Abstract of the GCD "Professions" for the preparatory group. NOD “All professions are important”

Summary of an open lesson in senior group

on this topic “All professions are needed, all professions are important.”

Preparatory work: getting acquainted with various professions, reading poetry and fiction, conversations about what parents do, a tour of the kindergarten kitchen.

Integration of educational areas: “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Socio-communicative development”. " Cognitive development»


1) Improve the ability to depict what is planned; convey the shape of the main parts, their size and location, beautifully, place the image on a sheet, draw large. Improve visual technique: paint with paints. (“Artistic and aesthetic development”).

2) Promote the development of coherent speech, thinking, memory, curiosity, observation, activate and enrich children’s vocabulary with nouns, adjectives, verbs on the topic of the lesson; to form the need for children to answer in complete, common sentences. (Socio-communicative development).

3) Introduce children to several types of professions, show the importance of work in a person’s life; arouse interest in the work of adults in various professions; to form in children realistic ideas about the motives and results that motivate people in their work; clarify, generalize and expand children's knowledge about the features of the profession of hairdresser, cook, doctor, seller, artist and teacher. "Cognitive Development"

Methods and techniques :

Practical – drawing

Visual - a selection of illustrations depicting a given topic.

Verbal - conversation

Materials and equipment :

Pictures with images of people of different professions (used slides) Fruits and vegetables for the cook

Chef's hat, doctor's cap

Tools for hairdresser and doctor

Paints and brushes

Products and goods for the store

A wonderful bag with tools and supplies for various professions

Audio recordings for muses accompanying games and drawing self-portraits.

Logics educational activities

Activities of the teacher.

Children's activities.

Expected Result.

Organizing time.

Invented by someone simply and wisely

When meeting, say hello:

Good morning!

Good morning! - the sun and the birds.

Good morning! - smiling faces.

Let everyone become kind, trusting,

And good morning lasts until evening.

Educator: - Guys, today guests came to our lesson to look at our work. Wish them good morning.

Children welcome guests.

The mood for the upcoming activity.

Announcing the topic of the lesson. Introductory conversation.

Educator: Guys, someday you will all become adults, graduate from school, then college, and find a profession in which you will work. How do you understand what a profession is?

Children’s ability to answer the teacher’s questions with complete answers.

Educator: The explanatory dictionary says that “A profession is the main occupation of a person, his work activity.”

Of course, choosing a profession is not an easy and very responsible matter. After all, by choosing it, you are choosing a business for life. This means that the profession should suit you in all respects.

Who knows who and where his parents work?

Presumable answers from children.

Develop children's memory.

Educator: And today I invite us all to go on a short trip to the land of professions.

Introduction to the profession of hairdresser.

Educator: And what is the first point of our journey, you will find out by guessing the riddle.

This sorceress, this artist,

Not brushes and paints, but a comb and scissors.

She has mysterious powers:

Whoever he touches will become beautiful.

Children's answers.

The ability to solve riddles.

Educator: That's right, this is a hairdresser. Hairdressing is a very interesting and creative job, because a hairdresser does different hairstyles every day. What else do hairdressers do?

Presumable answers from children: (cut, dye, curl and style hair).

To consolidate knowledge of the activities of a hairdresser.

Educator: In a word, they bring beauty. People in this profession must be neat, polite and hardy, because they spend the whole day on their feet.

Educator: Guys, before we continue our journey, let's rest a little.Phys. Just a minute

We play in the profession

(children walk in a circle, holding hands, stop)

We call them with friends.

Doctor, teacher, lawyer,

President and diplomat

Watchman, janitor, musician,

Everyone has talent.

(bend your arm at the elbow and raise your index finger up)

Turner, seamstress, seller,

(each child takes a step forward)

Manager and singer

Collective farmer and obstetrician,

Gardener, policeman,

All professions are needed

(walking in a circle, holding hands)

All professions are important.

Children perform physical exercises. minutes with the teacher, in accordance with the text.

Introduction to the medical profession.

Educator: He cures all diseases,

Everyone knows it from childhood.

Look around you more cheerfully

He is the guys' best friend.

Children guess the riddle.

Activate lexicon children.

Educator: That's right, this is a doctor. This is very important and necessary work. If there were no doctors, people would often get sick and could die from various diseases. Doctors are different. What doctors do you know?

Presumable answers from children. (For example, a pediatrician treats children, a surgeon performs operations, a dentist treats teeth, an ophthalmologist checks vision).

Expand children's understanding of the medical profession.

Educator: Doctors must be brave, decisive and strong.

Educator: Each profession has its own tools, that is, special items that are needed to perform their professional activities. Of course, both the hairdresser and the doctor have such tools. Now I suggest you divide into two teams: 1st team - a team of hairdressers and 2nd team - a team of doctors. The task is this: from the presented tools, the guys from the first team need to select those tools that are needed for the work of a hairdresser and, if possible, explain how to use this or that device. And the guys from the second team need to choose the tools that are needed for the doctor’s work and also try to tell us what they are needed for.

