Didactic game about what happens in winter. Speech games for the middle group on the topics “Winter”, “New Year”, “Winter fun”, “Dishes. Didactic game “Say: Which one?” Which? »

Svetlana Kazmina
Card index didactic games on speech development on the topic “Winter” for the senior group

1. Didactic game“Which one, which one, which one?”.Target: learn to select definitions for an object, phenomenon. Game rule: teacher (possibly children) names an object, and the children take turns naming as many features as possible that may be inherent in this object. For example: Squirrel – fluffy, red, nimble, small, beautiful…. Coat - warm, winter, new, long, short, blue... Snow - cold, white, fluffy, light, crumbly, sticky, etc.

2. Didactic game“What happens?”.Target: learn to classify objects by color, shape, quality, material; compare objects, compare; select as many names as possible that fit the given definition. Game rule: The teacher invites the children to tell Dunno what happens... For example: new - fur coat, felt boots, hat, coat...; winter - day, morning, evening, forest, weather, clothes, shoes...; fluffy - snow, squirrel, fox, cat, fluff, Christmas tree, hair, jacket, scarf...; cold - tea, snow, milk, ice, weather, wind, winter, room, gloves, ice cream, icicle, compote...; white - snow, milk, etc.

3. Didactic game“Pick a sign to an object”.TargetGame rule: The teacher invites the children to answer the questions which, which, which? For example: winter(which)- snow-white, white, frosty, harsh, snowy, fierce, icy, cold, windy, elegant, fabulous, wonderful, brilliant; ice (Which)– transparent, strong, thin, smooth, slippery, cold, fragile...; skis (which)– wooden, beautiful, smooth, slippery, etc.

4. Didactic game“Match the object to the sign”.Target: learn to coordinate adjectives with nouns. Game rule: The teacher invites the children to name an object that matches the word... For example: snow - lump, house, bun, whirlwind...; snowy - woman, building, strip, road...; snow - drifts, buildings, houses, heaps...; snowy - field, etc.

5. Didactic game“What’s extra?”.Target: consolidate knowledge of the signs of different seasons, learn to clearly express your thoughts; develop auditory attention.Game parvil:the teacher names the time of year: « Winter» . Then he names the signs of different seasons (the day has become short and the night has become long, birds are flying south; snowdrops have bloomed; the leaves on the trees are turning yellow; fluffy white snow is falling). Children name unnecessary signs and explain their choice.

6. Didactic game“It happens - it doesn’t happen” (with a ball).Target: develop speech, memory, thinking, reaction speed. Game rule: the teacher says a phrase and throws the ball, and the child Nok must answer quickly: frost in summer – (can not be); snow in winter - (It happens); frost in summer - (can not be); drops in summer - (can not be); ice freezes in winter - (It happens); In summer, children make bird feeders - (can not be); Streams flow in winter - (can not be) in winter we wear sundresses - (can not be); etc.

7. Didactic game"Get it by youself".Target: teach children to compose sentences with a given number of words. Game rule:The teacher offers children support words: snow, snowflakes, snowfall, frost. The teacher asks the children to make a sentence of 4, 5, 6 words. The first child to make a sentence gets a chip. For example: The first fluffy snow fell in November. White fluffs are spinning in the air. It has been snowing outside for several days now. The bitter cold does not allow children to go for walks.

8. Didactic game“When does this happen?”.Target: clarify and deepen children’s knowledge about the seasons. Game rule: the teacher names the time of year (winter) and gives the chip to the child. The child names what happens at this time of year and passes the chip to the next player. He adds a new definition and passes the chip to the next one, etc.

9. Didactic game"Who knows more words".Target: find and name words with the sound [c] at the beginning of the word topic« Winter» .Game rule: the teacher invites the children to look around and name objects using the sound [c], because the word begins with this sound "snow".For example: snow, snowman, snowflake, sled, snowfall, snowmobile, sled, Snow Maiden, etc.

10. Didactic game"Seasons".Target: develop attention, thinking and speech. Game rule: the teacher names the signs of any season (winter, Spring Summer Autumn).Children use signs to determine and name the time of year.

11. Didactic game“When does this happen?”.Target: consolidate children’s knowledge about the seasons, their characteristic features; develop coherent speech, attention, resourcefulness, endurance. Game rule: the teacher gives a descriptive story of one of the seasons, the children name it.

12. Didactic game“Words are relatives”.Target: practice selecting words with the same root. Game rule: the teacher names a word (snowman, children select words with the same root.

13. Didactic game"Come up with a proposal".Target: develop coherent speech, the ability to correctly construct a common sentence. Game rule: the teacher calls the word (winter) . children come up with a sentence with a given word.

14. Didactic game"Call me kindly".Target: learn to form nouns using diminutive suffixes. Game rule: the teacher invites the children to choose words with diminutive suffixes for the given words on the topic "Winter clothes", « Winter» .For example: fur coat - (coat); snow - (snowball); a cap - (hat); freezing - (frost); slide - (peacock) etc.

15. Didactic game“Call it in one word”.Target: consolidate generalizing words on the topic "Winter clothes", "Winter shoes".Game rule: the teacher shows pictures on the topic"Winter clothes", "Winter shoes", children name generalizing words to the proposed pictures.

