Inflammation of psoriasis on the labia. What is psoriasis on the genitals and how to recognize this disease. How to get rid of itching around the anus

Most often, this form of psoriasis affects the folds in the vulva, in the groin, on the inner surface. Otherwise, a violation in the process of calcium metabolism is possible.

In the atypical form of the disease, the rash is represented by smooth and clear bright red spots in the places of skin folds. Psoriatic rash can affect the armpits, chest, buttocks.

The severity of the disease can vary in different patients and even in the same patient during periods of remission and exacerbation in a very wide range, from small local lesions to complete coverage of the entire body with psoriatic plaques.

After a while, the plaques become covered with scales, the rash spreads to the groin and pubis. The treatment of psoriasis on the genitals is practically no different from its treatment in other parts of the body.


The opinion that psoriasis is an infectious or sexually transmitted disease is erroneous.

Get infected with genital psoriasis sexual contacts or household way is impossible.

Scientists have not yet identified the true etiology of genital psoriasis.

Presumably, it develops under the influence of a combination of factors:

  1. heredity or genetic predisposition. If one of the parents is sick, the child has a 50% chance of developing psoriasis. If both parents have the disease, the child will suffer from the disease with a probability of 99%.
  2. Work failures immune system organism.
  3. Fluctuations in the hormonal background during pregnancy, puberty, menopause, while taking hormonal drugs.
  4. Transferred stress.
  5. Diseases of the genitourinary system or chronic infectious diseases (caries, tonsillitis, laryngitis).
  6. A sharp change in climatic conditions of residence.
  7. Hypothermia or prolonged exposure to a damp, cold room.
  8. Obesity, unbalanced diet, food allergies, alcohol abuse and smoking.
  9. Diseases of the pelvic organs.

Psoriatic rashes in the intimate area appear for common reasons that provoke this disease, but may be associated with other factors. We list the main ones:

  • hereditary factor;
  • stress and nervous tension;
  • dysfunction of the immune system;
  • pathological diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • failure of hormone levels;
  • various diseases of the genital organs of men and women.

There are not so many reasons for the appearance of psoriasis, including on the labia, contrary to popular belief. The main cause of psoriasis is impaired immune responses.

Killer cells begin to recognize perfectly healthy own tissues as hostile. Hence the psoriasis on the genitals in women - inflammation on the skin, the growth of the capillary network, which subsequently causes great discomfort, bursting and bleeding.

Forcing your own immune cells to behave in this way can be for several reasons:

  1. Infection with pathogens, which include proteins identical to the proteins of their own skin. Having coped with the infection, the immune system begins to fight its own cells because of the proteins they contain.
  2. The damaged gene that causes psoriasis can be inherited. However, genetically transmitted diseases are usually terrible for the male sex. Women can be a carrier of the gene, but not get sick.

Often, psoriasis appears with obesity and diabetes, but most likely this is due to a weakened immune system. These diseases often accompany psoriatic rashes on the genitals in women.

Scientists continue to work on finding out the causes of psoriasis. It is precisely known about the hereditary nature of the pathology. According to the latest data, the disease can be provoked by:

  • bad habits;
  • stress;
  • overweight;
  • immune failures;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • mechanical and chemical damage to skin and mucous membranes.

Many experts say that traumatic brain injuries can also affect the development of the disease. Statistical data confirm that primary treatment for psoriasis after a traumatic CNS lesion occurs in 12% of cases.

Important! Environmental factors contribute not only to the manifestation of psoriasis, but also to its exacerbations. That is why complex treatment necessarily includes lifestyle correction.

Many are concerned about the question, is genital psoriasis a sexually transmitted disease and is it sexually transmitted? Psoriasis on the genitals is a skin dermatological non-contagious disease that is not sexually transmitted.

The main reasons for development are of a completely different nature:

  • heredity;
  • disorders in the immune system;
  • failure of regulation of vertebral nerve endings;
  • prolonged stress, overexertion, nervousness;
  • hormonal disorders.

It is worth clarifying that if a person has had psoriasis before, any damage to the integrity of the skin in the genital area, any scratch can lead to the reappearance of psoriatic rashes.

The development of psoriasis on the genitals is provoked by the following factors:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • nervous stress;
  • pathological changes in the immune system;
  • malfunctions in the functioning of organs located in the pelvic area;
  • disorders in the work of nerve endings;
  • psoriasis located on other parts of the body.

Most often, rashes on the pubis, in the groin, on the head of the penis, on the labia develop if several of the above factors occur simultaneously.

In women, rashes on the genitals often develop during periods characterized by sharp hormonal disorders: during puberty, during pregnancy and menopause.

Many people are interested in the answer to the question: "How is sexual psoriasis transmitted?"

Do not worry, the disease is not sexually transmitted. It is also not transmitted by any other contact route.

Most common cause the formation of a rash in the genital area are damage to the skin in this area. Predisposing factors:

  • nervous strain;
  • intensive long-term antibiotics;
  • abuse of allergenic foods (citrus fruits, sweets, coffee, honey);
  • excessive insolation or a sharp change in climate;
  • alcoholism (especially intoxication);
  • problems with nerve endings in the spinal cord;
  • functional diseases of the pelvic organs.

However, there is no exact information at this stage in the development of medicine, since psoriasis is still an insufficiently studied pathology.

The following factors influence the manifestation of psoriasis on the labia:

  • stress;
  • predisposition associated with genetics;
  • immune system disorders;
  • psoriasis on other parts of the body;
  • the work of nerve endings is disturbed;
  • pathology of the functions of organs that are in the pelvic area.

Most often, rashes on the labia were noticed, when all of the listed factors appeared simultaneously.

If a woman has hormonal disorders, she should be wary of rashes on the genitals. It can be:

  1. 1. puberty;
  2. 2. menopause;
  3. 3. pregnancy.

Genital psoriasis is not sexually transmitted. Other contacts will also not be able to influence the manifestation of the disease.

Lichen planus red dermatitis - causes, symptoms and manifestations on the skin, on. A method of ultraviolet irradiation has been developed, which in practice gives good results.

A complete cure is currently impossible (that is, psoriasis is incurable at the current level of development of medical science), but more or less long-term, more or less complete remissions (including life-long ones) are possible.

is the most common form of psoriasis. Red skin under an easily removable gray or silvery layer is easily injured and bleeds, as it contains a large number of small vessels.

The rash grows closer to the groin, covered with silvery scales. In this case, you can not finish the treatment of the affected skin with ointments.

Often, such a disease manifests itself during a period of hormonal imbalance (adolescence, pregnancy, menopause).

Some mistakenly consider rashes in the perineal area to be infectious, assuming that it can be transmitted sexually. This opinion is fundamentally wrong, since the nature of the disease excludes direct infection through sexual contact.

Psoriasis in the genital area is not transmitted in this way.

Some mistakenly consider rashes in the perineal area to be infectious, assuming that it can be transmitted sexually. This opinion is fundamentally wrong, since the nature of the disease excludes direct infection through sexual contact. Psoriasis in the genital area is not transmitted in this way.

In addition, a common cause that leads to psoriatic symptoms in the genital area are malfunctions of the immune system, stressful and emotional situations, malnutrition and disruption of the day.

Most often, rashes on the labia were noticed, when all of the listed factors appeared simultaneously.

Genital psoriasis is not sexually transmitted. Other contacts will also not be able to influence the manifestation of the disease.

The exact reasons why psoriasis on the genitals begins to progress have not been studied. But sexual contact is excluded from the list of factors contributing to the development of the disease, since the pathological process is a dermatological disorder and is not transmitted from person to person.

Psoriasis - description, types, causes, symptoms and treatment.

Rashes on the labia occur not only with psoriasis, but also with sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, you can not delay even a single day. All diseases associated with the genital organs should be treated without delay. Only a dermatologist, after excluding a sexual infection, can make a diagnosis - atypical psoriasis of the labia.

At the first signs of inflammation on the external genital organs, a woman needs to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms.


  • It is extremely rare, in the case of atypical psoriasis of the genital organs, the inflammation begins precisely from the labia. Usually rashes first appear in the groin, on the pubis in the form of large red spots, under the breast, in the perineum.
  • The appearance of psoriatic rashes may be preceded by a disease of the pelvic organs. Sometimes the treatment of these diseases automatically contributes to the disappearance of psoriasis on the female genital organs.
  • In places of rashes - papules - cracks appear. It is quite understandable that such a pathology causes pain.

Timely treatment of affected areas of the skin surface in other areas female body can prevent vaginal psoriasis. This disease is not only difficult to treat, but also puts an end to intimacy for a long time due to the risk of bacterial infection.

An experienced dermatologist is able to identify symptoms and diagnose the disease without additional research by appearance, the nature of the lesion of the labia minora. In very rare cases, a biopsy is taken for definitive diagnosis.

Stages of the disease

Like other types of pathology, psoriasis on the head of the penis has several stages. These include:

  • progressive stage;
  • stationary;
  • regression stage.

The first stage is characterized by the appearance of new spots, severe itching, inflammation, redness and soreness of the skin. The second stage is the subsidence of the disease. The appearance of new plaques stops, the symptoms become somewhat dull. At the stage of regression, the rashes constantly heal, the skin is cleansed.

The development of psoriasis in the inguinal region and on the genitals takes place in several stages, each of which has special symptoms:

  • Stage of exacerbation. At this stage, new plaques form on the genitals, which occupy an increasing area.
  • Stabilization stage. The appearance of the rash does not change, all the symptoms characteristic of psoriasis persist.
  • Stage of regression (remission). The intensity of the rashes decreases, the plaques decrease in size.

Establishing the stage of the disease is important for the competent construction of therapeutic measures.

Psoriasis, which affects the areas of the vagina, penis and other genital organs, goes through several stages of development. This feature is characteristic of absolutely all varieties of the pathological process.

Plaques, itching and discomfort are the cause of many problems in the intimate sphere, as well as the appearance of psychological complexes in a person. The groin area is very sensitive to any skin irritation. In the genital area, the temperature and special humidity are always slightly elevated. These factors significantly aggravate the negative situation in the development of the disease.

Genital psoriasis always proceeds cyclically and is characterized by the following stages:

  • Stage 1. Progression of pathology - existing plaques increase in size, the volume of new rashes also grows.
  • Stage 2. The stationary period is characterized by a stable course - the area of ​​the affected areas of the skin does not increase.
  • Stage 3. regression period. There are fewer keratinized areas, the rashes change color, and the boundaries of the plaques are erased.

With proper treatment of lesions of the genital organs, having gone through all the stages of development, the disease may not bother the patient for a long time. Psoriasis on the genitals, which manifested itself in childhood and was treated, often disappears by the time the patient grows up.

With inverse psoriasis (an atypical form of the disease), papules or plaques form on the pubis, in the anatomical folds or on the labia, the color of which can vary from pinkish to red. Soon, white scales appear on the plaques (except for the atypical form of the disease). Depending on the stage of the disease, characteristic rashes can be found near the woman's anus.

Rashes on the genitals in men usually begin on the head of the penis, gradually capturing the surface of the foreskin, and the inguinal zone. Spots with clear boundaries often sprinkle the pubis.

Genital psoriasis is a fairly serious problem for a man who is urgent. The spread of red spots in the groin brings a lot of problems - they cause pain, itching, and sometimes bleeding.

Psoriasis on the genitals should be treated by a dermatologist. In addition, related problems in the intimate sphere of a man can cause a visit to a urologist.

Psoriasis on the penis in men goes through 3 stages of development:

  1. Progressive: new rashes form and old ones grow. In damaged areas, rashes appear again.
  2. Stationary: the condition stabilizes, the area of ​​lesions does not grow.
  3. Regressive: peeling is reduced, but the skin covered with plaques is pigmented.

Psoriasis of this form occurs in several stages:

  • The stage of exacerbation is characterized by the appearance of new plaques on the organs. In addition, the spread of psoriatic plaques over a large area is often observed;
  • Stabilization - at this stage, the inflamed area does not change, and the symptoms of pathological changes persist;
  • Stage of remission (regression) - at this stage, there is a decrease in psoriatic symptoms and a decrease in the size of psoriatic plaques.

It is important to bear in mind that exacerbation of any form of psoriasis is characterized by seasonality (spring and autumn).

It is important to bear in mind that exacerbation of any form of psoriasis is characterized by seasonality (spring and autumn).

Reasons for the development of the disease

In the fair sex, psoriasis on the labia and vulva is observed very often. The primary signs of the disease appear during hormonal age-related changes in the body.

In men, psoriatic manifestations are manifested by a rash on the glans penis, pubis and groin. Psoriasis on the penis is characterized by hyperemic spots with clear boundaries, slightly rising above the surface of the skin.

