Shade-loving indoor plants for the hallway. Shade-loving indoor plants: which flowers do not need bright light. Blooming shade-tolerant crops

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For rooms that are rarely reached sunlight, these houseplants can be a real salvation. They thrive in partial shade and low light.

Most plants from the selection website All the beauty is not in the flowers, but in the beautiful leaves. But this is also a lot, considering the sunless “diet” and how they perfectly purify the air.


The patterned leaves make this plant a welcome addition to any room, but keep in mind that direct sunlight is not recommended. The best option for calathea - partial shade.


Diffused light works best for this plant. It's best to keep it behind a curtain. The plant is especially beautiful in spring and summer, when light, delicate leaves appear in the center.

Dracaena marginata

Chlorophytum crested

Very unpretentious plant, so quite popular. It can go without the sun for a long time and at the same time perfectly purifies the air.


A plant with tiny delicate leaves looks beautiful in hanging plant pots and in pots next to tall plants. But be careful: do not plant it near low plants - helxina can “strangle” them. You are required to water and spray frequently.


More than 2,000 species of ferns are suitable for growing at home. These tropical plants are willing to stay in the shade, but they will not tolerate dry air. They need frequent spraying of leaves, especially during the heating season.

Philodendron cordate

Perhaps this is the favorite plant of many gardeners. Feels good in the shade and perfectly purifies the air. Occasionally it is necessary to pinch so that it does not stretch too long.


A tropical plant that thrives when receiving only artificial light. Thrives in damp conditions, such as bathrooms.

Many people like to decorate a room with flowers. But a dark room is not always easy: you need to find plants that suit the conditions in which you are going to place them. In this case, only the most undemanding ones in terms of lighting, collected in this article, are suitable.

Adiantum belongs to the genus Adiantaceae and is a perennial. There are more than 200 different types, which are part of the Pteris family. In the wild they are most often found in Western Europe, North America, as well as in the Crimean mountains.

Did you know?The fern got its name due to its water-repellent properties. Translated from Greek, it means “not to get wet.”

The plant comes from tropical rainforests. Accordingly, it loves moisture. It must be provided in sufficient quantity: in the summer - every time the soil has dried by 1.5 cm. In winter there is no need to water, the plant goes into a kind of hibernation. At this time they are placed in.
Reproduction occurs using seeds, cuttings or leaves. You can take any part of the leaf: the plant will still recover.

Did you know? Begonia was named after one of the governors of Haiti - M. Begon.

Great for home or office decoration, since it is forever blooming. Depending on the species, leaves and flowers come in different shades, with or without patterns. You can also choose one of the varieties of begonia, taking into account its dimensions. Some types reach only 3 cm, others do not even fit on the desktop.
The flowering period lasts most year, while the plant is abundantly covered with bright buds. Begonia can receive significant leaf burns if it is exposed to the rays of the scorching sun. The air temperature should be approximately 20 degrees. You should also fertilize regularly.

belongs to the Araceae family. In the wild, they are found in tropical and subtropical forests of America. translated from ancient Greek means “flower” and “tail”. The plant is why it stands with it handle with care.
They love it for its flowers: a white or yellow cob is wrapped in a bright red, white or pink petal, which also has a glossy finish. In fact, the anthurium flower is a yellow spadix (it consists of small flowers), and the large petal that attracts attention is just a bract.
It is necessary to attract the attention of pollinating insects, and it also contains additional nutrients. Water the plant at moderate intervals, while spraying the leaves. Regular, but not frequent (once a month) feeding is required. Air humidity is high, the temperature should be about 20 degrees.

Evergreen perennial under the name belongs to the Araceae family. It is actively used as indoor plants, as it adapts perfectly to home conditions. In nature, it is most often found in America.
The slender stems are bright green and contain long, narrow leaves. Attractive towering above

There are not so many flowers suitable for growing on northern windows - this is the opinion of most home flora lovers. And they are not very wrong. Indeed, few of the popular indoor plants are capable of blooming on northern windows. However, there is a huge variety of decorative deciduous crops that are in no way inferior in beauty to flowers, and sometimes even surpass them.

