Color range: selection and combination. How to choose a color scheme? Color scheme: combination of colors in a modern interior Choosing a color scheme

Before you start arranging your home, it is important to think through the future interior to the smallest detail. A special role in the process of creating a cozy and harmonious atmosphere is given to the combination of colors in the interior. If the choice of colors and shades is made correctly, and the compositions are drawn up successfully, even the most modest furnishings will look attractive, fresh and cozy. Designers name the most successful color combinations in the interior of modern housing.

Rules for selecting color combinations in the interior

Color combinations in modern interior can be quite original and even unpredictable. You should know that each style and room has its own color palette.

It is known that all colors are divided into three main groups - warm, cold and neutral. However, according to the designers, the same tones, when presented differently, can give the interior both warm and cold notes. True, out of all the variety of colors, there are two colors that always remain unchanged - these are always warm orange and always cold blue. Regardless of their presentation and the shades that are surrounded by orange and blue, they remain unchanged.

The color scheme and combination of colors in the interior are selected depending on the purpose of the room. Psychologists say that calm and soft colors are considered the most acceptable for children's rooms and bedrooms. They contribute to the relaxation of the psyche and nervous system at the end of the day, in addition, the restrained range ensures the healthy mental development of children.

The selection of color combinations in the interior must be carried out taking into account the following rules:

  1. When decorating large rooms that may cause some discomfort, you should use warm colors. They will help give the room a cozy atmosphere, make it brighter and contribute to good mood.
  2. If the homeowner’s goal is to visually expand the space of the room, it is worth giving preference to cool, light colors.
  3. Before you start decorating the interior, you should decide on the main color, and then select additional ones to match it. This approach will allow you to avoid the mistake when, individually, all the elements look beautiful and harmonious, but at the same time do not combine in one room.
  4. For many people, the choice of color palette and color combinations in the interior is strongly influenced by fashion trends, which change every year.

Color wheel of harmonious color combinations in the interior

To facilitate the process of choosing shades and their combinations when decorating rooms, the designers specially created a color wheel for color combinations in the interior, which shows the most successful and harmonious combinations. It should be used when choosing color combinations. If you want to make your home cozy and attractive, it is important to take into account the rules and recommendations of experts, but you should not forget about your own preferences.

Harmonious color combinations in the interior can be built on the following principles:

  • Analog. If we talk about this type of combination, as an analogue, then we are talking about colors close to each other in the spectrum. Always when decorating a room, one color should dominate, the second should be used to place accents on important elements of the room.
  • Contrast. When choosing contrast in the room design process, two or more completely opposite colors are used. There must be one primary color, which is balanced and complemented by several contrasting ones. In this case, a room in which blue walls are balanced with orange curtains will look harmonious. When choosing furniture, you should know that it should be slightly lighter in tone than the floor, but darker than the walls. According to the designers, the contrasting combination quickly becomes boring, and sometimes even begins to irritate. That is why this solution is not suitable for decorating residential premises - a bedroom, a nursery, an office, a living room, but it would be appropriate in a bathroom or kitchen.
  • Monochrome. This is a combination of different shades of the same color. Such combinations allow you to create the most calm and harmonious interior. There is one drawback to this principle of combining shades - it makes the room monotonous and boring. To avoid this, it is important to use bright accents, these could be paintings on the walls, decorative vases, beautiful tablecloths. When choosing this combination, do not forget that the floor should be several tones darker than the ceiling and walls.

Choosing color combinations in the bedroom interior

The choice of colors for the bedroom should be approached especially responsibly, because this is one of the most important rooms in every home. The most suitable option for a room intended for sleeping and relaxation is beige color and all its shades.

The following color combinations in a bedroom interior will be successful when the main color is beige:

  • beige and white;
  • beige and black;
  • beige and brown;
  • beige and green.

Sometimes when decorating this room, purple color is used - it is quite independent and bold for the bedroom, it is mainly chosen by women.

By using purple to decorate this room, there is a risk that it will seem dull and dark. To avoid this impression, it is best to dilute purple with white and light brown.

