Why do we give our loved ones cute nicknames? If a man calls me my good What does it mean if a guy says my good

What do we have, a belly and a little boy who holds on to everything and doesn’t get out?????????????????????? I continue to lie in the hospital, they inject my legs, my legs and ass are taken away, and I also do squats. Today there is a doctor on duty, a man who looks about 50 years old, so I’m wondering if I should call him or what.

Prologue))) or preamble (as lawyers say) A few days ago, due to the nature of my work, I had to deal with a very colorful couple. Mom is a young lady well over sixty and a son. A forty-two-year-old imposing man wearing a Swiss watch and boots.

Have you noticed that sometimes very successful man, having changed a woman, suddenly loses everything? What about the other way around? It would seem that a hopeless loser next to a woman suddenly soars socially literally to heaven? Have you ever wondered why there are so many beautiful, smart, but lonely women around? Why do men hang around some people, despite their age and appearance, while others remain lonely? Why does such a smart, good, beautiful woman, and even a magnificent housewife, suddenly begin to be cheated on by a man? Why does someone in the family have love for years.

What do men value in women?

Mystery No. 0. A man and a woman develop a feeling of love for each other when their invisible ancestors bring them together to resolve their unresolved issues.

Mystery No. 0. A man and a woman develop a feeling of love for each other when their invisible ancestors bring them together to resolve their unresolved issues. At the very beginning of a relationship, a man and a woman are nice and friendly to each other. A certain spiritual sympathy arises between them. Both want to show their best sides, as they used to say in the old days, “show the product face to face.” But after a while, when the package is opened, it turns out that the product is not so good and instead of sympathy there is now rejection...

Differences between men and women on the energy plane What is a woman, who is a woman and how does she differ from a man? The Lord God created men and women for a reason - they are different from each other. In addition to the fact that everyone has their own functions, energy moves in us differently. The Vedas say that every person has 7 mental energy centers, the most active, they are often called chakras. In fact, there are more of them, but the main ones are 7. We are designed in such a way that...

Every woman has a direct channel of communication with the “divine.” In our modern reality, this channel is mainly polluted by the emotional and mental developments of a person, who are under the great influence of the world around him. It is a rare woman who now has this channel clear. This channel is polluted due to the following incorrect actions of a woman: 1. In clothes.

“To receive love... fill yourself with it until you begin to attract love like a magnet.” Charles Haenel What don't men and women know about each other? Today I offer material that, with a deeper reading, will help the reader understand why he/she ended up next to his partner and what to do with those feelings that are now emanating to his beloved (or not so beloved). 0. A man and a woman develop a feeling of love for each other when their invisible ancestors bring them together to resolve their unresolved issues.

Rules of a real woman or “24 grandmother’s testaments”1. A real woman realizes how lucky she is to be born a woman.2. The myth that women age earlier than men was invented by men themselves.3. A woman should only care for sick, old or very close relatives. In all other cases, the man must look after the woman.4. The more a woman has her own favorite activities or hobbies, the less chance she has of being involved in other people's affairs.5. A woman should not rush to be a vest for the tears and complaints of unlucky men. Men's problems must be solved.

First of all, I would like to say that we all must understand and accept that a woman and a man are radically different creatures. Male or female body different, different hormones, thoughts, mind, body. Women's nature is the opposite of men's. If a woman wants a real and strong man, she herself must be a real woman, since strong men are drawn to precisely such women, and it is with such women that men strive to start a family. A woman must be loving.

What is this book? This is a modern house building. A manual for modern Stepford wives, expanded and expanded edition. This book was recommended for me to read completely different people. Talking about it, they all said approximately the same thing: “Everything here is just like in life.”

Sometimes I dread what it would be like to be a man. By and large, no one thinks about him, about the man. What is life like for him? They think more about seals and fur seals. Everyone (let’s not point fingers) thinks only about whether he loves or doesn’t love. Does - doesn't. If he comes, he won’t come. It will change - it will not change. A woman dependent on a man is like a prisoner whose arms have been twisted and tied at the elbows to someone else. To her man. As soon as he moves, she hisses, “It hurts!”

What does activity that involves passion look like? How to live with enthusiasm? Let's figure it out. Creatively, actively, with interest - other options? There must be some kind of inspiration, yes. Such an enthusiastic person rejoices. This is a kind of emotional state. Unselfishly, perhaps, yes. So, you understand that enthusiasm is a certain emotional state that can accompany our life. And when it comes, this enthusiasm, what do you think? Right! When everything is good, when the goal is set.

and like a statue of a naked woman with beautiful figure so "When you have children, you don't want them to see something like that." I just want to say “where is the world coming to”. At all times, the beauty of the body, soul, and mind has been glorified. And now fat women are becoming models, effeminate men with chicken breasts flaunted on the banners of cities - this is how propaganda works to make people die out - eat hot dogs, french fries, wash it down with cola, good man there should be a lot, but fresh juices in large quantities are harmful, there is nothing healthy in mushrooms, but without.

Girls who have read and know my story will, of course, be able to assess the situation more objectively. For those who haven’t read it, let them take their cue from the post below.

Have you noticed that sometimes a very successful man, having replaced a woman, suddenly loses everything? What about the other way around? It would seem that a hopeless loser next to a woman suddenly soars socially literally to heaven? Have you ever wondered why there are so many beautiful, smart, but lonely women around? Why do men hang around some people, despite their age and appearance, while others remain lonely? Why does such a smart, good, beautiful, and also a magnificent housewife, suddenly start to be cheated on by a man? Why is there love in someone's family?

Promotion Results - Here! Hello my good ones!! There is a very good and useful energy and it is called Moon Reiki!! Lunar Reiki energy has a wide range of healing not only for women, but also for men. With the help of energy, you can heal from a number of gynecological diseases, increase male potency, heal prostatitis, it is excellent for healing emotional problems, healing depressive conditions, normalizes the functioning of hormonal systems in both men and women, this energy is the first assistant for healing the causes of infertility, but also suitable for work.

More and more often, women are discussing a topic that has become so popular in recent years: men are “shrinking”, becoming weaker, unreliable, soft, indecisive, etc. What is this - a collective female hallucination or is there really something wrong with the stronger half of humanity? The three of us were sitting in a cafe, me and my two friends - such a small bachelorette party. What do we talk about when we see each other? Of course about men. Nastya is simply seething with irritation today. “Can you imagine, I thought he was a man, but he’s not even clear!” Bye.

They dropped a link to a cool material - like it was removed from Cosmo after readers began to be indignant.

A ray of light is better visible in the dark, and a shadow in the light. So the masculine is seen brightly against the background of the feminine. If you want to test yourself, what kind of man you are, look at how you relate to the main phenomena of the feminine and material: nature, money, power, fame and women.