(There are various accessories on the table, the children choose what they need and explain).

Skill to work in team.

Introduction to the profession of a cook.

Educator: The next riddle and our next stopping point.

Walks around in a white cap

With a ladle in hand.

He cooks us lunch:

Porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette.

Children guess the riddle.

Educator: That's right, this is the cook. This is a very important and necessary profession. The chef knows how to cook a lot of tasty and healthy dishes, knows how to bake cakes and pies. There is a cook in kindergartens, schools, hospitals, factories, and cafes. Any chef should love his job. After all, if a chef cooks with love and pleasure, then the food turns out incredibly tasty, nutritious and, of course, healthy.

Children listen carefully to the teacher's story.

Promote the development of thinking, memory,

Introduction to the sales profession.

He gives us the goods and a receipt.

Not a philosopher, not a sage

And not a superman

And the usual...

Children: (seller).

Promote children's logical thinking.

Educator: This is a very interesting job, because sellers communicate with different people. People in this profession must be friendly and attentive to customers. The seller must talk about the products and help buyers choose them. Now I invite each of you to play the role of a seller and help your buyer choose the right product. There are various products in front of you. I will describe to you the qualities of a particular product. You need to guess it and put it in the shopping cart.

Educator: Tasty, healthy, maybe cow or goat.

Children's answers: - (Milk)

Educator: Sweet, it can be milky, black and even white.

Children's answers: -(Chocolate)

Educator: Invigorating, aromatic, can be green or black.

Children's answers: - (Tea)

Educator: Milky, fruity, with pieces of peaches, very tasty.

Children's answers: - (Yogurt)

Educator: Red, ripe, juicy.

Children's answers: - (Apple)

Educator: Sour, yellow, oval.

Children's answers: - (Lemon)

Educator: Dental, whitening, treatment and prophylaxis.

Children's answers: - (Toothpaste)

Educator: Orange, round, sweet and sour, delicious.

Children's answers: - (Orange)

Educator: Green, elongated, refreshing, juicy.

Children's answers: - (Cucumber)

Educator: Delicious, crispy, honey, with nuts.

Children's answers: - (Cookies)

Introduction to the teaching profession.


He writes and draws with chalk,

And he fights against mistakes.

Teaches you to think, reflect,

What's his name guys?

Children's answers: - (Teacher)

Educator: That's right, this is the teacher. If there were no teachers and schools, all people would be illiterate. But there are teachers not only at school. Our first teachers are mom and dad. They teach us the main rules in life. At school, teachers will teach us to read, write, count and much more. A good friend can also become a teacher. You need to love and respect your teachers.

Children listen to the teacher.

Clarify, generalize and expand children’s knowledge about the features of the profession.

Educator: Now I suggest you play the game “In an Even Circle.” You will need to name the profession that owns the tool that I will take out of the wonderful bag.

(The teacher takes an instrument out of the bag and names the child who must answer).

Children stand in a circle and, holding hands, say:

In an even circle one after another

We are going step by step.

Stand still, amicably, together

Answer like this!

Changes in mood and activity.

Introduction to the profession of an artist.

Riddle: I have a close friend

Paints everything around.

It's raining on the window.

So it will grow...

Children's answers: - (artist).

Educator: An artist is a creator, he creates beautiful paintings. Artists paint landscapes, portraits, and still lifes. They work in workshops or paint in nature. Artists make our lives more beautiful.

Educator: I invite you all to turn into artists for a few minutes and draw your self-portrait. Do you know what a self-portrait is?

Educator: This is an image of a person made by the author himself, i.e. Now I invite you to draw yourself)))

Independent activity of children.

Improve the ability to depict what is planned; convey the shape of the main parts, their size and location, beautifully, place the image on a sheet, draw large. Improve visual technique: paint with paints.

Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

Educator: Our journey to the land of professions has come to an end. All the professions that we talked about today and those that we didn’t have time to talk about are very important and needed by all people. It is impossible to single out more necessary and less necessary professions. They are all needed. No profession can exist separately from another. Many are connected and help each other. For example, a doctor and a nurse, a teacher and an assistant teacher.

But the most important thing that I would like to tell you is that you can be anyone: an excellent doctor, a skilled hairdresser, a knowledgeable cook, a driver, a teacher, but if a person has an evil heart, if he is envious and selfish, such a person will not bring joy in your work. Therefore, first of all, I wish you to be kind and sympathetic people. And it seems to me that you will choose your profession correctly, wisely, according to your heart.

Productive activities: Exhibition of self-portraits of children!

Final event

exhibition of children's works: “Self-portrait”.

Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about different professions and their meaning.