Lilac– very close to purple, but softer and more delicate. In addition, designers say that it is much easier to choose partner colors for lilac. Lilac looks best in the bedroom with white and beige.

Green color for the bedroom– the choice of active and cheerful people. According to psychologists, it is ideal for people who are used to getting up early, as it charges them with positive vital energy from the very morning. There are many color combinations in a bedroom interior with green, however, the choice of palette depends primarily on the shade of this color. If it is a bright fresh green, it can be safely combined with white, yellow, light brown and beige. Deep green will look better with dark brown, blue and rich beige.

Romantic people and those who like to dream often decorate their bedroom in blue. Typically associated with the sea or sky, it is great as a main color for this room. It looks great with white, light green, red, light brown.

Admirers of the classics prefer brown bedrooms. Additional shades you can choose from are red, white, beige, black, green and orange.

Black is also a representative of the classics, but not everyone decides to decorate their bedroom in such a dark color. If you are not afraid that such an interior will put pressure on the psyche and depress, feel free to choose it for a relaxation room.

White, brown, beige are the best options for creating original compositions with black. Lovers of non-standard solutions will not be able to resist the combination of black with pink, bright lilac or purple.

These and some other color combinations in the interior are in the photo below, where the bedrooms are presented in various options:

Color combinations in the interior of a modern kitchen

White kitchen is the most perfect option for modern interiors, regardless of their style. Color combinations in the interior of a kitchen with white can be varied. The ideal solution would be to use bright elements that will make the white kitchen festive and elegant.

The following color combinations in the kitchen interior with the main white color are considered the most attractive and successful:

  • white and green;
  • white and red;
  • White and black;
  • white and brown;
  • white and purple.

Red color well suited for a spacious kitchen; for small rooms it is unacceptable. Its main feature is that it helps increase appetite. Designers emphasize that a bright red kitchen can quickly bore its owner; in addition, its irritating properties are known. To avoid this effect, experts recommend choosing deep, dark shades of red; it is better to avoid bright tones. Elements of red in the kitchen look great with metal and glass. The most advantageous colors with which you can combine red in the kitchen are metallic, black and white.

Orange kitchen- Another one a good option, which will promote a good mood and increase appetite. An orange kitchen looks cozy and warm. Green, brown and white interior elements are suitable for creating harmonious compositions.

If the kitchen is located on the sunny side, the right decision It will be decorated in a blue palette. The room will become cooler and fresher. To create harmony in this area of ​​the house, you should choose coral, yellow, orange and white elements to complement the blue color.

Ideal color combinations in the living room interior

Color combinations in the living room interior should create an atmosphere of coziness, comfort and harmony throughout the entire house. The living room is considered to be the calling card of the home, so special attention should be paid to its arrangement.

Beige living room- one of the win-win options used for this room. As additional shades, it is better to choose those that are close in color palette - coffee, brown, golden. Gray in its light shades can be used as the main color in the living room interior. Create harmonious compositions with gray tint Black, pink and some shades of green will help.

Green living room looks good if it is complemented with brown, white and yellow interior elements. If you want to see your living room always elegant and fresh, you can decorate it in lilac color, combining it with pearl, beige, brown or sand shade.

These are perhaps the most ideal color combinations in the interior of a living room.

Recognizable color combinations in the bathroom interior

A modern bathroom looks good in green, because it is associated with nature, greenery and freshness; it is always pleasant to be in such a room. To maintain an eco-style, white will be a good color partner for green.

Blue colors and their shades will help create a marine atmosphere in the bathroom. A beneficial addition to cold blue or light blue will be warm tones - orange, beige, gold. Such color combinations in the bathroom interior, where the main load is blue or light blue, contribute to the visual expansion of the room.

To increase vitality and vigor, designers recommend choosing red for the bathroom. It will look best with white, gray or silver.

Recognizable color combinations in the interior, which evoke certain associations in each person, are considered best choice to decorate the rooms of your home. Here it is important to choose the right compositions so that they evoke the right associations in certain rooms.

Color spectrum is a palette that fixes a range (set) of shades and colors. She has in various types physical or digital use, that is, the selection of colors that characterizes the artist’s painting style at different stages of his work.