Let's start with understanding the causes of male infertility. If doctors tell a man that his infertility is incurable, then you need to understand that this is definitely a blow to the Family! Because a man is the successor of the clan, ideally the head of the clan, the head of the family. And infertility, in fact, deprives a man of this right, opportunity, power given to him from Above.

I recently received a compliment. And that was the best compliment of my life. One man told me: “You are special.” I asked him: “Why am I so special?” - We women love details, because they are the whole point, you must agree. He paused, and then, lowering his voice, as if trusting me with a great secret, said: “You see... You are a WOMAN.” And the word “woman” sounded in such a way that goosebumps ran down my skin. And I didn’t have any more questions. Women are different. Here.

An article on patriarchal society, about the patriarchal family. And about others) Who are you, ladies, “barbarians” or “civilized people”? One big country, but the people are so different. This has always been the case in Russia. Westerners and Slavophiles. People focused on the European values ​​of an enlightened society, and people clinging to the old way of life and house-building. In our modern world just like in the past, there are civilized people, and there are... barbarians.

A powerful remedy for strong men!

The post is old, but I think it’s worth picking up :)))) author - Yulia Rubleva Kill the Fairy I can study as many fairies as I want, I have them. There is a Fairy in me too. IN Lately I began to suspect that our inner Fairy is a cunning, dishonest and nasty creature. I used to suspect the Fairy of being weak-minded. Now I suspect her of self-interest. How to recognize a Fairy in yourself? It's very difficult. But probably.

In Rus' they called a beloved man “The Light of My Eyes,” because a man is the Path, an arrow indicating the ascent to the upper worlds. A loving woman looks admiringly at her beloved as a light that helps her not to forget herself. And the woman’s name was “My Soul.” Because it resembles that for which it only makes sense to move along this Path. Everything is just for the soul. There is no meaning in anything: neither in wars, nor achievements, nor in knowledge, nor in abilities - if it is forgotten.

In Rus' they called a beloved man “The Light of My Eyes,” because a man is the Path, an arrow indicating the ascent to the upper worlds. A loving woman looks admiringly at her beloved as a light that helps her not to forget herself. And the woman’s name was “My Soul.” Because it resembles that for which it only makes sense to move along this Path. Everything is just for the soul. There is no meaning in anything: neither in wars, nor achievements, nor in knowledge, nor in abilities - if it is forgotten.

An amazing article based on the book by psychologist Laura Schlesinger about the stupidest mistakes women make and ruin their lives! American psychologist Laura Schlesinger has her own radio program. People call her to ask for advice, ask a question about love, or just cry into the phone. After analyzing the complaints of these women who are forced to ask the radio for advice, Laura decided to write down her impressions and thoughts in a book. This is how “Ten stupid mistakes women make to ruin their lives” appeared. Don't look at yourself through that lens.

Does this always happen in everything? Are there differences on the energetic plane between Men and Women? Who is a Woman and how is she different from a Man? You will find answers to these questions in our article. The Lord God created men and women for a reason and they are different from each other. In addition to the fact that everyone has their own functions, energy moves in us differently.

1. When everything is bad, don't scream. It's better to cry. Screaming is a manifestation of aggression. This masculine energy, a masculine way of reacting. While tears are female way reactions. When a woman screams, she is unlikely to be heard. Most likely, she will only awaken reciprocal aggression in a man. And then the squabble will continue, turning personal. Tears are a woman's ability to express her feelings. This is a way to make a man feel and show masculine strength. Now - what's surprising - there are so many women who are completely...

In Rus' they called a beloved man “The Light of My Eyes,” because a man is the Path, an arrow indicating the ascent to the upper worlds. A loving woman looks admiringly at her beloved as a light that helps her not to forget herself. And the woman’s name was “My Soul.” Because it resembles that for which it only makes sense to move along this Path. Everything is just for the soul. There is no meaning in anything: neither in wars, nor achievements, nor in knowledge, nor in abilities - if it is forgotten.

Acceptance of a man One of the three qualities that makes a man feel loved is acceptance of a man for who he is. The fact is that there is a whole category of marriages that are doomed to collapse from the very beginning. According to the results of long-term research and therapeutic work by John Gray, from 10% to 20% of marriages are doomed to complete failure due to only one sign - incompatibility. What is especially scary is incompatibility in the goals that people set in life, and not some kind of astrological incompatibility. There are couples who live for ten years or more.

What is a woman, who is a woman and how is she different from a man? The Lord God created men and women for a reason - they are different from each other. In addition to the fact that everyone has their own functions, energy moves in us differently. The Vedas say that every person has 7 mental energy centers, the most active, they are often called chakras. In fact, there are more of them, but the main ones are 7. We are designed in such a way that men and women have energy in.

I found it on the Internet most interesting article. Have you noticed that sometimes a very successful man, having replaced a woman, suddenly loses everything? What about the other way around? It would seem that a hopeless loser next to a woman suddenly soars socially literally to heaven? Have you ever wondered why there are so many beautiful, smart, but lonely women around? Why do men hang around some people, despite their age and appearance, while others remain lonely? Why does such a smart, good, beautiful, and also a magnificent housewife, suddenly begin to be cheated on by a man?

Who from loving women at least once I wasn’t jealous of my chosen one! Sooner or later, many women get burned by the hot coals of male infidelity... Why are men so changeable? Why are women so unprotected? Let's try to understand what infidelity is from the point of view of the wisdom of the Ancient East.

I’m used to achieving everything on my own; my life is always filled with bright events, extreme sports, and parties. I always chose powerful, successful and choleric men, like me) because with them I felt carefree) and when I was in trouble, they always knew how to say “Be silent woman” and solved all the issues that tormented me “from a man’s point of view”, this also applied to financial questions, gifts, restaurants, trips to the sea - all this was presented to me easily. but as a rule, such relationships were bright, but ended hard, I always found “A scythe on a stone.” Italian passions.

If a woman’s masculinity is “dominant”... This is deceit. If you were masculine dominant, you would have been born a man. But if you were born not a man, but a woman, then your feminine principle is dominant. You just have the wrong idea about life. And this misconception about life gives rise to an increase in masculinity. Let's take the girl's life from the very beginning. She starts studying at school. She does not learn how to love everyone, but learn to read, multiply... Not what develops her feminine qualities. WITH.

The closer I get to forty, the more people I know my age are getting divorced. Some don’t go to young people, but most just leave. Because they can't do it anymore. Because life with a modern emancipated woman does not justify the psychological costs of an adult and no longer hypersexual man. The rest are patient. For reasons of responsibility and greed: what will happen to the children, what will the relatives say, and how will I live if I give away or divide the apartment, dacha, car “acquired in a joint marriage”?

Who are pro-feminist men? Pro-feminist men are men who actively support feminism and make efforts to achieve gender justice and equality. Some pro-feminist men are involved in political activism. Most often, these are issues of male violence against women; for example, many men's groups in Australia, the USA, Canada, Europe and other countries deal with them. Pro-feminist men work to prevent violence by working with boys and young men in schools, holding workshops on sexual harassment in the workplace, and organizing public education campaigns on violence.

