Design of multi-storey residential buildings, buildings and structures. Design of multi-storey residential buildings Design of multi-storey residential buildings

Design of multi-storey residential buildings, as well as residential complexes requires the development of technical documentation, the list of which is regulated by current standards. The list of documents is approved by the Customer at the stage of signing the contract between the parties.

When developing a project for a multi-storey residential building, the following factors are taken into account:

  • terrain features;
  • soil type;
  • proximity to transport routes;
  • building density.

In the process of designing residential buildings, the everyday needs of future residents are also taken into account: the proximity of grocery and department store stores, and service services. For comfortable stay people with disabilities Ramps, lifts and special layout of pedestrian paths are provided.

Particular attention is paid to the design of the local area - an important component of a comfortable and cozy stay. To resolve this issue, the following are provided:

  • playgrounds;
  • squares;
  • recreation areas, etc.

Creating a comfortable local area in residential complexes helps to increase the attractiveness of the property.

When developing the project, the interests of various target groups are taken into account. Drawings of apartments with different layouts, usable area and number of rooms are created. The characteristics of living on the first and other floors are taken into account.

The design of houses is carried out in accordance with the social infrastructure of the microdistrict: traffic flows, shopping centers, cultural recreation facilities, etc.

Design of residential neighborhoods

The design of a residential area is designed so that the latter can function normally in isolation from the rest of the city.

The infrastructure of the microdistrict should include:

  • schools and preschool institutions;
  • clinics and hospitals;
  • grocery and department store stores;
  • other facilities providing daily consumer services to the population.

When designing a residential neighborhood, individual buildings may not be detailed in the documents, or this is done at the very end. The main attention is paid to the planning of infrastructure facilities, transport interchanges and engineering systems.

Housing classes when designing apartment buildings

To meet the needs of different population groups, the designed residential buildings are divided into four classes:

  • Business Class;
  • Economy class;
  • municipal;
  • specialized.

According to the existing classification, economy class and municipal class represent housing for mass development, business class are luxury facilities.

Economy class and municipal class. When designing multi-apartment residential buildings, this type of housing is most often used. It is characterized by architectural monotony, minimal room areas, etc.

Business Class. Such housing is characterized by an improved apartment layout, special façade cladding, underground parking, variable number of storeys, etc. The ceiling height in the rooms is from 2.7 m.

Such buildings are characterized by a unique architectural appearance, landscape design territories, energy-saving glazing, etc.

Work examples

Stages of work

Architectural concept

Development of preliminary architectural and volumetric planning solutions construction project, including development of AGR

Obtaining initial permitting documentation (IRD)

  • Obtaining GPZU
  • Performance engineering surveys
  • Carrying out a building survey (if necessary)
  • Obtaining Technical Specifications, etc.

Project documentation

Development of project documentation at the “Project Documentation” stage in accordance with the requirements of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 of February 16, 2008, to the extent necessary for passing the examination of project documentation

Approval of project documentation

Obtaining all necessary approvals, including undergoing an examination of design documentation and obtaining a Construction Permit.

Working documentation

Development of working drawings to the extent necessary for construction and installation work

Conducting architectural supervision of the construction of the design object

Carefully carried out engineering calculations and preparation of technical documentation guarantee exceptional reliability, functionality and energy efficiency of the buildings being constructed.

The design of buildings is carried out in full accordance with the current building codes and rules. Each object developed by our architects is a unique building, distinguished by comfort, functionality and ergonomics.

The advanced trends that are used in the design of buildings are reflected by strict proportions and elegant decoration of facades, thoughtful layout of premises and communications, as well as full natural insolation of the internal space and compliance with the requirements for the accessibility of buildings by people with limited mobility.

No intermediaries. The project is developed by one organization, which guarantees compliance with deadlines and more favorable price conditions.

We guarantee:

  • fulfillment of contractual obligations efficiently and on time;
  • full compliance of the results with the goals set;
  • flexible approach and readiness to solve any technical issues;
  • prompt approval of design documentation.

Multi-storey buildings today in Russian construction market are in-demand objects that solve the problem of dilapidated housing. The construction of apartment buildings in itself is a complex process, which is usually divided into several stages. Design of multi-apartment residential buildings is one of the important preparatory stages construction work of such a type. The choice of material, the degree of safety and comfort, as well as ultimately the total cost of the construction project and price depend on it square meter in the new housing market. Being a complex building structure, apartment buildings require ensuring the safety of future residents and their comfortable use of utilities and adjacent infrastructure. Professional design services for apartment buildings will greatly help contractors in this regard. Today, not all developers have their own design departments. To optimize costs construction companies often use the services of third-party design organizations.

