Year of the Horse: characteristics of a man. Year of the Horse: characteristics of men Since 1966

The birthday number 6 remains unbeatable. The nature is honest, frank, reliable. Views are progressive, but with the desire to create a name for oneself, achieve the respect and favor of others, maintain peace and tranquility among friends, and improve their living conditions.
You literally radiate optimism and cheerfulness.

This number is considered one of the happiest, since it is the sum of its divisors: 6 = 1 + 2 + 3. People of number 6 are harmonious and balanced, they are conducive to trust, although sometimes they are too stubborn. They are very romantic and amorous, their interests are usually focused on home and family. They have good taste, they are very attractive, and they easily get along with other people.

Lucky day of the week for number 6 is Friday.

Your planet is Venus.


By justifying the work or position entrusted to you, you are satisfied with what you have achieved and do not strive for the heights of your career or fame. Complacency and complacency sometimes prevent you from doing this. The mask of impassivity does not suit you, as it does not evoke much sympathy and gives rise to suspicion of hypocrisy.


Home, family; activities that require patience.
Six indicates an inactive, inert person who loves the comfort of home. It harmonizes relationships with the outside world, but can develop laziness and unscrupulousness, makes a person non-conflict, but at the same time forces him to work hard and painstakingly. The number patronizes doctors, laboratory workers, jewelers, designers, animators, museum workers and collectors.

Love, sex.

These people are usually very sexy. At the same time, they are by no means universally loved. Material considerations play a very important role for them when choosing a partner. If there is no sexual compatibility and mutual love between the spouses, this will become a source of disappointment and even a break in the relationship.

They should express their feelings and affection more openly. Then they will be more attracted to partners who will actually love them for who they are, and not as they appear to be.

Birth number for a woman

Birth number 6 for a woman Outwardly she seems calm, cold and even aloof, but underneath this lies sensuality and sexuality. In her youth she is often naive, sentimental and shy. As an adult, she becomes sensible. She is dreamy, has a rich imagination and high intuition. Can be soft, timid, modest or seductive, flirtatious, playful. Her unpredictability gives her a special appeal. Prone to romantic relationships. Cherishes every moment of love. He gives himself over to his feelings with all his heart and soul. She needs a sensitive and responsive partner; only such a person will make her happy. She does not tolerate half-heartedness in relationships: all or nothing. Wants to love and be loved, and to the end. Can be quick-tempered and touchy. She wants security, understanding and care. Although she herself is able to withstand any storms in life. When parting with a partner, she tries to maintain friendly relations. Marriage and children are top priorities. She chooses a husband of equal social status and with similar interests. Relationships with relatives are of paramount importance to her, and she devotes a lot of time and effort to them.

Birth number for a man

Birth number 6 for a man Such a man is obligatory, hardworking and reliable. Strives for a stable relationship. He loves, selflessly surrendering to feelings. We are easily vulnerable, prefers to give more than to take. Sees the advantages and disadvantages of both the partner himself and the prospects of his relationship with him. His emotions are expressed most fully in the area of ​​relationships, and he strives to find a faithful, understanding companion. He can be a sincere and deeply devoted partner. His need for sensual love implies first of all the body, and then the soul. Able to adapt well to changing circumstances. If he is respected as a person, he feels confident, otherwise he changes his partner. He is very attached to his mother, and his wife has to carve out a place for herself in his life. Does not like innovations, observes many conventions. Has heightened intuition. Home and family are the main thing for him. A big problem in relationships is increased sensitivity, sensitivity to criticism and judgment of others. Can be pedantic and demanding of others. He needs to forgive other people for their shortcomings and value their virtues more. It is better to find a companion with similar professional interests, in his circle, so that his friends like her, but does not stand higher in social status.

Birth number 1

People born on the 1st are highly creative and inventive people. They strongly believe in their views and have great powers of persuasion. They do not like restrictions and unsolicited advice, as well as any interference in their affairs, so they prefer to work alone, regardless of others. They may exhibit dictatorial tendencies.

These people have enormous determination and willpower, but can sometimes be stubborn and willful. The main emotion is excessive ambition; they can direct all their mental abilities towards their implementation. Emotional passion, as a rule, is transitory, secondary, almost always subordinated to the satisfaction of their ambitions. They demand submission and obedience, so their marriage is not always successful.

These people show strong determination and perseverance, and do not give up on what they have planned. If this is tempered by the prudence that is inherent in them, it can lead to excellent results. In their speech they can be very straightforward, sometimes rude and cruel.

They are in agreement with those who consciously obey them, agree to remain their shadow, and do not try to be on equal terms with them. Only those who respect their individuality and freedom can get along with them.

These people are always outstanding, full of strong determination and creativity. Their personal qualities are of the highest order. But they have great difficulty communicating with other people. Those around them should show understanding and tact towards them.
From a health point of view, their weak points are the heart, eyes, and blood pressure.

Pythagorean square or psychomatrix

The qualities listed in the cells of the square can be strong, average, weak or absent, it all depends on the number of numbers in the cell.

