Which gemstone suits the scales of a man. Stones for Libra according to the horoscope: impact on health and success. Amber will help you make the right choice

Libra women, born from September 23 to October 23, are famous for their ease of communication, charm, and grace. They owe this to the influence of the planet Venus.

Representatives of the zodiac sign tend to exude a light and bright aura. Sometimes people around think that they are frivolous windy people. Wearing the right stones can help in business and increase vitality.

Characteristics of the woman of the sign Libra

for Libra women - an object of adoration and worship. They will tremblingly protect this feeling from any interference. But their partners should know that women of this sign will not tolerate domination, humiliation, inability to appreciate their efforts and efforts.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are ready to give a lot to a partner, but for this he must show his respect and be grateful.

Libra women are perfectly realized in motherhood: they are gentle, but also moderately strict in relation to their children. They do not resist if the husband will be engaged in the upbringing of their children.

Libra women are ready to devote their free time to work, talk about them - workaholics. Going out on a Sunday or skipping lunch is a common thing for them. But unlike other signs, Libra women need more time to recover after overload.

They tend to be cyclical. Manic moods are replaced by depression. They can redo all the work with rapture, but after they are overtaken by depression and fatigue, which does not even allow them to move.

What stones are suitable according to the horoscope?

You need to select a stone or mineral based on the date of your birth.

Born from September 23 to October 2

Libra women, born from September 23 to October 2, the planet rules Venus. It gives the traits of their character friendliness, softness, sensitivity.

Often, representatives of the Libra sign, born in the first decade, do not have sufficient strength, firmness of character to defend their interests in difficult situations. Malachite and jasper can give confidence and determination.

Lapis lazuli can give special power. It will strengthen friendships and love relationships, as well as bring good luck. Lapis lazuli is able to adjust to the necessary rest, give peace and balance.

Diamond can give Libra women of the first decade protection from negative forces that destroy life potential. He is also able to direct their activities in the right direction.

can make a Libra woman more attractive, and can also bestow the ability to beautifully and clearly express one's thoughts, creative self-expression.

Rock crystal can develop intuition, bestow harmony and balance.

In the second decade - from 3 to 13 October

Libra women, born October 3rd to 13th, are ruled by Saturn. They are hardworking, selfless, but sometimes those around them, and especially those close to them, do not notice this. In order for the work to be appreciated, and for the vitality to be enough for itself, Libra women of the second decade should take a closer look at ruby ​​and zircon.

Amethyst can be of great benefit. He is able to protect the representative of the sign from destructive temptations and passions, diseases, evil fate, the evil eye. The stone can give peace of mind, prudence and tranquility.

Tourmaline is able to make a whole person out of a Libra woman, to protect her from taking dual and personality-destroying actions.

Emerald can protect from an uninteresting and bitter fate. Also, the stone has healing properties, affects the mind and memory and can get rid of bad dreams and melancholy.

Opal is able to keep from base passions, irritation, and can also warn about diseases by changing its color.

Born from 14 to 23 October

Due to the influence of Jupiter, Libra women, born from October 14 to 23, are the most refined natures. The representatives of this decade are characterized by a great love for the blessings of life. Chrysoprase and topaz stones will help them feel it.

Wearing beryl will unlock the potential of Libra women of the last decade. It will help in philosophical research, strengthen the mind and thinking. He is also able to protect from dangerous journeys, which the representatives of the sign of the last decade aspire to.

help eliminate negative character traits and establish harmony. Also, this stone heals ailments, protects from envious people, which the representatives of the Libra sign of the last decade have enough of.

Aquamarine helps Libra women of the last decade to improve their energy, the functioning of the nervous system. But the properties of this stone are better manifested during the day.

Pearls will help only family Libra women, strengthen peace in the family, protect them from rivals. Lonely people can feel sadness and depression. It is not recommended for young girls to wear black pearls - it will reward anger, hatred and take years of life.

Talismans and amulets

Representatives of the sign have a large number of talismans. Any jewelry-amulet with the image of scales has a beneficial effect on the character of the representatives of this sign, gives a surge of strength and protection from the negativity of the outside world.

Happiness in heart affairs can bring Libra women talismans in the shape of a heart, Cupid or frog. Help in reaching the top at work can be provided by wearing jewelry with Japanese (for example, hieroglyphs) or ancient Greek (mythological images) symbols.

The influence of stones on Libra women will be more beneficial if they are framed in a pendant, medallion, pendant. In beads and bracelets made of stones, it is important to consider the size and number of beads: they must be the same and in an even number.

Astrologers advise Libra to choose silver jewelry. This metal is ruled by their ruling planet Venus. The most powerful amulet for women is a silver jewelry with an amethyst. Talismans have the same power, where silver is combined with blue, green and white stones.

The amber ring is also iconic for every Libra woman. This talisman will help direct vital energy in the right direction, teach you to make the right choice. But you need to wear this amulet exclusively on the index finger.

Representatives of the Libra sign you need to pay attention to decorations with corals. This is one of the best talismans: able to prolong youth and make them more attractive. It also helps to make rational decisions despite the changeability of female nature.

When wearing several amulets, you must follow the rule of balance: they must match the size and strength of the stones.

When purchasing a talisman, it is advisable to take into account not only the sign of the Zodiac, but also navigate by date of birth.

Gemstones of Libra by decade of the sign

  1. Libra included by date of birth ( September 23 - October 2) in the first astrological decade, are under the influence of Venus. They are characterized by daydreaming and the need for communication, most often, these people are trusting and treat others well. Suitable stones for the scales of this decade are amethyst, agate, quartz, moonstone, amazonite, jade, tiger's eye, lapis lazuli, jasper, rock crystal and malachite.
  2. In the second decade of the sign by date of birth ( October 3 - 13) includes Libra, subordinate to Saturn. They are distinguished by prudence in everything, modesty and unpretentiousness in life. What stones are suitable for Libra of this period? Among these minerals are ruby, amethyst, emerald, sapphire, tourmaline, topaz, zircon and chrysolite.
  3. Libra, by date of birth ( October 14 - 22) related to the third decade, feel the influence of Jupiter. They are creative and respect traditions. Representatives of this decade are suitable for chrysolite, zircon, aquamarine, ruby, diamond, topaz, emerald, sapphire and tourmaline.

