My feet get cold at work, what should I do? Constantly cold feet: causes and treatment. It's worth getting checked if your feet are cold.

Hello dear readers. Legs are a part of the body that is often underestimated. And it’s not just about their most important function—movement. If you delve deeper into physiology, you will find out that the feet, for example, are the place where the nerve endings of almost every internal organ are concentrated; many large and small blood vessels are located in them (in the legs). From state lower limbs, largely depends on the physical health and psychological well-being of a person. Why are my feet cold - what to do? This question is often asked by those who periodically, and sometimes constantly, experience this condition. Since they contain a lot of biologically active points, hypothermia can have an extremely negative impact on health. But there is another side to the coin: chronically cold extremities may indicate problems in the body. We'll look into this.

Why your feet get cold - possible reasons

Naturally, this state of affairs can bring significant discomfort to life and cause concern for one’s health. Therefore, it is very important to know about the reasons that can provoke this condition when your feet are cold. First, let's look at those that occur even if a person is absolutely healthy:

Strict diets or unbalanced nutrition can provoke the development of this problem. The lack of nutrients and energy resources in the body affects it, which, in particular, affects the legs.

The body is adapted to temperatures higher than those that affect it this moment. That is, if you are in a room in which the temperature is quite comfortable for most people (about 20 degrees Celsius), but your body is adapted, accustomed, to a temperature of 26 degrees, then your limbs, and lower ones - including may get cold.

Hypothermia, as a result of exposure of the feet to cool water, damp earth, and so on. Naturally, in this case, heat exchange between the body and the external environment acting on it will be very intense and, unfortunately, not in favor of the former.

Impaired blood circulation due to the influence of external mechanical factors on the limbs: legs that have been pressed in for a long time, excessively tight shoes, and so on. In this case, the legs become numb, cold, and numb.

Frostbite on the feet, even decades ago. And although its external signs may not be observed for a long time, the consequences remain, in many cases, for life. Thus, the temperature of the external environment, at which a “normal” limb will be quite comfortable and warm, can turn out to be very unpleasant for a once frostbitten limb.

Cold feet - physiological disorders:

These reasons should be addressed Special attention, since, if in the above cases, chilliness of the lower extremities, as a rule, goes away very quickly when the external cause that led to it is eliminated, then with those factors that will be named now, in order to normalize your condition, correction of the body’s functioning may be required , that is, his treatment!

So, the reasons why feet may be chronically cold:

Blood pressure problems

Moreover, not only with increased, but also with decreased. Thus, hypertension, often accompanied by severe spasm of blood vessels, leads to their narrowing in the extremities, which significantly reduces the volume of blood supplied to them. A decrease in their temperature is a natural result. Hypotension has similar consequences, it’s just that the mechanism is slightly different. The lumen of the vessels may not be narrowed, but the blood pressure is not enough for optimal circulation.

Anemia (anemia)

Chronic chilliness of the feet may also indicate this. At a very low level, oxygen is transported very poorly. Because of this, energy production and metabolic processes between cells are very sluggish, which does not allow the feet to warm up.


With this disease, all blood vessels (large and small) become increasingly fragile, blood clots form in them, and over time, the lumens of these vital “transport arteries” can even close. Naturally, the blood flow is disrupted and the legs suffer. If urgent measures are not taken, “diabetic foot” may occur.

Disruption of the nervous system

Raynaud's syndrome, in which, against the background of a nervous disorder, blood vessels spasm, also often leads to cold feet. They become especially sensitive to the effects of water.

Obliterating endarteritis

In the vast majority of cases, it affects heavy smokers, whose constant inhalation of the poison leads to its accumulation in large concentrations in large vessels - arteries. They narrow due to the chronic inflammatory processes present in them. The condition is aggravated by the formation of blood clots. My legs suffer greatly from this, including getting very cold. This also includes phlebitis, as well as thrombophlebitis.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia

In this context, it can affect the intensity of blood flow in the lower extremities by the inability of the vessels to quickly respond to changes in environmental conditions.