One of the manifestations of love is an affectionate address to a loved one. And even the most reserved and serious men are capable of whispering various sweet nonsense in your ear, calling you Bunny, Pussy or Doll.

Each nickname expresses a certain range of feelings and attitude of your man towards you, his aspirations, intentions and plans for you.

So, read and decipher))

My angel, little angel, considers you an absolutely pure person, and is very afraid of losing you.

Barbie considers you very beautiful, her ideal of beauty.

Baby - cares for you, but he is unlikely to be interested in real feelings.

Hippopotamus - engrossed in you, not averse to playing, but will not limit your personal freedom.

Cherry - treats you with special care, values ​​relationships.

Darling - values ​​​​confidence and certainty in relationships. Feelings fade into the background for him.

My life - obvious pathos shows a tendency to overdo it. It is necessary to find out whether he has another “life” on his side.

Giraffe - he likes your tall height and treats you with special love.

Hare, bunny, bunny, hare, bunny, bunny - has a tendency to be excited and wouldn’t mind playing with you. Deep down he is quite jealous and watches you closely.

Gold, gold, gold - emphasizes the special significance of your relationship, but his mind prevails over his feelings.

Kisa, pussy, kisulya, kitty, kysik - has a mood for close contact and does not want to complicate the situation.

Queen - treats you with deep respect, is ready to do anything for you. But he does not have a strong character.

Tiny - he likes your miniature, appreciates you and is afraid of separation.

Baby - treats you a little down, wants to limit your freedom.

Beloved, beloved, favorite, love - is particularly sensitive, ready to act with complete determination to build a relationship.

Little, Masik, little, Masya - experiences deep feelings, is ready to show care and affection.

Or maybe so...))

Harpy - Well, at least someone honestly says what they think! Even if he pretends that this is affectionate, in fact, one cannot trust the “enemy”.

It seems that there is no need to explain anything here, your beloved has already said everything himself. On the other hand, if a man really loves you, then all these names do not matter. He is gentle, loving, and without any hints. Maybe…

Baby or Tiny - for your man, only sex and sexual relationships are in the foreground. He is a restless experimenter in sex, loves fun and entertainment. Alas, it is unlikely that it will be possible to build serious ones with him.

Hare, bunny, bunny, hare, bunny, bunny - If a man compares you to a small rodent, then he is a born hunter, and, quite likely, he has such bunnies... Or he changes them often. To keep this free shooter, you need to constantly pretend to be an uncaught animal, ready to escape at any moment. Recognize only legal marriage as a cage that can hold you, and do not forget to remind that “you are chasing two hares... you will get it from both of them!” »

Gold, gold, gold. Are you sure that he is not with you for commercial reasons? After all, your loved one is a very mercantile type, even if he tries to see some benefit in his loved one. And then, this is again a subtle hint at your talkativeness, because “silence is golden.”

As psychologists say, by calling you “Golden or Precious,” a man subconsciously thinks about how he can make money or benefit from a close relationship with you.

In addition, gold is a metal, so you will have to become an “iron lady” and cope with all life and financial difficulties. Myself.

Kitty, pussy, kisulya, kitty, kysik Lovers of “cats” and “kittens” are usually slightly romantic, but very soft-bodied. It is difficult to attribute such a specimen to stronger sex, but they are easy to train. At the initial stage of dating, “cat people” can mimic quite well, hiding their spinelessness and masking it with romance.

It is best to show maternal instinct towards them, and at the same time practice before having a baby.

Sweetheart First of all, the question arises - whose? Maybe he's subtly hinting that you're the "rabbit's foot" that brings happiness? Or that your hand is so heavy that it is comparable only to a bear's paw?

Here it is better to immediately find out what he means and act according to the situation: either please your loved one with a happy smile every time he touches your hand, or... wean him from calling you that once and for all!

Darling. It's just very nice to hear this.

If a man calls you Beloved, then he needs care, tenderness and affection. Perhaps he is very tired and exhausted at work, and at home he wants attention from the woman he loves. If you give such a man your warmth and care, he will be the most exemplary family man.

Darling - your boyfriend does not like gossip, scandals, intrigues and quarrels. He hates arguing with you and tries to avoid such moments.

Fish - A fishing enthusiast can be expected to regularly “throw a fishing rod” into someone else’s garden. And this is also a direct hint at “shut up, dear!”

If you are not ready to remain silent all your life “like a fish on ice”, patiently enduring the next “fishing”, then you can safely turn into a sawfish or, even better, a barracuda.

Donut (Bun) For him you are a Bun, Candy and other food products. For men who call their woman these tender nicknames, the everyday aspect of the relationship is primarily important. Such men are convinced that the main thing is a lady's thriftiness. In their opinion, you should cook well, wash, clean, and solve all household issues yourself. It’s worth thinking about, maybe he just needs a housekeeper and housekeeper?

Don’t forget that “the way to a man’s heart is through HIS stomach,” and not through yours.

Sun, sunshine. With such an affectionate name, you are ordered to get up early and shine longer. While your beloved egoist will chill in the shadows (quite likely of other women).

You will have to look your best, because “well, you are my Sun, everyone is looking at you,” that is, you are a calling card, the beauty of which should please a man’s vanity.

In general, the most important thing is that you feel and know that you are loved!

Husband and wife talking in bed.

- Dear, in my opinion, the hare is the stupidest animal. Is not it?

– As always, you are right, my little bunny.


A list of nicknames that symbolize a man's attitude towards you! At least someone explained what “You are my Hippopotamus!” means...

My angel, little angel, considers you an absolutely pure person, and is very afraid of losing you.

Barbie considers you very beautiful, her ideal of beauty.

Baby - cares for you, but he is unlikely to be interested in real feelings.

Hippopotamus - engrossed in you, not averse to playing, but will not limit your personal freedom.

Cherry - treats you with special care, values ​​relationships.

Baby - he is specific in his desires and thoughts, he does not intend to complicate anything.

Darling, dear - values ​​​​confidence and certainty in relationships. Feelings fade into the background for him.

Drakosha - he likes your prickly character, he is ready to forgive a lot.

Durynda is ready to forgive you for any mistake, taking the situation under personal control.

Hedgehog, hedgehog - gives your relationship special significance. Sometimes he shows intemperance because he is afraid of losing you.

The Toad is playfully assertive and energetic, but values ​​your relationship greatly.

My life - obvious pathos shows a tendency to overdo it. It is necessary to find out whether he has another “life” on his side.

Giraffe - he likes your tall height and treats you with special love.

Hare, bunny, bunny, hare, bunny, bunny - has a penchant for excitement, and is not averse to playing with you. Deep down he is quite jealous and watches you closely.

Gold, gold, gold - emphasizes the special significance of your relationship, but his mind prevails over his feelings.

