Is it possible to get a cold in the joints of your legs? I have a cold in my leg joints, what should I do? Source of joint disease

The most complete answers to questions on the topic: “I have a cold in the joint on my leg, what should I do?”

One of the most common symptoms of any cold, and especially the flu, is aching joints. People call this phenomenon a joint cold. Very often, this symptom develops into an independent disease and remains with us after we have cured the cold.

Cold joints: knees, elbows and ankles suffer

Cold joints can be a consequence of mechanical injury or fracture. Or it may be a consequence of a disease that affects the entire body. This may be preceded, for example, by an upper respiratory tract infection that accompanies a cold. Pain usually begins in large joints - knee, elbow, ankle, and moves from one joint to another. During illness, the affected joint will become swollen and red. Cold joints can also lead to rheumatoid arthritis, when not only large but also small joints, such as toes and jaws, become inflamed. And the most unpleasant thing is the joints of the spine. They swell, it becomes painful to touch, and their mobility is limited, especially in the morning. If the disease is not treated, after some time, a month or two, the joint may become deformed. A cold or flu virus can also cause septic inflammation of the joint. Such a disease will begin with a fever, then the joint will swell, begin to hurt when moving, and it will also become painful to touch. If it is, for example, a knee joint, the affected person will limp when walking.

How to treat joint colds

First of all, the patient needs rest and bed rest. Any form of joint cold is a serious illness that cannot be treated on your own. It is urgent to call a doctor at home. In severe cases, the patient is admitted to a hospital. The main medicine for joint colds is salicylic acid, which has an anti-inflammatory effect and is part of regular aspirin. Drinking plenty of fluids during treatment is best mineral water. Regardless of which joint hurts, it is important to keep your feet warm and walk around the apartment or hospital ward in warm socks or slippers.

Needless to say, after recovery, even if the joint no longer hurts at all, you still need to limit physical activity. Do not exercise under any circumstances for at least a month after illness.

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Oddly enough, you can get cold feet not only in the autumn-winter period, when the weather is directly conducive to this. Statistics show that the majority of colds associated with the feet occur in the spring, when the snow begins to melt. But you can get your feet wet and get very cold even in summer. What happens if you get a cold on your feet? What are the first symptoms of hypothermia and how should they be treated? This is very important questions, which we will try to answer as fully as possible.

Answer from EraVi[newbie]
Try applying a warm compress... when you walk, cover it with a viscous bandage... when you lie down, be sure to take it off and apply Lyoton gel)) this is not for colds... but it will help for the knee... you can also MALAVIT there is such a remedy in the form of a gel and tinctures.. try it, maybe it will help... Get better))