16. Didactic game"Finish the sentence".Target: learn to make common sentences. Game rule: The teacher begins the sentence, and the children finish it. For example: This is what a wonderful thing we created... (snowman). On our site there is... (cheerful snowman).

17. Didactic game with snowball"Choose a word".Target: learn to select words to match given ones. Game rule: the teacher asks a word, and the children select words that characterize the given word. For example: snow (Which) white, fluffy, light, sparkling, cold, shiny, etc.; fur coat (which) warm, furry, fluffy, etc.; skis (which) wooden, plastic, light, long, etc.; mood (which) cheerful, sad, joyful, etc.

18. Didactic game“Make a sentence from the words in each line”.Target: learn to make sentences. Game rule: The teacher voices the words, and the children must make up a sentence. For example: fluffy, covered, trees, snow; top of the head, snowy, on, pine, hat, etc.

19. Didactic ball game"One is many".Target: learn to form words in the plural. Game rule: The teacher asks a question while throwing the ball to the child. The child responds by returning the ball. For example: Some mittens, but many? (Lots of mittens). One coat, but many? (Lots of coats). One jumpsuit, but many? (Lots of overalls). Some felt boots, but many? (Lots of felt boots). One fur coat, but many? (Lots of fur coats). Some tights, but many? (Lots of tights). One hat, but many? (Lots of hats). One down jacket, but many? (Lots of down jackets). One scarf, but many? (Lots of scarves).

20. Didactic game"Say it the other way around".Target: learn to form antonyms. Game rule: The teacher names a phrase, and the child names the opposite. For example: warm morning – (cold morning); cold wind - (warm wind); It's a nasty day - (clear day); big snowdrift - (small snowdrift); thick ice - (thin ice).

21. Didactic game“Give me the answer - what is missing?”.Target: learn to use in speech genitive case.Game rule: the teacher asks - the child answers. For example: To eat snow. Why not? (No snow). There is a hat. Why not? (No cap). There is a blizzard. Why not? (No blizzard). There are mittens. Why not? (No mittens). There is a snowstorm. Why not? (No snowstorm). There are felt boots. Why not? (No felt boots). There is a snowdrift. Why not? (No snowdrift). There is a fur coat. Why not? (No fur coat). There is ice. Why not? (No ice). There are boots. Why not? (No boots).

22. Didactic game“Make a story about winter using a help table”.Target: learn to compose a story using a plan (helper tables).Game rule: The teacher offers the children a plan for a descriptive story about winter.

Sun. (This refers to how the sun warms and illuminates the earth at this time of year).

Sky. (Meaning, what is the sky like at this time of year?: cloudy, clear, gloomy, cloudy, etc.).

Earth. (What does the ground look like at this time of year).

Trees. (Describe appearance trees at this time of year).

Changes in the lives of animals.

Changes in the life of birds.

People's clothes and shoes.

Activities of people at this time of year.

Children's games at this time of year.

23. Didactic game“Choose a lot of action words”.Target: learn to select words-signs. Game rule: The teacher invites the children to select as many attribute words as possible for the drawn objects. For example: Sun - (warms, shines, bakes, rises, falls, etc.); snowflake - (spins, flies, melts, falls, etc.); hare - (runs, jumps, hides, is afraid, is in a hurry, gnaws, escapes, etc.); bullfinch - (flies, pecks, sits, watches, hatches chicks, etc.).

24. Didactic ball game"Call me kindly".Target: learn to form words in an affectionate form. Game rule: the teacher calls the word and throws the ball to the child, who, accordingly, calls the word in an affectionate form and throws the ball back. For example: zama- (winter); snow - (snowball); snowflake - (snowflake); ice- (ice); wind - (breeze); a cap - (hat); fur coat - (coat); boots - (boots); felt boots – (felt boots); sweater- (sweater); trousers - (pants); mittens - (mittens); scarf - (scarf) etc.

25. Didactic game“Select, name, remember”.Target: learn to select definitions and verbs for nouns. Game rule: the teacher says the word, and the child (which one, which one? which ones).For example: winter(which)– cold, harsh, frosty, snowy, blizzard, long (boring) etc. ; snow (Which)-...; snowflakes (which)-...; ice (Which)-...; under (which)- ...day 4 (Which)-...; freezing (Which)-...; snowflakes in winter (what are they doing)- fall, curl, swirl, sparkle, shine, melt, etc.; ice in the sun (what is he doing)-...; freezing (what is he doing)-...; children in winter (what are they doing)- … etc.

26. Didactic game“How many are there?”.Target: learn to coordinate numerals with nouns in gender, number and case. Game rule: The teacher names a numeral with a noun, and the children continue. For example: one snowflake – (two snowflakes, three snowflakes, four snowflakes, five snowflakes, six snowflakes, etc.); one snowman - ...; one icicle - ...; one snowdrift - ...; one snowball - ...; one slide - ... one piece of ice - ... etc.

27. Didactic game"Finish the sentence".Target: learn to compose complex sentences with the meaning of opposition. Game rule: The teacher begins a sentence, and the children finish it and repeat the sentence in full. For example: There is snowfall in winter, and in autumn (leaf fall); In winter there is snow, and in summer...; Snow falls in winter, and in summer...; in winter they go sledding, and in summer... etc.