Kisa, pussy, kisulya, kitty, kysik - has a mood for close contact and does not want to complicate the situation.

Goat, goat, goat, little goat - feels complete closeness with you. You are a very dear person to him, although he is capable of teasing you.

Sweetie - be careful: he most likely considers you his property.

Queen - treats you with deep respect, is ready to do anything for you. But he does not have a strong character.

Kitten, cat, kitten, kitten, kitten - feels an inextricable connection and closeness with you, tries to convince you of absolute fidelity.

The crocodile is emphatically energetic, has no mood to beat around the bush and hold back his emotions for too long.

Tiny - he likes your miniature, appreciates you and is afraid of separation.

Baby - treats you a little condescendingly, wants to limit your freedom.

Doll, doll - is interested in you, but does not attach too much importance to your relationship.

Paw, sweetie, lapulya, lapusik - extremely active and ready to work and live for you.

Swallow - completely confident in you and very attentive.

Little fox, fox, fox - all his attention is absorbed by you and he expects the same response from you.

Beloved, beloved, favorite, love - is particularly sensitive, ready to act with complete determination to build a relationship.

Lyalya, Lyalechka, Lyalik - is characterized by emotionality, and cannot always control the outburst of feelings - both positive and negative.

Little, Masik, little, Masya - experiences deep feelings, is ready to show care and affection.

Baby, baby - you absorb all his attention, and they expect an adequate response from you.

Bear is a sensual person, but does not intend to rush, is cautious and does not want to lose you.

Sweetheart, darling - guarantees you a reliable relationship. His feelings are in complete balance with his mind.

Mulya, Musya, Musipusechka are very strong feelings. He is prone to hobbies and sometimes does not feel the limits.

Mouse, mouse, mouse - he is very attached to you, sometimes unrestrained, but his love is deep.

Pampushka - counts on interaction and complete intimacy.

Donut - wants to attract your attention with all his might, protecting himself from all possible rivals.

Charm - experiences tremulous and tender feelings.

Princess - treats you like a child, but his love is undeniable.

Belly, belly, tele-belly - determined to create and arrange a family home.

Baby doll, baby doll, baby doll, baby doll, baby doll - is looking for full contact with you, but behind this there may be not only feelings, but also practical interest.

Fish - apparently looks at your relationship in a businesslike manner. Puts practical interest first, not romance.

Sweet, sweet - specifically emphasizes his own emotionality, but in his soul he is calm and balanced.

Baby elephant, baby elephant - attaches serious importance to your relationship and expects reciprocity.

The sun, the sun - has a keen interest in you and genuine tenderness.

Tigger, tiger, tiger cub - is not going to limit your freedom. He may joke with you, but in reality he offers you an equal union.

Hamster – has a tendency to impulsive actions, easily gives in to momentary impulses.

Chicken, chicken - offers you active contact, but, probably, in the depths of his soul he is afraid of something.

Miracle, monster - requires your full attention, emphasizes the importance of your relationship.

Do you know how limitless men's cunning is? It would seem that intrigue, understatement and secrecy are the lot of women, while the male half of humanity is accustomed to thinking and acting clumsily. In fact, if a guy doesn’t want you to know about his true attitude towards you, he will resort to all sorts of tricks and tricks that his brain is capable of.

Bring a soft touch to the trend towards "crime" hysteria. In the disastrous first episode, Sofia Milos helped him become Abby Lanning, then Delia Mayer took over the female lead as Liz Ritzhard. Two episodes a year often provide quiet counterpoints. Luhrsen and Stedefreund in Bremen. Eternally spontaneous: Sabine Postel, as Inga Luhrsen, and Oliver Mommsen, as Nils Stedefreund, are a perfect match. If the boy does it too much, she puts on her stern face; if the boss gets too carried away, he makes a grump.

But the trouble is that girls have long been able to solve all the charades, and they do not need words of love and confessions, because everything can be seen from the behavior of their opponent and his accidentally dropped phrases.

By showing a small amount of observation and attentiveness, you can understand exactly what feelings a man has for you, and how it will all end. We bring to your attention 9 signs that you have a new fan.

Boldly weaken two politically charged cases in this way. Leftist, humorous, sometimes too loud. It's always good - as long as the commissioners do bad things. One with a tragic explorer of a secret past, the other with an honorable failed husband. They provide good, correct investigative work - but sometimes good, correct staging is lacking. He is a pathetic emotional person, she is a rabid analysis machine. One likes this about Saarbrücken in terms of character drawing as a bit.

Starts out as a comedic thriller and now becomes more serious. Two episodes a year, still a large construction site "Tattor" - events. It starts with the definition of a woman, as most of them see supermass, well resolved, full of love to give, with the courage to throw one's head into a relationship and with a "wise" answer on the tip of the tongue for everything. In most cases this is not supported by facts. Just because a girl happens to be a woman doesn't mean she is.

Talks about your future together

If a man not only says that he adores you, but also clearly imagines you living together, then it’s time to prepare for serious changes in your life.

Remember that it is extremely difficult for the strong half of humanity to transfer their “den” into careful female hands, and he thinks about a lot before speaking out about its joint improvement. Do not underestimate this sign of falling in love, since you have been appreciated as a person capable of creating coziness, warmth and comfort in the home.

Just like women require men to have relationships, imprint, courage, initiative, pretense, good humor, beauty and intelligence. That's what it is, take a deep breath and accept it if you want to leave a friend. Legal: Nothing more unbearable than an impromptu, complaining, clingy, jealous girl all in one package. The girlfriend will probably say that she is only careful, caring, worried about what “her” and “blabla” are. If you won't stop complaining, how can he stand by someone who doesn't like varied scenarios, unusual routines, and a sidewalk bar?

Appearance is no longer important

Like a true male, the guy first loves with his eyes, and the “big-eyed” period can last quite a long time. But at one fine moment a man says that he doesn’t just love you for your size 4 breasts or slender legs, but for your ability to listen, advise and support.

And when they make it clear to you that your warmth is very highly valued, then you can be sure that they love you.

In bed you need motivation, because the reality is that there are three hundred periguetes that work like a jackhammer, if you don't have enthusiasm, it will be prohibited in the big face's selective criteria and will only become his friend's pussy, nothing more.

Average sex turns into best case scenario"snacks", as they say, only during squeezing. Close-Knit Family: The person already has difficulty communicating in general when it comes to expressing feelings. Even those who have developed this ability will agree that much of being friendly with a girlfriend or wife will depend on interacting with her family. But it complicates things if a guy realizes that in addition to dealing with his natural complications as a woman, he will have to face a family without a sense of joy.

Soul wide open

If a man says that he misses you and shares his doubts, concerns, fears and problems with you without fear, he is definitely in love with you, and sincerely and for a long time.

If your candidacy seems worthy to a guy, he will dedicate you to the most painful and pitiful moments of his childhood, will not hesitate to divulge his romantic dreams and will not be afraid to be clumsy or funny.

