They make the contents of the business transaction and. Types of business transactions in accounting with examples. Basic balance postings

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Task 1. Rights, duties and responsibilities of auditors and audit firms
The auditor has the right to carry out audit activities both as an employee of an audit organization and on the basis of a civil law agreement or individual entrepreneur carrying out its activities without forming a legal entity.
An individual auditor and an audit organization have the right to carry out audit activities and provide audit-related services, but do not have the right to engage in other types of entrepreneurial activity. The list of audit-related services is established by federal auditing standards.
In Art. 13 of the Federal Law “On Auditing Activities” lists the rights and responsibilities of auditors when conducting an audit.
Auditors' rights:
1) independently determine the forms and methods of conducting an audit on the basis of federal auditing standards, as well as the quantitative and personal composition of the audit team conducting the audit;
2) examine in full the documentation related to the financial and economic activities of the audited entity, as well as check the actual availability of any property reflected in this documentation;
3) obtain from officials of the audited entity explanations and confirmations, orally and in writing, on issues that arose during the audit;
4) refuse to conduct an audit or express one’s opinion on the reliability of the accounting (financial) statements in the auditor’s report in the following cases:
a) failure by the audited entity to provide all necessary documentation;
b) identification during the audit of circumstances that have or are capable of significantly influencing the opinion of the audit organization or individual auditor on the reliability of the accounting (financial) statements of the audited entity;
4.1) insure liability for violation of the contract for the provision of audit services and (or) liability for causing damage to the property of other persons as a result of audit activities;
5) exercise other rights arising from the contract for the provision of audit services.
Responsibilities of auditors:
1) provide, at the request of the audited entity, justifications for the comments and conclusions of the audit organization, individual auditor, as well as information about its membership in a self-regulatory organization of auditors;
2) transfer, within the period established by the contract for the provision of audit services, the audit report to the audited entity, the person who entered into the contract for the provision of audit services;
3) ensure the storage of documents (copies of documents) received and compiled during the audit for at least five years after the year in which they were received and (or) compiled;
4) fulfill other obligations arising from the contract for the provision of audit services.

I would also like to say that one of the main responsibilities of auditors is to maintain audit secrecy, which, in accordance with Art. 9 of the Federal Law “On Auditing Activities” constitutes any information and documents received and (or) compiled by the audit organization and its employees, as well as by the individual auditor and the employees with whom they have concluded employment contracts, when providing services.

Auditors' responsibilities and audit organizations provided for in Art. 20 Federal Law “On Auditing Activities”:

1. In relation to a member of a self-regulatory organization of auditors who has violated the requirements of this Federal Law, auditing standards, rules of independence of auditors and audit organizations, the code of professional ethics for auditors, the self-regulatory organization of auditors may apply the following disciplinary measures:

1) issue an order obliging a member of a self-regulatory organization of auditors to eliminate violations identified as a result of an external audit of the quality of his work and establishing a deadline for eliminating such violations;
2) issue a written warning to a member of a self-regulatory organization of auditors about the inadmissibility of violating the requirements of this Federal Law, auditing standards, rules of independence of auditors and audit organizations, and the code of professional ethics for auditors;
3) impose a fine on a member of a self-regulatory organization of auditors;
4) make a decision to suspend the membership of an audit organization, an auditor in a self-regulatory organization of auditors for a period until they eliminate the identified violations, but not more than 180 calendar days from the day following the day the decision to suspend membership was made;
5) make a decision on the exclusion of the audit organization, auditor from the members of the self-regulatory organization of auditors;
6) apply other established internal documents self-regulatory organization of auditors measures.
2. Disciplinary measures are applied by a self-regulatory organization of auditors in the manner established by the Federal Law “On Self-Regulatory Organizations”.
3. An auditor in respect of whom a decision has been made to suspend his membership in a self-regulatory organization of auditors, during the entire period of validity of such a decision, does not have the right to:
1) participate in audit activities;
2) give recommendations confirming an impeccable business (professional) reputation to persons wishing to become members of a self-regulatory organization of auditors;
3) participate in the work of elected and specialized bodies of a self-regulatory organization of auditors.
4. An audit organization, an individual auditor, in respect of whom a decision has been made to suspend their membership in a self-regulatory organization of auditors, during the entire period of validity of such a decision does not have the right to:
1) enter into contracts for the provision of audit services;
2) make changes to contracts for the provision of audit services concluded before the self-regulatory organization of auditors makes the said decision, entailing an increase in the obligations of the audit organization or individual auditor.

5. No less than seven working days before the expiration of the period for which the membership of an audit organization, auditor in a self-regulatory organization of auditors is suspended, the self-regulatory organization of auditors makes a decision on restoring the membership of the audit organization, auditor in the self-regulatory organization of auditors or on their expulsion from members of the self-regulatory organization auditors.

