Change of tariffication of counters. Two-tariff electricity meters (2-tariff electric energy meters). Electricity and time: day-night tariff

Electricity prices tend to rise steadily. And if so, many consumers are wondering how to save money. One way to save money is to use electricity at different rates. In this case, the metering function can be performed by a three-tariff electricity meter.

Fortunately, the offer is expanding in this regard. While storage heaters were close to shutting down just a few years ago, now more electricity providers are offering tariffs specifically for heat flow users.

It may be worthwhile to carry out two measurements within the household: a meter for the heating current, that is, the operation of night storage or a heat pump, and a meter for the residual current. When can be billed in the form of a single rate, as well as in the form of a daily and nightly rate. So you can choose two different providers and choose the best offer in each area. More effort no: the electricity meter remains in the possession of the local network operator, only the bill arrives at the end of the year from the selected provider.

Multi-tariff system

During the day, electricity is consumed unevenly. Peaks are observed in the morning and evening, when a lot of electricity is required by industrial and private consumers. At the same time, generating equipment and networks are subjected to increased loads, but at night there is a decrease in consumption, production is reduced, since the equipment is idling. To stimulate more even consumption, a multi-tariff system was invented in which the cost of electricity depends on the time of day. There are three tariffs: day, peak and night. Moreover, the highest cost of energy in the peak tariff.

Saving electricity and night heaters is a combination that doesn't fit well. Since the heaters work only electrically and consume a huge amount of electricity. Today, they are still mostly found in old buildings. Otherwise, they have more services.

This is not surprising, since users of night heat storage today pay significantly more for thermal energy than consumers who heat oil or gas. It was different a few years ago when nighttime electricity was much cheaper. But today, no one voluntarily associates such a cost cause with legs.

There are three types of flow meters on the market electrical energy: single-tariff, two-tariff and three-tariff.

Single-phase meters take into account electricity as it is consumed. These devices are made in such a way that only the total amount of wound energy is subject to accounting for the controller.

Nachtstrom - Costs and environmental impact Image Source: Protecting against climate dependency. For comparison: a household with two people consumes from 800 to 000 kilowatt-hours per day. In a house without electricity at night, about a thousand kilowatt-hours are consumed per year with the same number of people. Even a family of four is the national average with less power. Consumption here is 400 kilowatt-hours per year. About 80 percent of total household consumption comes from overnight storage.

Basically, overnight storage heaters work like this: at night, they convert electricity into heat and store it in the heating system. During the day, a fan installed in the night storage device transfers the heat stored during the night to individual radiators. Some of the heat stored in the device reaches a temperature of 750 degrees. Therefore, overnight storage heaters must be particularly well insulated so that heat cannot escape.

Multi-tariff devices (two- and three-tariff) are designed in such a way that they take into account the consumed kilowatts at different costs in given time periods. In practice, this means that daytime data is indexed separately from nighttime and peak data.

Note! Multi-tariff devices are quite expensive, so their use is economically justified only with a significant consumption of electrical energy. If the house has electric heating, air conditioner, hot water tank and other large household appliances, a multi-tariff metering device will pay for itself very quickly.

Two time zones measure electricity used

Whoever receives electricity at night has a two-tariff electricity meter. One that records how much electricity was consumed during the day and the other for consumption at night. These two values ​​are then assigned to two time zones.

Changing your electricity supplier is not easy

Electricity consumed during the day is charged at a higher price through the "high time tariff". Electricity consumption, which occurs in the evening or at night, falls, however, into the "low tariff". It will be cheaper. For customers who buy their heat from oil or gas heating systems, changing suppliers is usually easy to do. On the contrary, at night electricity buyers. If you want to change providers, many will quickly find that they have little choice. Day and night electricity is rarely offered.

The device of two-tariff meters is simpler, but their possibilities are smaller - they take into account consumption in two time periods. Three-tariff modifications are more difficult, they are supplied with more diverse software, are more expensive, but are also able to break the day into three parts: day, night and peak values.

Peak values ​​are understood as the time intervals from 7.00 to 10.00 and from 20.00 to 23.00. Tariffs at this time not only do not decrease, but increase from the daily value by 50-70%. But at night, the cost of electricity decreases significantly. Thus, it is most profitable to consume electricity at night (by loading the equipment manually at this time or by programming it with a timer). In the daytime, and even more so during peak times, it is recommended to use as little energy as possible.

And so consumers are usually tied to local providers such as utilities. This, in turn, leaves little room for consumers to compare prices. They depend on low overnight rates but cannot access them anywhere. If prices rise, consumers cannot "just change". Some of the time zones are separated by several hours.

Thus, the theoretical cost advantage quickly rises again. With our rate calculator you can compare electricity prices with all relevant providers. Perhaps regular rates are even cheaper than your main provider's overnight electricity rates.