He can immediately smell complications, especially if, in addition to his mother calling 28 times in a ballad, you answer 35 times. Don't feed this unhealthy interaction with people at home. Bonita: Yes, there is no more excuse, today there are millions of resources, paid or free, to improve the visual experience. There is no use in diving into the ugly duckling of saying that no one loves you because it will only leave a worse impression on the person. He's always thinking about presenting to his friends, and the fear is, "Where did you find this junk?" Perhaps, but it is not so stupid, beauty, which is also reflected in personal care, evokes admiration and warmth in a person, especially in a person.

It's boring without you

More recently, a man tried with all his might to demonstrate his independence, self-reliance and disinterest. Now your ICQ simply cannot accommodate his compliments, he often calls and openly declares that he is unbearably bored without your company. And if you like all this, then another couple has matched.

Vivid: Imagine walking next to a person without any personal expression, who is always trapped and afraid of the opinions of others? Personal monotony is not something anyone admires, and in a woman it becomes even more alarming. Personal brilliance means that a woman has her own life, she knows how to include herself, but she cannot do without help, support and pleasant company.

Pampered, brilliant, deceptive, masculine and chilikent are just a few attributes associated with selfishness. It feels like a bottomless emotional bag, nothing is enough. The problem is that many self-centered women imagine themselves as super generous when in fact they are not.

Your mistakes become invisible

Remember how, when going on your first date, you tried to look as chic, extravagant, cute, elegant, and so on as possible. A guy in love stops idealizing his chosen one, since only natural feelings give him the strength to come to terms with flaws.

He will never reproach you for having too much cake or wearing too provocative an outfit, and he will not smirk if you had to twist your ankle beyond your strength. high heel, and will criticize your position regarding a particular political party.

But when she has a truly generous heart, she is irresistible, inspiring confidence, ease and the ability to look beyond herself. How will a guy feel comfortable turning his back? Maybe he won't even come close, since he will always think that his friends will talk bad or make fun of him.

Weird friends can be scary, it's better to surround yourself with mature friends and let you down. Full life: Nothing is more aphrodisiac than a happy woman. A happy woman enchants, spreads vibrancy, strength, confidence, love and energizes environment. A man would prefer this type of woman rather than a nag who feeds on a mediocre life. Even if you can't bear it, why would a person stand? In doubt it will make you a best friend, never a companion for long!

They started listening to you carefully

When a guy really adores you, he stops spouting witty thoughts, telling jokes and amusing you with funny incidents from his own life. He begins to understand that he needs to listen to you, even if the facts you present have long been known to everyone and are uninteresting.

Essentially, a woman who is in touch with her femininity and is mature enough not to use ready-made formulas and knows how to handle flexibility in double-life situations will always be a good candidate. Self-improvement is the key word, without it neither he nor anyone will want to spend much time.

If you want to have a relationship you must know to flow with its action and most of the women shown are so hardened and fireproof that they did not notice what was made possible by company and a “friend”, but nothing more. What exactly do men - and often women themselves - mean when they call someone that?

If a guy really loves, he doesn’t just listen, he hears, gives good advice, doesn’t interrupt, gives the opportunity to speak out to the end and shares his thoughts.

Help and surprises

You can tell if a man loves you in one way simple method: Ask him to take you to the airport or train station during rush hour or the middle of the workday. A true chosen one will definitely find a way to help you and share your worries, anxieties and difficulties.

“This girl is the biggest pirigeta,” one guy says in the ballad, pointing to the “bitch.” “You’re feeling a little horny today, aren’t you?” Comments friend after you say you're in a flirty mood. And also that we already use these curses to talk about several girls that we are not dating.

Disclosure It seems that inventing names to classify women is normal. Well, have you heard anyone mention that the buzzard pirouettes? The one who catches everyone, as you know, has dinner. In Brazil, women are even worse. Thus, they are called by the names of a number of errors. The only name used for them is deer. Because when a person is called a chicken, it is not humiliating, explains the philosopher.

Remember, if a guy appears nearby only in moments of joy or abundance, then he will not make a reliable life partner. is a person capable of a multi-step and top-secret operation, the main goal of which is to give you a surprise.

Moreover, this can manifest itself in a completely unusual form: a shelf filled with your favorite food will appear in the refrigerator. diet yogurt, there will be concert tickets on the table or freshly cooked chicken soup on the stove. Only those who sincerely love and want to be loved can provide all these signs of attention.

It's easy to say, but if Ivete Sangalo, from the top of his pedestal, said that he was piercing, well, it shouldn't be so bad. First conclusion: calling someone from pirigete is easy. If you call yourself a pirigete, same thing. The one who says: “piri, piri, pirigues.” He pirouettes, he understands music very clearly, dangerous woman which men must take care of. Who likes to call themselves free?

Finally, philosopher Mario Sergio Cortella remembers the first time he heard this expression: “It was supposed to be about prostitutes in El Salvador.” Even because we recognize prostitutes as a class. Calling it pirigete is worse. These girls are considered a threat because they break with the alliance they form with other women. Female friendship is a very strong thing and full of rules. One friend, for example, does not stay with a friend of a friend.

How to answer?

We are all accustomed to the fact that we have to pay for everything in this life. For one - with your health, for another - with money, for the third - with personal time.

Therefore, it is not at all surprising that even the most loving man will not last long without your response and, preferably, a positive reaction, and therefore:

Piriguet remains, and that is why he is considered so dangerous and treacherous, says Diana. For him, the expression is always offensive. Today, piercing means a woman who is dangerous or in danger. The meaning is always offensive. Except when the expression is used by a person who believes that he has been "targeted" by a pirigete.

In this case, he feels good because his self-esteem grows. The singer is not put off by the sexual tone given to the term. If pirigete is a word for a woman who stays with what she wants, then good. The world is so macho that if it is so great that it is called pirigeta, says Karina. Next time you call a pirigete girl, think about death for them. Now, if you use this term to talk about you, we think you should accept Karina Boer's theory and think that this is the maximum.

  • Learning to give compliments. Yes, yes, men simply adore them, although they don’t show it. But before you compliment your man, try to choose words that will not offend or offend him in any way. It is best to admire courage, reliability, strength, gallantry and everything like that;
  • You can’t be silent in bed, just enjoying the process or waiting for it to end. Be sure to respond to kind words, even if you have no idea what to say to your man in bed. If you don’t have much imagination, call him by name, say exciting phrases and ask him what he would like at the moment. It is clear that sex cannot be turned into a full-fledged kitchen dialogue;
  • If your goal is to maintain and enhance your existing relationship, it is important to remember that you should never tell your man. We advise you not to talk about previous relationships, not to compare him with other suitors, not to ask for a fur coat instead of a new car, and not to invite him to tea with his friends if there is a football match on TV;
  • Excessive protectiveness in public is also an example of what you should not say to your men. You should not reproach them for drinking or eating too much, clumsy dancing or unnoticed curbs. All this can be said when you get home, if until then it continues to seem important and worthy of a quarrel.

