What are the basics of universal learning activities. The essence of the concept of “universal educational actions. There is a regulatory UUD. What does it mean

Universal learning activities

Explanatory note

Changes taking place in modern society, require accelerated improvement of the educational space, determination of educational goals that take into account state, social and personal needs and interests. In this regard, ensuring the developmental potential of new educational standards becomes a priority. Personal development in the education system is ensured primarily through the formation of universal learning activities (ULAs), which act as the invariant basis of the educational and upbringing process. Students' mastery of universal learning activities acts as the ability for self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. UUDs create the opportunity for independent successful assimilation of new knowledge, skills and competencies, including the organization of assimilation, that is, the ability to learn. This possibility is ensured by the fact that universal learning actions are generalized methods of action that open up a broad orientation for students in various subject areas.

In a broad sense, the term “universal educational actions” means the ability to learn, i.e., the subject’s ability to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience.

In a narrower (actually psychological) meaning, the term “universal educational actions” can be defined as a set of methods of action of a student (as well as related skills academic work), ensuring his ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process.

Functions of universal learning activities include :

Ensuring the student’s ability to independently carry out learning activities, set educational goals, seek and use the necessary means and methods to achieve them, monitor and evaluate the process and results of the activity;

Creating conditions for the harmonious development of the individual and his self-realization based on readiness for lifelong education, the need for which is due to the multiculturalism of society and high professional mobility;

Ensuring the successful acquisition of knowledge, the formation of skills, abilities and competencies in any subject area.

Universal educational activities should be the basis for the selection and structuring of educational content, techniques, methods, forms of teaching, as well as the construction of a holistic educational process.

Students' mastery of universal learning activities occurs in the context of different academic subjects and ultimately leads to the formation of the ability to independently successfully assimilate new knowledge, skills and competencies, including independent organization of the assimilation process, i.e. the ability to learn.

This ability is ensured by the fact that universal learning activities are generalized actions that open up students the opportunity for broad orientation both in various subject areas and in the structure of the learning activity itself, including students’ awareness of its target orientation, value-semantic and operational characteristics. Thus, achieving the ability to learn presupposes the full mastery of all components of educational activity, which include:

1) educational motives,

2) educational purpose,

3) educational task,

4) educational activities and operations (orientation, transformation of material, control and evaluation).

So-called meta-subject learning activities should also occupy a significant place in the teaching of school disciplines. Meta-subject (i.e., “supra-subject” or “metacognitive”) actions are understood as the mental actions of students aimed at analyzing and managing their cognitive activity, be it determining a strategy for solving a mathematical problem, memorizing factual material on history, or planning a joint activity (with others). students) laboratory experiment in physics or chemistry.

Types of universal learning activities

As part of the main types of universal educational activities, dictated by the key goals of general education, four blocks can be distinguished:

1) personal;

2) regulatory (also including self-regulation actions);

3) educational;

4) communicative.

It is assumed that a clear identification of these types of educational activities will allow them to be given priority within the framework of the study of specific academic subjects.

Let us present these UUD blocks in a little more detail.

To block personal universal educational activities include the value-semantic orientation of students (the ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, knowledge of moral standards and the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior), as well as orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships.

To block In relation to learning activities, two types of actions necessary in personally oriented learning should be highlighted. This is, firstly, the action of meaning formation, i.e., the establishment by students of a connection between the goal of educational activity and its motive, in other words, between the result - the product of learning that motivates the activity, and the reason for which it is carried out. The student should ask the question: what meaning and significance does the teaching have for me? - and be able to answer it. Secondly, this is the action of moral and ethical assessment of the acquired content based on social and personal values. regulatory