Answer from Wais[guru]
Arthritis, arthrosis – inflammation of the joint. It is customary to distinguish between monoarthritis (inflammation of one joint) and polyarthritis (inflammation of several joints). Arthritis can occur as a result of an infectious disease or the presence of foci of infection in the body. If the inflammation of the joint is of non-infectious origin, it is called arthrosis. Arthrosis can occur as a result of injury, allergies, metabolic disorders, diseases nervous system, lack of vitamins. Symptoms: Pain in the joint, especially when moving, limited joint mobility, swelling, redness over the joint, fever. Traditional methods of treatment: Complete rest, taking drugs that have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and decongestant effects. Non-traditional and traditional methods Treatment: 1) Mix 50 ml. sunflower oil and henbane oil. Rub joints at night for arthritis and arthrosis. 2) Take a half-liter dark glass bottle. Place a piece of camphor inside. Fill the bottle a third with turpentine, a third sunflower oil and a third with vodka. Shake before use. Rub dry into the sore joint before going to bed.3) Rub clean fir oil into joints preheated with a compress of heated salt. After rubbing, repeat the compress.4) Grate the garlic and squeeze out the juice. Take 10 drops of garlic juice 4 times a day with a drink warm milk. At the same time, to reduce pain, tie a gauze bandage soaked in garlic juice to the sore spot overnight. Pre-lubricate the skin with some fat.5) Take 5 heads of garlic, peel and finely chop. Pour 0.5 l. vodka and insist in dark place 10 days. Take 1 teaspoon of tincture 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.6) Take 3 heads of garlic, peel and grind into a paste. Squeeze juice from 10 lemons. Put 1 teaspoon of horseradish there. Mix everything and leave for 1 week in a warm, dark place. Take 1 teaspoon of elixir, diluted in 1 glass cold water, 2 times a day.7) Eat 20 cherries daily.8) Stir 2 tablespoons of salt in warm water, moisten a towel in this water and wipe the sore joints. Be sure to drink 1 glass of boiled potato water.9) Drink potato broth in the morning on an empty stomach, then during the day and before bed. It is also recommended to eat 1-2 potatoes - raw, finely chopped on a grater along with the peel. 10) Drink 0.5-1 glass of fresh carrot juice on an empty stomach every day for a long time. 11) Mix carrot and celery juice in a 1:1 ratio. Drink 0.5-0.7 cups 3 times a day before meals.12) Pour 20g. barberry fruits 0.5 l. boiling water and leave for 24 hours. Drink throughout the day.13) Pour 1 tablespoon of dry crushed wormwood herb into 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours. Use for compresses.14) Pour 30g. horsetail herb 1 cup boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes and strain. Take 2-3 glasses per day.15) Pour 15g. rhizomes with roots of angelica officinalis 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes and strain. Rub sore joints 4-5 times a day for arthritis and arthrosis.16) Pour 15-20g. herbs in a row with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 1 hour and strain. Rub on sore joints.17) Pour 1 tablespoon of chopped dry St. John's wort herb into 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 20-30 minutes and strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day. Rub the same infusion onto sore spots. 18) Pour 3-4g. dry white birch buds 0.5 l. water and boil for 15-20 minutes. Take 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day.19) Pour 10g. pine buds with 1 glass of water and boil for 15 minutes. Cool and strain. Drink during the day.20) Pour 50g. bird cherry bark 1 glass of vodka. Leave for a week. Rub into sore joints 2 times a day.21) Pour 7g. dry crushed nettle herb with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes and strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

If the leg joint near the foot hurts, the nature of the pain is unknown to many. A more accurate name for the problem is pain in the ankle joint.

  • joint subluxation;
  • arthritic inflammation;
  • gouty joint deformity;
  • deforming arthrosis;
  • fracture of the fibula, tibia, talus, metatarsal bones.

To figure out what exactly caused the pain in a particular case, you need to remember at what time the discomfort occurs. Attacks of arthritis occur at night at 3-4 o'clock; during the day, when walking, the pain subsides. For all other reasons there is no such dependence. It is very important what happened before the unpleasant symptoms appeared. All types of fractures were preceded by a well-remembered injury.

Things are a little different with dislocations. Ankle sprains most often occur in very fat people or in people with strained ligaments. A person twists his leg, after which he feels pain, and swelling gradually forms. Edema is a characteristic by which one disease can be separated from another. So, with a dislocation, the joint and surrounding areas swell.

With a fracture, the swelling is strong and may be bluish. If the fracture is open, then bone fragments may be visible, in which case it is extremely difficult to cope with the pain on your own. When the talus is fractured, the foot flattens, movement is impossible, and swelling may rise to the ankle. The inside of the foot is like a pillow. With deforming arthrosis, pain was preceded by a serious injury. Deforming arthrosis is a complication of a dislocation or a previous fracture. Arthritis also affects other joints. Since arthritis begins in the small wrist joints, by the time the ankle joint is affected, the diagnosis is already known. The same applies to gouty joint damage. First, the big toe is deformed and much later the ankle joint. What to do if you missed the onset of the disease? You need to contact a specialist, he will prescribe the necessary examination and treatment based on its results.