A line of harmoniously interrelated color shades represents the color scheme used in artistic work.

Three ranges can be distinguished:

  • cold
  • warm
  • mixed

The first is obtained through paints with cool shades. The second is formed when using colors with warm shades. Mixed (neutral) - includes the two above-mentioned concepts. Balance in the composition of cold and warm shades is achieved thanks to a mixed range, and the absence of them is achieved by a neutral range.

The main thing is that there is no outweighing of cold or warm shades.

Color science identifies the following color ranges:

Red: raspberry, cherry, pomegranate, red currant color, pink (field carnation), lafite (red grape wine), amaranth (mahogany wood), crimson (bright red), burgundy, strawberry, strawberry, soft pink, cyclamen (i.e. dark red with a hint of pink), shade of pink powder, yellow-pink, self (or flesh-pink), raspberry red, cranberry, scarlet, lingonberry, ruby, red, tomato, coral.

Orange: orange, tangerine, golden, carrot, rust color, beige (with a yellowish light brown tint), ecru (old ivory with a bronze tint), coffee, milk with coffee, coffee with milk, chocolate, havanna (cigar color), color tan, chestnut, terracotta (reddish brown), brown, autumn (aspen leaf), nutmeg (nutmeg), bronze, sandalwood color.

Yellow: lemon, canary, banana, straw, cream, pearl, fawn (pale yellow-pink), saffron (brown-yellow), tobacco, amber, brass, dry mustard color, yellowish-gray, sand.

Yellow-green: pea, apple, pistachio (or greenish), olive (green-yellow), emerald, grassy, ​​mignonette, khaki (brown-green).

Bluish green: sea ​​green, water, ice, peacock, wormwood, turquoise, myrtle (dark blue-green), cypress, lilac-blue, blue-green, pale green, bluish-gray-green (eucalyptus).

Blue: ash, sky blue, forget-me-not, sapphire blue, ash blue, dusky blue, hydrangea color, electric blue.

Blue: cornflower blue, indigo (dark blue), pervanche (dark blue-gray), ultramarine (blue), vat (dense blue), azure.

Purple: lilac, garden violet, amethyst, Persian lilac, forest violet, lilac, heliotrope (dark purple), iris, forest orchid, beetroot, plum, fuchsia, primrose color.

Gray: harsh, slate, graphite, lead, dark lead, smoky, light gray-blue, dusty, steel, the color of winter squirrel skin.

Thank you for your attention! We wish you inspiration and creative success!

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A color scheme is a set of shades and colors that are in harmony with each other, that is, they can be used together for interior decoration, painting a car, or any other item - in general, for developing a design, and they, when combined with each other, will not "an eyesore."

The selection of colors is a very important task, since they can directly affect a person’s mood and physical condition: some colors tend to irritate the nervous system, while others, on the contrary, calm it.

There is even such a direction in alternative medicine as “color therapy” - the treatment and identification of certain mental disorders with the help of color. That is why the color scheme surrounding a person should not irritate him, as this entails nervous exhaustion and various diseases.

Warm and cold

The classification of colors, depending on the colors and shades they include, is divided into two groups:

  • Cold color scheme is a range that includes colors associated with cold, snow, ice, depth;
  • Warm colors – colors that remind a person of heat, fire, summer, desert, sun:

Choice of colors

There are several ways to select the correct color scheme:

  • The first method is to select a color that is the main one in the composition, and complement it with lighter or darker shades - this is the so-called “monochromatic” type of design;
  • The second method is to choose colors that harmonize with each other and are not shades of the same color, unlike the first method. This method can be considered using the example of combining the primary colors of the rainbow with others:
  • The third method is to choose colors that are opposite to each other. This design is quite bright and catchy, but at the same time, it is correct in terms of color combinations. For example: light green and pink, red and green, etc.

