Magnesium in plant foods. Magnesium in food. What interferes with absorption

Magnesium is a vital element for the nervous, cardiac, bone and immune systems human body. The substance regulates blood sugar levels, improves metabolism and is necessary for protein synthesis, so it is very important for maintaining healthy muscles, tissues, and joints.

The daily intake of magnesium for a healthy adult is approximately 400 mg (depending on gender, age, and health status). Magnesium in foods is found most (table below) in plant foods, as well as fish and chocolate.

Eating foods that are too high in magnesium does not cause any harm the body of practically healthy people, since the kidneys remove excess magnesium through urine. But very large doses of magnesium from medications and supplements can cause stomach pain, diarrhea, and nausea.

What promotes magnesium absorption:

  • Fermentable carbohydrates, which are found in dairy products, fruits and grains.
  • Protein-rich foods(eg lean meats and fish).
  • You need to consume enough vitamins V1, V6, D3, E, as well as selenium. They help absorb magnesium and retain it in the body.

Magnesium is essential for the body, but in high concentrations it turns into a toxin.

Interesting fact! Brazil nuts are high in both magnesium and selenium. But if you overeat nuts, excess selenium in the body can cause diarrhea, bad breath and even hair loss.

What to avoid for best magnesium absorption:

  • Products containing oxalates(oxalic acid salts) in large quantities, such as spinach, leafy greens, nuts, tea, coffee and cocoa, reduce the absorption of magnesium by the body.
  • Regular consumption of coffee and even black tea should be avoided. Thermal cooking reduces the content of oxalic acid, so it is better not to eat raw spinach and other greens, but to cook them - this will increase the absorption of magnesium.
  • Consumption of foods high in insoluble fiber(fiber) or taking special insoluble fiber supplements are likely to interfere with the body's absorption of magnesium.
  • Phytates found in vegetables, grains, seeds and nuts, may slightly impair magnesium absorption. However, the soluble fiber and fermentable carbohydrates contained in these foods are likely to counteract this process. Wheat bran contains the highest amount of phytates, including phytate, which impairs the absorption of iodine, zinc, calcium and possibly magnesium.
  • Stress that lasts for a long time. Consumption of alcohol, sugar, gluten (gluten), which is contained in flour products. Usage tap water containing sodium fluoride. All this also impairs the absorption of magnesium.

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What can cause magnesium deficiency in the body:

  1. Running on long distances with great sweating.
  2. Dehydration caused by drinking large amounts of alcohol, diarrhea.
  3. Disorders and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Functional kidney disorders.
  5. Elderly age.
  6. Excessive consumption of foods containing insoluble fiber.
  7. Insufficient intake of protein into the body.
  8. Taking certain medications.

Signs of magnesium excess and deficiency.

Be careful! If you are taking magnesium supplements and medications (such as antibiotics) at the same time, seek medical advice as some medications may interact with magnesium.

For optimal magnesium absorption, it is important to maintain the correct magnesium to calcium ratio. when consuming food (including water). These two elements have a rather complex relationship that is not fully understood. But there is an opinion that the optimal ratio should be 2 calcium and 1 magnesium. This is in theory.

IN Everyday life When organizing catering, it is difficult to do mathematical calculations every time. It is easier to adhere to rules that will make it possible to maintain optimal level magnesium and calcium in the body.

For example:

  • Include magnesium-rich foods in your diet and calcium-rich foods (dairy products, greens, some citrus fruits).
  • Try to eat foods high in calcium in the first half of the day, and foods that contain the most magnesium (see table) in the second half of the day, as it improves sleep. Magnesium and calcium are better absorbed if they enter the body separately, since both substances are absorbed mainly in the intestines.

The body's need for magnesium should be satisfied mainly through daily consumption of natural foods. Magnesium in foods is found most (table - see below) in seeds and nuts, unprocessed grains, greens, etc.

Magnesium is in foods where it is found most. More detailed information the table below will give.

Good to know! Approximately 30% to 40% of magnesium from food is successfully absorbed (absorbed) by the body in the intestines.