For a room with windows facing north - a room, a hall or a study - it is quite possible to select plants not only for the window sill, but also those that will feel good away from the window. Some of them will be located on the floor in flowerpots, others will occupy the walls and space under the ceiling. Well, the windowsill will go to those who are least shade-tolerant.

If you start “populating” the room with green pets from the farthest corner, gradually moving towards the windows, the plants will be arranged approximately as follows:

Aspidistra is a member of the lily family, which easily acclimatizes in poorly lit places. This flower can be safely placed in the farthest corner of the northern room. Even if there are no windows at all, the plant will have enough artificial lighting.

There are forms of aspidistra with striped leaves. They are also shade-tolerant, but without light they lose their variegated color and become ordinary, green.

The rhizome of aspidistra is thick, half immersed in the ground, reminiscent of the back of a snake. Because of it, the plant received its name, which was originally an exclamation of “snakes there!” Moisture accumulates in the rhizome, so the flower is able to tolerate several missed waterings.

The plant is undemanding to soil and moisture. The only weakness of the aspidistra is that it does not tolerate dust, so its large and wide leaves, growing directly from the rhizome, must be regularly wiped or washed in the shower.


Subshrub, rarely found in home collections. Aucuba is a relative of the common cotoneaster and is also unpretentious. Extremely shade-tolerant, in nature it lives where no other plants can withstand.

Cultivated varieties have showy dark green leaves with yellow “splashes.” Aucuba can be an excellent office plant, as it thrives in dry, air-conditioned air.


Large leaves are decorated with silver veins and are always turned towards the light. Aglaonema will grow in the depths of the northern room, while looking bright and stylish. The plant is thermophilic and demanding of soil, does not tolerate drafts. It is recommended to grow Aglaonema for 5-7 years, and then change it, propagating it from apical cuttings. The plant is suitable for the kitchen, as it absorbs toxins released during the operation of heating equipment (vapors of formaldehyde, benzene, etc.).


4. Sansevieria

Pike tail, also known as Mother-in-law's tongue, was very popular in Soviet institutions. Sansevieria (sansevieria) will grow where it is placed - in deep shade or in the sun, it does not care about tobacco smoke or drafts. IN good conditions grows quickly and forms a thick “picket fence”; when the soil is depleted, growth slows down and almost stops completely. Sansevieria is a Spartan among indoor flowers, and looks accordingly - strict lines and “camouflage” colors.

It is rarely found in home flower beds these days, apparently due to its ascetic appearance. However, breeders have developed many new varieties of sansevieria that deserve attention. A group of sansevierias will look interesting different types– classic tall ones along with rosette, compact and variegated ones. The pike tail with cylindrical leaves looks exotic. The latest fashion trend is sansevieria cylindrical, braided.


5. Scindapsus

He will willingly master the space under the ceiling. In nature, scindapsus - creeper, domestic species are tied to a support, like a vine. Grows in length up to 5 meters or more. Lack of lighting is not a problem for scindapsus. He loves warm air and does not tolerate drafts.

The plant requires light, fertile soil and fertilizer once a month. Like many members of the araceae family, scindapsus is poisonous. Therefore, it is advisable to place the plant in a place where children and pets cannot reach it.

The most spectacular are the variegated forms of golden scindapsus, with yellow and white strokes. A lack of light does not harm the color of the leaves. Scindapsus can live a long time, 20 years or more.


6. Ferns

In nature, ferns live under the canopy of dense forests, in a humid environment. House ferns love shade and partial shade, light, slightly acidic soils and moist air. Plants with graceful feathery fronds will fit into any design.

Traditionally, fern is considered an office plant. In a small apartment, spreading nephrolepis will take up too much space, but there are also compact varieties of ferns. For example, it is also Venus's hair - an excellent hanging plant with a flowing lace of small leaves. The tender leaves of the adiantum cannot tolerate the sun even in small doses.