Talismans and amulets for Libra

Gems of Libra should develop willpower and a sense of responsibility, since representatives of this zodiac sign are subject to temptations and often cannot organize effective activities.

A suitable stone for them is a diamond. The talisman with him gives determination and courage, which the suspicious Libra lacks so much.

The stone gives recognition and respect in society, weakens the negative character traits of its owner.

Useful stones for Libra should bring harmony and attention from others. Lapis lazuli with its soft energy, it is able to resolve internal contradictions in the soul of its owner. The mineral will help suppress outbreaks of aggression if the hidden feelings of Libra still break free. Jewelry with lapis lazuli allows representatives of this zodiac sign to find a common language with others without losing their own opinion.

Amethyst is needed by Libra like no other signs. This stone protects against all bad habits that often appear in weak-willed representatives of the Zodiac sign. The Libra talisman with amethyst will help them develop intuition and increase intellectual abilities.

In addition, the gem helps to strengthen the nervous system of Libra, subject to carefully hidden stresses and upheavals.

Opal- a strong talisman for Libra. This stone is suitable for fighters for justice, brave and noble people. This is what most representatives of the zodiac sign are like. Opal helps its owner cope with melancholy and mood swings. The mineral teaches Libra to make decisions and set goals without delaying this process. Some astrologers do not recommend that Libra wear opal jewelry too often.

What minerals to choose Libra of the weaker sex

According to the date of birth, astrologers recommend Libra women to wear jewelry with tourmaline. It is difficult for representatives of this zodiac sign to arrange a personal life, since Libra women are often stingy with emotions. Tourmaline helps the soul to open up, teaches to show their feelings. The mineral reduces the negative impact of the fickle nature of Libra women. The stone brings success to its mistress in all professional fields, but tourmaline is especially useful for women doctors and teachers.

Libra women really need love and attention from others. Coral will help its mistress become the soul of society. In addition, jewelry with it strengthens marriage bonds and cherishes love. Corals protect women from external negativity, anger and envy, pushing them away from their owner.. Wearing corals has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and overall well-being.

Precious jewelry with malachite is a strong talisman for the Libra woman.

The stone has a soft energy, coinciding with the strength of the sign. gives a woman harmony in everything: in the family, relationships and work. The mineral contributes to self-realization and the implementation of plans. Talisman with malachite enhances the eloquence of Libra, makes them more convincing and diplomatic.

Emerald also suits the Libra woman. A talisman with it helps to maintain a beautiful appearance. Most of all, emerald is suitable for women who dream of pregnancy, or for young mothers. The gem protects both the physical and mental health of its mistress.

Libra men and gems

Yellow and colorless sapphires are suitable for Libra men according to the horoscope, as they increase resistance to external influences and make mental activity more productive. This is very important for the representatives of this sign, as they think for a long time, and then do nothing. Sapphire makes men more determined and courageous. In addition, the stone helps to win high positions in any society.

It is useful for Libra men to have a talisman with chrysolite. The mineral helps to calm down and relieve internal stress.

Libra appreciates comfort, and chrysolite attracts financial well-being and success in life to its owner. The gem protects honest and decent people in responsible positions. Chrysolite protects its owner from temptations and deceptions. The stone is able to raise self-esteem and neutralize feelings of guilt for imaginary misconduct.

Libra men often refuse to fight in any of its manifestations, preferring to adapt. Astrologers advise them to purchase a talisman with opal. It is not necessary to wear the stone, it is enough to look at it for several minutes a day. This will make a man stronger, responsible and independent. Opal gives determination and courage. The mineral helps the bachelor to decide on the choice of the second half.

Astrologers warn

Among the minerals that are not suitable for Libra, astrologers single out jet. This black stone causes bouts of misanthropy, which is contrary to the essence of the philanthropic Libra. Gagat is able to bring discord into the life of the representatives of this sign, to make them depressed.

Hematite and onyx are also unsuitable stones for Libra. Onyx enhances the control of emotions, helps to contain them inside. And Libra already tends to withdraw into itself, hiding its sorrows and joys in the soul. Onyx accumulates energy, including negative. Representatives of the sign will not be able to fight it, but absorb it into themselves.

It is undesirable for Libra to wear hematite too often or for a long time. The mineral contributes to the fulfillment of desires, but Libra often does not know what they want. Hematite harms people with a weak character, because it helps to achieve not only good goals, but also bad ones. In addition, the strong energy of hematite can harm the health of Libra.

Compatibility horoscope: Libra zodiac sign stone talisman woman - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Representatives of the Libra sign know how to find a common language with everyone. That is why they are so good in the role of peacekeepers and negotiators at any level. They are excellent at diplomatic and legal professions, they are excellent debaters. Libra can captivate people and win their respect. They just need to feel their own need. The negative side of this property is some duplicity, because Libra wants to please everyone, so you have to be different.

The inconsistency of the nature of this zodiac sign is manifested in the frequent change of mood and impulsiveness. Making decisions for them is hard work, Libra finds more and more arguments and cannot come to a final conclusion. Therefore, they do not like to take responsibility, but the assigned work is always done perfectly. In communication, Libras are very sweet and friendly. This is an intellectual sign of the zodiac, which likes to accumulate information of various kinds and actively use it. In all spheres of life, the sign strives to achieve harmony and balance.

How to choose stones for Libra according to the horoscope?

In order to determine which stone is suitable for Libra, you should find out the exact date of birth, this will allow you to choose a mineral that is most appropriate and helps a person.

  • born in the period from September 24th to October 2nd are ruled by Venus. Representatives of Libra born in the 1st decade are distinguished by benevolence, gentleness and tenderness. They often lack the strength and firmness to defend themselves. Amethyst, quartz, diamond, moonstone, lapis lazuli, rock crystal, malachite and jasper will help them in this.
  • Libra, influenced by Saturn, born in the period from 3rd to 13th October. They work modestly for the good of the family or society, without demanding much money or fame for this. In order to spend more time and resources on themselves, they will need the help of strong energy stones. For example, emerald, opal, sapphire, tourmaline, topaz, amethyst, ruby ​​or zircon.
  • The most sophisticated representatives of the sign are born from October 14th to 23rd. They are ruled by Jupiter. The scales of this decade appreciate life and its blessings. Stones suitable for them are diamond, emerald, topaz, chrysoprase, tourmaline, beryl, ruby, sapphire and aquamarine.