Summary Table of Foods High in Magnesium

From this table you will find out which food products contain the most magnesium:

Product name ContentMgper 100 g of product, mg % of daily intake
1 Wheat bran589 148
2 Pumpkin seeds534 134
3 Sardines466 117
4 Flax seeds391 98
5 Brazil nuts375 94
6 Poppy seeds347 87
7 Dark chocolate327 82
8 Sunflower seeds325 81
9 Cashew292 73
10 Almond263 66
11 Buckwheat258 65
12 Seaweed (Spirulina)195 49
13 Peanut168 42
14 Black beans160 40
15 Rice (unpolished)157 39
16 Peanut paste154 39
17 Cereals138 35
18 Fish (mackerel)97 24
19 Scottish red cabbage88 22
20 Lentils86 22
21 Coffee Espresso80 20
22 Raw spinach79 20
23 Beet tops70 18
24 Dry figs68 17
25 Artichoke60 15
26 Okra, okra57 14
27 Rucolla47 12
28 Egg46 12
29 Brown rice44 11
30 Sweet corn37 9
31 Potatoes baked in skins30 8
32 Avocado29 7
33 Bananas27 7
34 Peas24 6
35 Raspberries22 6
36 Broccoli21 6
37 Blackberry20 5
38 Low fat yogurt19 5
39 Kiwi17 4
40 cucumbers13 3
41 Strawberry13 3
42 Whole milk10 3
43 Watermelon10 3
44 Grapefruit8 2

Plant-based foods high in magnesium

Most magnesium is found in plant foods (see table).

Among them:

  • Nuts and seeds;
  • Cereals (unpolished grain);
  • Seaweed;
  • Legumes;
  • Vegetables and fruits.

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Animal products high in magnesium

Animal foods that contain the most magnesium are scarce. See table.

Among them:

  • Various types of fish;
  • Seafood;
  • Eggs.

The daily ratio of animal and plant sources of magnesium intake should be balanced. This is especially important for female body.

Meat (pork, beef) contains approximately 20 mg of magnesium per 100 g of product.

Other Healthy Foods High in Magnesium

There are other foods that are high in magnesium.

Among them:

  • Water (mineral, tap). The amount of magnesium in water depends on the source and brand and can vary from 1 mg/l to 1040 mg/l (Donat Mg). Since magnesium in water is present in the form of free cations, it is absorbed better (up to 60%) than magnesium from food in the intestines;
  • Coffee;
  • Hot chocolate;
  • Muesli;
  • Breakfast cereals fortified with magnesium.

Chocolate and vegetable salads as sources of magnesium

There is an opinion that a lack of magnesium in the body causes the need for chocolate. Performing the function of replenishing the lack of magnesium in the body, chocolate is also associated with pleasant taste sensations, so it most often occurs in the head. Eating enough magnesium-rich foods will help reduce your chocolate intake.

There are a huge number of recipes for vegetable and fruit salads that can rival chocolate in magnesium content. It is recommended to add seeds, nuts, dark leafy vegetables, dry fruits, avocado and other ingredients to such salads.

Olivier salad with red fish and nuts is a delicious dish containing a large amount of magnesium.

Magnesium in food is found most of all (table - second section of the article) in chocolate, seeds, nuts, therefore delicious salads and chocolate desserts with the addition of these ingredients can provide the necessary amount of magnesium to the body.

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How to cook food so that its magnesium concentration does not decrease

Magnitude loss of magnesium due to heat treatment can vary greatly during food preparation. This depends on the foods being processed, as magnesium is found in different forms in different foods.

In some foods, it is largely water soluble and then blanching, steaming and cooking lead to significant loss of magnesium. These foods include green leafy vegetables such as spinach, chard and others. They contain magnesium at the center of the chlorophyll molecule (which gives plants their green color).

Experts advise adding a pinch of baking soda to the water in which green vegetables are cooked. This helps preserve color, which means chlorophyll pigment containing magnesium ion. Alkaline baking soda neutralizes organic acids found in vegetables, which lead to loss of color and, consequently, the removal of magnesium from vegetables.

Be careful! Too much baking soda can result in a noticeable soapy taste. Also, don't cook it for too long.

And roasted almonds and peanuts practically do not lose magnesium. When making paste from almonds and peanuts, there is also no visible loss of magnesium. Water plays an important role in cooking. It may contain calcium and magnesium in varying amounts, and these elements determine the hardness of water.

Soft water has been shown to significantly reduce the percentage of various elements (including magnesium) in food when used to cook vegetables, meats and cereals. Up to 60% loss of elements!