Color combination

In order to correctly understand the rules by which the combination of colors is determined, you need to use the color wheel (for clarity). There are several types of color combinations:

  • Monochrome combination. Involves the use of colors from one sector of the circle:
  • A complementary combination includes two opposite colors, as shown in the figure:
  • Triadic combination. Consists of three colors, which are selected by fitting an equilateral triangle into a circle. The vertices will indicate colors that are in harmony with each other:
  • Rectangular combination. Based on the use of two opposite colors ( complementary) and the corresponding two analog ones:
These secrets will help you create correct color compatibility without much difficulty. You just need to follow the rules for using the color wheel.

Why do you need a color combination table?

The color combination table, just like the color wheel, is a convenient auxiliary tool for the designer, since it clearly shows groups of colors that are in harmony with each other:

Such a color compatibility chart allows a person who does not have design talent to choose the right colors for his product, be it a wooden chest of drawers or a website.

Choosing a color scheme for the site

It's no secret that the design of a website is as important as its content. Therefore, the developer must take this aspect into account for the resource to be successful. If the color scheme for the site is chosen correctly, it will attract the visitor, which will make it possible to keep him on this resource.

Unfortunately, not every person can immediately choose the right range. To solve this problem, there are web resources that provide the user with the opportunity to choose colors for their website. One of these is

By following these steps, you can easily select a color scheme for your website:

  • After going to the site, the first thing to do is indicate the main color. To do this, you need to move the point to the desired sector:
  • Next, you need to indicate the number of colors that will be used for decoration. In this case, three colors will be used:
  • You can also use the menu settings in the upper right corner to select the most suitable color scheme;

The selection of colors is considered one of the most important tasks when creating an interior. Its decision should be approached very responsibly. The color combination deserves special attention. Shades should in no case irritate or unnerve. The gamma should promote rest and relaxation. Next, we’ll figure out how to properly use shades in decor.

General information

As you know, one or another range of colors evokes different sensations in a person. For example, orange is considered the “hottest” color. Blue is associated with ice and coolness. Moving from it through yellow and green shades, the colors begin to warm up. Red and burgundy, as well as brown, hold a “high temperature”. It can also be felt on some pink ones. Afterwards the cold range of colors begins again, turning to blue and lilac. But it must be said that such a gradation is quite arbitrary. This is mainly due to the fact that the boundaries between warm and cool tones are often subtle. So, for example, lime can be classified as a yellow color, but at the same time it is considered a cool color. And rich, deep purple can be filled with more blue or. Depending on this, it can be classified as a cold or warm color scheme.

Visual effects


The range of colors that can be used in the design of this part of the apartment is particularly wide. Here, when decorating, a number of nuances should be taken into account. So, for example, a range of colors can increase or, conversely, moderate appetite. In the first case, warm rich shades are used in the interior. These include egg yellow, grass green, and orange. White and blue will help curb your appetite.


This part of the room requires special attention. The bedroom can be just a place of relaxation or a real romantic corner. In the first case, according to professionals, cool colors are more suitable (photos of some solutions can be seen in the article). Such shades will help distract from pressing problems. To create a romantic atmosphere, red and all its variations are primarily used. However, it is not necessary to follow this tradition. The range of colors can be any. The main thing is that the shades are pleasant and not annoying.

Some rules

Every season there is one or another fashionable trend. this moment combination of colors. However, design professionals recommend that you primarily focus on your own feelings. As the experts themselves say, there is no right one, there is a successful combination of colors. Next, we will consider the main approaches to their selection.

Simple option

Here shades of one are used. It becomes lighter or darker. For example, you can choose This design can be slightly diluted with minor splashes of a different, but not too attention-grabbing color. For example, in a room with blue or blue decoration, you can add light sand or white.

Harmonious decor

To add variety to the design of the room, but not too radical, not too contrasting, the selection of colors should be done as follows.

  • For purple: red - pink and lilac - blue.
  • For yellow: egg yellow - orange and light green - lime.
  • For blue: aqua - green and purple - lilac.
  • For orange: pink - red and yellow - egg yellow.
  • For green: sea green - blue and light green - lime.
  • For red: purple - pink and egg yellow - orange.

