Organization and methodology for conducting an ecological excursion to the reservoir in an elementary school. Excursion to the pond with children of the middle group Equipment for excursions to the pond

Sections: Primary School

Purpose: the formation in children of a certain amount of systematized information about the variety of adaptations of living organisms to the conditions of the aquatic environment.

Tasks: Educational: to acquaint children with the variety of living organisms that live in the lakes of our region.

  • Developing: development of self-observation skills; development of poetic perception of nature; development of attention, imagination, perception, different forms of thinking in children.
  • Educational: destruction of the barrier of aesthetic deafness and callousness to all living things; awareness of children as accomplices of occurring natural phenomena, respecting the rights of the rest of the inhabitants of this world;
    Evaluation by children of their actions in nature; laying the foundations of environmental ethics in children ..
  • Equipment: nets, plastic bags, jars, magnifiers, botanical folder (for collecting plants), albums, easels, paints, pencils, Whatman paper. Camping breakfast.

    Duration of the lesson: 2 lessons.

    Excursion plan

    p / p

    Stages Temporary implementation Responsible
    1 Determination of the place for the excursion:

    Lake "Okunevoe". The decision to take the children to their destination.

    First week of September. Teacher, parents.
    2 Checking the sanitary standards of the reservoir (clean bottom, easy access to the water, a rich set of animals and plants). First week of September. Teacher, parents.
    3 Selection and study of literature on the topic of the excursion. First week of September. Teacher, parents.
    4 Selection of specific objects - the inhabitants of the lake - for independent search work in groups or individually. First week of September. Teacher,
    5 Drawing up a synopsis: goals and objectives, introductory part, research of objects of observation on assignment. Generalizing conversation. Second week of September Teacher,
    6 Development of pre-excursion, excursion, post-excursion assignment cards for students. Second week of September Teacher,
    7 Conduct a conversation about what clothes should be during an excursion, introduce them to the rules of behavior in nature. Second week of September Teacher, parents,
    head of OBZH
    8 Prepare and bring the necessary equipment for the excursion: nets (water and air), cans, plastic bags, magnifiers. Second week of September Students.
    9 Try on your own to collect information about selected objects (plants and animals of a given reservoir); poems, stories, riddles, proverbs, legends. Poems can be learned by heart. First and second week of September Students.
    10 Excursion to Lake Okunevoe. Transportation of children to their destination. 12-th of September Teacher, parents,

    During the classes

    1. Organizational moment

    • arrival at Lake Okunevoe
    • location of students and parents by the lake
    • checking the readiness for the lesson

    2. Emotional and poetic perception of the surrounding world.

    There is a small lake in front of you. People call it Okunevoe. Why? How many knows? Look around, how quiet and peaceful it is. Let's listen to this silence. Try to use all your senses during silence: hearing, sight, smell, touch. (After a short silence, it is recommended to ask questions).

    • What did your ears hear?
    • What did your eyes see?
    • What smells did you smell?
    • What are your feelings? After the answers of the children, a conclusion can be drawn.

    No noise is heard, eyes and ears are resting, the air is clean and fresh. It is filled with the scent of coastal grasses.
    Is it good for you here? What's your mood? At these moments I want to read poetry, sing songs. Let's sit quietly and read poetry.

    Great day!
    Such wonderful weather
    It happens only in a wondrous September occasion.
    All nature rejoices in festive attire,
    And golden autumn is circling above the ground.

    And the sun shines tenderly and tenderly,
    Giving the earth a piece of warmth,
    And over the water with careless grace
    Butterflies flutter like late flowers.
    (V. Kochuraev)

    On a clear morning on a quiet pond
    Swallows briskly soar around,
    Down to the water itself
    Just touch the moisture with the wing.
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    (I. Bunin)

    3. Self-research work.

    Guys, pay attention to how the water surface beckons to itself, delights with the overflow of colors. I just want to enter this kingdom of peace and get to know all its inhabitants. But it's already cool! It is forbidden! Or maybe someone knows and will tell us what animals live in the lake? Today we will try to become scientists-researchers and get acquainted with the inhabitants of this water kingdom.

    On the instructions of the teacher, independent group observations are carried out - research, i.e. students are divided into groups led by adults. Receive cards with assignments.

    The first group examines the shore of the lake. This will require jars, air nets, bags.