The surface of psoriatic spots is covered with white scales. Extremely rarely, psoriasis in the penis can manifest itself on the inner surfaces of the foreskin, resembling the development of subacute balanoposthitis.

However, it should be remembered that psoriasis on the penis is almost always accompanied by other manifestations characteristic of all forms of psoriasis. Therefore, psoriatic manifestations in men can be observed not only on the glans penis (pictured), but also on the surrounding tissues.

Signs in women

Rashes on the genitals is a serious disease that requires careful and proper treatment. For each patient, the doctor selects a number of measures aimed at eliminating the symptoms and healing of psoriatic plaques.

In mild forms of pathology, it is enough to use funds for topical application. These are various creams, ointments, gels, sprays. All of them have anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antibacterial effect.

In more severe cases, specialists prescribe drugs for internal use, as well as physiotherapy methods, such as light therapy or the use of a laser.

Preparations for topical application

Among this group of drugs, the following are used:

  1. Corticosteroid drugs. They are strong remedies for psoriasis. Among the shortcomings, a fairly large number of side effects. These are medicines such as cortisone, hydrocortisone and others.
  2. Medicines with vitamin D3 in the composition. They are desirable in the treatment of any type of psoriasis.
  3. Non-hormonal agents. These are ointments such as salicylic, zinc, naphthalene. They are safer than corticosteroids, but the effect of the use should not be expected quickly.
  4. The use of funds based on tar. Tar is a natural component that has a detrimental effect on psoriasis. Soap, ointments, shampoos and other types of medicines are prepared from it.

Means for ingestion

In advanced forms of the disease, doctors often use stronger drugs intended for internal use. These are such medicines:

  • cyclosporine;
  • methotrexate;
  • acitretin and others.

Means are selected individually for each patient and require strict adherence to doses. Treatment usually takes place in short courses, since long-term premise is addictive and has a lot of negative consequences for internal organs.

The genital organs of a woman and a man are arranged differently, so the localization and symptoms of genital psoriasis should be considered, focusing on the gender of the patient. General symptoms include the following:

  • plaque formation;
  • redness of the upper layers of the epidermis;
  • painful nodules;
  • irritation in places of accumulation of psoriatic plaques.

For complete information about the features of the symptoms of genital psoriasis, they should be presented based on the patient's gender.

How does psoriasis of the genital organs manifest in a woman?

Among the fairer sex, psoriasis on the labia is a fairly common occurrence, especially during periods of hormonal changes in the female body that occur at certain age intervals.

Psoriatic rashes, as a rule, affect the mucous membranes of the vagina, pubis, intergluteal space, small and large labia. Psoriasis also appears in the groin area in women, forming small pink papules, gradually covered with whitish scales. If we talk about the symptoms of the disease, they are very similar to the symptoms characteristic of vulvitis.

In addition to the fact that this disease brings real pain to a woman, discomfort due to itching and cracking of the skin, psoriasis of the labia makes it difficult to live a normal life, experiencing all the joys of intimacy.

Since the genitals of a woman are affected by psoriatic rashes, intimacy causes pain, as well as aggravation of the disease. There is a high risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection.

The skin and mucous membranes of the genitals of a woman affected by psoriasis are easily infected with microbes. It could be a fungus, or it could be a bacterial infection.

Due to the lack of air access, the humidity of the environment, atypical psoriasis of the labia is more difficult to treat than the same disease, but affecting other, more accessible and open areas of the skin.

However, this is not a reason to put an end to intimate life. Treatment brings long periods of remission, when women can lead absolutely normal lives, up to carrying and giving birth to a child.

If similar symptoms are detected, it is strongly recommended to consult a urologist and dermatologist for a correct diagnosis and early treatment.

IMPORTANT: Timely treatment of the disease will avoid serious consequences and help to quickly solve the problem of the genital organs in men.

Psoriasis develops on the penis in males, often between the ages of twenty-five and fifty. Symptoms sometimes appear several weeks after the pathological process has begun to progress.

Genital psoriasis is more common in women than in men. Exacerbation in patients is observed when the hormonal background changes during puberty, during pregnancy or during menopause.

Since the symptoms of the disease are similar to many gynecological diseases, it is impossible to independently determine the diagnosis. Even knowing what inflammation of the genital organs looks like, it is impossible to diagnose inflammation without medical help.


Despite the difference in the reproductive systems, the symptoms of the disease are generally similar. She manifests skin rashes in the form of papules, redness, peeling, itching and burning. The lesion is focal in nature, takes the form of plaques.

But the nature of the course of the disease has its own characteristics.

Localization of the disease in women falls on the labia, vagina, pubis, the area between the buttocks and under the mammary glands. Sometimes in the armpit.

The onset of the disease often coincides with the moments of hormonal changes and initial stage manifestations are not so pronounced. But gradually the clinical picture becomes clear.

On the affected areas, round papules and pink convex plaques with clear boundaries are formed. They are covered with silver scales.

The disease has a chronic undulating character. And when a secondary infection is attached, signs of inflammation are observed, such as temperature, weakness, etc.

In men, the pathology is localized mainly on the glans penis, the foreskin, rashes are observed both on the pubis and in the groin. Psoriasis on the genitals in men occupies the glans penis, foreskin, characteristic rashes are often determined in the groin and on the pubis.

Symptoms match general symptoms. There are itching, redness, burning, plaque formation.

Papules usually appear on the head of the penis. At the same time, it blushes strongly, itching is felt, plaques can bleed.

When moving to the foreskin, the symptoms become aggravated, pain and severe burning may be added.

Psoriasis on the genitals can manifest slightly differently in men and women. Sometimes the disease proceeds atypically. As a rule, such symptoms are observed in people who are overweight.

In men

The atypical development of rashes in the genital area is characterized by a clear delineation of smooth, pronounced red spots located in the anatomical folds of the skin. They do not have the usual scales.

Symptoms of atypical psoriasis are painful and severe due to the peculiarities of plaque localization. Their appearance in the groin is provoked not only by internal, but also by external factors, for example, friction of the skin against clothes, increased sweating.

Atypical course of the disease in the folds of the intimate zone occurs in 5% of people suffering from the usual. This type is most often found in overweight people who have deep skin folds. Insufficient hygiene of the intimate area with a tendency to psoriasis is one of the provoking factors for the manifestation of an atypical form.

There are two types of psoriasis in the labia area: vulgar and reverse. The clinical picture is significantly different:

  1. Vulgar psoriasis. The patient notices the appearance of pink-red rashes with a silvery sheen in the groin. They can peel off and cause discomfort. Psoriatic plaques are localized on the labia and in the pubic region, can move to the inner surface of the thigh.
  2. Reverse psoriasis. The elements of the rash are located in the region of the inguinal folds, where sweating and elevated temperature contribute to the development of weeping. Due to friction and mechanical impact of clothing, the skin becomes thinner, erosion appears. When the surface of the skin of the labia is damaged, a fungal and bacterial infection often joins.

In parallel, other parts of the body can be affected by psoriasis: the scalp, armpits, buttocks, and the lumbar region. In cases where the disease is localized only in the pubic region, many women are not even aware of the nature of the disease, and they turn to a dermatologist already in the later stages of the disease.

A remedy that will cleanse your skin and get rid of psoriasis forever. Doctors secretly began to advise his patients!

Psoriasis on the penis in a man manifests itself in the form of persistent rashes, which are usually located near the head of the penis or next to it. There is usually no peeling.

The symptoms of the disease vary, making it difficult to diagnose. It could be:

  • Redness of the skin on the penis;
  • Burning and itching in the affected areas;
  • Formation of scales;
  • Inflammatory papules 1-2 mm in size, rounded.

IMPORTANT: In rare cases, psoriasis extends to inner part foreskin. If this happens, inflammation, pain and swelling often develop.

In addition to skin lesions on the penis, the rash can also be on the scrotum, buttocks and folds in the groin.

For psoriasis of the penis, 3 signs are characteristic:

  1. Stearin spot: an area of ​​skin with severe peeling. Scraping the formed scales causes even more peeling.
  2. Terminal film: it forms on skin that has been descaled. The epidermis in these places is thin and prone to damage.
  3. Blood dew: seepage of droplets of blood over the epidermis as a result of damage to the terminal film.

Psoriatic rashes on the genitals can appear in both men and women. In some cases, the disease proceeds atypically (symptoms uncharacteristic of psoriasis). Most often, atypical form of psoriasis occurs in overweight people.

Symptoms in men

Basically, this problem is treated by men from 25 to 50 years old. Much less frequently are patients of a younger or older age category. Symptoms in men occur in the form of psoriatic rashes in the groin area, on the pubis and penis. Psoriatic rashes are clearly demarcated red spots that slightly rise above the surface of the body.

Less often, rashes cover the inside of the foreskin. The disease is accompanied by severe itching, especially in the pubic area and scrotum. Spreading to the groin area, the plaques are covered with whitish scales.

With rashes on the head, the patient feels soreness and swelling of the affected areas. The swelling becomes hot. In some cases, psoriasis on the genitals in men is accompanied by rashes in the armpit, scalp and behind the ears.

Symptoms in women

Psoriasis of the genital organs in women today is not uncommon. Most often, the initial manifestation of genital psoriasis is noticeable during sharp hormonal fluctuations - it can be adolescence, pregnancy, menopause. Many of the fair sex do not assume that this is how psoriasis begins, taking them for a gynecological disease.

Psoriasis in the area of ​​the labia manifests itself in the form of small rounded papules of a pink hue. The rashes are covered with characteristic whitish scales. The same rashes are formed in the groin and on the pubis. Most often, the rash is not accompanied by itching.

The development of psoriasis of the genital organs is accompanied by the appearance of rashes in the genital area: on the penis, labia, on the pubis and in the groin.

In women, round or oval papules are formed on the labia, painted in pink-red color, on the surface of which whitish-silvery scales are visible. The manifestations of the disease on the pubis and in the groin have the same appearance.

Psoriasis of the genital organs in men is evidenced by rashes on the penis, as well as in the groin and on the pubis. On the head of the penis, clearly defined red spots form, which rise slightly above the skin and are covered with whitish scales. In some cases, the rash may extend to the inner surface of the foreskin of the penis.

Diagnosis of psoriasis on the genitals usually does not cause difficulties for a dermatologist, since rashes form only on the genitals, without affecting other parts of the skin.

Perhaps an atypical course of the disease, which greatly complicates the diagnosis. In this case, red spots form on the genitals in the natural folds of the skin, on which there are no characteristic white scales.

Genital psoriasis in women is accompanied by a rash on the labia. Oval or round papules are formed. They have a pink-red hue, and whitish scales appear on their surface. Such formations can also appear on the groin.

Papules appear only on the genitals, do not affect other parts of the skin. Therefore, the diagnosis is carried out by a dermatologist, who will not bring much difficulty in making a diagnosis. But for this it is better to undergo additional examinations.

The atypical course of the pathology can complicate the diagnosis. In this case, there are no whitish scales, but only red spots. To determine the pathology, a biopsy is done, histological studies.

Such rashes in some patients appear between other skin folds:

  • under the mammary glands;
  • between the buttocks;
  • in the armpit area.

In these places, the skin rubs, this causes cracks, itching, sores.


For the treatment and diagnosis of psoriasis, they turn to a dermatologist. The diagnostic procedure is as follows:

  1. medical examination.
  2. Collection of anamnesis.
  3. Scrapings for laboratory analysis.
  4. An extended blood test.

A smear for sexually transmitted diseases is an additional examination for any diseases in the genital area.

Differential diagnosis is carried out to exclude infectious and fungal diseases of the genital organs:

  • syphilis;
  • microbial eczema;
  • vulvitis;
  • balanoplastitis;
  • T-cell lymphoma;
  • Reiter's disease.

A dermatologist deals with diagnosis and treatment. It is necessary to contact a specialist after the first symptoms are detected. But in most cases, the diagnosis is complicated by the fact that patients put off going to the doctor for a long time. It is also necessary to conduct a differential diagnosis, since some clinical symptoms similar to other diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, scabies, allergies, eczema).

To make a diagnosis, the following set of measures is carried out:

  • history taking and examination. At this stage, the circumstances under which the symptoms appeared, their duration and course are clarified, and heredity is studied. Also, the doctor conducts a visual examination not only of the affected area, but also of all skin integuments in order to discard other forms of skin diseases;
  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • samples for fungal diseases;
  • skin biopsy from the affected area.

In addition to a dermatologist, a consultation with a gynecologist and urologist is prescribed in accordance with the gender of the patient. This is necessary to exclude other diseases.

Also, based on the systemic nature of psoriasis, a parallel diagnosis is carried out for such diseases as arterial hypertension, diabetes, vascular diseases and vascular disorders.