Separately, it is worth noting lesions of other organs, leading to swelling of the lower leg without a traumatic component. These are diseases of the cardiovascular system, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis in the legs, and some infectious diseases. In this case, the period of appearance of swelling is quite long and is symmetrical.

At a doctor's appointment, a patient complaining of leg pain will be prescribed an X-ray examination. It is informative, as it will show a fracture, if any, and also note the deformation of the joint. To study the condition of blood vessels lower limbs perform rheovasography. Venous blood donation may be prescribed.

The doctor must examine the injured limb and question the patient, palpating the joint.

Treatment is prescribed by the doctor after you visit him, depending on the cause of the ankle joint.

If this is a subluxation, then the affected limb must be immobilized with an elastic bandage and the load reduced. Within 2-3 weeks, the condition improves significantly; within 4 weeks, complete recovery occurs.

If a fracture is diagnosed, then under anesthesia the fragments are compared and a plaster cast is applied. Painkillers are prescribed for 5-7 days. The fewer days you take painkillers, the better, as they disrupt the functioning of the liver and kidneys, but you should not replace them folk remedies fight pain. The plaster cast is removed after 4-12 weeks, depending on the severity of the fracture. Chondroprotectors and drugs for the restoration of cartilage tissue are also prescribed.

If it is arthritis or arthrosis, pain-relieving ointments finalgon, sometimes fastum-gel and others are prescribed, and medications are also prescribed to treat the underlying disease. The same applies to gouty pain.

To restore function to the diseased joint, physiotherapy is prescribed.

This can be electrophoresis with drugs, magnetic therapy, phonophoresis. Sanitary spa treatment is useful; it complements the main course of mud therapy, warm waters, massage, etc.

Folk remedies at home

There are also folk remedies for relieving joint pain, but they can only be used after a visit to the doctor. If you have pain in your foot joint, you should not self-medicate, as very often this leads to a deterioration in your health and additional financial costs. Although traditional methods can relieve pain, they cannot influence the cause of the disease. There is no remedy more effective than prevention. What is the prevention of pain in the lower leg joint?

If you have gout or are predisposed to it, you need to follow a diet. Namely, eat less meat and do not eat foods containing oxalic acid. There are vegetables, fruits and dairy products. If you are overweight or prone to obesity, then you should also reconsider your diet. If possible, consult a nutritionist. The reasons for high weight can be very varied, and not in all cases it is overeating. With a large mass, pressure on the knee and foot increases.

If you have rheumatoid arthritis, then you should undergo regular courses of treatment and stop drinking alcohol. It reduces the effectiveness of antirheumatoid drugs. This is not to mention the detrimental effect on the entire body. Regular exercise will help you feel better and prevent excess weight.

You can make an infusion of birch at home. To prepare, you will need to take 5 g of dry birch leaves, 5 g of willow bark, 5 g of dried black elderberry flowers. Birch leaves should be collected in April-May, at the same time willow bark should be collected. Black elderflower flowers are collected during the flowering period. The prepared raw materials are poured with 250 ml of boiling water and infused for 8 hours. Drink 50 g three times a day for 14 days, you can also make compresses with the solution.

They also prepare chestnut rub. For this you will need ripe chestnuts, which are harvested at the end of September, and vodka. You need to collect a bag of chestnuts, about 2 kg. Next, peel off the thick shell. Grind the kernels in a meat grinder. Take the resulting mixture into a half-liter jar and pour 250 ml of vodka. Cook in a water bath for 20 minutes, do not boil. Lubricate sore joints. It is advisable to grind the chestnuts into flour, as large particles can injure the skin.

These same remedies can be used for knee pain.

Why do my joints hurt? With this question, a large number of patients turn to their doctor or try to find the answer on their own. Unfortunately, this complaint is not specific and may indicate a pathology with various mechanisms and causes of development.

We will try to identify the most common reasons why joints hurt, and find out how to treat common diseases.