6. In relation to an audit organization that has violated the requirements of this Federal Law, federal auditing standards, rules of independence of auditors and audit organizations, the code of professional ethics for auditors, the authorized federal body for control and supervision may apply the following disciplinary measures:

1) issue an order obliging the audit organization to eliminate violations identified as a result of an external audit of the quality of its work and establishing a deadline for eliminating such violations;
2) issue a warning in writing about the inadmissibility of violating the requirements of this Federal Law, federal auditing standards, rules of independence of auditors and audit organizations, and the code of professional ethics for auditors;
3) send to the self-regulatory organization of auditors, of which the audit organization is a member, a binding order to suspend the audit organization’s membership in the self-regulatory organization of auditors;
4) send to the self-regulatory organization of auditors, of which the audit organization is a member, a binding order to exclude the audit organization from the self-regulatory organization of auditors.
7. Self-regulatory organization of auditors within three working days from the day following the day of execution of the order provided for in paragraphs 3 and 4 of part 6 of this article, is obliged to inform the authorized federal body for control and supervision about the implementation of this order in writing.
And also Art. 12 of the Federal Law “On Auditing Activities” provides for the revocation of an auditor’s qualification certificate in the following cases:
1) obtaining an auditor’s qualification certificate using forged documents or obtaining an auditor’s qualification certificate by a person who does not meet the requirements for the applicant established by Article 11 of this Federal Law;
2) the entry into force of a court verdict providing for punishment in the form of deprivation of the right to engage in auditing activities for a certain period;
3) failure by the auditor to comply with the requirements of Articles 8 and 9 of this Federal Law;
4) systematic violation by the auditor during the audit of the requirements of this Federal Law or federal auditing standards;
5) signing by the auditor of an audit report recognized in accordance with the established procedure as knowingly false;
6) non-participation of the auditor in the implementation of audit activities (failure of an individual auditor to carry out audit activities) for two consecutive calendar years, with the exception of:

a) persons who are members of permanent collegial management bodies and members of collegial executive bodies of self-regulatory organizations of auditors, persons performing the functions of sole executive bodies of self-regulatory organizations of auditors, as well as persons performing in self-regulatory organizations of auditors the functions of members and employees of a specialized body for external quality control audit organizations, auditors;

b) employees of internal control departments of organizations who are responsible for conducting audits of the accounting (financial) statements of these organizations;
c) persons acting as sole executive body or who are members of the collegial executive body of audit organizations;
d) other persons provided for by other federal laws;

7) failure by the auditor to comply with the requirement to undergo training under advanced training programs established by Article 11 of this Federal Law, except for the case when the self-regulatory organization of auditors, with the approval of the audit council, recognizes good reason failure to comply with this requirement (for example, serious illness);

8) the auditor’s evasion from undergoing external quality control of work.
Liability is also provided for in paragraph “c” of Part 6 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employer in the event of disclosure of a secret protected by law (state, commercial, official, etc.) that became known to the employee in connection with the performance of his job duties.
Criminal and administrative liability is provided for in Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 of Art. 183 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and Art. 13.14 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
financial balance sheet
Task 2. Based on the data in Table 1, make an economic grouping of the organization’s economic assets:

a) by type and location,

b) by sources of education.

This grouping is reflected in Table 2.

Fill out the balance sheet at the beginning of the period.

Table 1

Composition of economic assets of JSC "Jupiter-S"

Name of funds and sources

Production workshop building

Cash in the till

Structures (organization fencing)

Fax machine


Debt to suppliers for materials

Office tables

Profit for the reporting year


Steel tape, t

Payroll debt to staff

Unfinished products

Reserve capital

Spare parts for equipment repair

Miscellaneous household equipment

Warehouse building

Debt to the bank on a loan for a period of 2 years

Shares purchased for the purpose of receiving dividends

Buyers' debt for shipped products

Authorized capital

Equipment for production workshops

Tax debt to the budget

Finished products in warehouse

Cash in the current account

Cash in the cash register for business needs

Various materials in stock

Reserve for payment of employee vacations

Goods shipped

Costs of creation and registration

Loans from others legal entities, for up to 1 year

A car

Amounts of revaluation of fixed assets

Exclusive right to a patent for an invention

Land plot owned by the organization

Expenses for subscriptions to newspapers and magazines

Debt on contributions to social insurance and security

Bonds of other legal entities (maturity 3 years)

Special account (letter of credit) opened for settlements with suppliers

Advances received from buyers

Loans provided to other enterprises for a period of six months

Enterprise expenses for the development of new types of products


License to carry out statutory activities (for a period of 3 years)

retained earnings previous years

Bills of exchange received from debtors in payment for shipped products (repayment period - 6 months)

Bank certificate of deposit for a period of 1 year

Debt under writs of execution of judicial authorities

Debt to suppliers for materials, secured by bills of exchange (repayment period - 6 months)

Cash in a foreign currency account

VAT paid to suppliers for purchased materials

Debt to the budget for income tax

Debt to the supplier for electricity

Sheet iron, t

Debt to the budget for income tax individuals

When filling out Table 2, it is necessary to list the serial numbers (according to Table 1) and amounts for all positions included in each category of funds or sources of their formation.

table 2

Grouping of property and sources of its formation JSC "Jupiter-S"

Type of property

Source of property formation

Group, subgroup

Group, subgroup

Fixed assets

Own sources

Fixed assets: (1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 16, 21, 31, 34, 51)

Authorized capital (20)

Additional capital (32)

Intangible assets: (29, 33, 43)

Reserve capital (13)

Reserves: (27)

Capital investments:

Total reserves

Profit: (8, 44)

Long-term financial investments: (18, 37)

Total profit

Total DFV

Total own sources

Total Vn.A.

