Dacha layout of a plot of 6 acres. Layout of a summer cottage. Basic requirements when drawing up a plan

IN Soviet times there was a program according to which families were allocated 600 square meters land in gardening partnerships. Nowadays, summer residents also often have a plot of the same size at their disposal. It seems that this is a large area, but in practice you need to fit a house, a bathhouse, a garden and a vegetable garden. Using ready-made diagrams layouts summer cottage 6 acres and photos with illustrative examples, you can skillfully combine recreation areas and landscaping.

Capital structures on site

The location of buildings for any site must begin with strict adherence to building codes and fire safety. Only under this condition can we continue the conversation about introducing decorative and functional elements into the landscape.

How to locate buildings in accordance with the law and avoid fines

The distance between buildings on one’s own and neighboring plots is strictly regulated by law, non-compliance with the norms of which entails the imposition of fines and the mandatory elimination of inconsistencies, including the demolition of permanent buildings.

  1. From buildings to the red line of the street - at least 5 m.
  2. It is mandatory to locate the main house no closer than three meters to the border with the neighboring plot.
  3. It is permissible to erect outbuildings at a distance of 1 m to the border.
  4. From the house to the neighbor's paddock with livestock - at least 15 m.
  5. From the bathhouse to the house - at least 6 m.

It's important to take building code compliance seriously

Where to choose a place for a house and garage

When planning a summer cottage plot of 6 acres with your own hands and without a specialist, it should be taken into account that the location of the main building is chosen away from street noise, building in the depths of the territory. When deciding on the project and internal placement of rooms, it is better to consider the following points:

  • bedrooms, living rooms, and kitchens should be built with windows facing the side where the sun rises. Bathrooms, dressing rooms and other utility rooms can be located on the north side;
  • It is better not to make windows overlooking the fence or in close proximity to a drainage pit, a cattle pen or a doghouse;
  • You should consider in advance an additional exit to the recreation area or gazebo.

Project with a garage

Many modern projects They propose adding a garage to the total area of ​​the house, allocating a place for it on one of the sides of the building or even in the basement. This is convenient because you can immediately go into the house from the garage.

It is also common to see a project where the house is located in the depths and the garage is on the border. In this case, it is important to think over a convenient and level path between buildings.

Garage on the border

It is possible to plan a 6-acre cottage with an attic; a photo of this option is below. This choice is interesting in any location relative to the cardinal directions, since the attic windows provide enough lighting.

Attic as a full second floor

In the southern regions, a capital carport is advisable without the construction of special premises, as this significantly saves both space and money.

Car under a canopy and without a garage

Every homeowner wants to build a sauna

The choice of territory for the steam room should be determined in parallel with the construction of the main house. An important condition is a sufficient distance from each other, which is sometimes problematic in a small area. You can allocate a room inside the house for a bathhouse, this will save money, but the most spectacular recreation area will be a separate building near a reservoir. Photos of the layout of a summer cottage plot of 6 acres with the construction of a bathhouse confirm the attractiveness of this choice and illustrate the correct zoning.

Bathhouse by the pond and relaxation area

Location according to building codes

Steam room next to the main building

Steam room on the first floor of the house

Comfortable relaxation area - gazebo and pond

At the construction stage, it is important to decide on a vacation spot, as well as to lead to it. engineering Communication in the form of water supply, sewerage and electricity. For a small area, it is better to make a compact but cozy place where the lightweight structure of a gazebo and a miniature pond, pond, fountain or even a swimming pool would be ideally combined.

Combination of a bathhouse and a gazebo by the pond

You can skip the earthworks and limit yourself to a ready-made pool that can be easily disassembled summer period and is packing up for the winter. Layout plans for a 6-acre dacha plot with a gazebo near an artificial pond suggest their joint arrangement, which is most convenient for spending quality time with the family.