The main diagnostic method is an external examination of the affected areas of the skin. For a deeper study of the patient's condition, the doctor may prescribe a general and biochemical blood test to exclude or confirm the presence of rheumatoid factor. Additional tests allow you to properly build the treatment of inguinal psoriasis at any stage.

Due to the presumptive and not scientifically proven nature of the causes and the pathological course of the disease, when starting the treatment of psoriasis in intimate places, the specialist develops a complex comprehensive treatment plan that includes several ways to combat the disease.

The main methods of treatment The initial stage therapy consists in the external use of topical ointments and creams that can reduce the severity of rashes and cleanse the skin from peeling and plaques. In the acute period of the course of the disease, oral systemic agents, ointments and various physiotherapy procedures are used.

The medical complex practiced by doctors is used for various kinds ailment, it is also effective for genital psoriasis:

  • Corticosteroid ointments(Avecort, Betazon, Silkaren, Diprospan, Flucinar, Ultralan) containing antibiotics. The action of ointments is aimed at restoring normal metabolism, stopping the activity of prostaglandins, which increase inflammatory processes.
  • drugs, containing vitamin D(Psorkutan, Daivoneks). With psoriasis, taking vitamin D is a mandatory treatment item to prevent the transition of lesions to the joints. The largest amount of the vitamin is found in regular fish oil.
  • Irradiation of the affected skin with ultraviolet light. The purpose of the procedure is strictly individual.
  • Ointments based on tar (Antipsorin, Berestin, Alfozil, Colloidin). They stop inflammation, improve skin condition, eliminate itching.
  • Herbal (walnut, sage, valerian, coniferous) and salt turpentine baths.

This tactic for the treatment of psoriasis helps to reduce the recurrence of the disease, cleanses the skin, relieves symptoms and allows the patient to regain peace of mind.

Constant monitoring by a doctor and regular tests give a clear idea of ​​the dynamics of treatment. However, 70% of success depends on how seriously and attentively the patient approaches the doctor's recommendations.

If suspicious symptoms appear on the labia, a woman should definitely consult a doctor. Visual examination and laboratory tests will help establish an accurate diagnosis. To determine the pathology, it is necessary to carry out:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • scraping of skin scales;
  • dermoscopy.

In some cases, it may be necessary to consult a gynecologist, venereologist, as well as a number of additional tests. According to the results of the research, the doctor establishes an accurate diagnosis and prescribes the appropriate treatment.

To make a diagnosis, doctors use measures that include:

  • Inspection of the skin on the genitals of the patient.
  • Questioning the patient on the chronology of the development of symptoms and factors that could provoke the pathology.
  • Collection and study of anamnesis.
  • Blood tests, urine tests.
  • Analysis for microsporia (fungus).

    Diagnosis of psoriasis in men

Any form of the disease, including genital psoriasis, is diagnosed by a specific triad.

  1. Stearin stain. When the doctor scrapes the affected areas of the skin, the scales peel off, while resembling stearin.
  2. Terminal film. After removing the scales, the doctor sees the remaining layers of skin, which gleam, resembling polyethylene.
  3. Spot bleeding. Further scraping of the affected area leads to the appearance of droplets of blood (blood dew).

It should be noted that the diagnostic methods are the same for men and women.

They provide:

  • visual inspection of the affected areas of the skin;
  • collection of anamnestic information;

As already mentioned, the diagnosis of penile psoriasis is difficult because the symptoms of the disease are diverse. When making a diagnosis, you must:

  1. Conduct a general examination and collect an anamnesis of the disease.
  2. Collect an anamnesis of the patient's life, as well as a family history, since the disease can be inherited.
  3. In some cases, it is necessary to conduct laboratory tests - a skin biopsy or a dermatoscopy examination. As a rule, a laboratory blood test is also prescribed.

It should be noted that the diagnostic methods are the same for men and women.

In addition, a smear is often taken to detect a sexually transmitted infection, which is transmitted directly by sexual contact.

What is the danger of psoriasis on the genitals and is this disease contagious

It is impossible to get psoriasis sexually. This disease is not transmitted through touch. Careful studies have been carried out, many patients and their partners have been interviewed and tested.

German and American specialists were especially deeply involved in this problem. It was not possible to identify a single fact of transmission of the disease during sex.

Another thing is when it is not sexually transmitted psoriasis, but an infectious, fungal or sexually transmitted disease, the symptoms of which are similar to the signs of this disease.

Confusing diseases, patients often try to cure themselves by taking antibiotics, and choosing the dosage at their own discretion.

This mistake can threaten with serious consequences, as time will be lost, and the body will receive the wrong substances that are needed.

Genital psoriasis is not transmitted by contact and is not contagious. The main danger of psoriasis is that it easily passes to the anal area, which is fraught with hemorrhoids and painful lesions near the anus. These associated difficulties complicate the effective treatment of genital psoriasis.

Diagnostic methods are complicated by the fact that patients do not seek help from a medical institution in a timely manner. If you have signs of psoriasis or other skin problems, you should immediately visit a specialist.

Diagnosis of the disease basically does not cause difficulties for an experienced dermatologist, since the plaques are localized only in the groin, on the genitals or in the folds of the skin, without affecting other areas of the body.


French pharmacists created effective remedy Pruried Cream. Treatment of psoriasis on the genitals with its help is carried out quite quickly, at least the external symptoms of the disease are eliminated.

However, the medicine is quite expensive. Traditional medicine advises to use nettle, lemon balm, bay leaf, dill, burdock root.

The disease has practically no features in the principles of treatment. Its therapy is almost identical to that of any other form of psoriasis. The main feature is its delicacy and place of manifestation. Since the genital area has high humidity and temperature, as well as natural folds that simplify the development of the disease.

For this reason, treatment is not allowed to take its course and must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. The approach to it is complex and can be very long, up to a year. In addition, there is no one treatment plan for everyone; for each patient, the specialist draws up an individual treatment regimen.

Treatment of this form of psoriasis is based on the following methods:

  • local treatment (ointments and creams);
  • oral medications (including antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial);
  • diet;
  • physiotherapy;
  • a complex of vitamins;
  • injections in severe cases.


The purpose of various drugs depends on the severity of the disease. So, with a mild form, the basis of treatment is external symptomatic treatment. These include ointments and creams.

The main groups of drugs for external use:

  • antibacterial;
  • antifungal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • moisturizing;
  • healing;
  • soothing;
  • decongestants.

Often prescribed ointments with the addition of tar, sulfur or vitamin D, with glucocorticosteroids, hormonal.

The attending physician will offer an optimal therapy regimen that will allow getting rid of psoriasis in intimate places for a particular patient who comes to an unscheduled appointment. He will be able to cure the disease if he follows all the requirements and recommendations of a specialist.

Treatment of this form of psoriatic disease is recommended with the help of non-hormonal drugs that are intended for external use. There are such remedies that defeat psoriasis in intimate places:

  1. Salicylic ointment;
  2. "Zinokap";
  3. Salicylic-zinc ointment;
  4. Ointment with vitamin D.

These drugs have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, so it makes sense to use them in the fight against this disease.

If external therapy does not give the desired result, doctors introduce systemic medications into the treatment course. If symptoms are negative, antibiotics and corticosteroids may be needed.

This list does not include only tetracycline drugs, which are prohibited for use in the development of genital psoriasis. Sometimes antimycotic drugs are included in therapy.

For example, psoriasis of the genital organs is treated with Vazilon cream.

If a patient has been diagnosed with an atypical form of the disease, which is accompanied by serious tissue damage near the skin folds, then it will be impossible to do without antimycotic drugs and steroids. In such situations, it is worth giving preference to the following means:

  1. "Beloderm";
  2. "Afloderm";
  3. "Elokom";
  4. "Dermovate".

The last drug on the list of medicines is the most powerful among the rest.

The treatment of psoriasis on the genitals and in the groin with oral medications should be considered separately. This type of therapy includes the use of immunomodulators, retinoids and steroids. Together, they suppress the activity of the pathogen and improve the patient's condition. With genital psoriasis, it is recommended to take:

  1. For short-term use - "Methotrexate", "Cyclosporine";
  2. With complicated development of the disease - "Infliximab";
  3. With a psycho-emotional disorder - "Imizin", "Amitriptyline", "Pyrazidol".

The last group of drugs helps to normalize the psycho-emotional state of the patient by calming his irritated nervous system. Without such funds, it is difficult for people who have psoriasis on the genitals and pubis to have a negative effect on their sleep and work process.

On the good side, folk remedies for the treatment of genital psoriasis have shown themselves. With this form of the disease, it is recommended to use all kinds of herbal decoctions that help remove the main symptoms of the pathological process. It is worth paying attention to the recipes in which the following components appear:

  • Celandine;
  • Golden mustache;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Sea salt.

Therapy of the disease is individual in nature and requires a comprehensive solution.

A mild degree can be localized with the help of ointments and creams with corticosteroids, the use of traditional medicine recipes, and the intake of vitamin complexes. The acute stage of the disease should be under the regular supervision of a doctor who can adjust the treatment regimen, add or exclude certain drugs.

The list of therapeutic measures in the acute stage is the intake of systemic oral medications, physiotherapy, sun, salt or herbal baths.

Drug therapy

The course of treatment of genital psoriasis involves the use of the following medications:

  1. For local use, the use of ointments and creams based on corticosteroids and containing antibiotics is recommended. Preparations at the local level improve metabolism and reduce active cell division at the site of injury.
  2. Preparations with vitamin D, which prevents the appearance of psoriasis of the joints.
  3. Immunosuppressants, immunomodulators, retinoids.
  4. External ointments with tar, eliminating inflammation and itching of the skin. Also, tar effectively heals the skin in the inguinal zone.
  5. To prevent bacterial and fungal infections in the genital area, a doctor may recommend antiseptics.

It is absolutely impossible to use remedies for psoriasis in the genital area on your own. Many patients, embarrassed to contact a specialist, try to treat the disease with completely inappropriate medications, which often leads to a worsening of the situation.

Folk methods

In the arsenal traditional medicine there are such remedies for the treatment of genital psoriasis, such as salt baths, a compress from tincture of bay leaves, succession and celandine, gruel from dandelions. Golden mustache juice also helps treat psoriasis. These recipes are antibacterial and itch soothing in nature.

Traditional medicine should not be used as the only way to treat. Home methods can only be an addition to the main therapy.

Nutrition rules

Therapy of psoriasis necessarily includes diet. Doctors advise adding foods that regulate the acid-base balance in the body to the daily diet. Avoid coffee drinks, alcohol, sweet and spicy foods that irritate the genitals. Should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and minerals.

Additional measures

Wearing underwear made from natural fabrics that do not press or rub the genital area, walks on fresh air, regular light sports and good sleep will reduce the frequency of relapses of psoriasis and make it easier to endure acute processes.

Sexual intercourse is not prohibited if the patient with psoriasis does not suffer from pain during sex.

Treatment of psoriasis on the labia begins with the use of funds for external use. Basically, ointments and creams are used for treatment:

  • hormonal (with corticosteroids);
  • antibacterial;
  • antifungal;
  • healing;
  • drying.

Before applying ointments, hygiene procedures of the genitals and groin area are mandatory. Ointments and creams alternate with each other. Hormonal creams perfectly relieve itching and swelling, reduce discomfort. Dryers reduce wetting and promote healing.

Important! Some topical medicines may cause a local reaction to the drug. Before the course of treatment, it is recommended to conduct a sensitivity test.

To combat a concomitant infection with the ineffectiveness of ointments, antibacterial and antifungal drugs are prescribed in the form of tablets. If the lesions are sufficiently extensive, and the prescribed treatment does not give results, the patient is recommended inpatient treatment.

The method of treatment of the sexual form of psoriasis depends on the severity of the disease. If the patient has a mild disease, then local treatment will be enough for him.

In severe forms of pathology, systemic medications are additionally prescribed.

Treatment of psoriasis of the genital organs, as well as other parts of the body, requires an integrated approach. Therapy should be carried out under the strict supervision of a physician. The approximate course of treatment lasts about 5 weeks. Depending on the course of the disease, the doctor may extend or stop treatment.

The complex of therapeutic measures is selected individually. A mild degree of the disease is stopped with the help of topical creams and ointments. The acute stage of psoriasis is treated with systemic oral medications, physiotherapy, sunbathing, etc.

The course of treatment involves the following activities:

  • Topical application of ointments based on corticosteroids containing antibiotics. Corticosteroid drugs contribute to the regulation of metabolism, muffle the action of active prostaglandins involved in inflammation.
  • Preparations containing vitamin D. This vitamin must be taken regularly to prevent psoriasis of the joints.
  • Courses of ultraviolet irradiation of affected areas of the skin. As a rule, the course is prescribed according to an individual method developed by the doctor.
  • Preparations for external use containing tar. Such remedies cope well with inflammation, eliminate discomfort, improving appearance skin.
  • Salt or herbal baths.