actions include actions that ensure that students organize their learning activities: goal setting as setting a learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by the student and what is not yet known; planning - determining the sequence of intermediate goals taking into account the final result; drawing up a plan and sequence of actions; forecasting - anticipation of the result and level of assimilation, its time characteristics; control in the form of comparison of the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations and differences from the standard; correction - making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of a discrepancy between the standard, the actual action and its product; assessment - the student’s identification and awareness of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation. Finally, elements of volitional self-regulation as the ability to mobilize strength and energy, to volitional effort (to make a choice in a situation of motivational conflict) to overcome obstacles. In the block of universal actions educational solving problems depending on specific conditions, extracting the necessary information from listened texts of various genres, determining basic and secondary information; the ability to adequately, in detail, concisely, selectively convey the content of the text, comprehend the purpose of reading, choosing the type of reading depending on the purpose; freely navigate and perceive texts of artistic, scientific, journalistic and official & business styles; understand and adequately evaluate

language of means mass media; write texts of various genres, observing the norms of text construction (compliance with the topic, genre, style of speech, etc.); pose and formulate a problem, independently create activity algorithms for solving a wide range of problems, including creative and search ones, act with sign-symbolic means (replace, encode, decode, model), apply information retrieval methods, including using computer funds.

Along with general educational ones, universal logical actions are also distinguished: choosing grounds, criteria for comparing, juxtaposing, evaluating and classifying objects; synthesize: to compose a whole from parts, including independently completing, replenishing the missing components; summarize concepts, recognize objects;

establish cause-and-effect relationships, build a logical chain of reasoning, prove; identify generic and situationally significant features. Communication abilities are based on the conscious orientation of students to the position of other people (primarily a partner in communication or activity), the ability to listen and engage in dialogue, participate in a collective discussion of problems, the ability to integrate into a peer group and build productive interaction with peers and adults, the ability to express your thoughts completely and accurately. Accordingly, communicative actions include: planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers - determining the goals, functions of participants, methods of interaction; asking questions - proactive cooperation in searching and collecting information; conflict resolution - identification, problem identification, search and assessment alternative ways

Today, society and the state are putting forward ever new demands for learning outcomes at school. In the first generation standards, the purpose of education was the direct transfer of knowledge from the teacher to students, and the result, showing the results of learning, was the mastery of a system of knowledge, skills, and abilities. In the second generation standards, the concept of “ZUNs” is no longer used. The purpose of learning also changes. Now schools must graduate people who have not only mastered a set of certain knowledge and skills, but also know how to acquire them on their own. It is understood that graduates must possess certain universal learning activities (ULAs).

The concept of universal learning activities

Universal learning activities- this is a set of methods of various actions that contribute to the active self-development of the student, helping to independently master new knowledge, master social experience, and form a social identity. What is UUD according to the Federal State Educational Standard, speaking in simple words? These are actions that help “teach a person to learn.” By versatility we mean:

  • Meta-subject, character. The concept of UUD does not refer to any one academic subject.
  • Forms the psychological abilities of students
  • They are at the heart of any student’s activity.

Universal educational activities perform the following functions:

  • They create conditions for the comprehensive development of the individual based on readiness for lifelong education.
  • Contribute to the successful formation of skills, competencies, and the acquisition of knowledge in various subject areas.
  • Provide the student with the opportunity to independently carry out learning activities, goal setting, control and evaluation of the learning process and results.

Universal educational activities include the following types:

  • personal
  • regulatory
  • educational
  • communicative

Personal universal learning activities

Personal UUD– these are actions that ensure the determination of the value and semantic orientation of students. They also help a person determine his place and role in society and establish successful interpersonal relationships.

There are several types of actions in educational activities:

  • self-determination in different areas: professional, personal;
  • meaning formation: awareness of the meaning and motive of learning, the connection between them;
  • Moral assessment of the material being learned, the ability to make personal moral choice based on social values.

