Possible causes of trichomoniasis in women. Trichomonas in women: symptoms, diagnosis. Treatment of trichomoniasis in women How is trichomoniasis treated in women

Trichomoniasis, or trichomoniasis, is inflammatory disease of the genitourinary system, to which both men and women are susceptible. It belongs to the class of sexually transmitted diseases.

Trichomoniasis is highly contagious, but with timely diagnosis it is easy to cure.

This disease is most dangerous for men. Trichomoniasis in them has scant symptoms, so a visit to the doctor usually happens when the first serious complications appear.


Types of vaginal Trichomonas:

  • amoeboid;
  • round;
  • pear-shaped.

In men, the latter type is most common, which is easy to detect during the examination of biomaterial from the urethra.

However, it sometimes happens that men become infected with Trichomonas amoeba. This complicates diagnosis, since this variety is able to “masquerade” as healthy blood or lymph cells.

Important! Having had trichomoniasis once and being completely cured, a person does not receive immunity. Therefore, if you come into contact with an infected sexual partner, he may become ill again.

Course of the disease

Primary symptoms do not appear immediately after infection: the disease goes through an incubation period that takes 2–4 weeks.

After this, signs of inflammation appear: clear or whitish discharge from the genitals, pain.

There may be no symptoms at all. In this case, a man can carry the infection within himself for many years and not feel any discomfort. However, this does not mean that the disease does not develop: the patient still remains dangerous to his sexual partner.

That is why trichomoniasis is usually accompanied by the occurrence of gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, candidiasis and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Important! If sexually transmitted diseases are complicated by trichomoniasis, treatment becomes difficult - trichomonas protects them from the destructive effects of antibiotics and antifungal drugs.

Forms of the disease

Trichomoniasis has two forms:

Acute trichomoniasis

It appears 2–4 weeks after infection and is characterized by symptoms typical of inflammatory processes.

Signs of inflammation are especially evident against the background of a general decrease in immunity.

Chronic trichomoniasis

If, within 2 months from the moment of infection, high-quality treatment was not carried out or the patient did not follow the doctor’s recommendations, the disease progresses to chronic form.

It is chronic trichomoniasis that provokes the development of complications. It affects Everyday life patient, leading to impaired sexual function and causing inflammation of the urethra and Bladder.

The chronic disease is characterized by a sluggish course with periodic exacerbations.

Factors leading to exacerbation:

  • weakened immunity;
  • hypothermia;
  • improper intimate hygiene;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • metabolic disease.

Such a patient is dangerous for his sexual partner.

Transmission routes

There are several routes of transmission of Trichomonas:

The only cause of trichomoniasis is the entry of vaginal Trichomonas into the body.

There is a high probability of infection with Trichomonas in people belonging to one of the risk groups.

At-risk groups:

  • people who have other sexually transmitted diseases or suffer from diseases of the genital organs;
  • fans of smoking and alcohol, whose immunity is constantly reduced due to their bad habit;
  • sexually active people who have multiple sexual partners and neglect barrier contraception;
  • sexual partners of people with trichomoniasis.

A person suffering from this disease is obliged to warn his sexual partner about the danger.

Despite the fact that this disease is not fatal, the partner must know what he is getting into and take care of his safety in advance.


The disease affects all organs of the male reproductive system: urethra, testicles, seminal vesicles, prostate.

After graduation incubation period the disease makes itself known. But in men, signs of trichomoniasis are usually mild or absent.

Signs of trichomoniasis:

  • burning, itching and sharp pain during urination;
  • frequent urination and false urges;
  • feeling of fullness of the bladder after emptying it;
  • yellowish, gray or white discharge from the urethra;
  • admixture of blood in urine or semen;
  • discomfort and dullness aching pain in the perineum, anus or lower back;
  • feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • ulcerative lesions of the urethra(extremely rare).

All these signs are characteristic of acute illness. After 2–3 weeks they completely disappear. Usually during this period, patients are absolutely sure that the disease has receded. This is not so: the disease has only become chronic with sluggish symptoms.


Detect trichomoniasis in men by external signs impossible: it usually has no specific symptoms.

Therefore, to diagnose the disease they are used laboratory methods studies of discharge from the genital organs and prostate secretions:

  • light microscopic examination of a smear;
  • direct immunofluorescence;
  • PCR diagnostics;
  • microbacteriological culture.

Sometimes even laboratory tests turn out to be uninformative. Trichomonas changes its shape and appearance, “masquerading” as lymphatic and blood cells.

Important! If during the study a man was diagnosed with trichomoniasis, he needs to be tested for other sexually transmitted diseases.


Now trichomoniasis can be successfully treated with special anti-trichomoniasis drugs. In this case, not only infected patients, but also their sexual partners should undergo treatment.

This will avoid re-infection.

Important! Trichomonas cannot be destroyed with conventional antimicrobial or antibacterial drugs. They are resistant to such drugs.

Urologists and venereologists treat this disease in men.

Treatment at home

Treatment at home can be carried out only after consultation with a venereologist.

Anti-Trichomonas therapy in all cases is selected individually and depends on the gender, age of the patient, the presence of concomitant diseases, as well as the concentration of Trichomonas in biological fluids.

Effective folk remedies there is no cure for this disease. Successful treatment is only possible through the use of fairly aggressive drug therapy.