Treatment of genital psoriasis should begin with the treatment of nerve endings and pelvic organs.

Mild manifestations of the disease on the head of the penis, pubis and labia are usually treated with ointments and creams. In severe cases of psoriasis, the doctor additionally prescribes internal medications and physiotherapy.

Drug treatment includes the use of the following means:

  • corticosteroid ointments;
  • corticosteroid ointments;
  • immunomodulators (tacrolimus, pimecrolimus);
  • immunosuppressants (cyclosporine, methotrexate);
  • preparations containing vitamin D.

French cream Pruriced Creme effectively treats itching, but it is expensive.

To prevent the development of bacterial and fungal infections, the doctor may prescribe antifungal agents (Valison cream is most often used).

Effectively complement the treatment of folk methods:

  • corticosteroid ointments;
  • salt baths;
  • tincture of a golden mustache;
  • decoction of bay leaves.

With proper treatment of psoriasis on the penis and labia, as well as psoriasis on the chest, the remission period can last for several months and even years.

Therapy of the disease depends on the severity of the course and can be both local and complex, including the systemic use of drugs. A complete cure for psoriasis is impossible.

Therapy is aimed at eliminating the exacerbation, but almost 100% relapses can be expected in the future. Local treatment for localization on the genitals includes various ointments or creams:

  • ointments with hormonal drugs (corticosteroids);
  • antifungal agents (to prevent the addition of a concomitant infection).

If this is not enough, additional systemic drugs are used:

  1. oral corticosteroids;
  2. sedative drugs;
  3. immunomodulators;
  4. vitamin D containing preparations;
  5. physiotherapy procedures.

Several positive effects have been shown folk methods treatment:

  • salt baths;
  • infused decoctions of bay leaves;
  • tincture containing a golden mustache.

Folk remedies should be used to help, to medicines, to speed up the process of disappearance of the rash.

The detection of a rash similar in description to psoriasis in the genital area requires a visit to a dermatologist, until the lesions have spread over a significant area and have not led to complications: balanoposthitis in men and vulvitis in women.

Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against this disease is not on your side yet ...

The appearance of bright red psoriatic plaques covered with dry white or silvery scales on the elbows/feet/lower back/knees/hands; deformed, exfoliating nails; strong exfoliation of dead skin cells (reminiscent of dandruff); blisters on the palms and feet, painful cracks in the skin.

All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand.

The traditional treatment for psoriasis on the genitals is to take medications orally (immunosuppressants, immunomodulators, vitamin D), applying corticosteroid ointments. Doctors often prescribe antifungal drugs.

French pharmacists have created an effective tool Pruried Crem. Treatment of psoriasis on the genitals with its help is carried out quite quickly, at least the external symptoms of the disease are eliminated.

However, the medicine is quite expensive. Traditional medicine advises to use nettle, lemon balm, bay leaf, dill, burdock root.

But more recently, this infection has appeared on the genitals. You don’t really get a tan in the summer, but in the winter it’s like that at all.

Treatment also includes diet and proper hygiene of the genitals. The use of external agents for this form of psoriasis is ineffective.

The appearance of rashes in the folds and on the mucous membranes greatly complicates the treatment process, because these areas are very sensitive, and there is increased temperature and humidity, which only aggravates the situation.

Not only because it will bring a lot of inconvenience, but also because of the complexity of treating the disease in this area of ​​the human body. Most often, psoriasis manifests itself as red, inflamed spots that protrude above the surface of the skin and have clear boundaries.

Basically, rashes appear in places of profuse sweating: in the folds of the skin and on the inner surface of the elbows and knee joints. The manifestation of the disease may be similar to vulvitis (inflammation of the vulva).

Help to cope with the unpleasant symptoms of ointment based on tar. For these reasons, skin care in affected areas must be especially meticulous.

Skin disease of the external genital organs can occur in an atypical form, which is more difficult to diagnose. Traditional medicine treats itching around anus by taking infusions and decoctions of plants with antipruritic properties: deaf and stinging nettle, high elecampane, peppermint, medicinal lemon balm, tricolor violet, dill, ephedra, burdock root.

Rashes can be without peeling, characteristic of psoriatic plaques. With inverse psoriasis, rashes are located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inguinal folds.

Treatment of psoriasis of the penis is a range of therapeutic measures, which is selected individually for each patient, depending on his condition.

In the treatment of mild forms of genital psoriasis, it is sometimes enough to use local remedies - creams and ointments. In severe cases of the disease, drugs for oral administration and physiotherapy are additionally prescribed.

It should be noted that there is no medicine that could guarantee the cure of psoriasis. Therefore, therapy in the treatment of psoriasis of the penis should be selected by a doctor. The benefits and risks of using a particular drug are considered by a specialist in each case.

Treatment for psoriasis in the penis depends on the severity of the disease. With a mild course of the disease, treatment involves the use of various ointments, gels and creams.

In more severe psoriasis, systemic agents are prescribed that are taken orally. Steroid-based ointments are actively used.

This group includes the following drugs: hydrocortisone and prednisolone ointments, Lorinden, Afloderm, Elocom, Sinaflan, Beloderm, Dermovate.

All these ointments are classified depending on the strength of the therapeutic effect. The strongest remedy is Dermovate.

All such ointments are based on one or more of the following substances: Triamcinolone, Clobetasone, Hydrocorticone, Betamethasone.

Hormonal remedies apply only with the appointment of the attending physician. Hormonal ointments cause many unwanted reactions.

These include changes in hormonal levels, impaired renal function, and deterioration in the blood supply to the liver. The course of treatment with such means is short.

Hormonal agents are indicated in case of ineffectiveness of other agents. Treatment should begin with non-hormonal ointments.

These include salicylic ointment, vitamin D-based ointments, Zinocap, combined ointments (zinc-salicylic). To eliminate inflammation, you can use tar-based ointments.

Often, treatment for psoriasis involves the use of retinoids. They contain vitamin A.

This group includes "Radevit", retinoic ointment. There are combined ointments containing vitamin A and E (Aekol).

Treatment of psoriasis should be comprehensive. Therapeutic measures include physiotherapy (electrosonotherapy, PUVA therapy), diet, cessation of alcohol and smoking, increased physical activity.

A good effect is given by climatotherapy, bathing in salt baths. Salt can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Oral preparations

Systemic treatment is carried out with various drugs: retinoids, immunosuppressants, steroid drugs.

The mechanism of action of retinoids is to normalize the process of keratinization of the skin in the penis, inhibition of proliferation. A short course can be prescribed "Methotrexate", "Cyclosporine".

In severe cases, glucocorticoids are prescribed ("Prednisolone", "Metipred"). Your doctor may prescribe a monoclonal antibody (Infliximab).

In the case of a secondary bacterial or fungal infection, antibiotics or antimycotic agents are prescribed. Tetracyclines are not suitable for the treatment of psoriasis.

In the case of depression, sleep disturbances, psychotropic drugs (anxiolytics, antidepressants) can be used. They help relieve depression and anxiety.

The prognosis for health in penile psoriasis with adequate treatment is favorable. Treatment allows you to achieve a stable and long-term remission, which often lasts for months and even years.

If left untreated, the disease progresses slowly. There is no specific prevention for psoriasis.

Do not forget about nutrition and hygiene measures. Patients with psoriasis are advised to eat foods that have an alkaline orientation.

It is required to take baths with the addition of salts or herbs. In addition to the main treatment, folk remedies can be used.

For the treatment of psoriasis of the genital organs, a tincture of a golden mustache plant, a decoction based on bay leaves, decoctions based on celandine and string for external use can be used.

Thus, psoriasis is a chronic pathology and requires adequate treatment.

At the first sign of the appearance of plaques, you need to urgently contact a specialist. Treatment should be prescribed by a dermatologist after the necessary studies and tests. General recommendations are the same as in the treatment of other types:

  • Corticosteroid creams, ointments, lotions, gels.
  • Corticosteroid preparations (tablets, capsules).
  • Corticosteroid injections.
  • Inhalation of corticosteroid drugs.
  • Solid and tar ointments.
  • Diet food (exclusion of all harmful, fatty, spicy, salty foods, food containing preservatives and GMOs).
  • Climate change (forever or for a certain period of time - spa treatment).
  • Salt baths.
  • Physiotherapy (phototherapy, ultraviolet treatment, quartz irradiation).

Medications are required. Their shape is chosen according to individual characteristics person and contraindications.

The elimination of the manifestations of the disease is complicated by the constant mechanical impact on the plaques. Sweat forms in the folds, the inner surface of the thigh and labia are injured by underwear and clothing.

Course therapy to eliminate symptoms in case of damage to the genital organs consists of several methods of exposure.

  1. The use of external drugs. The patient is prescribed ointments containing corticosteroids and antibiotics. The main action is performed by corticosteroids, which contribute to the restoration of metabolic processes, as a result of which the action of prostaglandins, which provoke the inflammatory process, is drowned out.
  2. The use of drugs inside. The patient is recommended medicines containing vitamin D. Medicines of this group are used to prevent psoriatic inflammation of the joints.
  3. Ultraviolet radiation. Sessions of ultraviolet exposure to the skin helps to reduce the inflammatory process. The appointment of a course of UV therapy is prescribed only by a specialist individually.
  4. Tar preparations. Experts have proven that tar helps to cope with psoriatic lesions and its symptoms. To treat the genitals, tar should be used carefully on the tap.
  5. Spa treatment. Salt, mud, herbal baths and other methods of natural therapy are used for a complex effect against the disease.

Alternative methods for eliminating genital psoriatic inflammation can be used for additional therapy and only after prior consultation with your doctor.

You can not self-medicate, since the action of certain drugs on the skin can provoke an even greater exacerbation of the disease. Medicines should also be selected by a doctor, due to the presence of contraindications in drugs and the likelihood of side effects.

It is necessary to start therapy for genital psoriasis when the first symptoms appear. The more advanced the pathology, the more difficult it is to eliminate its symptoms. Patients with a tendency to psoriatic inflammation should try to exclude provoking factors (stress, decreased immunity, etc.), and constantly adhere to preventive measures.

How to get rid of itching around the anus?

If the patient is concerned about itching around the anus, then prescribe antihistamines (suprastin, pipolfen, diphenhydramine, claritin, tavegil, diprazine, zirtek, sodium thiosulfate, calcium chloride), which have a hyposensitizing effect. It is also possible to use immunosuppressants (cyclosporine). Prednisolone and hydrocortisone ointments, validol solution have an effective effect.

Physiotherapeutic procedures relieve itching in the anus area: balneotherapy, cryotherapy, magnetotherapy, ultraviolet irradiation, the use of ultrasound.

Traditional medicine treats itching around the anus by taking infusions and decoctions of plants with antipruritic properties: deaf and stinging nettle, high elecampane, peppermint, medicinal lemon balm, tricolor violet, dill, ephedra, burdock root.


Depending on the degree of damage, local or complex treatment of psoriasis of the labia will be carried out.

Therapy of the genital organs of women is conservative:

  • Topical application of creams, gels, ointments with corticosteroids that moisturize the skin, contributing to its speedy healing.
  • Antibacterial, antifungal drugs are often prescribed to prevent female genital infections associated with psoriasis.
  • In cases where the disease is advanced or difficult to treat, immunomodulatory or immunosuppressive drugs are added orally.
  • It is often necessary to use antidepressants, because psoriasis is a disease that is difficult to treat, which causes nervous breakdowns, and sometimes prolonged depression.
  • Sometimes physiotherapy is connected, in particular, ultraviolet irradiation of the affected areas.

All treatment is carried out against the background of the strictest observance of the rules of personal hygiene:

  • regular washing with the further use of antiseptic drying sprays;
  • wearing underwear only from natural fabrics;
  • you will have to abandon tight-fitting clothing that can injure the affected skin of the labia.

Pharmacy medicines

Now it is not a problem to find in pharmacies all the means of external use necessary for treatment. To begin with, let's dwell on topical hormonal creams with corticosteroids, which are designed to moisturize and heal the affected mucosa:

  1. Beloderm is a cream, the main component of which is betamethasone dipropionate, an active group III corticosteroid. It actively eliminates inflammation, itching, has a vasoconstrictive effect.
  2. Afloderm has the same properties as Beloderm, plus anti-proliferative and anti-allergic effects.
  3. Dermovate is a cream whose main active ingredient is clobetasol propionate. This is also a corticosteroid drug with a powerful healing property, but it can be used for a short time, as it has many side effects. It is usually prescribed at the beginning of treatment for advanced forms of psoriasis.

In some cases, ointments are not enough, and then corticosteroids are taken orally:

  • Prednisolone;
  • Berlikort;
  • flumethasone;
  • Flucinar.