To form personal UUD, it is proposed to use the following methodological techniques and tasks:

  • Group projects. Students jointly choose an interesting and relevant topic and distribute roles within the group. Everyone contributes to the implementation of the project.
  • Maintaining a portfolio. A diary of individual achievements helps create a situation of success, thereby increasing self-esteem and establishing self-confidence. The portfolio encourages the desire for self-improvement, the formation positive characteristics personality.
  • Involvement of local history material for academic and extracurricular activities
  • Creative tasks

Characteristics of regulatory universal educational actions

Regulatory universal educational actions are actions that ensure the organization and correction of educational activities. This group includes:

  • Goal setting: determination of the goal and educational task;
  • Planning: establishing a sequence of actions in accordance with the established goal and taking into account the expected result;
  • Forecasting: the ability to predict the result and its characteristics;
  • Correction: the ability to make changes to the plan in case of discrepancy with the standard;
  • Grade: determination and awareness of what has been learned and still to be learned; assessment of what has been learned;
  • Self-regulation: the ability to overcome obstacles and conflicts;

Several methodological techniques are proposed for the formation of regulatory control systems. First of all, the student must establish and understand the purpose of studying a topic. Without this, successful mastery of the material is impossible. To formulate lesson goals, students may be given the following table at the beginning of the lesson:

The last column can also be filled in at the end of the lesson, then its name should be changed: “What new and interesting things did I learn in the lesson?” Variations are possible in accordance with the topic of the lesson. For example, at the beginning of a history lesson on the topic “Religion of the Ancient Greeks,” there might be work with the following table:

To create a planning UUD, it is advisable to use the following techniques:

  • Planning
  • Discussion of a plan for solving a learning problem
  • Working with a deliberately changed (deformed teacher) plan, its adjustment

Characteristics of cognitive universal educational actions

Cognitive UUD– these are general educational activities that include:

  • Independent setting of a cognitive goal
  • Searching and structuring the necessary information using various means
  • Semantic reading
  • Modeling

In a number of cognitive UUDs there is a group logical universal actions. This:

  • Creating hypotheses and testing them
  • Establishing cause-and-effect relationships
  • Definition of logical reasoning
  • Carrying out classifications and comparisons

The development of cognitive learning tools is facilitated by the following techniques and methods: tasks for finding correspondences, drawing up a cluster, a logical chain, developing test questions and answers to them, working with historical documents.

Communicative universal learning activities

Communicative UUD name actions that ensure social competence and contribute to the acquisition of dialogue building skills; allowing integration into the social environment. These include:

  • Finding a successful way out of conflicts
  • Ability to formulate questions correctly
  • Ability to express thoughts fully and accurately
  • Control and correction of partner’s behavior in the group

To develop communicative UUDs, it is proposed to use such techniques:

  • Preparation of clarifying questions or questions for the speaker
  • Expressing judgments
  • Giving presentations or messages to an audience
  • Continuation and development of a classmate's judgment

Children really like a technique called “hot chair”. It is suitable for consolidating the material covered. Two people come to the board. One of them sits on a chair, called a “hot” chair, facing the class. He shouldn't see the board. The second student writes a term or date on the board. The class must explain the meaning to the person sitting, and he, in turn, must name the concept itself.

Such a simple technique as telling a story based on an illustration also helps develop communicative skills. When compiling it, the student uses visual support, causing passive lexicon. In addition, illustrations can enliven the story itself, interest children, and encourage them to study the material.

A prominent place among the means that form communicative educational activities is occupied by educational discussion. This is what they call an exchange of opinions about a certain problem. Discussion contributes to the acquisition of new knowledge and the development of the ability to defend one’s opinion. There are many forms: forum, “court”, debate, symposium, “ round table", brainstorming, "aquarium" technique, "meeting expert group».

Criteria for the formation of UUD

To determine the degree of development of the UUD, the following main criteria are used:

  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Compliance of the results of mastering UUD with the requirements prescribed in advance
  • Awareness, completeness and reasonableness of actions
  • Criticality of actions

By promoting the formation and development of educational learning, the teacher helps students become active participants in the educational process. Having mastered universal learning activities, the student will not get lost in the incessant flow of information and will acquire a very important skill - “the ability to learn.”