Gazebo and pool plan

How to landscape your yard and make it cozy

A landscape landscape will only bring pleasure when it harmoniously combines buildings and plantings. Flower beds, paths, gardens and decorative elements will help add personality.

Relaxation area with separate entrance to the house

How to breathe life into a site

You can plan a 6-acre plot of land in such a way that it ideally combines trees, flower beds, a lawn, a garden and a vegetable garden. After the construction of capital buildings, there will not be much free space left for landscaping, so it is better to think about planting throughout the entire territory, distributing them evenly. You should not make large flower beds, rock gardens or other large accents.

Proper yard landscaping

The central entrance to the house and resting place must be decorated with plantings. Good decision There will be climbing plants that will easily decorate the vertical surfaces of walls, gazebos and will not take up much space. Arranging flowers in containers will allow you to change the landscape according to your mood, as they are easy to move.

An original solution for comfort

Flowerbeds at the entrance

Containers can be rearranged

Paths - yard decoration

Fashion trend for the improvement of small areas is the original paving of paths. Straight or curved, made of paving slabs, wild stone, concrete, crushed stone, pebbles, wood - they will create the necessary atmosphere of comfort and become a wonderful completion of the landscape.

Solar Lanterns

Creation additional lighting will allow you to move around them at night. To save money, you can use lanterns with solar batteries. Photo of the layout of a 6-acre cottage with original solutions paths demonstrate the uniqueness of the landscape.

Stylish wooden paving

To visualize the future project, it is better to draw a schematic sketch of the planned buildings, not forgetting about flower beds, paths or swings and benches for relaxation. During construction, it is important to maintain a uniform style for all structures, which should be harmoniously complemented by the landscape design of the yard.

Six acres is not too much area for a flight of fancy and the embodiment of all ideas, however, with the right approach, even such a garden can be made interesting and functional. Next, we will look at how to plan a plot and create a garden design with your own hands on 6 acres.

Design Features

Any work on landscaping and landscaping must begin with design. It is at this stage that you can analyze all possible options for the author’s ideas and choose the most optimal ones.

When developing a project, it is necessary to take into account a set of initial data, such as:

  • Aesthetic and climatic features of the site;
  • Opportunities for caring for trees and other plants;
  • Financial opportunities;
  • Wishes of your loved ones.

Based on this data, you should decide on the following points:

  • What set of plants will be grown on the site.
  • What kind of buildings will be located?
  • Will there be space allocated for growing vegetables?
  • What zones will the garden be divided into?

Having decided on all these nuances, you can calculate in advance what the price of all design ideas is and, if necessary, adjust the project.

Having a well-planned project allows you to avoid mistakes that may lead to additional financial costs in the future.

Zoning and garden design

As mentioned above, at the design stage, zoning of the area that should be given Special attention.

Most often the layout garden plot 6 acres includes the following zones:

  • Entrance;
  • Recreation area;
  • Garden;
  • Household area (compost pit, utility block, etc.).

If you draw up a plan correctly, then even six acres will be enough to place utility buildings, a house, a recreation area, a vegetable garden and, in fact, a garden. At the same time, there will still be room to give it all originality and brightness with the help of various and other decoration elements.

If you plan to build a house on the site, especially a large one, it should not be located on the south side so as not to shade the site.

When the plan for a garden plot of 6 acres is ready, you should consider the design of each zone.

Entrance area

The entrance zone is the face of the site, and it begins not behind the fence, but in front of it. Therefore, it is best to use a lightweight structure as a fence, for example, a mesh structure, along which shrubs should be planted, for example, boxwood, hostas or juniper. The entrance can be especially attractive climbing roses, for example, the Excelsa variety.

In the entrance area in front of the house, it is best to create a beautiful landscape composition. In the center of it, conifers will look great, for example, an ordinary juniper with a pyramidal shape.

It is advisable to plant flowers around the needles that will bloom alternately in spring, summer and autumn. Thanks to the pine needles, this composition will look beautiful even in winter.


