Precious and semi-precious fish stones. Which stone is suitable for Pisces - advice and knowledge of our ancestors Which stones are suitable for Pisces girls according to the horoscope

Talismans, like many other things, should be chosen correctly. An amulet that is not suitable for a person will be of no use, and in general such a talisman can have a negative effect. From this article you will learn which stones are suitable for Pisces women according to their horoscope and date of birth.

Suitable stones

Women born under the zodiac sign of Pisces are suitable for a large number of precious and non-precious stones. Below are the best of them along with their magical characteristics.



Masks negative traits Pisces, helps to overcome isolation and become more noticeable.

In addition, your appearance improves. The stone helps to properly spend a woman’s strength, saving energy on people unworthy of them. Best placed in a necklace for maximum effect.


It is capable of stimulating an emotional image, but it only affects women with a strong character. Astrologers claim that he has medicinal properties: cleanses the blood, helps with joint problems, improves digestion.


It will teach a woman to trust and give her confidence. He will help you find love and become happy.

Green Diamond

Will flaunt your best qualities. Decorating with it will become a talisman against any negative emotions and will help build relationships with others.


Often placed nearby during meditation and relaxation, as it is ideally soothing nervous system. Therefore, it will become an excellent amulet against rash decisions and bad thoughts.

The mineral will help a woman listen to her inner voice, and its green color relaxes.


Will help a Pisces woman change her life, giving strength and helping her choose the right decision. can act as an indicator: if it becomes darker, then the woman is in danger.

Darkness can also speak of sin that lies on the soul.


To achieve success and high earnings, you need to wear the following stones:


This mineral is a real magnet for money. But don't forget - money won't appear out of nowhere. It will only help you get a high position in a meaningful job, thereby bringing you a good salary.

Aquamarine is excellent in transactions and journalism because it helps Pisces negotiate and persuade the interlocutor.

Rose quartz

It will also help Pisces become rich.

It relieves stress and depression due to routine work, giving Have a good mood and new strength. Strengthens hard work and develops imagination, which will help women make unusual decisions.


The stone will reveal your hidden talents, mainly creative ones.

Develops imagination and creativity, the ability to solve problems out of the box. Perhaps the owner of the hair will become a designer or fashion designer, but she will also be successful in other professions.


Same a good choice for making money, as it makes Pisces more persistent and stronger, which is indispensable in honest work. For Pisces who have a family, it will work doubly, because it is called the family stone.

Unsuitable stones

As astrologers say, Pisces should go through life “testing the waters,” so they should not wear too active stones. Women of this zodiac sign constantly need peace and relaxation.

Pisces are prohibited from wearing such stones.

- developed spiritual origin. These are dreamers and idealists, connoisseurs of nature. Their actions are based on intuitive impulses. Representatives of the sign are generously endowed with a sense of humor. They are sociable, friendly, tolerant of other people's mistakes. Among Pisces there are many selfless natures, who devote themselves entirely to family and friends. Other people's troubles cause them more suffering than their own.

The life of Pisces is complicated by a lack of will, a tendency to compromise, and excessive compliance. Unable to understand their “I”, many individuals are forever rushing between the high and the low, between the Temple and the Den.

Despite their innate softness, Pisces are difficult partners in family life. Due to everyday helplessness, some of them learn from childhood to manipulate other people, not having the ability to earn money, and willingly agree to a marriage of convenience.

The cause of the problems is weak energy. Passivity and lethargy prevent Pisces from coping with even minor everyday troubles.

Stones selected in accordance with the horoscope help replenish the lack of energy and correct problem areas.

Astrologers advise Pisces to constantly wear amulets. They should include at least 12 copies in their collection.

Main stones of Pisces talismans

The sign is valid for early spring. The dazzling blue of the sky is diluted with the whiteness of the clouds. Pale primroses poke through the melting snow. The Pisces gems seem to reflect the cool color of spring. With them inner world, basically, minerals of milky, lilac, blue, green, light purple shades are in harmony.


Sea-colored beryl enhances the active principle of life, restores peace of mind, and softens anger. It is useful for inert Pisces. It also attracts love and money.