Of course, a woman’s life would become much easier if there were a visual list of what words she should say to her man, and what words it would be better to completely remove from her vocabulary. But in this case, the opportunity to get to know each other better and test the relationship for strength and endurance would be lost.

He is usually found in high-alcohol nightclubs, smiling while performing sensual choreographies on the dance floor. Depending on the degree of pyrigitism, it attacks boys, who are enthusiastically accepted by a large part of the male population. Pedro Nesling, actor.

This is a girl who is in danger, who wants to give. Ronaldo Bressan, journalist and writer. Nun of the Sisters Strastiora congregation. "Pirigete is a child whore, that's the point, but now they call grown girls pirigete too." Security of the Capera Libero Foundation.

How to understand that a man loves you? Who is he and how should a real one behave? loving man? The article provides three simple rules male behavior that will help answer such important questions in the life of every woman or girl.

Rule 1. A man delineates boundaries and demonstrates “his”

"Dog Woman" Pedreiro, who works in Irauna, Sao Paulo. If a pirigueta is a dangerous woman, a woman who threatens and harasses, then who is a safe woman who pleases and behaves well? But to create a label, you need to take inspiration from the female figures who inhabit our world, real or imagined.

Is it worth being on newsstands every month? Hang in there, it's the woman of the magazine. What a battle to occupy the narrow space that has been offered by the media and thus feel safe. For example, the pen does not hug someone in the mouth, no. Safe cares more about precious tips to win and maintain the romance he always dreams of. "This?" The question, which is often asked in front of the groom, hardly hides the anxiety, so, yes, it's because she can't wait any longer.

A loving man is able to create a kind of invisible “magnetic field” around you, which repels other contenders for your attention, for your hand and heart, and even more so for other parts of the body. For us, such applicants are border violators. Our border!

To prevent these intruders from getting too close to the woman, the man demonstrates that this “territory” is already reserved for him. That this is “my girl”, “my Natalie”, etc. He will not only call you his, but also hug you in public for the same purpose or possessively take away all the bags that fit anything heavier than a purse and sunglasses. His message to those around him is this: let everyone see, she’s mine, don’t come near me! Behind this lies the same meaning as behind the road sign, popularly called “brick”. But his actions must be combined with words about “belonging” to him, otherwise hugs in the middle of the subway may simply mean nothing when a week later you or he are hugging someone else.

Journal Help: How to Know If You're Dating. And it gives you a guide to teach the reader to know if the cat has more serious intentions. Always, of course, assuming that she wants a lot, and that the date depends only on his decision. At the end of the day, the reader needs to feel validated by men to remain safe.

Keeping journals also needs help in discovering her true personality, being herself. Many experts have set out to teach you how to find your "real self" or, if your "real self" is no longer relevant, teach her how to reinvent yourself. Always remembering that becoming that powerful woman whose self-esteem, body glows and happiness is contagious is all up to herself.

Listen to how we introduce you at a friendly party, in our get-together, to your mother, and finally, if by chance or not, it has come to this... As a rule, a woman is for a man exactly what he called her when introducing him to his surroundings.

In addition, those around him easily notice his gestures, signs of attention, casual phrases addressed to her. How he looks at her, how he talks to her, whether he helps her fit into the new environment. All this shows how this girl fits into his plans for the future. If you yourself feel that after six months of meetings you are not closer to him socially, then something is wrong. You don’t know his friends, relatives, you haven’t been to a single birthday or just a party, you haven’t relaxed together on a free day, in a conversation with work colleagues he simply calls you “Mary”... It’s worth putting him in front of him - but first Just in front of me are some questions. What's next, what are the prospects for the development of your relationship, where is your place in it, is there an alternative?

If you have been dating a man for three months and during this time you have not met his friends, at least partially his relatives, you have never been together on a weekend, you have not gone on nature trips or birthday parties, you have not gone to any interesting places, be it a museum, cinema or Christmas market, art exhibition or sporting event, if acquaintances or work colleagues only know you by name, then it is obvious that he does not see you in his future. And it’s the other way around, if you visited places that are significant to him and he assigned you some kind of “title” in front of people that are significant to him - well, at least he said “my girlfriend.”

Rule 2. A man helps financially

If you reciprocate his intentions about a future together, the guy begins to demonstrate the seriousness of these intentions - to work to ensure this very future. You are always interested in descending from heaven to earth on time and bringing down a man who claims rights to you. You women are often practical, unlike us men, and ask us questions in response to the intention to start living together: where, on what and how will we actually live? It often happens that you come across an empty-headed dreamer who is not yet ripe for family life, or simply a chatterbox who promises a lot, but has no idea how to realize his and your dreams in practice. Perhaps you, too, are hovering in such romantic clouds that love keeps you from escaping, and the hope of correcting, teaching, re-educating a dreamer or talker is the last to die and overshadows the eternal female instinct of stability. But know: a man who truly loves you will himself, without reminders, drag everything into the house, into the family.

A man's goal is to be sure that his woman and his children have everything they need: housing, food, clothing, the opportunity to study, funds for entertainment and the most comfortable life possible. Confidence in this gives each of us peace of mind. If a man feels that he cannot properly provide for his loved ones, this makes him insecure and restless. The feeling of our own powerlessness in any matter, when it is impossible to feel like a real breadwinner for our relatives, turns us into notorious neurasthenics.

These are the centuries-old traditions of society: man is the breadwinner, woman is the keeper of the hearth. Despite technological progress and the emancipation of women, this remains in men, and nothing has actually changed for us. If his woman suddenly starts earning more than himself, he may be happy for her, but something in him protests.

When a man is forced to accept his secondary role as a breadwinner, male pride suffers. Some men begin to feel like their wife’s big children if they have to rely on her money, plus her connections, talents and organization. By the way, this is where many men’s bad habits stem from. A man feels complete only when he can provide (and not only financially) for his loved ones.

Look at how your man behaves. Does he pay for electricity, water and gas, children’s education, buy and bring food? Does he remember to save money for the next renovation and a joint trip to the sea in the summer? Does he spend money on all sorts of nonsense and does he allow you to spend it on himself? Does he strive to earn more or does he expect this desire from you? If you constantly have to beg him for money, not for what he considers whims and excesses, but for the most necessary things, then it is unlikely that this person really loves you. A loving man will understand the needs of his woman, especially the paramount ones. You don’t forget to express your joy, admiration, and approval to him every time, do you? But each of your praise is extremely important for him as a breadwinner. She warms his male pride - if, of course, he is a real man. In this case, his own needs will fade into the background for him, and the needs of the family will always be in the foreground. If you see that this is not the case and that the situation is not going to improve, my advice to you is to pick up your stuff and run as far as possible from such a potential life partner!