Recommendations for minimal loss of microelements and vitamins during food preparation.

Hard water, on the contrary, leads to much less loss of various chemical elements, and in some cases can even increase their content in cooked dishes. There is an opinion among experts that you should use water for cooking with a magnesium content of at least 10 mg/l. The optimal concentration is 20-30 mg/l.

Important to remember! In order for the body to receive a sufficient amount of vital magnesium, it is necessary to include in the diet various seeds and nuts, cereals from unprocessed grains, greens, low-fat dairy products, chocolate, and fish. These foods contain the most magnesium (see table).

Useful videos - which foods contain the most magnesium

From the selection of videos compiled for you, you will gain additional valuable knowledge about which food products contain the most magnesium. This and the table above will give you enough information for preventive dietetics regarding magnesium:

Have a good mood and good health every day!

Every person's daily menu should include foods containing sufficient amounts of magnesium. The body of an adult should receive about 300 mg of the mineral element every day. The optimal concentration of the substance in the blood is 0.6 – 1.0 mmol/l. The highest mineral content is found in products plant origin. The maximum accumulation of magnesium is observed in seeds and green parts of plants.

The importance of magnesium for the human body

In the human body, the mineral performs the following functions:

  • participates in the construction of bone tissue;
  • normalizes the contractility of muscle fibers, including the heart muscle;
  • prevents the deposition of salts in muscle tissue;
  • stimulates metabolism;
  • improves the absorption of vitamins;
  • participates in protein synthesis, breakdown of sugars;
  • controls the movement of impulses along nerve fibers;
  • removes toxins from tissues;
  • relieves symptoms of fatigue;
  • strengthens muscles, relieves cramps.

Daily value of magnesium for different categories of people

Men under 30 years of age should receive 400 mg of the substance per day, men over 30 years of age - 420 mg.

The mineral norm for women under 30 years of age is 300 mg, for women over 30 years of age – 320 mg.

An infant up to 6 months needs 30 mg of the substance daily, a baby up to one year old needs 75 mg, a child from one to 3 years old needs 85 mg, a child from 3 to 9 years old needs 130 mg, a teenager from 9 to 13 years old needs 240 mg. mg.

A pregnant woman should receive 360 ​​mg of the mineral per day, and a breastfeeding mother should receive about 320 mg.

Bodybuilders and athletes actively building muscle mass, up to 500 mg of magnesium is required per day.

Magnesium-rich foods

Magnesium deficiency in the body is diagnosed quite often. Provocateurs of the deficiency state are stress, poor diet, alcohol abuse, and harmful environmental conditions in the place of residence. The main way to eliminate mineral deficiency is to regularly consume foods rich in magnesium. The main suppliers of nutrients to the body are plant products.

Magnesium is found in almost all edible plants. But most of the mineral element is found in legumes, cereals, fresh herbs and dried fruits. The mineral is also present in animal foods, but in smaller quantities. A good source of the substance - boiled eggs. When frying foods, magnesium, like other beneficial compounds, is destroyed. To retain as much of the mineral as possible, it is better to boil animal foods rather than fry them.

Below is a table showing the foods that contain the highest amounts of magnesium.


mineral concentration, mg/100 g

cocoa beans

wheat sprouts

sesame seeds

pine nuts



Brown rice


green pea

bran bread


White rice

hard cheeses


corn kernels





Features of magnesium absorption in the human body

Magnesium is better absorbed in the intestinal tract if it enters the body along with vitamin B6. The vitamin also helps the mineral move through tissues and penetrate cells.

Organic compounds that include the mineral: magnesium lactate and magnesium citrate are characterized by the greatest digestibility. Therefore, it is better to purchase drugs that contain these compounds among the components. But it is not advisable to buy medicines that contain magnesium sulfate, since the inorganic compounds of the mineral are difficult to digest. human body.

The absorption of magnesium is reduced if the body has excess amounts of lipids and other minerals.

The mineral is almost not absorbed if it enters the body with caffeine and ethyl alcohol. Therefore, people suffering from alcoholism have an acute magnesium deficiency.

Magnesium performs certain functions in the human body in combination with calciferol and ascorbic acid. Therefore, in case of deficiency, the diet should be enriched with foods rich not only in the mineral, but also in vitamin D and vitamin C.