28. Didactic game“Ko doing what?”.Target: learn to select nouns for named actions. Game rule: The teacher pronounces a sentence and asks the child to correct the mistake. For example: The girl is sleeping in the den. (Bear). Mom runs through the forest in winter. (Hare). The grandmother spread a large snow carpet on the ground and hid the animals under it from the frost. (Winter) . The children came to our yard in winter. (Birds). Grandfather sleds down the hill in winter. (Child).

29. Didactic game"Superfluous word".Target: contribute development of auditory attention, enriching the vocabulary and clarifying the meaning of words. Game rule: The teacher pronounces the words, and the child must name the extra word and explain his choice. For example: fur coat, boots, skirt, sweater, trousers. (boots – shoes); winter, spring, summer, autumn, November. (November – month); squirrel, hare, bear, tit, hedgehog. (tit – bird); fur coat, scarf, Panama hat, mittens, hat with earflaps. (Panama - worn in summer).

30. Didactic game"How?".Target: teach children to give a qualitative assessment of actions, answer the question how? Game rule: The teacher invites the children to continue the phrase. For example: The plane flies quickly, but the sparrow (slowly). The sled moves slowly across the field, but from the mountain - (fast). Birds sing a lot in summer, and in winter - (few). Animals feel good in the forest in summer, but in winter - (Badly). The hedgehog is warm in the hole, and the hares under the bush are warm (Cold). In summer there is a lot of food in the forest, and in winter - (few).

Thank you all for your attention.

recommendations for organizing and conducting walks for children 3-7 years old.

The goal is to form children's idea of ​​winter.

Progress of the walk

Observation: On a sunny day, pay attention to the beauty of the winter landscape (it’s white, light all around, the snow sparkles in the sun, the sky is blue). Note what kind of sun it is (dim, bright, covered by clouds). Remember what it was like yesterday. Draw the attention of older children to the fact that in winter the sun does not heat, does not rise high, and its path becomes shorter. Draw conclusions that the sun rises later and sets earlier, because of this the day is getting shorter. In January, the days are noticeably longer, but it is getting colder.

Poems on the topic:

The days have become shorter
The sun shines little
The frosts are here,
And winter has come.
I. Surikov

Frost and sun
It's a wonderful day.
A. Pushkin

Under blue skies
Magnificent carpets,
Glistening in the sun, the snow lies.
A. Pushkin

I didn’t eat bread, I didn’t drink water,
And it warmed everyone and illuminated everyone.

What is higher than the forest,
More beautiful than the world
Does it burn without fire?

Kolobok, Kolobok,
golden side,
I dived behind the fir trees,
There he fell fast asleep.
And in the morning I woke up
Smiled for the whole world!
L. Kuzmin

Big sunflower in the sky
It blooms for many years.
Blooms in winter and summer,
But there are still no seeds.

What kind of golden ball is this?
Rolls across the sky
Rolls across the sky
Smiling at people?

Didactic games

`What comes first, what comes next`, children show the seasons in order. The goal is to consolidate children's knowledge about the seasons.

`Who knows more words?` The teacher invites the children to look around and name objects with the sound [s]. The goal is to find words with the sound [s] at the beginning of the word.

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the hands "Make a pattern"

Make a pattern of colored ice floes.

Construction of a slide.
Walking on a limited surface.

Outdoor games

`Lifesavers`. The goal is to teach them to run quickly in different directions without colliding with each other.

Progress of the game:

Salochka won't catch up with us,
Salochka can't catch us.
We can run fast
And help each other out.

Children with last words run away. The one who was insulted must stop.

`Catch the tail`. The goal is to teach running in a column, holding the shoulder of the person in front with your right hand. Game ode: Children stand in a column. The `head` is trying to catch the `tail`.

Winter: Watching the wind

Ulanova L. A., Jordan S. O. Guidelines on organizing and conducting walks for children 3-7 years old.

The goal is to introduce children to such phenomena as blizzards and blizzards.

Progress of the walk

Observation: In windy weather, watch low and fast moving clouds and swaying tree branches. Pay attention to how the wind lifts snow from the ground and carries it to another place, hitting the window with force. Offer to listen to the howling of the wind. Explain that it is a blizzard. Ask older children where the wind blows from. Why you can’t walk during a blizzard.

Poems on the topic:

The winds blow in February
The pipes howl loudly.
Like a snake rushes along the ground
Light drifting snow.
S. Marshak

The storm covers the sky with darkness,
Whirling snow whirlwinds;
The way she howls like a beast,
Then he will cry like a child...
A. Pushkin

Faithful servants of snow blizzards,
Notice all the ways
So as not to go into the thicket...
S. Marshak

Blizzard sweeps away
White way.
Wants in soft snows
S. Yesenin

And there's a snowstorm in the yard
Spreads a silk carpet,
But it's painfully cold.
S. Yesenin

There's a snowy bed in the field
Lays down for the bunnies... (blizzard).

Who throws snow in your face?
Sweeping onto the porch?
Who howled in the chimney?
Who opened the gate?
N. Nishcheva

Whipped on the cheeks
lashed my hands,
He tore the hat off his head
And he ran away.

I whip up a whirlwind, tear everything down, bend the trees down.