Before analyzing the immediate causes of pain, it is worth learning more specifically about the symptoms of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The doctor, starting a diagnostic search, will find out exactly how the joints hurt - this way the specialist will quickly find the causes of the disease.

According to the nature of the sensations, pain can be:

  • Aching.
  • Cutting.
  • Bursting.
  • Compressive.

Pain in the joints of the arms and legs varies in intensity. Aching, weak pain indicates chronic diseases. If the joints hurt severely, the sensations do not allow movement, then the process is acute.

Rhythm of pain

Symptoms of all diseases of the joints of the arms and legs can be divided according to the rhythm of pain: mechanical or inflammatory. Mechanical pain has the following characteristics:

  • It increases in the evening.
  • Morning stiffness is not typical.
  • It is strongly felt after physical activity.
  • At rest, the pain is aching or completely absent.
  • Starting – private view pain when starting to move.

An inflammatory rhythm is characteristic of synovitis of the joints of the arms and legs of various origins. The symptoms are as follows:

  • Morning stiffness of the body or certain parts of the arms and legs for more than 30 minutes.
  • The pain increases at night and early in the morning.
  • With movement, the symptoms become less intense, and body stiffness subsides.
  • In this rhythm of pain, anti-inflammatory medications help well with body stiffness and pain.

Other symptoms

Pain in the joints of the arms and legs, depending on the cause of development, is accompanied by one or another manifestation. Why joint pain occurs can often be determined by additional symptoms:

  • Restricted mobility of arms or legs.
  • Stiffness of the limbs.
  • Swelling in the joints of the arms and legs (swelling in the elbow joint).
  • Local increase in temperature and redness of the skin.
  • General weakness, fever.
  • Visible skin damage in the arms, legs, torso.
  • Manifestations from other organs.

Depending on what symptoms accompany pain in the joints of the arms and legs, the doctor will determine why the disease occurred.

Joint diseases

Pain in the joints of the arms and legs can be caused by diseases that are completely different in origin and mechanism of development. However, the most common causes of such symptoms can be identified:

  1. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease of cartilage and bone tissue. The pain in the joints is mechanical in nature; during the period of exacerbation, an inflammatory component is added.
  2. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease associated with an attack of the joint by its own cells. immune system. Joint pain has a clearly inflammatory rhythm.
  3. Reactive arthritis is inflammation caused by an infection in another organ. Often occurs with hepatitis and urinary tract infections.
  4. Infectious arthritis - associated with the entry of microbes into the joint.
  5. Injuries and fractures. Diagnosis is not difficult due to the presence of a history of trauma.
  6. Damage to ligaments and intra-articular formations. The soft structures of the joints also cause joint pain when damaged.
  7. Rheumatic diseases. A large group of causes that cause autoimmune damage to the joints: systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatism, ankylosing spondylitis, Reiter's syndrome and others.
  8. Gout and other metabolic arthropathy. Often, symptoms of damage to the musculoskeletal system are associated with the deposition of various pathological substances in the joints. In gout, they are uric acid salts.
  9. Psoriatic arthritis – The cause of this disease is unknown. Antibodies of the body’s own affect joint tissues, internal organs and skin. A common manifestation of the disease is dermatitis - peeling of the skin on the extensor surfaces of the extremities.

This list represents the most common causes of musculoskeletal diseases.

Pain in the joint area can be caused by vascular disorders and neurological diseases. The attending physician must determine the final cause.

Diseases of the knee joints

Knee pain is one of the most frequently reported complaints to a rheumatologist. Why does my knee hurt? This element of the musculoskeletal system daily endures enormous loads of the entire body, performs a large range of movements and has a complex structure.

Knee joint hurts when various diseases, some of them have already been listed above, others are specific to this joint.

“Knee pain: how to get rid of it?” - First of all, consult a doctor. Instrumental diagnostics help to find out why the knees hurt, but a presumptive diagnosis is made based on complaints and examination.