    The second group examines what plants are growing around the lake. You will need a botanical folder where plants for the herbarium are placed.

    The third group will get acquainted with the inhabitants of the reservoir. This will require water nets, jars.

    We'll meet in 10 minutes.

    4. Generalization of information obtained in the course of independent research work:

    - What animals live in the lake?
    - Name the plants that grow in this reservoir? Their role in the life of the lake?
    - What did you find on the shore of our lake?
    - Compare the structure of the body and color of crucian carp and perch? Etc.

    Note... To get the full amount of knowledge about plants and animals of small reservoirs, the teacher and parents prepare them in advance, in case the children do not meet these animals during independent observation (snail, shells, leeches, daphnia, silver spider, various beetles and spiders, perch, crucian carp).

    Output. Various animals live in shallow bodies of water: frogs, fish, insects. Here is a water strider bug. Tell me, why doesn't he sink? Correctly, their legs are covered with fine hairs. Which are greased. Therefore, water striders do not sink, but move freely in the water.

    Hear the riddle

    What else have you learned about the water strider bug? He is a predator. It catches mosquito larvae, attacks insects, plunges its sharp proboscis into the insect's body and quickly sucks out its prey.

    Our lake is covered with various plants, many of which are interesting.

    Before you is elodea. This is a small plant, the branchy stem of which is completely covered with small leaves. Elodea grows very quickly.

    Reservoirs are quickly overgrown with it. For this, the people call it “water plague”.

    There is a close bond between plants and animals. Aquatic plants release oxygen and purify water from impurities and serve as food and shelter for animals.

    What helps animals live in water? What will happen to them if the lake dries up or someone throws them ashore? In nature, everything is connected. The extinction of some living beings leads to the disappearance of others. The frog feeds on mosquitoes, flies, thereby helping a person to fight unpleasant insects. If there are no frogs, we will be overcome by mosquitoes. This chain can be continued. Therefore, never harm all animals. All animals on Earth are beneficial.

    5. Homework

    Talk about any plant or animal in small bodies of water. Write a story, fairy tale, or riddle about insects.

    6. While the children watched the plants and insects, the parents should prepare the fish soup. Organize the rest of the children.

    7. Guys, I suggest continuing our lesson. Did you like our lake?

    Let's try to depict our lake. How can you compare it?

    Who or what does it look like?

    (Mirror, saucer, airfield for dragonflies - helicopters, skating rink for water striders).

    “And it stands, like a mirror, a pond,
    Reflecting their shores ”.
    (I. Bunin)

    For those who find it difficult to draw a lake, you can draw insects or water lilies in the bosom of the water. A drawing competition is being held.

    8. The excursion is summed up.

    I know you really enjoyed the activity in nature. Children and adults often rest on the shores of this lake. What reminder would you like to leave to people who come to the reservoir? What kind of posters would you like to draw. Children, together with their parents, draw and write rules of behavior in nature.

    If your friends ask you:
    "Where were you today?"
    Answer amicably:
    “We were on the lake-
    Perch were caught.
    And they also heard
    As the frogs croaked.
    The dragonfly was caught, -
    The wings are good!
    They climbed for a water lily
    Through the reeds.
    Feet tied in the silt ...
    This is where we were today!


    1. Teaching Methodology “The World Around”, N.F. Vinogradova, “Ventana-Graf”, 2006.
    2. A book for a teacher, 1–2 grades. “Methodical conversations” by N.F. Vinogradov. M., 2001.
    3. Scientific-methodical journal "Siberian teacher", No. 4 2002.
    4. “Organization of excursions”.
    5. Blaginina E.“Guess where we've been.”