Equipment: envelope, pictures depicting different professions, cards for completing drawings, chips, emblems with a smile for each child.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: I have an unusual envelope, let's see what's in it? There are a lot of mysteries here. Shall we guess?

I'm busy with the kids,

I spend all my days with them,

I go for walks with them.

I put them to bed

And, of course, I love

I am my profession. (Teacher)

Shovels snow

Sweeps the yard with a broom,

Did you guys guess?

Who keeps things clean? (Street cleaner)

If the flames are flying,

The smoke is pouring out in a column,

We will dial “01”,

Let's call him for help. (Firefighter)

He's been in our dining room since morning

Cooks soup, compote and porridge. (Cook)

He's wearing overalls

He paints frames deftly

He whitewashed the ceiling

He helped make the repairs. (Painter)

He will cure measles, and bronchitis, and sore throat,

Prescribe pills and vitamins. (Doctor)

He has mountains of goods - cucumbers and tomatoes.

Zucchini, cabbage, honey -

He sells everything to people. (Salesman)

We work as a team

They are bringing us sand and concrete.

We need to work together,

To build a new house. (Builders)

Hairdryer, brush and comb

He will deftly do his hair. (Hairdresser)

Educator: What are these riddles about? How can you call it in one word? Children: about professions. - Well done, we will talk about professions today. What is a profession? (Children's answers) - A profession is work to which a person devotes his entire life. Every morning, the adult members of your family go to work. - Why do people need them? (Children's answers) Educator: Now let's play the competition game “Who can name the most professions.” Children receive chips for their answers. Didactic game “Who can tell you better about their profession”

Educator: Guys, on your tables there are pictures depicting people of different professions. You need to talk about what a person in this profession does, explain what you need to know and be able to do to be a good professional. (Children's stories) -

You guys are great, you told everything correctly and interestingly. And I have one more interesting game I know. Children go out onto the carpet. Educator: I will throw the ball to everyone and ask a question, and you must catch the ball and try to answer correctly. Ready? Ball game “What will happen if...” (Goal: understanding the significance of professions in people’s lives; reasoning about the consequences of stopping the activities of people of different professions)

What will happen if: - cooks stop preparing food?

Will doctors stop treating people?

Will teachers stop teaching children? -

Will builders stop building houses?

Will all drivers refuse to get behind the wheel?

Will the road service stop monitoring the condition of the roads? The children answer.

Physical exercise “Roofer” It’s not hail, it’s not thunder - (Children stand in a circle, pretend to hit with a hammer, stretch on their toes, raising their hands up)

Roofer on the roof. He hits loudly with a hammer - (Depict blows with a hammer)

The whole neighborhood hears. (Cover your ears with your hands)

He covers the house with iron, (Represents blows with a hammer)

To keep it dry. (Bend over and take out socks with hands)

Game exercise “Name who it is?” - the teacher names the actions, and the children name the profession. - Works on a crane Children: crane operator.

Operates an excavator; Trains animals; Repairs the watch; Welds metal constructions; Covers the roof; Concrete; Plays the drum; Plays the button accordion; Plays guitar; Plays the piano; Drives a taxi; Treats the sick; Drives a tram, trolleybus; Builds houses; Teaches children at school; Raises children in kindergarten; Controls a plane; Repairs plumbing; Looks after the forest; Takes care of the garden; Grows vegetables; Milks cows; Mines coal; Cleans yards and streets; Fishing; Lends books from the library; Delivers mail; Prepares food.

Game “Complete the Draw Correctly” (development of logical thinking, attention) - I started filling out the table with attributes that are needed for different professions. But I couldn’t fill it all the way. It is necessary that the pattern in the windows does not repeat itself. Will you help me? Children. Yes!

(Each child receives a card and completes a task. After each task, children receive chips.) Reflection: “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

The builder will build us a house,

And we will live together in it.

Dressy suit, day off

The tailor will skillfully sew for us.

The librarian will give us books,

The bread is baked by a baker in the bakery.

The teacher will teach you everything - He will teach you literacy and writing.

The letter will be delivered by the postman,

And the cook will cook us some broth. Educator:

Now let’s count the chips to see who has the most. The winner receives applause. And all the guys receive emblems with smiles.

Educator: Guys, you know many professions, you know what people of different professions do, you know the meaning of many previously unknown words. And now I think when you grow up, you’ll find something you like! And it is very important that you need to respect the work of another person.

GCD “All professions are needed,

All professions are important."

Cognitive development


in the preparatory group

Program content:

Expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about different professions: carpenter, musician, artist, etc.; show the significance of each of them;

Develop expressiveness in poetic speech.

Continue to teach children to compose riddles according to a given pattern;

Cultivate a respectful, kind attitude towards people of different professions;

Cultivate friendly relationships between children, the ability to work together to complete a task.

Educational areas:

Cognitive development

Social and communicative development

Speech development

Preliminary work:

Compiling riddles about professions based on the example of a teacher; memorizing poems about professions; introducing children to proverbs about work.