All these are reasons hidden in pathological disorders of peripheral vessels, due to which the blood flow cannot satisfy the needs for it that the body has. To finally make sure that this is the cause of cold feet, read the next section.

Symptoms of poor blood flow:

  • Swelling of the lower extremities.
  • Prominently prominent vessels (veins) that appear to be filled with blood.
  • Chronic leg fatigue, or rapid fatigue during even minimal physical activity.
  • Cramps of the legs and feet, even at rest.
  • Itching, numbness of the limbs.
  • A specific shade of the skin of the legs (dark bluish) and its sagging.

What to do if your feet are cold even when warm

If this is so, then most likely there is really something wrong with the body. But you shouldn’t worry too much about this, much less panic. After all, firstly, it is not yet known for sure that this is exactly the case, and secondly, almost any health problem, with the right approach to it, can be solved, and even without any negative consequences after that!

The first thing you need to do if you do this on your own is to try to eliminate as much as possible any factors that can provoke a feeling of coldness in the lower extremities, or their actual chilliness! These include:

Bad habits, in the first place among which are drinking alcohol (in any dose) and smoking.

Excess weight, mainly due to a large volume of adipose tissue.

Constant physical inactivity, that is, a predominantly “passive” lifestyle.

Poor nutrition and the like.

Thus, minimizing these factors is already a big step forward! Stop smoking and play sports, try to eat right or at least eliminate the most harmful foods from your diet, think about what else could negatively affect you in this regard, and you will be able to notice positive changes in your health and the health of your legs.

What else can you do:

Choose the right shoes for yourself; under no circumstances should they be tight.

Do not overuse caffeinated drinks.

Always choose outfits according to weather conditions, especially temperature.

Make it a habit to do exercises every morning, and if you start running, this is generally ideal (however, this kind of physical exercise may be contraindicated for you: consult your doctor).

Try to remove stressful situations from your life. They, with their long-term influence, are the main cause of the vast majority of ailments.

Resort to traditional methods of treatment. They are capable of performing miracles.

Constantly cold feet - traditional methods of treatment

There are many effective and, at the same time, simple recipes that will help you cope with this situation. My grandmother used these recipes when her feet were cold. Well, gymnastics, this is an addition to the main procedures, you should also pay attention to this.

Alcohol compress

To prepare it, you can use both ethyl alcohol and homemade strong moonshine. If they are not available, store-bought vodka and even classic triple cologne will do. Prepare warm water, pour it into a large bowl or basin and place your feet in it. The feet should be completely covered with liquid. Wait five minutes. At the same time, dip clean socks, preferably warm ones (thick and made of natural fabric), into warm alcohol (moonshine, cologne, etc.).

After removing your feet from the water, immediately put on these socks, after wringing them lightly to release excess liquid. On top of them are woolen socks, and under the blanket. The feet will immediately warm up, because the alcohol will have a corresponding effect on the soft tissues and dilated blood vessels with the help of a warm bath. You can apply compresses irregularly, depending on the situation.

Baths with pine oil

They need to be prepared as follows: for one and a half to two liters of water - 22 drops of pine needle or eucalyptus oil. The water must first be heated to 38-39 degrees. Essential oils, necessary for the bath, can be purchased without any problems at many pharmacies or specialized retail outlets.

The procedure time (its duration) is up to 10 minutes. It can be used: for medicinal purposes - daily, once a day, for 10-14 days, for maintenance and preventive purposes - once every 3-4 days on an ongoing basis.

Foot massage

For constantly freezing feet, it is recommended several times a week, more often if necessary, up to daily practice. It consists of stages: stroking, kneading, squeezing, sharp massage, patting and back - stroking.

All movements should lead to relaxation and pleasant sensations. Discomfort and pain during such a massage may indicate that you are doing something wrong. Therefore, along with self-massage, you should also consider the option of using professional high-quality services of a massage therapist.

Gymnastics - as one of the effective means

It can be performed along with morning exercises, but later in time: during the day.

Shaking legs. You need to lie on the floor, face up. You can raise your legs and possibly your arms up so that they create an angle of approximately 90 degrees with your torso. Start shaking them, creating peculiar vibration movements.