The gem gives good luck and brings peace to the family. It relieves Pisces from mood swings and charges them with positive energy. softens the bitterness of love failure, promotes the emergence of a new feeling. But he has one insidious feature. Given as a gift, an amethyst can make the giver fall in love and betray his former love.


The color of the stone is strikingly different from other Pisces amulets. He's black. The personification of the secrets of the night, jet protects nervous, sensitive individuals from dark dreams, extinguishes inexplicable fears, and dissolves in its blackness all evil directed at its owner.


This is a symbol of true love. It brings a happy and long life to Pisces. Ring with - protection from thieves and scammers. Tarnishing of a gem signals the development of a hidden illness in its owner.

Moon rock

Along with mourning black jet, bluish-silver protects Pisces’ sleep and helps maintain composure in stressful situations. Moonstone attracts money. But you can’t wear it all the time—the mineral dulls the severity of your reaction in times of danger.


Pisces tend to embellish reality. protects them from envious people, swindlers, and liars. It gives strength to weak natures. Due to its changeable color, opal is associated with impermanence. But for Pisces, the milky-white variety of the mineral (cacholong) brings family well-being and sublime love. Among the representatives of the sign there are many creative people. Opal enhances their talents and gives birth to inspiration.

Choosing a talisman stone by horoscope date for Pisces

Patron planets endow people with their own characteristics. When choosing gems, you should take into account your date of birth.

During this period, poets, romantics, and lovers of change are born. Influence takes them away from the realities of life into the world of dreams. It is useful for such individuals to include the following in their set of talismans:

  • – a symbol of creativity and clarity of mind;
  • – personification of wisdom and intelligence, helps overcome laziness, heightens sensitivity to lies;
  • – stimulates interest in humanitarian studies, strengthens memory.

Jupiter's wards dream of a worthy assessment of their merits from others.

Their additional amulets:

  • – effectively protects against envy and other negativity;
  • – helps to realize dreams;
  • – protects from reckless actions; gives self-confidence.

The third decade obeys. People of this period are cheerful and sociable. At the same time, they are capricious, quick-tempered, and suspicious. It is recommended that they add to the main talismans:

  • – a stone of longevity, happiness and prosperity, balances emotions;
  • chrysoprase – attracts the sympathy of others, promotes new beginnings, drives away nightmares.

Additional list of favorable stones for Pisces

  • (blue);
  • (pale green);
  • (blue and colorless);
  • tourmaline;
  • uvarovite;
  • spinel.

Dangerous stones for Pisces

Pisces is a sensitive sign. Active, energetic stones are contraindicated for them. Bright red and thick dark colors of minerals can trigger depression. Although modern Astrologers have different opinions about unsuitable stones and some, on the contrary, advise choosing stones not according to the Sun sign, but according to the weak one. A list of stones that Pisces should take a closer look at.

March 13 is a mystical date. It contains the so-called devil's dozen - a number that scares away many people. Does this number pose a threat to those born on this day? How does it influence their character and destiny? And what is its connection with the zodiac sign that rules during this period? Let's try to figure it out.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign

People born on March 13th fall under the protection of Pisces. This is the twelfth sign of the zodiac, which endows its wards with a rather extraordinary nature: gentle, reverent and deep. They always take the opinions, words and actions of others to heart, they know how to renounce and sacrifice themselves for the sake of a higher goal. Pisces do not pursue material wealth, considering them a serious obstacle to self-development. They often listen to their intuition and inner voice, which rarely let them down.

Negative character traits include weak will and inability to make important decisions, doubts and eternal laziness - people born on March 13 often suffer from this. The zodiac sign of Pisces makes them quite soft-bodied. They are not warriors. Such people will tolerate injustice rather than try to defend freedom and rights. But they are very charming and charming. Cute creatures can become true friends if they find a kindred spirit among the crowd.

Differences from other Pisces

March 13 is a day of mysticism and secret predictions, astrologers say. They are sure that those Pisces who have this exact date of birth indicated in their passport are slightly different than their romantic and vulnerable brothers. Firstly, they are very strong in character and self-possessed, capable of overcoming any crisis, psychological trauma or disaster. They are also fatalists, so they take all the vicissitudes of fate calmly, they endure problems steadfastly and never complain. Being striking often makes them confident and fearless heroes.