Decoding the Pythagorean Square (cells of the square)

Character, willpower - 3

Energy, charisma - 3

Cognition, creativity - 0

Health, beauty - 2

Logic, intuition - 0

Hard work, skill - 3

Luck, luck - 0

Sense of duty - 0

Memory, mind - 1

Decoding the Pythagorean Square (rows, columns and diagonals of the square)

The higher the value, the more pronounced the quality.

Self-esteem (column “1-2-3”) - 6

Making money (column “4-5-6”) - 5

Talent potential (column “7-8-9”) - 1

Determination (line “1-4-7”) - 5

Family (line “2-5-8”) - 3

Stability (line “3-6-9”) - 4

Spiritual potential (diagonal “1-5-9”) - 4

Temperament (diagonal “3-5-7”) - 0

Chinese zodiac sign Snake

Every 2 years the Element of the year changes (fire, earth, metal, water, wood). The Chinese astrological system divides years into active, stormy (Yang) and passive, calm (Yin).

You Snake elements Tree of the year Yin

Birth hours

24 hours correspond to the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac. The sign of the Chinese horoscope of birth corresponds to the time of birth, so it is very important to know the exact time of birth; it has a strong impact on a person’s character. It is argued that by looking at your birth horoscope you can accurately determine the characteristics of your character.

The most striking manifestation of the qualities of the hour of birth will occur if the symbol of the hour of birth coincides with the symbol of the year. For example, a person born in the year and hour of the Horse will display the maximum qualities prescribed for this sign.

  • Rat – 23:00 – 01:00
  • Bull – 1:00 – 3:00
  • Tiger – 3:00 – 5:00
  • Rabbit – 5:00 – 7:00
  • Dragon – 7:00 – 9:00
  • Snake – 09:00 – 11:00
  • Horse – 11:00 – 13:00
  • Goat – 13:00 – 15:00
  • Monkey – 15:00 – 17:00
  • Rooster – 17:00 – 19:00
  • Dog – 19:00 – 21:00
  • Pig – 21:00 – 23:00

European zodiac sign Capricorn

Dates: 2013-12-22 -2014-01-20

The four Elements and their Signs are distributed as follows: Fire(Aries, Leo and Sagittarius), Earth(Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn), Air(Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) and Water(Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces). Since the elements help to describe the main character traits of a person, by including them in our horoscope, they help to form a more complete picture of a particular person.

The characteristics of this element are cold and dryness, metaphysical matter, strength and density. In the Zodiac, this element is represented by the earth's trine (triangle): Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. The Earth trine is considered a materialistic trine. Principle: stability.
The earth creates forms, laws, gives concreteness, stability, stability. The earth structures, analyzes, classifies, creates the foundation. She is characterized by such qualities as inertia, confidence, practicality, reliability, patience, rigor. In the body, the Earth gives inhibition, petrification through contraction and compression, and slows down the metabolic process.
People whose horoscopes express the element of Earth have a melancholic temperament. These are people of sober reason and prudence, very practical and businesslike. The goal of their life is always real and achievable, and the path to this goal is outlined already in their young years. If they deviate from their goal, it is very slightly and then more due to internal reasons than external ones. People of this trine achieve success thanks to such excellent character traits as perseverance, perseverance, endurance, endurance, determination, and steadfastness. They do not have such imagination and a bright, lively imagination as the signs of the Water trine, they do not have utopian ideas like the signs of Fire, but they persistently pursue their goal and always achieve it. They choose the path of least external resistance, and when obstacles arise, they mobilize their strength and energy to overcome everything that prevents them from achieving their intended goal.
People of the Earth element strive for mastery of matter. The creation of material values ​​brings them true satisfaction, and the results of their work delight their soul. All the goals that they set for themselves must first of all bring them benefit and material gain. If the majority of planets are in the Earth's trine, such principles will apply to all areas of life, including love and marriage.
People with a predominance of the Earth element stand firmly on their feet and prefer stability, moderation, and consistency. They love a sedentary lifestyle, attached to home, property and homeland. Periods of growth and prosperity are followed by crises, which can be long-lasting due to the inertia of the Earth’s trine. It is this inertia that does not allow them to quickly switch to a new type of activity or relationship. This shows their limited ability to adapt to anyone or anything, with the exception of the sign of Virgo.
People with a pronounced Earth element usually choose a profession related to material values, money or business. They often have “golden hands”, they are excellent craftsmen, and can be successful in applied sciences and applied arts. They are patient, submissive to circumstances, sometimes take a wait-and-see attitude, but do not forget about their daily bread. Everything is done with one goal - to improve your physical existence on earth. There will also be concern for the soul, but this will happen from case to case. All of the above is easily achievable for them, provided that their energy is not spent on such negative character traits as ultra-egoism, excessive prudence, self-interest and greed.

Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. The cardinal cross is the cross of will, the material basis of the universe, a new impulse of idea. His main quality is the desire for realization. It is always directed towards the future. It gives dynamism, activity, and the desire for a goal. A person in whose horoscope the Sun, Moon or most of the personal planets are in cardinal signs will be a man of action. Such people are energetic and live in the present; for them, the most important thing is the current moment in time and the feeling of “here and now.” Therefore, their emotions and sensations are bright and strong. Their joy is as strong and sincere as disappointment, but any emotions are short-lived, since soon these signs are immersed in a new life, in new sensations, and starting a new business. With age, their moods become more even and come to their usual businesslike mood. Obstacles do not frighten them, but only increase their pressure and desire for the goal. However, they do not have much strength to withstand the fight for their goal for too long. Therefore, if the struggle with an obstacle takes too long or the results of your efforts are not visible at all, then such an obstacle begins to seem insurmountable, which leads to disappointment, causes a loss of strength and can even lead to depression. Also detrimental to them is the lack of dynamics and the ability to take initiative. Such a person will always strive forward and upward, captivating him with his energy. He is always in sight, noticeably rises above his surroundings, achieves his life goal and reaches a high social level.

In Capricorn, the element of Earth manifests itself on a more subtle, ideal level. The main ruler here is Saturn. The ancient symbol of Capricorn is a goat that bursts out of the Earth and even has wings. This is an animal that connects the element of Earth and the next element of Air. This kind of duality is characteristic of you if your Sun is in the sign of Capricorn.

You are most likely a tough analyst, very driven. Determination is the deepest, most essential quality of Capricorns. You set a goal for yourself, to which you go, using your excellent tactical abilities, using your dexterity, in the worst case - cunning and conformity. In the worst case, on the way to your goal, you can literally sweep away everything; you act quite rigidly, clearly and definitely. In the worst case scenario, you are a very insidious person, and it is very difficult to catch you by the hand, because you act very subtly and delicately. To implement your plans and goals, you can use any means. Among such Capricorns we see Pol Pot, who destroyed several million people of his country, Mao Zedong.
Among Capricorns there are many people who live with an inner sense of purpose, whose goal in life is the desire to convey this sense of purpose to others. Therefore, among high Capricorns we find preachers, shepherds, prophets, missionaries, but with a stronger practical orientation. You can give not only a high idea, but also means to achieve, practical means, real schemes and ways to achieve high goals.

Your highest level is associated with an inner sense of high purpose. Sometimes this feeling is brought to the point of mysticism, to an unyielding desire to convey one’s lofty goal to the people. Ideally, these are the saviors of the world and humanity - Zarathustra, Christ. In history we find other Capricorns: Joan of Arc, philosopher Albert Schweitzer, Nostradamus. Among them were Gurdjieff with his “Man-Machine” system, Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon religion. Among Capricorns there are also many pessimists, extremely secretive people who do not let anyone get close to them. There are many among them ascetics, schema-monks, people who know how to limit themselves in everything.
If we talk about the dynamics of your development, then this is a direct desire for your goal and the ability to maneuver to achieve it. Sometimes you climb a mountain, sometimes, like a bird, jumping from ledge to ledge, leaving hunters far behind you, and climbing into places that others can never get there. But this manifests itself at the highest level of spiritual development.

1966 is the year of the Fire Horse, which began on January 21, 1966 and ended on February 8, 1967. People born during this period are distinguished by energy, courage, determination and extraordinary attractiveness. They have a sharp analytical mind, a wonderful sense of humor, and the ability to impress others. Horses are constant in their pursuit of goals, obsessed with ideas, and ready to fight for justice. They always strive for spiritual growth and love variety.

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People of this sign love independence, persistently strive for the position of leader, and always take an active position in life. They often look arrogant and proud, but this is only the outer side. In fact, Horses are friendly and attentive, which does not prevent them from being principled and uncompromising in some matters.

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    Esoteric characteristics

    People born during this period are similar in character to the animal corresponding to the sign of the eastern calendar. The horse radiates inexhaustible energy, has a lively mind, is hyperactive and passionate. In order to conquer new heights, she embarks on travels, often leaving her family to see the world. People of this constellation are endowed with magical powers that help them maintain optimism and overcome life's obstacles.

    An excellent sense of humor and public speaking skills help attract the right people who provide the necessary patronage for career advancement. The horse craves independence and freedom, but is afraid of making a mistake. That is why she always seeks support from those around her. To feel safe, a person of this sign resorts to charm and reassurance. These methods allow him to rally his family and friends around him and enjoy their attention. The horse does not tolerate ignoring its personality.

    Impulsivity and impatience can cause failure both in your personal life and in your professional life.

    Influence of Fire

    The element of Fire is associated with summer, the south, and midday heat. Its main characteristics are joy, passion and eager desire. Fire can be creative and destructive; there are no halftones or middle ground in it.

    All signs that are under the protection of this element are distinguished by their brightness and several times increase the qualities that are characteristic of a particular animal. The 1966 Year of the Red Fire Horse is no exception. Its representatives are idealistic, generous, and sacrificial. They set big goals for themselves and achieve positive results.

    Along with this, people are aggressive, quick-tempered, and are not inclined to listen to arguments. They are too sensitive, impulsive, and in some cases uncompromising. Horses attract others with their magnetic brilliance. The fire made them mystical warriors who fight for justice and are not afraid of difficulties. Ardent and passionate, people are obsessed with conquering everything that prevents the world from living in harmony. At the same time, their vision of reality occurs through the prism of exaggeration.

    Fire Horses are incredibly intuitive, especially when it comes to lies and deception. Hypocrites and unscrupulous people should beware of them, since representatives of the sign can be vindictive. People live bright and eventful lives, in which grief and happiness alternate. There is no middle ground in their destinies.