Today the request is made not just for a person, but for a Personality, which must have a whole set of qualities:

Independence in decision making and choice;

The ability to be responsible for your decisions;

The ability to take responsibility for oneself and for loved ones;

Willingness to act in non-standard situations;

Possession of teaching techniques and readiness for constant retraining;

Possession of a set of competencies, both key and in various areas of knowledge, etc.

It is clear that the task of raising a person with such qualities over the years of schooling is extremely difficult.

Achieving this goal becomes possible thanks to the formation of a learning learning system, mastery of which gives students the opportunity to independently successfully acquire new knowledge, skills and competencies based on the formation of the ability to learn.

So, what do universal learning activities provide?

The main types of UUD include:





Personal UUDs include:



Moral and ethical standards

Regulatory UUDs include:

Goal setting





Communicative UUDs include:




Cognitive UUDs include:

General education UUD:

Searching for the necessary information to complete educational tasks using educational literature;

Use of symbolic means (graphs, models, diagrams, tables);

Conscious and voluntary construction of speech utterances in oral and written form;

Focus on a variety of ways to solve problems;

Structured knowledge

Logical learning activities:

Basics of semantic reading (the ability to isolate essential information from texts of various types)

Ability to analyze objects (identify essential features)

Ability to compare, seriate and classify according to specified criteria

Ability to establish cause and effect relationships

The ability to build reasoning, evidence, put forward hypotheses and their justification

Statement and solution of the problem:

Formulation of the problem

Creating ways to solve a problem


IN modern conditions The teacher’s task is to show the student the path to knowledge, to teach him to learn. Therefore, the priority direction of new educational standards for both primary and basic education is the task of forming not only subject theoretical knowledge, but also the formation of universal educational activities as one of the ways to improve the quality of education.

Modern educational technologies in terms of implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, ensuring the formation of cognitive universal actions



Formed UUD

Problem-based learning

Creating a problem situation


general educational cognitive actions, problem formulation and solution

Pedagogy of cooperation

Joint activity, heuristic conversation, collective conclusion, comparison

Cognitive: logical universal actions

Individual - differentiated approach

Multi-level tasks

Competence-oriented training

Research, project activities

Cognitive: general educational cognitive actions, formulation and solution of problems, logical universal actions

Information and communication technologies

Introduction to new material on a PC, testing, presentation, interactive whiteboard

Cognitive: logical universal actions, general educational cognitive actions.

The formation and development of cognitive learning tools in the classroom occurs with the help of various types tasks :

. "Find the Differences"

. "Search for the odd one out"

. "Labyrinths"

. "Chains"

Drawing up support diagrams

Work with different types tables

Diagram creation and recognition

Working with dictionaries

The result of the formation of cognitive learning tools will be the student’s ability to:

Identify the type of problems and ways to solve them;

Search for the necessary information needed to solve problems;

Distinguish between reasonable and unfounded judgments;

Justify the stages of solving an educational problem;

Analyze and transform information;

Conduct basic mental operations (analysis, synthesis, classification, comparison, analogy, etc.);

Establish cause-and-effect relationships;

Possess a general technique for solving problems;

Create and transform diagrams necessary to solve problems;

Select the most effective way to solve a problem based on specific conditions.

IN primary school When studying various subjects, a student, at the level of capabilities of his age, must master methods of cognitive, creative activity, master communication and information skills, and be ready to continue his education. Successful education in primary school is impossible without the formation of educational skills in younger schoolchildren, which make a significant contribution to the development of the student’s cognitive activity, since they are general educational, that is, they do not depend on the specific content of the subject. Moreover, each academic subject, in accordance with the specific content, takes its place in this process.

Measuring the level of UUD formation:

Performing specially designed diagnostic tasks (assessing the formation of specific type UUD)

Successful completion of educational and practical tasks using educational subjects

Successful completion of complex tasks on an interdisciplinary basis.

UUD, Federal State Educational Standard, those who are familiar with the educational process, have read the methods, know the meaning of these abbreviations. For most others, it is likely that these combinations of letters mean little. However, if your child goes to school, then one way or another you will have to face these concepts. And this is important, since every parent is interested in quality education for their child.