Long-term attracted sources

Current assets

Long-term loans: (17)

Inventory: (10, 14, 15, 26, 49, 54)

Total long-term loans

Long-term loans:

Work in progress(12)

Total long-term loans

Finished products (23)

Total long-term sources


Short-term borrowing sources

Items shipped (28)

Short-term loans:

Funds in settlements: (19, 50)

Total short-term loans

Short-term loans: (30)

Short-term financial investments: (40)

Total short-term loans

Total KFV

Accounts payable: (6, 11, 22, 36, 39, 47, 48, 52, 53, 55)

Cash: (2, 24, 25, 38, 45, 46, 49)

Total short-term sources

Deferred expenses: (35, 41)

Total Working Capital

Total sources

Total funds

Task 3. Based on the data in Table 3, reflect changes in the balance sheet compiled in Task 2. Determine the type of balance sheet change in the form of Table 4. Fill out the balance sheet at the end of the period

Table 3

Business operations of JSC Jupiter-S

for January 200_

Current account statement, payment order buyer - advance payment transferred

Current account statement, cash receipt order - money received for payment wages and accountable amounts for travel expenses

Expenditure cash order, travel certificate - issued for reporting

Expense cash order, payroll - wages issued

Request for release of materials into production

Acceptance of supplier invoice for materials:

Cost of materials

Loan agreement with the bank - the debt to the supplier was paid using a short-term loan

Pay slips - wages accrued to the organization's personnel

Deductions were made to extra-budgetary funds social insurance and provision

Personal income tax withheld from wages

Gorenergo invoice for electricity consumed for technological needs:

Energy cost

Current account statement, payment order - taxes transferred to the budget

Invoice for delivery of finished products to the warehouse

Loan agreement, foreign currency account statement - short-term bank loan credited

Requirement for release into the production of semi-finished products

Current account statement, payment order - transferred to the supplier for materials

Current account statement, payment order - transferred to social insurance and security funds

Invoice, products shipped to the buyer against the advance received:

Product cost

Bank statement, payment order - listed by "Gorenergo"

Task 4. Formulate the content business transactions according to the given correspondence of accounts, i.e. answer the question “what does this entry mean?”:

Debit 20 - Credit 70

Debit 10 - Credit 60

Debit 70 - Credit 73.1

Debit 60 - Credit 51

Debit 20 - Credit 02

Debit 08 - Credit 75.1

Debit 20 - Credit 10.9

Debit 01 - Credit 08

Debit 62 - Credit 90

Debit 90 - Credit 41

1. Account 20 - main production, Account 70 - debt to the organization’s personnel, hence - Debit 20 - Credit 70 - wages accrued.

2. Account 60 - settlements with suppliers and contractors, Account 51 - settlement accounts, hence Debit 60 - Credit 51 - settlement with the supplier has been made.

3. Account 20 - main production, Account 10.9 - inventory and household supplies, hence Debit 20 - Credit 10.9 - inventory and household supplies written off.

4. Account 90 - sales, Account 41 - goods, hence Debit 90 - Credit 41 - the cost of goods is written off at the purchase price.

5. Account 10 - Materials, Account 60 - settlements with suppliers and contractors, hence Debit 10 - Credit 60 - materials are capitalized.

6. Account 20 - main production, Account 02 - depreciation of fixed assets, hence Debit 20 - Credit 02 - depreciation of fixed assets accrued.

7. Account 01 - fixed assets, Account 08 - investments in non-current assets, hence Debit 01 - Credit 08 - fixed assets capitalized.

8. Account 70 - debt to the organization’s personnel, Account 73.1 - settlements on loans provided, hence - Debit 70 - Credit 73.1 - settlements on loans provided to employees.

9. Account 08 - investments in non-current assets, Account 75.1 - calculations for contributions to the authorized (share) capital, hence Debit 08 - Credit 75.1 - increase in the authorized capital.

10. Account 62 - settlements with buyers and customers, Account 90 - sales, hence Debit 62 - Credit 90 - goods sold to consumers.

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Any company in the course of its activities carries out certain operations. They must be recorded in accounting. In this case, accounts are involved. They participate in reporting.

What are business transactions?

A business operation (HO) is a specific action that changes either the composition of property, or its location, or the sources of its formation. POs may also be associated with changes in budget formation, the company’s ownership structure, equity and borrowed funds, and reserve capital. The fact of a business transaction is the basis for creating an accounting entry. The posting is generated on the basis of documents confirming the operation.

A certain event entails a change in indicators. For example, capital and the volume of property may change. Values ​​can either increase or decrease. Changes in capital cause changes in the balance sheet currency. Consequently, the amount of assets and liabilities also changes.

Examples of business transactions in accounting

Let's look at examples of operations and their approximate structure:

  • Supply. Examples of business operations: receipt of raw materials, transfer of funds to the supplier, input of raw materials into production.
  • Implementation. Examples of financial expenses: expenses for sales of products, receipt of revenue, sale of goods.
  • Production. Examples of financial assets: payment of salaries to employees, depreciation of fixed assets, acceptance of the work of a contractor, transfer of funds to a contractor.

These are the most common types of business transactions.

Types of business transactions

Let's look at the table with the classification of business transactions:

Impact on balance Debit correspondence Loan correspondence
Change in Assets Active Active
Changing Liabilities Passive Passive
Increasing assets and liabilities Active Passive
Decrease in assets and liabilities Passive Active

These are four types of transactions, which are classified according to the way they affect the balance sheet.