    Representatives of the sign rise to the pinnacle of fame or slide down the social ladder to the very bottom, often changing partners and place of residence.

    Magic symbols and talismans

    Magical talismans and symbols include:

    • Lucky colors - green, yellow.
    • Unlucky colors - white, blue.
    • Lucky numbers - 2, 3, 7.
    • Unlucky numbers - 1, 5, 6.
    • Flowers-mascots - jasmine, calla lilies.

    1980 - the year of the Metal Monkey: characteristics of men and women, compatibility

    general description

    In 1966, cheerful and optimistic people were born. They have a wonderful sense of humor and thanks to this skill they are able to defuse the most difficult situation. They are generous, will always come to the rescue, and will not leave loved ones in trouble.

    You can rely on Fire Horses because they never deviate from their principles and are not afraid of anything.

    These people are quite willful and do not tolerate restrictions, pressure and comments. If obstacles arise on their way, Horses demolish them without regret.

    Fire representatives do not make exceptions even for friends and relatives. They are capable of harming even close people who prevent them from reaching their intended goal. The horse is hardworking and resilient, but its wealth will not be stable. A person is too impatient, craves quick results, so he can often change his place of work and profession. Dynamics is the main condition for the comfort of a representative of the sign: he does not tolerate monotony and routine either in work, in everyday life, or in his personal life.

    The horse is a noble animal. In many cultures, it is considered a symbol of hard work, endurance, obedience and willfulness at the same time. In Eastern philosophy, the Horse symbolizes the positive flow of natural energy, which has a positive effect on humans. Representatives of the sign draw it from relaxation and walks in nature, as well as from sports and moderate physical activity.

    The main character traits are:



    • Kindness;
    • honesty;
    • generosity;
    • justice;
    • courage;
    • determination;
    • endurance;
    • patience;
    • hard work;
    • talent;
    • originality of thinking;
    • love of freedom;
    • independence;
    • energy;
    • freedom of expression;
    • straightforwardness;
    • great sense of humor;
    • determination;
    • liveliness;
    • communication skills;
    • sociability;
    • masculinity
    • Selfishness;
    • impatience;
    • hot temper;
    • impulsiveness;
    • categoricalness;
    • lack of perseverance;
    • unpredictability;
    • riskiness;
    • restlessness;
    • uncompromisingness;
    • stubbornness;
    • arrogance;
    • egocentrism;
    • thoughtlessness in actions;
    • ambition;
    • boastfulness;
    • self-confidence

    Representatives of the Fire Horse sign cannot live without change. This applies to all aspects of life, but travel will be preferable for them. When traveling far and near, there is a chance to benefit from interesting and necessary acquaintances.


    A man born in the year of the Red Fire Horse is energetic and assertive. He takes on a new business without hesitation and gives his all to implement his plans. This guy is selfish, cares little about the feelings of others, personal gain will always be a priority for this type of man. But this does not mean that the Horse forgets about the problems of his loved ones. He will always come to the rescue, you can rely on him. A man is ready to answer for his actions at any moment.

    The man born in 1966 has no equal in his professional activities. He is a master of his craft, loves to work, never gets tired, and does not complain about the lack of suitable conditions. You can entrust a horse with any task, and it will definitely bring it to the end.

    Character weaknesses include impatience and unpredictability. As long as a guy likes the job, he will do it. As soon as he gets bored with her, he will leave everything without hesitation and go in search of new “pastures.” Inconsistency causes frequent changes in professions and places of work of the Horse.

    In his personal life, the Horse man is also fickle. His feelings are based on passion, which must be constantly maintained. He is capable of instantly burning with all-consuming love, then completely cooling down. Next to him he sees a woman with whom he will not be bored. He will be immensely generous and attentive, and will do any deed for the sake of his beloved. A girl should support her partner in everything and not distract him over trifles.

    The main condition for a happy life with a representative of the Fire Horse sign is to become his like-minded person. The companion must be prepared for sudden changes (change of place of work and residence), be in the same rhythm with the chosen one, never limit his freedom, not argue or make comments.


    The fiery Horse woman is not afraid of any obstacles; nothing can unsettle her. She always achieves her goals of any complexity and joyfully celebrates her victory. The girl is extremely energetic, she needs constant movement. These could be physical actions or simply spiritual growth. She is capable and talented, has a wonderful imagination and an original look at simple things. The horse becomes a master of his craft within a short time after the start of training.

    A woman is capable of achieving great heights in the professional field and strives for leadership work. Monotony and routine can lead her to melancholy and even depression. If she works as a subordinate, she will demand freedom of action. The bosses know the value of the Horse’s abilities and agree to its conditions, since labor productivity increases significantly.

    In her personal life, a woman also shows her fighting qualities. She is not modest and attracts the attention of the man she likes. Being passionate and temperamental, the girl does not hide her feelings and is happy to show them to her chosen one.

    Men are impressed by such a bright and sexy lady, they are always ready to connect their lives with her. But in the process of communication, the guys understand the severity of this relationship. The girl is too impulsive, willful and does not want to adapt to anyone. Often the beautiful and stylish Fire Horse is left alone.