Construction companies can significantly shorten the construction cycle if they turn to companies engaged in the design of residential multi-storey buildings. Such a service will not only help you select suitable materials and layout of urban housing, but will also help reduce the cost of the entire construction of a residential building, which in turn will allow you to quickly sell the apartments in it to private investors. Companies that carry out the design of multi-apartment residential buildings according to SNiP will select for the developer the optimal project for a specific land plot, select an improved modern apartment layout, focusing on latest achievements in the latest construction technologies. Following all the recommendations of designers who have extensive experience in practical work will help reduce the cost of construction for the contractor, ensure the commissioning of the facility on time, and therefore avoid unnecessary expenses during the construction cycle itself.
Designing multi-apartment residential buildings, the cost of which is much lower than maintaining an in-house design department, will allow the developer to choose an original project for an apartment building, which is very important in the construction of all types of urban housing. Today, in urban areas, infill development is most often carried out in places where one or another face of city streets already exists. Professional architects and civil engineers will help you choose the right project for a residential multi-apartment development that will organically fit into the existing urban landscape. In addition, specialists will make an accurate calculation of the laying of all necessary utilities and help you choose an economical and durable material for construction. apartment building, will select the most suitable construction technologies.

Advantages of designing residential buildings in Moscow

A developer who invests money in the construction of an apartment building, using the services of professional design of multi-apartment residential buildings, is guaranteed to receive not only comfortable, safe and modern comfortable housing. It can also save significant savings without violating the design standards of residential apartment buildings. Architects and construction engineers with extensive practical experience will develop projects that take into account all current building standards and regulations. At the same time, the customer, who in such cases is entity, can be fully confident in the transparency of all technical documents. All construction estimates and technical regulations will be taken into account when developing a particular multi-apartment residential building project. Specialists will not only prepare all technical documentation, including all construction cycles and engineering Communication, but they can also produce a complete visualization of the future object, which will help attract the attention of buyers even at the construction stage to the future modern housing.

The design of multi-apartment residential buildings depends on the urban planning situation or characteristics of a particular microdistrict. When developing a construction project, the wishes and preferences of people, as well as the financial benefits of the developer, are taken into account. Therefore, designers face many obstacles, which forces them to approach their work responsibly, as well as take into account economic and social factors. Design standards for residential apartment buildings Before drawing up a project for any building, it is necessary to determine the role of the structure of a particular area - this is precisely the difficulty of this task. She has correct placement structures (public and residential), transport networks, shops, shopping centers and other public institutions, without which it is impossible to imagine modern life of people. Designing multi-apartment residential buildings, the cost of which is much lower than hiring designers, allows you to develop a universal and original project. Thanks to him, an ordinary residential building will become unique. Before designing a building, it is necessary to create an architectural concept laying down the key points of the project, which are:

— Specifics of the location of structures (residential and public).
— Specifics of placement of transport interchanges, utility networks, trade and educational institutions.
— Style and design features of the city.

Creation of building projects by professionals By turning to professionals, you will receive the expected results, and will also have the opportunity to evaluate the quality of the work. SNIP design of multi-apartment residential buildings from professionals allows you to save money.

Design of a multi-storey residential building (apartment building) is the largest direction in the design of residential buildings in terms of involvement in the process.

According to this characteristic, this section closes the conditional hierarchy of work on residential buildings, which also includes:
design of houses, cottages;
design of townhouses, block houses;
design of low-rise residential buildings;
social housing design.

And if design of low-rise apartment buildings can safely be called one of the most popular methods for solving the issue of socially affordable housing, then design of multi-storey buildings can be confidently described as one of the most complex and responsible tasks in organizing living space for various groups of the population, which requires bringing together various functional areas and realizing the expectations of various categories of potential residents.

Features of the design of a multi-storey apartment building.

Today, most often it means developing a project multifunctional residential complex(hereinafter - MFZHK) and includes the design of: residential and office (administrative) parts, a sports and recreational block, an underground parking lot, and in some cases, even a kindergarten.
An example of this approach (a project of a 25-story residential building with a built-in kindergarten and underground parking) was developed by the design organization NEOKA and is being implemented in the city of Khimki (Moscow Region).

The development of projects for multi-storey apartment buildings places additional responsibility on the design organization and requires experience in the design of buildings and structures of various functional purposes and skills integrated approach to solve the problem.
After all, it is sometimes very difficult for the customer to immediately cover and describe in detail all aspects of the upcoming work; moreover, he is primarily interested in the financial benefits of the project. Therefore, the design organization is entrusted with the responsible role of timely and fully revealing all the expectations of both the customer and future residents, so that, by refracting them through the prism of their experience in designing multi-storey buildings and multi-storey housing complexes, the end result is a commercially successful project of a house “for life”.