This is a very good exercise that helps eliminate swelling, tone blood vessels, strengthen muscles and increase skin elasticity. And this alone, if performed regularly, may be enough to completely or partially eliminate the problem of cold feet. And if such gymnastics is not enough, look at another exercise.

Reed in the wind. You need to lie on the floor, but now on your stomach. Bend your legs at the knees, forming an angle of about 90 degrees between your shins and thighs. Next, imagine that your legs are light reeds, smoothly swaying in a refreshing, pleasant wind.

Perform appropriate movements with them. It is also important that your feet, at least sometimes, hit your butt. Exercise time is 1.5-3 minutes, depending on how you feel.

Contrast foot baths before bed

They will help strengthen blood vessels and quickly warm your feet. You need to prepare two bowls. One - with water, the temperature of which is about 39-40 degrees, and natural sea ​​salt(for 2 liters of water - about 2 tablespoons). The other - with water, average temperature 30-33 degrees and a teaspoon of rosemary oil (per 2 liters of water, approximately).

Dip your feet in the first bowl for 5 minutes, then for 2-3 minutes in the second and again for 4-5 minutes in the first (you need to keep it warm, for this it is better to heat it on the stove).

As has already been noted, but it will not be superfluous to repeat: do not forget about exclusively healthy way life and optimal diet nutrition, including more easily digestible protein foods, fruits and vegetables (minerals and vitamins).

3 ways to get warm very quickly

Sometimes, it's simply necessary. For example, with severe hypothermia. What can help: self-massage, physical exercise (the first and second were already mentioned above), rubbing the feet (including cologne or vodka, followed by obligatory wrapping).

These simple methods really help improve blood circulation and warm up faster.

Freezing of the feet in the cold season or in the warm season, but under the influence of cold - all this is understandable from a physiological point of view.

The heat generated by organs and muscles is transferred to the surface of the skin by blood vessels and retained in the body by fatty tissue. If the fat layer is small, then at low temperatures environment there is intense heat loss, which occurs in the extremities (arms and legs) - there is almost no fat layer there.

Heat loss also occurs during the movement of blood through the vessels - the distance to the lower extremities is greater than to other organs.

In addition, blood vessels narrow under the influence of cold, blood flow to the legs decreases, and accordingly, the amount of heat brought by the blood decreases, and the legs begin to freeze.

But why do your feet get cold in a warm room? Is this normal or shouldn't this happen? Of course, this indicates some violations. What is the reason, and what to do if such problems arise.

Let's try to answer these questions.

A healthy person's feet get cold when warm

There are reasons why feet get cold even when warm, not related to illness:

  1. The habit of warming your feet (socks, slippers). Limbs accustomed to a certain temperature freeze without the usual “insulation” even in the room.
  2. The habit of tucking your legs under you when sitting, crossing them, throwing one leg over the other and staying in this position for a long time. A feeling of numbness and coldness appears due to impaired blood flow and insufficient blood supply to the extremities.
  3. Wearing uncomfortable, tight tights and synthetic socks (feet either sweat or freeze).
  4. Prolonged exposure of the feet to lower temperatures than the rest of the body: walking in wet shoes, on cold ground or water.
  5. in people with physical characteristics: tall, thin.
  6. Hormonal imbalances in women during menopause: after profuse sweating, the body becomes cold (feet and hands get cold).
  7. Pregnancy affects heat exchange in the extremities (maintaining the temperature of the reproductive organs at certain levels occurs due to a decrease in blood supply to the capillaries of the legs).
  8. Excessive emotionality: in a stressful situation, blood vessels spasm and blood circulation is impaired.
  9. Old age is often the cause of impaired blood supply to the extremities.
  10. Infant: thermoregulation mechanisms are still imperfect.

All of the above points may be the answer to the question of why it is warm. Many of these reasons are easily removable: hardening, correct posture when sitting, comfortable shoes and always appropriate for the weather, improvement of condition nervous system.