To make the landscape design on 6 acres really beautiful, it is better to place fruit trees throughout the entire plot. In this way you can create a feeling of volume and spaciousness, which is so necessary in a small area.

The only thing is that you should not plant them in the following areas of the site:

When planning garden paths, it is better to give preference to curved but at the same time smooth lines, which will visually expand the space. It must be said that in a small area it is advisable to avoid far-reaching straight lines altogether.

You can further diversify your garden landscape with the help of garden sculptures.

The photo shows an example of the design of a recreation area

Rest zone

As a rule, a garden plot is not so much a place for growing crops as a place for relaxation. Therefore, this area needs to be given special attention. An excellent option would be to locate the recreation area in the center of the garden.

This could be a lawn located on the shore of an artificial reservoir, even a small one. A gazebo should also be installed there, where you can spend time with your family or friends. Near the gazebo it is necessary to provide a place for a barbecue and benches for rest.


If you plan to place a garden on 6 acres, then the area for the beds should be allocated on the south side, since vegetables need a lot sunlight. The vegetable garden can be separated from the rest of the area using a low fence.

The decorativeness of a vegetable garden largely depends on the correct selection garden crops. Their huge variety and skillful combination will even make it possible to turn a vegetable garden into a decoration for a plot.

Economic zone

Hozzone is a very important element of any garden, however, it can spoil the perception of the entire landscape with its appearance.

There are two ways to prevent this negative effect:

  1. Visually isolate the economic zone from the rest of the territory, for example, using a green fence.
  2. Using stylish outbuilding architecture that will fit in with the rest of the site's exterior. In addition, you can choose the right paints to paint your buildings to make them more attractive.

Thus, with the right approach, the economic zone will not “stand out” from the overall appearance and the design of a garden plot of 6 acres will look harmonious. Here, perhaps, are all the basic instructions for planning and decorating a small garden plot.


Planning and design landscape design gardening is a fun activity. We have provided only recommendations, however, they do not have to be strictly followed. You can implement your own ideas, the only thing you should remember is that on a plot of 6 acres, every meter of land should be used beneficially.

You can get some additional information on this topic from the video in this article.

Having received the long-awaited summer cottage plot into their possession, every owner wants to immediately begin to implement their grandiose ideas on it. But if you have the classic 6 acres at your disposal, their layout may not be entirely easy, because you will need to try to fit all the necessary residential, utility, garden and auxiliary areas on the site. What do you need to know in order to turn a simple piece of land into a beautiful, practical and comfortable corner with your own hands? We have collected all the useful information, ready-made diagrams and photos with visual examples of planning that will help you successfully bring your country plans and ideas to life.

In the process of planning a dacha area of ​​6 acres, you need to focus on the following factors:

  1. Relief - the specifics of the area influence the choice of the location of the main house, garden, outbuildings and all landscape elements, as well as the specific placement of engineering systems.
  2. Soil – the type of vegetation that can be planted on the site depends on the soil and its acidity: “poor” soils will need to be cultivated and fertilized in order to make them suitable for full use.
  3. Shape - determines the planning style: depending on the shape of the territory, you need to select a landscape style that will emphasize all the advantages of a particular site, using every corner of it.
  4. Water level - makes it clear whether the dacha area needs a drainage system.
  5. Winds - if the area is too open to the winds, it is necessary to provide in the project the presence of special protective structures for plants.
  6. Illumination - having found out the degree of illumination of different zones of the site, it is easier to select suitable plants for landscaping each of them. In addition, this information will help you navigate the location of the cottage, summer kitchen and gazebo.

How to arrange residential and commercial areas

The layout of a summer cottage must necessarily include four zones: residential, utility, gardening and recreation area. Let's start with the first two, since they are the largest.

First of all, decide what buildings you need on the site

The most important object of any site is the house. It is with determining its location that you need to start planning. It is best to place it in the northern part so that there are enough sunny areas for the vegetable garden and garden. In this case, the windows of the house should face either the west or the east: in rooms with windows to the north it will be dim, and in rooms with windows to the south it will be too sunny.