    To live happily with a Horse woman, you need to get used to her behavior. Capriciousness and arrogance are only external manifestations; in the soul it is completely different. For the sake of her beloved, the girl is ready to do a lot. In the family she will become an excellent housewife, a faithful wife and a caring mother.

    Personal life

    1966 is considered a double fire year, since the main element of the Horse as an animal is also Fire. This leaves an imprint on all types of relationships. Conservatism and stagnation are not inherent in the representatives of the sign. These people are ready for new discoveries and exciting acquaintances. They find their chosen one through trial and error.

    Horses can marry a person who simply impressed them at a certain period. Without hesitation or doubt, they will break off an old relationship if the other half no longer understands them.

    Fire Horses are enchanted at first sight if a person has an extraordinary appearance and creative thinking. Their love is commensurate with excitement, an all-consuming desire to be close to their loved one. They do everything to achieve what they want. Moreover, there is not a drop of hypocrisy or meanness in the actions of Horses; they are always sincere and straightforward. Representatives of the sign are generous, romantic, and original. But once they achieve what they want, their passion fades and the relationship becomes a burden.

    The desire for new physical and emotional sensations makes Horses prone to cheating. The strength of their temperament and extraordinary sexuality make them look for new inspiration. But if a like-minded person appears on the life path of a sign representative, they will have strong and long-term relationships. Being on the same wavelength, people will be able to achieve great results in any field. The horse will become devoted, faithful and domestic and will never go off on its own in search of adventure.

    Western horoscope

    Characteristics of the connection of the Fire Horse with the Western horoscope will help to more accurately draw up a psychological portrait of the representative of the sign.


    This is an energetic Horse. The combination with fiery Aries makes a person almost tireless. He is fearless, persistent, unstoppable in achieving his goals, but they change so quickly that no one can keep up with the Horse’s thoughts and actions. At the same time, Aries manages everything and demonstrates excellent quality of work. They are valued in the team because people are distinguished by their hard work and endurance. Friendship is not an empty phrase for them - Horses know how to make friends and be faithful.

    Aries does not tolerate restrictions in freedom and will find happiness in a pair with a like-minded person who shares his interests.


    This is a conservative Horse. The connection with Taurus made the representative of the sign more calm and balanced. He does not strive to rush thoughtlessly towards new discoveries, but prefers to weigh his actions. On a professional level, this approach will be useful in politics or in high leadership positions.

    Taurus Horses are practical, do not create illusions, and are ready to take reasonable risks.

    In their personal life, they prefer to find a partner who will fully match their character. He must be reasonable, patient and moderately sociable.


    This is a fickle Horse. Connection with Gemini makes a person mobile, impulsive, striving to embrace everything at the same time. The horse is inquisitive and talented, any training is easy for her. There is no segment in the professional environment that would not submit to it. But Geminis must like what they do, otherwise they will run to look for a more exciting activity.

    In the personal life of the Gemini Horse, everything is built on respect and independence. If she finds a partner who will not infringe on her freedom, they will become an ideal couple.


    This is a secretive Horse. She knows how to hide her emotions under a mask of restraint and calm. At this time, completely different processes are taking place in her soul. Cancer worries about every little thing, is ready to bring himself to exhaustion, falling into bouts of melancholy.

    The authorities have no complaints about such a Horse. She is hardworking and diligent, approaches work with full responsibility, but sometimes she lacks the strength and desire to complete the task to the end.

    In his personal life, the Cancer Horse is distrustful and cautious. She will carefully look at her partner and only then make contact.

    a lion

    This is an active Horse. Since Leo is a representative of the fire sign of the zodiac, the horoscope describes an even more fiery person. He lives and works with complete dedication in all directions, almost to the limit of his strength. Intelligence, hard work, generosity and emotionality help and hinder almost simultaneously.

    Leo Horses are capable of achieving great heights, but they are often hampered by their temper and the desire to defend their subjective point of view. This may cause problems at work. In their personal lives, Leos give a lot to their loved one, but demand even more in return.


    This is a stable Horse. The representative of the sign is practical and pragmatic, always ready to calculate his future several years in advance. Such a Horse is smart and hardworking, responsible and disciplined. With all the positive qualities, there is a significant drawback - the Virgo Horse is overly emotional. Her periodic outbursts of indignation make it very difficult to move up the career ladder. The bosses do not like this position, so Virgo remains in the group of subordinates.

    In his personal life, such a person looks more reliable and stable than representatives of other signs.


    This is a self-confident Horse. She is self-centered and enterprising, loves a beautiful life and compliments. Libras have a keen understanding of people and know how to manipulate them. They never publicly admit their guilt; they know how to get out of any situation with minimal losses. Often such a Horse turns out to be ungrateful towards those people who helped it achieve success.

    At the professional level, Libra is able to reach the top wherever diplomatic skills are required. A person will become a reliable partner if he feels personal benefit. In love he behaves in a similar way.


    This is an unconventional Horse. She is radically different from all other zodiac signs. Scorpio acts consistently, is in no hurry, and carefully thinks through all subsequent steps. Such people are impressed by loneliness - without strangers, the Horse feels no less comfortable than in the circle of loved ones and relatives.