Cards with letters for dividing into companies, illustrations depicting people of different professions.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Children stand in a circle.

Guys, listen to the poem.

It's great to be able to!

Sow bread and sing a song.

Throw haystacks, chop wood,

Weed the bed cleanly.

It's great to plan! –

Make a table or bed.

Tin the tank, drive the tram,

Build a house at dawn,

Forge steel, sharpen parts,

Teach the skill of others.

Cherish the garden, bake the bread,

Protect mothers from harm.

Be kind and have friends.

It's great to be able to do that!

Guys, you probably guessed what we will talk about today? (The poem says that people know how to do a lot. One knows how to sing a song, another can bake bread, a third can build a house, etc. And each of them learned to do all this, learned his profession).

Today we will learn about what a profession is and their role in our lives.

Guys, how many professions do you think exist on earth? (Answers).

Who knows what a profession is? (Answers).

This is a business, a job that a person does.

What professions do people need to work in? (Everyone needs to work).

2. Game "Connoisseurs"

- Guys, let's play the game "Experts" and name what professions we know. Close your eyes, think about what profession you will name. And now, in a calm voice, looking into each other’s eyes, we will hand over this object and name the profession. (Dasha, I know the profession of lawyer, etc.)

Well, you know a lot of professions, we’ll talk about this more today, but now we’ll divide into companies (I’m handing out the letters “U”, “P”, “V”)

Choose captains and name your company a profession that begins with the letter on your desk.

3. - Guys, let’s remember and name proverbs about work. I will tell each company in turn the beginning of the proverbs, and you continue.

He who loves to work………………… cannot sit still

Patience and a little effort

Skillful hands……………………………don’t know boredom.

Boring day until evening,………………. if there is nothing to do.

They judge not by words……………… but by deeds.

To live without anything is …………… only to smoke the sky

Without labor……………………you can’t even take a fish out of the pond.

What I do hastily…………… is done for fun.

As is the worker,…………,…………..such is the work.

(For all!)

Business before pleasure. (together)

4. – Guys, people of all professions need tools:

Let's play "Miracle Bag".

I have a miracle - a bag in which the tools necessary for people of different professions are stored. Try to guess who they belong to.

First, the captains take turns taking tools out of the bag and calling the profession of the people.

Make a suggestion about what profession people need a tool for.

The bag contains objects and tools: chalk, book, whistle, nails, flour, potatoes, threads, buttons, paints, plasticine, seeds, spoon, scissors, letter, money, etc.

5. Actors

Well, now let’s rest a little and play the game “Actors”. I will whisper to each company what profession you need to show, you will agree and show it. The rest must guess what kind of profession it is.

1 set – orchestra professions (balalaika, drums, violin, pipe)

2 comp artists

3 sets - carpenters or builders (sawing, hammering)

6. - And now, guys, I’ll tell you riddles, and you, looking at the pictures, guess what kind of profession it is.


Who works more often in this profession, men or women?

What exactly are they doing?

What tools are used?

So, the first riddle:

  • This profession is more often engaged in by women. They distribute books to children and adults and register each book as a subscription. They need subscriptions and a lot of books to work! (librarian)
  • Both men and women are more often employed in this profession. They dress up in different beautiful costumes, go on stage and play a role. For their work they need theatrical costumes, makeup, wigs, microphones. (artists)
  • This profession is more often occupied by men. They save people who are in trouble. They need special suits and a lot of tools to work.

Now you have a meeting and come up with riddles for each other, and I have already shown you a sample.

Physical education minute:

“If you want, then do it! »

1. If you want to become a guitarist, do this...

If you want to become a pianist, do this...

2. If you want to become a painter, then do this...

If you want to be a cook, then do this...

If you like it, then teach others too,

If you like it, then do it...

3. If you want to become an athlete, do this.

If you want to be an artist, do this...

If you like it, then show it to others too,

If you like it, then do it...

7. - Guys, what profession do you think is most important? (all are important)

Game "What happens if..."

(Goal: understanding the significance of professions in people’s lives; reasoning about the consequences of cessation of activities of people of different professions)

Will chefs stop preparing food?

Will doctors stop treating people?

Will teachers stop teaching children?

Will builders stop building houses?

Will all drivers refuse to get behind the wheel?

Will the road service stop monitoring the condition of the roads?

Now the guys will read the poem, and you listen carefully to see that it really is so.

Think what would happen

When would a tailor say:

I don't want to sew a dress.

I'll take a day off!

And all the tailors in town

They would have followed him home.

If only people walked around naked

Along the street in winter.

Think what would happen

When a doctor would say:

I don't want to pull my teeth

I won’t, even if you cry!

Medical care for patients

There wouldn't be any.

And you would sit and suffer

With a tied cheek.