Drug therapy

  1. Medicines based on metronidazole(“Flagil”, “Metrogil”, “Trichopol”). Antibacterial therapy lasts 10 days; During this time, the patient drinks 20 tablets of the prescribed drug. There is another method - a single dose of the drug (for example, 8 tablets in 1 day). At chronic disease These drugs are prescribed as injections or droppers.
  2. Preparations based on ornidazole(“Meratin”, “Orgil”) and tinidazole (“Ametin”, “Tridazol”, “Fazizhin”). It is less effective than metronidazole, so it is prescribed only in case of individual intolerance to the latter.
  3. Alternative drugs based on nitazole(“Aminitrozol”), osarsol (“Spirotsid”, “Acetarsol”), furazolidone. They are recommended for use in cases of intolerance to the above drugs.
  4. Complex antimicrobial agents, containing several antibacterial drugs (“Klion-D”, “Ginalgin”, “Makmiror”).
  5. Drugs that promote the production of antibodies and increasing the impact of anti-Trichomonas drugs (“Solcotrichovac”, “Pyrogenal”). These same remedies allow you to acquire temporary immunity (up to a year) to trichomoniasis.
  6. Immunomodulatory agents(“Kagocel”, infusions of ginseng, Leuzea, lemongrass). They are prescribed in the treatment of chronic trichomoniasis to prevent exacerbations.
  7. Sanitation of the urethra using a solution of silver nitrate, mercuric oxycyanide, ethacridine lactate.
  8. Local treatment with ointments"Rosex", "Rozamet".
  9. Taking macrolides(“Clarithromycin”).
  10. Symptomatic therapy with the use of antispasmodics and painkillers is prescribed if the symptoms of the disease interfere with the patient’s normal functioning.

Aggressive drug treatment should be accompanied by taking drugs with bifidobacteria and hepatoprotectors (Legalon).

During treatment, the patient should give up alcohol and smoking.


  • washing the urethra with antibacterial drugs;
  • electrophoresis;
  • prostate massage.

During the procedure, the patient must refuse sexual intercourse. He should be more attentive to genital hygiene, change his underwear daily and take a shower.


If there is no treatment for trichomoniasis, the disease spreads higher and affects all organs of the male genitourinary system.


One of the most severe consequences of this disease is infertility. Trichomonas multiply rapidly in seminal fluid, releasing specific waste products.

This waste inhibits the growth of sperm, making them inactive and inactive. If the disease is not treated, a person will not be able to have children.


Prevention of trichomoniasis is almost no different from the prevention of other sexually transmitted diseases and includes the following measures:

  • use of barrier contraceptives;
  • the use of antiseptics to disinfect the genital organ when a condom ruptures (especially if there are damage or wounds on the surface);
  • refusal of promiscuity;
  • compliance with the rules of intimate and household hygiene.

Every year you should undergo a preventive examination with a urologist and report any abnormalities to him. At the first suspicion of a sexually transmitted disease, a man should not only visit a doctor himself, but also send his partner for examination.

Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease that can now be successfully treated in any venereology clinic. The earlier treatment begins, the greater the likelihood of getting rid of the disease without consequences.

However, it is best to try to prevent infection: using barrier contraception and having a regular sexual partner will help with this.

Trichomoniasis is the most common disease on the planet among sexually transmitted infections, as well as the absolute leader among diseases of the urinary system. As of 1999, the World Health Organization provided data according to which every tenth person on the planet suffers from trichomoniasis. Already such figures force us to take a closer look at the disease, studying the causes of trichomoniasis, types, treatment methods and methods of prevention.

What is trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis is an infectious disease caused by Trichomonas vaginalis. This single-celled microorganism has on its body a wavy membrane and special flagella, which allow Trichomonas to actively move, penetrating into intercellular spaces.
It should also be noted that Trichomonas is an anaerobic creature, which significantly expands its distribution area.
Available disease statistics show that in the vast majority of cases the disease develops in combination with other diseases, the most common of which are chlamydia and. As a monoinfection, trichomoniasis is diagnosed only in every tenth case.
Modern research shows that the spread of this infection is possible only through sexual contact. And only in exceptional cases is transmission of the disease possible through the use of hygiene products or underwear of a carrier of the disease. At the same time, the risk of transmission of infection through sexual contact exceeds 80 percent. No other sexually transmitted infection has such a high transmission rate.

Prevention of trichomoniasis

These factors indicate that to prevent this disease it is necessary to strictly follow a number of recommendations, which, however, do not contain anything supernatural:

  • culture of sexual relations;
  • if you have non-regular sexual partners, use exclusively barrier contraceptives;
  • a high culture of intimate hygiene, excluding the use of underwear and hygiene products of other people;
  • regular medical examinations, which must be completed at least six months.

In addition, there is a fairly effective method of one-time prevention of trichomoniasis after casual sexual contact without the use of a barrier contraceptive. It consists of introducing five milliliters of solution into the vagina and externally treating the genitals with antiseptics. Such actions will reduce the risk of Trichomonas transmission by 70 percent. But at the same time, doctors strongly recommend avoiding situations where such emergency therapy is necessary.

Photo: Twinsterphoto/Shutterstock.com

Prerequisites for the development of trichomoniasis

However, for the development of trichomoniasis there are a number of other prerequisites in a woman’s body:

  • the postpartum period, when the expansion of the cervical muscles leads to a natural disruption of mechanical protection;
  • menstrual and postmenstrual periods, accompanied by fluctuations in the acidity of the vaginal contents (for Trichomonas, the optimal acidity of the vaginal contents is the range of 5.5-6.6 pH);
  • abortion, which provokes changes in the body that contribute to the occurrence of trichomoniasis;
  • orgasm, during which the uterine cavity is prone to “absorption” of the causative agent of the disease.

Symptoms of trichomoniasis

After entering the body, the first visible manifestations of the presence of infection begin to appear 4-5 days after infection. Depending on the place of penetration of Trichomonas, the symptoms of the disease may differ slightly, but in the vast majority of cases, women experience the following symptoms:

  • copious foamy discharge, predominantly yellowish or greenish in color;
  • profuse leucorrhoea from the vagina, which is a pathognomonic (unambiguous) sign of the presence of Trichomonas in the body;
  • discomfort, often developing into pain when urinating and during sexual intercourse;
  • redness and swelling (so-called hyperemia) of the vaginal mucosa, which may be accompanied by purulent discharge.