If necessary, immunosuppressants are prescribed:

  • Methotrexate - has an immunosuppressive effect, preventing random cell division.
  • Psorilom is an immunomodulator, requires long-term use, stabilizes the immune system.

home remedies

Intimate psoriasis is serious enough to warrant experimenting with home remedies and self-medication.

Only after the appointment of adequate treatment by a dermatologist, you can try:

  • sitz baths with a solution of sea salt;
  • washing with a decoction of bay leaf;
  • taking baths with a decoction of a golden mustache.


With psoriasis, diet is of great importance. For the entire duration of the illness, as well as during remission, the following products should be discarded:

  • all types of smoked meats, sausage products;
  • all types of carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • pastries and cakes;
  • chocolate;
  • minimize honey and sugar;
  • green tea is better;
  • only natural ground coffee, but no more than three cups a day.

If necessary, the doctor may prescribe an individual strict diet. It would be wise to observe it in order to help the body cope with this difficult disease.

other methods

Often, psoriasis is accompanied by allergic reactions, so along with the treatment of the underlying disease, it is necessary to treat allergies. Antihistamines are prescribed for a very long time. In addition, concomitant infection with fungal and bacterial infections forces the doctor to prescribe antifungal drugs and antibiotics.

In each particular case, depending on the manifestation of the disease, there will be its own treatment regimen. Psoriasis of the labia is an atypical disease, and the approach to its treatment is individual.

Treatment of this form of psoriasis is performed, first of all, with non-hormonal external preparations. The use of Salicylic ointment, Zinocap, Salicylic-zinc and vitamin D ointments is recommended. In addition, treatment is carried out with tar-based ointments. Due to the good anti-inflammatory action, they effectively fight psoriatic manifestations.

With the ineffectiveness of external therapy, it is recommended to treat psoriatic symptoms in the reproductive system with systemic drugs. With negative symptoms, creams and ointments with the addition of corticosteroids and antibiotics can be prescribed (with the exception of tetracycline drugs, which are contraindicated in the development of psoriatic manifestations).

In case of attachment of bacterial processes, antimycotic agents are recommended (Vazilon cream 0.1%).

Treatment of atypical forms is hampered by constant trauma to the skin areas near the folds. With this development of the disease, external preparations are prescribed with the addition of antimycotic components and steroids (Beloderm, Elokom, Afloderm, etc.). The most powerful drug in this group is Dermovate.

Preparations for internal use. Systemic therapy, in addition to external steroid drugs, involves the use of immunosuppressants and retinoids. The mechanism of action of retinoids is determined by the normalization of the processes of keratinization of the skin on the genitals and inhibition of proliferation.

  • Cyclosporine and Methotrexate can be prescribed for a short time, and with severe development of symptoms, monoclonal antibodies (Infliximab, etc.) are recommended;
  • in case of a psycho-emotional state disorder in a patient, it is recommended to take antidepressants (Pyrazidol, Amitriptyline, Imizin, etc.). Preparations of this group allow you to normalize the nervous system, improve sleep, relieve anxiety and depression;
  • good results are shown by the use in the treatment of psoriasis on the genitals, folk recipes with herbal decoctions, taking water procedures with the addition of sea salt, using compresses with golden mustache tincture, bay leaves, celandine herb, etc.

The need for therapeutic measures is determined by the severity of the course of the disease, its form, the general condition of the patient and the presence of chronic processes in the body. All treatment procedures are aimed at eliminating acute symptoms and preventing relapses in the future.

As a rule, the prognosis for an effective reduction in psoriatic symptoms after adequate therapy is favorable. Therapeutic measures contribute to obtaining a long and stable remission. This condition can last from 2-3 months to 2-3 years, but in the absence of the necessary treatment, psoriasis slowly but steadily progresses.

Psoriasis on the penis or genitals in women requires long-term treatment with an individual approach. The entire period of therapeutic exposure, the specialist must monitor the patient's condition. The average course of therapy is five weeks. With the advanced form, treatment can last up to several months.

Due to the fact that the causes of the disease cannot be established, the therapy is aimed at eliminating the signs of exacerbation and increasing the duration of remission. Depending on the degree of damage, the specialist selects an individual treatment regimen.

In advanced cases, use:

  • systemic oral preparations;
  • physiotherapy;
  • sunbathing;
  • and other methods.

Important! During the treatment period, it is mandatory to follow a special diet, which is determined for each patient individually.


Late visit to the doctor with genital psoriasis is fraught with the development of complex infections.

If at the beginning of the disease, the period of remission is easily achieved by local means, against the background of seasonal relief of the course of the disease, then later such methods no longer work.

Untreated genital psoriasis has dangerous complications. In addition to the fact that it tends to spread, affecting other parts of the body, it can negatively affect the condition of the joints and internal organs.

The most dangerous complications of psoriasis are psoriatic erythroderma, arthritis, generalized pustular psoriasis, diabetes, hypothyroidism, muscular dystrophy, anemia, secondary infections, heart damage.


Prevention of the disease is primarily aimed at adjusting lifestyle. So, first of all, all doctors advise to follow a diet, to monitor what and in what quantities you eat. Alcohol and other bad habits should be excluded.

Healthy full sleep and stress reduction have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Gently shave the genital area, avoid trauma to the skin. Eat vitamin supplements and foods rich in vitamins.

Preventive measures may seem banal, but they can prevent the development of psoriasis.

In the prevention of the disease, much attention is paid to the lifestyle of the patient. Delicate places require a careful approach to treatment. Combining the intake of medicines with streamlining the everyday aspects of life, one can achieve serious success in resisting the disease. Doctors recommend:

  • To refuse from bad habits. By quitting smoking and drinking alcohol, the patient helps to reduce the rate of development of the negative process and prevents the recurrence of the disease.
  • Underwear should be made of natural materials, have a free cut. It is unacceptable that it presses on intimate places and rubs them. Irritation and discomfort will exacerbate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.
  • Regular walks and proper sleep should be included in the daily routine.
  • Having sex with psoriasis in the groin area is not prohibited, the main thing is that the person does not experience pain and other uncomfortable manifestations of the disease. As mentioned, this skin disease is not transmitted through tactile or other contact.
  • It is necessary to put things in order in nutrition. Your daily diet should be free of caffeinated drinks, fried foods, sweet and savory foods. Any of these products provokes irritation in intimate places.
  • It is not allowed to shave the intimate area where the focus of the disease is located. Microtraumas on the skin can cause intense spread of plaques. In addition, the risk of infection is high, which is fraught with more serious problems.

Modern medicine has not yet been able to find a cardinal way to treat the disease, in which psoriasis completely leaves the human body. Specialists have developed effective methods of dealing with it, which can significantly reduce the discomfort of the disease and prevent possible complications.

With the defeat of psoriasis, treatment, as a rule, is complex and lengthy. Unfortunately, periods of remission are often replaced by recurrent exacerbations. It is hardly possible to completely avoid these exacerbations, because they are influenced by such factors:

  1. Seasonal changes - autumn-winter most often bring exacerbations, but it is not in our power to cancel the season.
  2. Nervous strain, emotional outbursts can also cause exacerbation of psoriatic rashes. Although a person who controls himself so much that he can regulate his emotional background is a rarity, you still need to know about it.

Compliance with hygiene rules will also help prevent an exacerbation of the disease. In nutrition, you must adhere to the recommended rules. It will also help delay or even prevent a relapse.

There is no specific prevention of penile psoriasis, since so far it has not been possible to find out the causes leading to the development of this disease.

The prognosis for psoriasis of the penis, in most cases, is favorable. However, the patient should tune in to long-term complex treatment.

Psoriasis on the genitals is a systemic disease, one of the localizations of atypical psoriasis. It is characterized by a complex of skin symptoms, such as rashes, skin peeling, redness, etc.

The genital form of the disease is the most severe form of atypical psoriasis.

This disease brings a person severe physical and psychological discomfort, is prone to chronic course, relapses and is difficult to treat due to its location. Both men and women are equally at risk of getting sick. The peak of the disease occurs in the cold season.

The lack of timely treatment leads to the transition of foci to other parts of the body (thighs, buttocks, abdomen) and other serious consequences. And based on the systemic nature of the disease, many organs, as well as joints, are involved in the pathological process.


This disease has no specific cause to date. But doctors identify factors that can contribute to development. Among them:

  • psychological problems. Often the disease develops against the background of severe and prolonged stress or emotional shock;
  • heredity. There is a predisposition to pathology in people whose relatives were ill with it. But the influence of genetics has not been noticed on the localization of the lesion;
  • diseases of the immune system, autoimmune diseases;
  • liver disease;
  • diabetes;
  • excess weight;
  • chronic diseases, inflammation of the pelvic organs;
  • psoriasis of other localization;
  • bad habits.

Some features of the causes of the genital type of the disease in women are noted. So, the disease can manifest itself during a period of serious hormonal changes or an acute hormonal imbalance. Thus, the risk of getting sick in women is higher during puberty, with the onset of pregnancy or menopause.

Men are more likely to get sick, in addition to common causes, as a result of hypothermia or episodes of trauma to the genital organs. Hormonal imbalances can also provoke psoriasis, but this cause is less likely to be the main one.

It should be noted that genital psoriasis is not a sexually transmitted disease and is not sexually transmitted.

Symptoms and features

Despite the difference in the reproductive systems, the symptoms of the disease are generally similar. It is manifested by skin rashes in the form of papules, redness, peeling, itching and burning. The lesion is focal in nature, takes the form of plaques.

But the nature of the course of the disease has its own characteristics.

Localization of the disease in women falls on the labia, vagina, pubis, the area between the buttocks and under the mammary glands. Sometimes in the armpit. The onset of the disease often coincides with the moments of hormonal changes and at the initial stage the manifestations are not so pronounced. But gradually the clinical picture becomes clear. On the affected areas, round papules and pink convex plaques with clear boundaries are formed. They are covered with silver scales. The disease has a chronic undulating character. And when a secondary infection is attached, signs of inflammation are observed, such as temperature, weakness, etc.

In men, the pathology is localized mainly on the glans penis, the foreskin, rashes are observed both on the pubis and in the groin. Psoriasis on the genitals in men occupies the glans penis, foreskin, characteristic rashes are often determined in the groin and on the pubis. The symptomatology corresponds to the general symptoms. There are itching, redness, burning, plaque formation. Papules usually appear on the head of the penis. At the same time, it blushes strongly, itching is felt, plaques can bleed. When moving to the foreskin, the symptoms become aggravated, pain and severe burning may be added.


A dermatologist deals with diagnosis and treatment. It is necessary to contact a specialist after the first symptoms are detected. But in most cases, the diagnosis is complicated by the fact that patients put off going to the doctor for a long time. It is also necessary to conduct a differential diagnosis, since some clinical symptoms are similar to other diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, scabies, allergies, eczema).

To make a diagnosis, the following set of measures is carried out:

  • history taking and examination. At this stage, the circumstances under which the symptoms appeared, their duration and course are clarified, and heredity is studied. Also, the doctor conducts a visual examination not only of the affected area, but also of all skin integuments in order to discard other forms of skin diseases;
  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • tests for fungal diseases;
  • skin biopsy from the affected area.

In addition to a dermatologist, a consultation with a gynecologist and urologist is prescribed in accordance with the gender of the patient. This is necessary to exclude other diseases.

Also, based on the systemic nature of psoriasis, a parallel diagnosis is carried out for such diseases as arterial hypertension, diabetes, vascular diseases and vascular disorders.

After establishing an accurate diagnosis, the doctor determines its type, stage and intensity.

Features of treatment

The disease has practically no features in the principles of treatment. Its therapy is almost identical to that of any other form of psoriasis. The main feature is its delicacy and place of manifestation. Since the genital area has high humidity and temperature, as well as natural folds that simplify the development of the disease.

For this reason, treatment is not allowed to take its course and must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. The approach to it is complex and can be very long, up to a year. In addition, there is no one treatment plan for everyone; for each patient, the specialist draws up an individual treatment regimen.

Treatment of this form of psoriasis is based on the following methods:

  • local treatment (ointments and creams);
  • oral medications (including antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial);
  • diet;
  • physiotherapy;
  • a complex of vitamins;
  • injections in severe cases.

In some cases, a visit to a psychologist and a sex therapist is prescribed, since chronic course illness, as well as its appearance, can provoke fear or even disgust in the patient before physical intimacy.



The purpose of various drugs depends on the severity of the disease. So, with a mild form, the basis of treatment is external symptomatic treatment. These include ointments and creams.

The main groups of drugs for external use:

  • antibacterial;
  • antifungal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • moisturizing;
  • healing;
  • soothing;
  • decongestants.

Often prescribed ointments with the addition of tar, sulfur or vitamin D, with glucocorticosteroids, hormonal.