Didactic games and exercises

`Which wind?` Answer the question by choosing relative adjectives. The goal is to expand your vocabulary.

`Seasons`. The teacher names the signs of the season, the children determine. The goal is to develop attention, thinking, logic, speech.

`How does the wind sing?` Children imitate the hum of the wind, pronouncing the sound [v]. The goal is to consolidate the pronunciation of the sound [v].

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the hands "Laces"

For the exercise, lacing toys are used: Christmas tree, bunny, snowflake, snowman. The goal is to develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Work and individual physical exercises

Outdoor game 'Traps with ribbons'.

The goal is to train in running in all directions, teach how to dodge the driver, and develop spatial orientation skills.

Progress of the game: The trap runs after the children, picking up ribbons. Whoever took it from is eliminated from the game.

Thematic material for middle group.

Lexical topic: “Winter”.

Natalia Nikolaevna Borodulya, teacher at the kindergarten No. 86, Berezniki, Perm region.
Description of material: I offer you a selection of methodological and didactic material for planning work with children of the middle group on the topic “Winter”. The development will be of interest to preschool teachers.
Didactic games:
"What season?".
Tasks: Pin. Clarify children's knowledge about the seasons, their characteristic features. Develop coherent speech and mental processes. Learn to listen to poetic text. Develop positive emotions.
Material: pictures depicting different seasons, a card index of poems by season.
Description: 1. The teacher shows the children one illustration, examines it, and discusses what time of year it is depicted. Then he offers to listen to the corresponding poem.
2. “Tell me about your picture.” Each of the children receives a picture and takes turns telling what it shows.

“Help your forest friends prepare for winter.”
Tasks: To consolidate children's knowledge about the season - winter. Establish simple relationships between the seasons and the behavior of wild animals.
Game rules: act only upon a signal from the teacher. Select only those items that are necessary for the plot. Maintain the order.
Game action: search for the necessary items.
Didactic material: model of trees, Christmas trees, cones, nuts; toys – bear, hare, squirrel, hedgehog; a white blanket, a white fur coat for a bunny, etc.
Description: The teacher tells the children that winter has come and they need to help their forest friends prepare for this time of year. Children place the toy bear in the den and cover it with a white blanket. The bunny is given a white fur coat. They help the squirrel collect pine cones under the tree and put them in the hollow of the tree. Etc.

“Let’s dress Katya doll for a walk.”
Tasks: Exercise children in naming items of winter clothing. Practice the correct sequence of putting winter clothes on a doll.
Game rules: select the right clothes for the season. It is correct to name the sequence of the process of dressing a doll.
Game actions: Finding the right clothes for the season. Sequentially putting on items of winter clothing on the doll.
Didactic material: dolls according to the number of children, items of doll clothing (coats, or fur coats, sweaters, boots, pants, scarves, etc.)
Description: Children choose the things they need for a winter walk on the table, put them on, naming the sequence of actions.

“Why is the bear sleeping?”
Tasks: Children's speech development. Acquaintance with objects of living nature.
Description: The teacher suggests looking at a picture of a bear sleeping in a den. Ask if the baby knows why the bear sleeps. Talk about animals that hibernate during the cold season. Compare them with those who lead an active lifestyle during this period (what they eat, anatomical structure, etc.).

“Collect a picture.”
Tasks: Teach children to form a whole from two or more parts. Clarify children's knowledge about the season - winter. Develop attention, logical thinking, hand motor skills.
Description: 1. The teacher looks at the whole pictures together with the children, discusses what time of year they depict. Then he shows one part of the picture and asks the children to guess which whole picture it will fit into. By superimposing a part onto the whole, they are convinced whether it is there or not. So gradually a whole is formed from parts.
2. “Make a whole from parts without a pattern.”

“Pick up pictures”
Tasks: Strengthen children's knowledge about the seasons.
Game rules: Select cards only with signs of winter.
Didactic material: didactic pictures "Winter".
Description: Teacher questions: “Guys, what time of year is it now? Find cards that will tell us what winter is.”
Children select pictures corresponding to the season “Winter”.

“What wind is blowing?”
Tasks: Strengthen children's knowledge about phenomena inanimate nature. Exercise in determining the basic properties of wind. Activate speech. Develop observation and auditory attention.
Game rules: Act only on a signal from the teacher. Whoever answered the question correctly is the first to imitate the force of the wind.
Game actions: The teacher lays out pictures on the magnetic board. Asking questions.
Didactic material: magnetic board, pictures “Seasons”, plumes.
Description: Pictures are laid out on a magnetic board (cloud, rain, trees with yellow leaves, etc.)
-What season? (autumn)
The teacher offers to sing a song of the autumn wind.
- What kind of wind (strong, prickly, etc.)
- But the wind began to subside. What's the wind like now? (quiet)
Similarly, post pictures with other seasons, specify what kind of wind it is.
The children are given plumes and they imitate the power of wind and breeze.

“Who will wear what?”
Tasks: Develop children's speech activity. Practice the sequence of the dressing process and at the same time explain your actions. Fix the names of winter clothes.
Game rules: It is correct to name the sequence of putting on items of clothing.
Game actions: Imitation of the process of dressing for a walk.
Didactic material: doll.
Description: The teacher tells the children that the Katya doll wants to go for a walk with the children, but she doesn’t know how to dress.
- Let's show Katya how to dress? What do we put on first, and what then?
Children imitate the movements of the sequence of putting on clothes and explain the actions in words.