More about stones for the Libra sign in the video:

Which stone suits the scales

Diamond is one of the main stones for Libra. This gem symbolizes their transparency and moral purity. The mineral gives Libra the necessary fortitude to make independent decisions. Diamond is a stone amulet for those born under this sign, which is able to reflect negative energy directed towards its owner. Diamond stimulates activity, it pushes Libra in the right direction. Aquamarine is an important stone for Libra.. This is the talisman of negotiators and diplomats. It helps to resolve the conflict and correctly convey your thoughts to the interlocutor. Jewelry with aquamarine harmonizes the internal state and mood of Libra, sets them up for fruitful work. The gem contributes to the achievement of goals. Due to their modesty and unpretentiousness, those born under this zodiac sign rarely reach high peaks, preferring to be in the shadow of other people. Lapis lazuli will help to prove oneself and achieve success in the chosen business.. It makes Libra lucky and persistent. Jewelry with lapis lazuli strengthens friendships and love relationships, gives joy and happiness. The mineral is able to relieve psycho-emotional stress and set you up for rest. Tourmaline helps Libra to be a whole person, get rid of the duality of thoughts and actions. The stone makes it possible to make decisions independently and not depend on the emotional state. Libras wearing tourmaline are calm and balanced, as the mineral harmonizes internal energy flows. Indecisive Libra is useful to have jewelry with opal. This stone will help them gain faith in themselves and the correctness of their actions and decisions. Opal replaces laziness and apathy characteristic of the sign with good spirits and an active life position. The mineral contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system, helps to get rid of negative thoughts and tune in to a positive wave.

Precious Talismans

Libra has many talismans. The image of scales has a positive effect on the character of the representatives of this sign, contributes to the manifestation of positive qualities and protects against excessive influence of the outside world. Talismans in the form of a frog, heart or Cupid will help Libra in matters of the heart. To achieve success in business areas, you can wear jewelry with Japanese or ancient Greek symbols. It can be both hieroglyphs and mythological images.

Stones that help Libra are best worn in a pendant, medallion or pendant. For stones in beads or a bracelet, the same size is desirable. The number of beads must be even. Amethyst is recommended to be worn in silver or combined with gold and other stones. Astrologers advise Libra to choose silver jewelry with green, white or blue stones. Be sure to maintain balance: decorations must match each other in size and strength of the stones.

Charms for the sign

One of the stones that protect Libra is beryl.. The mineral helps to strengthen friendships and family ties. Beryl is a good charm for Libra, as it helps to find inner balance and establish balance, which is so necessary for the sign.

Strong amulet for Libra - opal. It helps the representatives of the sign in any endeavors and protects against failures and failures. Opal is useful to Libra in any form: processed and not, in jewelry and in the form of figurines, figurines or household items. For the stone to give maximum protection, it must be acquired independently or inherited. It is undesirable to give Libra opal.

Feminine and charming Libra women know how to enjoy life, communication and flirting. But they do not know how to make choices in almost all areas of life. What shoes to buy, whom to marry, build a career or have children? Sometimes Libra women do not make decisions, remaining in limbo.

For unmarried and single Libra, jewelry with opals is very suitable. The stone helps to find and keep love, prevents problems with the immune system. Opal stimulates logical thinking and helps to make informed decisions.

Turquoise is the best amulet for pregnant women.. She protects not only the expectant mother, but also the child. During pregnancy, jewelry with lapis lazuli is useful. The stone stabilizes the psychological state and tunes in to motherhood.

Coral is one of the best charms for women born under the sign of Libra.. It helps to take care of the skin and preserve youth. Coral protects from envy, evil eye, damage and evil people. Coral jewelry gives Libra women the ability to think rationally and form their own point of view.

It is useful for Libra men to wear jewelry with zircon. The stone helps in business, gives eloquence and persuasiveness in negotiations and public speaking. Zircon attracts money and great deals. A ring with zircon contributes to the rapid adoption of the right decisions.

Libra men are afraid to offend someone and do not know how to refuse. To become bolder in their thoughts and actions, Libra is recommended to wear beryl. Opal will help windy Libra men settle down. With the help of tourmaline, you can decide on the choice of the second half and keep happiness in love and family life.

What stones to avoid?

Libra is not recommended to wear jewelry with onyx. The coil is contraindicated for representatives of this sign. You can not constantly wear products with opal. The sign of Libra is the opposite of Aries, so they do not want to wear jewelry with Aries talisman stones, which include carnelian, sardonyx, rhodolite, and most blood-red stones.

Stones for Libra

Representatives of the sign of Libra are extraordinary, changeable, impulsive, fickle people with a constantly changing mood. They have a high IQ and a well-developed intuition.

The dispute with Libra can be endless - they will always find an argument to object to the opponent. Periods of great activity for representatives of this sign must be alternated with rest, otherwise there is a risk of overwork.

Libras know how to win respect and captivate people. It is extremely important for representatives of this sign to feel their need. The negative side of this property is a kind of duplicity, Libra tends to please everyone, and for this you have to be different.

Among the virtues of Libra are such qualities as kindness, sincerity, prudence, justice and sociability. The disadvantages of Libra include indecision, laziness, dominance, coupled with a weak will, fear of loneliness, dependence on the opinions of others, narcissism.

Choosing a stone by date of birth (by decade)

Libra of the first decade (October 24 to 2), gentle, benevolent and soft, is influenced by Venus. Often these people lack the firmness and strength that will allow them to defend themselves. Stones suitable for representatives of Libra of the first decade: jasper, lapis lazuli, quartz, rock crystal, amethyst, malachite, moonstone and diamond.