It can be difficult for a modern woman to accept the idea that it is extremely important for a man to provide a woman with the necessary benefits. Men like it when women depend at least a little on men, when men earn, organize, get, find, bring, throw at their feet... Honestly, this feeling of one’s own strength and ability to solve all issues is damn nice for men! But the world has now turned upside down, and women no longer rely on men. If she experiences any difficulties, she will no longer say: “Maybe I should get married?”, but will say: “Maybe I should change jobs?” She herself will grab a ton of products from the store and hammer in the nails herself. Bravo, miss, this is worthy of respect! But she is unlikely to think about the simple idea that her actions may cause an internal protest among the majority of members of the opposite sex.

It is clear that, taught by the bitter experience of their own or other people’s mothers, who experienced tragic divorces and were left without money, and grandmothers who saw years of war, when it was impossible to rely on men, women of the new generation will never count on a man for key things. This is probably correct, because, let’s face it, there is logic in this. This triggers, if you like, your instinct of self-preservation (and procreation, what can I say).

But! All the same, admit the thought that the time will come when you won’t have to drag all this cart yourself. Most someone will take the load from this cart and put it on his cart, and it will not be a friend, mother, kind aunt or someone else like that, but a man. Real and loving to you.

If a man does not make sure that you have shelter, food, everything you need, so that you are, if not in heaven, then at least relatively happy with everything, then do not forget that he will probably someday do all this for some some other woman. This behavior is simply dictated by a man’s nature.

It is clear that not all of us can provide you at the proper level - the way we ideally imagine it ourselves. Some lack knowledge, skills, diplomas, some character traits, some other resources... But there is another category of men - a man who evades. These are gigolos or egoists, and sometimes they are simply not fulfilled as individuals and therefore are not yet quite men. However, we must also admit that there are also simply stupid men who do not understand the significance of their male role. (It is in this case that the riddle is most easily resolved: you have nothing to expect from life with a stupid person.)

So, let’s leave those who are stupid, selfish and who have not matured spiritually enough to become breadwinners. Now let's deal with the rest.

Our attempts to provide for you sometimes fail. If we can't do it the way we think we should, it ultimately leads to a terrible feeling of inadequacy. As we have already mentioned, many bad habits grow from this feeling, the most common of which are drunkenness, drugs and gambling. But that’s not all: a sense of inferiority leads to crimes, the most “harmless” of which is petty theft. And sometimes things get serious. What happens? He committed to love and provide - instead he became an alcoholic. He undertook to groom and cherish - instead he went to prison. Yes, the picture is not so rare, right? But there is a third possibility of such a collapse of male usefulness: he took up the tug and, feeling that he was not strong, ran away. He took it and made legs... How many women raise children alone? How many of these children do not see enough food, clothing, books?

Is it that the war has swept through and killed the men, or what? Maybe the devastation in the world after a global catastrophe? No, no, thank God! And God forbid, as they say. The picture is exactly this: men, or rather, part of them, cannot withstand what is traditionally imposed on them by society. And at the same time they experience their inadequacy. This, alas, is true!

We are not talking now about those who consciously, by their own choice, do not want to share their goods with other people, even with loved ones (“loved ones”, I think, does not apply here). A selfish person is most likely not ready for normal outside relationships. I’m not ready yet, and maybe not for life. He is always ready to take, take, take, without giving anything in return. But even in nature there is a cycle of water, energy and substances in living organisms. Relationships are also a kind of system and organism; without the exchange of energies, it dies.

These are selfish men who came up with the term “extortionist”, not wanting or not having enough wealth to treat a lady to coffee, invite her to a movie or a restaurant. Perhaps the feminist movement played a significant role in this ideology of the new generation - every man for himself. They have it too" separate meals"Welcome.

Let’s not deny that there are also a lot of women who start relationships and enter into arranged marriages. At least they exist and have been at all times. But some men are ready to accuse every woman they meet of extortion! Well, the goal of twirling women and saving your money on a woman is clear. But a woman has every right to expect from a man material compensation for the time spent on him: payment for tickets, trips, movies, gifts, in the end. It is important for a man to feel that you need him. If this is not important to him, this is either not your man, or not a man in the full sense of the word. Be careful with this one!

The easiest way to show that you need us is to give us the opportunity to provide you with anything you need. This is exactly how a real man will feel. The fake one will run away or evade. Here's your indicator.

If a man loves you, he will not spend money in an unknown place, and then complain that there is none because he doesn’t get enough. Love presupposes responsibility “for those who have been tamed.” Men love to feel responsible, smart, strong! Don't believe me? But this is true!

He won't burden you with men's problems. If your car breaks down, you don’t have to fix it yourself, and even if he is not a born auto mechanic, and there is no money to pay an auto mechanic, what do you think he needs friends for? Do you need to fix a faucet and he is not a plumber? He will find a way to do it! Have you decided to paint the fence around your house an unimaginable color? Since we are delighted with this, he will ask for a second brush, or even completely remove you from participating in the process, sending you to prepare something to chew. And if you need to thin paint or, God forbid, knock out one picket fence, you don’t have to run around the whole block looking for a hammer, because you had one lying around in the garage somewhere, but you don’t remember where, and you only remember what the hammer is for looks like the letter "T". He will solve such a trivial problem, rest assured!

Rule 3. A man protects you

There are situations when you can immediately draw “conclusions” about whether they love you or not: situations of threat.

It is not necessary that someone will threaten you directly. This could be verbal abuse, an attempt to drag you into something bad, simple pestering, ridicule, or someone's stupid joke. But for a loving man, each of these and similar situations are types of threat against you. He will react accordingly to this.

In the male understanding, no one should encroach on their woman and everything connected with her. Otherwise, the male reaction is one - defense. And if necessary, punish the offender. In other words, touch it and you will pay, villain!

Even in early childhood, boys are known to be more attached to their mother than girls. Later, this affection develops into a desire to always defend her if anyone tries to speak ill of her. We can say that the role of a protector in men is inherent in nature itself. Those we love are “ours” for men, which means we are fully responsible for this “ours”. There are women who call this possessiveness of men. We cannot say that they are wrong: yes, men are indeed owners to one degree or another. But men will always protect their property. If you want freedom, and you don’t want to be property in any way, in any form - free will, but... it’s a pity. After all, from now on you will have to defend yourself. There will be no one to say when they hear that you have taken a defensive position on the phone: “Who is this? Come on, give it to me!” - although this may just be your boss calling to give you some instructions that will make your world start to speed up. And you won’t give up the phone so that they don’t break your world’s neck. He can scold the child for not helping his mother around the house, but he will do this not because he does not feel sorry for your sixth-grader - he feels sorry for you! He longs for your release!