If you do not follow all the changes in the educational sphere, and are poorly versed in the nuances of the educational process, then it will be impossible to control this process itself. Although now there are many complaints about the modern school curriculum, in this article we will look at the concepts on which today’s educational process is based.

What is UUD according to Wikipedia?

UUD – Universal Learning Activity. This concept includes the ability of each person to learn and gain new knowledge. It can be said more simply that this is the ability to learn. Each of us perceives learning differently. And that's okay. We are all different, some learn quickly, some more slowly, some need very little time to acquire, sometimes, a small amount of new knowledge, while others spend days or even months on it. But at the same time, we must understand the entire learning process and, most importantly, perceive it. Without this, learning anything is not even worth it. After all, you must admit that if you don’t understand something or don’t accept it, then nothing will work out.

The concept of UUD arose and was formed in the last century, during the Soviet Union. But it so happened that it has taken root to this day and is actively used.

What types of UUD exist?

In order to more fully imagine what UUD is, let’s look at what types of this very educational activity exist.

Let's start with the personal one.

Based on the name, this activity relates to each specific person and determines the ability of this person to correctly correlate his actions, his actions with accepted norms of behavior in society.

There is a regulatory UUD. What does it mean?

This is when the student knows how to properly plan and organize his studies. Therefore, this UUD is characterized by such areas as planning, assessment, correction (correction) and control.

Cognitive UUD

represents various logical actions of a person and his actions to solve any problems. This is the ability to analyze, build logical chains of reasoning, and correctly formulate a problem.

Communicative UUD,

associated with a person’s ability to communicate, find mutual language. The main thing here is the ability not only to speak, but, first of all, to listen to others. Communicative UUD determines the ability to join various groups of other potential interlocutors. This is the ability to resolve conflicts, as well as control and evaluate your partner.

Particular attention in teaching school disciplines is paid to various “supra-subject” actions, which are aimed at analyzing and managing students’ cognitive activity.

What is GEF?

After decoding, this abbreviation becomes much more understandable even without explanation. So, the Federal State Educational Standard is the Federal State Educational Standard.

It is a list of certain requirements that apply to educational institutions. This standard was developed in accordance with the Education Law and was adopted for implementation in all schools on September 1, 2011.

What are the requirements for schools according to the Federal State Educational Standard?

The first is the structure of the educational process itself. Each educational institution must have an optimal, clearly drawn up and approved training plan. Secondly, this is the direct implementation of the approved plan. If the first requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard falls on the shoulders of the school administration, then the teachers are entirely responsible for the second. Well, the third requirement is the results of the educational process. Moreover, this third requirement is important in the learning process, since it is the results that all students of each particular school will show that will show the consistency of the plans developed.

So, the UUD according to the Federal State Educational Standard is a whole set of different requirements for everything educational process. And here it is not only the desire to give schoolchildren the opportunity to receive and assimilate necessary knowledge, but also the need to form a personality that will be able to continue learning.

Practical work No. 3

Completed by Platonov D.A. IN-15.

1. UUD: definition, functions, types.

The concept of “universal learning activities”

In a broad sense, the term “universal educational actions” means the ability to learn, i.e. the subject’s ability to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience.

The ability of a student to independently successfully assimilate new knowledge, to form skills and competencies, including the independent organization of this process, i.e. the ability to learn, is ensured by the fact that universal learning actions as generalized actions open up students the opportunity for broad orientation both in various subject areas and in the structure of the educational activity itself, including awareness of its target orientation, value-semantic and operational characteristics. Thus, achieving the ability to learn requires students to fully master all components of educational activity, which include: cognitive and educational motives, educational goal, educational task, educational actions and operations (orientation, transformation of material, control and evaluation). The ability to learn is a significant factor in increasing the efficiency of students’ mastery of subject knowledge, the formation of skills and competencies, the image of the world and the value-semantic foundations of personal moral choice.

Functions of universal educational actions:

· ensuring the student’s ability to independently carry out learning activities, set educational goals, seek and use the necessary means and methods to achieve them, monitor and evaluate the process and results of the activity;

· creating conditions for the harmonious development of personality and its self-realization based on readiness for continuous education; ensuring the successful acquisition of knowledge, the formation of skills, abilities and competencies in any subject area.

Personal learning activities provide students with value-semantic orientation (the ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, knowledge of moral standards and the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior), as well as orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships. In relation to educational activities, three types of actions should be distinguished:

· self-determination - personal, professional, life self-determination;

· meaning formation - the establishment by students of a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive, in other words, between the result of learning and what motivates the activity, for the sake of which it is carried out. The student must ask the question “what meaning does the teaching have for me,” and be able to find an answer to it;

· moral and ethical orientation - the action of moral and ethical assessment of the assimilated content, ensuring personal moral choice based on social and personal values.

Regulatory learning activities ensure that students organize their learning activities. These include the following:

· goal setting - as setting an educational task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by the student and what is still unknown;

· planning - determining the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; drawing up a plan and sequence of actions;

· forecasting – anticipation of the result and level of assimilation; its temporal characteristics;

· control in the form of comparison of the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations from it;

· correction – making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of a discrepancy between the expected result of the action and its actual product;

· assessment – ​​identification and awareness by the student of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, assessing the quality and level of learning;

· self-regulation as the ability to mobilize strength and energy; the ability to exert volition – to make a choice in a situation of motivational conflict and to overcome obstacles.

Cognitive educational activities include general educational, logical actions, as well as actions of posing and solving problems.

General educational universal actions:

· independent identification and formulation of a cognitive goal;

· search and selection of necessary information; application of information retrieval methods, including using computer tools;

· structuring knowledge;

· conscious and voluntary construction of a speech utterance in oral and written form;

· selection of the most effective ways to solve problems depending on specific conditions;

· reflection on methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activity;

· semantic reading; understanding and adequate assessment of the language of the media;

· formulation and formulation of problems, independent creation of activity algorithms when solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

A special group of general educational universal actions consists of sign-symbolic actions:

· modeling;

· transformation of the model in order to identify general laws, defining this subject area.

Logical universal actions:

· analysis;

· synthesis;

· comparison, classification of objects according to selected characteristics;

· summing up the concept, deriving consequences;

· establishing cause-and-effect relationships;

· building a logical chain of reasoning;

· proof;

· putting forward hypotheses and their substantiation.

Statement and solution of the problem:

· formulation of the problem;

· independent creation of ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

Communicative UUDs provide social competence and consideration of the position of other people, a communication or activity partner, the ability to listen and engage in dialogue; participate in collective discussion of problems; integrate into a peer group and build productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults. Types of communicative actions are:

· planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers - defining goals, functions of participants, methods of interaction;

· asking questions – proactive cooperation in searching and collecting information;

· conflict resolution – identification, identification of problems, search and evaluation of alternative ways to resolve conflicts, decision-making and its implementation;

· management of the partner’s behavior – control, correction, evaluation of the partner’s actions;

· the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication, mastery of monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language.

2. Stages of formation of UUD in the educational process.

It is known that the formation of any new personal formations - skills, abilities, personal qualities - is possible only in activity (L.S. Vygotsky). At the same time, the formation of any skills, including universal learning activities (ULA), goes through the following stages:

1. Initial experience in performing UUD and motivation.

2. Mastering how this UUD should be performed.

3. Training, self-control and correction.

4. Control.

This is how schoolchildren learn to write and count, solve problems and examples, use a geographical map and a musical instrument, sing and draw. They must follow the same path when forming a UUD, but the action algorithms being studied will no longer have a narrowly subject-specific, but a supra-subjective nature: mastering the norms of goal setting and design, self-control and correction of one’s own actions, searching for information and working with texts, communicative interaction, etc.

Therefore, in order to form any UUD in the educational system, the following path is proposed that each student goes through:

1) first, when studying various academic subjects, the student develops primary experience in performing UUD and motivation to perform it independently;

2) based on existing experience, the student acquires knowledge about the general method of performing this UUD;

4) finally, control of the level of formation of this UUD and its systematic practical use in educational practice, both in lessons and in extracurricular activities, is organized.

3. Technologies for the formation and development of UUD in teaching computer science. Formation of regulatory, communicative, personal and cognitive educational activities based on the didactic system of the activity-based teaching method in computer science lessons

According to the Federal State Educational Standard LLC, the content section of the main educational program determines the general content of education and includes educational programs focused on achieving personal, subject and meta-subject results, which are achieved in the process of forming universal learning activities (UAL), aimed at developing the ability of the subject of learning for self-development and self-improvement through conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. The development of the foundations of the ability to learn (the formation of universal educational actions) is defined by the Federal State Educational Standard as one of the most important tasks of education.

In the process of forming educational learning, schoolchildren learn to independently pose educational problems, find ways to solve them, monitor and evaluate the process and results of activities, which ensures the successful assimilation of knowledge, the formation of skills and competencies in any subject area and thereby creates the opportunity for the successful implementation of students in their future professional activities.

Let's consider all types of universal learning activities and their development in computer science lessons.

Communicative learning activities provide students with social competence and conscious orientation to the positions of other people (primarily a partner in communication or activity), the ability to listen and engage in dialogue, participate in collective discussion of problems, integrate into a peer group and build productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults.

Computer science as a subject has a number of distinctive features from other academic disciplines, as well as conditions that allow the successful formation of communicative learning skills:

1) availability of special technical means, Firstly - personal computer for each student, as well as office equipment and multimedia devices involved in the educational process;

2) the computer class in which lessons are held is organized in a special way: each student has not only an individual workplace, but also access to common resources; Answers at the board are practiced much less often than in other lessons;

3) it is in computer science lessons that active independent activity, the creation of one’s own, personally significant product, can be naturally organized by the teacher;

4) the subject of computer science is distinguished by the initial high motivation of students.

The development of communicative learning skills occurs in the process of performing practical tasks that involve working in pairs, as well as laboratory work performed by the group.

To diagnose and formulate communicative universal educational actions, the following types of tasks can be offered: drawing up tasks for a partner; review of a friend's work; group work on developing presentations; group work on drawing in graphic editors, various games and quizzes.

Regulatory learning activities provide the ability to manage cognitive and educational activities through setting goals, planning, monitoring, correcting one’s actions and assessing the success of learning. The ability to set personal goals, understand and realize the meaning of one’s activities, while correlating it with the requirements of the outside world, determines to a large extent the success of an individual in general and success in the educational sphere in particular. A consistent transition to self-government and self-regulation in educational activities provides the basis for the future vocational education and self-improvement.

So, in activity form, the essence of regulatory actions can be represented as follows:

The ability to formulate your own educational goals - the goals of studying a given subject in general, when studying a topic, when creating a project, when choosing a topic for a report, etc.

The ability to make decisions, take responsibility, for example, be the leader of a group project; make a decision in the event of a non-standard situation, let’s say there is a system failure.

Implement an individual educational trajectory.

It is very important that each student is involved in an active cognitive process, applying the acquired knowledge in practice and clearly realizing where, how and for what purposes this knowledge can be applied to them. This contributes to the development of personal learning skills in students, forms and maintains interest in educational material, encourages the child to ask questions, which ultimately contributes to the development of a sustainable interest in the world around him, the formation of a positive attitude towards himself and others. Ultimately, all this creates in students the desire to carry out learning activities.