Think what would happen

When would the driver say:

I don't want to carry it! –

And turned off the engine.

Trolleybuses, buses

Covered with snow

Factory workers

We would walk.

A school teacher would say:

this year

I don't want to teach children

I won't come to school!

Notebooks and textbooks

We'd roll around in the dust

And you would be unscientists

They grew into old age.

Think about what

Suddenly something bad happened!

But he just won't do that

No one ever

And people won't refuse

From the required work:

Teacher is required

Will come to class the next morning,

And the bakers diligently

Bread will be baked for you.

Any task will be completed.

Whatever you give them,

Tailors and shoemakers,

Drivers and doctors.

We are all a friendly family

We live in the same country

And everyone works honestly

In its place.

L. Kuklin

All professions are needed and every work is important and necessary.

Today we talked about many professions, what these people do. Now close your eyes and imagine who you would like to become, what profession do you like best?

The builder will build us a house,

And we will live together in it.

Dressy suit, day off

The tailor will skillfully sew for us.

The librarian will give us books,

The bread is baked by a baker in the bakery.

The teacher will teach you everything -

Teach literacy and writing.

The letter will be delivered by the postman,

And the cook will cook us some broth.

I think you will grow up - and you will find something to your liking!

Thanks everyone.

Pavlenkova Tatyana Nikolaevna – Teacher-speech therapist GBOU School No. 41 of preschool groups at the address: Moscow, st. 2nd Reisovaya, 9
Date of submission of work to the competition: 01/31/2017.


Correctional and educational goals.

Expanding ideas about the work of adults, its necessity and social significance.

Expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic “Professions” (labor, profession, work, benefit, driver, builder, teacher, hairdresser, cook, postman, seamstress, artist, captain).

Improving the grammatical structure of speech (formation and use of nouns in the dative case).

Corrective and developmental goals.

Development of coherent speech (through answering questions, dialogue, general speech skills).

Development of speech hearing, visual perception, attention; memory, thinking; articulatory, fine and gross motor skills, coordination of speech with movement, dexterity.

Educational goals.

Formation of mutual understanding, independence, activity, initiative, respect for working people.

Preliminary work.

Conversations with children about their parents' profession.

Examination of paintings and illustrations on the topic “Professions”.

Making a photo album “All professions are important, all professions are needed.”

Learning poems about adult professions in individual lessons with a speech therapist.

Reading fiction: D. Rodari “What do crafts smell like?”, S.Ya. Marshak “Fire”, S. Mikhalkov “What do you have?”, V. Mayakovsky “Who to be?”, E. Permyak “Mother’s work”, K.I. Chukovsky "Aibolit".

Compiling descriptive stories on the topic “Professions”.

Progress of the lesson.

To the music of the song “Who to be?” (music by G. Shaidulov, lyrics by E. Plotnikova) children enter the music room.

Speech therapist.Guys, pay attention, we have guests today. Let's say hello to them.

Speech therapist.Tell me, please, what is the name of our country? (Russia)

What can you say about our country? (She's big, rich, beautiful)

Who makes our country rich and beautiful? (working people, people of different professions)

What is a profession? (Profession is a person’s main occupation, his work activity)

What is needed to get a profession? (you need to study well, know and be able to do a lot, finish school or a special educational institution)

The speech therapist reads a poem:

“There are many noble professions,

Both useful and pleasant:

Cook, doctor, painter, teacher,

Seller, miner, builder.

I’m not naming everyone right away,

I suggest you continue."

Speech therapist.I invite you to take a trip to the “Land of Professions”. You will find out what you and I will travel on when you solve the riddle.

What a miracle - the house is moving

And there are so many people in it,

Wears rubber shoes

And it runs on gasoline. (Bus)

Who drives the bus? (driver). Do any of you dream of becoming a driver?

Child.The profession of a driver is very exciting: you rush, watching forests, fields, cities, small villages flash by outside the window of your car. The driver must have excellent memory, endurance, the ability to make instant decisions in a difficult situation, good health, and excellent eyesight. The profession of a driver is interesting and challenging. After all, the driver must know the traffic rules well so as not to break them and not miss road signs. Therefore, to become a driver, you need to study.

Music by E. Zheleznova “On the Bus” (cycle “Music with Mom”) is playing. Children perform movements according to the lyrics of the song.

Speech therapist.And here is our first stop (the curtain opens. A city is built from Lego on the table).

Guess where we came, what city?

Builder (educator). We work as a team, they bring us sand and concrete.

We need to work together to build a new house.

Speech therapist.That's right, before us is a city of builders.

To build a house, many craftsmen must work hard. Let's remember the construction professions with you.