    Annotation: During the excursion, students will get acquainted with the natural community - the reservoir, expand their knowledge of plants and animals that live in the reservoir. In the field, the children will be able to study the plants of the reservoir and some species of invertebrates. The work is addressed to teachers of additional environmental education, teachers of biology and students in grades 6-9.
    Danilchenko Oksana Anatolyevna, head of the department for the main activities of the State Educational Institution "Slutsk EBCU", Slutsk, Republic of Belarus
    Target: To form students' ideas about the reservoir as a community in which plants, insects, fish, algae, etc. live together.
    Educational: to acquaint students with the flora and fauna of the reservoir, to consolidate in practice their knowledge of the wildlife of these biocenoses, their relationship; to continue the formation in children of the ability to carry out the simplest observations of nature, to model the schemes of ecological relations in nature.
    Educational: show students with specific examples the meaning of the purity of the surrounding world; continue education of the foundations of ecological culture.
    Equipment: compass, binoculars, magnifying glass, nets, boxes and corks for collecting collection material, notebook, pencil, didactic material, thermometer, camera.
    Location: water.
    Time spending: April June.
    Students age: 11-14 years old.
    1. Conversation about the purpose of the excursion and the rules of conduct during it.
    2. Students are divided into groups.
    3. Repetition of zones of distribution of plants in water (Appendix No. 1).
    4. Recall from the illustrations what animals can be found on the reservoir.
    5. Preparation of questions, riddles and assignments for children. 1. Conversation about the importance of water.
    Today is our excursion to the reservoir. First, listen to the "fairy tale". One day people found oil. With a huge fountain, she rose above the ground and began to boast:
    - I, the strongest, I am the most beautiful. Everyone calls me "black gold". The water heard this and said:
    - If you are the strongest, then try to live without me.
    - Just think, - snorted the oil. - Well, I'll live.
    And the fountain of oil became less and less every day, until it completely dried up. And then a quiet voice was heard from the ground:
    - Help me water. I can't live without you, I can't see the land. The water shrank and supported the oil. And she again rose above the ground as a fountain and whispered:
    - Thank you water. You are not more important on earth. "
    What conclusion can be drawn from listening to this story? (Without water, life on earth is impossible).
    2. Aquatic vegetation.
    a \ Guys, what are the three main distribution zones of aquatic plants do you know? (guys answers)
    b \ Remember what groups are aquatic plants? (the guys' answers).
    The tasks are performed by all groups of children.
    a \ Identify three zones of a given reservoir, measure the temperature of the water in them, mark the nature of the coast. Write down the received data.
    b \ Consider the plants in each zone of the reservoir, determine them, establish to which group each plant belongs.
    c \ See what plants grow on the shore. Identify them and make a list.
    For example:
    1. Weeping willow
    2. Black alder
    3. Aquatic animals
    In order to remember what animals live in water bodies and near them, we answer questions and guess riddles:
    1. Parents and children have all clothes made of coins. (Fish, their scales)
    2. Dragoon, bully, lives in the water, and the claws on the back - and the pike will not swallow. (Ruff)
    3. Which fish have antennae? (Catfish, carp, gudgeon)
    4. Does not walk, does not run, only jumps. (Frog)
    5. Not a blacksmith, but with claws. (Cancer)
    6. The eyes are on the horns, and the house is on the back. Who is this? (Snail)
    7. As it flies to the river, immediately climbs into the water.
    "Quack" - dived for a minute, did you recognize? This is (Duck)
    8. What kind of beast is called the "river builder?" (Beaver)
    9. What annelid worm is called a healer? (Medicinal leech)
    10. A blue airplane has landed on a white dandelion. (Dragonfly)
    Thus, we conclude that the fauna of the reservoir is no less rich and interesting than the flora.
    Tasks 1 are performed by all groups of children, and tasks 2, 3, 4 and 5 are distributed among the groups.
    1. Visually identify the species of animals that you will see on aquatic plants, on the surface and in the water column, above the water, and at the bottom of the reservoir.
    a / mark what they are doing.
    b / make a conclusion about the species composition of animals in this area.
    c / make a list.
    2. Observing water striders.
    a / Consider a water strider on the surface of the reservoir. Pay attention to the way she travels. Note the features in the body and limbs of the water strider that allow it to glide on the water like on skis. (Appendix No. 2)
    b / Observe how the water strider captures prey. What limbs does she use for this? What does the color of her body matter?
    c / Sketch the appearance of the water strider.
    3. Watching dragonflies.
    a / Visually identify the species of dragonflies flying over the area.
    b / Observe the hunting of dragonflies.
    c / Why is the life of dragonflies closely related to the reservoir?
    4. Observation of molluscs.
    a / Identify the types of mollusks in this area (Appendix # 3). Collect some snails in a jar.
    b / Draw snails.
    c / Determine and compare the speed of movement of snails and after what period of time they rise for a new portion of air (7-9 times per hour). (after the excursion)
    5. Observation of leeches.
    a / Find and catch a leech with a net, plant it in a separate container. Determine what species it belongs to (Appendix # 4).
    b / Observe the movements of the leech: it swims, walks.
    c / Sketch the movements of the leech. 1. Discussion of completed assignments.
    2. Establishing relationships between known to students plant and animal species of aquatic biogeocenosis.
    3. Drawing up schemes of possible nutritional goals in a freshwater reservoir.