Pain in the knee joint most often occurs due to the following reasons:

  1. Gonarthrosis – osteoarthrosis knee joint. This cause is the most common mechanism for knee pain. The joint is subjected to daily stress, which is the main risk factor for arthrosis.
  2. Meniscopathy. Menisci are layers of cartilage inside the joint. When a knee injury occurs, these structures are often damaged. Joints with meniscopathy hurt severely, pain occurs when trying to move. Treatment of pathology is surgical.
  3. Arthritis of various origins. Pain in the knee joint due to arthritis is inflammatory in nature, and may be associated with infection of the joint itself or another organ. Pain in the knee joint can occur with rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases.
  4. Gout. The knee joint is not the most common location gouty arthritis. But this joint can still be affected by the disease. Knee pain is accompanied by the presence of subcutaneous tophi and an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood.
  5. Inflammation of the tendons - tendinitis. Knee pain is often associated with soft tissue damage. When microtraumas of a tendon or ligament occur, knee pain occurs and is associated with a local inflammatory reaction. Symptoms worsen with exercise.
  6. Circulatory disorders. Vascular thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, and varicose veins can cause knee pain. These problems often occur in postmenopausal women, as well as in people who frequently put stress on the joint.
  7. Baker's cyst and other diseases of the joint capsule. The knee joint has a complex structure; its synovial membrane has inversions and pockets. Knee pain can be caused by local inflammation of the joint capsule or accumulation of inflammatory fluid in the popliteal space.
  8. Tumors. Neoplasms rarely affect the joint area. Most often, pain in the knee associated with tumor growth occurs when there are metastases from another organ in the joint. In this case, the diagnosis is known, and treatment for oncology is already underway.

With these and other diseases, a person’s knees hurt; the attending physician will tell you what to do in a particular situation.

Knee pain is not always a sign of a serious pathology, but worrying about your health is never unnecessary.


Before prescribing treatment for joint pain, your doctor will need to make a definitive diagnosis. To do this, he will carry out several mandatory diagnostic procedures. The examination standard includes:

  • A general blood and urine test will indicate the presence or absence of an inflammatory reaction.
  • Biochemical blood test - evaluates liver and kidney function, the state of protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism.
  • X-ray of the affected joints. X-rays are performed in several projections and can detect bone pathology.

Unfortunately, in most cases, the listed research methods are not enough to make a diagnosis. In this case, additional techniques are used:

  1. Computed tomography - allows you to detect even the smallest damage to bone tissue.
  2. Magnetic resonance imaging - this method perfectly visualizes all soft tissues, including ligaments and menisci, tumors, cysts and other pathological formations.
  3. Ultrasound of joints - detects cavitary and solid pathological formations, can measure the speed of blood flow in the vessels.
  4. Arthroscopy – insertion of a camera into the joint cavity. One of the most accurate research methods.
  5. Diagnostic puncture - liquid is drawn from the joint cavity into a syringe and subjected to examination.

The listed diagnostic tools make it possible to make the necessary diagnosis with a high probability. Many procedures are expensive or have contraindications, so the need for research is determined individually.


How to treat joints? For joint pain there are a large number of remedies, techniques and folk recipes. Choose the right ways The attending physician will help with therapy.

All means and methods of therapeutic effects can be divided into several groups, each of them will be discussed below.

Drug treatment

For joint pain it is often used exclusively medicines. This is not the right approach; it is better to use complex treatment. In which, however, drugs play a key role.

Most commonly used drugs:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. Non-narcotic and opioid analgesics.
  3. Muscle relaxants.
  4. Glucocorticosteroids.
  5. Chondroprotectors.
  6. Cytostatics.
  7. Vitamins.

What each specific drug helps with should be explained to the patient by the attending physician.