Who lays the brick? (Mason)

Who finishes the walls and ceilings? (plasterer)

Who paints the walls and ceilings? (painter)

Who inserts the glass ? (glazier)

Who welds the pipes? (welder)

Who works on the crane ? (crane operator)

Who drives the excavator? (excavator operator)

Can a driver work at a construction site? ( yes, he brings bricks, concrete, slabs, sand to the construction site by truck)

Builder.Well done guys, you named a lot of construction professions. All these professions are needed to build strong, reliable and beautiful houses.

Please tell me what qualities are needed for builders of different professions? ( physical training, excellent mastery of the profession, great diligence, physical strength, skillful hands and the desire to do what people need, to bring them joy with their work).

Imagine that you and I are also builders.

Finger gymnastics “Builders”.

We are builders, we are building (knock fist on fist)

We will build a lot of houses.

Many roofs and ceilings (bend the fingers on both hands in turn)

Lots of windows, walls, floors,

Many rooms and doors

Lots of elevators, stairs, floors.

The residents will have fun (we clench and unclench our fingers)

There is a housewarming party in the new house (raise your hands when you hear the word “housewarming”)

Speech therapist.What is the name of a house if it has two floors? ( double decker) Five floors? Many floors?

What is the name of a house that is built of brick? From blocks? Made of wood? ( brick, block, wooden)

Speech therapist.The construction profession is an important and necessary profession.

Speech therapist.We stopped with you at a beauty salon (a slide with an image of a beauty salon is shown on the screen). Who works in beauty salons?

Children. Hairdressers.

Speech therapist.Do any of you dream of becoming a hairdresser?

Child.My mother works as a hairdresser, and I would also like to become a hairdresser. To work, he needs scissors, combs, a hairdryer, and a mirror. A hairdresser is a very interesting and creative profession, as he comes up with a variety of hairstyles. A hairdresser must have good health, because he has to spend the whole day on his feet. A hairdresser must be attentive, polite, and bring joy to people through his work.

The hairdresser can do everything:

If you want, he will shave your head,

Or he will remove his bangs,

Or trims the temples -

Cut it any way you want.

He knows his job

Anyone who wants a haircut

He will help without any problems.

Speech therapist.The profession of a hairdresser is an important and necessary profession.

To the music of E. Zheleznova “By the Car” (cycle “Music with Mom”), children make a circle around the music hall.

A slide with a picture of the school appears on the screen.

Speech therapist.New stop – “School”.

A child reads a poem:

"I'll go to school soon,

I'll find friends there

I will be such a scientist

But I won’t forget my kindergarten.”

Speech therapist.Who teaches children at school? ( teacher). How many of you dream of becoming a teacher?

Let's listen to a story about the teaching profession.

Child.A teacher is a very necessary and honorable profession. Our grandparents, mothers and fathers also sat at the desk and received marks in the diary. To become a teacher, you need to study a lot yourself: after all, the teacher must pass on his knowledge to his students, make his lessons interesting, and his explanations understandable. And, of course, a teacher must love his students.

The teacher will teach you how to solve all the problems,

His patience and knowledge are great,

A good teacher is a great success

His students remember him all his life.

The teacher invites the children to play the game “Letters” (showing slides with images of letters).

Teacher speech therapist). I will show the letter, and you name the professions starting with this letter.

A – actress, lawyer, agronomist, architect, air traffic controller, car mechanic.

B – librarian, accountant, businessman, ballerina, bathhouse attendant.

B – doctor, veterinarian, diver, teacher.

D – announcer, conductor, trainer, designer, deputy.

K – dog handler, cashier, clown, composer, astronaut, pastry chef.

M – nurse, driver, fashion designer, musician.

P – cook, hairdresser, fireman, dressmaker, postman, salesman.

S – gardener, welder, rescuer, dentist, investigator, judge.

E – electrician, power engineer, tour guide, environmentalist.

F – magician, photographer, farmer, pharmacist.

Teacher.Now let’s remember the proverbs and sayings about work and tell you what they mean.

Proverbs and sayings about work:

- You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty (You won't achieve anything in life without work. If you don't work hard, you won't get what you want.).

- Without an ax you are not a carpenter, without a needle you are not a tailor. (Without a tool and the ability to wield it, one cannot be called a master).

- Heroes are born in work. (Only trials and difficulties strengthen and develop heroes).

- The master’s work is afraid. (An experienced master can handle any task. In capable hands, things will go smoothly).

- Handle every task skillfully. (Any business must be undertaken wisely, knowing how it is done).

- Finished the job - go for a walk safely. (When you finish work, you can rest).

- Those who love to work cannot sit idle. (A hardworking person will always find something to do).

- He who is not lazy to plow will produce bread. (Whoever works hard will not be in poverty).

- It’s better to sit back than to do things carelessly. (Sometimes it is better not to do something than to do it poorly).

The bell rings.

Speech therapist.Our first lesson is over. And now it’s a change.

Child.Where there is music, there is dance, we will dance.

After all, by dancing we can convey anything:

And a joke, and anxiety, and a fairy tale, and a story,

To bring joy to all the people here now.