Causes and symptoms of deficiency state

With a high-quality and complete diet, the body receives the mineral element in sufficient quantities. Provocateurs of magnesium deficiency are a poor diet, including few plant foods, and abuse of alcoholic beverages. A deficiency state is also observed in people with liver and kidney diseases. Other factors causing magnesium deficiency include:

  • frequent consumption of foods rich in proteins and animal fats, since these substances interfere with the normal absorption of the mineral in the digestive tract;
  • following a low-calorie diet;
  • long-term bowel dysfunction;
  • diabetes;
  • constant stress;
  • use of distilled water when preparing drinks;
  • obesity;
  • frequent consumption of coffee and carbonated drinks;
  • smoking;
  • rare exposure to sunlight;
  • long-term use of certain medications.

Magnesium deficiency is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • arrhythmia, tachycardia;
  • weakened immunity;
  • nausea, urge to vomit;
  • depression;
  • syndrome chronic fatigue;
  • sleep disorders;
  • weakening of memory, deterioration of concentration;
  • anemia;
  • pain in the head;
  • dizziness;
  • nervousness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increased concentration of cholesterol in the blood;
  • convulsive conditions;
  • deterioration of the condition of the hair and nail plates;
  • accelerated aging of the body;
  • decreased temperature of the extremities;
  • metabolic cataract.

If you ignore the above symptoms, the deficiency state can lead to serious pathologies of the brain and cardiovascular system. Also, with magnesium deficiency, calcium salts are deposited on the walls of blood vessels, in the heart and kidney tissues.

Signs of excess magnesium in the body

The following symptoms indicate excess mineral content in the body:

  • lethargy, depression, drowsiness;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • severe nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • drying of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity;
  • slowing down the heart rate.

An excess of the substance is diagnosed extremely rarely, but poses a serious danger to the body. Typically, excess intake of the mineral into the body is observed when a person takes many medications based on magnesium or has kidney problems. It is impossible to obtain an excessive amount of the mineral from food.

Not every person knows the role of magnesium in the human body. This substance is one of the most important trace elements after water and oxygen. It takes an active part in more than 350 biochemical reactions that ensure the normal functioning of all organs and systems. In addition, magnesium is extremely beneficial for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system.

To compensate for the lack of this substance in the body, you can either eat foods rich in it or take vitamin-mineral complexes. Regular consumption of foods containing magnesium will help improve overall well-being and improve health. From this article you will learn which foods contain magnesium.

Magnesium is a silvery-white metal that produces a dazzling white flame when burned. This substance was first isolated in 1808 by chemist Humphrey Davy. The human body contains 30 grams of magnesium. It is found in greatest concentration in bone tissue, liver and muscles.

Without Mg, the human body is unable to protect itself from infection, as it affects the production of antibodies. In addition, magnesium promotes the production of estrogen.

It is known about the vasodilating, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, restorative, sedative properties of the microelement. Regular consumption of foods containing the substance contributes to:

  • preventing the development of oncological pathologies;
  • normalization of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • prevention of stone formation;
  • improving gastric motility;
  • regulation of blood sugar;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • formation and growth of bone tissue;
  • increasing the protective properties of the body;
  • maintaining electrolyte balance;
  • improving the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • removing harmful cholesterol from the body;
  • preventing the development of inflammatory processes.

The relationship between Mg and other microelements

Few people know that magnesium is in close connection with potassium, calcium, phosphorus and sodium. An excess of these substances in the body provokes a decrease in magnesium adsorption.

The ratio of Ca and Mg should be kept at 1:0.6. Magnesium is needed for complete absorption of calcium. If there is a lot of calcium in the body, this is fraught with the removal of magnesium from the tissues and, consequently, its deficiency. In addition, magnesium helps maintain calcium salts in a dissolved state and prevent their crystallization.

Magnesium, phosphorus and sodium provide muscle and nervous activity body. If Mg is contained in tissues in insufficient quantities, potassium cannot be retained inside the cells; it is simply excreted from the body. Magnesium, calcium and phosphorus take an active part in the formation of bones. Magnesium deficiency is fraught with increased bone fragility and the development of osteoporosis.

List of foods rich in magnesium

This trace element is found in some vegetables, fruits and foods.