Let's take a closer look at the types of transactions (A is an asset, P is a liability, O is turnover):

  • 1 type Entries that reduce one asset item by increasing another. Examples of type 1: goods have arrived at the warehouse, money is sent from the account to the cash register. In this case, the structure of the property changes, but the final amount remains the same.

    This type has the following formula:
    A balance + O on the debit of account 1 – O on the credit of account 2 = P balance.

  • Type 2 Postings changing liability items. Examples of type 2: multiplying reserve capital by changing the amount of profit. In this case, the chemical enterprise causes a change in the structure of sources of funds, but the final assessment remains the same.

    This formula belongs to this type:
    A balance = P balance + O on the credit of account 1 – O on the debit of account 2.

  • Type 3 Actions that increase the value of a company's assets and liabilities. Example: operations for the sale of fixed assets, obtaining a loan. Postings change the balance sheet currencies.

    A balance + O on the debit of account 1 = P on the balance + O on the credit of account 2.

  • Type 4 Actions that reduce the value of liabilities or the amount of equity capital by reducing the amount of assets. Example: payments to suppliers. In the process, both assets and liabilities are reduced.

    A balance – O on the debit of account 1 = P balance – O on the credit of account 2.

Operations are also classified according to their content:

  • Material. Movement of inventory items is expected.
  • Financial. Assume the movement of funds.
  • Calculated. Settlements with counterparties.

The type of transaction determines the features of its reflection in accounting.

How to set the operation type

To determine the type of transaction, you need to analyze which accounts were used in the transactions and what changes in the balance sheet currency were made. The following information will help make the determination easier (A – active, P – passive):

  • Active XO. Correspondence: both accounts A. Dt increases, and Kt decreases. The balance does not change.
  • Passive XO. Correspondence: both accounts P. Dt decreases, Kt increases. The balance does not change.
  • Mixed XO for an increase. Correspondence: Dt - A, Kt - P. Dt and Kt increase. The balance increases.
  • Mixed XO for reduction. Correspondence: Dt - P, Kt - A. Dt and Kt indicators are decreasing. The balance will be reduced.

To accurately establish the type of transaction, you need to have information about the chart of accounts and balance sheet structure.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! An asset is the company's property, and a liability is the sources of this property. There are mixed forms in both assets and liabilities.

Accounting entries depending on the type of transaction

Let's consider transactions for the first type of business transactions:

  • Direction of raw materials to production: Dt20 KT10.
  • Receiving funds from the buyer: Dt51 KT60.
  • Directing funds to the cash desk: DT50 KT51.

Accounting entries for type 2 transactions:

  • Withholding personal income tax from salary: Dt70 KT68.
  • Increase in reserve due to profit: Dt84 Kt82.
  • Advance payment to the supplier from borrowed money: Dt60 Kt66.

Postings for transactions of type 3:

  • Receiving material from the supplier: Dt10 Kt60.
  • Payment of salaries: Dt20 Kt70.
  • Receipt of borrowed funds: Dt51 Kt66.

Postings for transactions of type 4:

  • Loan repayment: Dt66 Kt51.
  • Payment of salaries: Dt70 Kt51.
  • Direction of payment to the supplier: Dt51 Kt60.

These are the accounting entries that are used most often.

Nuances of posting transactions

Each operation has a dual nature. It affects both assets and liabilities simultaneously. The dependence of Dt and Kt is called correspondence of accounts. On the left (on debit) the remaining assets of the company are recorded, and on the right (on credit) – the source of its origin. Postings must be recorded at the time of the transaction.

Each wiring is documented. Primary documentation confirms the actual existence of a business transaction. Not only accountants, but also managers and executives work on its preparation. The primary documentation must contain the following mandatory information:

  • Signatures of authorized persons.
  • Information about the person responsible for the operation.
  • Information about the contents of the operation.
  • Date the document was completed.
  • Document type.

For ease of entering information, the account is assigned a number. Double entry allows you to confirm the equality of turnover in terms of Dt and Kt for the reporting period. If an inequality has formed, this is evidence of an error. Also, double entry makes it easy to establish the contents of the posting.


Let's look at examples of reflecting transactions in accounting:

  • The account of Prioritet LLC received funds in the amount of 5 thousand rubles for the transferred goods. In this case, the following wiring will be used: Dt51 Kt62. Transaction amount: 5,000 rubles. In this case, the balance sheet currency remains the same, but the assets change. The current account is replenished by 5 thousand rubles, the “Settlements with customers” account is reduced by the same amount.
  • At the end of the reporting period, Priority LLC made a profit. The manager needs to calculate dividends in the amount of 10 thousand rubles. The wiring will be as follows: Dt84 Kt75. Transaction amount: 10 thousand rubles. The balance currency remains the same. Only the passive changes.
  • Raw materials worth 4 thousand rubles arrived at the warehouse of Prioritet LLC. The wiring will be like this: Dt41 Kt60. Amount: 4,000 rubles. In this case, the balance sheet currency changes.
  • Priority LLC transferred funds in the amount of 5 thousand rubles to the supplier for delivery. The wiring will be like this: Dt60 Kt51. Amount: 5 thousand rubles.

The transaction reflects the amount of the transaction, as well as primary document, on the basis of which it was formed.

Task 4. Record business transactions on accounting accounts.