Feet get cold when warm - pathological reasons

It is not always possible to explain the reasons why your feet are cold even in a warm home, by physiological conditions, weather, or some temporary situation. A feeling of coldness in the extremities may indicate problems in the functioning of organs. This condition may be associated with disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, nervous system, and metabolic disorders.

  • With diabetes, blood vessels become thinner, blood clots often form, and the limbs are insufficiently supplied with blood.
  • Intermittent claudication is the result of atherosclerosis, when the lumen of blood vessels is disrupted due to plaques, and the blood supply to the extremities is reduced.
  • Hypertension, hypotension. Hypertension (pressure above normal) - due to vasospasm, blood supply is disrupted. Hypotension (low pressure) - blood moves through dilated vessels at insufficient speed. It comes slowly, the temperature drops.
  • Varicose veins veins causes blood stagnation, which leads to disruption of blood flow through the vessels.
  • vascular tone and blood circulation in tissues and organs change.
  • Raynaud's syndrome: a circulatory disorder occurs in the vessels of the extremities as a result of exposure to cold and emotional arousal.

Vascular problems may be accompanied by:

  • swelling of the limbs;
  • painful sensations;
  • weakness, fatigue even with low loads;
  • convulsions.

Neurological problems

The reason why your feet and hands get cold when warm can be the following neurological problems:

  • intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine (pinching of nerve endings, impaired blood supply to the lower extremities);
  • cerebrovascular accident (one of the accompanying conditions is cold extremities);
  • Some diseases of the peripheral nervous system are accompanied by impaired circulation in the vessels of the legs.

Problems of different nature

Why do men and women of different ages get cold feet when warm? The reasons can be very diverse:

Children's feet get cold when warm

Why do children's feet get very cold even when they are warm? The cause may be the same body conditions as in adults:

  • circulatory disorders as a result of illness;
  • physical condition of the body (low weight, thinness);
  • psychosomatic problems;
  • avitaminosis;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • poor posture leading to impaired blood supply to the extremities;
  • metabolic disease;
  • allergy;
  • incorrectly selected shoes, clothes.

It must be borne in mind that physiological characteristics child's body play an important role in heat exchange processes:

  • the thermoregulation of a newborn is not yet perfect, so he can freeze at a temperature that is comfortable for an adult;
  • there is almost no fat layer in the child’s limbs, muscle mass small.

The task of parents is to analyze situations when a child’s leg temperature is significantly lower than body temperature in a warm place, try to understand what they are connected with, and, if they have not found the answer to this question on their own, consult a pediatrician.

What will help get rid of the symptom of “cold feet”

If cold feet cause discomfort and interfere with the normal functioning of the body, you need to try to get rid of the factors that provoke this condition:

  • any types of alcohol (affects vascular tone);
  • smoking (the lumen of blood vessels narrows, heat exchange is disrupted);
  • low physical activity;
  • increased body weight;
  • improper and excessive nutrition;
  • wearing tight clothes and shoes;
  • incorrect postures when walking and sitting.

Traditional medicine to help “cold feet”

Why do my feet get cold when it's warm? What to do? Traditional methods contain many recommendations on what to do in such cases, because the problem is not new, a person has been familiar with it for a long time. Let's consider methods based on the impact on biological active points stop.

  • Rubbing the feet with apple cider vinegar (6%), vodka, triple cologne. This method helps dilate blood vessels and improves blood flow. First you need to massage your feet (until a feeling of warmth appears), rub your ankles and toes. Then rub in the chosen product well and put on socks.
  • Add mustard (powder) to hot water and warm your feet until the water cools down. After putting it on (the fibers act on the points of the sole).
  • Pour dry mustard or red pepper into cotton socks, put them on (wipe your feet dry), and put another pair of socks on top. It is good to carry out the procedure at night.
  • Prepare a tincture from 200 ml of vodka and 2 teaspoons of red pepper (keep for 10 days in dark place), rub into your feet at night. Be sure to wear socks.
  • Use a warming cream to warm your feet: add to any neutral cream fir oil, rub into feet until absorbed, put on warm socks.
  • Warming your feet over hot boiled potatoes: put a board on the pan, put your feet on it, wrap it up and sit for half an hour.
  • Foot baths. Prepare a decoction of spruce or pine needles, warm your feet for half an hour, then keep them warm.