Finger games:
One two three four, (bend fingers, starting with thumb)
You and I made a snowball (“they sculpt” by changing the position of the palms).
Round, strong, very smooth (show a circle, clasp your palms together, stroke the other with one palm)
And not at all sweet (they shake a finger).
Once - we'll throw it up, (throw an imaginary snowball, look up)
Two - we'll catch (squat down, catch an imaginary snowball)
Three - we'll drop it, (stand up and drop an imaginary snowball)
And... we'll break it. (stomp)

I'm standing and snowflakes (rhythmic strikes with the fingers of the left hand, starting with the index finger, on the palm of the right hand)
I catch it in my palms.
I love winter and snow (rhythmic strikes with the fingers of the right hand, starting with the index finger, on the palm of the left hand)
And I love snowflakes.
But where are the snowflakes? (clench fists)
There is water in your palm! (unclench fists)
Where have the snowflakes gone? (clench fists)
Where? (clench fists)
Fragile pieces of ice melted - rays... (small shaking with relaxed palms)
As you can see, my palms are hot.

Physical education minutes:
“There will be firewood for the winter”
We'll cut the log now,
We saw, we saw, we saw, we saw,
One - two! One - two!
There will be firewood for the winter.
(Children stand in pairs, facing each other, holding hands - giving right hand one to another. At the beginning of the poem they pretend to be sawing wood).

Snowflakes rush in a frosty whirlwind,
They swirl and curl in a brilliant swarm. (they spin around in place, hands on their belts)
They suddenly turn into white bees, (run on their toes in a circle, waving their arms)
They will touch the frozen ground for a moment. (squats)
They will spin again in a frosty dance, (stand up and spin on their toes)
They will fly into the sky like crystal stars. (they run in a circle again)

"On the Hill"
Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! (crouches at every exclamation)
White snow is like white fluff. (jump up, sharply throwing their arms above themselves)
We're rolling down the hill in a crowd. (they run like a train in a circle)
I'm on a sled - behind you.
They collapsed in the snow. (fall on the carpet, arms and legs outstretched)
Oh, I can't take it anymore! (relax on command)

Exercise to develop a sense of rhythm:
"Snowflakes are falling": Children, showing with their hands how snowflakes are falling from top to bottom, say “P... p...” slowly or quickly, depending on how the teacher shows the snowflakes according to the rhythmic pattern.

Imitation exercise (emancipation, emotional release):
Oh, they're flying - snowflakes are flying, (alternately raise and lower hands)
Snow-white fluffs.
It's winter - winter (turn to the right, extending the right arm to the side; repeat the same to the left)
She moved her sleeves,
All the snowflakes swirled (circle, arms to the side)
And she lowered her to the ground. (squat while performing the movement, always ensure correct posture)
The stars began to spin,
They began to lie down on the ground.
No, not stars, but fluffs,
Not fluff, but snowflakes

Simulation exercise:
“We are walking through snowdrifts”
We are walking through the snowdrifts, (Children walk one after another, raising their legs high)
Through steep snowdrifts.
Lift up raise your leg,
Make way for others.
We walked for a very long time, (Sit on chairs, stroke their legs with palm movements from bottom to top)
Our little legs are tired.
Now let's sit down and relax,
And then we'll go for a walk.

Dynamic pauses:
"Walk in Winter"
It's cold and windy outside, (Walk in a circle holding hands)
Children are walking in the yard.
Hands, hands rub, (Rub their hands)
Hands, hands warm.
So that our hands don't get cold, (Clap their hands)
We will clap our hands.
This is how we can clap.
This is how we warm our hands.

"Game with a Snowman"
One is a hand, two is a hand, (show first one hand, then the other)
We are making a snowman: (imitate the “sculpting” of snowballs)
His nose is like a carrot (show “big nose”)
Instead of a hat - a bucket, (raise their hands up, clasping them above themselves)
And a whisk in the snowman's crayfish. (imitate cleaning feet with hands)
Here you go, little snowman - (torso turns right - left)
Cute fat guy.
Play with us - (clap hands)
Try to catch us! (run away)

Play massage:
One is a hand, two is a hand, (stretch one arm forward first, then the other)
We are making a snowman (imitate making snowballs)
We'll roll a snowball - (palms make circular movements on the thighs)
Like this one (spread their arms to the sides, showing a large size of the lump)
And then less com - (Rub your chest with your palms)
Here it is. (show with hands the size of the smaller lump)
And we'll put it on top (stroke cheeks with palms)
Little lump (join fingers together, keeping palms at a distance)
So the snowman came out - (put hands on belt)
Snow, bucket and carrots,
Yes, skill and dexterity -
And the snowman is ready.
Very cute fat guy! (turn the body right - left)

Winter has come, (three palms touching each other)
Brought frost (we massage the shoulders and forearms with our fingers)
Winter has come, (three palms touching each other)
Nose freezes (use your palm to massage the tip of your nose)
Snow, (smooth movements with palms)
Snowdrifts, (fists knock on knees alternately)
Ice. (palms rub knees)
Everyone on the street - forward!
Let's put on warm pants, (we run our palms over the head, along the arms, stomp our feet)
Fur coat, hat, felt boots.
Let's warm our hands in mittens (circular movements of palms against each other)
And let's go for a walk again.