As an example, let's take the cost of electricity depending on the tariff in Moscow.

Rate Price per kWh
Flat Rate Tariff RUB 3.77
Tariffs under the three-tariff system
- night zone 1.15 rub.
– peak zone 4.49 RUB
– pre-peak zone RUB 3.71

Advantages and disadvantages


Example. Some operators offer a "low rate" from 18:00, others only from 20:00. Yet others switch even from 10 p.m. at a cheaper rate. Clients should also compare on weekends. While some providers use "low fare" for the entire weekend, others only lag behind Sunday.

Electricity and time: day-night tariff

The savings benefit is clearly related to quality of life. Consumers should always keep an eye on the clock in their home activities so as not to slip into "high fare". And especially climatic night storage heaters are also not. Smart Electricity Meters and Stupid Parts Issues: Terrible educational material about the supposed blessings of technological progress.

  1. Significant savings with the correct distribution of consumption and a large number of electrical appliances.
  2. Legality of use. Multi-tariff meters are not just legal, energy companies are interested in their wide distribution.
  3. The recorded data is stored in the device's memory for the entire life of the device. Even if the receipt is lost, nothing irreparable will happen.

Such equipment is not devoid of disadvantages:

Here, electricity still comes out of the socket in the traditional way. In fact, last year a bunch of readers looked again and again at the electricity consumers on the meters, but for some "organizational reasons" that were not explained in more detail, it was still self-observation. For more advanced electricity consumers, it is possible to enter meter readings in the online form of the local electricity supplier. In order to attract more customers to this option, even a lottery was held last year.

  1. Not all people have the habit of using electrical appliances at night.
  2. It is far from always justified to use electrical appliances at night.
  3. Peak consumption is called such for a reason: it is in the mornings and evenings that electricity is needed the most.
  4. Tariffs are set by the energy company, and therefore there is always the risk of changing them at any time. If the company abandons the multi-tariff system, the use of the device will lose its meaning.

Which meter to choose: single-tariff, two-tariff or three-tariff? It is difficult to give a definite answer. The fact is that all types of devices are good for their situations. For example, savings with a three-tariff device are achieved through peak zones and daytime. If people awake at night or enterprises with a special mode of operation (bakery) such a situation (different tariffs) is beneficial, then "larks" or families with children - most likely not.

X tariff electricity meter: how to install

But when it comes to the ideas of the Grand Coalition, this process will soon become a thing of the past. Not only mass buyers, but also private households should be committed to installing smart meters. In the construction of a new building and the overhaul of old buildings, a digital electricity meter is already today a must. And in principle, it also sounds great that a smart meter in the basement should do its best. If metering devices consistently return current household consumption to the supplier, they can better match their capacities to current requirements.

Regarding two-tariff devices, we can say that they are not much different in essence from three-tariff ones. However, in the latter case, there is the possibility of more flexible energy accounting, which allows for greater savings.

Installation instructions

First of all, you need to make a calculation, which will take into account not only the total amount of electricity consumption, but its structure (what proportion falls on those devices, the main load of which can be transferred to another time of day).

After all, one of the energy transition challenges is coordinating the natural fluctuations in solar and wind generation with load sharing on the consumer side, which is independent of the available power source. To do this, the entire electrical grid must become more flexible and intelligent - and in order to provide this required network intelligence to the end consumer, smart meters must also be needed.

A promised side effect: With the help of electronic meters, the electricity consumer himself should be able to better control consumption and save energy. Or run devices only when demand is low, where hail is much cheaper than grid electricity. In practice, however, it is quite difficult to achieve significant savings with smart boxes in the basement. This is partly due to conventional tariff models with their small price differences between day and night rates.

If, according to the calculations, the meaning of installing a multi-tariff device is obvious, you can proceed to the following procedures:

  1. An application is being made to replace the electric meter in the distribution zone at the place of residence. The application shall indicate the address, phone number, method of payment.
  2. An agreement is signed on the transition to paid individual services and on the installation of a multi-tariff meter.
  3. The provided invoice for services is paid.
  4. The new tariff system comes into force.

It should be noted that you should buy an electric meter even before signing an agreement on the transition to individual services. After the entry into force of the new tariffs, the meter is installed, seals are applied to the device, which can only be removed by a representative of the energy sales organization.

Multi-tariff meter: profitable or not

On the other hand, smart metering technology does not enter the house for free. By shifting the load, the average household can realize savings of 10 to 20 euros per year. Thus, the cost of the conversion is "disproportionately high", in particular for residential customers with low annual consumption.

Perhaps this may be doubtful if it does not allow the rulers to damage the cause. Rejection by the then minister environment and the economy came immediately, but he had enough room to interpret how the future government might act on the matter.