Speech therapist.Musical pause.

Music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, song “The Clock is Running.” Children perform musical and rhythmic movements.

Speech therapist.Tell me, please, who cooks soup, compote and porridge in our dining room in the morning? (Cook). Tell us about the profession of a cook.

Child.A cook is an important and necessary profession. The profession of a cook is chosen by a person who loves to cook and at the same time shows imagination and invention. Many chefs come up with new dishes themselves. The cook must have an excellent memory, he knows and remembers how to prepare certain dishes, how much and what products to put in, what side dishes to serve for cutlets, chicken, fish, and meat. The cook must be able to beautifully decorate any dish: salad or cake, so that it is appetizing and tasty.

The chefs know the secrets

Cooking delicious dishes

Let's thank them for this -

Being a chef is not an easy job.

Playful dance to the song “Varis, porridge” (music by E. Shashin, lyrics by N. Kuzminykh).

The bell rings.

Speech therapist.The bell rang and the lesson began.

Quiz“Mouse Pro invites you to the world of professions” (a slide appears on the screen with a picture of 4 items. Children determine what profession a person needs these items: artist, cook, seamstress, captain, postman).

A game“I’ll guess, and you guess” (the speech therapist asks riddles about professions. Children guess the riddle, a slide appears on the screen with a picture of the guessing profession).

In reality, not in a dream

He flies on high.

Flying a plane in the sky

Who is he, tell me?


Nails, axes, saw,

There's a whole mountain of shavings.

This is a worker working -

He makes chairs for us...

(A carpenter)

Shovels snow

Sweeps the yard with a broom,

You guys guessed it

Who keeps things clean?

(Street cleaner)

Who controls the movement?

Who lets cars through?

On the wide pavement

Waves the baton...


Waves a thin stick -

The choir on stage will sing,

Not a wizard, not a juggler,

Who is this?


If the flame curls,

The smoke is pouring out in a column,

We'll dial "Zero-one"

Let's call him for help.


Interactive game “Correct the mistakes” using slides.

The artist measured the temperature

The builder played the flute beautifully,

The doctor built a brick wall

The cook painted a picture

The musician cooked very tasty cabbage soup,

Find out my mistakes quickly.

Children correct mistakes and pronounce sentences.

The doctor took the temperature

The musician played the flute beautifully,

The builder built a brick wall,

The artist painted a picture

The cook cooked very tasty cabbage soup.

Speech therapist.Errors have been corrected, well done!

And now we will show you the sketch “Who to be?”

Scene “Who to be?”

Speech therapist.Days and months go by

The children are growing and growing,

They grew up big - that's what they are.

They began to dream out loud,

What would you like to become in life?

1 Child. I will be a doctor, because a doctor is the most important profession, because he treats people.

2 Child. And I will be a builder, because a builder is more important than a doctor. He builds hospitals.

3 Child. No, the cook is more important than the builder. After all, if the cook does not prepare lunch, the builder will not be able to work.

4 Child. This means that the seller is more important than the cook. If he doesn't sell the food, the cook won't cook dinner.

5 Child. What happens if the seller gets sick and is unable to sell products?

1 Child. The doctor will cure him.

6 Child. So who is more important then?

Speech therapist.There is no profession that can be called the most important. All professions are important because they benefit people. And to master a profession, a person is required to have perseverance, discipline, skill, knowledge, and hard work.

Today we learned a lot

Just like you said everything exactly,

All professions are important

All professions are needed.

It’s impossible to tell about everyone.

Only important, very important

To become a person in life.

To the music of the song “Who to be?” (music by G. Shaidulov, lyrics by E. Plotnikova) children leave the music room.

Pavlenkova Tatyana Nikolaevna, teacher-speech therapist of the first qualification category.

GBOU "School No. 41 named after G.A. Ram. Preschool groups" at the address: st. 2nd Reisovaya, 9.

List of used literature:

1.Gomzyak O.S. We speak correctly. Notes of frontal classes in a speech therapy group preparatory to school. / O.S. Gomziak. – M.: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2007. – 160 p.

2.Konovalenko V.V. Development of coherent speech. Frontal speech therapy classes in a preparatory school group for children with special needs development / V.V. Konovalenko, S.V. Konovalenko. – M.: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2001. – 64 p. – (Practical speech therapy).

3. Nishcheva N.V. System of correctional work in a speech therapy group for children with general speech underdevelopment / N.V. Nishcheva. – SPb.: DETSTVO-PRESS, 2001. – 352 p.

4. Skvortsova I.V. Development and training program for preschoolers. 100 speech therapy games. For children 4-6 years old. – St. Petersburg: Publishing House “Neva”; M.: “OLMA-PRESS Education”, 2003. – 240 p.