It can be said that design of a multi-storey residential building(multifunctional residential complex) is in many ways similar to designing retail and entertainment centers . But there is also a fundamental difference - regardless of what task the design organization faces - design multi-story building(multi-storey residential building) or designing a low-rise building (low-rise residential building), or designing a cottage (individual residential building) - all design objects must, first of all, be comfortable for life. This does not mean that in our work we lower the bar of requirements for the external attractiveness of the designed objects, but, in our opinion, such buildings, first of all, should embody in constructive and architectural solutions the idea of ​​​​the coziness and comfort of future residents, create such conditions that Once in which a person will think: “I want to live here.”

A multi-storey apartment building is a building designed for the simultaneous stay and residence of a large number of people, whose needs for organizing the internal space are often very different. This is the most difficult and important task in the design of residential buildings and houses - optimizing planning solutions to meet the requirements of the entire spectrum of potential residents. The layout of apartments is a kind of anthill in which creating a comfortable internal environment is possible only with proper distribution of technological flows.

There are 2 forms of organizing work on interior planning:
1) In most cases, this problem can be solved application of the planning scheme of free-type apartments, without finishing, and the choice of interior finishing options is left to future residents. The solution is popular, but does not allow to fully realize the entire economic potential inherent in the development and implementation of a multi-storey apartment building.
2) An alternative could be application of a standard apartment design project. This is an extremely underrated option for optimizing planning decisions. The organization of internal space through the development of standard apartment design projects promises significant economic benefits and opens up a number of additional features for both the builder and the buyer. This approach allows us to qualitatively improve the project: provide additional services for real estate buyers, organize centralized work on finishing the premises, as well as obtain additional profits for customers and cost savings for residents. At the same time, the use of a standard project design is suitable not only for design multi-storey building , but it is also effective and economically feasible for other sections of the design of residential buildings (especially relevant for the design of low-rise residential buildings, townhouses and block houses).

Unlike the development of low-rise residential buildings, design of multi-apartment high-rise buildings does not allow you to avoid passing state examination, and apply one-stage design, but it makes it possible to organize living space and associated infrastructure for a large number of residents in a relatively small area. This is especially true in densely populated urban areas with a shortage of living space, especially when land costs are high. Therefore, for such objects, two-stage design is used: after preliminary design, design documentation and working documentation are developed.

For the correct organization of infrastructure and vital technological conditions for the functioning of multi-apartment high-rise buildings, especially in cases of integration into existing buildings that have their own long-established infrastructure, it is advisable to carry out design of multi-storey residential buildings as part of development work territory planning projects, integrated design of microdistricts or master plan settlements. This allows you to take into account not only the features of the developed site, organize transport and technological flows, as well as connect various objects and territories with each other.

Design organization NEOKA has sufficient experience and capacity to development of projects for multi-apartment high-rise buildings, as well as for the integrated design of buildings and the design of microdistricts, villages, general plans, which is a reliable basis for confident and guaranteed successful work on such complex projects.

The main goal, which is set for employees and is spelled out in the integrated quality management system operating within the organization, is the constant search and implementation into design and construction practice of new solutions, technologies and materials to improve manufacturability, energy efficiency, reduce labor intensity, material intensity, cost and reduce construction time. . Development Building projects today are carried out using the most advanced computer technologies.

Once upon a time, humanity lived in caves; later, primitive people learned to build huts and dugouts, which with a smile can be called the prototype of a modern apartment. After centuries of evolution, houses appeared, and the first thing a newly formed family did when it separated from its parents was to build its own hut. Today, when the world's population has exceeded seven billion, it is impossible to imagine how everyone would fit in with one-story houses.

LLC "ESGP" stands out among other design organizations in the Moscow region, as it provides a full range of services for the design of urban development projects, including support during examination and designer's supervision. Our portfolio includes many projects completed for objects both within the city and in the countryside. The main direction of our activity is design of residential buildings and houses .

Design of multi-storey buildings, residential buildings and structures.