Secondly, self-realization is very important for individuals who were born on March 13th. The zodiac sign Pisces endows them. But these skills cannot always be realized. Sometimes people stray from their intended path and begin to look for other opportunities to prove themselves. Pisces by themselves are not able to fight. But people born on March 13 are distinguished by the fact that they can not only defend their position, but also go over their heads to achieve their goals. Astrologers advise them to be softer, to learn not to shift their problems onto the shoulders of loved ones.

Health and career

Pisces are always very attentive to the state of their body. They are suspicious and intend to once again find new symptoms of unknown diseases. As soon as news of an impending flu epidemic appears in the media, they immediately buy all medical journals and encyclopedias in search of the necessary information: how to protect themselves from the infection, how to treat it. The weak points in the body are the legs. Therefore, people born on March 13, like other Pisces, are prone to swelling and varicose veins. They also often suffer from colds and rheumatism, and complain of polyps and tumors.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are very devoted to their work, so they do it conscientiously, slowly, but efficiently. Pisces are not leaders, but subordinates. Possessing creative inclinations, they can become talented musicians, poets, and artists. They are also encouraged to engage in teaching, conduct research and play on the stock exchange. They are drawn to everything unusual: astrology, palmistry, yoga. And what’s most interesting is that Pisces make the most excellent swindlers and cheaters.


All people who were born on March 13 are under the influence of the zodiac Pisces. The sign makes such a person mysterious: her heart is closed to strangers with seven locks. Love comes unexpectedly, grows unnoticed. Pisces themselves sometimes cannot explain when feelings began and at what stage they ended. They don't know how to win a partner. More often they choose a wait-and-see strategy: they can sigh for years, hiding their affection, but never decide to take the first step. They usually give up their soulmate to their rivals without a fight, do not win her over, but let her go free. They prefer to suffer secretly than to create scenes of jealousy.

Men are different. The range is from a snot-chewing victim of unhappy love to a passionate Don Juan. Women are also different from each other. Some Pisces are faithful spouses, others are fatal and fatal seductresses. Typically, those born on March 13th either elevate the object of their love to an honorable pedestal, or remain breadcrumbs throughout their lives, incapable of experiencing deep affection.

Features of Pisces born on March 13

Such individuals should not be afraid of the date on their passport. The number 13 is mistakenly considered unlucky. In fact, 1 and 3 are strong numbers, the combination of which promises career rise and business success. For people born on March 13, good luck will also be brought by the number 4, the day of the week is Saturday, the month of the year is May, the stone is emerald, the plant is ivy, the tree is cherry, the color is lilac and light brown, the aroma is vanilla. A powerful talisman for them will be a piece of fabric cut from any household item: a sofa, curtain, tablecloth.

Pisces whose birthday falls on March 13 should enrich their diet with cottage cheese, honey and leeks. These products are as beneficial as possible for their unstable and rather weak health. The 40th anniversary is a fateful date for them. This year there is a turning point in life: your profession may change, there is a possibility of divorce and serious illness. Changes can, on the contrary, be positive - wealth falling on one’s head, or the appearance of long-awaited offspring. In a word, whoever is lucky.

Famous personalities born on March 13

The list is very long. Analyzing it, you can understand that truly Pisces, who were born on this day, are by nature gifted people. For example, on March 13th the birthday is celebrated:

  • actress.
  • Sergei Mikhalkov, playwright and writer.
  • Igor Kio, illusionist, famous circus performer.
  • predator trainer.
  • Dutch football player.
  • Baudouin Courtenay, Russian and Polish linguist.

And this is only a part of those outstanding people whom we all love and honor. It is also interesting that on March 13, name days are celebrated by Artyom, Arsenia, Vasily, Nikolai and Sergei, as well as Marina and Kira.

All these people are very multifaceted and unique. And the zodiac endowed them with these qualities: intellectual personalities are always born on March 13th. For such Pisces, the human mind contains more mysteries than the vast Universe. Trying to unravel the mysteries of human capabilities, as well as discover new skills and talents in themselves and others, they devoted their entire lives to searching for their “I.” Their fate became original and somewhat fatal.