Libra born in the second decade (October 3-13) is ruled by the planet Saturn. These people are humble workers working for the benefit of the family or society. They are not in the habit of demanding fame or money for their work. Libra of the second decade will be indispensable for stones that will teach representatives of this sign to spend more time on themselves, without feeling remorse. Examples of such stones are zircon, emerald, amethyst, opal, ruby, topaz, tourmaline and sapphire.

The planet Jupiter protects the representatives of the sign, born in the third decade (from October 14 to 23). These are the most refined natures who value life and its benefits. The scales of the third decade are suitable for such stones as: aquamarine, diamond, tourmaline, sapphire, topaz, ruby, chrysoprase, beryl and emerald.

Stones for scales, talismans and amulets

Lapis lazuli will make Libra happier and more persistent, will help to achieve success in the chosen activity. This stone will help the owner to prove himself. Jewelry with this stone will strengthen friendships and love relationships, give happiness and joy. Lapis Lazuli is able to set the owner to rest and relieve emotional stress.

Diamond is a symbol of transparency and moral purity of Libra. This is one of the main stones of this sign. He will be able to give the owner the necessary fortitude, which will allow him to make independent decisions. Diamond is a talisman, ways to reflect negative energy directed towards its owner. This mineral will push the representatives of the Libra sign in the right direction and will stimulate their activity.

Beryl strengthen family and friendship ties. This mineral is an excellent amulet for representatives of the Libra sign. He will establish a balance, so necessary for the changeable nature of the owner, and establish an internal balance. Beryl will help Libra in scientific and philosophical research, will favorably affect the mind and thinking of the owner. The mineral will protect Libra from danger on a long journey.

Coral will help preserve youth and take care of the skin. This is one of the best amulets for the representatives of the weaker sex of the Libra sign. Talismans with coral will give the owner the ability to think quickly, rationally, and also form their own point of view. Coral will protect from evil people, damage, envy and the evil eye.

Tourmaline will save Libra from the duality of actions and thoughts, help to be a whole person. The tourmaline talisman will give you the opportunity to make independent decisions, regardless of your changeable mood. The owners of this stone are balanced and calm, as this mineral will create harmony between the internal energy flows.

Sapphire will contribute to the stamina of Libra. With him, representatives of this sign will be able to resist all bodily and mental ailments. Sapphire will extinguish negative emotions such as hatred and anger. A talisman made of this stone will protect both enemies and friends from treachery.

Amethyst will guard peace of mind, bestows prudence and tranquility. An amethyst talisman will strengthen resistance to various temptations (including drugs), protect against harmful outside influences, diseases, evil fate, nostalgia, the evil eye and magic, and protect against violent passions.

Amber, worn on the index finger, can be very useful for representatives of the Libra sign. This stone will help you make the right choice in love relationships and friendships, as well as attract the attention of the object of sighing.

Women's weight stones

Opal will balance the fickle mood of the Libra woman, give stability. It is a stone of loyalty and reliability.

Stone of peace and good luck - turquoise- will protect from the evil eye and bring happiness. This stone is able to extinguish quarrels and enmity, to protect while traveling.

From beryl you get a wonderful amulet - this stone has powerful protective properties.

Amethyst, set in silver, will be able to strengthen the will of the representative of the weaker sex of the Libra sign, this stone also has the ability to drive away bad thoughts. Amethyst is able to bring happiness to its owner.

decoration with malachite gives harmony and attractiveness, and this is precisely what women representatives of this sign lack. This stone will have a beneficial effect on the creative potential of its owner. Malachite is also able to slow down aging.

Mascot from cat eye able to protect against negative energy.

Stones for weights men

Aquamarine stabilizes the mood swings of representatives of the Libra sign. This amulet will contribute to the establishment of any kind of relationship. Thanks to this stone, Libra is able to pull himself together, get together and not let bad moods and negative emotions spoil relationships.

Opal will bring friendship, harmony and peace to its owners, smooth out the transitions from apathy to vigorous activity. A talisman made of this stone will not allow representatives of the Libra sign to go to extremes, it will keep them from various abuses. It is with the help of opal that Libra will be able to redirect their energy to good deeds.

Reduces the spread of behavior and moods of a changeable sign tourmaline. This amulet will give optimism, faith and hope for the best. Tourmaline will gently bring Libra's “cloud-flying” representatives from heaven to earth, so that they tirelessly achieve success and brilliantly cope with their affairs.

Zircon will assist in business, give persuasiveness in business negotiations and endow with eloquence. This talisman attracts profitable offers and financial benefits. A zircon ring will help Libra to make the right decisions quickly.

Beryl will return Libra strength, optimistic mood and good spirits.

Stones that are contraindicated for the sign of Libra

Representatives of the Libra sign are contraindicated in wearing jewelry with onyx and serpentine.

Since the sign of Libra is the opposite of Aries, Libra should not wear jewelry suitable for Aries, for example: carnelian, rhodolite, sardonyx, hematite and the vast majority of stones with a bright red, bloody color.

Libra Stones

The period of activity of Libra is from September 24 to October 23. The natural element of the sign is Air. The ruling planets are Venus and Saturn.

Wards of Venus are aesthetes. They dress with taste, carefully monitor themselves. This trait is common to both men and women. Attractive, sophisticated appearance is combined in Libra with sincerity, modesty, nobility. Representatives of the sign love to overspend, but - strange! - do not lack them. In the company, no one else, like Libra, knows how to create an atmosphere of friendly fun. They take good care of their loved ones. Never get offended over trifles. Children and animals instinctively feel their kindness.

From Saturn, Libra receives external calmness and internal vulnerability. They constantly need approval, do not tolerate loneliness.

Libras need to strike a balance between the dark and light sides of their own personality. To solve this problem, they will be helped by stones, talismans, selected in accordance with the horoscope.

Universal stones talismans for Libra

Libra is the middle, the balance, the bridge between the rational Virgo and the passionate Scorpio. This sign has no pronounced friends and enemies among the stones. Libra can wear jewelry with almost all gems. And yet some of the minerals are most preferred.

The seventh sign of the Zodiac is associated with the beautiful times of golden autumn. Stones are especially favorable for him, reflecting in their faces the play of blue, blue, lilac sky and multi-colored foliage: green, yellow, orange. In addition to them, some dark minerals are recommended - symbols of impenetrably black autumn nights.