For vascular diseases, other drugs are prescribed. If you have vascular diseases of the lower extremities and the joints of your legs hurt, what to do and what treatment to choose is decided by the attending physician.


Complements drug treatment the use of various physiotherapeutic procedures.

The following techniques help with joint pain:

  • Electrophoresis.
  • Phonophoresis.
  • Acupuncture.
  • Paraffin applications.
  • Rodon baths.
  • Mud therapy.
  • Magnetotherapy.

These and other techniques allow you to increase blood flow in the affected joint, relieve swelling, and increase the intensity of metabolic processes.

Therapeutic immobilization

For joint pain in the acute period, therapeutic immobilization is often prescribed. This method involves wearing bandages, corsets and orthoses on the affected joint.

The bandage cannot be used for a long time, since the muscles under the orthotic structure atrophy from inactivity. However, during periods of heavy exercise, support from immobilizing products is very useful.

Exercise therapy

Plays a key role in the treatment of any pathological process in the musculoskeletal system. physiotherapy. Gymnastics allows you to adapt the joint to the load, restore muscle strength, improve blood circulation and relieve swelling.

The intensity and time of exercise largely depend on the nature and severity of the disease. You need to start the exercises with breathing exercises and warming up small muscles.

Morning exercises for 20–30 minutes a day should be supplemented with swimming, Nordic walking and other aerobic exercise.


Massage procedures perfectly relieve the patient from joint pain. What is the massage method used for? The procedures increase blood circulation, relieve swelling, and reduce pain. You need to trust this procedure to a specialist and undergo a massage after performing a set of exercises.


The key, and sometimes the only, role in the treatment of joint pathology is played by surgical intervention. Thus, the consequences of injuries, severe degrees of degenerative diseases, and complications of joint pathology are treated.

The operation can be performed in various volumes: from plastic surgery to prosthetics of the affected joint. Indications for intervention are determined by the patient’s attending physician together with a surgeon or traumatologist.

Treatment with folk remedies

Recipes traditional medicine still remain popular in our country. It should be said that treatment with folk remedies is not a proven and tested method, and is used by patients at their own peril and risk.

The following folk remedies are used to treat pathologies of the musculoskeletal system:

  1. Compresses made from bay leaves and cabbage.
  2. Sunflower root decoctions.
  3. Golden whisker ointment.
  4. Application inside eggshells.
  5. Compresses made from crushed chestnuts.
  6. Rye grains and other cereal structures in the form of decoctions.
  7. Boiled rice.
  8. Baking soda.

If you decide to use one of the traditional medicine recipes, first consult with your doctor.

Inflammatory processes in the knee joint can often occur under the influence of cold temperatures. So complaints about a cold knee really have their justification.

Inflammatory diseases of the knee

A cold knee aches periodically

Inflammation of the knee joints can occur as a result of hypothermia or as a consequence of infectious or colds of the whole body. Joint colds are often referred to as conditions of aches and pains in the entire body, when the knees and other joints are twisted.

In this case, pain and inflammation disappear along with the cure of the respiratory disease. But very often this phenomenon remains even after treatment for ARVI. Complications of viral diseases such as influenza or tonsillitis can cause serious inflammatory complications, which over time become a prerequisite for the development of arthritis, gonarthrosis, meniscopathy, bursitis, rheumatism and other inflammatory diseases of the knee joint.

According to statistics, complications from colds account for 35% of cases of sepsis in the knees.

Why does my knees hurt?

My knees got cold as a result of hypothermia, which means they gave impetus to the development of pathogenic viruses and bacteria, which begin their activity of intoxicating the body. Toxins that are released at the site of inflammation penetrate into the blood and lymph and disrupt metabolism. Nerve receptors that stand guard signal the brain about the appearance of disorders. These signals are perceived by us as pain and aches in the joints.

Arthritis of the knee joint

Having a cold knee is not a reason for the development of the disease. Cold only becomes an impetus for the occurrence of the inflammatory process. It is quite possible that there were already hidden problems with the joint or periarticular tissues, and a cold only accelerates the development of pathology. Hidden changes in the knees may occur, such as initial stages arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis, tendonitis.