In men, infection with trichomoniasis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • painful sensations when urinating;
  • in some cases, when the prostate gland is affected by infection, symptoms of prostatitis;
  • involuntary discharge from the urethra, in some cases bloody.

Although in most cases, trichomoniasis in men is practically asymptomatic, any of these symptoms signals the need for detailed laboratory testing, which can verify the presence of Trichomonas in the body and confirm infection.

Diagnosis of trichomoniasis

Modern medicine suggests four options for diagnosing this disease:

  • cultural examination, which is recommended in the absence of pronounced symptoms of trichomoniasis;
  • molecular biological research, which is designated as the most reliable diagnostic method that does not require additional confirmation;
  • microscopic examination of a preparation stained with a one percent solution of methylene blue. This method is the simplest, but its sensitivity does not exceed 60 percent;
  • microscopic examination of an unstained specimen, which demonstrates the highest sensitivity in cases of clearly defined infection.

At the same time, progressive medicine in diagnosing sexually transmitted infections, including trichomoniasis, is guided by the principles of the least time and money costs, without compromising the reliability of the research results.
According to this, the algorithm for diagnosing infection in modern clinics is as follows:

  • 1. Gynecological examination with the collection of a native smear, which, although it does not demonstrate high sensitivity, has the qualities of being cheap and quick to determine the result. A positive result for the presence of Trichomonas in this case is sufficient to determine the diagnosis.
  • 2. The presence of signs of trichomoniasis infection and a negative result of the native smear are a signal for more complex testing for antigen detection. As in the first case, if the test is positive, treatment is prescribed, and if it is negative, additional research is prescribed.
  • 3. The final test in this diagnostic protocol is culture. Modern medicine considers this set of procedures absolutely sufficient to diagnose the presence of Trichomonas and does not recommend further action, guided by the above-mentioned principle of rationality.

Treatment of trichomoniasis

In case of laboratory confirmation of trichomoniasis, complex treatment is prescribed, developed according to an individual scheme for each patient.
It mainly consists of the internal use of anti-trichomonas drugs - metronidazole and its derivatives flagyl, ternidazole and others. In combination with these drugs, local treatment may be prescribed in the form of vaginal tablets and suppositories, which on their own do not demonstrate adequate effectiveness, as well as a number of procedures: physiotherapy, immunotherapy, prostate massage, urethral instillation and restorative therapy.

Now two methods of using metronidazole are used: a 3-7-day course of treatment, one tablet (250 mg) twice a day, or a one-time use of a loading dose of the drug - no more than two grams. At the same time, the results of many studies show that the second option is not inferior in effectiveness to the first and it is this option that now prevails in medical prescriptions.

The maximum range of drugs and procedures is prescribed to patients with acute or chronic forms of trichomoniasis, while initial stage the development of infection can often be managed only with anti-trichomonas drugs.

Side effects of using metronidazole include a feeling of dry mouth, change in urine color, and in rare cases, malaise, vomiting and rapid heartbeat. In addition, after taking this medication, you should avoid drinking alcoholic beverages for two days.

There are also cases of partial resistance of the infectious agent to anti-Trichomonas drugs, which is observed in approximately every twentieth patient. In such circumstances, the attending physician changes the dose and duration of use of medications, which mainly has a positive effect.

Upon completion of treatment of the disease, the attending physician prescribes a set of three control laboratory tests, which are carried out after the end of the menstrual cycle for three months. And only three “clean” tests indicate complete recovery.

It should also be noted that trichomoniasis is a self-healing infection. Asymptomatic and without diagnosis, the disease lasts from four months to five years, ending with recovery. But for such a development of events, several conditions must coincide:

  • the course of trichomoniasis in the form of a monoinfection, which, as we remember, is observed in only 10 percent of patients;
  • a sufficient level of defenses of the body of an infected person;
  • the patient has no sexual intercourse for a long period.

Consequences and complications of trichomoniasis

Delayed diagnosis and treatment of trichomoniasis can lead to very serious consequences. The progression of the disease into chronic trichomoniasis and further lack of medical intervention often leads to the following problems:

  • frigidity and lack of orgasms;
  • impairment of reproductive functions (inflammation of the uterine appendages and obstruction of the fallopian tubes);
  • the occurrence of malignant processes in the cervix;
  • complications during pregnancy, causing premature birth or miscarriage.

In addition, a number of scientists argue that trichomoniasis may be an indirect cause of the development of diabetes mellitus, mastopathy, cancer of the female genital organs and allergic manifestations, but there is no reliable laboratory evidence of these assumptions at this time and they require additional research.

Trichomoniasis during pregnancy

It is worth mentioning separately about trichomoniasis during pregnancy. Diagnosis of infection during pregnancy is not a prerequisite for its termination. Although the disease can cause complications during the prenatal period, patients are prescribed a standard course of treatment. The only change from the standard protocol is the need to eliminate the use of metronidazole in the first trimester of pregnancy. That is, the course of treatment for trichomoniasis should be carried out no earlier than the second trimester.

There are also statistics according to which in five percent of cases, trichomoniasis in a pregnant woman is transmitted to her child. But the structural features of the epithelium of a newborn are such that the infection in his body occurs in a mild form and in most cases heals itself.


The most common and very dangerous disease of the genitourinary system is trichomoniasis. It can cause complications such as infertility, AIDS, and various pathologies during pregnancy. To get rid of this disease without unpleasant consequences, the patient needs to undergo the necessary tests and determine how to treat trichomoniasis. Read on to find out what treatment methods exist and what means complex therapy includes.