The so-called differentiated tariffs by time of day are intended directly for the purpose of saving Money, upon payment of the selected electricity tariff. According to the rules of established tariffs, there are several types of them: half-peak tariff, night tariff and day tariff, and these tariffs are regulated by local authorities. executive power and each administrative entity has its own framework.

Of the additional options, counters can have

If infrastructure costs were allocated to an industry, companies would have to factor them into their prices. Domestically, end customers will be more or less indirectly affected. But in fact, this topic also has explosive consequences for life, and there is another reason why the excitement of intellectual measurements in Germany is within acceptable limits. You could even tell which movie was flickering on the TV screen.

For example, reading intervals are required to be so large that it is impossible to draw conclusions about user behavior. In general, information on electricity consumption should be transmitted as few points as possible without personal reference, that is, pseudo - or anonymous, and also deleted immediately. Electricity buyers needed to be able to correct the data to be able to detect when it is being accessed and be able to prevent access.

What time does the nightly electricity tariff start from?

When the question arises: what can you save on, few people think that everything needs to start with the elementary and, first of all, with electricity. To do this, people are presented with established tariffs for electricity. Many are interested in what time the nightly electricity tariff is valid, but everything largely depends on the city and the prices fixed in it. The duties are usually set by local executive authorities and they also regulate all aspects and nuances of the state regulation of tariffication.

Yes, the vulture knows where it is. Ah, here's what to find: in Austria, the National Council took data protection concerns into account: perhaps with the use of new devices read by the quarterly clock, the electricity buyer should clearly agree. And even better: no requirement for a smart meter - who doesn't want a new meter, so it's not installed. Unlike Germany, where scrap innovation must be broken through, he can judge the market there that the best offer prevails.

Dear Mr. Settembrini, good to read from you again, in recent times you have done something rare. It's like all new methods: there needs to be a reasonable balance of risks and benefits, and here the risks are very manageable, but the benefits are clear. As we restore our power supply, we will not be able to monitor consumer behavior more closely, a goal worth the low risk in my opinion. In any case, the honorable and necessary journalistic fight against the insanity of insanity that you and others have done has more worthwhile goals than the electricity meter. The utility for households is limited in terms of cost, and the contribution of comprehensive end-user monitoring to control and optimize smart grid consumption is greatly exaggerated. The key measurement point in the supply chain is not a single household, but a local distribution point for the neighborhood. Maybe because editors still care about such mundane things as readers themselves? On topic: My introduction is already so long because you, Mr. Settembrini, removed the subject from me with the last sentence of your answer to Mr. Fuscus. Without such tariffs, smart meters make little economic sense. This requires intelligent communication systems between producers and consumers. No one denies the fundamental benefit of the reverse channel for usage control and so on. it is only a matter of whether it makes economic last-mile value for each household. Until then, it will have to be refocused anyway, but it is suspected that the costs will be partially recovered from the end customer who has the most of it. Monitoring consumer behavior and what should be? An addition to prime time television? Free use of stoves if hurricanes pass through Germany at midnight? If the end user costs about 90 euros per year, which can be realized from 10 to 20 euros, there is something wrong with the solution. The first comment sounded a bit like, unfortunately, in such cases, you often hear "I have nothing to hide." Don't spill the baby with the tub. . A smart meter that costs more than it saves electricity is just an economic waste.

The payment of the electricity bill will directly depend on the tariff rate of the meter, and the time frame of the tariffs will also vary depending on this.

At night, many consumers practically do not use electrical appliances, with the exception of stationary ones, such as refrigerators, Wi-Fi routers, and others. In connection with this incomplete use, the question arises: how can you get around the overpayment for electricity? Just for this, the authorities came up with tariffing.

Tariffs of electricity meters:

  1. Two-tariff format electricity meter. In this format, the time frame for the night rate is from 23:00 to 7:00, and the daytime from 7:00 to 23:00.
  2. Three-tariff format electricity meter. This type of billing is a separate format, as it combines: night billing zone, peak and semi-peak billing. The time frame of the night zone will range from 11 pm to 7 am, the timing of the peak zone will be from 7 am to 10 am, then from 5 pm to 9 pm.

All remaining time will be counted as a half-peak zone.

Validity time: nightly electricity tariff

Fixing a certain cost of electricity at a night tariff and its duration solves a number of specific problems, such as: reduces excessive load on power grid systems, significantly reduces energy consumption, contributes to the healthy development of the ecological background of an urban or rural area.

The night tariff is especially important for consumers located in rural areas, as it solves the problem directly with a reduction in the payment for the heating system.

Directly, people do not know what time the night zone starts and how much the electricity fee is charged, and this would save a decent annual amount.