The causes of joint disorders are sports and household injuries, age-related bone depletion, excess weight, complications of the endocrine system, gout, rheumatism and other pathologies.

Signs of a cold in the knee

Different diseases of the knee joint give different clinical manifestations, but after the victim has caught a cold in the knee, the symptoms have a classic pattern of manifestation:

If knee pain occurs as a complication of a viral infection, then in parallel with manifestations in the joints, the patient is bothered by a runny nose, cough, sore throat, and fever.

Aching legs are a common manifestation of ARVI in children. If, during treatment and reduction of the symptoms of the underlying disease, the child’s knee pain does not go away, and the symptoms listed above appear, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo an examination. Children's bone diseases often begin as complications after colds and viral infections.

What to do if your knee has a cold

First aid for an acute complication is to immobilize the limb, secure the joint with a bandage, you can apply any pain-relieving ointment, and at the first opportunity consult a doctor and undergo an examination. This needs to be done even if the knee has stopped hurting and it seems that

If you have a cold in your knee, you should consult a doctor.

inflammation subsides. The fact is that it only seems so. As already mentioned, cold symptoms are visible part hidden iceberg, which is the initial form of a particular disease.

What will the doctor do? Prescribe the necessary tests, if necessary, examinations using X-rays or ultrasound. Depending on the clinical picture, medication, physiotherapeutic procedures, and treatment with traditional medicine methods are prescribed as an addition.

You cannot ignore a medical examination; complications after a cold are more serious than the cold itself.

Classical therapy

To eliminate inflammation in the knees, medications and physiotherapeutic procedures are used in combination with traditional home medicine recipes.


Physical procedures:

  • Massages.
  • Manual therapy.
  • Electrical pulse, magnetic, laser, shock wave therapy.
  • Salt, pine or herbal baths.

Folk remedies

Treating a cold with traditional medicine can be no less successful than pharmacological drugs. The peculiarities of natural components are that they act more slowly and a long period is needed to achieve the desired result, but such treatment has much fewer side effects.


Lotions, rubbing:

  1. Grind the potato flowers without the green tails. 4 tbsp. spoons of raw materials, pour 200 ml of alcohol and leave in the refrigerator for 10 days. Rub 2 times a day until pain disappears.
  2. Large chestnuts (5 pcs.), grate on a fine grater or chop in a blender, mix with a glass of turpentine. The tincture is ready for use after two weeks. You can store it for a long time in a dark place.

Homemade ointments:

  • 100 g honey + 5 g mummy – mix and rub on knees before bed;
  • fresh celandine leaves - 50 g - chop and put in a 0.5 liter jar, fill to the top vegetable oil unrefined olive or sunflower. The ointment is ready for rubbing in after 2 weeks. Can be applied to a sore spot in combination with massage 2-3 times a day.


Preventing knee colds

How can you get a cold in your knee? This threatens those who do not consider it necessary to wear warm underwear or leggings in cold weather, but meanwhile, folk wisdom has bequeathed to keep their feet warm.

Swimming in a cold pond or pool, a directed stream of air from an air conditioner in a room or car, ignoring a runny nose and the first signs of a cold - all this can result in serious problem for many years. The knee joints are very complex in structure and experience great physical exercise and provide ease of movement of the human body. You need to take care of them constantly.

Very often you can hear a person complaining about pain in his knee, believing that he has a “cold”. In fact, any pain in the joints indicates an inflammatory disease, primarily arthritis or arthrosis, although there are other problems. And - yes, cold can really provoke an exacerbation of this disease, as a result of which pain occurs. So, what can you do if someone has a cold in their knee? In other words, how should inflammation of the knee joint be treated?

Got a cold knee - arthritis? Arthrosis?