Ferns are quite demanding regarding air and soil humidity. In dry air, their “feathers” become coarser, become covered with brown spots and eventually die off. The soil under the fern can be covered with a layer of moss - it will protect the soil from drying out, and the appearance of the plant will become more original. Ferns do not have a rest period and prefer uniform temperatures and the same care throughout the year.

Like reeds, fern is considered a plant with questionable bioenergy. However, more often than not, everything is explained more simply - allergies to fern spores, as well as to reed fluff, are not uncommon.


Beautiful in itself. Among other plants, the graceful contours of Zamioculcas are lost. In addition, the flower is distinguished by its uncooperative character: it either oppresses neighbors of other species, or withers itself. It tolerates only representatives of its own species and some palm trees (bocarnea, chamedorea). That's why dollar tree It is best to allocate individual space. By the way, Feng Shui recommends the same thing.

According to signs, a pair of same-aged zamioculcas in identical pots on both sides of the door is a powerful talisman that attracts wealth. Signs are signs, but the fact that this is an original interior detail is one hundred percent true.

Zamioculcas can hardly be called a shade-loving plant. It prefers bright, diffused light, but tolerates shade, only slowing down its growth. If you want to grow a large specimen of Zamioculcas, it is advisable to place it no further than two meters from the window, or organize a “shift method”, changing plants once a month.

When moving, it is not recommended to rotate plants relative to the cardinal directions. To avoid accidentally turning the pot the “wrong way,” it is better to mark the north direction on it in advance.


Majestic is the name of one of the types of indoor anthurium. Anthuriums look very impressive and can decorate the office of a serious executive or the hall of a large company. To be original round leaves have not lost their decorative properties, anthurium must be fertilized in a timely manner with a complex for variegated plants.

If the anthurium is placed closer to the window, it will bloom with spectacular flowers that have only one petal, but are very large and bright.

Anthurium acquired the nickname “male happiness”, since even among the ancient Greeks it was considered a talisman of masculinity. Among the plants there are “ woman's happiness"- graceful spathiphyllum. Both “happiness” get along well next to each other and complement each other.

Spathiphyllum is a fashionable, but still rare plant in homes; it requires approximately the same conditions as anthurium. Spathiphyllum blooms with white flowers resembling calla lilies.


9. Poinsettia

It is not for nothing that the most beautiful milkweed was awarded such a title. IN Soviet times poinsettia was called Scarlet Sails, and the name Christmas Star came from Europe. Poinsettia bracts are colored in different shades of red, from pink to deep purple, depending on the variety. There are forms with white and variegated “flowers,” as well as double ones, reminiscent of roses. In its homeland, Mexican spurge reaches a height of three meters, but tolerates pruning and formation into a compact bush.

Poinsettia should be trimmed carefully - the plant's juice is not poisonous, but quite caustic.

The Christmas Star may well live near the northern windows in a cool (15-20 ° C) room. To get poinsettias to bloom by Christmas, you should take care to artificially reduce daylight hours. From mid-November, the plant should be illuminated no more than 12 hours a day during the month. Artificial light is also undesirable - the flower can be covered with a dark bag or screen.


10. Orchid

Northern window sills can be turned into a paradise for orchids. The butterfly flower, phalaenopsis, is the most unpretentious of them. There are a great many varieties of phalaenopsis.

In the first stages, it is better to buy substrate for orchids in the store. Special fertilizers are also sold there.

To prevent the orchids on the north window from being too dark, you can use a little trick - attach mirrors, for example, from an old dressing table, or foil, to both sides of the window opening. A homemade reflector will at least double the amount of diffused light.

Blooming phalaenopsis can delight not only their owners. IN Lately It is very fashionable to give fresh flowers in pots. An orchid grown with your own hands is a wonderful gift for any holiday.