Prepare a hot infusion from 3 or 4 green tea bags in 1-2 liters of water (10 minutes), warm your feet until the infusion cools. Wrap up.

Recipes for decoctions and teas

A variety of teas will help improve blood circulation.

Ginger tea: stir half a teaspoon of ground ginger in 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Drink hot, adding a slice of lemon, in the morning (on an empty stomach) and in the evening (an hour before bedtime).

Tea with ginger: when brewing black tea, add fresh ginger (grate) or powder - half a teaspoon - to the cup. You can add ground nutmeg along with ginger (to taste).

Dandelion drink: leave fresh or dried dandelion flowers (1 teaspoon) in a glass of boiling water for 5 minutes. Drink two glasses a day (morning and afternoon, regardless of meals).

Hawthorn drink: leave a teaspoon of dry (crushed) hawthorn fruit in a glass of boiling water for 5 minutes, add honey and drink as tea.

Exercises to improve blood circulation in the legs

We've figured out why your feet get cold at home when it's warm. Something definitely needs to be done about this problem. Among the many exercises to improve blood circulation in the legs, you can always choose the ones that are suitable specifically for yourself and perform them, which is very important, systematically (morning and evening). When performing, concentrate on the leg muscles.

Exercise 1(to restore blood circulation in the capillaries): lying on your back (on the floor), place a cushion under your neck, lift your legs and arms up at a right angle. Perform vibrating movements with your arms and legs (shake), without bending them, for one to three minutes.

Exercise 2. While standing, roll from toe to heel with both feet (20-30 times).

Exercise 3. Sitting on a chair, extend your straight leg forward and move your toes up and down (10-20 times).

Exercise 4. It is performed similarly to the previous one, only the movement is done with the foot.

Exercise 5. Lying on your back (on the floor), stretch your arms along your body. Pull your toes towards you one at a time (10-15 times with each leg).

Exercise 6. Perform half squats, tensing the leg muscles (10-15 times).

Exercise 7. Walking on outside feet (1-2 minutes).

Exercise 8. Goose-stepping.

Exercise 9. Lying on your stomach (on the floor), put your hands under your head, bend your legs at the knees. Perform rocking movements from side to side (1-2 minutes).

Exercise 10. Lying on your back, raise your legs straight and lean them against the wall, bringing your buttocks as close to the wall as possible. Stay in this position for 5 minutes.

Exercise 11. Sitting on a chair (your back rests against the back of the chair), raise your legs straight, parallel to the floor, and move your legs as if swimming.

Exercise 11. Collect small objects lying on the floor with your toes.

Exercise 12. Standing on your toes, stretch your arms straight up, trying to stretch your spine as much as possible (count from 30 to 60).

The order of execution can be chosen arbitrarily. With systematic exercise, you will feel a feeling of lightness in your legs, and the feeling of cold in your feet will gradually go away.


In order not to encounter the problem of your feet getting cold in a warm place, you should take preventive measures from childhood:

  • walk barefoot on the ground, on pebbles, stones, sand, grass;
  • at home, walk more often without slippers;
  • massage the feet using a massage mat or a special massager;
  • do not insulate your feet unless necessary (dress according to the weather);
  • be physically active in any weather;
  • carry out hardening procedures: contrast showers, contrast foot baths;
  • maintain correct body position when walking and sitting (the legs should have support);
  • cycling, swimming, skiing, walking;
  • include foods containing fatty acids in your diet (fatty fish, flaxseed and linseed oil, nuts, seeds).

These measures, if carried out in a system, will help both children and adults feel comfortable in any weather.

Everyone knows that you need to keep your feet warm since childhood, but what to do if your feet are constantly cold and you can’t cope with this problem on your own?