Protecting your woman, family, children, property is higher than the ability to provide for you; this is no longer food for pride, but an indicator of respect. And self-respect, which is important. No, there are, of course, men who are indifferent to this, whose pride and self-respect are silent, but such people are especially not respected and loved not only by the woman, but also by no one else. This did not develop over years or decades, but over centuries: a man has always been considered protection, hope and support. Have you ever noticed how your conversation usually happens with a man who loves you, for whom you belong?

If this is your uncle, your husband or a guy you are recently dating, or an old friend, you will subconsciously share your problem with him current moment, or a question tormenting you. You can say that you are afraid of something or are afraid that drunk people accosted you at the bus stop yesterday, you can answer his question: “How are you?” blurt out something like: “Oh, the shelf in the bathroom collapsed!” - “Really?” - your uncle, dad, fiance or brother will smile. (You often surprise us with your spontaneity.) And right off the bat - you'll see! - will offer something. Who hung that shelf? When will you be home, when will I come see you? Are there any nails in the house? What about the hammer? If he doesn’t ask, then either he doesn’t really like or value you, or he suspects that you don’t know what a hammer is.

A man can protect you in different ways, sometimes somewhat outside the framework of generally accepted norms. Speaking without embellishment, he can punch someone in the face or give someone a good shake by the collar. Or at least threaten to do so. This formidable determination is often quite enough to make it clear to the offender that they are not joking with him.

But brutality and physical impact are not at all necessary. Much more important is the daily desire to protect your energy, time, mood, health and safety. He sprinkles sand on the paths in your yard country house, although tired after a long journey, he is not indifferent to the prospect of your falling and, God forbid, injury, and he strives to protect you from this. Does he take everything heavy from your hands, walk through a dark neighborhood to the store himself, and at the first opportunity drop you off at work in his car, if you don’t have a car, a license, or the desire to get up early and take the bus? You see, all this is not without reason...

Nowadays, women often sigh and complain that there are no real men left. Every now and then we listen to stories with the conclusion that “without us these men are completely incapable of anything.” The truth is that men have a strong internal cause not to do things that bring them closer to the “real man” standard. This reason is that women do not require effort in this direction. And no one demands.

The main thing is to understand that men are completely different creatures than WOMEN, and therefore men’s love is not the same as women’s. For the “stronger” sex, love is divided into three components: I declare it, I provide it, and I protect it.

You won't be able to chat with men about new makeup trends. Men will not go with you to choose new shoes and a stunning blouse. But they will happily take you to a social party in this very makeup and in these very shoes that appeared without them, in order to be next to you when everyone, admiring you, will begin to envy them. A real man will not cross-stitch with you, but he will provide you with enough threads and needles and everything you need.

A man claims you, provides for you, and protects you when he loves you. If he doesn't do this, but you act as if his behavior suits you, then it won't last as long as you would like. After all, it is unknown whether a man will remember how a real man should act. He can remember this, but with another woman.

First of all, I would like to say that we all must understand and accept that a woman and a man are radically different creatures. Male or female body is different, different hormones, thoughts, mind, body. Women's nature is the opposite of men's. If a woman wants a real and strong man, she herself must be a real woman, since strong men are drawn to precisely such women, and it is with such women that men strive to start a family. A woman must be loving.

Acceptance of a man One of the three qualities that makes a man feel loved is acceptance of a man for who he is. The fact is that there is a whole category of marriages that are doomed to collapse from the very beginning. According to the results of long-term research and therapeutic work by John Gray, from 10% to 20% of marriages are doomed to complete failure for only one reason - incompatibility. What is especially scary is incompatibility in the goals that people set in life, and not some kind of astrological incompatibility. There are couples who live for ten years or more...

We can guess as much as we want about a man’s true attitude towards us. It doesn't matter how long you've been together. We girls have different situations and circumstances that make us doubt his love. These doubts eat us away from the inside, destroying ourselves and our relationships, giving rise to feelings such as jealousy, self-doubt, and fear of loss.
We can ask a man the question as much as we like: “Do you love me?” - but you probably don’t even like asking him about it. And whatever the answer, it is not always able to dispel your doubts.
In general, asking about love when there are doubts in your soul is somehow awkward, you feel like some kind of beggar. Can you imagine for a moment how the beautiful Jolie runs around the house after her husband Brad Pitt and asks: “Honey, do you love me?” Kind of stupid, don't you agree?
And if Jolie doesn't do it, then you shouldn't either. Firstly, if your man really loves you, this does not mean that he should tell you about it every half hour. He will not do this, if only because his, a man’s, love is fundamentally different from a woman’s. Women's love stands the test of time, logic and circumstances. If we have chosen our man, we will follow him through thick and thin. Even if your friends tell you that he is worthless and no matter how many times he himself put an end to your relationship, you will devote all of yourself to him. And you expect the same attitude from him. But this is unrealistic. Men love differently. And whatever it is, male love is also love. And if you understand exactly how a man loves, you will find out if he really gives you all of himself. Is it possible to find out if he loves you? - Yes. Typically a loving man does three things.


Pay attention to how your loved one introduces you to other people: their friends, business partners or relatives. If he says, for example: “This is my girlfriend / baby / beloved” - in one word he gives you a title that goes beyond the notorious friend zone, it means he loves you. If a man calls you “his,” it means he really thinks so and informs everyone about it, because his intentions are serious and pure.
If he introduces you as his girlfriend or simply calls you by name, be sure that it is so - you are just his girlfriend. Deep down in your soul, you know this yourself, right?
But as soon as he gives you any title, you immediately understand that the man is making a statement. He declares his intentions towards you.


As soon as a man claims his rights to you, he immediately begins to earn money exclusively for you. After all, now you are his family. The primary purpose of a man is to be a breadwinner and provider. A man who tries to force the idea of ​​equality and financial independence on you is simply fooling you. A man who is able to provide for his woman and children always feels more significant than one who lives for himself. If you feel that he is doing less for your relationship than he could, he is not a man, or rather, he is not your man. Of course, today we often hear from some men that modern women some kind of selfish, almost extortionist. And often we have to prove the sincerity of our feelings, without pretending to anything. But in fact, this is a trick created by men without serious intentions: this way they can save their money and get everything they need from a woman. What if your man has no money? He will still do everything to satisfy your needs. He will help and try for you in everything.


If a man loves you, he will crush anyone who dares to think badly of you and somehow offend you. If you have been offended, a loving man will go and stand up for you and your honor. Any self-respecting man will protect what belongs to him. If, in response to a terrible story about how someone insulted you, he just shakes his head or even gets angry, but does not take any action, something is wrong. When a man loves, most likely, you won’t even want to talk about the fact that someone offended you, because he will go to sort it out, and we all understand that this could end badly.
Of course, defense is not only about the use of brute physical force. A man who truly loves protects you in other ways: he can give valuable advice or volunteer to do something that, in his opinion, is unsafe for you. He will never send you to the store late at night or to walk the dog, he will do everything himself, even if he hasn’t slept for more than two days.