  1. Magnesium is found in large quantities in sesame seeds, peanuts, almonds, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, and cashew nuts. It is recommended to include these products in the diet, but in small quantities. You can meet the need for this microelement by consuming nuts and seeds. Moreover, almost all nuts are rich in other minerals, amino acids, and vitamins, which are also very beneficial for the body.
  2. The most magnesium is found in wheat bran - 550 mg per 100 g and pumpkin seeds– 500 mg per 10 g of product. This substance is found in high concentrations in porridges, polished brown rice, buckwheat, oatmeal and millet. Magnesium in cereal dishes is easily digestible; it is in ideal proportion with phosphorus and calcium. It is preferable to alternate dishes from cereals; it is healthy to eat rice porridge or oatmeal for breakfast.
  3. Magnesium is found in sufficient quantities in unsweetened corn flakes, rye bread with bran, sprouted wheat sprouts. Sprouted wheat can be purchased at a pharmacy, or you can prepare it yourself. Wheat sprouts are an excellent biologically active product that gives a person an incredible boost of energy. In addition to magnesium, sprouted wheat is also rich in potassium. This combination has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
  4. Another record holder for the content of microelements is seaweed. Magnesium is found in high concentrations in legumes, in particular soybeans, beans, lentils, and peas.
  5. A lot of magnesium is also found in feta cheese, chicken eggs, shrimp, dates, milk chocolate, squid, dried porcini mushrooms, halibut, and cod liver.
  6. Fruits and vegetables are rich in Mg. They, compared to the above products, contain less of this substance, but they are still no less useful. The record holder for magnesium content among fruits and vegetables is watermelon. 100 g of product contains 224 mg of magnesium.
  7. The element is found in sufficient quantities in dried apricots, spinach, raisins, dill, beets, green peas, lentils, bananas, carrots, cabbage, avocados, cherries, potatoes, broccoli, black currants, eggplants, pears, sweet peppers, radishes, peaches, oranges , melon.

Along with Mg, for better absorption of the microelement, it is recommended to increase the consumption of products rich in pyridoxine or vitamins B6. Sources of the vitamin are pine nuts, legumes, walnuts, tuna, sardine, mackerel, cereals and beef liver.

Table of Mg content in food

Name Quantity
mg per 100 g
Wheat bran 550
Pumpkin seeds 500
Cocoa powder 430
Sesame seeds 350
Cashew nuts 270
Buckwheat 258
Soya beans 248
Almond 230
Pine nuts 230
Dark chocolate 200
Pistachios 200
Cornflakes 200
Peanut 180
Hazelnut 170
Brown rice 150
Cereals 135
Walnuts 135
Pearl barley 133
Sunflower seeds 125
Halibut 120
Millet 115
Dried porcini mushrooms 102
Squid 90
Milk chocolate 63
Dates 59
Shrimps 50
Cod liver 50
Chicken eggs 48
Rye bread 47
Brynza 22

Table of magnesium content in vegetables and fruits

Name Quantity

mg per 100 g

Watermelon 224
Dried apricots 65
Spinach 60
Dill greens 55
Raisin 45
Beet 43
Salad 40
Carrot 38
Green peas 38
Lentils 36
Black currant 31
Bananas 30
Kohlrabi cabbage 30
Avocado 29
Cherry 26
Potato 23
Broccoli 21
Tomatoes 20
Parsley 20
Apricots 19
Green onion 18
Grape 17
Plums 17
White cabbage 16
cucumbers 16
Peaches 16
Radish 13
Melons 13
Oranges 13
Pears 12
Sweet pepper 11
Eggplant 10
Apples 10

Daily requirement for micronutrients by age

A six-month-old child should receive 30 mg of magnesium daily, a child under one year old should receive 75 mg, from 1-3 years old - 80 mg, 4-8 years old - 130 mg, 9-13 years old - 240 mg magnesium.

The daily requirement for magnesium in the body of a girl from 14 to 18 years old is 360 mg, and a guy’s is 410 mg. The daily dosage of the microelement for girls and women under 30 years old is 310 mg, over 30 years old – 320 mg. The daily dosage for boys and men from 18 to 30 years old is 400 mg, over 30 years old – 420 mg.

A pregnant woman’s body should receive at least 360 mg of magnesium every day, and a breastfeeding woman should receive 320 mg.