Modern cities, which no longer have the opportunity to expand in area, grow in height and, thereby, meet human needs for housing and comfort. But if even a “village house” cannot be built without drawings, then what can we say about such huge buildings as multi-story high-rise buildings.Design multi-storey residential buildings, buildings includes projects for low-rise buildings, including comprehensive design of villages, as well as the preparation of projects for multi-storey buildings, up to the development of streets, blocks and microdistricts. Separately, we can distinguish hotels that do not belong to the housing stock, but are temporary housing. As a rule, they are multi-story, although there are exceptions. Designing residential buildings of this type requires a slightly different approach and implementation in planning. In particular, the level of comfort in hotels is an order of magnitude higher than in ordinary houses, which requires additional engineering systems; evacuation routes should also be established in case of unforeseen disasters.

Design of buildings and structures.

Housing design in the Moscow region.
Multi-story houses.
In a city environment, these are perhaps the most typical representatives residential buildings. Starting from the design stage, such structures require accurate calculations, since the slightest mistake can lead to irreversible and fatal consequences.
Low-rise buildings.
This group of residential buildings includes 1-3-story buildings. Basically, such facilities predominate in the urban private sector, or are they country houses and dachas.
Townhouses and cottage communities.
These groups of buildings are a type of low-rise construction. As a rule, such areas are quieter and calmer compared to the atmosphere of the city. Despite the remoteness from “civilization,” cottage settlements, thanks to integrated design, are completely autonomous and have a developed infrastructure.

Today's housing construction not tied to standard projects and therefore an apartment building can be custom designed, combining standard-sized apartments, studios and penthouses within one building. As practice shows, they all find their buyer. So we do design work residential buildings of any cost, filling various price segments of the market.

Our advantages.

Using new advanced modern technologies and computer programs, without creative thought and professionalism, it is impossible to achieve success in such a complex and responsible business asdesign multi-storey residential buildings, buildings and structures . Our advantage is the many years of experience and qualifications of our employees, which allow us to design objects of any complexity and number of floors, taking into account non-standard layouts and problematic soil on the site. We do not draw a plan, but carefully weigh and take into account all the nuances of the future construction. Therefore, in houses designed by the organization’s team ESGP LLC, there are no problems with laying communications and utility networks, and during the construction of settlements and residential complexes, an entire infrastructure is built.

Residential buildings, design standards which will be described below, come in different volumetric-spatial, planning structures and number of floors. Connections of various kinds can be formed between them and the external environment. The correct determination of the number of floors of buildings and the space-planning structure is important both architecturally and economically.

Competent construction and design of residential buildings ensures the solution of socially significant problems. Due to this, proper conditions for people's life are created.

Choice of number of storeys

Design of multi-apartment residential buildings is carried out taking into account, first of all, economic factors. These, in particular, include the need to install elevators, garbage chutes and other elements. They significantly increase the cost of design and construction. Buildings up to 5 floors, and in the northern and southern regions - up to four, are not equipped with elevators. In such buildings, walls, foundation structures, and coverings are used rationally. 4-5-story buildings are built mainly in medium-sized, small, and partly large cities, the population of which is no more than 250 thousand, as well as in villages with 10 thousand or more people. This ensures rational use of the territory and transport.

residential building

Creating a construction plan includes:

  • Pre-project stage. It, in turn, consists of two stages: collecting information and methodological processing of information.
  • Sketch stage. During this process, a solution is sought. The sketch stage is considered the central element of the design. At this stage, the main idea is formulated.

  • Creative development. This stage is, in fact, design. It can take quite a long time. When developing, the main task is to achieve internal consistency and interconnection of all aspects of the architectural solution. The required parameters of the structure are contained.


Residential building design begins with a spatial interpretation of the functional drawing. During the work, all rooms must be divided into certain groups. Their horizontal and vertical placement is determined by the functional connections established between them. The grouping scheme, construction plan, and premises distribution scheme are drawn up in accordance with the type of building. The most important and large rooms should form the core of the composition. The planning diagram is drawn in one line. Then they build it on the selection of the compositional core and structural nodes. After fulfilling the functional requirements, the volumetric structure of the structure is formed.

Requirements for the master plan: basic provisions

Residential building design mid-rise construction is carried out in accordance with the specific location of the site in the functional structure of rural, urban and other settlements. The types of the latter are defined in the Civil Code (Article 5). When deciding on a general plan, it is necessary to distinguish between areas - favorable, unacceptable for development and areas where special measures are necessary, in accordance with the instructions of SNiP.

Mandatory events

Residential design houses is carried out subject to the requirements for:

  • Nature conservation.
  • Protecting the area from exhaust gases and highway noise, radiation of various types.

Comprehensive work to ensure the protection and improvement of the external environment from negative impact associated with the implementation of economic and other activities must be provided in accordance with regulations governing environmental safety.