What is trichomoniasis

Dangerous trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infectious disease, the causative agent of which is a single-celled flagellated microorganism - Trichomonas vaginalis. This organism is transmitted sexually, affecting the vagina in women, and the urethra and prostate gland in men. According to statistics, about 10% of the world's population suffers from trichomoniasis, which is a huge percentage compared to other sexually transmitted diseases. Treatment of Trichomonas is often successful: with timely intervention, the infection does not pose a threat to life.

Urogenital trichomoniasis

Infection with urogenital trichomoniasis in 95% of cases occurs through sexual contact. Household methods of transmission are rare - through personal hygiene items (washcloth, towel, underwear). Newly acquired and chronic infections are distinguished: since they are often asymptomatic, the infection can take on a permanent form. What changes in the body are observed during infection:

  • increased sensitivity, vulnerability of the genital organs to other viral diseases;
  • damage to the mucous membrane: ulcers, inflammation;
  • weakened immunity;
  • in pregnant women - increased likelihood premature birth, infection of the child, rupture of the fetal membrane.

Oral trichomoniasis

Women are more likely to become infected from sick men than men from women: this is due to the fact that the vagina is a natural, comfortable environment for the pathogen. Oral trichomoniasis is a rare form of the disease that appears after oral contact with an infected genital organ. Symptoms of infection and pathogenesis are no different from standard trichomoniasis: bacteria are localized in the genitals, semen, and vaginal secretions.

Chronic form

The disease can acquire a chronic form if it proceeded secretly, without obvious symptoms, and was not diagnosed as trichomoniasis (this is more common in men). Chronic trichomoniasis is more difficult to cure than fresh trichomoniasis; sometimes it develops due to poor-quality, incomplete treatment of the acute form. Persistent presence of infection:

  • weakens the immune system;
  • increases the risk of developing other diseases;
  • creates difficulties in conceiving and bearing a child.

Treatment of trichomoniasis

To begin a course of treatment for trichomoniasis, it is necessary to conduct a full examination by a doctor and diagnosis using laboratory tests. The treatment regimen for trichomoniasis is determined individually, after identifying the characteristics of the infection and its reaction to various agents and medications. The main method is to take special anti-Trichomonas antibiotics; local treatment is not as effective.

Trichomoniasis in men

Trichomonas is localized in men in the genitourinary system, directly in the urethra, the disease is asymptomatic, and can be actively transmitted to sexual partners and weaken the body's protective functions, affect hormonal levels and mood, so its treatment is very important. The risk of infection is especially high during unprotected sexual intercourse. Signs of trichomoniasis may be:

  • pain during ejaculation and urination;
  • redness, inflammation of the glans penis;
  • signs similar to those of prostatitis.

Trichomoniasis in women

Often in women, trichomoniasis manifests itself more aggressively and significantly affects the vaginal microflora, hormonal balance, and the menstrual cycle. Trichomonas in women affects important organs (uterus, cervix, ovaries, labia) and can interfere with conception and normal childbearing. Symptoms resemble vaginitis, or severe thrush:

  • copious discharge with a yellow-green tint and an unpleasant odor;
  • itching, burning, redness;
  • sometimes – bleeding after sexual intercourse;
  • discomfort during urination and sexual intercourse.

How to treat trichomoniasis

A venereal disease such as trichomoniasis can easily become chronic, so it is important to approach treatment responsibly and comprehensively: find out what stage the disease is in, how resistant specific trichomonas are to different types medications, in which organ the infection has settled and how strong its manifestations are. Often, after the first symptoms disappear, people stop treatment, but this can only be done after a re-examination: “recovery” may turn out to be a prolonged remission.

What treatment regimen for trichomoniasis is effective: taking hormonal, antiviral, immunomodulating agents, vitamins to support the body in the fight against infection, local ointments and agents that alleviate symptoms. In some cases, physiotherapy, prostate massage and other additional procedures may be prescribed. Read more about different methods of treating trichomoniasis.

Treatment with drugs

How to cure trichomoniasis using pharmaceuticals? The plus is that they are tested and effective, the minus is the high price of some medications and possible side effects of treatment. An effective form of exposure is tablets, oral suspensions and injection solutions. The following drugs are known for trichomoniasis:

  • Metronidazole. Active substances – trichopolum, flagyl. It is absorbed into the blood and destroys bacteria, and is available in tablets of various sizes.
  • Tinidazole (triconidazole). Contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding; its properties are similar to metronidazole.
  • Clotrimazole. An antifungal remedy for genital infections for women, available in the form of vaginal suspensions for oral administration. Possible side effects: irritation, itching.
  • Seknidoks. It acts at the cellular level, disrupts the chemical processes of anaerobic bacteria, and is indicated for sexually transmitted infections and some helminthiasis. It is taken orally in the form of sachets, the contents of which must be dissolved with clean water.
  • Ornidazole. The maximum dose is 1.5 mg per day, effective for chronic trichomoniasis, giardiasis, dysentery.
  • Other agents: Hexicon, Nitazol, Candibene, Azithromycin, Miconazole, Nystatin, Interferon.


Since immunity with trichomoniasis is weakened, it is important to include a vitamin complex in treatment to maintain defenses and mineral balance. Immunocorrectors are important for chronic course disease and resistance of Trichomonas to antibiotics. Such drugs strengthen the immune system, increase the effectiveness of anti-trichomonas drugs, and increase the production of beneficial antibodies. A popular treatment is the Solcotrichovac vaccine. They provide protection for the body for a year, after which it is necessary to undergo an examination and re-injection.

Local treatment

If treatment of trichomoniasis with antibiotics is impossible (intolerance, allergy, conscious refusal), or severe side effects medications - you can use local remedies. They are also sold in pharmacies or prepared by the gynecologist personally (for example, iodine baths and rinsing solutions). Some procedures can be done at home: decoctions of natural herbs, candles, lotions; others must be carried out with the help of a specialist.