Economic operations of the Dubrava furniture factory for November 20_

Task 5. Formulate the content of a business transaction using information on the correspondence of transaction accounts given below:

Task 6. Formulate the content of each business transaction, using information about the correspondence of accounts when performing this operation.

Task 7.

2. Register business transactions for September 20X in the journal of transactions and record them in the accounting accounts.

4. Compile a turnover sheet for synthetic accounts for September according to the accounting accounts.

5. Check the total of the turnover of the turnover sheet with the total of the transaction log for September 20XXX.

Initial data.

2. Business transactions for September 200Хг.

Turnover sheet for synthetic accounting accounts

Task 8. Based on data to complete a task:

· Draw up the balance sheet of the enterprise as of July 31, 20XX. according to data on balances in the General Ledger accounts.

· Compile a log of business transactions for August.

· Carry out systematic accounting of business transactions in the accounts:

1) open accounts;

2) reflect business transactions on them;

· Prepare a turnover sheet for August.

Initial data

Name of accounts Amount, rub.

fixed assets 630 400

depreciation of fixed assets 104,080

short-term bank loans 7000

current accounts 19800

auxiliary production 13500

reserve capital 5800

calculations for taxes and fees 5400

retained earnings 2000

long-term bank loans 48000

settlements with suppliers and contractors 45201

short-term financial investments 11000

intangible assets 15300

social insurance payments and

provision 6105

settlements with buyers and customers 22000

reserves for future expenses 2000

authorized capital 540,000

settlements with personnel for wages 16500

settlements with accountable persons 1026

materials 69000

2. Business transactions for August 20XХ.

Task 9. Mark the correct answers to the test questions.

1. In accounting, the concepts of “account correspondence” and “accounting entry” are synonymous:

2. A sign of grouping accounts in a standard chart of accounts is:

a) economic content;

b) purpose and structure of accounts.

3. The standard chart of accounts presents the following accounts:

a) synthetic;

b) analytical;

c) subaccounts.

4. Accounts 50 “Cash”, 75 “Settlements with founders” are collective and distribution:

5. Calculation accounts are:

6. Type of formula for calculating the balance of a passive account:

a) Sn + Add – Cob;

b) Sn + Cob – Add.

7. Analytical accounts and synthetic accounts are interconnected:

8. Among the listed accounts, indicate active accounts:

a) 19 “Value added tax on acquired assets”;

b) 97 “Deferred expenses”;

c) 83 “Additional capital”;

d) 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors.”

9. To record the residual value of fixed assets in the chart of accounts, a special account has been allocated:

10. Among the listed accounts, indicate passive accounts:

a) 97 “Deferred expenses”;

b) 80 “Authorized capital”;

c) 05 “Amortization of intangible assets.”

11. For settlements with personnel for compensation of material damage, the following account is intended:

12. Complex accounting entries are performed:

a) on two accounts;

b) on more than two accounts;

c) none of the above.

13. The amount of wages due to be paid to the employee is reflected in account 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages”:

a) by debit of the account;

b) on account credit.

14. Accounts 25 “General production expenses” and 26 “General operating expenses”:

a) have a balance;

b) are non-balanced.

15. On account 45 “Goods shipped” the fact of shipment of goods to the buyer is reflected:

a) by debit;

b) on a loan.

16. The debt accrued by the organization for social insurance and security in account 69 “Calculations for social insurance and security” is reflected:

a) by debit of the account;

b) on account credit.

In practice, they use a system for recording business transactions in accounting accounts using postings

As stated above accounting accounts- a method of grouping and current reflection of property, liabilities and transactions according to qualitatively homogeneous characteristics.

To account for each type of property and transactions, separate accounts are opened with a name and digital number (code), which correspond to balance sheet items (for example, account 51 “Current accounts”). Each account is a two-way table

The left side of the account is debit (Lat. - must), the right side is credit (from Lat. - believes).

There is a close relationship between accounts and the balance sheet: each balance sheet item corresponds to an account or a series of accounts. The balance sheet item indicates the amount of balances on the relevant accounts as of the reporting date.

Accounts for one business transaction are called correspondent accounts

When determining the correspondence of accounts, i.e. relationships between accounts when reflecting business transactions on them, use the double entry method, which assumes the interconnected reflection of business transactions on the accounting accounts by the debit of one account and the credit of another account.

For example, between accounts 51 “Current accounts” and 50 “Cash”. The relationship between accounts expressed in writing is called accounting entry(Fig. 2.5).

Rice. 2.5. Correspondence of accounting accounts for the business transaction “Money received from the current account at the cash desk.”

Accounting entry (posting)- this is the registration of correspondence of accounts, when at the same time an entry is made (in the transaction journal) on the debit and credit of accounts for the amount of a business transaction (for example, receiving money from a current account to the cash desk (Fig. 2.5):

Before compiling correspondence accounts for each business transaction and reflecting it using the double entry method on the accounting accounts, you must complete the following: four stages, which we will consider using the example of a transaction: cash received from a current account in the amount of 100 thousand rubles.

First stage. According to the content of the first business transaction, it is determined which accounting objects are involved in it and which accounts are affected. These are the "Current Account" account and the "Cash Account".

Second phase. The activity (passivity) of the account is determined. It is established how these accounting objects are related to the balance sheet of the enterprise, that is, what they characterize: property (balance sheet asset) or the sources of formation of this property (balance sheet liability). Against each account we enter A - active, P - passive.