Feet are cold: reasons

There are many reasons why your feet may be cold. This may be caused by poor-quality shoes, the habit of dressing too lightly in the cold season, a peculiarity of the person’s constitution, or internal diseases.

Most often, women between 15 and 45 years old have cold feet., this is due to the hormonal characteristics of the body and the habit of the fair sex to pay more attention to beauty rather than to the practicality and thermal insulation properties of shoes. Older people often face this problem - after 50 years, most of them have hormonal imbalances, develop one or more diseases of the vascular system, and the body is affected by many predisposing factors, such as excess weight, smoking and not proper nutrition.

The most common reasons why your feet are cold

1. If your feet only get cold outside or in certain conditions, then most likely the culprit is too light or tight shoes, incorrectly selected clothing and other similar reasons. In such cases, feet get cold only in the cold season and only outside the house - as soon as you come home and put on warm slippers, all problems immediately disappear;

2. It is much more difficult if your feet are cold all the time, even in a warm room, and no warm shoes or woolen socks can save the situation. Constantly cold feet - a sign of circulatory disorders in the lower extremities and it is necessary to find out exactly what caused it.

Why do my feet always get cold?

1. Vegetative-vascular dystonia– with this disease, the normal innervation of blood vessels changes, the speed of blood flow in the vessels decreases and capillary circulation is disrupted. People suffering from VSD are constantly cold, they have cold and slightly damp feet and palms, as well as a tendency to headaches, migraines, fainting and exercise intolerance;

2. Anemia and other deficiency conditions - a lack of iron, vitamins A, E, C and others provokes a decrease in oxygen in the blood, makes blood vessels weaker and more brittle, and also worsens blood circulation in general. In these conditions, a person feels constant fatigue, drowsiness, headaches, often gets sick and cannot warm up even in a warm room;

3. Phlebeurysm– ugly “stars” on the vessels are not all that occurs with this disease. The structure and muscle tone of the blood vessels are disrupted, blood flows into the lower extremities with difficulty, which is why the patient feels pain and numbness, swelling appears on the legs, and they are constantly cold;

4. Change blood pressure– prolonged hyper- or hypotension also leads to circulatory disorders. At low pressure, the blood flow in the lower extremities weakens, and at high pressure it hardly flows into the spasmodic vessels of the legs;

5. Hormonal disorders– decreased thyroid function, diabetes mellitus and age-related changes in women they also often cause constant chilly feet. Hypothyroidism is characterized by constant fatigue, tearfulness, decreased mood, arrhythmias, brittle nails and hair. Diabetes mellitus causes increased sweating, increased heart rate, rapid decrease or increase in body weight, as well as impaired innervation of the lower extremities - the legs cease to feel heat, touch and even pain;

7. Taking some medicines – long-term use of beta-blockers, other drugs that lower blood pressure, drugs containing ergot and some others, causes spasm of peripheral vessels and a feeling of coldness in the legs and palms;

8. Other reasons - the feeling of constant coldness in the legs can be caused by other, less common diseases: grade 3-4 osteochondrosis, severe allergies, fungal infection, obliterating endarteritis and others.

What to do if your feet are cold

If your feet remain cold all the time and all your efforts to warm them are unsuccessful, you should think about immediately contacting a doctor; perhaps your body needs urgent help and treatment. And if such an unpleasant sensation occurs periodically and does not cause any special problems, you can cope with cold feet using the following methods:

  • Take a contrast shower to strengthen blood vessels and do contrast foot baths;
  • Walk barefoot more and purchase a special foot massage mat;
  • Massage your feet daily - on your own or with the help of special massagers;
  • Every evening, make foot baths with sea salt or pine needles;
  • Rub your feet with vodka or apple cider vinegar;
  • Soar your feet with mustard

And besides, you should take your health seriously: start doing gymnastics or go to the gym, establish proper nutrition, give up bad habits and strong coffee, sleep more and be less nervous, take a course of vitamins and buy yourself only comfortable shoes!

The feeling of cold in the legs causes discomfort and the desire to immediately warm up. Cold weather, wet shoes, lack of heating are natural causes that do not require additional explanation. Why do my feet get cold even at home in socks, in a warm room with... room temperature?