Local treatment of trichomoniasis - douching, antibacterial ointments, vaginal and rectal suppositories, tampons, baths, for men - physiotherapy, prostate massage, ultra-thin suppositories for the urethra, lavage. All these remedies effectively fight chronic trichomoniasis and help with complications such as pregnancy or lactation, when taking antibiotics is prohibited. Popular means:

  • vaginal suppositories and tablets Ornidazole, Klion D, Ginalgin;
  • ointments and balms: Betadine, Miramistin;
  • products that restore microflora: Ginolact, Vaginal, Gynoflor.


For the treatment of progressive trichomoniasis ethnoscience can offer natural topical remedies from herbal preparations, plant juices, and oils. To prevent acute relapses, regular rinsing, taking antibacterial agents, controlling sexual activity, and correct selection of contraceptive methods are used. Treatment of trichomoniasis with folk remedies is best combined with medicinal suppositories and douching.

Which folk remedies can be used to treat trichomoniasis at home:

  1. Aloe juice. For treatment, drink it in its pure form an hour before meals, up to 2 tbsp. 3 times a day, make an antipruritic, compress or ointment from the ground leaves of the plant.
  2. Medicinal collection: eucalyptus, birch, tansy, sophora, yarrow. One tbsp. pour a glass of boiling water over the dry mixture, leave for an hour, strain. Drink the product the day before meals. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
  3. Means for antimicrobial douching: bird cherry, calendula, celandine, lilac. Pour a tablespoon of the plant mixture into a glass of water, bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes, leave covered for an hour. Administer small doses of tincture (about 3 tablespoons) using enemas.
  4. Sea buckthorn oilgood remedy from irritation and itching. It is useful to wash the genitals with a solution of oil and water, or lubricate them with pure oil.
  5. Horseradish infusion: grate half a kilogram of the root or mince it, pour a liter of boiling water, place in a closed container, leave for 24 hours. Then strain and use for washing.

Trichomoniasis in women is a common disease that affects the genitourinary system. Trichomonas vaginalis can affect its development. It causes an inflammatory process in the woman’s genital organs, or more precisely, it forms on the vaginal mucosa. How to treat trichomoniasis in women, a regimen of medications that can be used to relieve symptoms and the cause of the development of pathology.

It takes 2 months from the moment vaginal trichomonas begins until the first symptoms appear. Moreover, a typical situation is when the clinical picture is completely absent.

In this case, the person serves as a carrier of the disease, but does not suspect that he is infecting his sexual partners. Although often it is men who are the carriers of the infection. But this does not mean that such a phenomenon is impossible among women. To identify the media, you need to run diagnostics.

Trichomoniasis in women can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  1. Vaginal discharge. Their color can be yellow-green, grayish-yellow, light yellow. They come out in abundance and also smell unpleasant. But the most important thing is that they have a foamy consistency. Patients should pay attention to this Special attention, since the subsequent symptoms are nonspecific and of a nature for any type of inflammation affecting the vagina.
  2. Burning, itching in the vagina and external genital area.
  3. Pain during urination, frequent urge to go to the toilet.
  4. Hyperemia and swelling of the vulva.
  5. Discomfort and painful sensations during sexual intercourse.
  6. Pain syndrome in the lower abdomen. It is of low intensity and is aching in nature.

Medications for treatment


The drug has antimicrobial and antiprotozoal effects in the treatment of pathologies caused by infections. Is vital medicine. For the first 4 days, take 0.25 g 3 times a day. Then take 0.25 g 2 times a day for 4 days. The total course of therapy includes 5 g of the drug.


It is an antiprotozoal and antimicrobial drug. It is active against many Trichomonas and anaerobic microorganisms. Its active components penetrate inside pathogenic microflora, where it inhibits their synthesis and damages the DNA structure. Take 4 tablets once or 1 tablet every 15 minutes for an hour. A course of therapy requires 2 g of medication.


The main component is metronidazole. It has antiprotozoal and antibacterial effects. But the drug does not have a bactericidal effect against many anaerobic bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Take the medicine on the 1st day, 0.75 g 4 times a day. After 0.5 g 4 times a day. The total therapeutic course includes 5 g of medication.


The drug has antibacterial and antiprotozoal effects. The active components are able to penetrate the cells of pathogenic microflora, inhibiting synthesis and damaging DNA fibers. Effective treatment of trichomoniasis involves taking the drug 0.5 g 2 times a day. Take every day for 7 days.


The main component is metronidazole. You need to take it according to the following scheme:

  1. The first day – 0.5 g 2 times a day.
  2. Second day – 0.25 g 3 times a day.
  3. The next 4 days – 0.25 g 2 times a day.

The therapeutic course involves the use of 3.75 g of the drug.


Take an antibacterial and antiprotozoal agent 0.5 g 4 times a day. The duration of treatment will be 5 days. After this, switch to the following treatment regimen: 1 g 2 times a day. Take for 7-10 days.

If it is not possible to purchase these medications or the woman is allergic to them, then treatment of trichomoniasis can be carried out using the following alternative medications:

  1. Atrican 250. Take 0.25 g 2 times a day. The duration of the therapeutic course is 4 days.
  2. Meratin. Take 0.5 g 2 times a day. Duration of therapy is 5 days. Introduce the tablet intravaginally before bedtime. The maximum daily intake is 1.5 g.
  3. Naxojin. Take a single dose of 2 g if there is an acute form of trichomoniasis in women, and for a chronic form the dosage will be 1 tablet 2 times a day. Duration of treatment is 6 days.
  4. Nitazol. Take 0.1 g per day. Duration of treatment is 2 weeks. Suppositories containing 0.12 g of the drug are used intravaginally. Enter them 2 times a day.