Advice. To prevent the dacha from overheating in the summer months, you can arrange a terrace or veranda on its south side.

You can’t get by on the site without household appliances. buildings These include: barn, bathhouse, garage, toilet, barnyard, etc. Some of the buildings may be part of the house, for example, a bathhouse or a garage. All other structures should be located as far as possible from the main house so that, firstly, their use is as convenient as possible, and secondly, their odors do not spread into the living rooms.

Advice. An excellent option is to locate outbuildings along a line along the fence on the opposite side of the house. And so that the buildings do not stand out too much, they can be decorated with tall plants.

Where to locate garden and recreation areas

The main task when planning a vegetable garden area is to think through everything in such a way that each crop receives enough space and light to grow. That is why there should be a distance of at least 2.5-3 m between tree seedlings. It is most rational to plant them along a line “from north to south” - this will provide the trees with good lighting.

It’s better to avoid large shrubs and rock gardens - after all the main components of the summer cottage have been located, there is unlikely to be much space for them, so they will look cramped.

For a recreation area, select a place away from outbuildings

It is advisable to arrange the vegetable garden in the eastern part - this way it will be both illuminated and protected from excessive sun.

As for the recreation area, it should be located in the depths of the site - this way you can hide from prying eyes. Traditionally, it includes a gazebo, a small pond or fountain, and a barbecue or grill area.

What standards must be followed when planning a site?

All buildings on a summer cottage must be located in strict accordance with building and fire codes. Neglecting them is fraught not only with irrational use of the territory, but also with dangerous incidents and considerable fines. That is why take into account the following regulatory nuances:

  • there must be a distance of at least 5 m between buildings and the street line;
  • between the main house and the neighboring property - at least 3 m;
  • between outbuildings and the neighboring yard - at least 1 m;
  • between your buildings and the neighbor’s garage - at least 6 m;
  • between the livestock building and the fence - at least 4 m;
  • between garden house or summer kitchen and fence – 3 m;
  • between the toilet pit and the well - at least 8 m;
  • if there are several residential buildings on your site, the distance between them should be 6 m or more;

Advice. This distance can only be reduced if you build houses from ceramic bricks or aerated blocks - these materials are different increased level fire resistance.

What program will help in site planning

To make it easier for you to draw up a detailed plan of your summer cottage, taking into account all the features of the territory, use assistant programs. Here are some of them:

  1. Garden Planner. The simplest program with a standard set of options for beginners: it allows you to drag all the necessary dacha elements onto the site plan and arrange them at your discretion, using scaling.
  2. X-Designer. It offers a large library of landscape objects and vegetation, so it allows you to simulate the design of a site down to the smallest detail. Shows how the area will look during the day, evening and night, as well as different times of the year. Allows you to capture the developed project in a photo, so that it is easier to implement it directly on the site.
  3. Our garden. Ruby. Makes it possible to develop or modify the landscape of a summer cottage using digital photos. It has a large number of garden objects, economic elements and vegetation.
  4. Our garden. Omega. Designed for those who already know how to use the simplest landscape programs. Allows you to integrate the developed plan with real digital photos of the site. Makes it possible to select plants for a specific soil type and meteorological features of your area.

Planning a dacha plot of 6 acres is the path to rational use of the territory and the successful implementation of your most secret landscape ideas. Take this issue as seriously as possible in order to get a full-fledged plot that will delight you with functionality, comfort, and beauty.

Almost every city family has a dacha, so small dacha plots are the most popular in our country. If you are just going to purchase it or want to change it appearance, then we recommend reading this material, in which we will tell you and also show on diagrams how you can plan a plot of 6 acres with your own hands.

  • Start of planning

    In our material we will look at the layout of a standard summer cottage plot of 6 acres measuring 30 m x 20 m. This rectangular shape is most often found in practice.