Gymnastics for the eyes “Snowflakes”:
Tasks: Help relieve static tension in the eye muscles and improve blood circulation in the eyeball.
Description: The teacher moves the snowflake in different directions - the children follow its movement with their eyes.

Outdoor games:
"Snowflakes and the Wind"
Purpose of the game:
It is good to play the game in the first snow that has fallen, after showing the children through the window how the snow is falling and drawing their attention to the flight of snowflakes.
Children become “snowflakes” when they go to the playground. They join hands, forming a circle that can move in different directions.
The teacher says: “The wind blew strong!.. Scatter, snowflakes!..”.
At this signal from the teacher, the game itself begins: the children scatter in different directions around the playground, like snowflakes blown by the wind, spread their arms to the sides, run, and spin like snowflakes. After a while, the teacher says: “The wind has died down!.. Come back, snowflakes!..”
At this signal, the children rush to return, join hands again, forming a circle.
Game option: each child must remember well his place in the circle, the place of his neighbor, and after the second signal from the teacher, take exactly his place.

"The wind is blowing in our faces"
Purpose of the game: development of the child’s imagination, attentiveness, and ability to play in a group.
Description: The teacher and children pronounce the words of the game, imitating the corresponding movements.
The wind blows in our faces
The tree swayed.
The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter.
The tree is getting higher and higher.

Fiction for reading and memorizing:
“It’s snowing” (L. Voronkova).
The chilly winds blew, and winter began to roar:
“I’m walking-oo-oo!.. I’m walking-oo-oo!..”
The dirt on the road hardened and became as hard as stone. The puddles were frozen to the bottom. The whole village became dark, boring - the road, the huts, the vegetable garden, and the forest... Tanya sat at home, played with dolls and did not look outside. But the grandmother came from the well and said:
- Here comes the snow!
Tanya ran to the window:
-Where did the snow start?
Outside the window, snowflakes were falling and swirling thickly, so thickly that even the neighboring yard could not be seen through them. Tanya grabbed a scarf and ran out onto the porch:
- It is snowing!
The whole sky and all the air were full of snowflakes. Snowflakes flew, fell, swirled and fell again. They lay down on the stale dirt on the road. And on all the village roofs. And on frozen puddles. And on the fence. And on the dug-up garden beds. And on the trees. And onto the porch steps. And on Tanya’s green flannelette scarf... Tanya put her palm up and they fell onto her palm. Tanya began to look at them. When snowflakes fly, they are like fluff. And when you look closer, you’ll see stars, and they’re all carved, and they’re all different. One has wide and jagged rays, the other has sharp arrows. But I didn’t have to look at them for long - the snowflakes melted on the warm palm.
The grandmother carried the swill to the sheep into the barn and opened the door. And the white cow Milka thought that she was being released into the herd. She was delighted, shook her head and left the barn. But she came out and stopped. Where is the grass? Where are the lawns?
- What are you watching? - said the grandmother. – Have you thought about running away somewhere into the clover? Or hide in the bushes? But there is nothing. Better go back to the barn, at least it’s warm there.
Grandmother brought her an armful of green hay, but Milka still stood and looked around. Then Tanya took a twig and drove it into the barn:
- Go, go! Why did you come out to freeze your ears? You'll be covered in snow here!
And the snow kept falling and falling. The snowflakes kept spinning and falling. After lunch, Tanya went out for a walk and did not recognize her village. It became all white - and the roofs were white, and the road was white, and the garden was white, and the meadow was white...
And then the sun came out, the snow shone, sparks lit up. And Tanya felt so happy, as if the holiday had arrived. She ran to Alyonka and knocked on the window:
- Alyonka, come out quickly - winter has come to us.

“Blizzard - Zavirukha” (V. Shipunova)
Blizzard - whirlwind,
Evil, white old woman!
The blizzard is shaking its hair,
Now he cries, now he sings,
Behind the window he casts spells,
Howls, moans and screams,
It will pass behind the outskirts -
All paths will be covered,
Spinning through the fields like a spinning top
And he goes to sleep in the snowdrifts.

“Snowflakes - sisters” (V. Shipunova)
Two snowflakes - two sisters
They circle over the palm.
Sat on my mitten
Silver lace.
I'll take them to grandma -
Let him embroider a mitten for me...
On my mitten
Two snowflakes - two sisters!

“The first snow is fluffy...” (I. Surikov)
White snow, fluffy swirling in the air
And he quietly falls to the ground and lies down.
And in the morning the field turned white with snow,
It was as if everything had covered him with a shroud.

The dark forest covered itself with a wonderful cap
And he fell asleep under her soundly, soundly...
God's days short, the sun shines little,
Now the frosts have arrived - and winter has come.

The toiling peasant pulled out his sleigh,
Children are building snow mountains.
The peasant has been waiting for winter and cold for a long time,
And he covered the outside of the hut with straw.

So that the wind does not penetrate into the hut through the cracks,
Blizzards and blizzards would not blow snow.
He is now calm - everything is covered,
And he is not afraid of the angry frost.

