How to collect and store electricity. A device for storing electrical energy and feeding it to consumers of intermittent power. Fantasy without brakes

  1. Turn off the lights when moving from room to room. Install thermal motion sensors that will turn off the lights for you.
  2. Use local lighting: backlights, floor lamps, sconces. For example, in order not to turn on the main light sources every time, it is better to install LED strip lighting in the room.
  3. Remember that cleanliness is the key to saving. Dirty windows and dusty lampshades reduce the level of illumination in the room by up to 35%.
  4. When renovating, keep in mind that light walls will reflect up to 80% luminous flux, and dark ones - only about 12%.
  5. Replace incandescent light bulbs with energy-saving and LED ones. Replacing just one lamp will save about 1,000 rubles per year.

Let's take Moscow, for example. 1 kWh in the capital costs Electricity tariffs for the population and equivalent categories of consumers in the territory of Moscow, with the exception of the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts 5.38 rubles. Let’s imagine that in three apartments, three light bulbs are lit for eight hours a day: LED, energy-saving and incandescent. For a more objective picture, we will choose lamps of such power that they provide approximately the same level of illumination. And this is what we get.

Lamp type LED Energy saving Incandescent
Power consumption, kW 0,013 0,025 0,1
Lamp life, hours 50 000 8 000 1 000
Cost of the lamp, rub. 248 200 11
Cost per hour of operation Cost of an hour of operation = tariff × power + lamp cost ⁄ resource, rub. 0,0749 0,1595 0,549
Hourly savings Hourly savings = cost of operating an incandescent lamp − cost of operating a comparable lamp, rub. 0,4741 0,3895 -
Payback period Payback period in hours = (cost of lamp − cost of incandescent lamp) ⁄ hourly savings, watch 499,89 485,24 -
Payback period Payback period in days = payback period in hours ⁄ 8, days 62,49 60,65 -
Annual savings Annual savings = (8 × 365 − payback period in hours) × hourly savings, rub. 1147,37 948,34 -

It turns out that in two months one energy-saving lamp will allow you to save 40 kopecks every hour, and 10 light bulbs will save 4 rubles.

Use electrical appliances correctly

  1. If there is no two-tariff option, disable all non-main ones electrical devices for the night, and charging device- after the equipment is fully recharged.
  2. The refrigerator must be defrosted regularly if it does not have a special No Frost system. Make sure that the device is positioned as far as possible from heating appliances and that there is adequate natural ventilation back wall. Place only cooled dishes in it!
  3. Monitor the performance of the electric stove burners and place only suitable sized dishes with a flat bottom on them.
  4. Cover pots and pans with lids: they reduce heat loss by almost three times.
  5. Try not to overload washing machine(excessive loading increases electricity consumption by up to 10%) and use medium temperature conditions. Washing at 30 degrees uses 35% less energy than washing at 40 degrees.
  6. Use Electric kettle instead of an electric stove for heating water. This will be much more economical. Boil only the volume of liquid that is needed at the moment.
  7. Clean your air conditioner fans and filters regularly.
  8. Things that require low temperature regime, after turning off the iron.
  9. Do not leave equipment, including microwaves, televisions, computers, scanners, printers, modems, in standby mode. This will save more than 200 kW per year.
  10. Use electrical outlets with a timer.

Buy energy-saving household appliances

  1. All electrical appliances are marked with Latin letters from A+++ to G. Choose equipment with a low energy consumption class, marked A and B.
  2. Buy devices that use Newest technologies saving energy. For example, induction systems are becoming increasingly popular hobs, heating only the bottom of the pan and not wasting energy. The efficiency of such stoves reaches 95%!

Install a two-tariff meter

  1. A two-tariff meter allows you to save at night. Such meters are beneficial for those who can use energy-intensive Appliances: dishwasher and washing machine, bread maker - from 23.00 to 7.00. On average, the meter pays for itself in a year.