Third stage. It is determined how this business transaction affected the account: increased, decreased or left unchanged. In our example, the “Current Account” account decreased (-), the “Cash Account” account increased (+).

This operation had the same effect on the balance sheet currency. We determine the type of business transaction. Since this operation affects only the organization’s property, i.e., a balance sheet asset (an increase on one active account, a decrease on another), it belongs to the first type of business transactions, as a result of which the balance sheet currency does not change.

Fourth stage. Based on the patterns of entries in the active and passive accounts, we establish which of the two accounting accounts for a given business transaction is debited and which is credited.

So, as a result of receiving money on the active account "Cash" there was an increase in the amounts (the increase in the active account is reflected in the debit of the account) therefore the "Cash" account is debited, and the current account has become less Money, (A decrease in the active account is reflected as a credit to the account), therefore, in the “Current Account” account this amount is reflected as a credit. In general, the entry looks like:

Dt sch. "Cashier ·, K-t account "Current account" - 100 thousand rubles.

All four stages are performed for each business transaction.

It is advisable to make entries in a table of the following form (Table 2.5.4.)

Table 2.5.4.

Journal of business transactions and correspondence of accounts.

No. Contents of business transactions Amount (RUB) Accounting objects and accounts affected by the transaction Account activity, A active, P - passive Impact of the transaction on the account and balance currency Type of business transaction by its impact on the balance sheet (1, 2,3,4,) Account correspondence (Debit or Credit account)
1. Received at the cash desk from the current account 50 Cashier A + Dt 50
51 Current account A - Kit 51
2. Materials received from supplier (payment not made) 10 Materials A + Dt 10
60 Settlements with suppliers P (payment has not been made, so the account, in this case, is passive) + Kit 60
Retained earnings are credited to the organization's reserve capital 250 000 84 Retained earnings P _ Dt 84
82 Reserve capital P + Kit 82
Bank loan repaid from current account 60 000 51 current accounts A _ Dt 51
66 bank loans P _ Kit 66

It should be noted that the compilation of correspondence accounts is considered using examples of the simplest business transactions, which are typical and widespread. Their content assumes that a business transaction affects the debit of one and the credit of another account, that is, only two accounts are involved in it.

However, practice shows that in financial and economic activities such transactions take place that are reflected in the debit of one and in the credit of several accounts, as well as in the credit of one account and in the debit of several accounts (complex correspondence).

For example, wages were accrued in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles, including workers in the main production - 400,000 rubles; workers auxiliary production(repair workers, workers in power shops, tool shops, etc.) - 250,000 rubles; shop personnel - 250 thousand, 000 and enterprise management personnel - 100,000 rubles.

The above business transaction will be reflected:

Or in another form:

1000 000rub D-t account. 50 “Cashier” Set of accounts. 51 “Current accounts”

In the business transaction journal, the entry can be in tabular form.

date sum Debit credit Contents of operation
01/03/200X 1000 000 PKO No. 1, check No. 12

The accounting scheme for training purposes can be presented in the form of a table that allows you to obtain account turnover and the ending balance.

An example of an accounting scheme for an active account.

C k = C n + O d - O n

The journal of business transactions is given in tabular form below.

Condition for selecting transactions: account 51 “Settlement accounts”

Balance as of 01/01/200Xg. in rub. 7,000

Debit turnover: 25,000 Credit turnover: 16,400 Balance as of 01.04 in rubles. 15 600

Chapter 11. Accounting policy of the organization (enterprise).

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Journal of business transactions for January

Title of the document

Account correspondence

Transfer and acceptance certificate, requirement, limit and fence cards

Materials released into production

Received from the current account to the cash desk for wages and household needs

December wages paid

Account cash warrant

Issued on account to Shustikov for the purchase of a telephone set

Taxes transferred to the budget

Bank statement, payment order

The unified social tax and the contribution for insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases are listed

Accounting calculation

Accrued material aid

Advance report

Purchased by Shustikov from the manufacturer

telephone set,

The telephone set was put into operation

Accounting calculation

VAT on the purchased telephone set is offset against the budget

Accounting certificate

Telephone costs are written off as production costs

Loan agreement, bank statement

Payment order, bank statement

Transferred to suppliers to pay off debts, including VAT

Cash receipt order, bank statement

Received from bank

Account cash warrant

Issued under Petrova's report for travel expenses

Advance report

Based on the documents attached to Petrova’s advance report, travel expenses are written off:

Round trip fare

Payment for hotel accommodation

Daily allowance as per norm

Receipt cash order

Petrova returned the remainder of the unused advance to the cash desk

Accrued depreciation on fixed assets (period beneficial use 8 years)

Payroll sheet

Salary accrued with bonus for January

Accounting certificate

Personal income tax withheld for January

Accounting certificate

Unified social tax accrued for January

Accounting certificate

Premium for insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases for January

Journal of business transactions for February

Title of the document

Account correspondence

Bank statement, cash receipt order

Payroll, cash order

January salary and bonus issued

Bank statement, payment order

Unified social tax for January transferred

Bank statement, payment order

Personal income tax for January transferred

Bank statement, payment order

Payments for insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases for January are listed


Materials from Vega LLC


Delivered to warehouse finished products at production cost

Bank statement, accountant's certificate

Advance from the buyer (Grand LLC)