Set up for fruitful work. It will give courage and determination necessary to achieve the goal. Strengthen the feelings of the bride and groom. Aquamarine is a symbol of fidelity and a strong family.

Libra is in dire need of a talisman that embodies the strength of character. This function is successfully performed by a diamond. Under the influence of his energy, the owner of the gem will learn to make independent decisions.

Having submitted an original idea, Libra retreats into the shadows. Their merits are appropriated by other people. Lapis lazuli will correct the situation, give perseverance in the implementation of plans and projects.

Sparkling highlights on the surface of the stone are able to give a timid, doubting person self-confidence, transform his laziness and passivity into an active life position. But if the owner of the opal is devoid of decency, the volatile mineral will turn to him with its insidious side.

Strengthens the unsteady emotional state of a person. Helps the owner to become a more whole person, balancing the dark and light energies of the dual sign.

Selection of stones by decades of birth date for Libra

The influence of Venus extends most strongly to representatives of the first decade. They are sensitive, graceful, gentle, but they don’t know how to stand up for themselves at all, they can hardly endure insults. Their talismans help to forget disappointments, relieve anxiety:

Representatives of the decade of Saturn are modest and selfless workers. The well-being of the household is much more important to them than money, career and self-affirmation. In order for these people to find strength and time for themselves, they need active minerals:

The scales of the third decade experience the additional influence of Jupiter. They are sophisticated and artistic. Many musicians, artists, writers were born in these days. Typical weaknesses of the decade: effeminacy, a tendency to inexplicable fears and nervous breakdowns. The magic of stones saves from depression, gives prudence, wisdom, peace. Period Gems:

Additional list of talisman stones:

pearls (black), coral, labradorite, obsidian, chrysoprase, zircon.

Unfavorable Minerals

The gems of bright red shades can harm the sign. For example - hematite and pyrope. Although the opinions of modern Astrologers differ about inappropriate stones, and some, on the contrary, advise choosing stones, not according to the Sun sign, but according to a weak planet in the natal chart. List of stones to which Libra should take a closer look:

Talisman stone for women of the Libra sign by date of birth

Libra women, born from September 23 to October 23, are famous for their ease of communication, charm, and grace. They owe this to the influence of the planet Venus.

Representatives of the zodiac sign Libra tend to exude a light and bright aura. Sometimes people around think that they are frivolous windy people. Wearing the right stones can help in business and increase vitality.

Characteristics of the woman of the sign Libra

Love for Libra women is an object of adoration and worship. They will tremblingly protect this feeling from any interference. But their partners should know that women of this sign will not tolerate domination, humiliation, inability to appreciate their efforts and efforts.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are ready to give a lot to a partner, but for this he must show his respect and be grateful.

Libra women are perfectly realized in motherhood: they are gentle, but also moderately strict in relation to their children. They do not resist if the husband will be engaged in the upbringing of their children.

Libra women are ready to devote their free time to work, talk about them - workaholics. Going out on a Sunday or skipping lunch is a common thing for them. But unlike other signs, Libra women need more time to recover after overload.

They tend to be cyclical. Manic moods are replaced by depression. They can redo all the work with rapture, but after they are overtaken by depression and fatigue, which does not even allow them to move.

What stones are suitable according to the horoscope?

You need to select a stone or mineral based on the date of your birth.

Born from September 23 to October 2

Libra women, born from September 23 to October 2, the planet rules Venus. It gives the traits of their character friendliness, softness, sensitivity.

Often, representatives of the Libra sign, born in the first decade, do not have sufficient strength, firmness of character to defend their interests in difficult situations. Malachite and jasper can give confidence and determination.

Lapis lazuli can give special power. It will strengthen friendships and love relationships, as well as bring good luck. Lapis lazuli is able to adjust to the necessary rest, give peace and balance.

Diamond can give Libra women of the first decade protection from negative forces that destroy life potential. He is also able to direct their activities in the right direction.

Moonstone can make a Libra woman more attractive, and can also bestow the ability to beautifully and clearly express one's thoughts, creative self-expression.

Rock crystal can develop intuition, bestow harmony and balance.

In the second decade - from 3 to 13 October

Libra women, born October 3rd to 13th, are ruled by Saturn. They are hardworking, selfless, but sometimes those around them, and especially those close to them, do not notice this. In order for the work to be appreciated, and for the vitality to be enough for itself, Libra women of the second decade should take a closer look at ruby ​​and zircon.

Amethyst can be of great benefit. He is able to protect the representative of the sign from destructive temptations and passions, diseases, evil fate, the evil eye. The stone can give peace of mind, prudence and tranquility.

Tourmaline is able to make a whole person out of a Libra woman, to protect her from taking dual and personality-destroying actions.

Emerald can protect from an uninteresting and bitter fate. Also, the stone has healing properties, affects the mind and memory and can get rid of bad dreams and melancholy.

Opal is able to keep from base passions, irritation, and can also warn about diseases by changing its color.

Born from 14 to 23 October

Due to the influence of Jupiter, Libra women, born from October 14 to 23, are the most refined natures. The representatives of this decade are characterized by a great love for the blessings of life. Chrysoprase and topaz stones will help them feel it.

Wearing beryl will unlock the potential of Libra women of the last decade. It will help in philosophical research, strengthen the mind and thinking. He is also able to protect from dangerous journeys, which the representatives of the sign of the last decade aspire to.

Sapphire will help eliminate negative character traits and establish harmony. Also, this stone heals ailments, protects from envious people, which the representatives of the Libra sign of the last decade have enough of.

Aquamarine helps Libra women of the last decade to improve their energy, the functioning of the nervous system. But the properties of this stone are better manifested during the day.

Pearls will help only family Libra women, strengthen peace in the family, protect them from rivals. Lonely people can feel sadness and depression. It is not recommended for young girls to wear black pearls - it will reward anger, hatred and take years of life.

Talismans and amulets

Representatives of the sign have a large number of talismans. Any jewelry-amulet with the image of scales has a beneficial effect on the character of the representatives of this sign, gives a surge of strength and protection from the negativity of the outside world.