Don't waste your heat

  1. Instead of using a traditional heater, use an air conditioner set to heating mode. If the manufacturer allows it, of course. Many air conditioners cannot be used at subzero temperatures.
  2. An infrared heater is 30–80% more economical than others.
  3. If your home has electric radiators, try to keep them clean so that dust does not absorb some of the heat and you do not have to increase the temperature.
  4. When using a water heater, reduce the water heating temperature.
  5. Replace the storage water heater with a flow-through one. This way you won’t waste electricity constantly maintaining a certain water temperature.
  6. Heat water only when necessary. Unplug the boiler when you leave home and at night.
  7. Once every three months, clean the water heater from, which increases energy consumption by 15–20%.
    • Disconnect the device from the network and turn off the water supply.
    • Drain completely.
    • Remove the boiler cover, carefully disconnect the wires and unscrew the thermostat.
    • Unscrew the nuts holding the flange. Push the flange up, rotate it and pull it out.
    • Now you can clean the heating element with a wire brush. A solution of acetic acid and hot water(15). Just place the heating element in it for 30 minutes and make sure that the sealing rubber does not come into contact with the acid.

Batteries, which are expensive to produce and used in alternative energy to “storage” unclaimed energy, have replaced bacteria.

Experts from the University of Chicago managed to solve global problem storage of solar or wind power plants excess electricity, which in about half of the cases has to be literally “released into the air.” Let us recall that the operation of electricity generation stations from alternative sources- solar or wind energy, differs from other areas of energy in the abrupt and dependent on the time of day or wind rose generation of electricity necessary for the operation of numerous electrical appliances. If the earth's star allows you to receive “free” energy only on a bright sunny day, when the sky remains clear of clouds and other natural phenomena that prevent the rays from “reaching” the surface of the earth, then consumers - home appliances or industrial equipment that needs constant recharge, work and at night. A similar situation occurs when converting wind energy into electricity - when it blows, huge mills provide the necessary production, which automatically stops when the wind direction changes or its insufficient strength. This forces power engineers to provide ways to accumulate energy in excess of consumption, so that at times of peak load, which occurs precisely in the evening, to meet the needs of the energy network even in a situation with no power supply. sunlight and winds that died down to zero speed.

To achieve this, power engineers today use huge battery stations that allow them to store excess electricity for their subsequent use at times of peak load on power grids, but the issue of building such “storage facilities” and purchasing tens of thousands of expensive high-capacity batteries turns alternative energy into a very expensive pleasure. A number of market players tried to solve this problem by offering home batteries, which consumers can install in their own homes to harness the power of clean energy right in their country cottage without regard to the time of day or forecasts for the strength and direction of winds. We are talking about Tesla Powerwall batteries, which allow you to accumulate from 7 to 14 kWh in a battery tank mounted on the wall of the room, “filled” by those working in the absence of the owners throughout the daylight hours solar panels. The energy consumption of an apartment or private cottage during the working day, when everyone is outside the home - in offices, approaches zero, and the residents return home after the peak of electricity generation from sunlight has passed. Such a battery helps power the electrical appliances present at home in the evening, at night and early in the morning, but the price of the Tesla Powerwall makes you seriously think about the feasibility of purchasing such an “energy storage device.” The official price list of the manufacturing company of “household batteries” that never appeared on the market reports the initial cost of the product at $3,000.

Energy companies operating in the segment are experiencing exactly the same difficulties. alternative energy— the need to store excess electricity in batteries that are expensive and have a limited number of recharge cycles sharply reduces the profitability of such an undertaking. Today, leading European governments directly subsidize companies that convert solar and wind energy into electricity so that they can operate without the threat of imminent bankruptcy. It is precisely this problem—the excessive cost of creating “energy storage facilities”—that scientists from the University of Chicago were able to solve by creating a unique and ultra-cheap technology for converting electricity into methane—a gas used in many industries, including the electric power industry, that is easily transportable and does not require serious maintenance. Created by leader research group from the USA, Lawrence Mets, a startup called Electrochaea has already begun work towards the commercialization of the methodology developed by specialists, declaring its readiness to build a powerful 10-MW commercial full-cycle “electro-methane” station in the near future.