With a wide variety, they are never used simultaneously, but with alternation, since all drugs have a different mechanism of action, and therefore they are suitable for different periods of the disease. So, hormonal ointments are prescribed for a strong manifestation of symptoms for a short time, moisturizing - for the speedy healing of cracks and moisturizing the skin, healing is used with them.

Examples of topical drugs: Cortisone, Salicylic ointment. These funds are relatively cheap, but they are effective, as well as speed of action.

In addition to local external treatment, if necessary, oral preparations are connected. Main groups:

  • immunosuppressants;
  • antifungal;
  • antibiotics;
  • vitamins;
  • sedatives;
  • painkillers;
  • retinoids;
  • hormonal;
  • normalizing the work of the liver.

Examples of oral medications: Suprastin, Cetrin. Both drugs are available and cheap. They have a quick effect, effectively removing unwanted symptoms. It is important to remember that Suprastin has contraindications and side effects, but doctors choose it to provide quick help.


Though drug treatment and is the main one, but the experts themselves do not deny the benefits of some folk remedies. It is only important to note that in no case should they replace the main one, ignoring the doctor's recommendations.

As an auxiliary treatment, apply:

  1. Funds based on a golden mustache. It could be alcohol tincture. But it does not apply to acute forms as it takes about 2 weeks to prepare. Use the juice of a golden mustache for external use or ointments based on it. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effect.
  2. Propolis. Propolis-based tinctures have bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and other effects. Use tincture on alcohol or on water.
  3. Celandine. Prepare tinctures with celandine, apply both externally and internally. This tool also has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal properties.
  4. oats. Oat tinctures have a calming, antipruritic effect, they soften the skin, preventing the further spread of the disease.
  5. Herbal decoctions. Decoctions based on chamomile, celandine, nettle and other herbs are used in the form of therapeutic baths to relieve symptoms.


The complex of treatment includes physiotherapy procedures. They help to reduce the manifestation of symptoms, prevent the formation of complications, improve metabolic processes in the body. Physiotherapy is indicated not only during an exacerbation, but also during remission, to prevent the return of the disease.

For genital psoriasis, the following procedures are used:

  • selective phototherapy;
  • cryotherapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • treatment with magnets;
  • electrosleep;
  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • ultrasound treatment;
  • radiotherapy;
  • Spa treatment.

The duration of therapy depends on the dynamics of treatment. It is evaluated by the doctor, he also sets the boundaries of treatment.


Proper nutrition has a positive effect not only during treatment, enhancing the effect of drugs, but also during remission, reducing the risk of negative symptoms.

Foods to be consumed include:

  • all kinds of cereals;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • dairy products;
  • boiled, baked or stewed dishes;

The list of foods that should be excluded from the daily diet, doctors include:

  • eggs;
  • oranges and other citrus fruits;
  • beans and products with them;
  • sweets;
  • flour products;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • carbonated sweet drinks.


Prevention of the disease is primarily aimed at adjusting lifestyle. So, first of all, all doctors advise to follow a diet, to monitor what and in what quantities you eat. Alcohol and other bad habits should be excluded.

Healthy full sleep and stress reduction have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Gently shave the genital area, avoid trauma to the skin. Eat vitamin supplements and foods rich in vitamins.

Preventive measures may seem banal, but they can prevent the development of psoriasis.


Untreated genital psoriasis has dangerous complications. In addition to the fact that it tends to spread, affecting other parts of the body, it can negatively affect the condition of the joints and internal organs.

The most dangerous complications of psoriasis are psoriatic erythroderma, arthritis, generalized pustular psoriasis, diabetes, hypothyroidism, muscular dystrophy, anemia, secondary infections, heart damage.

Psoriasis occurs in women on the genitals against the background of hormonal disorders - this is the factor that determines the occurrence of genital psoriasis. Psoriasis on the labia, pubis and groin occurs with periods of exacerbation and remission.

Psoriasis on the genitals

Psoriasis appears on the genitals (photo 2) due to the general damage to the body by this disease. As a rule, a woman on her body already has areas affected by psoriatic changes, and the appearance of psoriasis on the genitals is evidence of a drop in immunity, the appearance of problems with sex hormones. All these factors enable the disease to progress, psoriasis on the pope is possible, psoriatic lesions appear in other areas.

Sexual psoriasis proceeds according to the same type as on the body - women suffer from periods of exacerbation, and then they have a time of remission. Psoriasis worsens during hormonal surges, for example, occurs during puberty. Among women middle age the disease appears during pregnancy, and in older ones - during menopause. At this time, women should especially monitor the manifestations of the disease in order to prevent the aggravation of its course. Psoriasis on the genitals can affect not only the genitals, but also the chest.

Psoriasis on the labia

Sexual psoriasis manifests itself primarily on the labia. This place, like other parts of the body, is subject to pathological skin changes. Psoriasis on the labia begins with a typical rash in this area. The appearance of a small rash is accompanied by severe itching, especially if a woman wears synthetic underwear. Further psoriasis on the lips(photo 3) turns into pink spots with a color of varying intensity. White-gray scales appear on the surface of the spots on the labia. The spots are usually not grouped, they can appear over the entire surface of the labia majora and labia minora. In an advanced case, psoriasis on the labia goes beyond its borders and spreads to other areas - the pubis, groin, anal area.

In the stage of exacerbation of the disease, the scales may not be visible, and the edges of the psoriatic rash acquire a more pronounced color along their contours, as if inflamed. However, there are no other signs of inflammation, so this hyperemia is considered one of the stages in the development of psoriasis.

Psoriasis in the groin in women

If due to greater moisture in the area of ​​the labia psoriasis in women(photo 4) does not always have crusts, then in the groin area the disease has typical symptoms, it is difficult to confuse psoriasis with other pathologies. Psoriasis appears in the groin in women in the form of a rash that itches and itches. The spread of rashes is possible on the inner surface of the thighs. Inguinal psoriasis in the form of a rash soon disappears, leaving behind hyperemic spots of irregular shape with uneven edges. In the area of ​​psoriatic rashes, increased dryness is felt. Over time, a crust begins to form on the spots, first white, and when coarsened, gray, covering almost the entire surface of the spot.

The exfoliation of the crusts disappears as the epidermis matures. Usually this process does not take much time, but the pace is purely individual. The course of psoriasis can be delayed if psoriasis in the groin is not treated, since this area in women is most susceptible to irritation from underwear and sanitary pads.

Psoriasis on the chest in women

The chest, like the genitals, is susceptible to psoriatic lesions. Psoriasis on the chest(photo 5) is localized mainly under the breast - here mechanical thorns with a bra occur and diaper rash and redness often occur. Therefore, any pathological process - stress, hormonal failure - can trigger psoriasis in this area. Provoked in women during lactation.

Outwardly, psoriasis on the chest, like psoriasis on the buttocks, looks like red spots that are limitedly present in the affected area. When many spots appear, it seems that they merge with each other - severe forms of the disease can be so extensive. When maturing on the skin of the epidermis and its exfoliation, the spots become white, they become dry, the crusts rise along the edges. After the crusts come off, peel off, tender hyperemic skin is exposed under them, signs of inflammation can be noted on many spots. When a bacterial infection is attached, the spots can suppurate, which makes the healing process of psoriasis in this area problematic.

Psoriasis on the pubis in women

Psoriasis on the pubis usually occurs along with lesions of the labia. This is the so-called vulgar form of psoriasis. Externally pubic psoriasis(photo 6) looks like the appearance of rash formations with limited edges of irregular shape. Color intensity is different. The center of the spots does not suppurate, as well as, the rash is not raised above the surrounding skin. The spots are grouped or appear singly.

After some time, a whitish crust forms on the surface of the spots, which, when ripe, acquires a dirty gray color and peels off.
Since psoriasis in intimate places also captures pubic hairs, some of the bulbs may age prematurely and the hairs fall out. The crusts formed on the spots come off, exposing pink tender skin underneath. In case of mechanical irritation, the spots can become inflamed, get wet. This complicates the treatment of the disease.

Treatment of psoriasis in women

Doctors prefer to treat genital psoriasis in women with corticosteroid drugs. They are made in the form of creams or ointments. Also treatment of psoriasis on the labia possibly preparations with tar, ointment with salicylic acid. The main arsenal in prescribing drugs to patients suffering from genital psoriasis is Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, Sinalar, Locacorten, Apulein, Locasalen. Inflammation will perfectly relieve Dermovate, and is used to eliminate dry skin at the regeneration stage. Be sure to prescribe drugs with vitamin D, which improves skin regeneration. Treatment of psoriasis in women can take from one month to a year, depending on the severity of the disease. When a psoriatic rash is infected, Valizon cream is used, which has good reviews among doctors and patients.

Treatment of psoriasis on the genitals cannot be carried out without taking into account the need to correct the hormonal background. Therefore, doctors must prescribe hormonal tests to identify the cause of the exacerbation of the disease. When hormones go beyond the permissible levels, it is necessary to restore the hormonal balance. Usually, after this treatment, psoriasis on the genitals is more successful and a long-term remission can be achieved.

The epidemiology of psoriasis is well understood. Pathology is very common, 2-4% of the world's population suffer from psoriatic rashes. AT developed countries, especially with cold climates, the incidence rate is higher, the indigenous people of South America do not know this disease at all. The probability of getting sick in men and women is approximately the same, but the course of the disease in men is usually more severe. In about a quarter of cases of psoriasis, the disease developed after damage to the epithelium. The provoking factor for the onset of the disease or its relapse in 45% of patients was a bacterial infection, in particular, pharyngitis.

Hereditary predisposition to psoriasis is the most serious risk factor. In the presence of psoriasis in one of the parents, the probability of getting sick in a child is 14-25%, in both - the degree of risk increases more than twice. The probability of developing the disease in a child of healthy parents is 12%.

There are currently two types of psoriasis:

  • the first type (early) is hereditary, it affects females at an average of 16 years old, males at 22 years old, the course is severe, associated with tissue compatibility antigens, at risk are individuals with the HLA-Cw6 phenotype;
  • the second type (late) - isolated cases of the disease not associated with tissue compatibility antigens; begins at about 60 years of age, the course is relatively mild, but in these cases the nails and joints are often affected.

Males are more prone to genital psoriasis than women. The disease usually develops in the age range from 25 to 50 years, at risk are people living in climatic zones characterized by predominantly low temperatures and high humidity.

Causes of genital psoriasis

There are several hypotheses about the etiology of this disease in general, and none of them is fully recognized, but in almost all assumptions the leading role is played by heredity. This is evidenced by the fact that in the family history of people suffering from psoriasis, this pathology is much more common than in the population as a whole.

The question of the type of inheritance of the disease is still open, but most of the data indicate the leading role of genetic factors in the pathogenesis of the disease. Whether it is a viral theory that explains the causes of the disease by genetically inherited retroviruses, or an autoimmune one. In any case, psoriatic skin lesions in individuals with a genetic predisposition occur mainly in the presence of external or internal factors that weaken the immune system.

Risk factors

Risk factors that activate rashes on the genitals:

  • the presence of papules and plaques on other parts of the body;
  • heredity;
  • fluctuations in the hormonal background (puberty, pregnancy, menopause, hormone therapy);
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • overexertion and stress;
  • the presence of chronic infectious diseases (tonsillitis, caries);
  • traumatic disorders of the epidermis in the intimate area;
  • severe freezing or prolonged exposure to low temperatures, especially in a damp room;
  • vaccination, taking medications (psychotropic, cytostatics, immunomodulators, NSAIDs), drug allergies;
  • food allergies, food and alcohol intoxication;
  • a radical change in climatic conditions;
  • chronic diseases: endocrine, neuropsychiatric, autoimmune, etc.;
  • excess weight.

Psoriasis is a non-infectious disease and it is impossible to get it sexually, even when blood is transfused from a sick person to a healthy person, psoriasis is not transmitted, which seriously contradicts the viral theory of the disease.


The pathogenesis of psoriasis, like its root cause, remains an open question today. It is now well established that in the pathogenesis of this disease, the inherited immune response of peptide information molecules (cytokines), which leads to changes in skin keratinocytes, is of the greatest importance.

Genital psoriasis is not a separate disease, but just a localization of rashes, and in most cases it is not the only one on the body. Scaly lichen can affect any part of the body, but there are areas of skin on the body from which the rash practically does not go away. In the vast majority of patients, these are elbows and knees (98% of cases), chest and abdomen (96%), back and buttocks (95%). The scalp suffers somewhat less frequently (78% of cases), rashes on the skin of the face occur in every second case. Rashes on the genitals are not a common localization.

Symptoms of genital psoriasis

Typical first signs of a disease of any localization are the appearance of rich pink or red papules, covered with loose silvery-gray scales.