    4. Disclosure of the importance of reservoirs in nature and human life, as well as the need to take measures to protect them.
    1.VV Travnikova "Biological excursions" St. Petersburg, 2002.
    2. Veremchuk O. N. Zhukovsky A.T. Yakimovich I.K. "Natural Communities of Belarus" Brest, from S. Lavrov 2003
    3.M. A. Kozlov I.M. Oliger "School atlas-guide for invertebrates" M .: "Education", 1991.
    4. "Zoo in your book" Comp. V.V. Nikitin, V.I. Basharin, A.G. Basharina, Kharkov "Service", 1992
    Appendix No. 1
    Plants distribution zones of the reservoir
    The first zone occupies a shallow strip of water closest to the coast, up to 1 m deep, and can be called an amphibian. It sometimes dries up, and the plants located here are adapted to exist in conditions of intermittent flooding. The most common representatives here:
    sedges, arrowhead, watch, saber.
    The second zone goes to a depth of 2-3 meters. If a body of water immediately from the coast begins such a depth, then in a similar case, this zone begins from the coast. The second zone contains reeds, reeds, and cattails.
    The third zone is up to 4-5 meters deep. Water lilies, egg capsules, elodea, hornwort grow here.
    Higher plants do not go further into the depths of the reservoir, and algae can develop here.
    Plants are not attached to the bottom, i.e. free-floating ones, like duckweed, pemphigus, etc., cannot be attributed to any one zone: they swim between plants of different zones, especially deeper ones.
    Classification of aquatic plants.
    Hydrophytes are terrestrial plants in wet, waterlogged and periodically inundated habitats with high air humidity.
    They often grow in the beds of shallow rivers and streams, on damp coastal shoals, along the banks of water bodies. For example: marsh calamus, marsh forget-me-not, marsh purse.
    Hydrophytes are true aquatic plants that constantly grow in water. They are divided into three groups.
    1. Plants submerged in water - the main vegetative mass is located in the water column. (elodea canadensis, pemphigus vulgaris)
    2. Floating Plants - Leaves and other photosynthetic organs float on the surface of the water. (ordinary water color, yellow egg capsule).
    3. Air-aquatic plants - plants rooting at the bottom of the reservoir, some of the shoots are in the aquatic environment, and some rise above the surface of the water. (lake reed, narrow-leaved cattail).
    Appendix No. 2
    Water strider.
    Water striders live on a surface film of stagnant water. They move, cutting through the air with a narrow body and spreading 4 long hind legs wide apart. The water strider feeds on insects, sucking the contents of prey with its proboscis.
    Appendix No. 3
    Definition of molluscs
    A type of shellfish. Class molluscs gastropods.
    Family of pond snails. The shell is spirally twisted, in the form of a turret.
    Common pond snail. The largest of the pond snails, shell height 45-55mm. Inhabits standing water bodies that are necessarily well overgrown with aquatic vegetation. With the help of the foot, the pond snail either glides on the surface of underwater objects and grass, or, hanging from the bottom to the surface of the water film, slides over it.
    Swamp pond snail. It looks like an ordinary one, but its shell has the shape of a very sharp cone and is distinguished by a darker color.
    Ear pond snail. A shell with a short curl and a swollen last whorl. The shell resembles a human ear in shape, hence the name of the species. It is less common than ordinary.
    Coil family... The shell coils are located in the same plane.
    Horn coil. This mollusk has a shell diameter of up to 35 mm. It lives on plants in stagnant water bodies, in the same place as an ordinary pond snail, but rarely rises to the surface of the water.
    Coiled coil. In a bordered coil, the shell is dark brown, 20 mm in diameter, with 5-6 turns. There is a sharp keel on the bottom of the last whorl. Inhabits shallow water bodies and in the coastal part of large water bodies.
    The coil is spun. The shell is yellow, up to 10 mm in diameter, with 6-7 whorls. On the last whorl there is a sharp, downwardly displaced keel. Inhabits coastal thickets of stagnant water bodies, often swims on the water surface.
    The family of the lawn. The mouth of the sink is closed with a lid. Sink with longitudinal stripes.
    Marsh meadow. Sink up to 43 mm high. Inhabited in lakes, ponds, sometimes even in puddles with clear water. Keeps at the bottom.
    Luzhanka river. The shell is thicker and more durable, 25 mm high, 26 mm wide, with less convex whorls than that of the marsh.
    Class bivalve molluscs.
    Pearl barley family. The shell is elongated and oval. On each valve, the most convex, protruding part, the apex, is visible.
    Common pearl barley... The shell is long, narrow, up to 145 mm. Coloring in young individuals is yellow-green, in old ones it is greenish-brown. Inhabits lakes and rivers, in places with a slow current, on sandy, not very silted soil.
    Swollen pearl barley. In this species, the shell is shorter, up to 110 mm. The habitats are the same.
    Common toothless. The shell is 10-15 mm long, sometimes up to 20 mm. It inhabits heavily silted soils, sandy, in lakes, ponds and rivers with a slow current.
    Sharovka family. The shells are strongly swollen, almost spherical. The ball is horny. Shell with a diameter of 10-15 mm, brown color. The apex of the shell valves is in its middle.
    River pea. The valve apex is shifted to the side, the shell is short-oval. Shell diameter 10-11 mm.
    Appendix No. 4
    Definition of leeches.
    Small pseudo-horse leech. Body length 4-6 cm. Brown or yellow-gray with yellow spots, which are located in transverse rows. The body is articulate with two suckers. An active predator. 4 pairs of eyes.
    Great pseudo-horse leech. Large leech - body length up to 15 cm. The diameter of the posterior sucker is approximately half the width of the body. Coloring from dark green to black. The ventral side is lighter than the dorsal - greenish with specks. The body is articulate, with two suckers.
    Snail leech. Small leech - body length 2-3 cm, yellowish or olive-brown in color with many specks and specks. The posterior suction cup is clearly visible. There is a small suction cup at the front end.