"Out of competition." About those plants that are not included in the list

Of course, there are not ten shade-tolerant plants, but much more. The above species are either particularly unpretentious, like aspidistra or sansevieria, or decorative, like poinsettia. One should also take into account such factors as the fashion for indoor flowers.

Plants with a thickened trunk are in trend today. Among the shade-tolerant ones we can call bent cycad, also known as cycas- a plant with luxurious flowing feathery leaves. A large evergreen tree, reminiscent of a palm tree, but more squat. An ideal plant for hallways and spacious rooms. The spectacular cycad can be planted as a single plant or given a central place in groups.

It is quite possible that in a few years the peak of popularity will be (bamboo palm). This is the most shade-tolerant of the palms. It looks very elegant and is suitable for both the living room and the office.

As a rule, shade-loving plants have large dark leaves. For contrast, you can place a small-leaved plant next to it. selaginella(house club moss) or unpretentious saltroly. Forming a curly carpet, it will look good as a ground cover plant in pots with large plants.

Ficus- a timeless classic. The ficus and the canary are the personification of a quiet and peaceful life in a small town of pre-revolutionary times. The Bengal ficus became a symbol of the family nest - planted once, it passed from generation to generation. In nature, ficus trees live for 500 years or more, and at home - as long as there is someone to care for them.

Ficus Benjamin has won the love and recognition of flower growers - the plant does not require special lighting and decorates any interior. At the same time, it purifies the air in the room, including the smell of tobacco. Ficuses come in different varieties - tree-like and ampelous, liana-like and dwarf. Through the efforts of breeders, bred variegated varieties ficus. Absolutely all ficus trees are suitable for growing near northern windows.

they do not need advertising - their decorative leafy forms can be found in almost every home and institution. If you want to diversify your collection, you can pay attention to new hybrids, which are produced annually in dozens and even hundreds.

Monstera as if created for offices. Its bizarrely shaped leaves will add variety to a strict environment (and will hide the solitaire monitor from the eyes of the authorities...). It’s so nice to come out of the summer heat into a gloomy and cool hall - and see there a fountain or micro-reservoir surrounded by monstera thickets...

Among the countless varieties and hybrids of sweet peppers, there are those, such as the Ramiro pepper, whose popularity is literally worldwide. And if most vegetables on supermarket shelves are nameless, and it is almost impossible to find out about their variety, then the name of this pepper “Ramiro” will certainly be on the packaging. And, as my experience has shown, this pepper is worth letting other gardeners know about it. In connection with which this article was written.

Autumn is the most mushroom time. It is no longer hot, and heavy dew falls in the mornings. Since the earth is still warm, and foliage has already attacked from above, creating a completely special microclimate in the ground layer, the mushrooms are very comfortable. Mushroom pickers are also comfortable at this time, especially in the mornings when it is cooler. It's time for both to meet. And, if you haven’t introduced yourself to each other, get to know each other. In this article I will introduce you to exotic, little-known and not always edible mushrooms, similar to corals.

If you are a busy person, but at the same time not devoid of romance, if you have your own plot and are endowed with aesthetic taste, then explore the opportunity to purchase this wonderful ornamental shrub– karyopteris, or Nutwing. He is also “wing-hazel”, “blue fog” and “ blue Beard" It truly fully combines unpretentiousness and beauty. Karyopteris reaches its peak of decorativeness in late summer and autumn. It is at this time that it blooms.

Pepper ajvar - vegetable caviar or thick vegetable sauce from bell pepper with eggplants. The peppers for this recipe are baked for quite a long time, then they are also stewed. Add to ajvar onion, tomatoes, eggplants. To store eggs for the winter, they are sterilized. This Balkan recipe is not for those who like to make preparations quickly, undercooked and underbaked - not about ajvar. In general, we approach the matter in detail. For the sauce, we choose the ripest and meatiest vegetables on the market.