    The professionalism of this sign is at a high level: he is hardworking and original in his methods of doing work. Scorpio is sexy and passionate, but does not tolerate vicious relationships. In a relationship he becomes a loyal and caring family man.


    This is a wandering horse. The original combination of Fire Horse and Sagittarius gave rise to an interweaving of radically opposing character traits. Searches and aspirations for morality are often accompanied by its final loss; determination and courage border on caution and uncertainty, commercialism borders on immeasurable generosity and altruism.

    People are skilled in public speaking, have a wonderful sense of humor, and attract members of their own and the opposite sex. An overly active lifestyle sometimes leads them to exhaustion.


    This is a hardy Horse. In this combination, all the positive qualities of the eastern and western horoscope are harmoniously intertwined. The person is active and hardworking. Any goals are within his reach, since Capricorn approaches everything with maximum responsibility.

    Such a Horse can achieve positive results in the professional sphere, since it copes equally successfully with the functions of a superior and a subordinate. In her personal life she is demanding and selective, prone to leadership over her partner. She is faithful to her chosen one and attentive to children.


    This is a Horse that loves competition. The representative of this combination is distinguished by the desire to compete in all areas of life. He has many acquaintances, but very few real friends: Aquarius must be the first in everything; he does not agree with any other position.

    Such a Horse is distinguished by original thinking and a slightly strange approach to life. She does not notice living conditions and material objects, she is only interested in fantasies and illusory goals. He will be successful in business if he works freely. Treats love like just another competition.


    This is a searching horse. She loves to swim freely and often changes the current. The representative of the sign is sociable and has a wonderful sense of humor. Can devote himself completely to his favorite business or person. Such people are quite receptive, so they quickly become disappointed and lose the right direction for a while.

    It is extremely difficult for this person to make an independent decision on any issue. He will be lucky if a wise boss or a faithful partner appears on his way.

    Compatibility with other signs of the eastern horoscope

    To find your ideal partner, you need to consider compatibility options with other signs.


    The compatibility of these signs from an astrological point of view is at a low level, but a harmonious union between representatives is quite possible. The Rat and the Horse have a lot in common: both are smart, active, energetic and enterprising.

    Partners are capable of falling in love, then breaking up and getting back together again. They are drawn to each other, although the tranquility of this union remains in question.


    This couple has prospects for a harmonious life. Partners are able to provide each other with positive qualities that the other half lacks.

    The calm Ox will spin in a whirlpool of events and passions, but will soon get used to the fact that life should be exciting. Thanks to this union, the horse will be able to stop at least for a while after vigorous racing.


    This is a harmonious union of two like-minded people. The Horse and the Tiger live in approximately the same rhythm of life, they have the same temperaments and priorities.

    People will enjoy spending time together, and the relationship will grow stronger every year.

    Rabbit (Cat)

    The union will be successful primarily for the Rabbit, since the Horse will allow him to enjoy freedom and feel self-confident. She herself will receive a gentle, caring and sensitive partner, with whom she will always feel comfortable and cozy.

    But there is one danger: the Rabbit will believe in itself so much that it can run away from the Horse.

    The Dragon

    The compatibility of this couple is not the highest, but the union can be useful for both. A horse can intuitively identify emerging problems and fight them at the very source. The Dragon is impressed by such insight; he is ready to implement the Horse’s ideas, being confident in the success of the enterprise.

    People have excellent sexual compatibility and an exciting family life awaits them.


    A union can become harmonious if the partners live separately. The Horse cannot guarantee the stability and calmness that the Snake claims, and will not put up with its cunning and isolation, since it prefers straightforwardness and openness.

    Periodic communication or friendly relations between people will be successful.


    The presence of two Horses will ensure fun and constant celebrations. People are the same in temperament, they have common views and goals.

    The problem lies in the emotional incontinence and unpredictability of partners. They themselves will not know what to expect from tomorrow.

    The Horse and the Rooster are ruled by the same planet, so they have every chance of creating a harmonious union. But the realities of life are such that people with different views on life will have to carefully work on relationships.

    The Horse is too impulsive and energetic, the Rooster is more calm and collected, so it will be difficult for them to be together.


    This is one of the most harmonious unions. Both representatives of the signs have the same goals and life priorities. They are always interested in spending time together; those around them look at this couple with delight.

    If problems arise, one of the partners who is stronger in this matter takes full responsibility for solving them.

    Pig (Boar)

    A complex union. Representatives of the signs have different life positions, and their rhythms also do not coincide. The Pig is calm and a little lazy, the Horse is energetic and active. Even spending leisure time will cause a lot of disputes and conflicts.

    Everyday life and the resolution of important issues will be accompanied by a lack of understanding on both sides. The intimate sphere can also be problematic.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

    But who can help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passing you by? It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered my personal...

Those who are interested in the horoscope and check their lives according to it may be interested in the specific period when their relatives were born. I wanted to compare the character of my grandmother or great-grandmother and suggest what future children and grandchildren would inherit. For example, 1946 - what kind of animal was he and what did he mean for those who were born in this time period.