    Transitional swamps

    Low-lying bogs are transformed into high bogs. This occurs as a result of a gradual disruption of their connection with groundwater, due to an increase in the layer of peat. As the layer of peat grows, the inflow of groundwater decreases, and associations of plants appear that are less demanding on mineral nutrition and are able to develop on acidic substrates. In forest lowland swamps, spruce is replaced by birch, then pine, shrub and herbaceous vegetation changes. Transitional bogs are characterized by a combination of features of lowland and raised bogs.

    In nature, there is a large group of higher and lower plants for which water is their habitat. These are aquatic and coastal plants. The aquatic environment has its own specific characteristics that lead to the development of certain traits in plants of this group.


    1. Bright illumination of the water mirror and its sharp weakening with depth, which leads to a reduction in the daylight hours of aquatic plants.

    2. Water is many times denser than air and itself supports the plants living in it. This leads to underdevelopment or disappearance of mechanical tissues. Therefore, the stems and leaves of aquatic plants are soft and flexible, easily moved by the current.

    3. There is less oxygen in water than in air; therefore, aquatic plants have a number of adaptations that protect them from "oxygen starvation". Due to the special structure of the membranes of the cells of the integumentary tissues, many plants absorb water with oxygen dissolved in it throughout the entire surface. The strong dissection of the underwater leaves serves to improve gas exchange, due to which the surface of their contact with water and the development of intercellular spaces and air cavities (aerenchyme tissue) through which air enters in all organs.

    4. Since the inhabitants of reservoirs absorb nutrients dissolved in water, the entire surface, then they have a poorly developed root system and conductive tissues. The roots attach the plant to the ground, and in some cases disappear altogether.

    5. Some plants are covered with mucus on the outside, which is produced by special cells, this prevents saline solutions from being washed out of the plants.

    6. The temperature regime of water bodies differs sharply from the atmospheric one. In summer, the water temperature is lower than the air temperature, therefore, aquatic plants bloom late, vegetative propagation (by rhizomes, sections of stems, special buds) prevails over seed. In winter, deep reservoirs do not freeze and the temperature of the water in the depths remains more or less constant throughout the winter, therefore, during this period, the plants "hide" under the water. Some of them completely submerge, and in the spring they emerge (duckweed), others hibernate in the form of rhizomes creeping along the bottom or immersed in the ground, while others form hibernating shoots or buds by autumn, which also sink to the bottom, and in spring they emerge and give rise to new shoots ...

    kristina bagieva
    Summary of the lesson-excursion to the reservoir (pond) in the spring

    Summary of the excursion to the reservoir(pond) .