Local combination drugs

The following combination drugs are used to treat trichomoniasis in women:

  1. Klion D-100. The composition of the medication involves the presence of two active ingredients - metronidzalone and miconazole nitrate. Take 1 capsule before bedtime. Duration of therapy is 10 days.
  2. Neo-Penotran. These are suppositories that need to be placed 1 suppository 2 times a day. In total, the treatment will last 2 weeks.
  3. Terzhinan. The drug is based on ternidazole, nystatin and neomycin sulfate. Use intravaginal suppositories at night. Duration of therapy is 10 days.
  4. Meratin Combi. The drug is based on ornidazole, neomycin sulfate, nystatin and prednisolone. You must use 1 candle at night. Treatment lasts 10 days,

Candles to eliminate symptoms


These are synthetic vaginal suppositories, the action of which is aimed at destroying the DNA of pathogenic microflora. Its active substances are quickly absorbed and guarantee a lasting therapeutic effect.

But use the drug for a long time, as this causes resistance to metronidazole to develop. This is especially noted in the chronic form of the disease. Use sechi before bedtime. The duration of the therapeutic course is 10 days.


These suppositories are famous for their antibacterial and antiprotozoal effects. It instantly counteracts pathogenic microflora, suppressing their development and leading to their death. Use one candle once a day, preferably before bed. The duration of therapy will be 10 days.


These are antimicrobial suppositories that contain active component acetarsol. It also contains arsenic and glucose. The action of these components is reduced to blocking the metabolic processes of Trichomonas, as a result of which they die. The effect of suppositories on Trichomonas is due to the high sensitivity of microorganisms to arsenic compounds. But the glucose included in the composition creates reliable protection against the effects of toxic substances. In addition, the use of Osarbon leads to the restoration of vaginal microflora and a decrease in acidity levels. The use of suppositories is effective for colpitis, which is the most important complication of trichomoniasis. Use one candle before bedtime. The total course of therapy will last 10 days.

Treatment of trichomoniasis in women during pregnancy

If a woman is infected with trichomoniasis before or during pregnancy, the pathological process will develop intensively, because immunity decreases during pregnancy.

The infection can be detected after the first examination by a gynecologist. Trichomoniasis during pregnancy can cause complications:

  • premature birth;
  • rupture of membranes;
  • water breaking prematurely.

Treatment of trichomoniasis during pregnancy should be carried out by a doctor. He prescribes antibiotics to the woman with a minimum of side effects. They must be safe for the child and the expectant mother.

The task of a pregnant woman comes down to maintaining the dosage. In addition, the expectant mother should inform the doctor about all changes occurring in her health. If after a control test for trichomoniasis the result is negative, then we can talk about a complete cure. Additionally, drugs to improve immune status may be prescribed to the treatment regimen.

In order not to harm the health of the expectant mother and her child, you should adhere to precautions. They consist of avoiding promiscuity and using condoms.


Folk remedies for the treatment of trichomoniasis in women are used as an adjuvant therapy to the main medication.

Herbal collection No. 1

Take 10 g of shepherd's purse, 30 g of knotweed, 10 g of mistletoe, 5 g of sweet clover, 10 g of mountain arnica. Take 10 g of raw material and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes, filter. The daily norm is 200 ml, divided into 2 doses. The duration of therapy will be 2-3 weeks.

Collection for douching

Mix the following components:

  • English oak – 20 g;
  • wild mallow – 10 g;
  • chamomile – 25 g;
  • Salvia officinalis – 15 g;
  • walnut – 25 g.

For 40 g of mixture, 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 4 hours. Use the filtered infusion for douching every day. The total treatment will be 10 days.

Garlic juice and glycerin

In Korean medicine, garlic juice is often used to treat this pathology in women. They combine it with glycerin in a ratio of 1:20. Suppositories are made and inserted into the vagina. It has been proven that after 4 days all Trichomonas die, and after 3-5 sessions the symptoms will completely disappear. In this case, there are no relapses of the disease.

Collection for chronic form

Using folk remedies for treating trichomoniasis in women, you can use an effective herbal mixture. To prepare it you need the following components:

  • common yarrow – 10 g;
  • eucalyptus ball - 20 g;
  • Sophora japonica - 15 g;
  • warty birch - 15 g;
  • common tansy – 20 g.

For 20 g of collection it takes 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for half an hour, filter and take 70 ml 3 times a day. The duration of therapy will be 2-3 weeks.

Calamus tincture

Calamus is famous for its cleansing properties. Its root is in great demand in the treatment of trichomoniasis. You need to take a special vodka tincture. Use it 3 times a day. It is especially important to use calamus root for those people who have gastrointestinal pathologies. The tincture does not irritate the gastric mucosa.

Bird cherry inflorescences

Bird cherry, or rather its flowers, is an excellent cleanser. To prepare the tincture, you need to take 20 g of raw materials and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Set on fire and simmer for 5 minutes. Use in a dosage of 80 ml for microenemas. Another infusion can be injected into the urethra using a catheter. Thus, it is possible to improve the general condition of the patient.


It's simple, but one of the most effective ways for the treatment of trichomoniasis. You need to squeeze the juice out of it. The daily dose is 15 g, divided into 3 doses.

Onion swab

The medicine is used externally. Take the onion pulp, place it on a sterile bandage, form a tampon, and then insert it into the vagina. Keep for 4 hours. If severe discomfort is felt during the procedure, the duration can be reduced to 3 hours. The duration of therapy will be 10 days. If irritation occurs, treatment is stopped.


For severe and unbearable itching, you can use calendula tincture. It can be taken orally, but only a doctor can determine the dosage. You can also moisten a bandage in the tincture and apply it to the genitals as a compress. Keep it for 15 minutes.


This plant heals many diseases. When treating trichomoniasis in women, it is worth taking aloe juice 3 times a day. But the ground leaves are suitable for compresses.


Take 150 g of it every day, dissolving under the tongue. The duration of therapy will be 7 days. You can drink honey with water for those who cannot absorb it.