The processing plant planned for construction in Hungary will make it possible to continuously convert energy unclaimed by household and industrial consumers into methane that is convenient to use and necessary, in particular, for heating homes. According to Mets, an agreement has been reached with the energy company Magyar Villamos Muvek to lay a gas pipeline directly from the plant building to transport the produced methane directly to the country’s gas transportation system. The prototype for the 10 MW “electro-methane” station under construction in Hungary was the experimental 1-MW BioCat installation, built by researchers three years ago. Checking the performance of scientific research in real conditions confirmed the revolutionary essence and incredible prospects for the widespread implementation of a technology that is unique in all respects. The latter is based on the “exploitation” of slightly “modified” microorganisms, which are a laboratory-created strain of the methanogenic bacterium Archaea. During its life, this bacterium converts a mixture of hydrogen and carbon dioxide into methane and water, which, after separation, fill methane reservoirs with electricity converted into gas. The first stage of a process that is very simple from a technological point of view is the separation of water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen, for which excess electricity obtained from wind and solar plantations that are actively being built around the world is used.

The result of many years research work a group of American and European scientists will provide humanity with a very simple, convenient and inexpensive way to store excess electricity without the need to purchase fantastically expensive and technologically “dirty” batteries - when assembling them, manufacturers use materials and technologies that cause serious damage to the environment, and after the resource is exhausted, the used batteries are replenished numerous city and suburban landfills. Instead of causing environmental damage from lithium-ion containers, Mets proposes to use technologically advanced and natural-based biological processes the method of converting electric current into methane, which can subsequently be used in thermal power plants, cars with methane engines and even hydrogen cars. Cars with hydrogen engines run on pure hydrogen, which is most easily produced from methane gas, which turns the development of Mets and his colleagues from the University of Chicago into a scientific breakthrough that is fantastic in scale and prospects for the consumer society.

Saving electricity ultimately leads to two good things: reducing the effects of global warming, and also keeping your savings alive over time. Look around your home or office: every appliance that uses energy can become more energy efficient. Insulating your home and changing your daily habits can help you significantly reduce your energy consumption. Read on to learn how to save on electricity.



  1. Choose natural light. Open the curtains and let the sun flood your room! Using natural light during the day can significantly reduce your electricity consumption. This applies to both your time at work and your time at home. Natural light boosts our mood, making you even more willing to open the blinds immediately.

    • Try to organize your workspace so that it receives natural light. Try to turn off desk lamp whenever possible. If you don't have enough light, use a low-wattage table lamp.
    • Buy translucent tulle or blinds so that your personal life remained personal, and the light continued to fill the space.
  2. Change your light bulbs. You will save a lot of energy if you replace ordinary lamps incandescent to new energy-saving lamps or lamps made using LED technology. While conventional incandescent lamps produce light by generating heat, energy-saving lamps conserve electricity better and have long term services.

    • Energy-saving lamps were the first alternative to incandescent lamps; they use about a quarter of the energy expended by incandescent lamps. They contain a fair amount of mercury, so if such a bulb burns out, it must be disposed of properly.
    • Light bulbs with LED technology appeared on the market not so long ago. They are more expensive than usual energy saving lamps, but they last even longer and do not contain mercury.
  3. Turn off the lights. This is the easiest way to save energy, and it really works. Start paying attention to how many lights are on in your house at certain times. Consider how many lamps you actually need to use. Make it a habit to turn off the light behind you every time you leave the room.

    • If you want to save even more, try to keep your whole family in one or two rooms at night, instead of turning on lights throughout the house.
    • For maximum energy savings, use candles! This old-fashioned way of lighting at night is effective, romantic and very calming. If you don't feel comfortable using candles all the time, try doing it at least once a week. Be careful with candles if you have children at home, or at least make sure everyone in your family knows how to handle candles.