Genital psoriasis in women is often associated with hormonal surges or deficiency: puberty, childbearing, menopause. Rashes are found on the pubis, the skin of the labia majora, in the inguinal folds and, in some cases, the mucous membranes of the labia minora are affected. As a rule, women, even those with psoriatic plaques of other localizations, take them for any disease, gynecological or infectious.

Psoriasis on the labia has a rather specific appearance - these are small reddish papules, clearly defined, having the shape of a circle (oval), covered with silver-gray scales. They usually don't itch.

Sexual psoriasis in men is localized on the penis, in the inguinal folds and on the skin of the pubis. The rash looks like pinkish-red papules with a clear border, somewhat raised above the surrounding surface, covered with silvery-gray scales. They usually do not itch or peel. Psoriasis on the penis in some cases can spread to the inner surface of the prepuce. In men, as in women, psoriatic plaques of other localizations can almost always be found on the body.

Atypical form of this disease - inverse (reverse) psoriasis is often severe. In the natural folds of the skin of the inguinal zone, shiny, moist and smooth spots of bright red color are found, devoid of specific silver-gray scales. These areas on the body are regularly exposed to mechanical friction, which irritates the skin, it begins to itch, the surface cracks, ulcerates, which is fraught with infection.


The course of genital psoriasis, like any other localizations, is sinusoidal - the period of remission is replaced by an exacerbation, which is divided into the following stages:

  • progressive - at this time, new primary papules regularly appear, and existing plaques increase;
  • stationary, when the emergence of new formations stops and they are covered with scales, and old plaques stop growing (with the inverse form, the scales do not appear, the growth of spots just stops);
  • regressive, characterized by the disappearance of symptoms, oriented from the center of the spots to their periphery.

On the genitals, such types of psoriasis as vulgar and inverse are most often found.

Complications and consequences

The consequences and complications of a late visit to the doctor with the problem of genital psoriasis can be very serious. If in the initial stage remissions are usually achieved using external treatments, then more serious therapy is used later. In addition, as a result of the addition of a bacterial or fungal infection, suppuration, edema, and erythema can be detected, which greatly complicates both diagnosis and treatment.

Genital psoriasis interferes with a normal, regular sexual life; patients often have neuropsychiatric disorders. In men, psoriasis of the penis can be complicated by inflammation of the inner layer of the foreskin (balanposthitis), in women - vaginitis.

The most frequent complications are exacerbations of the clinical manifestations of the disease. On examination, psoriatic erythroderma, pustular rashes, and, as a worst case scenario, joint damage are found.

Diagnosis of genital psoriasis

To establish the cause of the rash, a visual examination and a detailed survey of the patient are carried out. The doctor finds out whether the patient has chronic diseases, what events preceded the development of the disease, whether close relatives had similar pathologies, determines the necessary laboratory tests and additional examinations.

In the initial forms of the disease, blood tests are usually within the normal range.

In cases of an atypical form of psoriasis in the intimate area, a biopsy of the affected areas of the skin and its microscopic examination are prescribed to clarify the diagnosis. In addition, you can usually find manifestations of the disease in other natural folds - axillary, gluteal.

Dermoscopy can be prescribed - instrumental diagnostics used for skin pathologies.

Additional examinations are carried out at the initiative of the attending physician to find out the condition of the internal organs and concomitant diseases, since this may affect the choice of treatment methods (electrocardiography, ultrasound of the thyroid gland, abdominal organs, radiography).

Differential Diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of rashes on the genitals is carried out after collecting an anamnesis, analyzes and the results of additional studies in order to avoid an erroneous diagnosis and distinguish it from pathologies similar in clinical manifestations. It is necessary to exclude the presence of:

  • Reiter's disease;
  • fungal skin lesions;
  • vulvitis;
  • balanposthitis;
  • cutaneous T-cell lymphoma;
  • inguinal erythroderma and other skin pathologies, since the addition of an infection can significantly blur the clinical picture of the disease.

Treatment of genital psoriasis

Sexual psoriasis is treated, basically, as well as psoriasis of other localizations. More often, complex therapy is used: local, systemic and physiotherapeutic procedures, however, in mild forms, monotherapy is used for external use or, for example, phototherapy. Antipsoriatic drugs are usually given in combination with an antibacterial or antifungal agent to help prevent infection.

When prescribing treatment, the doctor takes into account the stage of the disease (progressive, stationary, regressive), type and prevalence, age of the patient and comorbidities. For therapy to be effective, patients must adhere to dietary and skin care recommendations. Alcoholic drinks, spicy and fatty foods are excluded from consumption, easily digestible carbohydrates are limited. It is recommended to eat vegetable dishes, dairy products, fish and seafood, dietary meat, fresh fruits, berries and vegetables. Patients, especially in the advanced stage, should not expose the epithelium to mechanical stress (combing, rubbing), procedures that irritate the skin surface are excluded.

In modern dermatology, they try to minimize the use of cytostatics and glucocorticosteroids, given the serious side effects from their use. However, to stop the manifestations of the disease, a complex hormonal drug is used. Diprospan(dipropinate and disodium phosphate of betamethasone). It significantly reduces allergic and inflammatory manifestations, normalizes the action of the immune system. It has a mild mineralocorticoid effect, but with short-term use of the agent, it can be neglected. Betamazone disodium phosphate ensures the speed of the drug. It is administered intramuscularly, dosing 1-2 ml. Injections are given once a week in short courses. A single injection or a short period of drug administration, the purpose of which is to relieve an acute condition, avoids serious side effects from the nervous system, psyche, digestive organs, which are possible with prolonged use or overdose. Diprospan is not used by pregnant and lactating women.

Can be assigned Neotigazon- synthetic retinoid, effective in severe disease. The active substance is acetritin, which inhibits the processes of cell division, growth and keratinization, stabilizes cell membranes, and normalizes the protective properties of the epidermis. Treatment begins with daily dosages of 25, 30, 50 mg (according to the severity, course and effectiveness). They are taken up to one month, then reduced to maintenance, determined individually. The course of maintenance therapy is up to two months. With a persistent course of the disease, the drug can be combined with other methods of therapy: external, physiotherapy. Women of childbearing age during the course of retinoids should be effectively protected from conception.

In the treatment of difficult-to-treat forms of psoriasis, an immunosuppressor is quite successfully used. Sandimmun Neoral(the active ingredient is cyclosporine A, a cyclic polypeptide consisting of 11 amino acids). It inhibits the activity of T-lymphocytes, the development of antibody production is dependent on them and a decrease in their sensitization to antigens, blocking the growth factor of T-lymphocytes. Side effects depend on the dose and are reversible when the drug is discontinued, the most common are renal failure and hypertension. The duration of admission is 2-3 months, maintenance therapy - up to one and a half months. During treatment, it is necessary to control the level of serum creatinine and blood pressure.

The choice of local preparations is considerable, depending on the type and severity of the rash, you can choose different means - from simple non-hormonal ointments to corticosteroids. Dosage forms- gels, lotions, solutions are not used in the treatment of mucous membranes, as they contain ethyl alcohol. However, these forms prevent the occurrence of the greenhouse effect in inverse psoriasis, localized in the folds of the skin.

Hormonal ointments are known for their speed of action, and the systemic effect of topical drugs is negligible. Usually, the exacerbation is removed with a short course of steroid use, and the residual effects are eliminated with ointments that do not contain hormones.

Currently, complex preparations containing a hormonal active ingredient in combination with salicylic acid or an antibiotic are most often prescribed. For example, ointment Diprosalik- a combination of betamethasone dipropionate, a highly effective glucocorticosteroid that relieves inflammation, allergies and itching for a short time, and salicylic acid, which has exfoliating, antiseptic and reparative properties, as well as conducting the hormonal component into the deeper layers of the epidermis. The ointment is applied twice a day, lightly rubbing. When prescribing maintenance therapy, the frequency of application is reduced. The duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor individually. Contraindicated in case of sensitization to the components, tuberculosis and fungal infections.

Belosalik ointment contains similar active ingredients.

In combination with salicylic acid, Elocom C ointment is produced (hormonal component - mometasone furoate), Lorinden A (flumethasone pivalate).

Relatively recently, a combined ointment appeared Daivobet containing a synthetic derivative of vitamin D - calcipotriol monohydrate and an effective corticosteroid - betamethasone dipropionate. Their combination actively reduces the symptoms of psoriasis. Calcpotriol increases the absorption of the hormonal ingredient, which contributes to a more pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect. Also, this component slows down the processes of division and growth of keratinocytes, normalizing the proliferation of epidermal cells. Experts note that the use of this ointment does not cause side effects and leads to a stable remission.

Non-hormonal external agents can be used - Daivonex ointment, a monopreparation with the active ingredient calcipotriol. It has a pronounced exfoliating effect, quickly removing scaly skin, itching and normalizing the proliferation of keratinocytes.

Creams and ointments based on grease with plant and mineral components, natural bee products are produced: Akrustal, Kartalin, Cytopsor, Magnipsor, Antipsor, Solipsor, whose manufacturers promise quick effect and prolonged remission.

Almost all vitamins are used in the treatment of scaly lichen. For example, the vitamin complex Decamevit or Essentiale simultaneously with injections of fat-soluble vitamins A (daily dosage of 50-60 thousand units), D3 (10-15 thousand units), E (200 mg). The duration of treatment is 4-6 weeks at intervals of four to eight weeks.

Sometimes vitamin D3 is prescribed in combination with calcium gluconate (500 mg three times a day) for a month with a mandatory regular check of calcium levels in the blood.

To eliminate psoriatic rashes, physiotherapy is widely used. In particular, photochemotherapy, with photosensitizing agents: Puvalen, Beroxan, Psoralen, or with a synthetic aromatized analogue of retinoic acid (tigazon). The affected skin is irradiated with ultraviolet long waves using a special PUVA installation. Reception of drugs is prescribed on the day of irradiation. In case of intolerance to photocoumarins or tigazon, PUVA therapy is prescribed without the use of drugs. Presumably, the effect of ultraviolet irradiation is due to the fact that with the help of the procedure, representatives of antigens, Langerhans cells, interacting with T-helpers, are eliminated from the skin, and interacting with T-suppressors remain. The improvement was caused by the predominance of the suppressor effect over the helper effect, which prevailed before PUVA therapy. And also, ultraviolet irradiation inhibits the process of producing nuclear DNA of keratinocytes, which reduces their proliferation.

Procedures with photocoumarin applied to the skin or baths with its solution are also practiced.

In psoriasis, the following are also prescribed: laser blood irradiation; balneotherapy; magnetotherapy; electrophoresis with the use of glucocorticosteroids; phonophoresis.

Genital psoriasis can be complicated in men by inflammation of the penis (balanitis or balanposthitis). complicated by phimosis - the inability to expose the head of the penis. With progressive phimosis and ineffectiveness of therapy, surgical treatment is performed - excision of the foreskin (circumization).

Alternative Treatment

Psoriasis is serious chronic illness, until today incurable. Psoriatic rashes on the genitals are no exception to this rule. Attempts to cope with the manifestations of the disease on their own are fraught with sad consequences. However, there are many tips on how to alleviate the condition during an exacerbation without leaving home. It is only necessary to take into account that folk remedies do not always interact positively with medical prescriptions, therefore their practical application is desirable only after discussing the beneficial effect with the attending physician.

Alternative treatment to prolong the latent period and alleviate the skin condition during exacerbations, he recommends home "balneotherapy":

  • Therapeutic sea baths.

They are prepared in the following proportions: 250-500 g of sea salt are dissolved in 50 liters of water. First, salt is added to hot water so that it dissolves better, then, mixing with cold, bring to the required temperature (≈34-37 ° C) and volume. Sea baths for medicinal purposes are taken for at least 15, but not more than 25 minutes once with an interval of one day.

  • Therapeutic baths with the addition of infusions of medicinal herbs: soapwort, succession, celandine, St. John's wort, valerian root or sage.

Procedures can be done every other day or daily. Herbal infusion is prepared from any of the listed herbs in this way: measure out four tablespoons of crushed herbal raw materials and brew with a liter of boiling water. Let it brew for at least six hours. Prepare a bath with a water temperature of 37-38 ° C, strain, pour the infusion into it. The duration of the bath is not more than a third of an hour.

The course of home balneotherapy accounts for 15 to 20 baths. After leaving the bath, do not dry yourself, but only lightly dry the skin with a towel.

herbal treatment at home folk medicine occupies the main place. In the treatment of skin diseases, dandelion is recommended, this plant can be eaten with fresh flowers, stems and roots, make salads from them, dry and cook jam. Dandelion cleanses the blood and liver well, removing toxins, which is important in such a complex multifactorial disease as psoriasis.