Horseradish root

To prepare the medicine, take 0.5 kg of roots and grind them on a grater. Add 1 liter of water. Leave the mixture overnight in dark place. Filter the infusion and apply medicinal tincture for washing the affected organ.

Sea buckthorn oil

This is another effective product in treating the disease. It should be used for douching the genitals. The oil effectively relieves irritation, reduces itching, and eliminates inflammation caused by Trichomonas. The product should be used until complete recovery.

Garlic, onion, calendula

Using these products you can obtain an effective antimicrobial tampon. Grind 3 cloves of garlic, ¼ of an onion and a little calendula ointment. Apply the resulting composition to a gauze swab. Place it directly into the vagina, but keep it for no longer than 4 hours.

Decoction from the collection

To cleanse the body of bacteria, you can take lilac, bird cherry, celandine and calendula. For 40 g of raw materials, 200 ml of boiling water. Pour in, simmer for 5 minutes, set for 15 minutes. Filter and use for enemas. Can be administered by catheter.

Prefabricated product

This recipe is more complex, but it is effective when using folk remedies to treat trichomoniasis at home. Take 80 g of eucalyptus leaves, the same amount of tansy, add 20 g of yarrow and 30 g of sophora fruit. Take 20 g of the resulting mixture and add 200 ml of boiling water. Wait half an hour, filter and take 40 ml 3 times a day. The duration of therapy is 3 weeks.

Chamomile infusion

For effective treatment, you can use chamomile decoction in combination with the above treatments. Drink it 2 times a day. To prepare, take 100 g of chamomile flowers, 2 cups of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours.


Take 100 g of raw material, chop it finely, add protein and mix everything well. Take 40-60 g orally every day. To obtain the effect, take it for 14 days.


Take 100 g of the following components:

  • birch leaves,
  • horsetail,
  • chamomile,
  • oats,
  • mint.

For 100 g of raw materials, 3 liters of water. Simmer on fire for about 5 minutes. As soon as the broth cools down to room temperature, then pour it into a convenient container. You need to wrap yourself in a warm blanket, then the water will cool slowly. Sit over the bowl and sit like this for 10 minutes.

Disease prevention

In order not to waste time and money on purchasing expensive drugs for the treatment of trichomoniasis, it is better to take care of high-quality prevention. The main route of infection is sexual. So you will have to adhere to the following preventive measures:

  1. Avoid promiscuous sex.
  2. Sexual contact should occur with the use of condoms.
  3. Have one regular sexual partner.
  4. Visit your doctor regularly for preventive examinations. This will allow timely diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases.
  5. If you have unprotected sexual contact with a casual partner or a condom breaks, you should immediately go to the hospital for treatment. Only timely drug prevention will prevent the development of pathology.
  6. If there was questionable sexual intercourse, then it is worth treating the genitals with bactericidal agents. Such drugs as Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Betadine are excellent for this.

There is a risk of contracting an infection even through household methods. Trichomonosis in the external environment dies at high temperatures. It must exceed 45 degrees. You can also kill it with antiseptics and disinfectants.

In the case of domestic infection, the following preventive measures must be taken:

  1. Pay due attention to cleaning the toilet and bathroom. To do this, you need to use disinfectants. In rooms where there is high humidity, careful ventilation and ventilation must be ensured.
  2. Regularly observe personal hygiene rules.
  3. Use your own hygiene products. This includes linen, bedding, and towels, which should always be washed and ironed.
  4. The washcloth you use in the shower should be customized.
  • Vaginal discharge with a fishy odor
  • Discomfort during intercourse
  • Yellow vaginal discharge
  • Green vaginal discharge
  • Itching in the genital area
  • Heavy vaginal discharge
  • Swelling of the vaginal mucosa
  • Foamy vaginal discharge
  • Redness of the vaginal mucosa
  • Deterioration of general condition
  • Trichomoniasis in women or trichomonas vulvovaginitis is an infectious and inflammatory disease characterized by inflammation of the urethra. The incidence rate is approximately 40% - almost every second woman is infected. Without treatment, there is a high probability that irreparable consequences will occur, including infertility.

    The main reason for the development of the disease is the pathological effect of vaginal Trichomonas. Most often, the pathogenic agent is transmitted sexually, but there are other predisposing factors.

    Signs of trichomoniasis in women are specific and are expressed by copious foamy vaginal discharge, often with a foul odor. The clinic includes cutting, burning and pain in the vagina, frequent urge to urinate.

    The most informative are laboratory diagnostic measures, which must be supplemented by a gynecological examination.

    The treatment strategy for trichomoniasis in women is conservative and consists of oral administration and local use of medications. It is worth noting that both sexual partners must undergo therapy at the same time.


    The causative agent of the disease in women is the simplest single-celled microorganism - Trichomonas vaginalis. Optimal conditions to increase the number of bacteria:

    • high degree of humidity;
    • temperature not higher than 37 degrees;
    • acidic environment, in which the pH varies from 5.9 to 6.5.
    • mucous layer of the vagina or cervix;
    • ducts of the Bartholin glands;
    • urethral canal;
    • bladder;
    • Skin's moves;
    • uterus and its appendages (extremely rare).

    Patients are concerned about where vaginal Trichomonas comes from. Clinicians usually identify several routes of penetration of a pathogenic agent:

    • Sexual - is implemented most often. Infection occurs during unprotected sexual contact with a sick man. The danger of infection is that the sexual partner may be an asymptomatic carrier of pathogenic microorganisms.
    • Household - extremely rare. They become infected through unsterile medical instruments or through interaction with infectious personal hygiene items.
    • Contact. Relevant only for newborn girls who become infected from the mother during passage through the birth canal.

    The manifestation is influenced by the following predisposing factors:

    • having unprotected sex;
    • frequent change of sexual partners;
    • using other people's intimate hygiene products;
    • substance abuse;
    • transferred venereal diseases;
    • visiting public toilets or baths.