Attributed magical properties. It was believed that earrings, rings and bracelets, cups and hilts of swords, sabers decorated with gems would protect their owner from foreign influences from the outside, help to recover from diseases, attract love and much more.

Ancient table of stones and minerals

Even Babylonian priests and magicians considered precious crystals as concentrates of cosmic forces and energies. The stones that were inserted into amulets and talismans became especially powerful. In astromineralogy, there are many tables showing the relationship between gems, zodiac signs and planets. Let's analyze some of them. Let's do this using the example of which stone is suitable for Pisces. The first list, in which the sign of interest to us corresponds to sapphire, almost completely reproduces the well-known apocalyptic list of jewelry that should decorate the walls of the New Jerusalem. In this list, each sign corresponds to one mineral.

More modern interpretations

Here's another table. Let's see in it. Here, each sign already corresponds to 3 gems. In our case, these are pearls, amethyst, and rock crystal. This interpretation of the correspondences is associated with ancient Persian and modern views on astromineralogy. Now a table reflecting the relationship between minerals and planets. According to her, which stone is suitable for Pisces? This sign is ruled by the Moon. The same luminary affects opals, moonstones, aquamarines, beryls, corals and pearls. And finally, another list - monthly. Which stone is suitable for Pisces according to him, considering that part of February and part of March fall under this sign? Esotericists advise February Pisces to wear amethyst, and March Pisces to wear jasper.

"Precious calendar" for men

The classification of suitable precious and semi-precious stones will continue with another informative list. In addition to the main planet located on the ascendant at the time of birth of a person, on personal horoscope influence others celestial bodies. This nuance should be taken into account when choosing or giving jewelry. For example, which stone is suitable for Pisces men? If astrologers consider amethyst to be the main sign for the sign, then in addition to it they offer a whole range of gems. Those born from February 21 to March 1 are under the influence of Saturn. These are capricious, dreamy natures, great lovers of women and at the same time loneliness. Jade and moonstone, aventurine and hematite, tiger's eye, jasper, and carnelian are suitable for them. Those representatives of the stronger sex who were born from March 2 to March 11 experience the pronounced influence of Jupiter. They are vain, strive for external grandeur, and are honest. Their stones are opal, heliotrope, coral, pearls. And finally, for Pisces born from March 12 to March 20, sapphire, aquamarine, diamond, alexandrite, and tourmaline are considered the most suitable. These people are sociable, vain, sensual and cutesy. Of course, all characteristics are given for the average representatives of the sign. It is better for all Pisces not to acquire onyx and carnelian.

Selection of gems for Fish

Dear ladies, of course, also wonder: which stone is suitable for Pisces girls? In principle, those that have already been mentioned. If you do not use minerals in special cases. Let us explain which ones exactly. Pearls have a particularly beneficial effect on the female half of Pisces, as it activates their spiritual development and harmonizes their personality, and this is what is most important for representatives of the sign. Pearls - sea and river - make their eyes shine brighter and give their skin a fresh, healthy look. Esotericists believe that the mineral may well become a lucky talisman that will protect against unhappy love and help make the right important decisions. And for thousands of years now, pearls have been an indicator of a healthy Pisces body. It softly shines and glows if the owner of the jewelry feels great, and dims at the slightest ill health.

Amethyst magic

Let's tell you more about the other stones, suitable for Pisces. And let's start with amethyst, a truly magical crystal, very strong - so much so that it is not recommended for anyone to wear it constantly. Amethyst will provide good support to those Pisces who need to win people over. If you have it with you, it is much easier for representatives of the sign to cope with their own anxieties, fears, and complexes. Good spirits, optimism, bright and kind thoughts - Pisces often acquire these too thanks to a wonderful stone. People involved in spiritual practices can receive special help from amethyst: priests, magicians, prophets, healers, psychics, etc. It gives birth to courage and perseverance, sharpens intuition, the prophetic gift, and makes it possible to concentrate energy. The stone also symbolizes fidelity in love, even if the object of feelings has gone to another world. That’s why they call it “widow’s” and young girls are not advised to wear it. But mature women and men can.