Accounting calculation

VAT payable to the budget on the advance received

Shipping note, invoice

Products were shipped from the warehouse to the buyer (Grand LLC) at production cost

Accounting calculation

Reflected debt (Grand LLC) for shipped products

Accounting certificate

VAT payable to the budget on shipped products of Grand LLC

Accounting certificate

Advance payment to Grand LLC has been credited

Accounting certificate

VAT credited from advance payment

Bank statement

Credited to the current account to repay the debt from the buyer Grand LLC

Accounting certificate

Reflected financial results from sales of products of LLC "Grand"

Supply contract, invoice

The equipment has arrived from the supplier,

Bank statement, payment order

Supplier invoice paid

Delivery agreement, invoice

The invoice of the transport organization for the delivery of equipment has been accepted,

Bank statement, payment order

The bill is paid

Certificate of acceptance and transfer of equipment for installation

The equipment has been handed over for installation

We used our own fastening materials to install the equipment.

Transfer and acceptance certificate OS-1

The equipment has been put into operation.

Initial cost

Accounting certificate

VAT on equipment put into operation is offset against the budget


Salary accrued for February

Accounting certificate

Personal income tax withheld for February

Accounting certificate

Unified social tax accrued for February

Accounting certificate

Premium for insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases for February

Depreciation statement

Journal of business transactions for March

Title of the document

Account correspondence

Cash receipt order, bank statement

Received from the bank for the issuance of salary

Payroll, cash order

February wages issued

Bank statement, payment order

Unified social tax for February transferred

Bank statement, payment order

Personal income tax for February transferred

Bank statement, payment order

Payments for insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases for February are listed

Fixed asset object sold

Initial cost

Depreciation charges accrued at the time of sale are written off

Residual value

The buyer has been invoiced

incl. VAT

The bill is paid

The result from the sale of fixed assets is determined

Depreciation statement

Depreciation has been calculated on fixed assets with a useful life of 8 years.


Salary accrued for March

Accounting certificate

Personal income tax for March withheld

Accounting certificate

Unified social tax accrued for March

Accounting certificate

Premium for insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases for March

Loan agreement, accounting certificate

Interest accrued on the loan payable at the end of the reporting period (for 90 banking days). Rate 35%.

Accounting certificate

Property tax assessed

Accounting certificate

The balance of other income and expenses is written off

Accounting certificate

Profit tax accrued

Accounting calculation

PNO accrued

Accounting calculation

SHE accrued

Accounting entries

About Dt) 41665

About Kt) 44000

About Dt) 19203

About Kt) 19203

About Dt) 20224

About CT) 20224

About Dt) 17059

About Kt) 14221

About Dt) 60280

About Kt) 57750

About Dt) 65230

About Kt) 65115

About Dt) 104371

About Kt) 60280

About Dt) 55660

About Kt) 42130

About Dt) 142626

About Kt) 142626

About Dt) 161590

About CT) 164597

About Kt) 64683

About Dt) 31887

About Kt) 31680

About Dt) 20990

About Kt) 16992

About Dt) 66745

About Kt) 64200

About Dt) 28025

About Kt) 28025

About Dt) 90090

About Kt) 90090

Dt 99 PNO Kt

About Dt) 13403

About Kt) 18597

Balance sheet for synthetic accounting accounts for the first quarter

Account name and number

Turnover per quarter

Balance at the end of the quarter

01 "Fixed assets"

02 "Depreciation of fixed assets"

07 "Equipment for installation"

08 "Investments in non-current assets"

09 "Deferred tax assets"


19 "VAT on purchased valuables"

20"Main production"

43"Finished products"

51"Current account"

60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors"

62 "Settlements with buyers and customers"

66 "Calculations for short-term loans and borrowings"

68 "Calculations for taxes and fees"

69 "Calculations for social insurance and security"

70 "Settlements with personnel for wages"

71 "Settlements with accountable persons"

76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors"

80 "Authorized capital"

83 "Additional capital"

84 "Retained earnings (uncovered loss)"


91 "other income and expenses"

99 "Profits and losses"

99 PNO "Permanent tax liability"

Calculation of taxes and contributions

The Alpha company employs five full-time employees:

Ivanov - director, salary: 7000 rubles; has 2 children;

Timushev - accountant, salary: 4500 rubles; have no children;

Petrova - engineer, salary: 4200 rubles; has 3 children;

Shustov - worker of the VI category, salary: 3300 rubles; has 1 child; performed international duty in Afghanistan;

Mikheev - V category worker, salary 1900 rubles; has 1 child.

Insurance contribution for compulsory social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases.

In accordance with the Federal Law of July 24, 1998 No. 125-FZ “On Compulsory Social Insurance against Accidents and Occupational Diseases,” organizations produce from accrued wages.

The amount of deductions is set as a percentage of wages depending on the class of professional risk (at the Alfa LLC enterprise it is set at 1.1%).

The amount of accrued wages is 20,900 rubles. monthly and the contribution amount, accordingly, will be equal to:

rub. per month.

Every month an entry is made in the accounting records:

Dt 20 "Main production" - Kt 69 "Calculations for social insurance and security."

Personal income tax

The tax amount is calculated as the product of the tax base minus all tax deductions to which the taxpayer is entitled and the tax rate (13%).