Why are my feet cold?

The hands and feet have relatively weak muscles and are almost devoid of fat. The source of heat is blood circulating in large and not very large vessels.

In a warm environment, with normal blood circulation, there is enough energy to keep your hands and feet warm. In cold weather, the lumen of blood vessels narrows, microcirculation is disrupted and the limbs freeze.

It is known that The best way to warm up in this case - start moving, stomp, run, if possible, rub your feet indoors or put them in a basin with warm water. Such measures will bring the desired result, blood circulation will increase and your feet will warm up.

If the efforts made do not bring success, and your feet are constantly cold, then there is likely a pathology that needs to be identified and treated.

Causes of circulatory disorders

  • Hypertension/hypotension. High and low blood pressure can equally cause cold feet. In the first case, the vessels are narrowed and microcirculation is impaired; in the second, the blood pressure is not intense enough and the result is the same. A similar situation is observed with vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Varicose veins of the lower extremities. Weakening of the venous walls leads to stagnation of blood, poor circulation and cooling of the legs.
  • Endocrine disorders– diabetes mellitus, thyroid dysfunction, in women. With endocrine pathologies, the feet often sweat despite the fact that they are very cold.
  • Source of energy for cells and tissues human body serves as oxygen. Gas molecules from the lungs are carried by red blood cells - erythrocytes, binding oxygen to hemoglobin. Low hemoglobin– the cause of anemia, one of the symptoms of which is freezing extremities.
  • Persistent spasm of the arteries of the legs, which is caused by smoking, alcoholism, injury, prolonged hypothermia, and infectious diseases, is called obliterating endarteritis and is characterized by inflammation of the arterial walls, narrowing of their lumen up to complete blockage. This problem often occurs in men with a long smoking history.
  • Violation of the innervation of the legs after a stroke.
  • Consequences frostbite.
  • Blood thickening and insufficient blood supply to the legs when the water balance in the body is disturbed.

Another reason why you feel cold in your legs is atherosclerosis of the lower extremities. The limbs freeze, become pale, and as the disease progresses, they become covered with trophic ulcers. When the disease occurs, one foot may be cold and the other warm. Associated symptoms are dry skin, pain in the legs when moving, and characteristic intermittent claudication.

Treatment is carried out after a full examination - blood test, vascular angiography, etc. Moreover, therapy must be comprehensive. It includes taking medications for, anti-inflammatory drugs, using methods such as low-level laser radiation and different kinds shunting.

My feet are constantly cold - what to do?

If cold extremities bother you frequently and for no apparent reason, you should seek medical advice to determine the cause.

The list of “first aid” measures includes:

  1. Walking barefoot (in the warm season), on uneven surfaces - small pebbles, sand, grass, on dew. At home, you can use a rug with spikes, thorns, and protrusions. Such walking irritates the nerve endings of the feet, improving blood microcirculation.
  2. Active sports with a load on the legs will bring benefits - walking, running, skating, rollerblading, swimming, cycling.
  3. Contrast baths or contrast shower for the whole body, evening baths with pine extract or salt.
  4. Daily foot massage, including stroking, patting, rubbing, pinching. You need to massage not only your feet, but also each finger separately.
  5. The cross-legged pose is harmful not only from the point of view of psychologists. She talks about internal problems, closedness, and reluctance to make contact. And from a medical point of view, blood vessels are pinched and blood circulation is disrupted.
  6. Reducing the amount of cigarettes smoked, tea, coffee, and spices consumed gives noticeable results in a short period of time.
  7. In the autumn-winter period, you should give preference to comfortable wide shoes made of natural materials, wear warm woolen or cotton socks in your boots, and make sure your feet remain dry.
  8. Controlling the water-salt balance allows you to maintain optimal blood viscosity. Doctors recommend drinking about two liters of clean water daily. For a child, this figure is slightly lower, but everyone needs clean water.
  9. Strong immunity is the key to good health. As preventive measures, a balanced diet and a sufficient amount of vitamins, especially ascorbic acids.