    Home appliances

    1. Unplug appliances you are not using. Did you know that appliances that are simply plugged in continue to consume electricity even if they are turned off? Even a device such as a coffee maker, simply plugged in, continues to consume energy, despite the fact that the last mug of coffee was drunk quite a long time ago.

      • Turn off your computer and unplug it at the end of the day. Computers use a lot of electricity, so you waste a lot of energy and money when they are connected.
      • Don't leave your TV connected to the network all the time. It may be inconvenient to unplug it every time, but your efforts will pay off.
      • Unplug your sound system and speakers. One of the most wasteful ways to waste electricity is to leave them on when not in use.
      • Don't forget about small appliances such as phone chargers, kitchen appliances, hair dryers, and other things that can consume electricity.
    2. Replace old appliances with new ones - with better energy consumption. Companies didn't worry about energy conservation when they made appliances in the past. New models are aimed at saving energy and reducing electricity bills. if you have old refrigerator, electric stove, or oven, dishwasher, washing machine, dryer, or other large appliance, consider replacing it.

      • Look at the energy savings rating for new equipment. It will help you estimate how much electricity the device consumes. Most appliances with high energy efficiency ratings cost an order of magnitude more than those with lower ratings, but the difference in price will pay for itself over time in reduced energy bills.
      • If replacing your home appliances isn't a viable option for you, there are many ways to reduce your energy costs.
        • Fill in dishwasher completely, instead of washing small amounts of dishes.
        • Do not open the oven while cooking food in it, as you will release heat from the oven and it will take more energy to return to the previous temperature.
        • Don't stand in front of an open refrigerator wondering what to eat. Open and close it as soon as possible. Also, check the tightness of the refrigerator door and replace the rubber bands if necessary.
        • Load your washing machine full instead of washing in small batches.
    3. Reduce your use of household appliances. In the olden days, people did not use home appliances to run their households; try to use only those devices that are really needed. Reducing the use of household appliances can take away large quantity time, however, if the whole family takes part in this process, you can manage everything much faster.

      • Most people wash their clothes more often than necessary; try to reduce the number of washes to once a week.
      • String a clothesline on your balcony or backyard and hang wet clothes on it instead of using an electric dryer.
      • Wash dishes by hand (also saving water) instead of using the dishwasher.
      • Try to bake something once a week, during which you can prepare several different dishes. This way you don't have to heat the oven again and again.
      • Get rid of small appliances that you don't really need, such as electric air fresheners. Just open the windows!

    Heating and cooling

    1. Insulate the house. High-quality insulation of windows and doors will help conserve energy well. Insulation will allow your home to keep cool air inside during the summer, as well as keep heat in and cold air out during the winter.

      • Hire someone who can check your home's insulation and determine if it is of good enough quality. Check the attic, floor, ceiling, walls and basement. You may need new insulation for your home.
      • Tape your home using masking tape and insulation in doorways, windows and around window vents. You can also install double-glazed windows - they retain heat better during winter.

The latest developments in the field of production and storage of alternative electrical energy quite noticeable, and in some cases even capable of competing with traditional sources of electricity (,). With the help of renewable (alternative) energy sources, harmful emissions from thermal power plants can be significantly reduced. In some states, such research is conducted not only at the private, but also at the state level. For example, research conducted by the Texas utility Oncor Electric Delivery Co. clearly illuminates the benefits of such technologies for modern power systems:

  • Energy stored in batteries can be connected anywhere in the power grid;
  • Batteries are placed in the energy distribution system (substation or feeder) and can be used to prevent emergency situations (consume or supply electricity if necessary);
  • They can be actively used in, which will improve the energy efficiency of the system and reduce capital costs;
  • These batteries will be able to give or absorb electricity depending on the operating mode of the system;

Additional research will be conducted this year after Saft (specializing in the design, production, and implementation of rechargeable batteries for industrial enterprises and transport) contract for batteries to store megawatts of electricity from the Finnish energy company Fortum.