“Snow” (I. Nikitin)
“In yards and houses.
The snow lies like a sheet.
And it shines from the sun.
Multi-colored fire."

“Winter Song” (M. Elichin)
“Where are you, sunshine, really?
We're completely numb.
Without you, the water froze.
Without you, the earth is frozen.
Come out soon, sunshine.
Caress and warm!

“It’s snowing” (M. Poznanskaya)
“Quietly, quietly it’s snowing.
White snow, shaggy.
We will clear the snow and ice.
In the yard with a shovel.”

“Like on a hill - snow, snow” (I. Tokmakova)
Like on a hill - snow, snow,
And under the hill - snow, snow,
And on the tree there is snow, snow,
And under the tree there is snow, snow.
And a bear sleeps under the snow.
Hush hush. Keep quiet!

“Cold” (O. Vysotskaya)
Who meowed at the door? -
Open it quickly! -
It's very cold in winter.
Murka asks to go home.

“On a sled” (O. Vysotskaya)
The sled rolled down.
Hold on tight, doll!
You sit, don’t fall, -
There's a ditch ahead!
You must drive carefully!
Otherwise you might crash!

“In mittens” (Z. Alexandrova)
In small mittens
Palms hidden.
Help with felt boots
Should I put on my boots...
The first snow fell at night.
We got dressed before everyone else.
I'm pushing a sled -
I want to go for a walk.

Galina Vykhrystyuk
Speech games on the theme “Winter”

Task 1. Parents are advised to find out whether the child knows what time of year it is. Can you list the signs of winter? For example, It’s frosty outside, the ground is covered with snow. Snow lies on tree branches and on the roofs of houses. The reservoirs are covered with ice. People put on warm winter clothes. Children sled, ski and skate. Bullfinches have arrived, etc. Task 2. Name the winter months. What is the first winter month? What is the last? What month is before January? What month is between December and February? etc.

Task 3. "Explain a word" (formation of complex words):A) What words are words formed from? "ice", snowfall", "snow scooter", "snowmobile".B) Clarify with the child the meaning of words "blizzard", snowstorm".

Task 4. "Pick a sign" (choose as many adjectives for nouns as possible)Winter(which) cold, frosty, snowy, long, lingering. Snow (Which)– white, soft, clean, light, fluffy, cold. Snowflakes (which)– white, light, patterned, beautiful, cold, fragile. Icicle (which)-hard, smooth, cold, sharp, shiny. Ice (Which)– smooth, shiny, cold, hard. Weather (which).

Task 5. "Pick an action"(match verbs to nouns. Snowflakes in winter (what are they doing). Ice in the sun (what is he doing). Freezing (what is he doing). Blizzard (what is he doing). Task 6. Game "Call me kindly".Snow - snowball. Ice -. Winter -. Freezing -. Blizzard -. Sun -.

Task 7. "Count" (agreement of numeral with noun) One snowflake, two snowflakes, three snowflakes, four snowflakes, five snowflakes. (Likewise: snowman, icicle, slide, snowdrift, etc.)

Task 8. “What about yesterday?” (use of verbs in the past tense) Today the snow shines, but yesterday. (glittered) It's snowing today, but yesterday... Today the ice sparkles, but yesterday. Today the snow crunches, but yesterday. Today it snows, but yesterday. Today the snow is swirling, but yesterday...

Task 9. Game “Which one?” (formation of adjectives) Snow slide (which)- snowy. Ice path (which)-. Frosty weather (which)-. Task 10. Game "Say it the other way around".Days are hot in summer and cold in winter. In summer the sky is bright, and in winter -. In summer the days are long, and in winter -... In summer the sun shines brightly, and in winter -... In spring the ice on the river is thin, and in winter it is thin. The snow is soft and the ice. -. Some icicles are long, while others are... Task 11. Winter-themed riddles. Guess who All the fluffs are sliding from the sky - The gray-haired mistress:Silver. (snowflakes) The featherbeds will shake - Above the world of fluff. (winter) Fishes live warmly in winter: Look in the snow, the roof is thick glass. With a red breast. (bullfinches (ice) What grows upside down? Not fire, but burns (frost (icicle) The calendar begins, it is fluffy, silvery, a month with a name. (January)But don't touch him with your hand: It will become a drop of pure, as soon as you catch it in the palm of your hand. (snow)

Publications on the topic:

The game aid is a series of cubes of different sizes, on the sides of which there are various symbols for didactic exercises. Gaming.


What does it cost us to build a house? Speech games on word formation. 1. “Name a house that has 1,2,3,4,5 and many floors.” (Formation of complex adjectives). House with one floor - which one? - cottage.

1. “Which one?” (Word formation of relative adjectives). A plush bear – a plush ball made of leather – a leather house made of plastic.

Card file “Speech games and exercises for children 5–6 years old” 1. “Can you name it?” Goal: select words based on a given vowel sound, which is located at the beginning of the word. Progress of the game. The teacher asks any vowel.

Consultation for parents “Speech games on the way to kindergarten” It often happens that on the way to kindergarten sleep-deprived preschoolers begin to be capricious, and in response to this, parents often begin to get nervous.