Happiness in heart affairs can bring Libra women talismans in the shape of a heart, Cupid or frog. Help in reaching the top at work can be provided by wearing jewelry with Japanese (for example, hieroglyphs) or ancient Greek (mythological images) symbols.

The influence of stones on Libra women will be more beneficial if they are framed in a pendant, medallion, pendant. In beads and bracelets made of stones, it is important to consider the size and number of beads: they must be the same and in an even number.

Astrologers advise Libra to choose silver jewelry. This metal is ruled by their ruling planet Venus. The most powerful amulet for women is a silver jewelry with an amethyst. Talismans have the same power, where silver is combined with blue, green and white stones.

The amber ring is also iconic for every Libra woman. This talisman will help direct vital energy in the right direction, teach you to make the right choice. But you need to wear this amulet exclusively on the index finger.

Representatives of the Libra sign you need to pay attention to decorations with corals. This is one of the best talismans: able to prolong youth and make them more attractive. Also, this amulet helps to make rational decisions despite the changeability of female nature.

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These representatives of the elements of Air, perhaps, need significant protection from envy and negative energy. After all, not every one of Libra's numerous social circles is their well-wisher. A stone that enhances innate intuition and inspiration will not be superfluous for Libra. Libras need to strike a balance between the dark and light sides of their own personality. To solve this problem, they will be helped by stones, talismans, selected in accordance with the horoscope. But all Libras are advised to be careful with stones that have a bright red tint.

Libra, the mineral will help restore health and physical strength. People with chronic diseases are shown to wear agate from time to time. It is also suitable for those whose intellectual powers predominate over physical ones. A full and harmonious development of the personality is possible, provided that agate is worn, no more than twice a week. It is advisable to use the stone as an amulet. It will bring the greatest benefit, framed in silver or copper. Agate is rarely worn with gold.

Astrologers observe ideal compatibility of adularia in Libra. In Libra, the gem will increase self-confidence and give him inner peace. He will make people of this sign more balanced and save them from unnecessary ambitions. Libra with adularia will be able to find a way out of any situation. Libra adularia will help bring creative ideas to life, unlock potential, find harmony.

According to the zodiac horoscope, the gem is best suited to Libra. It will help develop intuition in representatives of this zodiac sign and help them recognize lies. In addition, the mineral will help them make the right decisions even in the most difficult situations. At the same time, Libra does not have to use azurite for personal wear. It is enough for them to have this talisman at home in order to feel its influence even at a distance.

Diamond is not just a king among precious stones, but a powerful protective amulet for Libra. For people with a strong will, he serves as a talisman, helps to be firm in his intentions, and guarantees success in his endeavors. But Libra is an exalted and vulnerable people, they, like children, need protection, love and joy. Diamond patronizes the weak, protecting from aggression from the outside world, removes fears, gives the owner strength, pride and courage, tempers the soft character of Libra.


Libra ammolite will restore balance in the "scale" of mood. Libra will now perceive the world more deeply and refuse, as if subconsciously, to make mistakes. In the form of jewelry on the neck, ammolite, in relation to Libra, increases the functionality of the immune system.

The best amulet for Libra, who have been in fluctuations all their lives, is made of andalusite. The mineral helps to gain clarity of mind, learn how to make decisions quickly, and achieve success in tasks. For Libra, the mineral will become an inexhaustible source of inspiration, it will help not only to catch ideal ideas in your head, but also to bring them to life.

Libra needs beryl every time this sign has bouts of gloom and disappointment, a breakdown and a pessimistic mood. Beryl helps Libra to recover faster and get out of depression, gives strength and vigor to go towards success and new achievements. Libra is a wonderful intermediary, and they really like this role in society, the help of beryl in establishing friendly relations is very appropriate here. Sometimes people of this sign suffer from feelings of guilt caused by indecision, weak will, laziness and apathy - all these character traits prevent Libra from developing and achieving success. They need someone (or something) to help, and beryl as a talisman can help Libra all their lives.

The human qualities of the representatives of Libra will be enhanced by rock crystal. The crystal is an indispensable talisman that will help make the Libra representative more attractive and useful to society. Libra with rock crystal will be lucky in any kind of relationship: in friendship, Libra is always needed and irreplaceable, and romantically, the air sign is loved and respected. In this case, rock crystal is especially responsible for love relationships - Libra will find all their love in one person, in which one - the same rock crystal will indicate.

Demantoid is great for Libra. With such a mineral, they will find success in any endeavor. Any business started by the representatives of this zodiac sign will be brought to the end by them. They will also be able to find a soul mate and build a strong family. Those Libra who have already managed to do this, the mineral gives protection from adultery and scandals.

This stone has a positive effect on people born under the sign of Libra. He is able to show his owner the right path in life and even completely transform it. Will give him confidence in the future, and make him believe in his own strength. The zodiac sign Libra may use jadeite as a talisman. The stone will help the representatives of this zodiac sign to change their lives for the better.

Libra under the influence of tourmaline will become more restrained and optimistic. For strong and purposeful individuals, this stone will bring good luck, accelerate success and maintain good health. It helps them to achieve their goal, and at the right time to calm and balance the nervous system. Inconstant and arrogant scales, the mineral is able to gain peace of mind and restraint.

Cacholong is especially useful for people born under the sign of Libra - it strengthens their material well-being, increases savings, attracts success and good luck. Cacholong is able to respond to the emotions of its owner, he rejoices and is sad along with the person. It is because of this quality that astrologers do not recommend Libra to wear a cacholong.

The element of Libra is air, representatives of this sign often doubt their decisions. Iolite will help such people find the right solution, relieve doubts and self-doubt. But not always the representatives of this sign manage to realize their ideas. Cordierite in a silver frame will help Libra achieve success and realize their potential.

From an astrological point of view, the Labrador is the stone of Libra. The character of Libra is known for constantly balancing between good deeds and bad deeds, it is difficult for them to find the balance that they really need. He helps them make decisions and not change them until the very end. The stone loves the purposeful and strong in spirit, helping Libra to deal with his volatility. Labrador brought good luck in relationships, personal life.