When designing residential buildings, contractors must provide hydrants to ensure fire extinguishing. Between the long parts of four-story buildings, the distance must be at least 20 m, between them and the ends of buildings with windows - at least 10 m. These gaps can be reduced provided that the standards of illumination and insolation are observed, and also if the premises are not visible from one window to another. Buildings with apartments on the lower floor must be located indented from the red line. Along it it is allowed to place buildings with built-in or attached areas for public purposes. Recommended ceiling height is 2.8 m.

Entry group

Residential building design provides for inclusion in the plan:

  • Tamburov. They can be double or single, depending on climatic conditions.
  • Lobby area.
  • Premises for the duty officer at the entrance.

When planning the entrance group, it is necessary to provide freedom of access to the home for people with limited mobility in accordance with the requirements prescribed in SNiP 35-01.


These premises in apartment buildings, except for blocked ones, are divided into built-in/attached, located separately or on a partially unbuilt ground floor. The layout of the lobby may vary. In practice, options are used for placing vertically running communications relative to the node in a structural and planning cell adjacent to or opposite the staircase-elevator system.

Duty room

It must be placed so that it can be used to monitor front door from the vestibule to the lobby. If the latter is not provided in the structure, then visibility of the passages to the stairs must be ensured. A video system can be installed. In the premises, it is necessary to provide for communication with the dispatch service, and, if there is an appropriate indication in the assignment, with the apartments.

Subscriber cabinets

In apartment buildings, except for blocked ones, it is recommended to place mailboxes in the lobbies (in the absence of an elevator) on the intermediate or main landing on the ground floor and in the passage to the steps. When installing cabinets, it is necessary to take into account their dimensions. They are hung on walls or installed in special niches at a height of at least 60 cm from the floor. It is not recommended to install cabinets on surfaces adjacent to apartments.


Outside utility rooms may be provided on the ground, first or basement floor. Their number is determined by the design task. In front of the storerooms, corridors are provided, the width of which is at least 1.1 m. The premises themselves must have a fire protection system.


It is considered the main element of a residential building. The apartment may have rooms for different purposes. They can be residential, open, utility. Each apartment provides network engineering. When designing the electrical supply of a residential building, it is necessary to determine the entry points of the wiring into each room. In apartments for social purposes it is allowed, and in other types of objects it is recommended to arrange open spaces. These include, in particular, terraces, verandas, balconies, loggias, etc.

The apartment must meet the needs of a particular person and satisfy the needs of the family as a whole. This fact determines the duality of the requirements for such premises. Apartments should be isolated from each other, but individually they should form a single space.


They are intended for direct human habitation. The rooms are considered the main part of the apartment. They are divided into types depending on their purpose. Thus, the rooms are used for family activities. These are personal spaces (bedrooms, offices). Additionally, dining rooms, living rooms, playrooms, etc. may be provided.

Design of private residential houses and cottages

Before you start drawing up a sketch of the future structure, you need to determine its purpose. The house may be for permanent residence or used only at certain times of the year. In addition, the number of people who will be in it matters. The project must calculate the number of rooms for family members and guests. On preparatory stage you also need to determine whether there will be other buildings on the site.

Architectural solution

When drawing up a project, the contractor draws the location of all the rooms, indicating their dimensions, thinks through additional rooms, and marks the areas where doors and windows will be located. When drawing up an architectural solution, it is necessary to determine the material from which the structural elements will be made. Drawings can be made on paper or on a computer using special programs.

Constructive activities

When drawing up a project, it is necessary to calculate all the elements of the structure. It is important to accurately determine the type of foundation and the level of its depth. It is necessary to calculate the thickness of the walls, select interfloor ceilings, correctly position the rafters, and provide a chimney. As a result, a set of drawings with plans for structural elements is formed. In this case, explanatory notes are drawn up for each diagram. They indicate necessary materials, their consumption is calculated.

Engineering and technical communications

When designing, they need to be given Special attention. The plan is one of the most important sections of documentation. Without it, it will not be possible to build a high-quality building. In engineering and technical terms, water supply, ventilation, sewerage, heating, and energy supply systems are calculated. It must include all stages of communication work. The project indicates the power of the entire building, describes the electrical wiring diagram and grounding system. A separate section provides a drawing of the security alarm system.


The residential building project includes the following parts:

  • Album with diagrams and specifications.
  • Explanatory notes.
  • I'll give you an estimate.

The graphic section contains general and situational plans, floor drawings with the placement of furniture, facades, and a section of the building. A project is a complex and expensive part of construction, the cost of which can range from 1 to 10% of the cost of construction work.