    Middle group (2) .

    Educator: Bagieva K.V.

    the date of the: 06.04.2016

    Location: Village Zakharyino

    Target: introduce children to a pond - a natural reservoir, with the phenomena occurring in the spring by the water.


    1. To reinforce the children's idea that in the spring the sun warms more, snow and ice melt;

    2. Explain the concept "Ice drift";

    3. Show value and beauty reservoirs of our village;

    4. Enrich observation vocabulary;

    5. Remember what plants live near pond;

    6. Remember the inhabitants pond;

    7. Develop observation skills;

    8. To consolidate the rules of conduct about reservoirs.

    Methodical techniques: conversation, play, observation.

    Organizational work: preliminary inspection of the excursion site, acquaintance with the state of the object; development of the route of the excursion.

    Tour progress:

    V: - Guys, we are now going on an excursion. Tell me, what sights are there in our village? (Answer)... The attraction of our village, where many residents have a rest, is pond... In summer, people swim on hot days, fish, rinse their clothes and simply admire the beauty of nature.

    But before we go on pond, let's remember how to behave on excursions (no need to run, no need to shout loudly, listen carefully to the teacher, etc.).

    And remember, please, one most important rule is to approach the water only with my permission, not to enter the water.

    (We set off on an excursion. Along the doga we celebrate the spring changes in nature.)

    Pictures of distant childhood

    Sometimes they stand before me ...

    And again I see a friend

    All in white jugs pond.

    Around him is a dark thicket,

    And the narrow winding path

    To him between tenacious bushes ...

    Guys, do you know who lives in the pond? I will ask you riddles, you will guess them, and then we will remember who lives in the pond.

    Along the river, along the water

    A string of boats floats.

    The ship is sailing ahead

    He leads everyone behind him.

    Small boats have no oars,

    And the boat is a painful walker.

    Left, right will turn

    He will lead the whole gang. (duck with ducklings)

    Swam in the water

    Remained dry. (goose)

    Stands over water

    Shakes his beard.


    Shines in a clean river

    The back is silvery.


    In the summer pond and swamp

    You will find it.

    Green frog-

    Of course, … .


    The teacher stops children 20-30 m from pond.

    Let's stop here and admire from afar a pond... Near pond it is always good to rest, there is always fresh air and it is easy to breathe. It is pleasant to the eyes to look at greenery and water. All this is good for a person's health.

    Let's get a little closer. The pond is a natural body of water it's such a big, deep pit filled with water.

    Let's take a look at the surface pond? What is she like? Now we have Spring and here and there ice still remained. Please remember how the pond looks like winter... What has changed and why?

    Listen. What do you hear? (children listen to the birds sing).Name the birds that returned to us after winter? (children list)

    See what shrubs grow along the banks pond... Do the same trees grow on our site? (No) Trees and shrubs grow here, which are very fond of moisture, many of them have long roots that feed on pond water... This tree is called willow. See how long roots it has. Willow is distinguished from other trees by branches hanging down to the water.

    Please note that the buds have already swollen on the trees, which means that soon the first leaves will appear from them.

    Let's take a look at the shore pond... The first weed is already breaking through, see?

    Do you think if the trees are near ponds are different from those that grows near our kindergarten, is the grass that grows here different?

    Let's remember those who live in the pond?

    Didactic game: "Who lives in the pond» .

    - Guys, tell us how residents pond connected to each other? (Plants are food and home for animals, some animals eat others, etc.)

    Individual work:

    Guys, what do you see on the shore pond? (Pebbles, sand)... Let's take a look at the sand that lies on the shore pond.

    The teacher collects sand in a bucket and distributes a little to the children.

    Tell me, is this sand like the one you play with in the sandbox? How

    Feel the sand. How does it feel? Why? (Answers children: the sand is wet and cold, because there is water nearby).

    But on the shore, besides the sand, there are also pebbles. Let's play with them.

    Outdoor play: "Circles on the water"

    The teacher draws a line in the sand, beyond which children cannot go. Children from the line should throw pebbles into the water.