Symbol of 1946

This time has passed far away, but it is still interesting to know what animal was its symbol according to the eastern calendar. It was the Dog. Friendly towards people, she was still stubborn and had a heightened sense of duty. In 1946, the Dog was fiery, at the same time people were born with strong emotions, incredibly inquisitive and responsible. Dogs are excellent family men. Among the celebrities endowed with the qualities of the Dog were the following personalities:

  • Sylvester Stallone;
  • Bill Clinton;
  • Freddie Mercury;
  • Steven Spielberg;
  • Michele Placido.

Animal in 1966

It's time to find out which animal's horoscope year was 1966 and what I prepared for people. During this period, the eastern calendar was completely subordinated to the Fire Horse. People who were born under the protection of this animal are distinguished by their cheerful disposition and love of life, which they try to make bright and active.

If people chose their profession correctly, they received job satisfaction. The horse favors the following people:

  • businessmen;
  • inventors;
  • journalists;
  • designers.

Such people have strong emotions, but their character requires that everyone around them needs to adapt to them. Often the symbol of this period according to the horoscope raises leaders who need to be on an equal footing with ordinary people, having gotten rid of from arrogance and arrogance. In this case, everything will work out great for such a leader.

Features of the Year of the Horse

In addition to knowing who was the patron of this period, the question arises - 1966 is the year of which horse (fire, earth, air, etc.), because certain character traits depend on this. This was the period of the fire element. The characteristics of this sign are based on t stormy restless temperament. Those born under the sign of the Horse are brave, but quick-tempered, courageous, but have high self-esteem. Everything new is perceived without fear, but rather with interest.

Anyone born in 1966 according to the Eastern calendar is very attentive to those around him. These people are sincere in love and demand the same from their partners. But it’s very interesting with a horse, as he loves to discover and demonstrate his new best sides. People born this year are never bored. The most important thing is that the partner shares the hobbies of this sign of the eastern calendar, then there will be complete harmony and mutual understanding in the relationship.

Women can be friends and love, they are well versed in global problems, and their problems sometimes baffle them. They need help from loved ones.

Men demand that they have an object for adoration, so they are often subjected to uncontrollable passions. According to the horoscope, the union of the Horse with some signs can be very strong:

  • with the Rooster;
  • with a dog;
  • with Tiger.

The Fire Horse in 1966 is no different from other years of this animal.

Pros and cons of the sign

The Fire Horse enhances some character traits. Men are like women, do not like to be criticized, because they have a sense of rightness always and in everything. People love freedom, they have a fearless nature, they understand jokes well and know how to joke themselves, often becoming the life of the party. Representatives of the sign are successful both in creativity and in business. One of the most famous people of this sign is the famous boxer Mike Tyson.

Determination and pride are qualities that can be both good and bad at the same time, but the Horse knows how to direct them in the right direction. They like friendly relations, but they remain deaf to other people's problems; family comes first for them. There are always a great many friends and admirers around people born in the year of the fire horse.

None of the representatives listen to other people’s advice at all; they have their own opinions for all occasions. It is very dangerous to be in the path of such selfish people; they are always trying to eliminate the enemy. These signs are harmless and friendly by nature, but it is necessary to adapt to them and understand their characteristics and character.

Attention, TODAY only!

The Year of the Fire Horse includes people born between January 21, 1966 and February 8, 1967 according to the Eastern Calendar. These are proud and independent natures; it is not easy to reach their hearts. They don’t easily make contact and let you into their lives. Legibility, prudence and suspicion always become an obstacle to the development of relationships. But those who are sincere and persistent will find a way to the heart of the Fire Horse and receive its trust and openness.

What distinguishes the Fire Horse is that they know how to be persistent, even obsessive, on the way to their goal. Someone else's behavior or an unkind word can unbalance a horse and lead to conflict. People born in the year of the Fire Horse are madly in love with life, never complain, rarely become discouraged, and have an optimistic character. They value life lessons and gratefully accept the gifts of fate. Horses are superstitious; they do not believe in accidents.

Year of the Fire Horse

The Fire Horse loves freedom, strives for change, and often sets goals related to dramatic changes in life. Often the Fire Horse changes partners several times in life, in personal relationships it is fickle, amorous, guided by emotions and impulsiveness of actions. The Year of the Fire Horse gives people special intelligence and abilities, curiosity, they are erudite, knowledgeable in many areas. The element of Fire gives people a hot temperament, a keen sense of humor, and a sensitive character.

If you are curious to find out more about 1966: what kind of animal this year was and what was memorable from an astrological point of view, then you should turn to the eastern calendar.

Based on his data, 1966 was marked by the Year of the Horse. Accordingly, everything that characterizes this animal is also characteristic of a person born during this period. His temperament is based on restlessness, which can be very useful in sports endeavors. Because of the horse's inherent zeal for free running, people born this year enjoy a lot of outdoor exercise.

Particularly highlighted are such traits of the inner nature of a person born in the year of the Horse as independence, masculinity, assertiveness, courage, conceit, uncompromisingness, passion, etc.