Dandelion oil in traditional medicine positioned as a universal medicine. In case of skin diseases, especially dry lesions of the epithelium, a natural linen or cotton cloth soaked in oil is applied to areas with rashes. This product can be prepared as follows: in the morning, collect the aerial part of flowering plants on a fine sunny day (it is desirable that the forecast for the month was also without rain), grind until juice is released and fill with a mass of ½ glass jars, adding to the top with any vegetable oil. Tie the neck of the jar with gauze and put it in a sunny place, insist for three weeks. After this period, squeeze, filter. Store in a dark place, but not in the refrigerator.

For skin diseases, a mixture of dry crushed dandelion roots and burdock leaves is used. Mix a tablespoon of the raw materials of each plant. This mixture is soaked in three glasses of water for at least eight hours. Boil ten minutes. Let cool and strain. Use five times a day simultaneously inside (½ cup) and externally (lubricating the affected areas).

You can make a pulp from fresh dandelions and spread it on psoriatic crusts or squeeze juice onto the crusts. It is also good to make lotions with thistle juice. However, these procedures are feasible only in summer, while there are fresh plants, preferably flowering ones. Plants need to be torn in ecologically clean places, the distance from which to busy highways is at least 1.5 km.

Purslane seeds are very effective in the treatment of psoriatic rashes. After treatment with this herb, a long-term remission is promised. Preparing the infusion is very simple: two tablespoons of the seed are steamed for an hour in a thermos. Strain, cool a little and make lotions for rashes, wetting the cloth during the procedure so that the affected areas are abundantly moistened. The infusion is prepared fresh each time. For 2-2.5 months of daily procedures, the skin is completely cleansed and the latent period is promised from three to five years. Purslane seeds are usually not sold in pharmacies, but they can be purchased in online stores, you need to order the collection "Seeds of garden purslane". Five or six packs are usually enough for a course of therapy.

You can prepare an ointment from a thick extract of string based on lanolin and petroleum jelly (1: 1: 1) and lubricate the affected skin with it.

Sequence extract is taken orally for two weeks, 20 or 30 drops three times a day before meals.

Homeopathy therapeutic treatment with small medicinal doses of any one drug, based on the principle of similarity and prescribed personally by a homeopathic doctor, taking into account all the personal characteristics of the patient, is usually effective and can lead to recovery. By setting yourself up for a serious and long-term treatment and following all the doctor's prescriptions, you can defeat the disease, achieving a permanent remission. Especially in the treatment of such a multifactorial and individual disease as psoriasis. You can take homeopathic medicines for as long as you like, since no undesirable effects from taking them have been noted. However, assigning them to oneself is unacceptable, it can be ineffectual, or it can do harm. To get individual prescriptions that will be most effective for a particular patient, you need to contact a homeopathic doctor.

If it is impossible to get advice from a professional homeopath, you can use pharmacy homeopathic medicines produced by pharmaceutical companies in compliance with homeopathic dosages and technological principles.

Psoriaten ointment, with the main component - holly mahonia. The ointment is addressed to patients with the initial stages of the disease in a mild form. It can be used by pregnant and lactating women under medical supervision.

More than 30 medicines for the treatment of various forms and localizations of psoriatic rashes are mentioned in the homeopathic medicine book. The most commonly used of them and are used as part of pharmacy combined products recommended for this disease.

Psorinocheel N- complex drops containing 11 main drugs used to treat psoriasis (psorinum, sulfur, thuja, natrium muraticum, etc.). The drug relieves inflammation and intoxication, normalizes immunity, removes manifestations of exudation. By activating the body's internal reserves, Psorinoheel N stops the degenerative process in the skin and promotes its regeneration. Dosing is individual. The standard scheme involves starting treatment with one drop twice or thrice a day, each day increasing the single dosage by one drop to reach 8-10 drops, which are dripped directly under the tongue and held there until absorbed. It is possible to dissolve a single dose of the drug in 5 ml of water or drop the daily rate into a glass of water and drink it during the day at regular intervals (store the solution in a dark place).

Solution Loma Lux Psoriasis contains homeopathic dilutions of nickel and potassium sulfate, potassium, sodium, zinc bromides. Hydrobromic acid salts are able to regulate the functioning of the immune system, reduce the production of pro-inflammatory factors and stimulate cell renewal. Nickel salt of sulfuric acid reduces the surface sensitivity of the skin and promotes detoxification of the body, catalyzes metabolic processes. Potassium - moisturizes and eliminates peeling, tones and normalizes cellular respiration. Contraindicated in case of sensitivity to ingredients, renal failure, during the period of bearing and feeding a child. Dosing is proportional to the patient's body weight, half to two teaspoons are taken once on an empty stomach and refrain from eating and drinking for an hour.

Homeopathic granules Psoroderm- a complex preparation of seven ingredients:

  • Bufo (Bufo rana) - affects the central nervous genitourinary, lymphatic system, heals the skin;
  • Natrium muriaticum (Natrium muriaticum) - is indicated for significant metabolic disorders, dry and exudative rashes;
  • Oleander (Oleander) - skin diseases, accompanied by itching, increased irritability from contact with clothing;
  • Psorinum (Psorinum) - affects the lymphatic system, skin and mucous membranes, secretory glands, nervous system; prescribed for chronic diseases that are difficult to treat;
  • Sulfur (Sulfur) - strengthens the immune system, is prescribed for many chronic dermatoses;
  • Thuja (Thuja) - pathological tissue growths, rashes, growths, dry skin;
  • Cicuta virosa (Cicuta virosa) - a positive effect on the epithelial surface of the skin and mucous membranes, the brain and spinal cord.
    • periodically, better in spring and autumn, cleanse the body of toxins in order to improve the functioning of the excretory organs and relieve the skin from overload (this can be done using ready-made dietary supplements, infusions, folk methods for cleaning);
    • monitor the normal functioning of the intestines, prevent diarrhea and constipation or their alternation;
    • try to exclude gluten (found in cereals) and lactose (in dairy products) from the menu for a month or two, if the condition improves, then it is worth excluding them forever;
    • do not overeat;
    • enjoy sea ​​water(you can irrigate the affected areas of the body with it once a day, if it is not possible to arrange sea bathing);
    • use when cooking sea ​​salt;
    • take half an hour hot (≈ 38-39 ° C) baths with a rich infusion of licorice, which is considered a natural cortisone;
    • use brewer's yeast, linseed oil and nettle (in any form: fresh - in salads and borscht; dried - in tea and infusion).

Psoriasis on the genitals is a rare and poorly curable disease. Any person is faced with diseases of the skin. In one, this manifests itself in the form of contact or allergic dermatitis, in the other, in the form of acne-like rashes on the skin of the face.

All these phenomena are easily eliminated, respond well to treatment and do not pose a particular danger to health in general. However, there is a disease that is quite severe, practically untreatable and never regresses. This disease is psoriasis.

The disease itself has been known for a long time. In many works of famous doctors one could find notes about altered skin, red spots covered with skin scales. This suggests that psoriasis took place even in those days when medicine was just beginning to emerge.

The classic clinical picture of psoriasis is as follows:

  1. On the human body there are areas of skin with lamellar peeling on their surface. All of them gradually merge into huge red plaques with skin peeling in their center.
  2. The separation of skin scales is somewhat painful, which gives patients some inconvenience. After removing a piece of skin, small dotted areas of hemorrhages are visible on the surface of the spot (a symptom of "blood dew").
  3. Each scale has a small spine, due to which it is attached to the skin. These spikes are called a symptom of "lady's heel".
  4. Rashes appear mainly on the extensor surfaces of the skin (the outer side of the shoulder and forearm, the front surface of the legs).

All of the above symptoms are characteristic of the classic clinical picture of psoriasis. However, it does not always proceed as it is described in books and textbooks.

One of the most common forms of the disease that occurs in an atypical place is genital psoriasis.

It is still not known why psoriasis develops. Some sources give priority to genetic disorders in the body, others to stress, and others to dermatotropic viruses.

If we consider the psoriasis of the genital organs, then this form of the disease is quite difficult and develops mainly in men aged 20 to 50 years old, living in hot areas with a high level of humidity. Due to such environmental conditions, the disease develops quickly and progresses instantly. The reasons leading to its development have been mentioned above.

However, one factor provoking the development of the disease is not enough. Their interaction is necessary, and for some time, in order for the disease to develop.

Not everyone develops the disease, and there is no danger of its contact transmission.

Features of the disease

The disease develops rapidly and is accompanied by erectile dysfunction and sexual function. Due to the appearance of plaques in an atypical place for the disease, some symptoms uncharacteristic of the disease occur.

Men may complain of pain in the penis, a feeling of itching.

The disease can develop both on the head and on the root of the penis or its trunk. After peeling off the scales, the surface of the skin becomes painful and bleeding, which leads to significant discomfort.

The process can spread. Plaques can be found not only on the head of the penis, but also in the groin. In women, the disease is localized mainly on the labia and from there it spreads further (possible manifestation on the pubis).

With the active progression of the process, plaques also appear on the skin of the perineum, intergluteal folds, and on the buttocks. The skin of the inner surface of the buttocks is also affected, which causes symptoms such as discomfort during the act of defecation, itching around the anus. The anus is usually not affected because there is no surface epithelium (the main tissue affected in psoriasis). Inguinal psoriasis is more common.

If this condition is not diagnosed in a timely manner and the necessary therapy is not started, then the person remains with the disease for life.

How is the diagnosis carried out?

Psoriasis in intimate places is sometimes difficult to diagnose.

Not everyone, noticing redness on the pubis, buttocks or perineum, will turn to a doctor for help. Because of this, there are so many cases of an advanced stage of the disease, when therapy is no longer effective, it is used only to mitigate the aggressive course of the disease.

A therapist or dermatovenereologist can make a diagnosis after a thorough general examination. The diagnosis is made by the presence of confluent papules on the surface of the genital organs, if there are symptoms of "bloody dew" and "heels". Be sure to have a classic form of psoriasis in a patient or his relatives.

Sometimes genital psoriasis is difficult to determine due to the fact that the disease can occur with the development of only redness in the area of ​​​​natural skin folds without the characteristic peeling of the skin. In this case, in order to exclude genital psoriasis, it is recommended to biopsy the altered area of ​​the skin or make a smear-imprint with its subsequent study at a significant increase.

Treatment Methods

A characteristic feature of this disease is its low susceptibility to ongoing treatment. A small amount of drugs has the desired effect if psoriasis develops on the penis.

The main groups of drugs used for treatment are glucocorticosteroids and cytostatics.

Glucocorticosteroids contain hormones or their derivatives (prednisolone-based preparations are most often made). Ointments are still effective in the initial stages of the disease, and as it progresses, their use is reduced to some suspension of the process.

Corticosteroids have a good anti-inflammatory effect, which reduces swelling in the area of ​​developed plaques, reduces pain during palpation or urination or defecation.

Cytostatic drugs (methotrexate) are used to suppress cellular activity. As is known, the inflammatory process in psoriasis is supported by the components of the immune system, in particular, t-lymphocytes. Suppression of their activity makes it possible to reduce the symptoms and alleviate the general condition.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs were not widely used in the treatment of psoriasis, since a rather large dose was required to achieve the effect, and this negatively affected the condition of the gastric mucosa.

Keratolytic agents (which facilitate peeling of the skin in the area of ​​​​plaques) are also rarely used in the treatment of genital psoriasis (only in cases of lesions of large skin folds without involving the glans penis in the process) due to the consequences of their use.

To prevent the penetration of microorganisms into the wound surface, it is recommended to use antibiotics and antifungal drugs.

To alleviate the condition of patients, physiotherapy is also used. Use special baths medicines. Effective electrophoresis and ultrasound treatment.

From folk remedies for the treatment of psoriasis, decoctions of oak bark and bay leaves are used, salt rubdowns are carried out.

Surgical treatment for this disease is carried out only when surgical treatment of the wound is required to prevent the development of infectious complications.

When using these methods of therapy, it is possible to achieve remission for several months. Psoriasis is a disease prone to relapse, so it cannot be completely cured. Each subsequent relapse will be much more difficult than the previous one, which will require the appointment of stronger and more effective drugs.

Disease prevention

Prevention of the disease is quite difficult to carry out, since it is practically impossible to influence the mechanisms of its development. As preventive measures can be regarded:

  • quitting smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • avoidance of hypothermia;
  • the use of soft fabrics for underwear, which will reduce contact with the affected areas of the skin and, accordingly, injure them less.

Be sure to observe daily personal hygiene, which reduces the risk of remission.

Patients who have psoriasis on the penis must be registered with a dermatovenereologist. Since psoriasis on the genitals develops quite rarely, there is no specific algorithm for the treatment of this disease, which, accordingly, makes it difficult to provide medical care to the patient. Genital psoriasis should be diagnosed in time.