Despite the simple names (“sticky” or “indoor maple”) and the status of a modern substitute for indoor hibiscus, abutilons are far from the simplest plants. They grow well, bloom profusely and delight with a healthy look of greenery only in optimal conditions. On thin leaves Any deviations from comfortable lighting or temperatures and disturbances in care quickly become apparent. To reveal the beauty of abutilons in rooms, it is worth finding the ideal place for them.

Zucchini fritters with Parmesan and mushrooms - a delicious recipe with photos of available products. Ordinary zucchini pancakes can be easily turned into a non-boring dish by adding a few savory ingredients to the dough. During the squash season, pamper your family with vegetable pancakes with wild mushrooms; it is not only very tasty, but also filling. Zucchini is a universal vegetable, it is suitable for stuffing, for preparations, for main courses, and even for sweets. delicious recipes- compotes and jam are made from zucchini.

The idea of ​​growing vegetables on the grass, under the grass and in the grass is scary at first, until you become imbued with the naturalness of the process: in nature, this is exactly how everything happens. With the obligatory participation of all soil living creatures: from bacteria and fungi to moles and toads. Each of them contributes. Traditional tillage with digging, loosening, fertilizing, and fighting all those we consider pests destroys the biocenoses that have been created over centuries. In addition, it requires a lot of labor and resources.

What to do instead of a lawn? So that all this beauty does not turn yellow, does not get sick and at the same time looks like a lawn... I hope that the smart and quick-witted reader is already smiling. After all, the answer suggests itself - if you do nothing, nothing will happen. Of course, there are several solutions that can be used, and with their help, you can reduce the area of ​​​​the lawn, and therefore reduce the labor intensity of caring for it. I suggest you consider alternative options and discuss their pros and cons.

Tomato sauce with onions and sweet peppers - thick, aromatic, with pieces of vegetables. The sauce cooks quickly and is thick because this recipe contains pectin. Make such preparations at the end of summer or autumn, when the vegetables have ripened in the sun in the garden beds. Bright, red tomatoes will make equally bright homemade ketchup. This sauce is a ready-made dressing for spaghetti, and you can also simply spread it on bread - very tasty. For better preservation, you can add a little vinegar.

This year I often observed a picture: among the luxurious green crown of trees and shrubs, here and there, like candles, the bleached tops of shoots “burn.” This is chlorosis. Most of us know about chlorosis from school biology lessons. I remember that this is a lack of iron... But chlorosis is an ambiguous concept. And lightening of foliage does not always mean a lack of iron. What is chlorosis, what our plants lack during chlorosis and how to help them, we will tell you in the article.

Korean vegetables for the winter - delicious korean salad with tomatoes and cucumbers. The salad is sweet and sour, spicy and slightly spicy, because it is prepared with seasoning for... Korean carrots. Be sure to prepare several jars for the winter, cold winter This healthy and flavorful snack will come in handy. You can use overripe cucumbers for the recipe; it is better to prepare vegetables in late summer or early autumn, when they are ripe in open ground under the sun.

Autumn for me means dahlias. Mine begin to bloom as early as June, and all summer the neighbors peek at me over the fence, reminding them that I promised them a few tubers or seeds by the fall. In September, a tart note appears in the aroma of these flowers, hinting at the approaching cold. This means it’s time to start preparing the plants for the long, cold winter. In this article I will share my secrets of autumn care for perennial dahlias and preparing them for winter storage.

To date, through the efforts of breeders, according to various sources, from seven to ten thousand (!) varieties of cultivated apple trees have been bred. But despite their enormous diversity, in private gardens, as a rule, only a couple of popular and beloved varieties grow. Apple trees are large trees with a spreading crown, and you cannot grow many of them in one area. What if you try to grow columnar varieties of this crop? In this article I will tell you exactly about these varieties of apple trees.

Pinjur - Balkan-style eggplant caviar with sweet peppers, onions and tomatoes. Distinctive feature dishes - eggplants and peppers are first baked, then peeled and simmered for a long time in a roasting pan or in a thick-bottomed pan, adding the rest of the vegetables specified in the recipe. The caviar turns out to be very thick, with a bright, rich taste. In my opinion, this cooking method is the best known. Although it is more troublesome, the result compensates for the labor costs.