Calculation of contributions for personal income tax for the first quarter of 2008

Income since the beginning of the year

Income not subject to taxation

Standard deductions

Tax base since the beginning of the year

Tax amount calculated from the beginning of the year

Amount of tax payable per month

total amount since the beginning of the year

Total personal income tax:

January 702+533+260+234+117=1846

February 702+533+260+234+117=1846

March 754+533+260+234+117=1898

Unified social tax

The tax base under the Unified Social Tax is defined as the amount of payments and other remuneration accrued by taxpayers for the tax period in favor of individuals. In our case, the amount of one-time financial assistance in the amount of 750 rubles provided to Mikheev in January is not subject to taxation, in accordance with the fact that it is not included in income tax expenses.

The amount of UST is calculated by multiplying the tax base by the corresponding tax percentage.

Calculation of contributions for the unified social tax for the first quarter of 2008

Payments not subject to taxation

Tax base since the beginning of the year

Accrued tax amount cumulatively from the beginning of the year

Due per month

Due from the beginning of the year

year to date

Federal Budget (FB)

Social Insurance Fund (SIF)

Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (MHIF)

Total unified social tax:

January 1820+1170+1092+858+494=5434

February 1820+1170+1092+858+494=5434

March 1820+1170+1092+858+494=5434

Calculation of depreciation charges for equipment on the balance sheet of Alpha LLC for the first quarter of 2008

IN accounting policy The LLC Alpha enterprise has established a linear method of calculating depreciation, which provides for the accrual of depreciation evenly over the useful life of the object. With this method, depreciation is calculated based on the original cost of the object and the depreciation rate calculated from useful life use of this object.

The depreciation rate is the amount of depreciation established as a percentage of the book value of the corresponding fixed assets.

The depreciation rate for the month (Na) is calculated using the formula:

where Tn is the useful life (year).

The total amount of depreciation charges for the year is calculated using the formula:

where OFP is the initial cost of fixed assets.

In this example, according to the balance sheet as of 01/01/08, the general capital is 216,975 rubles, the useful life is 8 years.

The depreciation rate as a percentage will be:

Then the amount of depreciation charges for each year will be:

The depreciation amount for the month will be:

In the journal of business transactions for January and February, this amount will be reflected by the posting:

Dt 20 "Main production" - Kt 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets."

In February, the Alfa LLC company received new equipment in the amount of 19,665 rubles, the service life is 8 years, in accordance with the accounting policy, the method of calculating depreciation is linear and the accrual starts from next month after the equipment has been put into operation, i.e. since March.

The depreciation rate for new equipment as a percentage will be:

Then the total amount of depreciation in March will be:

A= 205+2260=2465 rub.

Calculation of the amount of interest on the loan

For loans provided by the bank to an enterprise, it is necessary to accrue interest due at the end of the reporting period (for 90 banking days).

As of 01/01/08, the loan amount was 57,200 rubles; in January, an additional loan was taken out in the amount of 55,000 rubles. The total amount of the loan taken was:

57200+55000=112200 rub.

Loan interest amount:

In the journal of business transactions, the amount of accrued interest will be reflected in the entry:

Dt 91.1. "Other operating expenses" - Kt 66 "Calculations for short-term loans and borrowings."

Calculation of property tax of Alpha LLC for the first quarter of 2008.

The tax base is defined as the average annual value of property recognized as an object of taxation. When determining the tax base, property is taken into account at its residual value, formed in accordance with the established accounting procedure. The residual value of property is the difference between the original cost and the amount of depreciation at the end of each tax (reporting) period (Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Chapter 30, Article 375).

Initial cost





Residual value




Calculation of corporate income tax

In accordance with Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the object of taxation for corporate income tax is the income received, reduced by the amount of expenses incurred.

Considering the amounts for the debit and credit of account 99, we get:

Calculation of permanent tax liability

Operation in January: Financial assistance was awarded to Shustov.


Expenses = 750 rub. No expenses

This operation is valued at different amounts in accounting and tax accounting. This means that the resulting difference of 750 rubles is permanent. A permanent tax liability arises:

Dt 99 PNO - Kt 68 - 180 rub.

Transaction in March: Interest accrued on the loan due at the end of the reporting period.


This operation is valued at different amounts in accounting and tax accounting. This means that the resulting difference in the amount of 6,563 rubles is permanent. A permanent tax liability arises:

In accounting you need to add the following entry:

Dt 99 PNO - Kt 68 - 1576 rub.

In total, as a result of three operations in accounting, it is necessary to add the operation:

? A permanent tax liability has been accrued in the amount of (180+1576) = 1756 rubles, i.e. Dt 99 PNO - Kt 68 - 1756 rub.

Calculation of deferred tax liability


Sales: Income: 13983

Dt 62 - Kt 91.1. - 16500 Consumption: 14300

Dt 91.3. - Kt 68 - 2517 Result at the moment

Disposal: sales=0

Dt 01v - Kt 01 - 22000

Dt 02 - Kt 01v - 7700

Dt 91.2. - Kt 01 - 14300

Loss: 317

In accounting we make the following entries:

Dt 99 - Kt 91.9

As a result, we get the deductible time difference:


Dt 68 - Kt 99 Dt 09 - Kt 68

Payroll sheet

Accrued based on salary

Material aid

Total accrued

Personal income tax withheld

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