5. Shalaeva G.P. Big book of professions / G.P. Shalaeva. – M.: AST: SLOVO: Poligrafizdat, 2010. – 240 p.

Job title: Educator

Institution: MADOU "Kindergarten No. 66"

Locality: Syktyvkar, Komi Republic

Subject: Summary of GCD in middle group"All professions are important!"

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 66 of a general developmental type" in Syktyvkar Abstract of continuous educational activities in the educational field "Speech development" in the middle group "All professions are important!" compiled and conducted by: teacher Tatyana Vladimirovna Shtykova 2016 ECD goal: Teaching children 4-5 years old to tell stories by enriching children’s ideas about the work of adults. Objectives of the GCD: 1. Educational area “Speech development: - teach children to compose a short story from their work according to the model of the teacher; - learn to answer questions with complete answers; - activate the names of professions and objects of labor in children’s speech. Educational area “Cognitive development”: - Enrich children’s knowledge about objects of labor and the professions of adults. Educational area "Physical development": - learn to perform movements in accordance with the text Educational area "Social and communicative development": - learn to listen to adults and peers without interrupting, follow instructions. Previous work: reading, reviewing the encyclopedia “Who to Be”, didactic games“Who needs what for work”, “4 extra”, conversation about the professions of parents. Materials and equipment: screen, multimedia projector, “Hedgehog” toy, presentation (slides), audio recording “Sound of a Train”, pictures depicting various professions. Progress: Children and teachers enter the group. The chairs are arranged like a train. On one sits a new soft toy – Hedgehog. Children ask where? Educator: Today the Hedgehog came to visit us, his name is Pro. Why do you think he is called that? (children's assumption). The pro got this name because he lives in the country of professions and knows a lot about them. Today he invites us to his country of Professions. Children sit on chairs in “Paravozik” and “road” music sounds. Educator: We arrived at the “Professionalnaya” station. Why do you think it is called that? (children's assumption). Here you can learn a lot of interesting things about different professions. Attention to the screen. (Slides with objects of labor of various professions are shown). Name the objects you see. What profession do people use these items? Children: Doctor, driver, cook, teacher. Educator: What does a doctor, driver, cook, teacher do (in turn). What qualities should they have? Who can work as a doctor, cook, teacher, driver. Work with all four slides in the same way. Educator: What time of year is it now? (Winter) How much snow has fallen. Who removes snow and cleans the city and the territory of our kindergarten? (Windshield wipers). Right. The work of people in this profession is very hard. Let's help the janitor. Children stand up at will. Warm-up is in progress. There has been a lot of snow and everyone is coming and going. (Marching in place) Tired wipers sweep the snow, sweep it. (imitate working with a broom) They rattle with shovels (Clap) Under the shaggy clouds (Waving their arms above their heads) On the streets and in the courtyards They rustle with brooms. And they are in a hurry to get through their work. (Marching) Educator: Guys, the hedgehog Pro invites us to continue the journey. Let's become a train, take each other by the shoulders and we'll go to the next stop, the music sounds - let's go. 2nd stop. On the screen there is an imitation of the view from the train window, snow-covered trees, bushes and mountains. Educator: So we arrived, and mysteries live at this station. What can you call this station? (Children's answers). Right. Mysterious station. Hedgehog Pro offers to solve riddles. If the guess is correct, the picture will appear on the screen. Tell me, who cooks cabbage soup so deliciously? Juicy cutlets, salads, vinaigrettes? (Cook) All roads are familiar to me, I feel like I’m at home on the road. (Driver) Here on the edge with caution He paints the iron, He has a bucket in his hands, He himself is colorfully painted. (Painter) Children guess riddles, slides appear on the screen. Educator: He will start waving a wand. Will there be music playing? Children find it difficult to name the profession of “conductor”. A picture of the conductor appears on the screen. The teacher gives a sample story: This person’s profession is called “Conductor,” let’s repeat it together, individual repetitions. A conductor is a musician whose job is to direct an orchestra, choir, or ensemble. During the concert, he stands with his back to the audience and facing the musicians. To control the orchestra, the conductor uses a small baton, which he holds in his right hand. Educator: Let's remember what professions we talked about at this stop (the children call them cook, driver, painter, conductor). Educator: It’s time to go to the last stop, which is called “Composite”. What do you think we will do with it? (children’s answers - compose, compose). On the easel are pictures depicting all the professions that the children remembered during the GCD. Educator: Guys, what profession do you want to talk about? We listen to two or three short stories about any profession. Educator: Our journey ends, it’s time to return to kindergarten. Let's say goodbye to Hedgehog Pro and promise to come to the country of Professions more than once. Get into the trailers and while we're driving, let's sing a funny song. Analysis: The junior teacher comes out and asks the guys where they have been. Children say that they were invited to the country of Professions by Hedgehog Pro, they traveled around the country of Professions, named objects of labor, professions, wrote stories about them, guessed riddles and got acquainted with the new profession “Conductor”.