Indecisive by nature, Libra with the help of lapis lazuli can gain additional confidence, simplify decision-making and get rid of unnecessary doubts. It is recommended to wear jewelry with lapis lazuli. The influence of this stone softens the weaknesses inherent in people born under the sign of Libra - changeability in friendship and love. Lapis lazuli has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body, preserves youth, and increases physical strength.

Libra, whose mood can frantically jump from plus to minus and back again during the day, malachite is useful for stabilizing and uplifting the spirit in general. To protect against envious people and ill-wishers - and Libra always has a lot of acquaintances, and anyone can be among them - you can use small malachite jewelry and products as amulets.

As a talisman, morganite is ideal for Libra. This zodiac constellation will feel the full power of the mineral. He pushes the representatives of this sign to spiritual development, solving problems and achieving the goal. He "pushes" Libra to move forward. In addition, the mineral gives them financial well-being and the opportunity to find harmony with themselves and the world around them.

Libra jade brings success and honor in risky matters. Libra is bold and sometimes careless - it's good, jade will direct all those qualities to get an excellent result. The lightness of Libra is needed just the same for some cases, there is simply catastrophically no time to think about the consequences of which. Libra always looks positive and happy, but sometimes you can notice that they have become aggressive for no apparent reason. Jade, having a positive effect on Libra, calms their ardor and they again become kind and sympathetic.

It is also worth paying attention to the blue tourmaline Paraiba, the most valuable and coveted variety of tourmaline today. Practical Libra diplomats are always looking for balance and harmony in themselves and those around them. Paraiba blue jewelry will sincerely support its owner.

The Libra zodiac sign is perfectly compatible with green quartz. They have similar energy, so they do not need to get used to each other. The gem will help people of this sign to reveal and develop hidden potentials. If they constantly wear this stone, then luck will never leave them.

Rauchtopaz is a stone of the signs of the Zodiac Libra. For representatives of this sign, wearing a stone helps to gain the wisdom necessary in everyday life. It stimulates creativity in the sense that it helps to turn a creative idea into reality. Such talented natures as Libra are highly recommended to wear jewelry with rauchtopaz. It will inspire them to creativity and creation. Endowed with worldly wisdom. It will give you good luck and help you achieve your goals.

Rhodonite makes Libra more confident and bold, adding more enthusiasm to the behavior of its owners. Libra will accomplish their plans with great vigor and special passion. But rhodonite will also find its place for the innate dreaminess of Libra. The stone never begins to act immediately - it needs to "get used" to the owner, get used to it, feel the owner. It is better to wear a stone in a pendant, ring, bracelet, but rhodonite put in a pocket or purse will bring a lot of benefits!

Rhodochrosite's favorite zodiac sign is Libra. Libra is a sign of the zodiac that appreciates harmony and tranquility, and rhodochrosite contributes to their acquisition to the fullest. Libra rhodochrosite helps to find family happiness, brings harmony to existing relationships, fills with confidence in overcoming life's troubles and the correctness of one's actions. For people born under this constellation, you should never part with the strongest amulet. He will make life successful, attract an ideal soul mate to create a strong and friendly family.

This stone has a truly magical power for Libra. This mineral has a strong impact on the emotional background of Libra - men. It will give strength not to be subjected to daily stress, to forget old emotional wounds, unpleasant situations. It will calm the soul, internal conflicts and experiences will go away by themselves. Undoubtedly, the main feature of rose quartz that will interest Libra women is the attraction of love. According to the horoscope, Libra is very eccentric, contradictory. And even with these qualities, the chance to meet a soul mate increases many times over.

Rubellite is especially supportive of Libra, and will protect every representative of this sign. For women born under the sign of Libra, the power of the mineral will help in family happiness, creating coziness and a favorable environment in the house, and will help create a good-natured and joyful atmosphere. Astrologers recommend that Libra men wear a rubellite ring or ring in order to gain courage and self-confidence, to become rational and cold-blooded in making difficult decisions.

Sugar quartz is especially suitable for people born under the sign of Libra. Snow cooling energy cools the ardor and helps not to say too much in the heat, and when overstressed, it helps to think first and then write, significantly reducing the risk of making a mistake. Nervous and indecisive people will find a real miracle in this stone - after all, its energy is such that even obsessive fear can recede under its influence.

For Libra, the hawk's eye is a protection stone. This extraordinary amulet tries to keep its Owners away from dangers and worries. With a hawk eye, Libra will not fall into the "embrace" of stress and depression. The mood of Libra will also please. Hawkeye will not let Libra get hurt under any circumstances.

Zodiac sign Libra should wear white, pink or blue chalcedony. Chalcedony will allow Libra to remain faithful in family relationships, strengthen friendships, and also make its owner successful and emotionally independent. Interestingly, chalcedony is perfect for children born under the sign of Libra. He will save you from bad people and help in your studies. Chalcedony for Libra carries a steady energy of balance so that they do not fluctuate. Helps them make decisions and overcome personal passivity.

Chiastolite is best for Libra, given the ability to bring harmony, it will suit a sign that has a constant need for it. Without it, people - Libra suffer, feel tired and disappointed. Chiastolite will come to the rescue. He will not only be their talisman, but will also teach you to recognize the signals of the universe, make you wiser and strengthen the intuition that is inherent in Libra.

Chrysolite will become an excellent talisman for Libra, which can relieve nervous tension, protect its owner from bad dreams and insomnia and the negative impact of people. Chrysolite helps to gain self-confidence and develop self-esteem. It helps to achieve moral balance and instill in a person tolerance and patience towards others. It protects a person from the manifestation of unreasonable acts. It is increasingly being used as an amulet or talisman, and less and less often as a mere piece of jewelry.

This stone as a talisman is ideal for Libra. This is especially true for those representatives of this zodiac sign who were born in late September - early October. The stone will help them find harmony with themselves and the world around them, protect them from evil witchcraft and evil forces. In addition, the mineral will develop Libra's intuition and help develop hidden talents. The main properties of this stone are calming and balancing. Charoite makes the world of people kind and calm.

Lucky Stones of Libra

Representatives of the Libra sign know how to find a common language with everyone. That is why they are so good in the role of peacekeepers and negotiators at any level. They are excellent at diplomatic and legal professions, they are excellent debaters. Libra can captivate people and win their respect. They just need to feel their own need. The negative side of this property is some duplicity, because Libra wants to please everyone, so you have to be different.