These two diseases are often confused, which is not surprising. They really look alike, like twins. Both are characterized by the presence of inflammatory processes in the knee joint, both, when exacerbated, lead to pain, and both of these diseases, if left untreated, can lead their “owner” to disability. However, there are also differences between them.

Arthritis is an inflammatory process in the body that primarily affects the joints and is most often of an infectious nature. Although it can also be caused by injury or dystrophic development of the joint itself. Arthrosis develops in an already affected joint and only in it. It is chronic in nature and this is its difference from arthritis, which involves an acute inflammatory process affecting the entire body. Arthritis most often occurs at a young age, before 40 years of age, while arthrosis is considered a disease of older people.

Symptoms of a cold knee

Regardless of what specific disease caused inflammation in the knee joint, in the presence of such inflammation a classic clinical picture is present. The affected joint swells - the knee swells, redness and pain appear. With arthritis, the pain is constant; with arthrosis, it only appears during movement. The pain can be so severe that it prevents you from moving freely and sometimes completely locks the joint. Over time, the swelling increases and the affected knee becomes hot to the touch. When the first symptoms of a cold knee appear, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. If you run the process, it runs the risk of going to chronic form and then it will be almost impossible to cure this disease. In addition, the joint itself will gradually deteriorate, which will subsequently lead to immobility of the knee, which will require surgical intervention.

Causes of cold knee syndrome

As you understand, a cold knee is not the cause of the disease itself. As a rule, cold only provokes an exacerbation of the inflammatory process that is already occurring in your knee. We have already talked about the two possible and most common reasons above. And now we want to talk about others.

Of course, an inflammatory process in the knee may begin to develop as a result of an injury, especially if it was not completely healed and the joint was significantly damaged. This is most common among athletes. However, the injury could not affect the joint itself, but only the ligaments, which subsequently also leads to injury to the joint. Severe swelling of the soft tissues of the knee also develops with bursitis - inflammation of the joint capsule. Similar symptoms may appear with tendinitis - inflammation of the tendons that attach soft tissue to the knee joint. Bruise, osteoporosis, gout, meniscus cyst - knee diseases can be very different, but they are all accompanied by disturbances in the normal functioning of the joint, and, consequently, its destruction.

If your knee hurts after a long stay in the cold, this does not mean that you have caught a cold. There is no such diagnosis. We noticed pain in the knee and its swelling - this indicates the development of an inflammatory process, in all cases.

What to do if you have a cold in your knee

As already mentioned, treatment of the knee joint must necessarily occur under the supervision of a doctor. We would like to say right away that this process is lengthy, treatment must be well thought out and carried out in a complex manner, using medication and physiotherapeutic methods. Usually, after examination and diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe potent medications, protecting the knee joint from further destruction. Additionally, antibiotics, steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Many of them, unfortunately, have side effects, sometimes pronounced, which is why the patient must be under constant medical supervision. Depending on the disease, such treatment regimens may be different.

I got a cold in my knee - how to treat it with folk remedies

We would like to immediately make a reservation that all traditional methods of treatment in this case can only be used as a emergency assistance, until you can contact your doctor directly. If you feel like you have a cold in your knee, swelling or pain, you shouldn’t take it lightly. Even if you relieve pain and swelling on your own, the deterioration of the knee joint will continue, which can eventually lead to complete immobility.

First of all, you need to go to bed and free your sore leg from stress; it needs complete rest. Take anti-inflammatory and painkillers, such as ibuprofen. In order to relieve swelling, you can apply ice to it for 10 minutes, then remove the ice and repeat this procedure again after 2-3 hours. Warming rubbing or compresses can only be done after the swelling has completely subsided. If there is no swelling, but only pain, you can begin warming procedures immediately. For this purpose, you can, for example, rub your sore knee with alcohol, vodka or badger fat, after which you need to wrap him well in a woolen scarf and go to bed.

As soon as you have the opportunity, consult a doctor.