Saft Intensium Max – container type batteries with rated powers of 1 MW and 2 MW, which will be installed for Fortum Suomenoja at the Espoo power station (Finland) for storing electricity within pilot project in the Nordic countries.

The purpose of this pilot project is to study the suitability and maximum optimality of using batteries for storing electricity and maintaining power balance in the electricity supply system.

In addition, research will also be carried out on new possibilities in the field of flexibility of these systems in the accumulation and release of electricity. The capacity of this power plant will be offered to the national energy company Fingrid to maintain a constant balance of power in the electricity supply system.

“Lithium-ion batteries have a good life cycle and high energy density. Saft will use a lithium nickel cobalt aluminum oxide battery for this project,” said Michael Lippert, Saft marketing manager. In addition to emphasizing the benefits of using lithium-ion batteries, he also noted the importance of this pilot project, as it will experimentally test the benefits of storing large amounts of electrical energy, as well as determine how lithium-ion batteries will behave when storing such large amounts of energy.

As the number of electrical energy storage projects grows around the world, it is worth noting one of the 2015 Project of the Year Awards finalists for renewable energy: The Grand Ridge Energy Storage Project at Invenergy’s Beech Ridge Energy Center:

The Grand Ridge project allows for 31.5 MW of storage electrical power in Lithium-Ion Batteries located in Marseille, Illinois. The project was quite a success in helping PJM grid operators balance supply and demand using BYD's patented iron phosphate battery technology.

According to market research from IHS, the electricity storage market is in an "explosive" position. This means that the annual capacity of electricity storage facilities may well reach 6 GW in 2017, and by 2022 reach 40 GW, and this despite the fact that in 2012–2013 these storage facilities did not exceed 0.34 GW. Energy companies are quite interested in the development of this promising area, as it makes energy systems more flexible, as well as stimulates the development of alternative energy, thereby reducing emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere.

Wikimedia Commons

Perhaps the oldest form of modern grid-tied energy storage. The principle of operation is simple: there are two water tanks, one higher than the other. When electricity demand is low, the energy can be used to pump water upward. During peak hours, water rushes down, spinning a hydro generator and generating electricity. Similar projects are being developed, for example, by Germany in abandoned coal mines or spherical containers on the ocean floor.

Compressed air

Power South

In general, this method resembles the previous one, except that instead of water, air is pumped into the tanks. When necessary, air is released and rotates the turbines. This technology has existed in theory for several decades, but in practice, due to its high cost, there are only a few working systems and a few more test ones. Canadian company Hydrostor is developing a large adiabatic compressor in Ontario and Aruba.

Molten salt


Solar energy can be used to heat salt to the desired temperature. The resulting steam is either immediately converted into electricity by a generator, or stored for several hours as molten salt to, for example, heat homes in the evening. One of such projects is the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum solar park in the United Arab Emirates. And in the Alphabet X laboratory, it is possible to use molten salts in combination with antifreeze in order to preserve excess solar or wind energy. Georgia Tech recently built a more efficient system that replaces salt with liquid metal.

Flow batteries

CERN scientists: “The universe should not exist”

Redox flow batteries consist of huge tanks of electrolyte that are forced through membranes and create electric charge. Typically, vanadium is used as an electrolyte, as well as solutions of zinc, chlorine or salt water. They are reliable, easy to use, and have a long service life. The world's largest flow battery will be built in caves in Germany.

Traditional batteries



At night, the water stored in the tanks is frozen, and during the day the ice melts and cools neighboring houses, allowing you to save on air conditioning. This technology is attractive for regions with hot climates and cool nights, such as California. In May of this year, NRG Energy delivered 1,800 industrial ice batteries to Southern California Edison.

Super flywheel

Beacon Power

This technology is designed to store kinetic energy. Electricity starts the motor, which stores rotational energy in the drum. When needed, the flywheel slows down. The invention is not widely used, although it can be used to ensure uninterruptible power supply.