Time frame for the night rate:

  1. From 23:00 at night to 07:00 in the morning. At a fixed rate day-night. The fee for such an electricity supply service is about 70% for ordinary users, and about 40% for institutions, deducting the cost of the daily tariff from this amount.
  2. From 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. With a fixed differentiation tariff, a three-zone tariff is different. The fee for using such a tariff will be 35% for ordinary users and still 40% for institutions, after subtracting the amount for the half-peak period.

When deciding to switch to the type of a certain tariff, one should consider its benefits and disadvantages and start directly from the needs and time of using light.


  • Saving money on paying for the use of a centralized heating system, this method is primarily beneficial for residents;
  • For those involved in construction, such a tariff will become economically beneficial, as payment for electricity will decrease;
  • Increasing the use of electricity services, the use of special equipment for generating electricity, reducing the release of harmful substances into the environment will be a godsend for energy companies;
  • Production savings are beneficial to institutions.

The disadvantages are as follows. Electricity consumption is still active at night and violates the permissible noise level. Entrepreneurs successfully save on electricity bills at night, due to which they cover the amount of wages for employees. Counters with a phase functional have a fairly high cost, and they can certainly break down quickly.

Electricity and time: day-night tariff

The amount of payment for electricity increases significantly over time and this process is immediate. It is in connection with this problem that saving on electricity becomes one of the most urgent topics for discussion. by the most in an efficient way saving additional money, while saving on electricity, will be the acquisition of a meter with phase functionality.

The time frame for the day-night tariff is from 23-00 pm to 7-00 am inclusive and from 7-00 am to 23-00 pm.

In order to switch to this method of calculating the tariff, it is necessary to purchase a two-tariff meter that will comply with the regime of this tariff, as well as know the conditions that allow the user to switch to another tariff.


  • Absence of outstanding bills for the use of electricity supply services;
  • Contribution for the provision of tariff identification services for the supply of electricity;
  • Registration of a special agreement of both parties for the provision of electricity supply and consumption services.

In explaining the concepts of tariffs and their modifications, one can often see that the fees of the population and institutions are different and fluctuate in different percentages.

Who belongs to the privileged group of the population:

  • Residents of rural areas, villages in particular, various buildings of local residents, civilian population areas at military installations and prisons;
  • Communities of homeowners, building and housing cooperatives, private entrepreneurs managing high-rise residential buildings;
  • Summer cottages;
  • Garage buildings.

Churches that live on civic contributions also enjoy benefits.

Peak electricity zone: time

The peak zone is a special time of the day when there is a colossal load on the electricity supply networks. This zone is considered double, as it gives the maximum load on electricity. The network load time interval confirms that this zone is a day zone, since people spend a lot of electricity when getting ready for work, actively using household appliances such as: kettle, hair dryer, irons, toasters, TVs, etc.

There are several types of zones:

  1. Night zone. In the process of influence of the area of ​​influence of this phase, night time from 23:00 to 07:00 in the morning is the minimum for wasting electricity, since it is at night that all devices that intensively produce electricity stop working and the load on the network becomes uniform.
  2. Morning peak. The format of this zone is distributed within the time frame from 7:00 to 10:00 am, mainly during mass gatherings of people at their destinations and their intensive use of electricity.
  3. Semi-peak. Electricity impact zone from 10:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m. due to the selective return of residents to their homes and a significant load on electricity.
  4. Evening peak. The zone extends over a time frame from 17-00 to 21-00 pm and is determined by the massive return of people to housing complexes and the huge use of electricity costs.
  5. Semi-peak 2. Evening timing of the phase starts from 21-00 and 23-00 of active work with household appliances that consume huge masses of electric charge.

Electricity tariff day-night

The day-night electricity billing tariff is essentially two-phase and is already in effect in many cities Russian Federation, and in particular it is popular in Moscow, since it coincides very favorably with the stay of residents in their homes and the active time they use electricity.

The tariff is favorable:

  • Users who actively use electrical appliances;
  • Residents whose houses have underfloor heating or a convection heating system, a warm baseboard, the power of which consumes electricity at any time of the day.

Advantages of the night electricity tariff

The second most popular among electricity tariffs is the night tariff, since at this time residents do not actively consume electricity, and therefore, they can pay less for it, or, on the contrary, rationally adjust their use of equipment at night.


  • The property has a dacha where electrical appliances are rarely used;
  • If the place of electricity in the house is gas.

In order to understand the rules for installing a new meter, the conditions for paying for the tariff of any phase, it is necessary, for example, to visit the petroelectrosbyt, where the functionality of a detailed examination of each district of the city is possible. Installing a two-tariff meter that operates according to the law is beneficial.

What is the advantage of night electricity tariff (video)

If you do not pay attention to the fact that residents spend most of their time sleeping at night, then household appliances continue to work: for example, air conditioning or the presence of a warm floor in an apartment, a refrigerator, and so on. In this case, it makes sense to switch to a differentiated tariff for electricity payments, which will start saving money on utilities.