    We will draw the diagrams in the Garden Planner program, as the most convenient and simplest among programs for plot planning, full list which you can find in our previous material at the link.

    We will also be guided by existing standards for the location of a house on a site, which we also discussed in the previous article.

    Let's consider the option of a site that is adjacent to a forest on one side, bordered by a driveway on the other side, and adjacent sites on both sides.

    Shape and size of our plot

    Also on our site we want to place:

      Bathhouse / gazebo;

      Parking space/garage;


      Fruit trees;

      Recreation area;

    This is not the entire list of desired objects, but unfortunately, on a small plot of 6 acres you have to sacrifice something.

    Location of site objects

    There are several ways in which you can start planning a site with your own hands:

      Based on the location of objects;

      Based on the location of communications.

    In the first case, we focus on the house and outbuildings. In the second case - on communication, or rather on the best place occurrence of waters. Since on a plot of 6 acres the choice of location for a well or borehole is small, we will consider the layout of the dacha plot according to the first type - based on the location of the objects.

    House for a standard plot of 6 acres

    If you have not yet started designing a house, then it’s time to discuss the optimal size of a house for such a plot of land.

    It is believed that the area of ​​the house should not exceed 10% of the area of ​​the plot.

    In our case, it turns out that the area of ​​the first floor can be about 60 square meters, that is, a house 6 m x 10 m, or, for example, 7 m x 8 m. These rules are conditional, so we will take a small one as an example country house 8 m x 8 m.

    We decided on the size of the house. We select an object in the program and apply it to the area:

    In the previous article, we looked at several types of site layout depending on the planting of the house: central, deep and front. But before moving on to the type of landing, let us remember that according to SNiP we need:

    Therefore, first we suggest you draw a “zone of possible location of the house”, which will take into account all the nuances. In our example, we will assume that all the houses: the neighboring ones and ours will be made of wood, but the neighbors built them at a distance of 10 m from the fence. Therefore, we can only arrange the house as follows:

    Of course, in this case the choice is small and involves only the front layout option. The site may not be closely adjacent to the forest, and the neighboring houses may be made of stone. But the principle should be like this. In any case, before starting construction of a house, ask the chairman of the SNT or the administration where you will be allowed to build.

    Bathhouse or gazebo

    In our case, a garden plot of 6 acres, the construction of a bathhouse is not possible, since the distance from the house must be at least 8 m, but the presence of a forest does not allow us to build this object at a distance of less than 15 m. Therefore, we will consider the construction of a gazebo with a barbecue.

    In this case, we need to retreat 3 m from the fence (we are considering a permanent structure):


    The next important step is to choose a location for a well or borehole and a septic tank. As we have already mentioned, the location of a well or borehole may depend on the location of the water. But it is also worth considering the following rules and sanitary standards:

      The distance from the well to the foundation of the house should be at least 3-5 m.

      Maximum distance from sources of “contamination” (compost pits, toilets, garages, etc...), including neighboring areas.

      We take into account the convenience of further installation of the water supply system.

    To determine the location of the septic tank, first of all, its type should be taken into account. The basic location rules are the following distances:

    In any case, when choosing a location for a septic tank, we try to coordinate with our neighbors and make our site as environmentally friendly as possible. But we also do not forget that in order to pump out storage septic tanks, it will be necessary to ensure that the access of the sewer truck is accessible.

    In our case, of course, it is difficult to comply with all the rules for the location of the septic tank and well, so we chose the most environmentally friendly option (i.e., the septic tank and well located as far as possible from each other).