Signs and causes of deficiency

With a properly balanced diet, a sufficient amount of microelement enters the human body. A monotonous diet, a lack of green vegetables and fruits, and alcohol abuse - all this sooner or later leads to magnesium deficiency in the body. People with kidney and liver pathologies also often suffer from a lack of this substance.

Mg deficiency is characterized by:

  • disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, accompanied by rapid heartbeat and arrhythmia;
  • decreased immune function;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • headaches;
  • decreased concentration and memory;
  • depressive disorders;
  • irritability;
  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • anemia;
  • cramps and muscle spasms;
  • increased cholesterol levels;
  • increased fragility of nail plates and hair;
  • diabetic cataract;
  • acceleration of aging processes;
  • coldness of the extremities.

If you don't give special significance these manifestations and not taking measures to eliminate them, a lack of magnesium in the body can cause the development of pathologies of the cardiovascular system and brain. In addition, Mg deficiency is fraught with the deposition of calcium salts on the vascular walls, in the kidneys and heart muscle. Lack of magnesium is also one of the causes of delirium tremens.

A deficiency of this substance can develop due to various reasons. Magnesium deficiency is usually caused by: insufficient consumption of products saturated with magnesium, abuse of foods rich in animal fats and proteins (they interfere with the absorption of Mg in the gastrointestinal tract), use of low-calorie diets, abuse of alcoholic beverages, consumption of distilled or soft water, prolonged diarrhea, diabetes mellitus , obesity, frequent stressful situations, abuse of sweet soda, coffee, smoking, long-term use of medications, lack of sunlight.

Excess magnesium in the body: main manifestations

Not only a deficiency of the substance, but also its excess is harmful and even dangerous for the human body. This condition is very rare. Often, an excess of microelement in the body appears due to excessive intravenous administration of magnesium-containing medications and impaired renal function. It is almost impossible to obtain an excess of Mg from food.

Excessive levels of magnesium in the body are indicated by the appearance of lethargy, drowsiness, lethargy, unsteadiness of gait, lack of coordination, xerostomia, slow heart rate, prolonged nausea, frequent loose stools, and abdominal pain.

Magnesium is an important trace element, without which the human body cannot function normally. In order for its concentration to be normal, it is necessary to introduce foods high in magnesium into the diet, including nuts, seeds, cereals, fish, vegetables and fruits.

Normal functioning and health of our body is impossible without a number of vitamins and minerals. Magnesium is one of the most important microelements, which is directly involved in many internal processes in the body.

In the periodic table of Mendeleev, this chemical element is designated as Mg. It powers most internal systems and organs. In terms of importance, magnesium is one of the four vital minerals along with potassium, iron and calcium.

Even a slight deficiency of magnesium can slow down and worsen the body’s metabolic processes, leading to various malfunctions and ailments.

In this article we will look at how magnesium affects the human body, what properties it has, what the daily requirement of this microelement is, and what foods contain a lot of magnesium. We will also talk about the symptoms and causes of magnesium deficiency.

The functions of this microelement affect almost the entire body. Therefore, it is important that magnesium in food is supplied in sufficient quantities. You need to include more foods high in magnesium in your diet.

Magnesium provides the following essential processes in the body:

  • Improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Provides blood supply to the heart muscle and normalizes blood pressure, eliminates arrhythmia. The vessels of the brain contain more magnesium than other vessels of the body, so the absence of its deficiency helps to avoid high blood pressure, stroke, headaches, and migraines.
  • Protects the nervous system from the harmful effects of stress and restores it. Magnesium has the properties of a natural antidepressant and tranquilizer with a sedative effect.
  • Improves metabolic processes and improves the functioning of the pancreas. Thanks to this, blood sugar levels are regulated and reduced and the risk of developing diabetes mellitus is reduced.
  • Ensures proper contraction of all muscles, including the myocardium. It has antispasmodic properties, eliminating spasms of internal organs. Magnesium deficiency can lead to muscle cramps, most often cramps in the calf muscles.
  • Promotes good work immune system.
  • Participates in the formation of bone tissue, thus maintaining healthy teeth and bones.
  • Improves skin condition and prevents inflammation of mucous membranes.
  • Promotes intestinal motility, making beneficial substances better absorbed.
  • Reduces the risk of benign and malignant tumors.

This is not a complete list of processes in which magnesium plays an important role. In fact, this microelement affects overall well-being, performance, and emotional health.