A game of contrasts

This method of combining colors is suitable for lovers of bright and original design. The following contrasts can be used:

Unfavorable colors

Even if it seems to someone that a particular tone does not evoke any emotions, any color messages are subconsciously recorded. There are some shades that have an adverse effect on humans. These include:

  • Red. He raises nervous tension, and in some cases can even cause hypertension.
  • Purple and black “take away” space, visually reducing it.
  • Brown, as well as wood finishes, can cause apathy, melancholy, and lead to depression.
  • Blue is associated with cold and makes the room less cozy.
  • Gray evokes despondency and sadness.

Favorable tones

An optimistic range of shades from yellow to green helps relieve fatigue and calm. A shade of turquoise will give the room a feeling of freshness. A pastel range of colors from yellow to beige is considered very comfortable. Induces drowsiness and calms light blue. It is considered ideal for the bedroom and recreation area. Dark blue color “cools” the room. He is considered businesslike and serious. Orange and yellow are not suitable for the bedroom, but look great in the kitchen or in a room with north-facing windows. White color can be associated with coldness. But at the same time it is considered an ideal background for the embodiment of various design solutions. Terracotta or red accents will lift your spirits and invigorate you. Splashes of black will add a special style to the interior. Combinations of light gray with other colors will create a business atmosphere.

Special harmony

The combination of related ones represents the most extensive palette. These shades are located in adjacent quarters. These include yellow-green and yellow-red, as well as blue-red and blue-green colors. Particular harmony is achieved when choosing shades that are opposite each other on the tone circle. A double connection is established between such pairs: they contain the same number of main and contrasting colors. As practice shows, it is quite rare that only two shades are used in the interior. The simplest combinations of 2 related contrasting tones can be significantly enriched by adding colors from the same series, only darkened or lightened.

Interior decoration

This or that combination of colors in the room conveys its energy to the owner. When “interacting” with a shade, a person can calm down, relax, and forget about problems. For example, sand and white backgrounds, marble and stones will create the desired coolness. Bamboo-colored furniture will look spectacular in a patio-style room. In some way, you can “close” the world inside the house by using red shades in combination with blue and white stripes. At the same time, walls decorated in this way will catch bright lighting. Using terracotta shades can connect indoor and outdoor spaces. At the same time, on the outside they can turn into the color of oak, and on the inside - ceramic.


Some people find monochromatic design boring, while others, on the contrary, like traditionalism and austerity in the interior. The choice of one decor or another, of course, primarily depends on the owner’s own taste. However, it is necessary to take into account some coloring rules. The most important thing is that it is comfortable to be in the room, because this is your own home, where you want to relax and escape from the hustle and bustle. The color scheme should be harmonious. You can emphasize certain details and focus attention on certain elements using natural lighting.

All shades available to our eyes are created on the basis of three basic colors: yellow, blue and red - the most passionate and bright. It is he who is associated with fire, so it would not be an exaggeration to say that it is scorching and hot, sensual and alluring, warm and alive. Thanks to his fiery nature, he acquired traits of aggressiveness and dominance, or, if you like, power. This is where the red carpet comes from.

However, one cannot deny the fact that blood also has this color, hence the association with wars, revolutions and struggle, because many countries use it in the symbols of their people, thereby emphasizing their strength and power.

Interesting fact #1 : B In a Spanish bullfight, the bull runs not at the color, but at the irritating movements of the bullfighter with a rag.

How many shades are there

It is unlikely that it will be possible to answer this question unambiguously, since every day more and more aspects of the palette are revealed, and it is impossible to identify the entire spectrum.

A palette of many shades.

However, in this article we will touch on several of the most popular colors. There will be 26 of them in total:

  1. Alizarin;
  2. Burgundy;
  3. Cardinal;
  4. Carmine;
  5. Ceris;
  6. Chestnut;
  7. Crimson;
  8. Falunsky;
  9. Fuchsia;
  10. Magenta;
  11. Maroon;
  12. Lilac;
  13. Red-violet;
  14. Rusty;
  15. Reddish brown;
  16. Sangria;
  17. Scarlet;
  18. Terracotta;
  19. Cinnabar;
  20. Amaranth;
  21. Pink;
  22. Light cherry;
  23. Shocking pink;
  24. Coral;
  25. Pomegranate;
  26. Burgundy.