Moonlight in moonstone

The stones of the Pisces sign, as already mentioned, are associated with the Moon, like the sign itself. That is why moonstone is considered one of the most important for Pisces. Women wearing it become more attractive, sexy, they radiate charm and are extremely desirable for men. And many purely female diseases disappear under the beneficial influence of the gem. True, moonstone can awaken such passions and desires in a woman’s body that it will be difficult for her to cope with. To prevent this from happening, the stone and the owner should take a break from each other from time to time. But the mineral will be useful for men if they practice magic, palmistry and other occult practices. Moonstone in Pisces increases receptivity and responsiveness to certain mystical signs. And finally, the gem is a magnificent love talisman.

Soul of the sea

An important stone for Pisces according to the horoscope is aquamarine. It is so reminiscent of the light transparency and depth of a sea wave, so consistent with the gentle and vulnerable soul of the representatives of the sign! According to esotericists, the stone makes it possible for its owner to maintain restraint, calmness, and inner harmony. Giving timid Pisces courage and even audacity, increasing life potential is also within the competence of aquamarine. And, according to legends, if the one who wears the stone is in danger, the gem loses its transparent shine and becomes cloudy. When everything is calm, the mineral shines with a special inner light.

The nobility of sapphire

Blue sapphire is one of the most valuable and expensive stones in the world. For Pisces, it is extremely important because it strengthens their spiritual abilities and develops their natural potential. Raises the personality to a new level of development, higher and more important. Moreover, he endows occultists with a supernatural gift of penetrating into the essence of the hidden and secret. For most Pisces, sapphire can become a reliable talisman, protecting them from the traps of fate. Gemstone accumulates all the positive character traits of the sign, helps maintain balance, calm and sanity in any situation. And even protect from slander, envy, and slander from ill-wishers.

Coral fantasies

No one will argue that corals by nature are intended for Pisces. The water element brings them together, and products made from coral help representatives of the sign manage their thoughts, stream of consciousness, and fight their own inconsistency and emotional breakdowns. Pisces are prone to depression, fears, and mood swings. Coral in such situations may well play the role of emergency psychological aid, especially if its colors are red, orange, or pink. To gain wisdom, clarity, to find that very point of support in life, thanks to which Pisces can change their world for the better, is also within the power of corals - children of the water element, like the Pisces themselves.

The main features of the zodiac sign Pisces are widely represented in the legends and myths of the Greeks and Romans. Such, for example, is the myth of Typhon, the embodiment of monstrous disorder, the father of the Sphinx, the chimera and the Lernaean Hydra. Another characteristic plot is the legend of Medusa, whose hypnotic power is deadly. In addition, there is a known story about sirens, who, as the ancient Greeks believed, could charm people with their witchcraft chants, leading travelers off the road and killing them. Finally, it would be remiss not to mention Neptune, the god of the seas, and the whole series of newts and naiads who accompanied him.



Sapphire - stone of wisdom

Pearl. The pearl is capable of attracting feelings of love and passion, promoting the accumulation of money, it will attract good luck and protect.

Emerald is a stone of wisdom and composure.

Amethyst - amethyst is a stone of fidelity. it is also called the stone of the third eye

Moonstone - absorber of lunar energy



All legends about its origin, ranging from ancient Greek, Christian and historical, invariably say that it is a symbol of memory of a friend when lovers part. In addition, its heavenly color symbolizes endless space, the abode of immortal souls and reminds a person of God.

Narcissus. The legend of the narcissistic Narcissus.
The mountain nymph Echo fell in love with the young man Narcissus, to whom she was predicted long life, unless he never sees his face. The arrogant young man remained indifferent to the nymph, and the gods, seeing her torment, punished the proud man: wanting to drink from the stream, he bent over the water and saw himself... And after a while he withered away from love for himself. But the gods took pity and turned him into a beautiful flower.

Jasmine. The first mentions of fragrant jasmine were found in ancient Egyptian papyri. The Hellenes believed that jasmine was given to people by the goddess of wisdom Athena.