Magnesium deficiency especially affects the nervous system, reducing its resistance to stress. It is widely known that doctors prescribe magnesium supplements to support the nervous system and combat severe stress. The most common such drug. You should also pay attention to which products contain magnesium and.

B6 vitamins are needed to improve the absorption of magnesium in the intestines. It was not entirely correct to look for products that contain magnesium B6, because these are different substances and they can be contained in different foods. It is important to remember that they interact perfectly, enhancing each other's effectiveness. Therefore, complex preparations of magnesium and vitamin B6 are very popular.

Daily norm

The main source of this element entering the body is food. Therefore, you should plan your diet in such a way that you get the required daily intake with food.

The average norm of a chemical element for a person is about 20 grams. Although the amount of magnesium in the body can vary greatly, it depends on the gender and age of the person, on his weight category and physical condition.

Required magnesium norm for humans:

  • babies up to one year old receive the required amount from their mother’s breast milk, about 30 mg;
  • children from 1 year to 3 years - 60 - 150 mg per day;
  • children 4 - 6 years old need 150 - 200 mg;
  • children from 7 to 10 years old need a daily dose of 250 mg;
  • adolescents from 10 years old require 300 mg per day;
  • men under 30 years old - 400 mg, and older - 420 mg;
  • women under 30 years old need 310 mg, and older women need 320 mg.

The need for magnesium increases in cases where a person experiences severe physical, psychological stress and mental stress. Then the daily norm can increase to 500 mg.

During active sports, magnesium is lost along with sweat, and alcohol abuse also removes the microelement from the body and its need increases.

Products that contain magnesium

So, what foods should you regularly include in your diet? Mostly they should be of plant origin. Animal products also contain this trace element, but in smaller quantities.

It is worth noting that magnesium deficiency in people is not uncommon. The main reasons can be called poor nutrition, poor environment, stress, alcohol abuse. Below we will take a closer look at the causes and symptoms of both magnesium deficiency and excess.

First, let's briefly list the main products. Below are tables of foods containing magnesium in milligrams per 100 grams and the daily value as a percentage.

List of products of plant and animal origin

This chemical element is found in large quantities in bran (especially rice), cereals (barley, whole oats, brown rice, sprouted wheat grains), and cocoa beans.

Legumes rich in magnesium, such as green peas, lentils and beans, soybeans, nuts, green vegetables (arugula, spinach, parsley, garlic) and spicy crops such as basil, sage and coriander, and dark chocolate.

Among fruits, avocado can be noted (a large fruit contains 50 mg of magnesium), small amounts of the element are present in apples, plums and bananas.

Animal products: eggs, beef, rabbit, lamb, pork, sea fish, seafood. Also natural yoghurts without sugar, unpasteurized hard cheeses, milk. To preserve the maximum amount of substance in products, it is preferable to boil them rather than fry them.

It should be noted that magnesium is found not only in foods, but also in tap water. The body can receive this compound not only by drinking water internally, but also while taking a bath or shower.

Which foods contain large quantities of magnesium - table

This table lists foods with the highest amounts of magnesium

In nuts and seeds

In fruits and berries

Dried fruits

In vegetables and herbs

Thanks to these tables, which provide a detailed list of foods, you can create your daily diet. In this way, you can avoid magnesium deficiency in the body.

Below we’ll talk a little about the symptoms that indicate a deficiency of this important substance and the dangers that this deficiency leads to. In addition, it is worth mentioning the possible excess of magnesium and its symptoms.

Signs of magnesium deficiency in the body

Recognizing micronutrient deficiency on your own can be difficult, since its symptoms are quite similar to those of many other diseases. Therefore, it is important to undergo an examination and do a blood test to determine the level of magnesium in the blood serum before starting to use magnesium supplements.

The reasons for magnesium deficiency may be the following: lack of intake from food and water, alcohol abuse, diabetes mellitus, obesity, abuse of coffee and black tea, digestive and kidney disorders, severe stress, frequent consumption of fatty, salty and sweet foods, pregnancy and long-term use of diuretics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Symptoms indicating that there is insufficient magnesium:

  • Deterioration of the condition of nails and teeth, brittleness and hair loss.
  • A constant feeling of fatigue that does not go away even after good sleep and rest.
  • Fatigue and weakness.
  • Muscle cramps.
  • Inattention, memory impairment.
  • Nausea, dizziness, tachycardia.
  • Frequent colds and exacerbations of chronic diseases due to decreased immunity.
  • Irritability, attacks of unreasonable fear and anxiety, Bad mood.
  • Involuntary twitching of the muscles of the face and eyelids.