    Parking space and garage

    First of all, a place for a car in a dacha should be planned so that there is a minimum distance from the roadway gate to it. First of all, avoid driving all the way to the parking lot. In this example country house layout We will consider placing a garage for 1 car + additional space for parking guest cars in front of the garage. According to sanitary standards (SNiP 2.07.01-89) it is necessary that:

    In our layout it will look something like this:


    Even the most ossified city residents, when purchasing a plot, sooner or later are inclined to decide to make “a couple of beds.” In our case, we will consider a vegetable garden of four beds measuring 1 m x 4 m and a polycarbonate greenhouse measuring 3 m x 4 m. According to the standards, the distance from the greenhouse to the fence is recommended to be maintained at least 1 m. As for the location on the site, you should be guided by the cardinal directions, and also a shadow from neighboring buildings.

    Also, do not forget that it is better to plan your garden as far as possible from sources of pollution (garage, septic tank, compost, toilet, etc...)


    After we have decided on the location of the main buildings of the summer cottage, we need to plan the paths. It all depends on your imagination and the location of garden objects.

    Rest zone

    The layout of the recreation area largely depends on your method of relaxation, as well as on the remaining free space. On a plot of 6 acres it is difficult to provide a football field or even a volleyball court. Therefore, we limited ourselves to:

      The place for the barbecue was located near the gazebo and at a decent distance from the house due to fire safety regulations.

      Children's playground with sandbox, trampoline and swings.

      And several sun loungers on the central area with a lawn.

    Garden and flowers

    In many ways, planning trees, flowers and shrubs on sites depends on the requirements of the plants themselves for a certain solar regime. Therefore, it is necessary to take these factors into account in each case individually. In addition to this, it is necessary to comply with certain standards regarding location to the boundaries of the neighboring plot:

    In our case, we will fence the house from the roadway with conifers. We will plant fruit trees on the south side, as well as on the west. In the northern part of the site, where there will be shade from the house half the day, we will plant shrubs that can grow in the shade (for example, not blueberries). We will plant flower beds along the house.

    Principles of site planning

    So, a plot of 6 acres is planned. We have shown only one of many planning methods. But the most important thing is to master the principles of dacha design:

      Make a list of desired objects on the site.

      Select the order of objects by importance: house, additional buildings, communications, garden objects, etc...

      Consider the landscape, location neighboring plot and objects on them, as well as adjacent territories.

      Follow fire safety rules and building codes.

    You can download our diagram of a plot of 6 acres for the Garden Planner 3 program from the link.

  • Planning a large plot is sometimes much easier than planning a small one. There may simply not be enough space for your home, garden and vegetable garden. To accommodate and correctly arrange all the necessary buildings and plants in a small area, you need to adhere to special rules. Let's look at them.

    Choosing a location for a well

    Correctly determining the location for building a well is a primary task, especially if the site has not yet been planned and developed. It is much wiser to first choose the right place for the well and, taking this into account, design the rest of the territory, because the quality and purity of the water completely depend on the location of the well. Therefore, you should pay close attention to this.

    For the right choice places you first need to check where they lie The groundwater and determine the presence of rock layers and quicksand on the site (they can complicate the work). Next, it is important to make sure that the water is safe to drink. You cannot build wells near sources of pollution (toilets, parking lots, septic tanks, burial sites).

    Selecting a location for a septic tank

    In order to correctly place a septic tank on a site, you need to find out in which direction the groundwater is moving. According to SNiP 2.04.03-85, which regulates the construction of external sewer networks, the distance of the septic tank from the house should be at least 5 m. In order not to create problems with neighbors, it should be taken into account that the minimum distance of the septic tank from the fence is 2 m. In order not to spoil the quality of the water in your well, place the septic tank as far as possible from the source water intake.

    Choosing a place for home and recreation area

    The distance of your house from your neighbors' house depends on the materials from which they are built. If this is a house made of stone, concrete or other non-flammable materials, then the distance can be from 6 m. If these are wooden buildings, then the distance should be more than 15 m. Compliance with this point is necessary for fire safety and is regulated by SNiP 30-02-97.

    On a plot of 6 acres, the optimal calculation of zones is as follows: buildings - 100 m2, paths and platforms - about 50 m2, vegetable garden - 100 m2, garden - 250 m2, recreation area, lawns - 100 m2.