Violet. It arose, according to one Eastern legend, from Adam’s tears of gratitude when, while he was on the island of Ceylon, the Archangel Gabriel brought him the joyful news of God’s forgiveness of his sins.

Poppy. It is believed that he grew from the tears Venus shed upon learning of the death of her beloved Adonis.

Lily. Here's what the legend tells about its origin: Zeus's wife Hera saw his hidden son, baby Hercules, and decided to feed him with her milk. But the baby, sensing an enemy in her, bit the goddess on the nipple, milk splashed and formed in the sky Milky Way, and on the ground - lilies.

Depending on the decade of birth, you can determine the dominant plant and the qualities that it gives to a person born on these days.

February 20-28 - MIMOSA. People born under this sign are akin to a flower. They are characterized by increased sensitivity. Mimosa worries very much if her work is underestimated. Bosses, don't overload Mimosa! She was used to sacrificing herself in order to complete the work assigned to her and earn encouragement, neglecting vacations and sick leave. Danger of heart attack and stomach ulcers.

(1-10) March - MAC. Beauty is intoxicating, like opium. It's easy to get caught in Mac's networks, but hard to get out of them. Mac's path is strewn with thorns. You have to believe in yourself, this is the only way Mac can achieve success. He should not focus on meat dishes. Vegetables are a source of vitamins and good mood.

March 11-20 - LILY. Unnoticeable charm. Refinement of nature. Lunar flower. A mystery that can only be solved during the full moon. Masquerade, deception, flirting... Despite everything, Lilia knows how to be happy.


Pine knows what it wants and never goes with the flow. She is courageous, faces difficulties with her head held high and does not allow bad luck to overcome her, thanks to courage, perseverance, the ability to plan and take reasonable risks, she always leads the way. Despite her friendliness in communication and the ability to be a pleasant interlocutor, Sosna is not overly sentimental: her own interests come first for her. Pine's only weaknesses are sensuality and impulsiveness, which make her easily carried away.

Men. They courageously move forward, despite resistance, to achieve their goals. Always successful, regardless of the type of activity, they will always find a way out of the most difficult situation.

Women. They never submit to fate, but, on the contrary, subordinate the conditions to their needs, however, without the home, which they often create for themselves, they would not be able to reach such heights.

Love and marriage. Brave and strong, Pine people only show weakness here. Easily carried away, they find themselves under the influence of an uncontrollable situation.

There is something mysterious about the melancholy Willow. She is full of vague hopes and unconscious desires, which sometimes she herself cannot express in words. But meekness does not prevent her from being businesslike and decisive. Iva knows well what she wants, but she never imposes anything on anyone, since she has a highly developed sense of respect for other people’s worldviews and completely lacks the desire to command. At times for fun, and sometimes for personal gain, she brilliantly knows how to play herself off as a weak creature, although in reality she can stand up for herself. Artistic abilities, intuition and rich imagination often help her in life. And one more touch to Iva’s portrait: she cannot imagine life without sunlight, heat and water.

Men. Gifted with artistic flair, they cannot stand gray everyday life. Sensual and romantic, with a rich imagination, these men are able to play off defenselessness and helplessness, pursuing any goals or just joking.

Women. Somewhat thoughtful and meek in appearance, they are actually quite determined. These women will definitely find a reason for joy even in the grayest day and will never miss it.

Love and marriage. Willows are not characterized by feelings without suffering, or rather, such things simply do not attract them: love without suffering is a very insipid thing, in their opinion.

Lipa is incredibly charming and knows how to use it. She can turn anyone's head. Dreaming of a stable, prosperous life full of conveniences, Lipa often does not realize that all this does not matter much to her: she easily adapts to any conditions. It’s pleasant and easy to be in company with Lipa; she knows how to create an atmosphere of psychological comfort: she listens patiently to her interlocutor, treats others with respect, and does not strive to lead. Lipa has a practical mindset, is resourceful and precise.

Men. Those born at this time are fickle and sensitive to flattery, and life often makes them feel bored - this is their main problem.

Women. Calm and even somewhat weak-willed in appearance, soft and pessimistic, Lindens, however, are able to