In some apartments there is not enough light, and green pets quickly lose their attractiveness, do not bloom, and in worst cases die.

Indoor plants that love shade (more precisely, for which shading is natural) are at the peak of popularity. Shade-loving flowers can be placed not only on window sills, but also inside the room, which can add harmonious and relaxing touches to the decor of a house or apartment. In our article we will look at shade-loving flowering and non-flowering indoor plants.

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Azalea (lat. Azalea)



- a perennial plant native to South America, therefore quite capricious. Caring for it will require patience and care.

The optimal temperature is in the range of 20−24 degrees. Avoid sudden changes and protect the plant from possible drafts.

Despite the fact that it is a tropical plant, calathea does not like direct sunlight, so it is important to find a place for it where there will be enough light, but not too much (for example, near a window).

Calathea loves high humidity, up to 90%. It is difficult to achieve this indicator in an apartment, so you need to regularly spray the leaves. If the leaves are velvety, then spray only the air around them. You can also pour pebbles into the tray and pour water so that the bottom of the pot with the plant does not touch it. Watering is carried out 2-3 times a week.

The soil should be breathable, without excess calcium and nitrogen. A young plant can be replanted once a year, then once every 2-4 years.


The orchid is native to Brazil. It does not like direct sunlight, so its friends are diffused light and partial shade.

The temperature should be maintained in the range from +12 to +20, without sudden changes. Roots love light, so clear planters are ideal for this plant.

High humidity for miltonia can be provided with an air humidifier, containers with water and trays with pebbles or expanded clay soaked in water. You should not spray the plant itself - it does not like it. Water with soft water at room temperature.

The plant can be fed with special fertilizers for orchids or rhododendrons. It is best to replant in the spring every 1-2 years or when the roots of the plant no longer fit into the pot. Miltonia can bloom almost all year round, although this is quite difficult to achieve.


An unpretentious fern from tropical and subtropical regions. Capable of purifying the air from harmful substances (formaldehyde, toluene) and microbes. Looks most advantageous in hanging flowerpots.

Summer temperature for nephrolepis should be around +20, and in winter - around +15, it does not tolerate drafts. Also, you do not need to place it in the sun; it is better to choose a shaded place.

The plant should be kept away from heating and heating systems. It must be frequently sprayed with water (if possible 2-3 times a day); containers with water can be placed next to the pot so that the air is moistened and gives strength to your pet.

Daily watering is necessary, while ensuring that stagnation of water does not form in the soil. For feeding, you can use diluted minerals and, best of all, in the spring and summer.


This plant came to us from the tropical forests of America, Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia, and the Philippine Islands.

The flower likes to be in partial shade at a temperature of 18-25 degrees. loves high humidity, however, this does not mean that it needs to be fanatically watered. Watering should be done when the soil begins to dry out. The flower loves to be sprayed warm water, but you need to make sure that water does not get into the cobs. To create a moist environment around the pot, you can use trays of moss or sand and water so that the moisture evaporates gradually.

The young plant can be replanted every spring, adding brick chips or charcoal to the soil. And here mature plant It is better not to disturb for 3-5 years.


Perennial low growing plant from South America. This flower loves it when it’s hotter: 25-26 degrees, but will feel fine even at +20. The main rule is to avoid sudden changes, otherwise it can lead to stress and your pet’s condition will worsen.

Loves a well-lit place with diffused light and partial shade. In winter, you can provide additional lighting with fluorescent lamps.

Like any representative of tropical flora, this flower loves high humidity. So daily watering and trays with moist expanded clay and pebbles will help the plant feel good. Spray at least once a day and keep away from heating elements.
You can replant Fittonia once a year, while choosing a wide but shallow pot, since root system superficial. You should also remember about good drainage and loose soil. Fittonia blooms from mid-summer to mid-autumn.

See also the video about which plants are suitable for dark rooms: