Why do you need to learn spelling? Why is it necessary to study spelling rules briefly. “Why do we need spelling rules? Why do we need spelling rules? Spelling Y-I at the junction of prefix and root

Essays - reasoning on a linguistic topic according to all the rules of the Russian language

Why is spelling needed?

Knowledge of language is the key to correctly expressing your own and understanding other people's thoughts. And it is impossible without knowledge of the rules of Russian spelling. Therefore, I completely agree with Ilya’s opinion.

We must know spelling rules in order to avoid mistakes in writing, in order to correctly understand the meaning of what is written. You might say that it is impossible to know the correct spelling of all words. But there are simple principles Russian spelling, which you will not have any difficulty mastering. In the text “Grandfather’s Felt Boots” by M. Prishvin, the spellings of the words “good” and “passed” are based on the morphological principle, and, for example, “paramedic” and “fluff” are written in accordance with the traditional one.

In a word, we cannot do without spelling rules. Not knowing them means not loving and not respecting, first of all, yourself.

The problem of spelling literacy is relevant in our time. It is impossible to write without knowing spelling rules.

You are probably saying to yourself: “Why is this spelling needed? Is it really impossible to live without her?” Spelling is needed so that a person correctly understands the meaning of the word he read. So, for example, in M. Prishvin’s story “Grandfather’s Felt Boots” the word “it’s time” (25) can be written in accordance with the pronunciation - “couple”, while making a spelling mistake. Then the meaning of the word will change.

To write words correctly, it is enough to know the basic rules. Some might say there are too many rules. But in the Russian language there are simple principles of spelling, which you will not have difficulty mastering: morphological, phonetic, traditional and differentiating.

For example, the words “life” and “fluff” are written according to the traditional principle, while “look” and “passed” - in accordance with the most common morphological one.

Nowadays, knowing spelling is very important. It contributes to the correct spelling of words, and the correctness of writing, in turn, shows the cultural level of a person and his education. So, if in a sentence you write not “it’s a long climb”, but “a long time to flatter”, or not “the train is leaving”, but “he will eat atpravlyaitsa”, then people simply will not understand what is being said in the text. However, some believe that no one needs a set of spelling rules anymore.

After all, many people have computers where the text is checked automatically. True, any system, even the most “smart” one, can fail. Of course, when typing, the computer immediately highlights spelling errors, but not lexical ones! After all, a word can be written correctly, but the meaning of what is written is radically changed.

Others think that this is simply unnecessary knowledge that clogs their heads, and even knowing all the rules does not mean that the individual is smart and well-mannered enough. Of course, you can’t do without a culture of speech either, but if you don’t know the basic rules of writing, then, first of all, this means absolute neglect and disrespect towards readers. Agree, it’s unpleasant to read a work with errors and guess what the author really wanted to say. Although sometimes it seems funny and amusing, if every person writes like this, then it will be a big problem to find out some of the information you need.

Everyone has the right to a personal opinion and can act as they wish. But spelling is not only a special method that makes it easier to use written language. It is also closely connected with the historical roots of writing and represents centuries-old foundations that trace their origins back to ancient times, and not only in the Russian language, but also in other languages ​​of the world. When the culture of the people changes, the spelling becomes different. If our modern man had been in Russia a hundred years ago, no one would have understood him and, perhaps, would have mistaken him for a foreigner. Maybe they could somehow understand his speech, but it’s unlikely that he wrote. It would become clear to everyone that this man was from another time.

The study of spelling rules begins at school. True, this does not mean that they should be immediately forgotten upon completion of training. After all, the level of literacy indicates a person’s education, and it will be more pleasant for the interlocutor to talk to you as an intelligent person, and not as a braggart and fool. Therefore, you should always strive to educate yourself and expand your horizons. What is the meaning of the word “spelling” itself? It comes from 2 words of the ancient Greek language: “opphos” - correct and “grapho” - I write, i.e., simply spelling. This is a system of uniform transmission of words and speech grammatical forms in writing, so that the reader perceives them correctly.

So, what is spelling for? It is a stable basis for writing, which transmits information from the previous generation to the next and allows people to take into account the mistakes of their ancestors, read highly artistic works and excludes the possibility of returning only to oral language. This is our linguistic heritage and every native speaker is obliged to know the rules of its spelling.

The hero of one of Anatoly Aleksin’s books reasoned in a monologue: “... what difference does it make whether to write “morshrut” or “route”, “bicycle” or “vilasiped”? This does not make a bicycle a motorcycle. It is only important that everything is clear.” Shura was a poor student and put a lot of effort into eliminating this unfortunate circumstance. How surprised he would be now to see that adults are quite seriously repeating his reasoning, not considering a “D” in the Russian language as something worthy of attention. It is especially often and heatedly discussed why spelling is needed in online discussions, after one of the participants points out the mistake of another. However, the positions of the parties are reduced to primitiveness: on the one hand, “the main thing is the meaning,” on the other, “we must write correctly, otherwise we will degrade.” The combatants do not think that one does not cancel out the other, and that content needs form just as much as form needs content.

Spelling is a set of rules that govern written speech. This alone makes her modern world one of the main regulators of communication processes. So, traffic rules, which all road users obey, allow you to safely get from point A to point B. Spelling - traffic rules for participants in written communication. If earlier, having left student age, the average person practically did not use written language in everyday life, today it is a prima in the ballet of human communication. We write SMS, emails, messages on social networks, blog posts, comments under publications. All this must obey the rules of spelling, otherwise we will cease to understand each other.

It would seem that the content of the message will not change if someone made a spelling mistake. Let’s say a person receives the message “I want a bike.” In fact, a “wheelie” cannot be confused with either a motorcycle or a scooter. However, this mysterious vehicle only to the writer himself seems to be two-wheeled, with a triangular frame, a straight steering wheel and pedals. The addressee will have to read the context, and if there is none, it will be painful to guess what is meant. Considering that the recipient can ignore the rules of spelling to the same extent as the sender, we have many options: a hybrid of a pitchfork with something pedal; two fantastic designs “vilas” and “ped”; the name of some place: “I want to go to ilasiped” (yes, since we don’t need spelling, then the rules for using lowercase and capital letters are superfluous); an architectural structure with a transcription of a proper name (“villa siped”)... And in general, how your fantasy will play out. Remember that our hypothetical participants in the dialogue ignore the rules of both writing and reading? Both can be sure that it is written exactly as they imagine, and the interlocutor is free to write incorrectly. Will they understand each other? They will understand, of course, but not right away.

Of course, for today's speech this is an exaggerated example, but in just a few years of spelling anarchy it can become a reality. It's like a child's game of broken telephone: a message is transmitted along the chain with distortion, who both heard and transmitted, and in the end - a completely different word.

In addition to ensuring mutual understanding in written communication of any kind, spelling also ensures its culture. A letter, post, or comment with many errors causes a negative reaction from readers. Firstly, it’s quite difficult to get through them to the meaning, like through blackberry bushes: all these typical “from the beginning”, “never”, “we’ll do”, “honest” and so on make the eye “stumble”, linger on the word, and the reader's brain is to urgently look in his dictionary for the original word, which has been mercilessly distorted.

Secondly, general literacy and spelling in particular are an indicator of the level of culture of the writer. As a rule, a cultured person, educated and broad-minded, reads a lot, and not just blogs. He develops competent literary speech, even if he does not remember the rules of the Russian language. Even if unconsciously, he follows them, guided by the texts he has read. A person who makes many spelling mistakes does not accept either professional or recreational reading, but his poor lexicon typed by ear. Therefore, when you try to reproduce words in writing, what you get is illiteracy. He can be a worthy person, he can have remarkable personal qualities, he can stop entire herds at a gallop and walk through burning huts, but at the same time he can be uncultured. And the decrease in level general culture limits both communication topics and argumentation.

Thirdly, ignoring spelling rules and defending the position of “if only they understand” demonstrates disrespect for the interlocutor, no matter who he is. Behavior that is not regulated by rules and norms is always disrespectful behavior. Who would like it if someone who comes to visit blows his nose in the curtain, puts his boots on the table and starts swearing at the TV, even if Syabitova is playing on it from morning to infinity? You, owner, understand that sniffling is indecent, your legs should rest, and the blue screen is only worthy of these short words? It’s the same with written speech: someone who ignores the rules looks like a boor, even if the essence of his statements is correct and his point of view appeals to others.

And one last thing. Literacy in modern communication is approximately the same as a decent, neat and expensive suit for a person. Neglect of spelling and connivance transform your image, like stains, wrinkles, holes, bubbles on your knees and elbows. And the next time, after writing in a blog or letter “It’s a good day, I went, I wouldn’t have gotten there - good,” take socks from the basket with dirty laundry, find homemade pajama pants in the closet, borrow a work jacket from a car mechanic, and galoshes from your grandmother - and go for a walk dressed up while it’s not raining. I do not like? Uncomfortable, ugly, people shy away? Well, the main thing is that the person is dressed, not naked. Or is spelling still needed...

On initial stages mastering writing, a child’s written speech is determined by his oral speech, i.e. he writes words the same way he pronounces them. That's why he makes a lot of mistakes. As you master grammar and spelling rules, the number of errors decreases sharply. This is explained by the fact that children learn to find one or another spelling and carry out appropriate work with it.

The spelling form serves as the main spelling unit adopted in modern methods.

Firstly, a spelling is a spelling that requires verification, that letter, that combination of letters, that morpheme, that position between words, that junction of morphemes, that place of division of a word when transferred to another line, which need verification and justification;

Secondly, there are always at least two possible options spellings, one of which (the correct one!) is chosen by the writer.

For the writer, the spelling always carries a task that must be solved by observing: a) the requirements of the spelling, i.e. choosing the correct spelling from two or more allowed by the graphics; b) requirements for accurate transmission of meaning and content of thought.

It is necessary to distinguish between theoretical and practical spellings. Theoretically, a spelling is considered to be one that can lead to an error, but in reality it never leads to one. For example, theoretically, children can write the verb “run” with the letter “d” - “begud”, but in reality such a mistake is unlikely. However, the boundary between theoretical and practical spellings is arbitrary: many spellings recognized as theoretical in middle and high schools are primary school are practical. Thus, in primary grades (especially in the first) they write “maya”, “druziya”, “od at home”, etc., which reflects the spontaneous desire of children to write phonetically. Therefore, theoretical spellings also need to be able to be seen, especially by the teacher.

When mastering writing skills, initially all the child’s attention is paid to the writing technique and compliance with the rules of landing. When children are given a spelling task, the calligraphy aspect deteriorates as attention is focused on following the spelling rules.

A spelling rule is a prescription that establishes the order of performing a spelling action or solving a problem. The wording of the rule usually contains the following elements:

  • a) indications of the spelling that is being checked;
  • b) determination of the grammatical, phonetic, word-formation nature of the phenomenon;
  • c) an indication of the method of checking and obtaining the result.

The formulations of spelling rules, depending on the method of listing the conditions of choice, are of two types: stating and regulating. Statemental spelling rules list the conditions for choosing a spelling or the conditions for prohibiting any spelling. One of the simplest rules is “In combinations ЖИ, ШИ the letter I is written,” this is an instructional rule that does not require grammatical analysis. Action according to this rule has three stages: detection of combinations in a word; phonetic analysis; writing a word and self-test. Most spelling rules are ascertaining.

The governing spelling rules indicate how students should proceed in the process of selecting a spelling from a range of possible spellings. For example: the rule for checking unstressed vowels in the root of a word is based on phonetics (detection of an unstressed vowel sound), word formation and grammar - on the composition of the word, selection of cognate words or on changing the grammatical form of the word. The action according to this rule contains 7-8 steps:

  • a) find the vowel sound that needs to be checked (unstressed);
  • b) make sure that the unstressed vowel is at the root;
  • c) select a test word or form of the same word;
  • e) determine whether the vowel being tested is stressed in the test word; d) if necessary, select a second or third test word;
  • f) compare the test words with the word being tested;
  • g) write in accordance with the decision made;
  • h) carry out self-test.

Some of the most difficult spelling rules in the elementary grades are given in sections, in several steps. It is not always necessary to give younger students rules in a ready-made form: many rules can be derived by the students themselves based on observations, practical actions and specially organized conversations.

Recognizing the importance of studying spelling rules, which relieve the writer from the need to remember the spelling of each word, methodologists and teachers could not help but notice some significant shortcomings in the spelling preparation of students who know the rule. It has been noted many times that many students do not see the connection between individual rules and do not have self-control skills, especially in non-standard situations. Thus, the principle of unity of the content and procedural aspects of learning is proclaimed. It will be successful if the student’s activities (his educational activities) are aimed at mastering not only knowledge. In relation to spelling, this means, believes L.I. Razumovskaya that only knowledge of spelling rules is not enough for the successful formation of spelling skills: the content of the rule, its theoretical essence is acquired in the course of educational activities, as a result of performing exercises that form the ability to act in accordance with the rule. The effectiveness of exercises (activities) depends, therefore, on the quality of the theory and on the consistency educational activities with this theory.

K.D. also paid primary attention in the formation of the correct skill to exercises. Ushinsky. He pointed out that “the main, central activity, around which all the others are more or less grouped, is practical exercise in language, oral and written.”

Thus, when the spelling rule for the tested unstressed vowels of the root is focused on the selection of “selection words” (Unstressed vowels in the root are written in the same way as they are written under stress in words with the same root), then the very essence of the phenomenon eludes students, namely: unstressed vowels are indicated by the same letter as stressed ones in roots with a common meaning, i.e. in words with the same root. The main thing in the rule is its focus on semantics: roots of the same meaning (words with the same root) are always written the same way, both verifiable and unverifiable. To avoid errors like “living” (because “living”), which set a false method of action “based on the rule”, the content of the activity should be scientific way selection of words with the same root that explain one word through another, closely related one: a baby is a very small person, a child. By explaining the meaning of the root through a closely related word, the student masters a method of action that is adequate to the rule.

By getting used to defining writing in this way, students master both the rule, which is filled with true content for them, and a technique, a method of action.

The presented approach is consistent with the position established in psychology about the unity of consciousness and activity, about the active approach to learning. It seems, however, indisputable that the nature of the tasks should have such an orientation that actions “according to the task” are worked out on the basis of the rule, on theoretical basis. Skills are formed based on knowledge of how to perform an action. Students most successfully, quickly and accurately master skills based on knowledge and application of an algorithm or algorithmic prescription.

Both pedagogical science and school practice in last years has made significant progress in identifying rational ways to develop educational skills in schoolchildren. Data from studies conducted by psychologists and methodologists confirm that only a system of exercises ensures that students master the skills of competent writing.

When conducting exercises in a certain system, it is necessary to take into account the specific conditions of working with a particular group of students, namely:

  • 1. The degree of preparedness of students, the state of their knowledge and skills in the field of spelling.
  • 2. Level of speech culture.
  • 3. Conditions of the language environment surrounding children.

Successful learning of spelling is facilitated by:

  • a) careful selection of didactic material;
  • b) a variety of exercises based on rules and different kinds memory;
  • c) gradual complication of spelling knowledge;
  • d) strengthening the role of students’ independence in completing spelling tasks.

The use of various techniques and exercises is a prerequisite for successful spelling work. But the choice of techniques should not be left to chance. When determining which technique or type of exercise should be used in each specific case, it is necessary to take into account the various features of each of them. The feasibility of using a particular technique or exercise from a methodological point of view is determined by such conditions as:

  • a) the degree of compliance with what is being passed in this moment material;
  • b) students’ preparedness to master this educational material;
  • c) accessibility of admission in terms of the independent work skills that students already possess;
  • d) consistency in the application of techniques selected for a specific purpose.

The table can give an idea of ​​the sequence of exercises and their correspondence to the goals and objectives of training at various stages of mastering skills.

The sequence of exercises in the process of students mastering skills.

Let's give brief description each type of exercise. Preparatory exercises are aimed at preparing schoolchildren to perceive new knowledge and how to apply it in practice. Such exercises are mainly reproductive in nature. Students' independence in completing them is minimal.

Introductory exercises are used to create a problem situation for students as a way to motivate learning, to prepare conditions for independently searching for new ways of performing actions or forming an appropriate rule (algorithm), to lead students to an understanding of the basic theoretical material, prepare them to understand the rule, the law, which is the basis for mastering skills.

Trial exercises are the very first tasks to apply the newly acquired knowledge. They are used when the new material has not yet been mastered firmly and students may make mistakes in its application.

Training exercises are aimed at students mastering skills under standard conditions. They differ from problem ones by a greater degree of independence and initiative of students in their implementation, as well as by a greater variety of tasks, the complexity and difficulty of which increases.

The didactic goal of creative exercises is to develop in students the ability to correctly and quickly solve problems based on the creative application of acquired knowledge and acquired skills.

Test assignments are mainly educational in nature. These are complex tasks that combine reproductive and creative elements. Test tasks should be of average difficulty and consist of typical situations without particularly complicating the content.

Let us further note that an important condition the formation of spelling skills is the variability of didactic material, selected taking into account the typical difficulties of students in applying spelling rules. And finally, the education of students, which is carried out during the formation of spelling skills, is also a necessary condition for successful work with students on spelling.

When studying spelling, work is systematically carried out on the meaning of words and phraseological units, which contributes to the formation of spelling skills and enrichment of students' vocabulary, for example: ink - ink, lacking - lacking, etc.

Working on word combinations when studying spelling has its own specifics: students use the dependent word to establish the main word, for example, when studying the rules for spelling unstressed vowels E and I in case endings of nouns and others.

Working on sentences is especially appropriate when studying the spelling of endings, as well as particles and conjunctions. Students create their own examples (sometimes based on samples), replace or insert individual words in a sentence, etc.

The choice of methods and techniques for teaching spelling is determined by the nature of the spelling, which can be in any significant part of the word: in a prefix, root, suffix, ending. Different types spellings occur within the same morpheme and, accordingly, different rules are applied.

The following methods are used in teaching spelling:

  • - teacher's word;
  • - conversation;
  • - observation and analysis of spellings;
  • - independent work students.

The teacher's word as a method of teaching spelling is used to communicate, for example, the purpose of the upcoming work, when formulating tasks for independent work, and when making generalizations. The teacher also uses this method for etymological inquiries about words whose spellings are checked by a dictionary, when summarizing students’ independent work, etc. Using the conversation method, material is studied, the assimilation of which is prepared by the knowledge that students already have. These are mainly spellings that require establishing the grammatical form of a word, for example, spelling case endings nouns and adjectives, spelling of suffixes of various parts of speech and others.

The method of observation and analysis involves comparing the phenomena being studied, identifying similar ones, and generalizing. Therefore, its use is advisable when studying spellings that are checked by comparison with reference words, or spellings that are checked by spelling and grammatical rules. For example, the method of observation is used to study the spelling of vowels checked by stress.

When studying material by observing language, the technique of comparison is widely used. For example, in the word wave, the vowel sound of the root is unstressed and can be represented by both the letter A and the letter O (vo/a/lna)! In its writing, only O is permissible. To establish the correct spelling of this word, it is necessary to select related, supporting words with a “doubtful” vowel under stress and compare them with the given word (waves, waves), where the vowel is under stress and is written at the root of the word ABOUT.

The method of independent work can be used when studying any group of writings if students already have the skill of working with a textbook. This method is also effective when working on spellings checked by a dictionary.

There are a number of methods for working on spelling. Let's look at them.

Cheating is a technique that consists of a student completely copying individual words, sentences or entire coherent passages from a book or from the board. Copying is one of the effective types of exercises that help develop spelling and error-free writing skills. This exercise comes down to students writing down the texts they are reviewing. Knowing the classification of cheating options is useful for the teacher, as it allows you to keep in mind the whole variety of such exercises, will help you more correctly choose the right type of cheating in each individual case, link it with other spelling exercises, such as dictations, and will make it possible to achieve variety in spelling lessons.

Copying is quite widely used at the first stage and is used to teach children to copy the proposed text without errors. This type of exercise is taught using the following algorithm:

  • 1. Read the sentence to understand and remember it.
  • 2. Repeat the sentence without looking at the text to check if you remember it.
  • 3. Highlight spelling patterns in the copied text.
  • 4. Read the sentence as it is written (as you will dictate to yourself while writing).
  • 5. Repeat, without looking at the text, the sentence as you will write it.

Write, dictating to yourself as you spoke the last two times.

Check what you have written: a) read what you wrote, marking the syllables with arches; b) underline the spelling in what is written; c) check each spelling with the source text.

If learning to cheat is organized according to the proposed algorithm, not only the intuitive and sensory basis of competent writing develops, but also its awareness.

Cheating, complicated by various tasks (grammatical, spelling, logical, lexical, stylistic), is increasingly used. These exercises are effective and are included in the system of spelling exercises as its integral part. Conscious cheating, as one example of teaching literate writing, can be used in working on many spelling rules. Complicated write-off is carried out in different options, this may be cheating from additional task(indicate the test word, sign grammatical forms, divide the word into syllables and others); with changing the text (add a word, insert individual letters, words).

One type of conscious cheating is cheating based on questions. This exercise consists of the following: based on a text familiar to students, questions are given, the answers to which students must find in the text of the work and write down the corresponding parts of the text in a notebook. It is recommended that schoolchildren, while copying, pronounce in a low voice what they are writing in order to establish and consolidate in memory the visual, motor-motor and auditory associations associated with the word being written down. And if such “inner speaking” is a very significant support in speech development exercises, then it is no less important, although in a slightly different form, for consolidating the skills of spelling-correct writing.

The next type of spelling exercise is spelling analysis. By spelling analysis we mean exercises consisting of analyzing and explaining the spelling of words in order to better understand and more firmly memorize them by schoolchildren. Spelling analysis is one of the effective means consolidation of students' knowledge in the field of spelling. It is most often used in combination with grammatical, actually morphological analysis, since most spelling rules are related to grammar.

Spelling analysis should be carried out on a text that is sufficiently rich in spelling terms, according to the following plan, for example:

  • 1. Students look for spelling data in the text: these spellings can not only be highlighted and named, but also underlined if the work is done from a notebook, or marked with dots, or written out in a notebook if the work is done from a printed text.
  • 2. Students designate spellings, formulate rules, compare this spelling with others, similar ones, already discussed in class.

When analyzing spelling, the following stages of solving spelling problems must be followed:

  • - finding a spelling and determining its type
  • - solving problems in general form (rule)
  • - verification method
  • - recording

In writing: Preparation (3) - the number in brackets indicates the number of spellings in the word.

Orally: I start the analysis with the prefix.

Prefix - under- with vowel -o- and consonant -d-

I prove: I prepared, I prepared.

The root is an unstressed vowel -o-, I remember it. There are no unpronounceable or doubtful ones.

The suffix -i-, because in the indefinite form -prepare- the suffix -i-

Support diagrams provide great assistance in solving spelling problems. Schemes are also used to spell the root and ending.

Successful assimilation of knowledge contributes to graphic designation spelling patterns and their number in a word. This allows you to conduct spelling analysis as an independent work and monitor the development of spelling skills in students.

To strengthen spelling skills and to acquire new spelling knowledge, it is very important to use exercises that can be divided into several types. For example, exercises to improve actions to identify the root in a word and establish the relatedness of words; such exercises can be of several types depending on the additional action.

To understand how to check, you can use exercises related to spelling observations. The technique of setting a spelling goal for these exercises is aimed at developing spelling vigilance in children.

To consolidate spelling skills, you can also use words that contain several spellings at once, which are being worked on simultaneously.

Another way to teach spelling is to memorize the graphic composition of a word, its “image.” This method of teaching includes such methodological techniques as various cheating techniques, visual dictations, the use of a “Spelling Dictionary”, pronouncing words, hanging posters, self-test techniques and others.

Memorization is facilitated by such types of student work as accessing a spelling dictionary, checking words in a dictionary, writing down difficult, untestable words from memory and then checking them in a dictionary.

Memorization of spelling is also facilitated by such exercises as five-minute spelling exercises, carried out at the beginning of the lesson and consisting of oral pronunciation of difficult words in recording of some of them, various options for grammatical analysis, and others.

You can often hear that to develop spelling skills you need to write a lot, you really need to write a lot, but you should not rely on involuntary memorization of spellings alone.

Exercises of a creative nature when teaching spelling are the most difficult type of writing, requiring attention, the ability to focus it on composing sentences, and writing down your sentences (each word is dictated syllable by syllable), and on the logic of presentation.

The easiest creative work is composing sentences based on supporting words. Children love to write creative dictations. Children often ask how to write this or that word. This is an indicator of a thoughtful, conscious attitude to work. Work verification is required. You can invite children to use this reminder when carrying out creative work:

  • 1. Write a story.
  • 2. Highlight the first sentence. Remember the three rules about proposals.
  • 3. Write it down, dictating to yourself syllable by syllable. Where necessary, select test words.
  • 4. Check the syllables of each word.
  • 5. Check that you have written down all the necessary thoughts.

The next type of exercise is solving a spelling problem. The difficulty of the spelling task lies in the fact that the student, in essence, must set this task for himself. The student must:

  • 1. Find the spelling in the word.
  • 2. Determine its type; checkable or not, if checkable, then determine which spelling topic it relates to.
  • 3. Determine the method of solving the problem depending on the type of spelling.
  • 4. Determine the “steps”, stages of solving the problem and their sequence.
  • 5. Solve the problem.
  • 6. Write the word in accordance with the solution to your spelling task.

Examples of spelling tasks: insert the missing letters in the words below and prove the correct spelling, create possible phrases from these words, and then sentences.

It is developing (flag, industry); sleep (to school, building).

Children write:

Moisture flutters (blows). The Kazakh flag flies on the building. Industry is developing. In our country, industry is developing every year.

Solving spelling problems is one of the effective ways of teaching spelling, which is introduced into spelling and brings real results. .

Also, in developing spelling skills, you can use work on untestable spellings. Students primary classes must memorize a large number of words with untestable vowels. Teaching a child to write these words without mistakes is one of the most difficult tasks facing a teacher.

Little attention is paid to vocabulary work at school; it is often of a random, episodic nature, which is why students’ speech is formed and improved more slowly than we would like.

“Vocabulary work is not an episode in the teacher’s work, but a systematic, well-organized, pedagogically appropriately structured work related to all sections of the Russian language, it is carried out from grades I to X,” wrote the famous methodologist A.V. Tekuchev.

There is no need to prove how great the role of a spelling dictionary is in improving literacy and speech culture. The spelling dictionary, which belongs to the “dictionaries of correct speech”, is intended for the widest range of readers who are in one way or another concerned with the issues of spelling words.

Students like to “solve” together the spelling of one or another difficult word. So, in grade 2, working with the words telephone, telegraph, television, telescope, students learn that the first part of the words tele came into Russian from the Greek language and means far. The children easily and consciously remember the graphic image of these words. In Latin there is a prefix con-.

Using this information, we introduce students to the spellings of such difficult words as candy; team, commander; collection, collective; de- demonstration, deputy, delegate, decoration.

The children are reading K. Paustovsky’s story about a meeting with a forester who loved to look for explanations for words and to whom this activity brought great joy.

“You will find an explanation for the word and rejoice,” he told the writer. “Let’s try and guess why individual plants, birds, and animals are called that way,” the teacher tells the children. Shows color pictures depicting carnations, raspberries, rosehips, tits, and bears. Looking at the drawings, students draw conclusions, their first “discoveries”: “The carnation was so named because it is shaped like a nail, the rose hip has thorns, the raspberry seems to consist of small berries, the tit is blue (the color of its plumage is dominated by blue ), the bear loves honey and therefore knows (knows) where to look for it.”

The guys read poems by E. Serova from the series “Give me a word”:

Everyone knows us:

Bright as a flame

We are namesakes

With small nails

Admire the wild

Scarlet... (carnations).

But the origin of a word is not always so clear and understandable. Very often we can only learn about the origin of a word from special books and dictionaries.

Here's how to work with the word rowan, which students often spell incorrectly.

First, the children guess the riddle:

Under the tier - tier

A zipun with a red garus hangs.

Students read the word written on the card, first silently, then twice out loud, and finally say it out loud.

After this, write it down in notebooks or dictionaries. The teacher shows a color drawing and says: “The word rowan comes from the Slavic word ryab, which meant pockmarked, motley; after all, the combination of bright green small carved rowan leaves and the orange-red berries of this tree causes such a sensation that it ripples in the eyes.” Using collapsible tables, words with the root rowan- are compiled and written. Collapsible tables are used in the lesson as follows: the parts of the word necessary for work are written on pieces of white thick paper, folded in half and neatly glued at the bottom. Moreover, each morpheme is written in ink of the same color (for example, prefixes - green, roots - red, suffixes - brown, endings - black). In the course of explanation and formation of words, he selects from everything “ building material» the necessary morphemes and attaches them to a flannelgraph, or to a magnetic board. The word seems to be built before the eyes of the students. Students remember it better.

What do we call a small rowan? What do we need to form the word rowan? What is the name of the rowan grove, rowan thickets? What does it take to form the word fieldfare? How many n should you write in the word field ash? Why? What do we call the rowan bush? (Rowan). What will it take to construct this word? How many n should you write in this adjective? Why? What do we call jam made from rowan berries? (Rowan). What should we use for this word?

During the conversation, the following entry appears on the board and in students’ notebooks:

rowan rowan - variegated, pockmarked




In the next lesson, children use these words in sentences:

A pink flower is blooming under a rowan bush. Rowan is called an autumn beauty. Mom prepared rowan jam for the winter. There is a whole fieldfare growing behind the village. In addition, in your work on words with unverifiable spelling, you can use the replacement of a detailed definition with one word from the dictionary. During the reinforcement of a new word, questioning, and independent work, students receive tasks such as “Answer in writing in one word: study room at school; a person traveling on a train; a road with rows of trees on both sides, a platform from which the train is boarded.” Or another task: “1. Answer the questions and write down the answers: Who sells tickets at the box office? What unit of mass is a thousand grams? What is the name of a group of people united general work, common interests? What is the name of the drawing in the book? When copying, insert the necessary words instead of dots:

“Message by telegraph-...; A kilogram is a thousand...; Troop readiness review - ...; Drawing in the book - ...; garden plant, growing as a head of cabbage, -...; An institution in which books are collected, stored and issued - ....”

For students, practice shows that etymological analysis is an important means of improving literacy. This is understandable: with a conscious, interesting assimilation of anything, the degree of memorization increases significantly. It is also important that any conscious work brings a person greater moral satisfaction than mechanical work. Etymological references to words can be found in L. Uspensky’s school etymological dictionary “Why not otherwise?” (M., 1967), in “Entertaining Grammar” by A.T. Arsiriya and G.M. Dmitrieva (M., 1963. - 4.1).

Sometimes children's poets come to the aid of students with their little humorous poems. Here children learn to write the word lemon correctly.

On the board is a poem by G. Sapgir “Li-mon”.

What kind of thing?

What kind of mon?

The sounds have no meaning.

But barely whisper?

Lemon... -

It will immediately become sour.

The first two lines are easy to remember, and at break time all you hear is: “What the hell? What kind of mon?” This means there will be no errors in this word.

The described types of tasks and work methods have their own goals: to make vocabulary work the basis for developing students’ speech and improving their literacy, to connect it with various types of work on speech development and studying grammar, to make it more interesting and attractive.

Here are examples of exercises and didactic games, which the teacher can use in work under the rule of spelling unstressed vowels: “Score a goal”, “Magic apples”, “Complete it yourself”, etc.

Riddles, proverbs, and sayings can be used as didactic material.

Unstressed cunning vowel:

We hear him perfectly.

What letter is in the letter?

Science can help us here:

put the vowel under stress,

to dispel all doubts!

If the vowel letter is in doubt,

You put her under stress immediately.

When studying the spelling rule for the tested unstressed vowel at the root (grade 2), the teacher can offer a variety of tasks, making them more difficult: copy riddles from the board; insert the missing letter, select a related word, underline the unstressed vowel being checked in the text, write down words with the unstressed vowel being checked, indicate the spelling in them, i.e. emphasize the vowel with one line, put an accent mark, write a test word next to it, put an accent mark in it, emphasize the stressed vowel with two lines, highlight the root in both words. Such tasks work on the ability to see a spelling pattern and solve a spelling problem.

The theme “Testable unstressed vowels in the root” runs like a red thread throughout the primary school curriculum and is the basis for improving student literacy. .

Learning to spell paired voiced and voiceless consonants presents certain difficulties in elementary school. Working hard on this problem, teachers, however, do not always achieve good results. In practice, teachers tend to either saturate the lesson with overly difficult tasks, or, conversely, try to artificially simplify the material. This is explained by the fact that continuity is poorly taken into account and no prospects are seen in the study of paired voiced and voiceless consonants.

  • 1. In elementary school, usually more emphasis is placed on the acoustic side of sound (teachers invite children to cover their ears with their palms and “hear” the voiced-voicedness of paired consonants). Articulation exercises must be included already during the period of learning to read and write. Children observe the place of noise formation: sounds “can live” on the lips ([b]-[p],[b"]-[p"]), between the lips and teeth ([v]-[f],[v" ]-[f"]), on the tip of the tongue ([d]-[t],[d"]-[t"],[z]-[s],[z"]-[s"],[g ]-[w]), at the root of the tongue ([g]-[k],[g"]-[k"]). In the second grade (school I-IV), all that remains is to conclude that the consonants form pairs, since they are close neighbors at the place of formation.
  • 2. Having understood the similarities, children should understand the differences between these consonants. Noisy voiced and voiceless consonants are distinguished depending on the degree of participation vocal cords, forces of muscular tension of the speech organs. The voice does not participate in the formation of noisy deaf people. Convergence, tension, and vibration of the vocal cords are observed during the formation of noisy voiced consonants. Children can easily understand this difference when doing the following exercise:
    • - Put your hand on your throat. Say [zh]. Do you feel shaking? This is the voice. What does [f] consist of? (From voice and noise).
  • - Now say [f] in a whisper. If we speak in a whisper, the voice does not participate. Check by placing your palm on your throat.
  • - Let's subtract the vote from our amount.

What do we hear when we whisper [f]? What remains of [f] when the voice is “subtracted”? (noise remains). The recording continues: (voice + noise) - voice = noise.

What sound consists only of noise?

Voiceless consonant.


What is the difference between voiced and voiceless consonants?

  • 3. Memorization of pairs of consonants is facilitated not only by the “ribbon of letters” known from the first grade, but also by the game-trip to the street of paired consonants.
  • - On the street, in every house there live paired consonants. When the consonant wakes up in the morning, he opens the window. Find out which consonant is still sleeping and wake it up.
  • 4. In the process of completing the next exercise, children learn that replacing a consonant with a pair entails a change in the meaning of the word. It is advisable to use subject pictures and sound patterns when performing this task. Schoolchildren, using subject pictures, understand that a word, on the one hand, means something, and on the other, has a sound and letter form.
  • a) With the deaf, she cuts the grass (scythe), with the voiced, she eats the leaves (goat).
  • b) With a voiceless consonant we read it (tom), with a voiced consonant we live in it (house).

The second group of exercises is aimed at developing the ability to find a consonant in a word that needs to be checked.

In modern Russian, three weak positions are defined for paired consonants: at the end of a word (oak, sheaf), before a voiceless consonant (shapka, shubka), before voiced consonants (request, thread).

Only after mastering the ability to determine the position and quality of sound in a word will the student understand:

Firstly, why paired consonants at the end of a word and before consonants need to be checked (because in these positions paired voiced and voiceless consonants do not differ, therefore, a choice of letters is also possible);

Secondly, why is it necessary to check the position before the vowel (because this position distinguishes paired consonants; one can clearly hear either the voiced or the voiceless)

It is very useful to offer copying and dictations with the task of skipping letters whose spelling needs to be checked.

The third group of exercises is aimed at developing the ability to justify the choice of a test word. The test word must satisfy the following conditions: be close in meaning, the consonant must be followed by a vowel.

  • 1. One way to check: many - one (knives - knife). This verification method can be varied:
    • a) write down the words in the following order: test - testable:

factory, eyes, watchman, sheepskin coat, sheepskin coats, factories, eye, watchman

b) choose test words from the following row, prove the correctness of your answer:

mushroom - mushrooms, fungi, fungus

grandfather - grandfather, children

sleeve - mitten, sleeve, sleeves

watchman - watchman, guard

hour - hour, partial

Such tasks are aimed at establishing by students the semantic similarity of the words being tested and the test words; The vocabulary of schoolchildren is expanded, thereby creating the basis for subsequent teaching of spelling.

The exercises of the fourth group are quite difficult in their structure. The child must identify the consonant sound based on the comparison between the words being tested and the test words. All those skills that are formed in the process of performing exercises of the first three types appear here together, forming the first spelling task itself. Typically, such tasks form the main content of Russian language lessons: various types of cheating, dictations, commented writing.

Observations of work in primary school show that children are interested in the proposed tasks, which they successfully complete.

The work includes various types of exercises on the following topics: zhi, shi, cha, sha, chu, schu. Spelling words with double consonants. Dividing solid sign. Separating soft sign.

You can also often use punched cards and selective response cards in lessons when repeating spelling.

In recent years, the school has begun to use elements of programmed learning. They are also used in lower grades. One of the elements of programmed training when repeating the spelling of unstressed vowels in the root is a selective response.

Students are offered several words (for example, with missing letters in the root). You should indicate which letters must be inserted so that the word is written correctly; select the root; check the highlighted unstressed vowel in the root, etc. The tasks are given 3-4 answers, of which only one is correct. You must choose this answer.

For example, in the table below, words with missing letters are written and answers are given.


  • - insert the missing letters first mentally (in your mind);
  • - explain why one letter and not another should be inserted in a given word;
  • - choose the correct answer and justify your choice (hence its name - “selective answer”).

It is best to read answers from top to bottom as it is easier to spot errors. Mentally inserting the letters suggested in the table, students conclude that the first answer is incorrect, since in the word prickly the letter a is given in the table, but should be written o (prickles); in the third and fourth answers, errors were also made: the third “prompts” to write the word linger through and, but it is necessary to e (delay), in the fourth - the word cheek, the table “suggests” to write with and, but it is necessary with the letter e (cheeks). The table “recommends” writing the remaining words in these answers as required by the rule. From the analysis of the table, we can conclude that the second answer is correct. It should be “selected” and written out: linger, prickly, cheek.

Children take these tasks with great interest and complete them willingly and successfully. .

Spelling skills are formed and developed gradually, in the process of performing a variety of exercises that provide visual, auditory, articulatory, motor perception and memorization of spelling material.

Visual perception is carried out during visual, explanatory dictations, writing from memory, selective copying, graphical highlighting of spelling patterns, analysis of tasks and text of exercises, and correction of writing.

Auditory perception occurs when conducting selective, warning dictations, and using signal cards.

For speech motor perception and memorization special meaning acquires spelling pronunciation.

Manual motor perception takes place during written execution of all exercises.

It is generally accepted that the greatest effect on the formation of spelling skills comes from combined perception and memorization, which are possible in the process of commented writing, sound-letter and spelling analysis.

The proposed exercises provide a combination of frontal, group and individual ways organization of training.

In addition, exercises should be selected in accordance with the structure of the spelling skill. The motivation of spelling action is facilitated by the analysis of the task and the text of the exercise, mutual control in the process of its implementation, and the use of signal cards. Development of methods for detecting spellings is carried out during visual, warning, selective dictations, with graphical selection of spellings, during sound-letter analysis and analysis of words by composition. Self-control is formed on the basis of self- and mutual checking of the dictation “Testing myself” written during the commented letter.

To check an unstressed vowel in the root, you need to choose a related word or form of the same word so that this vowel is stressed.

Spelling alternating vowels in word roots

If the root is followed by a suffix -A-, in roots with alternating e(And) is written And, and in the roots -false-(-lag-) And -braid-(-kas-) is written A.

Fundamentally mountains(gar- O. Exceptions: fumes, soot, scorch(special and dialect words).

In the roots clone-(clan-), creative(creature-) in unstressed position is written O.

Fundamentally zor- in unstressed position it is written A. Exception: dawn.

Fundamentally -grew-(-growing-) before st And sch is written A. Exceptions: industry, sprout, sprout, moneylender, Rostov, Rostislav, Rostokino.

Fundamentally -skoch-(-with how-) before h is written O, before k is written A. Exceptions: jump, jump.

Spelling depends on meaning O And A in the roots -mok-(-poppy-) And -even-(-equal-):
-mok-- in the meaning of “to pass liquid”;
-poppy-- meaning “to lower into liquid”;
-even-- in the meaning of “smooth”, “even”;
-equal-- in the meaning of “same, identical”

Fundamentally -float- always written A: float, buoyancy. Exceptions: swimmer, swimmer, quicksand.

Spelling unpronounceable consonants in word roots

To check the spelling of roots with unpronounceable consonants ( stn, zdn, lnts, rdc) you need to choose a related word so that this consonant comes before the vowel.

Spelling O(e) after sibilants in the roots of nouns and adjectives

At the root of the word after the hissing words it is written e, if in related words it alternates with e; if it is formed from a verb or passive past participle.

O and Yo in suffixes and endings of nouns and adjectives

In suffixes and endings after sibilants it is written under stress O.

Spelling I-Y after C

At the root after ts is written And. Exceptions: gypsy, tiptoe, chick, chick.
In suffixes and endings after ts is written s(except for words on -tion).

Spelling O(E) after C

In suffixes and endings under stress it is written O, without accent – e.

Soft sign in verb forms

b written in the indefinite form of verbs: wash your face, in the form of the imperative mood: put, in the form of 2 l. units: wash your face.

Spelling b

Dividing ъ written before the root e, e, yu, i after consonant prefixes and in foreign words after the following consonant prefixes: ab, hell, diz, in, inter, con, counter, ob, sub, trans, and also after the initial pan.

Spelling Y-I at the junction of prefix and root

After a prefix ending in a hard consonant, at the root of the word instead And write s(as we hear, so we write). In a word charge is written And according to pronunciation.
Note. This rule does not apply to compound words, for example: pedagogical institute, sports equipment.

After consoles inter-, above- saved And, since it is not written after sibilants and back-linguals s.

Saved And also after foreign language prefixes and particles ( counter-, dis-, trans-, pan-, sub-, post-, super-).

Spelling of prefixes

Spelling of prefixes pre- and pre-

Console at- used in the following meanings:
– “approach, accession, incompleteness of action, proximity”: sew, open, school.
- bringing the action to completion: tap.
– performing an action in someone’s interests: hide.

Console pre- used in the following meanings:
- "Very" ( highest degree manifestations): most unpleasant.
– “re-”: block.

Spelling of prefixes raz- (ras-) and other prefixes (without-, voz- (vz-), iz-, niz-, through- (through-) on z-s

In consoles on s-s s is written before the voiced one, and With- before a voiceless consonant.

Spelling of the root pol- as part of a compound word

Floor- written with a hyphen before root vowels, l and capital letters. In other cases floor- written together.
Console semi- written together.

Spelling difficult words

Difficult words- these are words that are formed by combining two stems in one word.

Spelling compound words with connecting vowels O and E

O, if the first stem ends in a hard consonant.

Roots in compound words are connected using a connecting vowel e, if the first stem ends in a soft consonant, sibilants and ts.

Continuous and hyphenated spelling of compound nouns

They are written with a hyphen -
– names of cardinal directions: northeast, southwest;
– names of complex mechanisms and units of measurement: diesel engine, bed. Exception - workday;
– names of some plants: Blooming Sally;
– with initial foreign language elements vice-, label-, headquarters-, ex-.
– formed from two words of the same thematic group (words-synonyms, antonyms that clarify each other): misfortune(synonyms), raincoat (cloak and he is tent).

Spelling complex words together -
with a verb to And in the first part: daredevil. Exception - Tumbleweed;
with a genitive numeral in the first part of the word: fivefold. But: centipede(because not in the direct sense of the count). Exceptions: 90 (ninety-kilogram), 100 (hundred-meter), 1000 (thousand-year);
names of city residents: Almaty resident;
compound abbreviations: duffel bag.

Continuous and hyphenated spelling of adjectives

Adjectives are written with a hyphen:
formed from coordinating phrases: Russian-English dictionary(dictionary with Russian and English words);
expressing quality with an additional touch: light green;
formed from hyphenated nouns: New York;
The remaining complex adjectives are written together.

Spelling suffixes of nouns and adjectives

Noun suffixes

Suffix -chick written in nouns with the meaning of person after root consonants d, t, h, s, g, if there are no other consonants before them: defector; alimony worker.

Before the suffix -chick final consonant stems k, ts, h are replaced T: distribution - distributor.

Before the suffix -schik a soft sign is written only after l: roofer.

Suffix -ek is written if when changing a word e drops out: padlock - padlock, But: key - key.

Suffix (unstressed) -ets- written in m.r. nouns: well, -its-- in nouns: gorgeous.

Spelling of participle suffixes

From the stem of the infinitive to -et, -it, -ti, -ch past participles are formed with the suffix -enn-.

From the stem of the infinitive to -at, -at Passive past participles are formed with the suffix -nn-, while verbal suffixes -A- And -I- are preserved in the sacrament.
(A literate person. Tutorial. L.D. Bednarskaya, L.A. Konstantinova, E.P. Shchennikova)

Spelling as a linguistic and speech phenomenon

Spelling and punctuation are the second meaningful line of the subject “Russian language”. Learning to write competently in your native language is a priority task secondary school. Spelling skills are formed, according to physiologists and psychologists, within 10 years. For many years of its existence, primary and secondary schools were focused on the student’s spelling literacy as the most important value of the subject “Russian language”. Therefore, today this is the most developed section of methodological science (dissertations, manuals, recommendations). At the same time, it should be recognized that spelling is also the most difficult section to master, which does not lend itself to predictable results: every year graduates high school show increasingly lower scores on Unified State Exam results(spelling). Methodological scientists who studied this problem found that the success of mastering spelling largely depends on how spelling skills are formed in NK.

The age of a junior schoolchild is the most sensitive, i.e. having maximum potential for training and development, education and formation of important life skills. Therefore, it is in elementary school that the foundations of spelling and punctuation skills are laid, and the further successful development of the native language by schoolchildren depends on the success of mastering elementary rules.

Identification marks

There are three most important features in the spelling:

Identification feature of spelling;

A sign that helps you choose the right rule;

A sign that determines writing.

At the first stage of analyzing a difficult word, students determine the identifying features of the spelling: they are always “hidden” in the formulation, which consists of the name of a sound or part of a word and an indication of its place in the word (this is “signaled” by prepositions in, before, after, under, between)

Based on the identification feature, the student determines type spellings. In this case, they talk about the ability of students to detect (define, identify) a spelling pattern or the presence of spelling vigilance.

At the second, selective stage, the student learns the signs that help to choose the right rule; at the third, final stage, he uses the signs that determine writing. In this case, methodologists talk about the formed spelling skills.

Psychologists distinguish at least 2 types of manifestation of intellectual skills; simultaneous (“instant”) and successive (“step-by-step”). Simultaneity involves a quick response to an external stimulus in a ready-made image, extracted by consciousness at a specific moment in specific circumstances. Successive in nature is a skill associated with performing a task that requires step-by-step actions to solve it.

Concepts " spelling skill" and "spelling vigilance" directly related to the concept of speech, or phonemic hearing. Properly organized work on the formation of phonemic awareness during the period of learning to read and write prepares the ground for the formation of spelling vigilance, because Over the course of 3 quarters of the school year, the student develops sound-letter standards based on the developing ability to correlate a certain letter with a certain sound. These are sets of syllables that in the mind have the corresponding connectives “I hear - I write”: if the “trained ear” hears [h "a] or [zhy], then the “trained hand” will write cha or live. However, upon hearing the word [ p"eda], a literate second-grader with developed speech (phonemic) hearing will detect a “trap” - an unstressed vowel in the first syllable - and will look for a test word, find row and write ranks. By the fourth year of study, such words will no longer cause the need for verification, because the mechanism of instant skill will turn on and the consciousness will be replenished with standards of words that will not need to be checked, and from the ear will immediately evoke an image that is correct in the orthographic sense. This is called formed spelling skill. At the same time, we must understand that it will be formed only for the rules studied in elementary school.

The formation of spelling vigilance is associated with the student’s understanding that when translating a word from an oral form into a written one, there are always error-prone places. Proper literacy training from the very beginning triggers the child’s mechanism of attentive attention to the word - we teach to observe the signs of spelling patterns (“traps”).

Stages of spelling actions.

The structure of consciously performed spelling action consists of the following stages of analytical and synthetic operations:

Spelling detection;

Determination of its variety, i.e. correlation with a certain rule;

Application of the rule, i.e. carrying out the method of action prescribed by him;

Exercising self-control.

Spelling skills are created on the basis of the structure of spelling action.

Methods and techniques for learning basic spelling rules

-Imitative methods:

1) copying with orthographic pronunciation: reading text or words with a focus on detecting spelling, pronouncing a syllable (in grade 1) and a whole word (in grades 2-3) orthographically, writing from memory with spelling and calligraphic accuracy in reproducing letters, checking with printed text;

2) copying with commentary on spellings: spelling reading aloud (in chorus or individually “in a chain”), explanation of spelling, writing from memory, checking with a textbook or blackboard;

3) independent copying with omission or underlining of spellings, then a collective discussion of the inserted letters or punctuation marks;

4) visual memory training (simultaneous skill), for example: “take a picture” (mentally) of vocabulary words and after a minute write them down from memory or from dictation;

5) test copying: independent work, individual self-test.

-analytical-synthetic methods:

1)Observing the facts of language carried out using the following methods:

*comparing words in order to detect weak positions of sounds. For example, in a group of words we find pairs of the same root, one of which has an unstressed vowel in the root, and the other is a test one: forester, throw, firefly, nail, find, fly out, yard, lazy - nail, forest, light, find, flight (field), throw, janitor, laziness.

*comparison of words by lexical meaning and appearance in oral and written form.

2)Spelling analysis performed according to the following scheme:

*the word is written out from the sentence, emphasis is placed;

*to be determined morphemic composition and spelling in each part of the word;

*part of speech and its signs are determined;

*after determining the type of spelling, i.e. the rules that must be applied in each case, the characteristics that determine writing are established.

3)Solving spelling problems:

*use of grammatical concepts to understand the linguistic nature of the rule. For example, the task: write down words of the 3rd declension, explain their spelling: rye, key, cloak, help, scotch, gap, penny, luxury, night, speech, wasteland. Solution: after the hissing at the end (an identifying feature of the spelling) of nouns (a feature that helps to choose the right rule), the 3rd declension (a feature that determines the spelling) is written b: rye, help, gap, luxury, night, speech, wasteland;

*exercises with filling in missing letters in words.

For example, the task is to rewrite by inserting the missing letters: It was hard to...imagine what would...happen to me if the steam...had come..to.(A. Green);

*translation of transcription into graphic image followed by an explanation of the spelling choice.

*tasks on identifying words in tests for a specific task, for example,

Identify the words with the second stressed syllable in each row, find and explain its spelling:

Feeder, berry, bitter;

Fight, chord, well done;

More beautiful, furrow, gold.

*tasks to restore spelling variants in morphemes (prefixes, roots, suffixes, endings).


5)Working with dictionary (unverifiable) words.

6)Classification of words by type of spelling.

Competent writing skills are strengthened in the following areas:

Development of spelling vigilance;

Consistent development of an algorithm for applying the rule in writing;

Memory development;

Regular work on solving grammatical and spelling problems;

A system of correctly selected exercises;

Propaedeutics, error prevention and work on identified errors.

Grammatical and antigrammatical directions

Ushinsky considered etymological exercises to be useful propaedeutic exercises in the formation of spelling skills - children’s selection of cognates for a given word, when children are not yet theoretically familiar with this concept. Such work activates the vocabulary and teaches observation of the uniform spelling of morphemes.

But not everything in a language obeys rules, so it is extremely difficult to master grammar and spelling using rules alone. This means that the teacher must develop a sense of language in the process of a variety of exercises.

Pedagogical and methodological views of K.D. Ushinsky are relevant and useful for modern pedagogical theory and practice.

Among the students and followers of K.D. Ushinsky there was no complete unanimity on questions of methodology, although they were united by the principles of his methodological system.

Some, for example, N.F. Bunakov, I.I. Paulson (the so-called “anti-grammatists”) did not deny the importance of grammar in the general education system, but did not see the possibility of studying it in primary school and, therefore, did not take into account its role in the development of students’ spelling literacy. So, N.F. Although Bunakov valued dictation and copying, he considered presenting what he had read to be a more useful exercise.

Others, for example, D.I. Tikhomirov, A. Anastasiev (“grammarists”) believed that one of the means to achieve literacy is knowledge of grammar; Moreover, grammatical knowledge will help only when it is fully and firmly mastered. DI. Tikhomirov pointed out that the study of grammar does not consist in memorizing terms and memorizing rules and definitions, but in mastering grammatical concepts, in observing the language, in consciously using it, and this is achieved through written exercises.