The answer to the question: “1966 is the year of which animal?” has already been answered. According to the Chinese calendar, the horse is given the status of a magnanimous animal due to its tenacity, endurance and hard work. In almost all cultures, this animal symbolizes the vast flow of natural energy that has a positive effect on humanity. People born in this year are favored by new beginnings due to their virtuosity and originality of thinking. The fundamental slogan of the Year of the Horse is freedom of expression.

What behavior is inappropriate in the year of the Horse?

The astrological horoscope for 2014 is the same as for 1966. You can find out what animal this year is from the Chinese calendar.

This year brings about excessive arrogance, which can cause undesirable results in your endeavors. It is worth listening to an adequate inner voice, intelligible arguments and the competent opinion of others. Eccentric behavior and impulsiveness of actions are considered fundamentally wrong. A balanced analysis and calm perception of everything new this year is recommended.

What to expect from a Horse regarding love?

What you need to know about people born in the year 1966? The year of which animal leaves an imprint on behavior in love relationships? An astrological love horoscope will help answer these questions and many others.

In love relationships, a person born in the year of the Horse shows vigilance and complacency. Makes your partner feel important. He is characterized by sincerity in his feelings for his partner, which he expresses straightforwardly.

It's never boring with such people. The originality of their thinking allows partners to constantly discover new sides of the Horse’s nature.

What difficulties may arise in a relationship?

1966 is the year of which animal, it has already become clear earlier, but it would not be out of place to remind you that this year is patronized by the horse. The entire bewitching and multifaceted nature of the Horse is overshadowed by one nuance of behavioral nuance, namely the frequent change of interests, in which she “gallops” away if her partner does not share her current hobbies.

1966 is the year of which animal? Horoscope taking into account gender nuances

The elegance and plasticity of an animal such as a horse is projected onto the female part of the population born in 1966. There is inconsistency in external, behavioral data and the way of positioning in society, especially in male society. The first memory of Horse women is associated with the association of inaccessibility and inaccessibility of their attention, but in practice they are very peaceful and sociable.

The complexity of female nature, born in the year of the Horse, is revealed in the inability to correctly understand the problems of personal life. This negative trait coexists with the positive side of these ladies, expressed by the ability to promptly resolve global curious situations in various areas accompanying their lives. Sociability and altruism can seriously negatively affect health and lead to overwork. The highest merits are observed in the career, but without fanaticism, that is, there is the ability to alternate work and entertainment. Horse women are good at manipulating their significant other.

As for the male type, characteristic of the Year of the Horse, there is an eloquence of nature intertwined with instant falling in love and unbridled passion. This is what makes it difficult to choose one partner, and usually there are a lot of them. But in everything, “Horse men” are serious and capable of giving themselves completely.

All their companions are enveloped in love and enthusiasm. The appearance of this year's representatives is distinguished by extraordinary beauty, which is harmoniously complemented by intelligence and breadth of views. However, this is also a repulsive factor for serious relationships, since there is constant flirting with other ladies.

1966 is the year of which animal according to the horoscope? Compatibility of the Horse with other signs representing the twelve-year cycle

There is difficulty in the relationships of partners born in the same year, namely the Horse. Confrontation between self-centered individuals in a family union is permissible only if there is a subsequent clear outline of the dominant subject.

There is a lack of a pronounced nature of the relationship between representatives of the year of the Horse and the Goat. The connection of these subjects is dictated by social qualities, and not by passionate orientation. The ending may be different.

What relationships do not have a positive ending a priori?

There is a clear hopelessness for a couple under the auspices of the Horse and the Monkey. Mutual impatience, on the one hand - “horse” character traits, expressed by self-will and dictatorship, on the other - “monkey” habits and cunning.

Complete ineffectiveness in the relationship between Horse and Pig, in which the first representative is not satisfied with the lack of useful effectiveness from the activities of the second. He compares the Pig to a lazy and unpromising employee. The response shows dissatisfaction with the rudeness and impudence of the Horse.

As for the union of such people who belong to the year of the Horse and the Rat, we can talk about a complete confrontation of character and temperament. Namely, the Horse has the highest self-esteem and prestigious status. The Rat is prone to principled impulses, but usually does low-paid work.

The horse is the patron saint of people born in 1966. Which animal (compatibility) should be the year of an ideal partner for a strong family union? If we take the relationship between the Horse and the Ox, then one can observe a lack of mutual understanding due to the assertiveness of the first subject and, accordingly, the rejection of the Ox’s manipulation.

Who is best to enter into a long-term relationship with if you are a Horse according to your horoscope?

The most adequate combination of characters in all areas is found in people born in the year of the Horse and the Rooster. The most positive results can be achieved in business, career and family relationships. In this case, the Horse acts as a leader, and the Rooster acts as an active performer.

Representatives of the year of the Horse and Dog have an excellent family union. The leading place is occupied by the Horse, which acts as an inspiration for the devoted and dutiful Dog. The basis of sustainable relationships is social cohesion.

The undisputed leader in creating a completely strong alliance with the Horse is the Tiger. Passionate discussions and constant rivalry only fuel their strong bond. Any quarrel ends in a compromise. Good compatibility for long-term relationships.

Thus, the Horse acts as a leader in all respects. There is only one difference: some are ready to put up with this, and some are not, so people born in 1966, which animal representative they would prefer to have next to them, only they can decide for themselves.