Personal UUD - provide students with value-semantic orientation (the ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, knowledge of moral standards and the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior) and orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships. In relation to educational activities, two types of actions should be distinguished:

The action of meaning-making, i.e., the establishment by students of a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive, in other words, between the result of learning and what motivates the activity, for the sake of which it is carried out;

The action of moral and ethical assessment of the acquired content, based on social and personal values, ensuring personal moral choice.

Personal development The student implies, first of all, the formation of a person as an autonomous bearer of universal human experience, forms of behavior and activity, which:

Understands the system of socially accepted signs and symbols that exist in modern culture (sign-symbolic universal educational actions);

Proficient in the techniques of volitional self-regulation, goal setting and planning (regulatory UUD);

Able to collaborate and influence the behavior of a partner or group (communicative control skills).

Personal actions make learning meaningful, provide the student with the significance of solving educational problems, linking them with real life goals and situations. Personal actions are aimed at awareness, research and acceptance of life values ​​and meanings, allow you to navigate moral norms, rules, assessments, and develop your life position in relation to the world, the people around you, yourself and your future. When teaching computer science, in our opinion, the personal UUDs being formed will look like this:

Cognitive UUD - cognitive actions include the actions of research, search and selection of necessary information, its structuring; modeling the content being studied, logical actions and operations, methods for solving problems. Based on this definition, we can conclude that these are the main actions formed in computer science lessons, the main goal of which is to teach how to effectively select and process information from different sources.

In accordance with this description of universal educational activities and recommendations of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC, one of the optimal teaching methods is the project method, which involves students obtaining some new product in the course of independent learning activities. In computer science lessons, the project method turns out to be convenient for use, as it allows you to teach the use of specific information and communication technologies when solving practical problems. On the one hand, students independently acquire knowledge on one of the topics of the “Informatics and ICT” course, and on the other hand, they master new technologies for working with software products. At the same time, no additional motivation is required to study what is necessary in the work software. Let's look at one of these projects in more detail.

Brainstorming Technique

When working, I pay attention to the hierarchy of questions that accompany each stage “ Brainstorm»:

topic “Number systems”, 6th grade.

I level

– What number systems are most common in life?

Level II

– What number system does the computer work with and why?

Level III

– What actions can be performed in various systems dead reckoning?

To formulate regulatory UUDs, I use various self-assessment and mutual assessment sheets.

At the final stage of completing an educational project, the student receives three equivalent assessments: self-assessment, teacher assessment and class average assessment.

It is implemented like this. First, the author speaks with an analysis of his work, then the “defender” and “critic” speak: identifying the shortcomings and advantages of the work. All students participate in the discussion. The teacher is the last to analyze the work. At the end of the performance, all participants give marks on “score sheets”.

Regulatory actions provide the ability to manage cognitive and educational activities. A consistent transition to self-government and self-regulation in educational activities provides the basis for future professional education and self-improvement.

In the block of universal cognitive actions Special attention I focus on developing skills in composing texts of various genres, choosing the most effective ways to solve problems, and the ability to structure knowledge.

Essay Writing Technique

"Internet. Friend or foe?

The answer to this difficult question can be endless. And argue until you are hoarse about who is right. Of course, the Internet is still my friend. He acts like a friend. If I don’t understand something, he will always explain. If I had a question, he would answer, almost without thinking. I want to go to the cinema, the theater - please, it’s right there. Order tickets, choose a cinema or film.

An example of a task on universal logical actions.

Five athletes took part in the running competition. Victor failed to take first place. Grigory was overtaken not only by Dmitry, but by another athlete who was behind Dmitry. Andrey was not the first to reach the finish line, but not the last either. Boris finished immediately after Victor.

Who took what place in the competition?

Technology project activities promotes the development of students’ cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge and navigate the information space.

To complete an educational project, I consider the use of graphical methods to be a good solution: a mental map, a Fishbone diagram, a denotation graph.

Computer science lessons and subject courses provide opportunities for cooperation - the ability to hear, listen and understand a partner, carry out joint activities in a coordinated manner, conduct a discussion, dialogue, look for solutions, provide support to each other, thus carrying out communicative actions.