    If a house, barn, garage and other outbuildings are planned on the site, then 100 m2 must be divided between all buildings. Naturally, the house will occupy the largest area.

    When choosing a location for a residential building, you should remember that it should not be located near the roadway. It is best to place it deep in the site, or no closer than 5 m from the road.

    As for choosing a place to relax, in small areas it is difficult to find a free, spacious place. This does not mean that you need to completely abandon the lounge area. On a plot of 6 acres you can build a small gazebo. However the best solution There will be a cozy open veranda. It will allow you to abandon the gazebo and save a lot of space on the site.

    Placement of outbuildings

    Greenhouses, toilets, showers and sheds should be located in a place opposite the roadway. At the same time, remember that the toilet should be 12 m away from the house.

    Advice: It is best if you place the toilet and shower on the same side as your neighbors. This technique will significantly increase the choice of places to build a well.

    According to SNiP 30-02-97, the collection and treatment of shower drains and household water must be carried out in a filter trench, at least 4 m away from the boundaries with neighbors. It is also allowed to discharge water into an external ditch through a special ditch. In this case, for each individual case, coordination with the sanitary and epidemiological authorities is required.

    The garage should not be built in the depths of the site, because the entrance to it will take up a lot of space. At the same time, there is no need to save space on the width of the entrance and main paths.

    Placement of garden and vegetable garden

    On a plot of 6 acres, the optimal area for a vegetable garden will be 100 m2, for a garden 200-250 m2.

    Don't skimp on space between fruit trees, it should be about 3 m. It is advisable to locate the garden on the south side of the house. In this case, the building will become a good protection for trees from cold winds.

    Shrubs (raspberries, rose hips) are best planted along the fence, this will save space and decorate the perimeter of the site.

    To maximize the use of space in a small area, some plant beds can be placed under trees. Vegetable plants They require much less light than garden ones, so you can choose a place for them where there will be sunlight for only half a day. Plant legumes, cucumbers and other climbing plants in round beds with a frame inside. Plants will entwine it and take up minimal space.

    For a plot of 6 acres, it is undesirable to build a large compost pit; you can get by with a small plastic tank.

    Mistakes when planning small areas

    When planning small areas, it is very important to place everything as compactly as possible and at the same time not overload the area. Let's look at the most popular mistakes that interfere with the rational use of space.

    1. Overload. Don’t try to squeeze everything into a small area: trees, a pond, fountains, a bathhouse, a greenhouse, etc. Decide and select the objects that you really need.

    2. Chaotic. In small areas the importance of order is even greater. To do this, you need to carefully and accurately plan the areas of the site and the location of each object on it.

    3. High fence. If possible, build a fence that looks lightweight and will make the space appear larger.

    4. Pile up garden figurines and architectural decorations. In a small area, the accumulation of these objects looks ridiculous and creates the impression of cramped space.

    5. Reducing the distances between plants. Do not try to get more yield by planting plants densely. After a while they will begin to oppress each other due to lack of sun and space.

    6. Mixing styles. Maintaining style in a small area is very important. The variegated design of different zones of the site will “steal” the space and make it even smaller. Strict compliance with the design in a single style, on the contrary, combines all parts into one and makes the site beautiful.

    Design techniques for small areas

    To make your small area look harmonious and spacious, there are several design techniques. Let's look at them.

    1. Hide the corners, or rather, use them. In each corner, place some element, for example, a bench, a small podium, a flower bed. The main thing is that this place has some useful or aesthetic function, since empty corners limit space.

    2. Create relief. Creating even a small difference in the area will greatly help change its appearance.

    3. Block your view. Install small garden partitions, screens, arches. This will prevent you from seeing the entire area, and accordingly, will help to visually enlarge the space. Winding paths will also be useful.

    4. Round the shape of your site. Any element clearly defined by corners looks smaller, so try to give rounded shapes to the objects on your site: garden, lawns, gazebos.