Has many options. He manages to personify both passion and power, danger, help, war, love, blood, kings and queens, rulers and children, fire and life. It attracts attention because at the level of instincts we want to live and fight for life, we want to be strong-willed and strong. If you have a desire to attract attention to yourself, develop leadership qualities, strengthen your charisma, then choose him, people will certainly pay attention to you, and you will have to hold the bar!

Interesting fact #2 : Men are more susceptible to its influence than women; it makes men forget themselves, which is why women in such dresses have been temptresses for many years.

Interesting fact #3 : It can help you cope with depression. It awakens the thirst for life, stimulating the nervous system.

  • Use scarlet color in places active rest. Thanks to its stimulating properties, the place will always be lively. If this is a playground, then the children here will always be active; this is a workspace - employees will work faster; This cafe - scarlet encourages lively conversations.
  • If your office is in the basement, then giving the walls a coral or garnet color will make the room feel more vibrant and warm. But don’t get carried away, classic burgundy will be difficult for everyday use, and if the room is on the sunny side, it will create the feeling of a fire and sitting in such an office will be uncomfortable.
  • Make your home luxurious. Don’t neglect buying bloody details to decorate the interior; for example, you can buy a floor lamp, an embroidered pillow, a carpet, a tablecloth or nice curtains. Don't forget that this is the color of kings. In this case, it is better to give preference to classic red or burgundy.
  • Red stimulates digestion, so if you want to increase profits in your catering establishment, then place sofas or tables here, and focus attention on the food using the walls. This will make diners order more and eat faster. It is likely that they will want to visit such an establishment more often.
  • But the use of such walls in educational institutions is not preferred. Because excited nervous system will not allow schoolchildren and students to effectively focus on the subject.

All shades and their use in the wardrobe

It is also worth considering its palette in relation to clothing. Because he is dominant, he attracts attention. It must be used wisely, otherwise it will affect the entire appearance it will be positive and leave much to be desired:

  • Red is not for everyone. It is suitable for those with a warm color type or a contrasting color type - white skin and tar-colored hair. It is not recommended to use burgundy if you have inflammation on your face or acne; red will highlight these imperfections.
  • He makes you look fat. In addition to the color type, you should pay attention to your figure and if you still decide to wear a scarlet dress, then its style should favorably emphasize your shape.
  • If all the cards work out well and you still wear such a dress or suit, then take care of accessories such as jewelry, bag, shoes. Because today the focus will be on you.

Don't despair if a classic red dress doesn't suit you. It will help you hide flaws and not go unnoticed. darker options. Red-brown, red-violet and burgundy are good for these purposes; dark red may also be a good option.

Interesting fact #4: Pink is the trend of 2017. However, you need to gently combine this color with your wardrobe. In combination with pink, warm variations look good, for example, garnet and coral, they will complement the soft pink shade well. The result will be a very fresh and romantic look.

A color scheme:

  • The combination with pink is truly the most unusual and complex; it is important to understand the shades so that the whole image does not look ridiculous.
  • A monochrome combination of a palette will always look advantageous, and this rule applies not only to a palette of red tones. Dark colors will balance the brightness.
  • Orange tones. Surprisingly, orange goes even better with classics than pink, although it is not a shade of it. Adding orange will add vitality to the whole look.
  • Yellow. It creates very high contrast. This combination is suitable if you are going to a party or some kind of holiday. This duo will also look good in the summer, when brightness is the main feature of the image.
  • Green and its derivatives: khaki, olive, marsh and pistachio will highlight scarlet and give it a noble look.
  • Cold (blue, blue). Blue is the main color. It is able to smooth out the harshness of redness and compensate for shortcomings in the composed image.
  • Purple tones will add mysticism to the image.
  • Brown goes well with almost all colors because it has an absorbing effect and looks very noble on its own. In addition, it shares notes with the red and orange palette.
  • Neutral gray-beige tones balance bright colors and will allow you to use them even in the dress code.