    Trichomonas vaginalis exists in a low acidity environment. It is worth noting the reasons for the decrease in pH in the vagina:

    • period of bearing a child;
    • failure to comply with hygiene measures;
    • the course of menstruation;
    • casual sex.

    The rate of spread of bacteria is affected by the following unfavorable conditions:

    • massiveness of infection;
    • state immune system women;
    • degree of protective reaction of vaginal secretion;
    • condition of the vaginal epithelium;
    • presence of microflora.

    In approximately 90% of cases, the main pathogen is associated with the following pathological agents:

    • fungi from the genus Candida;
    • gonococci;

    Frequent relapses of trichomoniasis in women can be triggered by the following factors:

    • period;
    • sexual contact;
    • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
    • excessive addiction to alcoholic beverages;
    • decreased local and general immunity;
    • dysfunction of the ovaries.


    Based on the causes of occurrence and duration of infection, the following are distinguished:

    • fresh trichomoniasis - the disease lasts less than 2 months;
    • chronic trichomoniasis - clinical signs persist for 2 or more months, the disease is characterized by an undulating course with alternating phases of exacerbation of symptoms and remissions.

    Fresh trichomoniasis can be of the following types:

    • acute - symptoms of trichomoniasis in women occur suddenly and are severe;
    • subacute - the clinical picture is less pronounced than in the first case;
    • torpid - there is a manifestation of scanty symptoms;
    • asymptomatic - Trichomonas carriage, when a woman is infected, but external manifestations are completely absent.

    Chronic trichomoniasis in women occurs:

    • uncomplicated - treatment was started before consequences appeared, including irreparable ones;
    • complicated.


    The incubation period for trichomoniasis in women varies from 3 days to one month, often 2 weeks. At this time, the pathogen only multiplies and does not cause any particular damage to the internal organs of the genitourinary system. Clinical manifestations are completely absent.

    The first signs of the disease in the acute form:

    • copious discharge of a foamy consistency of a yellowish or greenish tint - it is worth noting that discharge from trichomoniasis has a specific unpleasant odor of rotten fish;
    • frequent urge to urinate;
    • pain localized in the lower abdomen, spreading to the lower back;
    • itching of the genitals of varying severity;
    • discomfort during sexual intercourse;
    • a slight increase in temperature to 37.5 degrees;
    • pain and burning when emptying the bladder;
    • the vagina swells and becomes bright red;
    • the appearance of blood impurities in urine;
    • sleep disorder;
    • menstrual irregularities;
    • general deterioration of health.

    The duration of the first symptoms is 12–15 days, often ending with recovery against the background of timely treatment.

    In cases of subacute course, the main difference in the clinical picture will be only an increase in the amount of vaginal discharge. In torpid trichomoniasis in women, the symptoms are erased, the disease becomes either chronic or trichomonas carriers.

    The chronic course of the pathology during exacerbation has standard symptoms. During remission, external manifestations are not noted.


    A gynecologist knows how trichomoniasis manifests itself in women, how it is diagnosed and what treatment regimen is most effective.

    Despite the presence of specific symptoms, the process of establishing a diagnosis includes laboratory tests and instrumental examinations.

    Primary diagnosis:

    • familiarization with the medical history - to identify STDs and other pathological factors;
    • collection and analysis of life history - to establish the mechanism of infection;
    • thorough manual and instrumental gynecological examination;
    • palpation of the lower parts of the anterior wall abdominal cavity;
    • detailed survey - to determine the severity clinical signs, which will indicate how long ago the incubation period ended.

    Laboratory tests include the following manipulations:

    • general clinical and biochemical blood tests;
    • bacterial culture of a smear taken from the vagina using a contrast agent;
    • PCR diagnostics
    • serological tests;
    • cultural sowing;
    • molecular genetic analyses.

    The following instrumental procedures play a supporting role:

    • transvaginal ultrasound;
    • radiography of the pelvic organs;

    Differential diagnosis involves comparing trichomoniasis with candidal, gonorrheal or nonspecific nature.

    Only when the doctor becomes familiar with the results of the research procedures will the most effective treatment for trichomoniasis in women be prescribed.


    The tactics of how to treat trichomoniasis in women are always conservative. The basis of therapy is oral administration and local use of antibacterial substances (suppositories for trichomoniasis for women).

    Most often, patients and their partners are prescribed Metronidazole for trichomoniasis - vaginal Trichomonas is most sensitive to this substance.

    The following tablets can be prescribed for trichomoniasis in women:

    • "Trichopolus";
    • "Flagyl";
    • "Ornidazole";
    • "Tinidazole";
    • "Ternidazole".

    All drugs are analogues of Metronidazole.

    Local anti-trichomoniasis substances are effective - Metrogyl gel ointment and suppositories for trichomoniasis in women:

    • "Klion-D";
    • "Betadine";
    • "Osarcide";
    • "Terzhinan";
    • "Osarbon".

    How many days to use local medications is determined by the attending physician. Often the course of therapy lasts 10 days.

    Treatment for trichomoniasis in women may include:

    • adaptogens;
    • immunomodulators;
    • vitamin and mineral complexes;
    • folk remedies;
    • diet.

    The effectiveness of therapy is monitored by laboratory tests, which must be taken during 3 menstrual cycles after the end of the course of treatment.

    Treatment of trichomoniasis in pregnant women is similar, only the dosage of the drugs will differ. The therapy is fully controlled not only by the attending physician, but also by the obstetrician-gynecologist.

    Possible complications

    Lack of treatment for chronic trichomoniasis, as well as its acute form, is fraught with the development of unpleasant complications. The most common consequences:

    • infertility;
    • abscess of Bartholin glands;
    • tubo-ovarian abscess;

    In pregnant women, the consequences of infection include spontaneous abortion and premature labor.