It is a lack of magnesium that most often causes high blood pressure, and magnesium deficiency has been identified in 80% of people suffering from heart disease.

Such symptoms indicate that you should definitely include more foods with magnesium in your daily diet.

Symptoms of excess magnesium in the body

Although magnesium is not a toxic compound, its excess is just as harmful to human health as its deficiency. It is impossible to get excess magnesium from food, but excessive consumption of magnesium-containing drugs can have a bad effect on your well-being.

Also, the cause of excessive accumulation of the substance can be a violation of mineral metabolism. An excess of this chemical element can lead to such disorders and pathologies as arthritis and polyarthritis, psoriasis, dyslexia, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, deposition of calcium salts in the kidneys and others.

Among the main symptoms of magnesium excess are:

  • lethargy and increased drowsiness;
  • general weakness, loss of strength, lethargy;
  • digestive disorders (loose stools), prolonged nausea, dry mouth;
  • decreased performance;
  • lack of coordination, unsteady gait.

Thus, consuming foods that contain a lot of magnesium can both help the body, but also harm it. Be careful and healthy!

Many people usually associate magnesium with the periodic table. However, few people know what benefits it brings to the body and what foods available for consumption it contains. This is exactly what we will talk about in this article.

Magnesium is a natural chemical element. In the periodic table it is number 12 and is designated “Mg”. Magnesium is a lightweight metal with a color similar to asphalt. What does this metal have to do with the functioning of the human body? The most direct! Moreover, it is present in all tissues of the human body, and ensures a number of vital processes in the human body.

Important role magnesium in the human body

Without magnesium, normal development and functioning of the body is practically impossible, in which it has the following effects:

Formation of healthy and strong cells;

Proper metabolism;

Transmission of nerve impulses;

Muscle development and contraction;

Prevention of spasms;

Recovery from injuries and bruises;

Maintaining normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels;

Prevention of diseases associated with joints, nervous system and spine.

It follows from this that the main task of magnesium is keep the body in good shape and protect against many diseases and poor health.

Magnesium in medical industries

Doctors from different fields know well that even the most powerful and expensive medicines, aimed at treating a specific disease, will not replace this natural chemical element.


Magnesium contributes to the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, and its deficiency provokes spasms, which can most likely result in a heart attack. Besides, low level magnesium in the body can cause arrhythmia, high pressure and other heart problems.


A normal amount of magnesium in the body ensures the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Otherwise, constipation, bloating, nausea, and painful sensations in the abdominal area.


Autonomic dysfunction most often appears and is annoying due to a lack of magnesium. In addition, for the same reasons, fatigue, confusion, irritability and even depression are felt. Confirming the benefits of magnesium in neurology is quite simple. It is enough to take it according to the instructions and many unpleasant symptoms will disappear without additional drug treatment.


One of the causes of dysfunction of the urological system is a lack of magnesium. Also, because of this, kidney stones and other urological “troubles” may appear.


A sufficient amount of this chemical element in the human body is the key to healthy and smooth skin. It ensures the formation of healthy cells and collagen, which is responsible for the strength and elasticity of the skin.

How much magnesium should you consume per day?

For a healthy person, it is enough to consume magnesium in the amount 350 – 500 milligrams per day. Most of the norm is replenished when consuming cereals and cereals. But in the case of illnesses, intense mental and physical activity, the daily dose should be increased to 1,200 milligrams per day. However, this issue should be discussed with your doctor.

Foods containing magnesium

Cereals (especially barley and oatmeal);

Fruits: apples, bananas, grapefruits, limes, lemons;

Dairy and fermented milk products;

Seafood: cod, halibut, mackerel, shrimp, silver carp, carp.

Lack of magnesium in the human body and consequences

Most often, magnesium deficiency manifests itself in the form of rapid fatigue, chronic fatigue, neuromuscular excitability, chills, arrhythmia, problem skin, as well as deterioration in the functioning of the adrenal glands.

Doctors isolated The main reasons that provoke a lack of magnesium in the body:

Systematic stressful situations;