The inconsistency of the nature of this zodiac sign is manifested in the frequent change of mood and impulsiveness. Making decisions for them is hard work, Libra finds more and more arguments and cannot come to a final conclusion. Therefore, they do not like to take responsibility, but the assigned work is always done perfectly. In communication, Libras are very sweet and friendly. This is an intellectual sign of the zodiac, which likes to accumulate information of various kinds and actively use it. In all spheres of life, the sign strives to achieve harmony and balance.

How to choose stones for Libra according to the horoscope?

In order to determine which stone is suitable for Libra, you should find out the exact date of birth, this will allow you to choose a mineral that is most appropriate and helps a person.

  • born in the period from September 24th to October 2nd are ruled by Venus. Representatives of Libra born in the 1st decade are distinguished by benevolence, gentleness and tenderness. They often lack the strength and firmness to defend themselves. Amethyst, quartz, diamond, moonstone, lapis lazuli, rock crystal, malachite and jasper will help them in this.
  • Libra, influenced by Saturn, born in the period from 3rd to 13th October. They work modestly for the good of the family or society, without demanding much money or fame for this. In order to spend more time and resources on themselves, they will need the help of strong energy stones. For example, emerald, opal, sapphire, tourmaline, topaz, amethyst, ruby ​​or zircon.
  • The most sophisticated representatives of the sign are born from October 14th to 23rd. They are ruled by Jupiter. The scales of this decade appreciate life and its blessings. Stones suitable for them are diamond, emerald, topaz, chrysoprase, tourmaline, beryl, ruby, sapphire and aquamarine.

Which stone suits the scales

Diamond is one of the main stones for Libra. This gem symbolizes their transparency and moral purity. The mineral gives Libra the necessary fortitude to make independent decisions. Diamond is a stone amulet for those born under this sign, which is able to reflect negative energy directed towards its owner. Diamond stimulates activity, it pushes Libra in the right direction.

Aquamarine is an important stone for Libra.. This is the talisman of negotiators and diplomats. It helps to resolve the conflict and correctly convey your thoughts to the interlocutor. Jewelry with aquamarine harmonizes the internal state and mood of Libra, sets them up for fruitful work. The gem contributes to the achievement of goals.

Due to their modesty and unpretentiousness, those born under this zodiac sign rarely reach high peaks, preferring to be in the shadow of other people. Lapis lazuli will help to prove oneself and achieve success in the chosen business.. It makes Libra lucky and persistent. Jewelry with lapis lazuli strengthens friendships and love relationships, gives joy and happiness. The mineral is able to relieve psycho-emotional stress and set you up for rest.

Tourmaline helps Libra to be a whole person, get rid of the duality of thoughts and actions. The stone makes it possible to make decisions independently and not depend on the emotional state. Libras wearing tourmaline are calm and balanced, as the mineral harmonizes internal energy flows.

Indecisive Libra is useful to have jewelry with opal. This stone will help them gain faith in themselves and the correctness of their actions and decisions. Opal replaces laziness and apathy characteristic of the sign with good spirits and an active life position. The mineral contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system, helps to get rid of negative thoughts and tune in to a positive wave.

Precious Talismans

Libra has many talismans. The image of scales has a positive effect on the character of the representatives of this sign, contributes to the manifestation of positive qualities and protects against excessive influence of the outside world. Talismans in the form of a frog, heart or Cupid will help Libra in matters of the heart. To achieve success in business areas, you can wear jewelry with Japanese or ancient Greek symbols. It can be both hieroglyphs and mythological images.

Stones that help Libra are best worn in a pendant, medallion or pendant. For stones in beads or a bracelet, the same size is desirable. The number of beads must be even. Amethyst is recommended to be worn in silver or combined with gold and other stones. Astrologers advise Libra to choose silver jewelry with green, white or blue stones. Be sure to maintain balance: decorations must match each other in size and strength of the stones.

Charms for the sign

One of the stones that protect Libra is beryl.. The mineral helps to strengthen friendships and family ties. Beryl is a good charm for Libra, as it helps to find inner balance and establish balance, which is so necessary for the sign.

Strong amulet for Libra - opal. It helps the representatives of the sign in any endeavors and protects against failures and failures. Opal is useful to Libra in any form: processed and not, in jewelry and in the form of figurines, figurines or household items. For the stone to give maximum protection, it must be acquired independently or inherited. It is undesirable to give Libra opal.

Feminine and charming Libra women know how to enjoy life, communication and flirting. But they do not know how to make choices in almost all areas of life. What shoes to buy, whom to marry, build a career or have children? Sometimes Libra women do not make decisions, remaining in limbo.

For unmarried and single Libra, jewelry with opals is very suitable. The stone helps to find and keep love, prevents problems with the immune system. Opal stimulates logical thinking and helps to make informed decisions.

Turquoise is the best amulet for pregnant women.. She protects not only the expectant mother, but also the child. During pregnancy, jewelry with lapis lazuli is useful. The stone stabilizes the psychological state and tunes in to motherhood.

Coral is one of the best charms for women born under the sign of Libra.. It helps to take care of the skin and preserve youth. Coral protects from envy, evil eye, damage and evil people. Coral jewelry gives Libra women the ability to think rationally and form their own point of view.

It is useful for Libra men to wear jewelry with zircon. The stone helps in business, gives eloquence and persuasiveness in negotiations and public speaking. Zircon attracts money and great deals. A ring with zircon contributes to the rapid adoption of the right decisions.

Libra men are afraid to offend someone and do not know how to refuse. To become bolder in their thoughts and actions, Libra is recommended to wear beryl. Opal will help windy Libra men settle down. With the help of tourmaline, you can decide on the choice of the second half and keep happiness in love and family life.

What stones to avoid?

Libra is not recommended to wear jewelry with onyx. The coil is contraindicated for representatives of this sign. You can not constantly wear products with opal. The sign of Libra is the opposite of Aries, so they do not want to wear jewelry with Aries talisman stones, which include carnelian, sardonyx, rhodolite, and most blood-red stones.