    Target: learn to throw pebbles into the distance

    Guys, let's admire the wonderful nature again. See if the surrounding area is clean? Is there any trash? Is it good? (children's answers)

    - Near pond people rest, admire water, plants, animals, fishermen catch fish. What will happen if this pond will people start throwing trash? Wash cars in it? Wash clothes? Will its inhabitants like it? What will they do? ( the pond should not be littered: in dirty water, both plants and animals are bad - they will begin to die)

    Our excursion has come to an end, and it is time for us to return to kindergarten. But before we leave, let's see if we left behind trash.

    Labor activity: put your trash in a bag after you.

    Post-excursion work: Draw your impressions of the excursion. Hold an exhibition of drawings « Pond» .

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    LESSON 55 Excursion to the reservoir

    Theme. Excursion to the reservoir

    Purpose: to acquaint students with the flora and fauna of the reservoirs of their native land; promote the development of observation, imagination; foster respect for water bodies.


    I ... Organizing time

    II ... Message of the topic and purpose of the excursion

    Guess the riddle.

    There is a trough full of water. (Lake)

    What reservoirs are there in your city or village?

    Safety briefing while staying at the reservoir

    Remember: what are the rules of conduct among nature?

    Today we will observe the flora and fauna of the reservoir, you will learn more interesting material about the reservoirs of your native land.

    III ... Excursion

    Let's conduct a study of the reservoir.

    Examine the pond. Where are we?

    What is the name of the reservoir?

    Consider the beaches. What is the shape of its shores?

    What do you see?

    What plants grow on the shores of the reservoir?

    What trees grow near the reservoir?

    Look at those plants that grow in the reservoir.

    Why do you think they grow there? Name the plants that you recognize.

    Consider the green islands in the distance. What are they formed from? So, they are formed from small plants.

    Consider a duckweed. She plays a significant role in the life of the reservoir. Duckweed absorbs carbon dioxide and gives off a lot of oxygen, purifies the water of stagnant reservoirs. This plant is also eaten by waterfowl, muskrats, nutria. And there are also "islets" of yellow jugs, common arrowhead, etc.

    Are there such plants on the surface of the reservoir: white water lily, yellow jugs, duckweed?

    Observe the animals of the reservoir.

    What animals live on the surface of the water?

    Who saw and can name insects?

    Let's watch the water supply. How does it move? Why was she named that? Whom does she remind you of? So, a spider that moves along the surface of the lake, like ice skating. What are her limbs? Color and why?

    Consider a swivel. Who does she look like? Yes, this beetle is spinning all the time. The whirligig moves much faster than the water strider.

    What kind of insects are most often found over the lake? So, these are a variety of butterflies, which are an adornment of the external environment. What are they doing here?

    Now let's move to another place on the right, where there is less vegetation, and try to observe other inhabitants of the lake. For which ones? Guess!

    She lives in the water

    There is no beak, but it bites. (A fish)

    Has claws and a long mustache,

    I'm afraid of him myself;

    It nibbles like a goose

    Well, their name is shchipaku ... (cancer).

    Lives in a body of water;

    Sings songs all day.

    All green is baby

    It's called ... (frog).

    IV. Excursion summary

    Where did we go on the excursion?

    What changes in nature have you noticed?

    Do you remember the flora of the reservoir?

    Name the representatives of the fauna of the reservoir.

    What kind of insects and birds can be found near the reservoir?

    How should you take care of the protection of life by the lake?

    Tell us about the excursion at home.

    Appendix to Lesson 55

    Crossword "Ukraine"

    1) Not a grandfather, but a gray-haired one.

    Does not sleep, but spreads.

    Shelters land and ocean

    And his name is ... (fog).

    2) Between the banks flowed, flowed,

    The frost got stronger - lay under the glass. (River)

    3) It is not glass, not metal,

    And listen - it rings

    He digs the ground

    And runs to the river. (Creek)

    4) It grows upside down,

    It grows in cold winter.

    And only the sun will shine -

    She will cry and die. (Icicle)

    5) beautiful star snow white

    It flew into my sleeve, -

    While carrying her here,

    Became a drop of water. (Snowflake)

    6) Pushinka happens,

    She is a cloud

    It used to be like glass

    Fragile and hard

    Ordinary, tell me ... (water).