system:
  • Edema;
  • Urinary retention;
  • Increased potassium concentration in the blood;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Decreased amount of urine;
  • Interstitial nephritis.
5. Digestive tract:
  • Nausea;
  • Vomit;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Tarry stools;
  • Bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Stomach or intestinal ulcer.
6. Liver and bile ducts:
  • Increased activity of AST and ALT;
  • Hepatitis;

Anti-inflammatory analgesics sometimes have to be taken in long courses, so doctors advise choosing the safest and most effective means. The group of such drugs includes Nise. Before using it, it is important to carefully study the instructions.

Composition and action of Nise

The active ingredient is nimesulide in an amount of 100 mg in each pill. This is a chemical compound of the sulfonamide group. It suppresses the production of enzymes involved in the synthesis of mediators of edema, pain, and inflammation. There are also a number of auxiliary components, which include:

  • calcium hydrogen phosphate;
  • corn starch;
  • microcrystalline cellulose type 114;
  • sodium carboxymethyl starch;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • purified talc.

This drug is prescribed only to relieve symptoms - it is not used as a therapeutic drug.

Indications for use:

In addition, Nise, which contains nimesulide, prevents damage to cartilage tissue and helps stop the destruction of collagen. Due to this, it is prescribed for various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system:

  • articular syndrome during gouty exacerbations;
  • rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • radicular syndrome;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • tenosynovitis;
  • Bekhterev's disease;
  • spinal pain due to scoliosis and other diseases;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • tendinitis;
  • radiculitis;
  • pain due to osteoporosis.

Instructions for use

This drug acts very quickly, but it is very important to carefully follow the instructions for its use and listen to the recommendations of your doctor. An overdose of Nise can cause serious side effects. It is also very important to strictly adhere to the duration of the treatment course.

This drug is most often prescribed to adults and adolescents over 12 years of age with a body weight of more than 40 kg. The standard dosage of the drug is 100 mg.

The drug in question is not prescribed to children under 3 years of age. If the child has reached the specified age, you can use tablets that dissolve in water. They are available with a dosage of the active ingredient of 50 mg.

For toothache

This drug is used to relieve toothache before or after visiting the dentist. Take it according to the following regimen: 1 tablet (100 mg) twice a day. The maximum dosage should not exceed 200 mg per day.

It is recommended to take pills before meals, but if you experience discomfort in the stomach or intestines, it is better to use Nise tablets after a meal. The duration of therapy cannot exceed two weeks.

For osteochondrosis

Nise effectively relieves swelling and back pain due to osteochondrosis. Take 1 tablet twice a day. Medicines are taken according to a similar scheme for other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which are accompanied by pain.

For headaches

It is worth noting that Nise is often drunk for headaches. However, this medicine does not always help. It is recommended to take it if pain is accompanied by:

  • increased body temperature;
  • inflammatory processes, such as meningitis;
  • tension;
  • overwork;
  • stress;
  • lack of sleep;
  • changes in weather conditions;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • pinched nerve roots.

In addition, such medications are not effective if migraine is the cause of the headache. In this case, no anti-inflammatory non-steroidal medications will help.

For migraine attacks, it is better to take medications that act directly on the dilated blood vessels in the brain and block the sensitivity of the trigeminal nerve receptors, such as triptans.

How long does the medicine last?

The duration of action depends on the cause, nature of the pain, and intensity of discomfort. So, 1 tablet of the drug helps block discomfort for about 10-12 hours. The degree of pain relief gradually decreases, because nimesulide begins to be eliminated from the body after 2-5 hours. The maximum analgesic effect is observed 20-25 minutes after taking the tablet.

The duration of therapy depends on the situation. Only a doctor can indicate how long you can take the pills. The maximum duration of treatment is two weeks.

The maximum duration of symptomatic therapy is 15 days. More often, nimesulide is used until swelling and signs of inflammation disappear - 7-10 days or less. For headaches, menstrual pain, and toothache, the medication is used for 2-3 days or once.

Simultaneous use with alcohol - is it possible?

At the moment, there are no instructions for the simultaneous use of Nise and alcoholic beverages. Moreover, pills can relieve a hangover and alleviate the condition.

Side effects from taking

The presented pharmacological agent is rarely accompanied by negative concomitant phenomena. Most often, the tablets are well tolerated, but about 5% of patients seek other medications, since Nise causes the following side effects:

You should take Nise with special caution if you have the following problems and diseases:

  • dysfunction of the kidneys and bladder;
  • eye diseases;
  • high blood pressure;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • severe liver damage.

Nimesulide is able to enter into chemical reactions with other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, so the simultaneous use of Nise and similar analgesics may lead to unwanted side effects.

It is not advisable to take the medicine when planning a pregnancy, since the pills have a negative effect on female fertility.


In the following cases, Nise should not be taken:

  • with recurrent polyposis of the nose, paranasal sinuses;
  • for bronchial asthma;
  • with intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid;
  • with hypersensitivity to nimesulide;
  • for bleeding: intestinal, gastric, etc.;
  • with Crohn's disease;
  • during an exacerbation of ulcerative colitis;
  • with decompensated heart failure;
  • for ulcerative lesions of the gastric and intestinal mucosa;
  • for hemophilia and other blood diseases;
  • with alcoholism;
  • with severe renal failure.

These medications are also not prescribed during pregnancy, lactation, or children under three years of age.

Nise or Diclofenac – which is better to choose?

It is impossible to say unequivocally which of these products is better, since each of them has its own scope of application, and the main component is also different. So, for example, Diclofenac helps relieve inflammatory processes in the body, while Nise is more aimed at “eliminating” the consequences.

But the main differences are as follows:

  1. Diclofenac is contraindicated in people with a history of stomach and intestinal diseases. In such cases, it is better to take Nise.
  2. Nise cannot be prescribed to children under 12 years of age, but Diclofenac in the form of an ointment is approved for use from 6 years of age. It is taken strictly under the supervision of a doctor. Small dosages are chosen, but they also help in the treatment of complex pathologies.
  3. Nimesulide leads to depression female fertility, which may negatively affect your ability to conceive a child. Diclofenac does not have such features.
  4. Diclofenac has a pronounced analgesic effect. If you need one-time relief from intense pain caused by an inflamed joint, it is better to choose it. If you need long-term treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, Nise gel is more suitable.

Diclofenac is available in different forms: there are tablets, suppositories, ointment, gel, solution for intramuscular injection, as well as drops, which are widely used in ophthalmology. Nise is available in three forms: tablets, gels, and granules for suspension. These drugs have similar indications, but before taking any medicine you should definitely consult a specialist and read the instructions.