Elena Loboda
Speech games for the middle group on the topics “Winter”, “ New Year", "Winter fun", "Dishes"

Winter theme

Dictionary expansion:

Winter, snow, frost, ice, snowflake, snowman, skis, sled, snowflakes, snowdrift

Revenge, blow, fall, roll, slide, sparkle, fly,

Frosty, cold, fierce, light, fluffy, shiny, sparkling.

Call me kindly

Tasks: .

Snow - snowball

Winter - winter

Ice - ice

Sleigh - sleigh

One is many

Snow - a lot of snow

Snowflake - many snowflakes

Snowman - many snowmen

Sleds - lots of sleds

Ice - lots of ice

Count to five

One snowball, two snowballs, ... five snowballs

One piece of ice, two pieces of ice, ... five pieces of ice

One snowflake, two snowflakes, ... five snowflakes

What are the guys doing (based on pictures)

Objectives: develop a verb vocabulary

Tanya sculpts, children sculpt

Tolya plays, children play

Olya is skating, the children are skating

Tell me which one (which one)

What's winter like? frosty, snowy, fierce, cold, warm,

What kind of snow? White, fluffy, dirty, cold, shiny, sparkling

What kind of ice? Transparent, cold

It doesn't happen

Objectives: Expanding the volume of the dictionary, clarifying ideas about the signs of winter

Ice on the river

The grass is turning green

Leaves fall


New Year theme

Dictionary expansion:

Holiday, Christmas tree, Snow Maiden, toy, gift, garland, mask, Santa Claus, year, round dance, parsley, poems, song,

Have fun, dance in circles, meet, receive gifts, tell stories, dress up, break, play, see off, sing,

New Year's, joyful, cheerful, festive, old, elegant, colorful, green, fluffy, Christmas tree

Say it kindly

Christmas tree - Christmas tree

Toy - toy

Song - song

Gift - gift

Mask - mask

One is many

Objectives: to consolidate the ability to form nouns into gender. P

Christmas tree - Christmas trees - many Christmas trees

Toy – toys – many toys

Gift - gifts - many gifts

Mask - masks - many masks

Garland - garlands - many garlands

Verse - poems - many poems

Tell me which one

Objectives: learn to select words signs

What holiday is New Year?

Brilliant, cheerful, bright, interesting, noisy

Theme: Winter fun

Dictionary expansion

: skating rink, sled, skis, sticks, skates, slide, snowman, lump, lump, snowballs

They roll, sculpt, play, throw, throw,

Big, small, round, long, ski, high, snowy,

Slippery, cold, fast,

“Say the word.”

Objectives: learn to form words for the word snow.

In winter, everything around is covered with white fluffy snow. Let's play with the word "snow".

“Quietly, quietly, as in a dream, it falls to the ground. (Snow.)

Silvery fluffs keep sliding from the sky. (Snowflakes.)

Everyone is racing, everyone wants to play. (Snowballs.)

It’s like he’s dressed up in a white down jacket. (Snowman.)

Call me kindly (with a ball)

consolidate skills in the formation of nouns and diminutive forms

Frost - (frost).

Ice - (ice).

Cold - (chill).

Snow - (snowball).

Snowflake - (snowflake).

Christmas tree - (herringbone)

Sledge - (sleigh)

Gorka – (hill)

The fourth one is extra.

(based on pictures)

Objectives: teach children logical thinking, explain their choices

Sled, skates, skis, ball

Snowman, snowballs, slide, pencil

Slide, sled, skates, sand

Say the opposite (from pictures)

Big lump - small lump

Drive fast - walk slowly

Cold snow - hot tea

Tableware theme

Dictionary expansion:

plate, cup, saucer, saucepan, frying pan, kettle, spoon, fork, knife, bottom, wall, handle, lid, dishes, breakfast, lunch, dinner, afternoon snack, kitchen.

red, yellow, green, blue, wider, longer, big, small, round, hot, fragile, dirty, clean...

eat, drink, boil, fry, cook, pour, clean, cut, eat, feed, drink, wash, serve, bring, put, protect, beat, drop, dry, wipe.

Say a lot with the word (from the picture)

Objectives: to consolidate the ability to form nouns into gender. P

Mug – there are a lot of mugs on the shelf

Plate – many plates

Spoon - many spoons

Call me kindly (with a ball)

consolidate skills in the formation of nouns and diminutive forms

cup - cup

spoon - spoon

knife - little knife

plate - plate

saucer - saucer

The fourth one is extra.

(based on pictures)

Objectives: develop logical thinking in children, teach them to explain their choices. Secure the general word TABLEWARE

Say the opposite (from pictures)

Objectives: introduce words with opposite meanings.

The spoon is clean - the spoon is dirty.

A deep plate - a shallow plate.

Big cup - small cup.

The frying pan is heavy - the frying pan is light.

Old knife - new knife.

“Who can come up with the most action words?”

Objectives: consolidate action words related to dishes.

Fry, boil, break, wash, pour, pour out, wipe, cover with a lid, cook, bring, set, drink.

Help grandma Fedora

Objectives: develop coherent speech, verb vocabulary

(Dishes need to be washed, cleaned, wiped, put back in place, and handled carefully so that they do not break.)

Count the dishes for the guests.

Objectives: to develop the ability to coordinate numerals with nouns, highlighting endings with voice

One mug, two mugs...five mugs